Death within Love

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Peeta shrugged and kissed her back. "Great now that I've seen you are okay," he murmured, for he was constantly having night mares about her death. It was always nice to wake up and know she was indeed alive. He laughed a little at the happy baby in her arms, tugging at her hair. He leaned down and kissed the boy on the head then put his hands on her hips. It was nice to not feel as many of her bones now, for he knew that she was getting better. "And I'm starving," he smirked, leaning down to kiss her one last time before tugging her toward the dinning hall, holding her hand as they sat down and were served a beautiful breakfast.

Norah rolled her eyes and scoffed, but chuckled a bit. "Fine," she murmured, "Be stubborn. It's what you do best." She leaned up on her tip toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. With that, she went into her closet and got dressed in a nice green, knee length dress and let her hair come down in soft waves. After slipping on some heels, she leaned down and picked up Willa. "Sweetheart, are you hungry?" Willa nodded, and Norah looked over at Haymitch. "Will you take her to breakfast while I go to a quick meeting? I'll meet you in an hour?"

Scarlet leaned back on her hands and looked up at him, smiling at her healthy fiance. She giggled when he tugged her hair and shrugged. "Come swim with me, and then I'll go to breakfast," she murmured, slipping back into the water. Looking up at him, she arched an eyebrow. "Unless your too chicken, hm?" She went under the water, swimming to the other side. Oh yes, Scarlet was back to her normal self...
“I’m fine, I promise.”She said leaning against him, because the reassurance was the only way she knew how to help him overcome the nightmares, sighing softly as he held her, a little more solid in his arms, a little more then.”Me to.But what are you starving for?”She muttered leaning more firmly into him before grinning, slipping away as she headed for the table, smiling as she started to eat.”We have a meeting with the president this morning. And jace and scarlet to. I assume haymitch and norah.”She said looking thoughtful because she didn’t know what the woman wanted, but it worried her, even if she tried to not let it show.

Haymitch smiled slightly kissing her back.”I’m not stubborn.”He muttered looking amused as he watched her dress, before sighing.”I can do that.Though I’d much rather stay with you.”He muttered sliding a arm around her waist, kissing her before slipping away, gathering willa up in his arms.”Come on kiddo, we’re going to go get breakfast.”He said kissing her head before looking at norah.”We’ll be up in the dining hall, or with jace and scarlet in the pool.This one thinks she’s a fish.”he said teasing the little girl as they headed into the dining hall.

Jae laughed looking down at her, raising a eyebrow.”Me?Chicken?You think me, victor of the 70th hunger game, is chicken?I think you lie.”He grinned diving into the pool after her, swimming just as well as the fish that haymitch said willa was. Long and lean he was perfect for the water. “I think we should have the wedding soon.Before Peeta and Sienna beat us to it. I want to do something first Scarlet, they’re always beating us.”He said pouting, treading water, looking amused as his hand reached out, grabbing her ankle and pulling her back against him, kissing her slowly.
Peeta nodded, Ryan sitting on his knee as he ate. "I can't say I'm thrilled," he muttered, taking a bite of a pancake. Ryan was out like a light, making Peeta craddle in him one arm while he used his other arm to eat and drink. "Maybe she's found something... You know, to help push things forward." He was talking about the war, of course, which he was desperate to get over with. He wanted Snow dead, and he wanted a safe and happy life with Sienna.

Laughing, Norah kissed him back and watched them leave for breakfast. "Make her wear floaties," she reminded, but knewhe wouldn't forget. He was incredible with Willa, and as much as she knew he coudn't admit it, he saw himself as her father. And of course, Willa looked up to him in the same way... Norah went up to her meeting with one of the army coordinators, for she was always called in for different strategy techniques since that was what her strong point was... Willa sat beside him at breakfast, sitting up on her knees as she drank from her sippy cup of milk. "We gonna swim?" she asked, her voice soft and child-like. "Pwease?"

