Death within Love

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Scarlet lit up when he said they could start trying for a child again, throwing her arms around him from where she sat beside him at the table and nuzzling her face into his neck. It was obvious that this once hardened girl had grown soft and warm with Jace in her life, changing for the better. Now she was just ready to have a life with him, have a family with him, and never have to think about the awful things that she had to go through before she met him. "I love you," she murmured softly, "So much."

Peeta let out a frustrated sigh, her prying getting on his nerves for reasons he did not understand. "I'm not hungry, okay? Leave me be," he snapped, tightening his grip on the chair. Why was he feeling like this? Why was he so angry with the girl he loved so much? He reached up and slapped her hand away from his face when she pushed his hair out of his eyes, clenching his jaw. "I'm going for a walk," he murmured, standing up and pushing past her so that he could get dressed.

Norah sighed and kicked off her shoes, settling in the bed beside him. "I'm know your feeling better, but there is not rush for you to get out of bed, okay?" She kissed him softly, then reached over and stroked her sleepy daughter's hair. The little girl was watching the movie that was playing in the bedroom, mesmorized by the characters on the screen. "Plus, I think Willa likes the time you've been spending together." She grinned at that, then let out a little sigh. "Peeta and Sienna are grieving, of course," she murmured, biting her lip. Not about to tell him that Peeta was getting increasinly worse as time went on, and Sienna wasn't letting anyone help him.
Jace grinned a little, wrapping a arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her head as he smiled."i love you to.Now come on.We're going outside for awhile."HE said standing up glad that his cast was coming off later that day, but for the moment, he wanted to be outside, away from the dreary underground that was holding to much grie.

"O-oaky."Sienna said wincing as he slapped her hand away, letting her hand fall, fingers clenching into fists as she held onto her own anger. Angry that he was being like this even if she knew that it wasn't his fault, angry that she couldn't give him back ryan, angry that things had gone so wrong."I'm going out to....I think I'll go visit jace and scarlet."She muttered already heading for the door needing away from him, not even going in search of the others, needing to be alone, even if she had said she was going to visit them. Knowing, hoping, he'd worry if he thought she was alone,but she wasn't up to facing everyone else. Finally making her way to one of the supply closets she curled up on the floor, back pressed against the wall, the dark room having become the only safe place she had anymore as peeta became increasingly angry at her. Falling asleep there, her grief to much to stay conscious.

"True."Haymitch smiled looking amused as he looked down at willa as she watched the movie, sighing as he rested his cheek on willa's hair,"I'm enjoying being with her to."He muttered before nodding, frowning slightly."What aren't you telling me?"He muttered, fishing for answers because he knew he'd have to surprise her if he wanted to know what was going on. Because he was sure she thought he'd be out of bed if he knew everything, and she was probably right,but if she told him, he was willing to try and stay in bed no matter how much he wanted to go take care of them.
Scarlet walked with him up the stairs and out of the building, smiling at the sunshine as the walked along the knew pathway they created after the war, allowing people to walk along a set of gardens and a lake. Holding his hand, she sighed and squeezed his fingers. "Norah has been working like crazy on my dress," she murmured, looking a little giddy at the idea. "It's almost done... I really hope you like it." She smirked and looked down at the pavement, thinking about their wedding. If anyone else thought badly about her or the way she looked, she couldn't care. After all, she was a confident woman, but the was her Jace. This was the man who loved her even when she was a bitch, even when she nearly died, when she lost their baby, when he was tortured for information about her... This was the man that changed her for the better.

Peeta bolted out the door and went down to the pool, hoping to swim off some of his anger. He just needed to get through this, he thought, and maybe the anger coursing through his viens would go away and allow him to take care of the girl he loved.

Norah sighed, biting her lip and looking down at him with sad eyes. "They lost Ryan," she finally murmured, "And they are taking it pretty hard. Peeta is reverting back to his hijacking behavior, and Sienna won't allow any doctors near him." She rest a hand on his chest, making a point to let him know that he had to stay in this bed no matter what. Him hurting himself was not going to solve anything. Willa was out like a light beside him, not being able to push past her normal nap time.
Jace smiled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into the crook of his arm, pressing a kiss to her head."i can't wait to see it. I'm sure its amazing."he said enjoying the idea, he couldn't wait to get to the altar, couldn't wait until they could start setting up a life together, to move on from all the pain of what was behind them."it's going to be great, even if we're getting married on the beach. We ARE going to the beach right?Kidnapping everyone here, and taking them all on vacation right?"He said grinning slightly.

