Death within Love

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Norah smiled at the candle lit room, biting her lip. It was so beautiful and so romantic and so... Lovely. "Haymitch..." she whispered, grinning as she sat down at the little table, looking at all the nice food. She blushed, feeling nervous all of the sudden. Yes, they'd been a couple for a while and she was incredibly in love with him. However, this was her first date that she'd ever been on in her whole life. After being sent to the Games at 15 and being sold by Snow since she'd won, then staying single after Willa was born... Yes, this was her first real date, and with the man she'd had a crush on for years. "This... It's perfect."

Peeta cupped her cheek and sighed, looking down at her. "He's just... Nothing," he promised, "I'm not worried. I just hate that guy's guts. He's lucky that he even created such a beautiful, sweet, caring daughter.... And I'm lucky to have her." He smiled and kissed her softly, then hugged her close, looking over her shoulder at the sleeping baby. He frowned when she wasn't looking, trying to shake the word's of her father.... He was right. He didn't deserve her.
Haymitch smiled a lttle as he sat her down in her chair before sitting in his own, starting to nibble on hte pasta concotion that sienna had managed to get the cooks to cook.Blushing ever so slightly t her praise he smiled a little."Hmm well, I can't take all the credit. Peeta and sienna came up with waht to have for dinner and where to have it, I just came up with the idea."He said squirming a little, eager for her to have a perfect evening even more now, seeing as tehy were going to do be doing dangerous things.

Sienna frowned shifting to curl her body into his, kissing him back beore resting her head against his chest, quiet as she thought over his words."I hate him to."She muttered shivering a little because she'd hidden what her father had done to her for so long, it scared her that her father had sought out peeta, scared that he'd not want her anymore if her father told him exctly what had happened."I'm not that beautiul."She muttered squirming a little, leaning back to look up at him,"Though I'm the lucky one, to have you still."She muttered gently touching his face pulling him into a kiss because she was so worried that he'd grow tired with her.Despite everything, she had the insecurties of a 16 year old, with the abuse in her past to convince her that she didn't deserve any of this. they were going to be in such a mess if they didn't talk,but both of them seemed to be avoiding it.
Norah smirked and started eating, surprised with how delicious it was. She took a sip of her wine. "I really needed this," she murmured, looking over at him through the candle light. He maybe be much older than her, but he was stunning. Ever since he had not been drinking as much and had been getting closer to her and Willa, he seemed to looked years younger. It was heart warming to see him that way. Reaching over, she grabbed his hand, her green eyes glittering amongst the candle light. "Do you ever dream of what life could be like after this war?" she murmured, tilting her head to the side. "You know, a normal life..."

Peeta rolled his eyes and reached down to pinch her cheek. "We've went over this," he murmured, leaning down to kiss the skin he pinched on her soft cheek. "You're gorgeous. I don't care what your father told you all those years, Sienna, but he was wrong." He looked her in the eyes, letting out a little sigh. He hated that she was so insecure, because it hurt him to see her so sad. "Don't you see you're my life now? The only reason I get through the day?," he whispered, nuzzling his face into her hair. His arms went around her, holding her tight. "Even if you are incredibly stubborn, I love you more than anything."
Haymith smiled a little, the smile dimpling his cheek, she was right, he did look younger. seemed younger then he had since he'd walked away a victor."i do.A normal life would be good.Normal worries,like when your daughters going to date, or what to do when she gets in trouble..."He smiled at her, grinning as he ate, tilting his head a little.'Normal worries would be amazing after all this."He said because he was determined to not think about what would happen if she and willa weren't okay aftre the war. He'd be devastated. Smiling as he squeezed her hand smiling softly.

Sienna yelped a little as he pinched her cheek, whining softly as he stroked her skin, biting her lip as she looked at him, tears misting her eyes. Because she so desperately wanted t believe him.Shifting to snuggle against him, she sighed softly as his breath ruffled her hair, relaxing into his hold as he held her tight, as if he would never let her go."I'm not the only one who's stubborn in this relationship."She said smiling wrapping her arms around his waist,"I love you.So much.I don't know what I'd do without you, so stop trying to get me to move on to something better."She muttered pinching him in the side, knowing she hadn't convicned him that he was everything she deserved, everything she wanted in this life. Him and ryan, she couldn't ask for anything more... well except for a peaceful ending to the war.
Norah nodded and let out a little laugh, shaking her head. "Right now, I think the only man she's in love with is you," she murmured, admiring the dimples in his cheeks. "I don't think you will ever under stand how much I appreciate you loving her the way you do... Every little girl needs a father." She smiled and let go of his hand, only to place it upon his cheek. "And I don't think you'll ever understand the amount of butterflies you've given me over the years, even before we met." Blushing, she tucked a piece of hair behind his ear. "Anytime you're beating yourself up over something, try to remember that."