Scarlet laughed so hard, her face flushed as he jumped in the water, tugging her back with ease. She sighed and leaned into his arms, pressed against his fit and wet body. The way he manovered through water amazed her. It was as if he were half merman or something... "Oh yes, you're a chicken... You're just too stubborn to turn down a challenge." She leaned in to kiss him back, passionately and wet from the water. "You are right... When are you thinking? I thought we agreed to wait after to the war..." She arched her eyebrow at him, remembering their conversation even though she didn't exactly want to wait at all. She wanted to be is wife...
Sienna nodded as she ate.”I hope so. I want to go home have a house, and a yard ryan can play in.”She said grinning at the idea, looking over at him as she ate,”We’ll find out soon enough.”She said sighing softly when they finished eating, looking over at him.”Think we should take ryan down to the nursery, or just head up?”She asked looking amused as she saw haymitch and willa eating together. No matter what he said, haymitch enjoyed being her father, and looked so good with her.

Haymitch nodded to show that he’d heard her, smiling as he got them both breakfast, starting to eat.”We will.And uncle mushy should be down there to. Aunt Scar was going swimming to.”He said looking amused as they both ate, “Eat up. you don’t want to obe hungry while we swim.”He said as he inished up his food, looking over at her.Looking so unlike his old self, soft and not drunk, he was years younger then he used to be.

Jace grinned as he held her against him, treading water as he pressed a kiss to her head.”I can turn down a challenge.”He said pouting a little as he kissed her slowly before sighing.”I was thinking in a week or two. There’s no need for a big party or anything, just us norah haymitch willa, and the mellarks, even if they haven’t gotten married yet.”He said grinning a little because no matter where they were in 13, despite not being married somehow the couples had become the mellarks and masons, though somehow haymitch had avoided being included into a family just yet. Though probably because he hadn’t proposed yet and everyone knew it was only a matter of time before peeta proposed.
Peeta smiled at the though, thinking about owning a house that Ryan could grow up in. That they could be a family in... He bundled the sleeping boy up and thought for a moment... "Let's take him to the nursery... Have a little alone time?" He grinned a bit and leaned across the table to give her a soft, warm kiss. "Sound nice?" he whispered against her lips.

Willa nodded and did as she was told, eating her fruit and drinking her milk. Once she ate most of it, she started to bounce in her seat with anticipation, ready for him to be finished. Her eyes looked around the room, noting all the families. Lots of fathers or mothers with their children. Willa may not have been raised around many children, but since she had been brought to 13, the smart three-year-old had picked up on things, especially what a Daddy was, which had been a mystery to her until now. "Are you my Daddy?" she asked, stumbling over the words a little in her child-like voice. She looked over serious as she sat in her chair, watching him finish breakfast.

Scarlet smiled and wrapped her arms around him, leaning into his slick, toned chest. "I'd like that," she admitted, smiling against his skin. Looking up at him, she kissed him softly on the lips and ran her fingers through his hair. "You sure you want to marry me?" she teased, "I'm alot of trouble." Arching her eyebrow, she let her legs wrap around his waist, and then she leaned her upper body back to float on the water, stretched out before him.
Sienna laughed softly kissing him back.”We don’t get nearly enough time alone.”She teased before nodding, stepping back from the table as she stood, heading down to the nursery with peeta, making sure the baby was safely tucked into bed and sleeping peacefully before pulling peeta out, wrapping her arms around him as she leaned up to kiss him slowly, leaning against him.”I’ve missed you.”She muttered nuzzling him a little before grinning impishly, for once tossing their worries aside, and remembering, that she was sixteen. Grinning as she slipped her hand into his, tugging him down the hall “Come on.”she said looking around them before grinning heading for the quiet rose garden that no one really came to. Twisting to look up at him, she kissed him slowly.”I love you.”She muttered nuzzling him softly.

Haymitch looked startled a little before looking down at her, nearly choking on his food. Well.He should have thought about that, once norah’d started questioning him, he should have assumed Willa would. Looking thoughtful before smiling, “Would you like me to be?I would like to be.”He said kissing her forehead as wrapped his arm around her shoulders,holding her against him.Wishing norah was there, he was just not good with talks like this.