Haymitch sighed softly even if he wanted to get up out of bed, he knew there was no use in doing it, because peeta wouldn't allow him to help, like he had when katniss died, the man would pull away, and the more he pulled away, the more sienna was going to cling and try to keep him. Even if it was going to hurt herself to do it, she'd take care of peeta before herself. sighing a little he leaned his head on her shoulder,"Drug her, and look after him. You might not have any other options."He said slightly worried that if peeta continued reverting to hijacking behavior that he' blame sienna for being a mutt, for getting their son killed, and kill her. "Someone needs to stay with them."he muttered looking up at her, wondering if he was being paranoid over thinking peeta might kill her, or if he had had a good idea.
Scarlet laughed a little, leaning into him and nodding. "Yes, of course, we'll take everyone to the beach. We can even have the wedding in the sand," she murmured, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. Wrapping her arms around his torso, she walked along beside him, but with little space between them. Never had she been so excited about life in general. She was about to be his wife, have his kids, live in a real house with him... Her heart raced at the thought of a normal life with him.

Norah frowned and took his words into consideration. "I know," she murmured, "Well, he really needs to be in the hospital wing with the doctors, not in their rooms alone with Sienna. And she needs some help to." She sighed, looking so sad and worried for the young couple. "She needs a therapist. Anyone who loses a child the way she did needs one. She's too young to deal with something like this on her own, with Peeta's problems on top of it." Reaching out, she stroked Haymitch's hair back, happy to see him actually being good and resting. "Do you want me to put Willa in her own bed, or let her sleep beside you?"
Jace smiled a little enjoying the thought of being her husband.Running his fingers through her hair he pressed a little to her head, thinking about it."WEll.It'll be fun.Sand and all."

Haymitch nodded sighing softly, "They need help. Even if we have to drug them for it."He said sounding worried because sienna reusing to let them help scared him. Sighing as he looked down at the girl sleping next to him."Let her sleep, she's comfortable."he said smiling.

Nearly a week later sienna swallowed hard as she sat back on the bed, smiling slightly as she looked at her lover, looking tired and worn,even if she'd allowed the others to put them bac in the hospital, she'd reufsed to talk to a therapist, or t let someone make sure she was okay. Her grief and energy going into taking care of the man who was abusing her, but she couldn't walk away from peeta, not when for her taking care o peeta was her way of dealing with the pain, taking care of him to protect her own heart,even if it was breaking her to see him like this.
Norah smiled down at her daughter, tying the ribbon around her waist that went with her aqua flower girl dress. "Now, remember," she murmured, "Don't walk too fast, okay? We need plent of flowers out there." With that, she grinned and places a kiss on her forehead, then turned to look over at Haymitch, standing and straightening her own dress. "It was nice of Jace and Scarlet to get us planes to fly us to the beach, don't you think? Even if we are out there for the day, it will be nice. Willa's never seen the ocean." She smiled and walked over to him, straightening his tie. "Don't worry," she murmured, "Sienna and Peeta both with be there, and right where we can watch them. Peeta would never do anything in front of us." She frowned, hating that she knew he did things in private, but knew that Sienna would never admit it. Not yet, anyway. "I have to go check on Scarlet and help her in her dress. Think you can take our little flower girl? I'm sure Jace would like to see you before we leave." With that, she smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I'll also get Sienna and Peeta moving."

Peeta wasn't asleep, but staring at the tux that hung in the corner of the room. It made his feel a little sick with guilt knowing that he was about to be going to a wedding... At one time, he thought Sienna and him would be getting married, but now he was not so sure. Ryan's death had done something to him; screwing up with his mind and the recover that he had managed to go through after the hijacking. Now he was not even in control of his own thoughts, always mad and her and wanting to lash out at her. It was like part of his brain was always telling him that it was her fault Ryan died, and that she needed to be punished. It was a voice in his head that was simply to loud to ignore...
Haymitch smiled looking amused, looking comfortable in the dress pants and dress shirt he was wearing, the tux jacket over the back of a chair as he nodded, smiling a little, wrapping his arm around her,"we should stay. All of us. Surely they'd be better out of there."he muttered because it worried him that despite knowing peeta was hurting her, that she wouldn't let them help, afraid that she'd only adit it if something seriously harmful happened."Go.Me and willa'll enjoy the sand."He said smiling at her.