Peeta sighed and sat up, only to pick Ryan up and place him in his crib, to paranoid about rolling over on him. He smiled and crawled between her legs, laying on top of her and resting his head on her chest. His muscular arms wrapped around her waist and held her close. "I love you too, Baby," he whispered, "You and Ryan..." He reached up and wiped away her tears. "Why the tears?" he asked, frowning.
Haymith grinned at her."well,that's okay. She can stay loving me until she's to old to consider doing anything."Haymitch said with a snicker, amused because despite loving them both, it slightly embarassed him to know how in love with her and willa he was. "Well, that's something to remember."He said smiling as he leaned into her hand, amused at the idea that they'd affected each other for years without ever knowing it.

Sienna laughed softly as he put ryan in the crib, she'd known they were both to careful to roll over on the baby, but it still amused her to see him fuss.Sighing softly as she wrapped her arms around him,kissing his forehead as he laid down on her,"you're so determined to make me think better of myself. You make me cry sometimes because you're so sure I'm better then I think I am."She muttered tweaking a piece of his hair between her fingers."Just silly girl stuff, don't mind me."She said smiling at him, leanngi down to kiss him lightly.
Norah laughed a little, knowing that he was still a little guarded about his feelings. However, she found it endearing. She fell in love the hardened man, so it would be ridiculous for her to want him to completely change. "Yes, it is," she murmured, stroking his cheek. "Now, are you ready for your present?" She smirked and stood up form the table, leaning over to kiss him softly, then left the room and shut the door, walking into her closet for several long moments.

When she walked out, she blushed a little, and leaned againt the doorway. "Do you like it?" she asked, biting her lip.

What she's wearing:


Peeta kissed her back, sighing softly. "You're being very silly," he murmured, "Because you seem to have it in your head that I'm the better person. I'm not." His hand went down to rub the soft skin of her thigh, the kissed the space between her breasts, lips grazing the soft fabric of her shirt. He frowned as he looked up at her, appearing torn. "You're father even said I don't deserve you. He's right. I don't." He avoided her eyes, looking so sad. "I keep getting you hurt, and pretty soon, something worse is going to happen... Sometimes I wish I could send you away from all of this; keep you safe. It just seems impossible."
"I get a present?"Haymitch said raised a eyebrow as he watched her walk away, looking interested as he watched, his mouth falling open a little as he loked at her.For a moment having no idea what to say at a loss for words."I love it."he muttered looking amazed as he stood, crossing the room to stand in front of her, stroking his hand over the soft black fabric, looking amazed that she'd found smething like this, just to please him. No one had ever done anything just to please him like this.It was amazing.


Sienna sighed softly as he rubbed at her skin, shivering as he pressed a kiss to her chest. Even dressed he could move her, but they were arguing, and she was so not in the right mindset for sex,even if she always wanted him. Frowning at him as she looked down at him, pain flairing through her eyes, hating that her bastard of a father had managed to cause him so much pain, because he believed the words."If anyone deserves me, you do. I chose you.I want you, you stubborn ass."She growled looking annoyed at him, "You don't keep getting me hurt. I keep getting myself hurt.If anyone's been hurt by the other, its you.Your the one who got hijacked because I was pregnant."She said wrapping her fingers in his hair, tugging his head up to make hiim look at her."Now.Stop being a ass and let me enjoy the peace before we have to do something dangerous."She growled annoyed with him, shifting, shoving at his shoulder enough so she could roll on her side, facing away from him, finding it very weird to be arguing like a normal couple."Go to sleep.We have a busy day tomorrow."She said not wanting to talk anymore.
Norah blushed harder at his praise, watching his eyes look over her body. "I... Well, I bought it a little while ago... We've just been so busy...," she bit her lip and let her eyes roll up to look at him. "Are you sure I don't look silly? I've never done something like this." She bit her lip and reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, slightly embarassed. After all, she still was young, and she still had some insecurities.