Jace grinned kissing her,”Of course I want to marry you. You’re not nearly as much trouble as sienna, or norah. At least you let me drink, and take care of yourself. And you take care of me. I think I can live with you being a bitch.”He teased her, hands cupping her ass as he leaned down to kiss her stomach, teasing her before grinning.”We better be going. We have a meeting to attend remember?And we still have to eat."
Peeta pulled them into the garden room, locking the door behind them. He turned around and rest his back against the door, kissing her back with a soft, gentle touch. "I love you too," he whispered, "More than anything." He smirked and picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and holding her close. Looking up at her, it was brought to his attention exactly how young she was. He had just recently turned 18 (even if he felt 35) and knew that she not only felt young, but vunerable. It was his job to get better and take care of her. "And I've missed you too. Trust me."

Willa looked a little confused, then lit up at the idea of having a daddy. Not to mention, she had become attatched to him. He took her places, and took care of her. In her mind, he was already her Daddy, and she loved him. "Yes," she said, nodding a little. And with that, she wrapped her little arms around him from the side and buried her face in his shirt. "I love you, Daddy," she murmured, not realizing the effect she was having on the man. That his old exterior was melting for her and her mother. "Swim now?" she asked, bouncing a little.

Scarlet bit her lip and moaned a little, a smirk spreading across her face. She sat back up and kissed his jaw line. "Good," she laughed, shaking her head. "Then let's get married... I think it's about time I had your last name." Sighing, she leaned into him, lresting her head on his shoulder. "Come on, Jace," she said. "The meeting isn't for a couple hours, and Haymitch is bringing Willa down to swim soon. Let's stay a while, okay? Just for a little bit."
“Even ryan?”She teased moaning softly as she was picked up, wrapping her legs tighter around him,sighing softly in pleasure as she felt him haren against her, reacting like any 18 year old to his lover, even if most days they both felt so much older. Grinning slightly as she studied the man holding her, she tilted her head a little. Despite having been back together for nearly a month, they just hadn’t really had the peace and quiet together to actually have sex, except that first time he attacked her. So it was nice to have snuck away to do it,but it made her feel vulnerable to, as if even if she felt older, she was still 16 with all the pitfalls that came with it, feeling older but less sure of herself because of it.”We need to take jace up on his offer of babysitting. We need a break sometime.”She muttered tugging off his shirt, looking amused as she slid her hands over bare skin.

Haymitch smiled a little, looking down at her, hugging her back as he pressed a kiss to her hair. Well damn. It looked like he was going to have to tell norah he was daddy. Looking amused he stood, picking the girl up with him.”Come on then.We’ll go find mushy and scar.”He said grinning as he headed down to the pool. He was so not letting jace get his real name, it was just to amusing to see jace look at a loss of what to do with mushy. Helping the girl change into her swimsuit and changing into a pair of trunks himself he smiled as he helped her into her floaties.”Go on.”He said as he pushed open the pool door to let her inside.

Jace sighed softly tilting her head to the side, shivering a little.”Hmm so it.”He said laughing quietly looking amused. Grinning as he nudged scarlet nodding towards the door.”Has he admitted he’s daddy yet?”He said snickering slightly at the sight of the older man and little girl, way to amused at the sight of haymitch abernathy in a pair of swim trunks and helping willa into floaties. It was just so....out of his usual mood, that it was funny.
"I love Ryan too," Peeta said, smirking. Pulling her down for a kiss, he started to walk toward the bed, letting her lay down before crawling up beside her. Of course, he's rather be on top of her, but he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. He chuckled a little and nodded. "Yes, I think we need to leave Ryan with Scarlet and Jace soon. They seem intent on babysitting." He smiled and leaned down to kiss her neck softly, her hand going up to rest on her stomach, pushing her shirt aside to feel her soft skin.