Sienna smiled a little as she saw that he was wake, pausing for a moment befre she reached out, gently tucking his hair behind his ears as she stood."good morning.ready to go to the wedding?"She said sounding worried, for once more worried about herself this morning, because despite everyting she knew she looked bad, and knew that the others were going to freak when they realized just how much her own health had deteriorated in the process of taking care of peeta.
Norah smiled and nodded. "Don't let her get dirty," she pleaded, looking up at him with a warning expression. "Wait until after the wedding to do anything crazy, okay?" Smirking a little, she leaned up to kiss his cheek, loving the smell of his cologne. He looked so nice all dressed up at everything. "Maybe a life by the ocean would be nice," she murmured, looking down at Willa. She could imagine them and the other two couples, living in houses next to eachother along the beach... "After all, Willa really does love the water..." Sighing, she grabbed the bag with Scarlet's dress in it. "I have to go, but we will discuss everything tonight. You better go check on the groom. Make sure he isn't getting too nervous." Norah was being Norah, needing to remain on schedule and have the wedding go accordingly. She was desperate for everyone to like the dress she'd been slaving for, and she helped with alot of the planning... She just wanted this day to be special for Scarlet and Jace, even if she was a litle envious. Deep down, she really wanted to get married too, but she hated the idea of pressuring Haymitch. He's done enough for her already, hadn't he? It would be silly to pressure him into marriage... Wouldn't it?

Peeta slapped her hand away, then grabbed her wrist with a tight, bruising hold. "How many times do I have to tell you? Don't touch me," he snapped, then threw her hand away from him. He sat up in the bed an rubbed his eyes, looking awful. He had circles under his eyes, and his usual sunny appearence was pale and depressing. Even his blond hair was a little dull, and growing longer than he usually wore it. He grabbed th tux and moved into the bathroom the get dressed, slamming the door behind him so hard, the walls rattled.
"I never do anything crazy."He muttered looking amused as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, looking amused as he considered it."Jace likes the ocean. Maybe we should think about living here."He said warming up to the idea before smiling as he nodded towards the dress."Go.I'll take care of jace."He said snickering a little as he picked up willa,settling her on his hip."Come on willa.We'll go see uncle mushy."he said amused as he headed for jace's room,.For once, totally oblivious to norah's thoughts, and not realizing she wanted married. He had a vague idea about asking her, but his worries over everything else, overpowered the desire.It'd been so long since he'd actually wanted to get married that he had no idea what to think about wanting to anymore.

Sienna whimpered softly, despite being hurt she couldn't stop wanting to touch him,because it was her only way of taking care of him.Sighing softly as she swallowed hard."I'm sorry."She said sounding so deeated and broken as she rubbed her wrist changing into her dress, holding it up before looking at him when he came out.Looking nervous because she knew he was angry,but..."Can you zip up my dress?"She asked looking at him, frowning at the sight of her lover looking so worn and awful.She couldn't stand that he was looking so bad, not realizing that even if he looked bad, she was looking just as bad to, her usually shining blond hair curling limpy and dull aorund her face, pale and sickly looking, all the weight she'd gained over the last few months, gone as she didn't eat enough, as if she was punishing herself for getting ryan killed, she let him blame her,because she blamed herself.
Norah rushed over and got Scarlet ready, knowing that there was only about half an hour before she walked down the aisle... Willa looked up at Haymitch with a smile, her short red hair curled around her face with orchid behind her ear. "You like my dress?" she murmured, looking up at him happily as they made their way to see her uncle. "I so excited to throw my flowers," she giggled, stumbling over the words like any child would. She really had come to love Haymitch like a father, adoring him and trusting him as much as she did her own mother. It was another reason Norah had marriage on the brain, because she knew it would be nice for Willa to have her Mommy and Daddy married, living the normal life that she's dreamt for her. Not only that, but she honesty wondered if Haymitch would go for the idea of officially adopting her, and giving her his last name... But, of course, Norah was too timid about those kind of things to bring it up. She just hoped he's come to want those things too eventually...