Peeta sighed and rolled over, wrapping an arm around her from behind and pulled her close. "It wasn't your fault I got hijacked, Sienna," he murmured, "They were doing it in order to break you. It was strategy." He shrugged leaning down to kiss her temple, holding her close so she couldn't pull away. There was no way he was going to let her go to sleep thinking that was her fault. He loved her too much. "Now, goodnight," he murmured softly.
Haymitcchswallowed hard looking her over, hisgroin aching with how much he wanted to touch her, to make lve to her."No.Definately not silly."He muttered his fingers troking her skin through the material before picking her up,walking over to the bed and laying her downgently kissing her."I lve you."He muttered nuzzling her.

Sienna sighed softly as he pulled her close, trying to remain angry with himbut unable to stop herself from snuggling back against him,sighing softly."Goodnight."She muttered shifting to get comfortable.In the morning Sienna sighed softly as she twisted to look at him as he slept, for the first time in awhile actually waking up next to him.Gently stroking her hand through his hair, leaning down to kiss him awake.not angry with him anymore, and needing him to wake up so she could tell him that.

Jace sighed softly as he looked over at scarlet, smiling sleepily as he held the little girl under his arm, smiling ever so gently as he kissed willa's head, yawning."You know, I could get used to waking up like this."He muttered leaning over to kiss his lver, grinning down at willa with a bemused smile, as if he had no idea what to think about having a child in bed with him
Norah shivered into the kiss, leaning up to start taking off his tie. She wiggled her hips a little under neath him and smiled, happy he was pleased. "I love you too," she purred, starting to unbutton his shirt. She was hot for him, yes, and she wanted him badly. She wanted him close enough to feel how much he wantered her back, and she wanted to feel the normally withdrawn man lose himself... Reaching down, she let her hand brush against his crotch, moaning as she felt that he was definitely aroused. "Make love to me, Haymitch," she whispered, desperately wanting this last moment of peace to last forever before we they set out for war.

Peeta opened his sleepy blue eyes and smiled at her, letting out a little yawn. "Well, good morning," he whispered, leaning up to kiss her back. It was nice to lay there while she stroked his hair. She looked so pretty, even with her hair a tad messy from sleep. "Still mad at me?"

Scarlet looked up at him, grinning happily at the sight before her. Willa was cuddled up to Jace after she got scared in the middle of the night, unable to sleep in the bed they fixed up for her. They ended up just putting the toddler in bed with them, and she went to sleep immediately. "Me too," she admitted, looking down at the little girl. She stroked her hair out of her face, letting out a little sigh. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Scarlet was aching for a child. "How'd you sleep?"
HAymitch grinned at her, smirking as he pressed against her."I can most definately do that."He said looking amused and happy at the idea. In the morning haymitch yawned sleepily as he rested his head on her breasts, tired from staying up most of the night, even if they napped inbeween sex."...we should get breakfast before we go get wila."he muttered rubbing his cheek against her shoulder.

Sienna smiled softly, sleepily as she nuzzled him a little closing her eyes."No.I'm not mad. Even if I'm still worried about you."She muttered pressing a kiss to his forehead, "Ready to get up for breakfast?"Se muttered pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Jace smiled softly, leaning over to kiss her again."We'll have one after the war.I promise."He muttered knowing she wanted a child, even if the timing couldn't be worse. Nuzzling her for a moment he smiled gently stroking willas hair as he looked at scarlet."I slept great.houw about you?"
Norah looked down at him sleepily, tired and worn out from that night. Her hand went down to stroke his prickly cheek, smiling softly. Her eyes were half lidded, and she was no where near ready to get out of bed. "Can we call breakfast up?" she murmured, cuddling into the blankets stubbornly. She pouted a little and leaned down to kiss him, her naked calf rubbing against his thigh. She was basking in the glow of hours of good sex, and she just wanted a few more minutes of him before they had to go to war. "Last night was... amazing."

Peeta rolled his eyes and sat up in the bed, hearing the baby start to fuss in the background. "You have no reason to worry about me," he grumbled, looking over at her with a smirk. He leaned over and pinched her side, the kissed her cheek. "I think Ryan is hungry. I'll wait for you to feed him and then we can head down to the dining hall. No need to rush... We don't leave for a couple hours."

Scarlet frowned and nodded, looking down at Willa. "I know, I know," she murmured, "After the war..." She sighed and looked up at him, giving him a subtle nod. "I slept great. I think she did too." Giggling a little, she picked up the toddler and kissed her forehead, seeing her little eyes open. Willa was very conent with Scarlet and Jace, for they seemed to put an extra effort to make sure everything was perfect for her all night. "Hey, sleepy girl," Scarlet murmured. Willa smiled, though it was obvious she was still pretty sleepy. "Hi," she murmured, snuggling into her Auntie Scar's arms. Scarlet looked up at Jace and sighed. "I can't wait to have one of our own..."
Haymitch smiled sleepily, tired himsel as he nuzzled her hand a little smirking slightly as whiskers scratched against her hand.Shifting against her to not wanting to get out of bed either."It was amazing."He said smiling wider leaning p to kiss her slowly before settling down again, sighing softly not wanting to more. He was to happy here, he didn't want to go out and risk never coming back.