Willa waddled a little, her arms pushed out from the floaties. She grinned happily at the sight of the other couple. "Scar! Mushy!" she squealed, and Scarlet started laughing with amusement. Swimming to the edge of the pool, she held her arms out for the toddler. "Hey, Sweetheart!" The little girl jumped in her arms, no fear of th water at all, and giggled when she felt the water on her legs. Scarlet held her close and looked up at Haymitch. "Where's Norah this morning?"
“I think Jace wants to practice.”Sienna said laughing softly, shivering as he kissed her neck, turning on her side as she stroked her hands over his skin, lowering her head she nuzzled his skin smiling a little as she slung a leg over his hips, pulling him closer to her, sighing softly at the feel of him hard and long against her thigh.”Definately need more time to ourselves.”She muttered sliding her hands over his chest, just enjoying touching him again. It felt so good. “So. We have a few hours to ourselves. How do you think we should spend them?”She said teasing him as much as she was herself, absently fiddling with the button on his jeans.

"Hey willa. You having fun?"Jace grinned looking amused and slightly thoughtful. Wondering how to get his own name, but since everyone’d started calling him mushy, he guessed it was good enough. Grinning as he tickled the girl for a moment before looking at haymitch getting in the pool to. It was so weird to know how different he was now. “She had a meeting with Coin before ours.”He said shrugging a little, tilting his head.”No sienna or peeta?”He asked looking amused, having almost expected them to come down and swim. They didn’t have pools or anything in 12, so since they’d discovered the pools here, Sienna’d taken to it like a fish to water.
Peeta chuckled a little and nodded. "Yes, I think he does," he murmured, looking down at her leg as it slung over his hip. Smirking, he put his large hand on her thigh and pulled her forward until they were pressed together, his erection very obvious. "I can think of a few things... What about you?" he teased, leaning into kiss her neck softly, nibbling the soft skin. He reached down and started to ease he shirt up and over her head before tossing it to the side. Letting out a sigh and the soft, exposed skin, he looked up at her with lust.

Willa giggled and nodded, and Scarlet helped the girl "swim" around the pull. As the boys talked, Scarlet started to teach Willa how to float a little, then ho to hold her breath under water by pinching her nose.

"They needed some alone time," Scarlet murmured, winking over at them. "Come on. They are young and in love and they are just now getting comfortable around eachother again. Of course they will take advantage of a few hours of down time." She bounced Willa on her hip as the little toddler splashed in the water, happy as can be.
Peeta sighed softly shivering as he pulled her closer, swallowing hard as she squirmed against him a little.”Hmm I think I could think of something to do.”She said her own blue eyes clouded with lust as she smirked. Squirming down his body, kissing her way down his chest, grinning up at him as she undid his jeans, and before he could say anything, sighed softly as she slid her mouth down over him, swallowing around him. Having missed this, losing herself in knowing she was giving him pleasure.

Jace snickered looking amused.”True.” “And aren’t you two two people young and in love?”Haymitch teased a little before snagging willa, turning a circle in the water, grinning as the girl giggled at the waves it made. Jace snickered wrwapping hsi arms around scarlet smirking a little.”I don’t think we’re the only ones in love. Wonder if he’s daddy yet.”Jace said snickering, because he’d heard one of haymitch’s talks about not being daddy,even if he was acting like daddy.
Peeta gasped, leaning back against the pillows as his eyes went wide with a mixture of surprise and pleasure. He swallowed and reached down to stroke her hair, his stomach tensing a little at the feeling of her hot, wet mouth around him. "Oh... Sienna...." He shuddered and closed his eyes, trying hard not to cum to soon. Wanting this to last.