Peeta looked at her, swallowing at the sight of her so thin in the dress. Every one in a while, the old Peeta would peak out, and this was one of those times... It was subtle thing, but it showed hope. He moved over to her and gentle zipped the dress before turning to look in the mirror and straighten his tie. Atleast he didn't hurt her this time, like he found himself doing more and more often. What Sienna didn't realize was that he would only get worse without treatment and medication, that the voices in his head were getting louder and harder to ignore.
Haymitch smiled as he looked down at her, nodding."You are very pretty in it."She said smiling,"You're going to do great with your flowers."He said so amused to see willa so excited about being a flower girl. Smiling happily as they rounded up jace, the two men heading to the beach to wait the others.

Sienna smiled looking up at him, going to her toes before checking herself, pulling away before she coud touch him, smiling softly."Thanks peeta."She said smiling gently hands fisting at her sides to keep from reaching for his hand, she tried so hard to take care of him, tried so hard to be what he needed, and failed each time, with each day that past that he got worse. So far gone in her grief and need to help hi, she didn't realize that she was making it worse.She was going to need someone to shake some sense in her, to make her see what was going on. She was to young to realize what was needed. Smiling as they headed down to the beach, settling in their seats she swallowed, slipping her fingers through his as they looked waited."Its so pretty here....peeta, could we stay at the beach?"She asked smiling up at him, wondering if a change of scenry would help. So eager to help him, trying so hard.
Peeta groaned and yanked his hand away from her, whipping his head around to glare at her. "Stop," he snapped, queitly enough to not draw attention. "I'm here for my friends' wedding, and you're ruining it. Just stop bothering me, okay?" He frowned and looked away from her, not about to get in a conversation with life on the beach. While it sounded amazing, he knew it was out of their reach. He needed help, desperately, and the last thing they needed was to live in a house alone together.

Moments later, the music of one violin could be heard as Willa walked down the isle, throwing her flowers and walked as slow as an excited toddler could. She smiled happily, looking over at where her parents sad, and did her job to a T. Behind her, however, was Scarlet looking radiant as ever in the wedding dress Norah made for her, her hair pulled back in a soft updo, wispy curls around her face. She held a bouquet of orchids, and her dress blew slightly in the wind. The smile on her face was priceless.

sienna sighed softly looking at himbefore nodding a little sad because she had no idea how to help him, no idea what he needed. Shifting away from him she leaned against the end of the pew, smiling contentedly as she watched scarlet come down the aisle, laughing softly at the sight of a excited willa throwing flowers, and jace's grin was huge, looking so big like his should hurt his face to smile like that.

Haymitch smiled pressing a kiss to norah's hair as he wrapped a arm around her, the first thoughts of marriage and happiness as a real married couple just starting to form.And while they scared him to death, for the first time...he was interested.Holding norah close he smiled as he watched the wedding.

When the wedding was over jace grinned as he pulled his wife tight against him, kissing her hard as he nuzzled her a little."So beautiful, mrs. masons."He muttered looking amuse as he kicked off his shoes as soon as the they got to the end of the aisle, curling his toes in the sand. Even in his tux, he couldn't help but be a child on the beach, he loved the ocean."Dance with me?"He said smiling a little.

Haymitch smiled as he wrapped his arms around willa as he picked her up,gently kissing norah tilting his head a little."Dance or food first?"He said smiling a little though he looked around, enjoying everything, and the idea of a wedding before frowning a little at the sight of his tributes. Even standing together watching the married couple, there was miles between them.

(figured all weddings are the same,everyone knows what happens. The reception's what everyone enjoys. :D And I love the dress!)
Norah leaned into his kiss and grinned happily, relieved that the wedding went as planned. "Let's have a dance," she chirped, taking Willa from him and setting her on her feet, then pointed over to where Sienna sat. "Why don't you go see Sienna," she murmured to the little girl, then kissed her cheek. "Go cheer her up, okay, Sweetheart?" Willa nodded and ran off toward Sienna, her little red curls bouncing with each step, and grinned up at the young blond. "Hi, Sha-sha!" she said, bouncing a little on her heels.

Nora grinned and turned toward Haymitch, reached up to smooth out his tie. "Let's dance," she murmured, "And while we do, you can tell me what you were thinking so hard abou during he ceremony." With that, she smirked up at him.