Sienna smiled a little sitting up as she leaned against the headboard, yelping when he pinched her. Reaching out she smacked him in theshower, leaning over and brushing her lips ovre the red skin where she'd smacked."I love you,as much as you love me.How can I not worry?"She mttered sulking a little but smiling as she took the baby rom him as he picked up ryan, leaning back as she gently held the babe feeding him as he made happy baby sounds.

Jace grinned looking amused at the sleepy girl, sighing softly as he shifted,snuggling both girls he nodded, kissing her softly, "Me either."he said looking happy at the thought before shifting, gently stroking her hair out of her face, "Should we go ahead and wake her up for breakfast, or order breakast in bed?"he asked sounding like he was liking the idea o breakfast in bed, no need to get p and get moving.
Norah sighed, sitting up in the bed and leaning against the head board. She ran her fingers through his hair and looked down at him lovingly. "I'm not ready for this," she admitted, biting her lip. The war scared her, and while she knew she would be in the overcraft beside him, it worried her if something happened. What if he got hurt or died? What if something happened to her? What about Willa? Their little family was in danger, along with the others, and she hated the idea of them bein torn apart. She just wanted to have a normal life, with a real home, and to raise Willa with him. She's even like to get married... But this war was a huge factor in their future. "I'm scared, Haymitch," she whispered.

Peeta leaned back and wrapped and arm around her, looking down at Ryan and smiling. It was really beautiful to see mother and baby bonded like that, and it reminded him of how much she's grown up since he met her before the Games. Leaning down, he kissed her cheek. "I know, I know... You have arrangements with an on site sitter for Ryan, right? I know we won't be able to be with him every minute, but I'd like him to be close by."

Scarlet bit her lip and shrugged. "How about you call breakfast up and I'll get Willa's things ready for Norah and Haymitch to pick her up? I'm sure they are eager to get her back." She pouted a little bit, then kissed him and stood up, waking the sleepy toddler up and getting her dressed, then packing her things. Willa crawled back beside Jace and snuggled against him, rubbing her eyes. "I'm hungry," she mumbled in her childish voice.
Haymitch sighed softly looking up at her, shifting to lay his head in her lap,nuzzling her side a little before sitting up and wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to her head."I know. Me to."he said softly, swallowing hard because it made him worry even more to admit that they were scared.Tightening his hold almost painfully tight around her he sighed softly, brushing his lips over her forehead."Come on.We better go get willa."He muttered knowing his lover would want to see her before they left.

Sienna smiled slightly tilting her head as she looked up at him,looking amused because whatever he had thought of was making his eyes do that soft gentle look that she loved. Smiling as she shifted ryan, the babe burping as she shifted to her shoulder,gently burping him as she nodded."i did. He wont be in the ER with us, but he'll be in the nursery upstairs.It's closeby, so if we get worried, we can go check on him."She said knowing they were both fantically overprotective of the baby, and would need to check on him every once in awhile.

jace grinned as he shifted picking up the phone to call for breakfast before looking down at the child cuddling against him, shifting a little so she was sitting in his lap as he leaned back against the headboard."Food's coming.We'll eat. And them mom and daddy'll be here to get you."he said amused because he knew that both haymitch and norah were going to want to spend as much time as they could with the little girl sitting in his lap.
Norah nodded and hugged him, kissing his bare shoulder before getting up to start getting dressed. "Everything will be fine," she murmured, even if it was to comfort herself more than him. She wasn't even sure she believed her own words. Sighing, she got dressed in a tight pair of black pants, boots that zipped up to the knee, a tank top and a jacket. There was no need for dressed in the hovercraft, even if she hated not being all dressed up. Looking nice was alwasy important to her, because of he rough and poor childhood she had. "Let's go get Willa... I want to spend as much tme with her as possible before we leave..."

Peeta nodded, happy with the arragnements. "Perfect," he murmured, leaning down to kiss Ryan's head. "I need to make sure this little guy is safe at all times." With that, he wrapped his arms around both of them and kiss Sienna's temple, his hold tight around them. He needed these last few moments of peace, knowing they were both safe. "Promise me if anything happens to me, you wil go get Ryan and get the hell out of there, okay?" He closed his eyes painfully, hating that he was talking like that, but knew he had to.