Scarlet laughed, watching Haymitch twirl the little girl in the water. Willa giggled and squirmed, happy to be playing in the water. "We are in love," Scarlet said, wrapping her around around Jace as she watched the other two. "That's why we've decided to go ahead and have a wedding next week." She smiled happily and leaned up to kiss her fiance's cheek softly, nodding to what he said. Oh yes, Haymitch had the glow of someone not only in love, but someone happy to be needed and cared for by both Norah and Willa.
Sienna purred a little aroud him, rolling her eyes up to look at him, smiling around him as she licked and played with him before smirking slightly as she raised her head.”Good?”She teased leaning down to kiss him gently, moaning to straddle his waist, hands resting on his chest as she hovered over him,looking so pleased that she’d managed to please him that much, but like him, not wanting it to end just yet.

“what?”Haymitch twisted, nearly dropping the girl in his hands before grinning.”well. Finally.”he said snickering beore tossing sienna up in the air a little, before cathcing her.”You hear that?Uncle mushy’s getting married. Maybe they’d let you be a flower girl if you asked nicely.”He teased a little setting her down in the water to let her swim over to them and ask.Jace smirked a little kissing scarlet’s shoulder, looking amused.”I think I’d like that. You’d be a good flower girl. Do you like flowers?”He asked looking at the child seriously.
Peeta moaned and nodded, putting his hands on her hips. Kissing her back, he leaned forward and undressed her fully, pulling her jeans off, then her bra and panties. He caressed her naked, smooth, youthful boy and looked up at her with lust and love. "God, you're so beautiful, Sienna..." He leaned up and kissed her between her breasts, his hand going between her legs. His fingers dances along the soft lips of her pussy, and he got even harder against her thigh.

Willa looked a little funny swimming, her floaties taking over mostly. The toddler kicked her legs around under water and giggled, looking up at Jace and Scarlet. "Please?" she begged, nodding happily to liking flowers. Scarlet smirked and leaned down to pick her up, kissing her cheek. "Of course you can be our flower girl. You will be great at it!" She winke over at Jace, then sat her back down in the water. Willa grinned and paddled back over to Haymitch. "They said yes!" she told him, as if he couldn't hear Scarlet himself.

Scarlet giggled and leaned back into Jace, her eyebrow arching at Haymitch. "You seem awfully happy, Haymitch. I wonder why..." she teashed.
Sienna moaned softly as he touched her, the same mixture of lust and love showing in her fae as she looked down at him, smirking as she helped him out of the rest of his clothes, before sighing as she roked a little into his hand, trembling a little.”I think you mean skinny. A small.”She whined a little shivering as he pressed his lips to her skin, feeling....less then beautiful with how pale and skinny she was. Shifting she whined, wanting more.”Peeta!”She whined squirming as she rocked against his hand, so long denied that she was already so close to coming she was trembling with it.

Jace grinned nodding amused as she swam back to haymitch.”Well, I knew they would. They couldn’t find a better flower girl.”Haymitch said seriously, grinning as he picked her up, giving her a smacking kiss on his forehead before leaning back to give scarlet a look.”You’re awfully happy to.”He pointed out swallowing hard as he tried to keep from blushing.
Peeta looked up at her, his eyebrows creasing with hurt. He had no idea why she didn't think she was beautiful. Yes, she was skinny and small, but she was beautiful. And it only showed she had been through alot, like himself, but she was working through it. "Don't say that," he said, softly, remembering she was young and she needed reassurance sometimes. "You are the most beautiful thing in the world to me, okay? Don't forget that." He smiled at her and movedhis hand from between her legs, putting his hands on her lips and guiding her to his member.

Scarlet smirked and nodded. "I am," she whispered, looked up at Jace and giving him a wink. "You know, Haymitch, Jace and I would love to babysit tonight if you want to have an evening with Norah..." She raised her eyebrow and gave him an all knowing smirk. It was a little obvious that Norah and Haymitch rarely got time to themselves, for they were both always busy and then there was Willa. "I think you should do something for her. After all, she's been stressed out as ever."
Seinna smiled at job sighing as she looked down at her, “Don’t give me that look.”She muttered pouting a little as he looked hurt, looking upset at the idea she’d maaged to hurt his feelings.SMiling a little as she ran her hand over him squeezing every so softly aroud him kissing him slowly.”I love you.”She mttered blushing a little at his words.