Scarlet grinned, glowing from happiness. She blushed when he kissed her and called her beautiful, feeling so humbled by the wedding. There was literally nothing that could ruin this day. "And you are very handsome, Mr. Masons," she murmured, her barefeet in the sand as her dress flowed behind her. Once they were on the dance floor, she held him close. "I love you," she whispered, her eyes rolling up to look at him. "This is the best day of my life, you know that?" Her hand reached up and stroked his cheek, her eyes twinkling.
Haymitch smiled a little looking amused as willa ran off, pulling norah onto the dancefloor as he looked down at norah."Oh, and what makes you think I was thinking about something?"He said looking amused as he kissed her softly, gently stroking her hair out of her face, looking amused because he was so going to not tell her, since a propsal was supposed to be a surprise.

Sienna smiled softly as she looked down at the young red head, shifting she stood, holding out a hand."Hey wils. You want to go play in the water?"She said looking at peeta, looking sad but knowing that they couldn't mess up scarlet and jace's day. And a deeper sadness in her eyes even if she tried so hard to hide it, because she was mourning the realization that maybe they just weren't meant to be together, and that the world was telling them to stop trying. Slipping her hand into willa's she smiled a little, tugging her towards the water."Come on, wils.."She paused biting her lip, before looking at peeta."Why don't you ask uncle peeta if he wants to come to?"

Jace grinned kissing her again,"I know. I am amazingly handsome."Jace said preening a little uner the praise, grinning as he looked down at himself before looking at her, pressing a kiss to her head."Just not as pretty as you."He muttered grinning wider."hmmm and the night's not even started. Then it'll be the most amazing night of your life."He smirked, shifting a little, pressing against her in amusement.
Norah shrugged and put his arms up and around his neck, staying close to him. Her hands stroked the back of his neck as the danced. "You just seemed a little distracted, that's all," she murmured, leaning up to kiss him softly. "Let's stay in the beach house for a couple days," she murmured, referring to the little house they were staying in for the wedding. "And then we can think about moving out of 13, which you know I want to do... I want some normalcy for once." Looking over, she saw Willa grinning and looking out at the ocean with Sienna, and she smiled. "Willa needs to experience a real life, you know? Look at her... She loves it out here." Her smile was happy and carefree for once, and her red hair blew in the salty wind much like her daughter's.

Willa looked over at Peeta and nodded, running up to him and tugging on his pants. Peeta grinned down at her and kneeled down, and they were obviously having a cute conversation. Peeta grinned and nodded, then took her hand and led her out to the water. His blue eyes looked up at Sienna for a second, the smile still on his face, and then he looked back out at the water. He rolled his pants up and stepped into the water with Willa, and she turned around and looked over at Sienna. "Sha-sha! Come in the water!" she squealed, and Peeta tensed a little, but didn't leave. He wouldn't hurt Willa's feelings, even if he didn't want to be around Sienna at the moment.

Scarlet chuckled and bit her lip. "Oh? Will it be?" she grinned and cupped his cheek, pulling him down for a heated, passionate kiss. The sun was setting, and it was absoluely beautiful... "Mmm, I cannot wait for you to show me why tonight will be the best night of my night... I just hope it involved being naked." With that, she winked and laced her fingers within his hair, her wedding ring glistening in t he sun.
Haymith grinned smirking as he looked down at her."The two sitting in front of us were sort of distracting you know."he said thinking about peeta and sienna, willing to let their problems be a distraction from his thoughts because he didn't want to let her know what he was vaguely starting to plan. "Normalacy would be nice. We could do well here, we're all enjoying the beach."he said warming up to the idea. After so much time in landlocked district 12, the older man loved the beach, the rare times he got to go to it.

Sienna smiled a little watching them before slipping off her shoes, glad that the cocktail dress she was wearing just brushed her knees, short enough to not get wet as she stepped into the water, laughing as she bent, scooping willa up,"Hey kid.You having fun?"she muttered laughing as she tickled her before setting her down again, letting willa play as she crouched down at the edge of the water to find sea shells, not even really paying attention as the water soaked the bottom of her dress, to intent on finding the sea shells, as if it would make everything better, to just find that one perfect shell.