Willa smiled and looked up at Jace, happy to hear that Norah and Haymitch were about to be there. Scarlet opened the door for room service, letting them wheel in a spread of breakfast that was enough for all five of them, and looked up at Willa with a smile. "Come on, hungry girl," she murmured, "Let's eat breakfast." Willa grinned and jumped down, running over to sit at their table, eating pancakes and drinking a glass of milk. Walking over to Jace, Scarlet sat in his lap now that it was empty, and kissed his forehead. "I love you," she murmured, "And you have remember that we have a wedding to live for, alright? Don't scare me like you did in the Games. Come home with me." She nuzzled his neck, her expression sad as she worried about what the future held.
"It will be."Haymitch said smiling as he kissed her lightly before dressing himself, smirking as he looked over at her dressy clothes and for once cleaning up himself. The snug jeans were for once not tattered or worn, the button up black shirt hung nicely over his frame. Dressed up,but not totally out of character for him, just something different then normal."I know."He smiled slipping a hand into hers heading for the door.

Ryan giggled happily as his father kissed his head, hands wrapped in his mother's hair as he looked up at his parents. Sienna sighed softly, shifting in his hold, snuggled against peeta, swallowing hard because he was holding almost to tight but she couldn't ask him to let go not when she knew that if something happened, she'd never forget that she'd asked him to let go.Frowning up at him she swallowed, before nodding, turning her head, resting her forehead against his cheek, her tears wetting his cheek as she cried at the thought of something happening."If...if something happens, I promise.I'll get us out."She muttered.

Jace smiled watching willa settle at the table for breakfast before looking up at the woman sitting in his lap,gently touching his lips to her neck,holding her close."I love you to."He muttered before grinning a little."I do have a wedding. And it's not my fault I scared you.You're the one who had to help Sienna."He teased sighing softly as he stood, walking to the table and sitting down with her in his lap, starting to eat, trying to not worry.
Norah walked into the room and smiled at the sight of Willa sitting there eating like a big girl, and Scarlet and Jace all cuddled up in one chair, eating and trying to pretend that everything was okay. She walked over and kissed Willa's cheek, lifting her up in her lap and sitting down on the foot of the bed with her. Willa snuggled close to her mother, and Norah stroked her chair. "Hey, Sweetheart," she murmured, biting her lip in order not to cry. "I sure did miss you last night." Norah looked up at Scarlet and Jace. "How was everything? Was she good?"

Scarlet smiled and nodded. "She was perfect," she murmurmed, her arms wrapped around Jace's middle. She was too nervous to eat. "And how was your night?" With that, she winked up at Haymitch, smart enough to know that the couple probably had a very, very nice night...

Willa looked up at Haymitch from where she sat in Norah's lap, smiling happily. "Daddy, swim? Please," she murmured, looked so cute and irresistable. However, she was too young to realize that there was no time for swimming this morning.

Peeta sniffed, trying to be the strong one of the two and not cry. "That's all I ask," he murmured, kissing her hair and pulling back to look at her. He wiped away her tears, then kissed her lips softly. "Let's get ready... We need to get Ryan to the nursery and get ready for duty." He frowned and kissed Ryan's head one more time before pulling away from them both, standing to get dressed in a simply pair of jeans and a grey v-neck shirt.
Haymitch smiled a little at the sight to, sitting on a chair, reaching for ood as he leaned over to kiss willas head."Hey honey.Sleep well?"He muttered looking amused, trying to not show how nervous he felt. Jace grinned a little,"She was good. Perect."He said smirking as haymitch shifted looking embarassed as he concentrated on his food."It was good."He muttered avoiding looking at scarlet, who he was sure was laughing at him. Starting a little at willa's words, he looked at her, wincing a little."Not this morning, sweetheart. ME and mommy have to do some grown up things today,but we'll go swimming when we go back okay?"He said desperately hoping there would be a after.