haymitch looked startled at the offer before smiling.”Thanks.I’d like that.”he sid looking interested in the offer looking amused at jace, amused because they were so excited about babysitting. “I’ll do something.’he said blushing ever softly before looking at willa.”You ready to go find mommy?”He asked smiling down at her.
Peeta moaned as she squeezed him, his hands squeezing her lips. "Then don't pretend you aren't gorgeous," he whispered, "You're insulting my taste." She grinned and leaned up kissed her softly, bucking his hips a little. "I love you too," he murmured back, then started to ease her down on his member, but not pushing her too far. "You ready?"

Willa nodded, her little red curls boucing. Scarlet seemed satisfied, swimming over to put a kiss on the little girls cheek. "You, me, and Uncle Mushy are going to have so much fun tonight. We could watch a movie and eat popcorn if you would like." She smiled as Willa's eyes lit up, looking over her shoulder at Jace to give him a wink.

Norah had just arrived at her room, sighing with frustration. Coin was always needing her for different things, and it was starting to get tiresome. She walked over and poured herself a glass of wine, sitting on the sofa and looked up at the clock, hoping to see Haymitch soon. Night time seemed to be the only time that was not full of stress, and even they were somtimes interupted... She sipped her wine and kicked her heels off, running a hand through her long red hair. Sometimes it didn't even feel like she was only in her early twenties.
Sienna blushed at that, swallowing hard as she kissed him back, tears misting her eyes as she realized he did indeed find her beautiful. Swallowing she smiled kissing him back, sighing softly as she nodded, easing down onto him, enjoing being on top, a soft loving look on her face as she eased further down onto him, hands resting on his chest for balance as she sighed closing her eyes, pleasure showing on her face, so lost in the pleasure of being with him again she didn’t even notice as she rocked her hips into his.

Haymitch laughed a little looking amused as he nodded.”You’ll have to think about what movie you want to watch.And you can tell them about your fishy.”Haymitch said climbing out of the pool, wrapping her up in a towel and heading for the rooms, smiling as he listened to her talking about her fish and the movies she wanted to watch.”Hey norah.”He muttered walking into the room, smiling ever so gently, that soft loving look that belonged to only her and willa.

Jace grinned as he watched the two go smirking as he clibed up out of the pool, starting to dry off.”Don’t encourage her. It’s bad enough Haymitch calls me mushy.”He muttered pouting a little even if he really didn’t mind it as much as he pretended, not wanting to go to their meeting, but knowing they had to.
Peeta moaned as she finally slid down, closing his eyes for a second. He smirked as he felt her hips start to rock, and he placed his hands on her hips. He started to guide her up and down, up and down... He looked up at her with lust filled eyes. "Oh... Oh, Sienna," he groaned, looking up at her body moving against his, her breasts bouncing with each thrust. He reached up to cup them, massaging them softly.

Norah looked up at them, and smiled softly. "Well, there's the two people I wanted to see," she murmured, putting her wine to the side and standing up. She leaned up on her tip toes (since she didn't have her heels on) and kissed him on the lips lovingly, making Willa giggle between them. Norah laughed and turned to look at her daughter, taking her into her arms and hugging her. "Hey, there Sweetheart," she murmured, "Did you have fun?" Willa nodded and rested her head on her mother's shoulder, looking a little spent from her busy morning. "Yes. Daddy and me swim..." Norah's eyes went wide at the sound of the word "daddy", and she looked up at Haymitch with shock. And then, her eyes filled with tears. She smiled up at him, her heart aching with happiness, and she leaned down to kiss Willa's head. "That sounds fun," she whispered, then settled Willa on her little bed in the smaller, attatched room for a nap after changing her into dry clothes... When Norah came back, she grinned at him. "Daddy, huh?"