Jace laughed nodding as he kissed her back,"Oh, it will be. It'll be perfect."He muttered smirking as he kissed her slowly before picking her up, heading for the ocean's edge."Come on. We're going to get wet, before I get you wetter."he said smirking a little as he nuzzled her neck, smirking slowly as he nuzzled her skin."It'll be involved with a lot of nakedness."
Peeta looked over at Sienna, and something set him off by the way she grabbed Willa. It made his heart race, scared that she was going to harm the toddler. Without even thinking, he rushed over to Sienna and grabbed her by the back of the neck, yanking her away from Willa and wrapping his hand around her neck. "Don't you dare hurt that little girl! Don't even touch her!" he growled, "I know what you're doing! You're going to kill her like you did my son!" His face was red with anger, and his eyes were bleary with tears. There were so many emotions coursing through his veins that he couldn't reason with them. Not to mention, he couldn't even think straight enough to realize that when he swung Sienna around, her legs knocked Willa over and into the water. It wasn't very deep, but too deep for a toddler to stand in.

Norah's back was turned to the events taking place, and she continued to stroke his cheek. "Yes, I think we would do very well," she murmured softly, letting the fact that he indee seemed distracted during the ceremony go. "We could get a permanent house, get Willa into a preschool..."

Scarlet laughed and through her head back, giggling as he carried her toward the water. "Jace!" she squealed, "Don't you dare! I'm still in my dress..." However, her carefree attitude vanished when she saw Peeta strangling Sienna, and she gasped. "Oh my God, Jace," she said, scrambling out of his arms. "Yo have to go get him off of her!"
Sienna raised her hands wrapping her hands around peeta's wrists, struggling to get him off her, but not kicking out, afraid she'd kick the toddler she knew was there, and unwilling to hurt him, even if it was going to save herself. "P-peeta!"She gasped struggling the world starting to go black around the edges as she tried to get away.

Y-Willa!"Haymitch growled starting as he realized what was going on, already moving towards the water before norah could realize what he was running towards, letting Jace handle peeta, letting the others get sienna, concenrating on finding the little girl in the crashing waves. Gasping when he found slippery skin,pulling her up, gasping as he held her patting her back, trying to make sure she was breathing, gasping in relief as he felt her back raising under his hands, holding her tight."Hey baby girl.You okay?"he mttered stroking her hair.

Jace growled as he dropped scarlet even as she scrambled out of his arms, already starting to run for the other couple. nearly smashing into haymitch as he dodged around, shoving at peeta's shoulder, pissed an worried."Come on, you want a fight, pick on someone your own size."he said grabbing peeta's wrist and prying his hands free, swinging him to face him, letting scarlet get sienna as the girl fell into the water and went under. For the moment not worried about sienna, to busy making sure peeta wouldn't go after he ragain.
Willa gasped and coughed a little, then rested her head on his shoulder and started to cry like any scared toddler would, her little heart racing. Norah looked over and screamed, seeing that Willa was no where to be found. She head her stomach with nervousness, knowing if she ran over, she's only get in the way of the commotion. "Willa!" she screamed, gasping in relief as she saw Haymitch pull her up and take her in his arms. Her heart raced and she swallowed nervously, watching everything around her.

Peeta stumbled backward a little when Jace shoved him away, his eyes wide from being caught off guard. When he saw him friend, he knew something was terribly wrong, and he knew this was not what it seemed... That his hijacking was coming back with a vengence. Instead of fighting back, his eyes went a little glassy. "I-I thought... I thought she was going to hurt Willa," he pleased, shaking his head and reaching up to yank at his own hair. "I swear! Something told me she was! Something is always telling me she's a murderer, and I don't know why! I don't know what's wrong with me!" His face crumbled a little at that.

Scarlet ran in and grabbed Sienna, easily pulling the thin girl up to the surface and into her arms. "Sienna! Sienna, you need to wake up," she murmured, patting her face and checking to see if she was breathing. Thankfully, she seemed to have only passed out. Looking up, she shook her head at Jace. "No, don't start a fight. Jace, he didn't mean it. He needs help..." She frowned and shook her head, pulling Sienna up to the sand, and stroking the hair out of her face, waiting for her to come to.
Haymitch sighed softl holding onto her, gently stroking willa's hair,"Shh sweetheart, I have you.I have you."He muttered in her ear, holding her gently as he walked towards norah, gently shifting the girl in his arms,but not letting go, looking at norah."Go help scarlet."He muttered holding the little girl, and now that she was safe looking worried for the others.

JAce sighed softly, at both his words, and scarlet's. Anger twisting his stomach, even if he knew he shouldn't be pissed at peeta, he was, for hurting a girl who was so in love with him she wouldn't admit to being hurt, and at snow, who was going to be a dea man soon."Willa's fine, peeta. She wouldn't hurt willa, or ryan. You know that."Jace sai hands resting on his arms gently pullng his hands away from his arms, tightening his hold on peeta's arms,"You know her, peeta. Sienna wouldn't kill anyone."He said swallowing."You need help peeta. you'll let us help you right?"He said knowing they were going to have to seperate the two, because he knew if they let sienna go, they'd be convicting peeta of killing her someday soon.