Sienna swallowed hard, looking sad when she realized he was trying to be strong for her, nuzzling him a little before closing her eyes leaning against him for a moment."Okay... yea, we better go."He said siging as she got up, getting ryan changed into a new cute onsie, before getting dressed her in a pair of worn jeans,comfortable to work in, and a soft black v neck t-shirt.Leaning up to kiss him softly she shifted ryan into his arms, knowng he'd need to hold the baby."We better get going."she muttered disliking the idea of leaving ryan alone, but knowing that the war effort needed them, and she'd be with peeta she could do this.
Willa's lip quivered a little, obviously hurt that he wouldn't take her swimming like he did every morning. Norah frowned and looked up at Haymitch, hoping that he would not take Willa's disappointment to heart. After all, she was just a little girl, and she didn't realize what today was about. Stroking her hair as the little girl started to cry, Norah sighed. "Our night was great," she murmured, her voice tight as she fought not to cry. "Thank you so much for babysitting... It was very nice of you too."

Scarlet frowned and nodded, hating that everyone was so upset. "It was a pleasure. You know Jace and I love her to death," she murmured, her arms tightening around him. God, she wanted this all to be over with.

Peeta took Ryan into his arms and held her hand as they walked down the hall, hugging the baby and giving him a gentle kiss before handing him over to the nurse, then wrapping his strong arms around Sienna. "It's going to be okay," he murmured, kissing her hair and pulling her away from the nursery, knowing it would be hard for her to leave Ryan. With that, he went to Scarlet and Jace's room to see everyone else before they left.
Haymitch winced swallowing hard because it phyiscally hurt that he couldn't make willa happy and take her swimming. Leaning over he stroked willa's hair for a moment, kissing her head."i promise, we'll go when we get back."He muttered. Jace swallowed squirming a little because willa's tears were making him react like haymitch, wanting to do anything to make them stop."we do.It was fun."

Sienna swallowed hard whining a litle as he pulled her away form the nursery, twisting to look over his shoulder as they walked away, wanting to stay with ryan, even if she knew they couldn't."Peeta...he'll be okay wont he?"She asked sounding anxious as she looked up at him as she pushed open scarlet's door, grinning a little at the sight of everyone eating.
Norah looked up at Haymitch and grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers within his. "It's okay," she whispered, "She's young. She doesn't understand..." Leaning up, she kissed his cheek, hating how hurt he looked by Willa's disappointment. Rocking Willa with the other arm, she turned to smile at the approaching couple, trying to stay calm for her daughter's sake. "Well, good morning," she murmured, smiling at Sienna and Peeta.

Peeta nodded and squeezed her hand. "He's safer there than any other place," he promised, leaning down to kiss her forehead. He smiled at the group of people, sitting at the table and grabbing a piece of toast, knowing he could use the energy. He looked sad and beaten down, hating the idea of leaving Ryan and going into the war with Sienna. It had him feeling sick. Reaching over, he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close.
Haymitch smiled squeezing her fingers, eating his toast as he looked at the young girl. Even if he knew that she was going to get over it, forget about it, it still upset him to disappoint her right now. Smiling slightly when he saw sienna and peeta."Good morning."

Sienna nodded a lttle, relaxing at his promise, smiling a little when he kissed her forehead."Morning."She said sitting down and s tarting to eat, leaning into peeta, looking slightly upset at how upset peeta looked.She worried about him.And if she thought she could him and coin that he didn't need to go, she'd try.But despite worrying about him,she felt better knowing he was going to be there with her."It's okay.We'll be okay."She muttered kissing his cheek as she looked up at him, worry plain in her face as she leaned against him.

Jace sighed softly, looking a ittle pained as he looked at the other couple pressinghisforehead against scarlet's shoulder,trying to not worry. It was so hard, to see the other two upset, and his own feeling of anxiety and worry grew with every concerned look going between haymitch and norah, and peeta and sienna.
Norah sat beside Haymitch in the hovercraft, looking a little nervous, but professional. She wore a headset, like him, so she was able to talk to all of the people in combat. In front of them was a large board that was a very realistic model of the Capitol, and they could see where everyone was at every moment.... She took a deep breath and looked up and toward him, biting her lip. "Ready?" she murmured, trying to remaind brave and strong. She didn't want to be another thing that he had to worry about.

Peeta walked over to where Sienna was, smiling at all the patients as he did so. He put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them softly. As happy as he was about being close to her, he hated not being in combat. He hated being labeled as weak. People were already being brought in with awful injuries, and it made him even more guilty... Here he was being held in a safe building, away from danger, and all these innocent people were being hurt...

Scarlet had her knives ready, looking around the courtyard of the Presidential building of the capitol where they were just released. Lots of people were around them, but it was comforting to have Jace right beside her... She looked over at him, even amongst the explosions and gun shots, and gave him a reassuring smile. A smile that said she loved him, and if anything happens, she wanted him to remember her like this; Happy, and with him.
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