Scarlet laughed and rolled her eyes, getting out of the pull. She wrapped a towel around herself and nodded toward the stairs. "Oh, it's cute," she argued, "Now, let's go to breakfast, okay? I'm starrrrved." She grinned and leaned up to kiss him before grabbing his hand and headed toward the dining hall.
She shivered as he cupped her breasts, moaning softly at the touched,”peeta...”She moaned softly eyes widening as she gasped, herorgasm catching her by surprise as she trembled in his arms, holdin onto him tightly as she trembled in his arms. So overwhelmed by what she was feeling she couldn’t help the tears that filled her eyes.

Haymitch smiled a little leaning down to kiss her as she walked over, looking amused as norah tok willa from him.”Come on sweetheart, yu need to chane so you can nap before you go see mushy and scar tonight.”She said smiling a little as he helped her change before tucking her into bed with norah before blushing a little when his lover came back, wrapping his arms around her.”Yea, well, se asked me...”He said blushing because he was embarassed by having drug his feet on deciding what the girl should call him. Looking amused as he looked down at her.”Good?”he smiled looking slightly nervous, as i despite her wanting it, was afraid of what she’d think about him being daddy.

Jace smiled a little before noding.”I guess..”He said snickeringg as he nodded,”Me to.”he said holding scarlet’s hand as he let her pull him upstairs, smiling as they started to eat, looking so happy at the idea of getting maried, and of getting to spend a evening with willa and scarlet a perfect evening in his opinion.
It didn't take Peeta long to follow once he felt her spasm around him. His grip on her hips tightened, and she bucked deep inside her, throwing his head back with a deep groam. He came hard, spilling his seed within her... "Sienna..." he whispered, pulling her into his chest and holdering as she cried, stroking her hair and panting through his own after shock. "Sienna, you okay?" He rubbed her back, leaning down to kiss her temple.

Norah reached up to wipe away a tear, nodding as she leaned into his arms. She was so happy, and so shocked... "Of course," she whispered, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "You are amazing with Willa... I couldn't imagine any one else as her father." She leaned up to kiss him softly, hugging him close. God, there was weight that was lifted off her shoulders. They might just have a normal life ahead of them... "I love you," she whispered in his ear, up on her tip toes as she embraced him, for once looking as young as she really was. Just a vulnerable, young single mother who wanted a happy life for her and her daughter...
Sienna trembled cying ever so softly, sighing as she sniffled, cddling against his chest before sighing, rubbing her eyes dry.”I’m fine...just...feeling to much.”She muttered blushing brighly, embarassed that she’d felt so much, so in love with him so glad to be with him it’d reduced her to tears. sighing softly as she cuddled against his chest before sighing softly.”I don’t want to get up.”She muttered getting comfortable in his arms, content to stay right where she was.

Haymith smiled, alost shyly as he looked down at her, smiling a little as he consider what she’d said, nuzzling her hand little.”well good,cause no one else is going to get the priviledge.”he uttered wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly as he kissed her a little. Smiling at the sight of how young she looked, nuzzling her a ltitle, kissing her forehead.”What did coin what?”She asked sounding worried about what the president could want from them now.
Peeta smiled and nodded, holding her gently as he stroked her hair and back. He kissed her temple, and nodded. "I know what you mean," he whispered, shifting to his side and pulling out of her. "Then stay... We've got a while." He nuzzled her hair and closed her eyes, but stayed awake. He just wanted to hold her and know she was there with him, just wanted to enjoy her presence.

Norah shrugged. "The usual," she murmured, "She's working on a few attack techniques. Asked my imput." She sighed and pulled him down to the sofa, sitting beside him and draping her legs over his lap. She smiled at him and reached over to tuck his hair behind his ear. "I didn't know Scarlet and Jace were babysitting tonight," she murmured, biting her lip. He obviously had something planned, or was going to plan something, but she didn't want to ruin it. "Willa will have fun. Those to are itching for a kid, aren't they?" She smirked and leaned her head on his shoulder, content at the moment. "Did she behave today? Any trouble?"
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