Sienna coughed softly as her head rested on scarlet's shoulder, eyes glassy and unfocused."peeta?Where's peeta?"She muttered sounding so scared. Asknig not because she needed to now he was fine, though she did,but she was scared of him. For the first time really, she was truly afraid of him killing her.
Willa started to calm down, but held on to Haymitch for dear life. It was obvious that she was not going to let him put her down anytime soon. Norah leaned over and kissed Willa's head before moving over to Scarlet, helping her carry Sienna into the beach house. They toweled her off and helped her out of the wet clothes and into one of Peeta's dry t-shirts. "He's with Jace," Scarlet assured, doing her best to comfort Sienna, even if she was a tad bitter about her wedding ending in the way it did. She just couldn't help it. "Everything will be okay..." Norah nodded and helped her into one of the beds in one of the rooms in the house, sitting on the edge of it and stroking her hair. "Sienna, we have to get Peeta some help... This has gone too far." She frowned, hating to be so blunt with the girl, but knowing it needed to be done.

Peeta looked at the man trying to talk sense into him, his eyes going bleary with guilt filled tears. "I don't know what's wrong with me," he murmured, sounding so worn down and scared. "I just..." He shook his head and his face crumbled, and he leaned into his friend, needing comfort. His head resting on his shoulder, and he started to have a much needed breakdown. "Yes," he murmured, "I'll get help... I need help."
Sienna flinched, reacting to the bitterness in scarlet's voice, even if it wasn't alot, she had gotten used to listening to it in peeta's voice, so she knew what she was hearing. Sienna's eyes went wie looking scared, huddling in the long sleeved shirt she was wearing, looking so small and lost in the shirt before nodding, wincing a little as she leaned over the edge of the bed reaching for the trash basket, wincing when she saw the bloody spit she was throwing up.Huddling a little she started to cry softly, so scared of peeta that she was finally, finally willing to let them help. Swallowing, whimpering as the movement shifted the splittered bone peeta'd managed to break, luckily he'd only broken one of the small bones of her neck, forcing it into her throat, instead of breaking her neck, or severing a artery. Whimperng as she rubbed a hand over her face, looking up at the two women with her."I need help."she whispered starting to cry.

Jace swallowed hard as he wrapped his arms around the teen his heart aching as he realized that for once, peeta was looking his age, acting his age. Holding him tightly he pressed a kiss to dull blond hair, standing there in the knee deep water he sighed slightly."You lost your son, peeta.Thats whats wrong."he muttered holding him tighter."We'll get you help.But first you need to sleep.Then let me get back to making love to my wife."He teased hoping to get a smile as he helped peeta towards the house, wanting to see how sienna was, needing to know how to reassure peeta, needing to know how badly she was hurt.
Norah sighed and slid into the bed with Sienna, pulling her into her arms and holding her close. "Shh, shh," she whispered in her motherly voice, waving for Scarlet to go see her husband. "I know, Sweetheart, and we'll help you. Don't worry..." She frowned and kissed her head, moving to lay down with her and stroke the young girl's hair. Like Peeta, Sienna was finally seeming her age, so small and fragile in Norah's arms. "We will get everything taken care of. I promise." She knew the girl needed to to go to the doctor, but she also knew she needed some rest.

Peeta wiped his eyes and nodded, smirking a little as he was lead to a private bedroom. "Yea," he murmured, "Go see that beautiful wife of your's." He smiled at the man, but it looked incredibly sad. Part of him hoped that he would be left alone all night, knowing he was much too fragile to see Sienna for a while. He knew they needed to be sperated for their own good; before he killed her.

Scarlet walked out of the room and quietly shut the door behind her before heading out to find Jace. She sighed when she saw him, shaking her head and reaching up to put a hand to her forehead. "Norah is staying with Sienna tonight," she murmured, "And I'm sure Haymitch will guard Peeta as much as he can." Sliding her arms around his torso, she pressed her face to his chest. Her dress was soaked, and so was his pants. However, she was still happy, and she planned to make the most out of what was left of their wedding day.
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