Death within Love

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Scarlet looked at him, tilting her head to the side as she tried to figure out if he was serious. If so, he was insane. "You're kidding, right?" she laughed, rolling her eyes. "Jace Masons, you are full of shit, you know that?" She leaned down and kissed him back, running her fingers over his soft, shaven face and through his freshly washed and trimmed hair. Looking in the mirror at him, she smiled. "Now, did I do a decent job? I used to cut my brothers' hair alot back home." She shrugged and moved to the closet, grabbing him some casual clothes to put on so that she could get him out a little bit, wanting him to see his new surroundings.

Peeta nodded, still looked bitter, but he seemed to be calm. He gripped the arms of the chair so tight, his knuckles aches, and he couldn't make himself look at her. Deep in thought, he stared at his lap. She was different than he remembered, looking frail and lost and broken down. He wondered if he did that to her, or it was an act. Either way, his chest tightened at the thought. "Well... If you're really my Sienna, then tell me something only she would know." His eyes finally rolled up to look at her, daring her. Mutts didn't have memories, did they?

Norah bit her lip, tears pouring down her face as he looked up at her. She trusted him, but she was still scared, her breathing ragged and rapid. Nodding, she leaned into him and pressed her face into his chest. "Please promise me we will get her back," she begged, desperate for comfort. "Please..." Standing, she wiped her eyes and started to head over to her room with him. "Let me get clothes on and we wil; leave. There is no way you are not taking me with you..."
Jace smirked, snickering as he leaned his face into her hand, turning his head to press a kiss to her fingers."I am kidding. I might pass out if I tried."He said snickering harder, the laughter making bruised ribs hurt ,but dammit it was amusing."I am?I thought I was amusing."he said pouting a little before looking at himself in the mirror before nodding, "It's good enough. Not horrible."He said grinning as he let the other help him dress, sighing softly leaning against her a little."So, how about you show me around here?"He asked curious about the place they were, having been so out of it, he hadn't really seen it when they'd come in.

Sienna relaxed a little when he didn't move closer to her, leaning back against the pillows as she reached up, gently rubbing at the throbbing shoulder, wishing she'd given in and let the drug her, but even in pain, she'd wanted to be clear headed and okay because she knew ryan would need milk eventually, and she needed to be able to help one of her boys. Meeting his eyes for a moment befre she looked down, chewing on her lip as she thought."The first time we made love was in the training center in our bedroom,s because I was scared to be by myself. You wouldn't leave me alone even when I told you to go, after I burned my legs. I told you my father used to grope me when I was at home, and you promised I'd never have to worry about it again.And you love katniss everdeen still."She said eyes flickering up to his face before looking down again, looking so sad and lost, because she had no idea how to reach her peeta.and because seeing prim had reminded her that hed loved katniss so much more, for longer than theyd had each other.

"I promise.I'll get her back."He muttered pressing a kiss to her hair before carrying her to her room,helping her dress before sighing softly as she dressed. Swallowing hard, willing the anxiousness to not eat him alive, canneling the feelings into anger as he slipped his hand into hers, leading them to coin's office. Lnocking on the door lightly before pushing it open. Ignoring the general coin was talking to, loking at coin."We need to talk."
Scarlet nodded and put an arm around his waist, letting him lean on her as the left the room and started to walk down the hall. She took him through the most populated areas, then eventually made it to the rose garden on the top level where light could get to it. It was empty, thankfully, and she took him over to a bench right beside a pretty fountain. Curling up beside him, she leaned against his shoulder. "I love you... And you are amusing," she murmured, then looked up at him. "This is the place I'd always hide after seeing one of those tapes... It calmed me down, which was nice, because before you were captured, I thought you were the only thing that could calm me down and hold me back from being too big of a bitch." She smirked a bit at that, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

Peeta watched her, tears welling in his blue eyes as he looked away from her. He clenched his jaw, his heart aching at her words and her tears. "I love Katniss because she saved me life," she murmured, "She saved my life, and in turn, brought me to..." He didn't know if he should say "Sienna" or "You", making him go quiet. Reaching up, he started to wipe at his eyes, showing that saddened emotion he was trying to hide. "I'm so confused and scared... Part of me wants you to be Sienna, but I just can't... My memories feel too real to not believe." He swallowed and looked up to her, beaten and broken down. "If you're not Sienna, than you are cruel... Cruel to play with my emotions like this."

Norah leaned into him, looking helpess compared to her usual controlled presence. Coin raised her eyebrows at Norah's tears. "Fine," she said, waving off the general. "What is it?" Norah bit her lip, unable to stay quiet. "Snow has Willa," she murmured, panic in her voice. "You have to let us go get her..." Coin frowned, not happy about the child being taken from her mother, but not thrilled with the idea of sending anyone back into the Capitol. Her eyes found Haymitch's, staring past his sarcastic, demanding look. "You may go... Norah will stay. I can't afford to both of my best advisors into harm's way."

Norah shook her head, looking up at Haymitch with frantic, panic filled eyes. "No! You can't go alone. You have to let me go with you..."
Jace smiled a little, relaxing but growing tired as they took the long walk. Sighing relieved as they sat down, he smiled pressing a kiss to her hair."I am.I'm glad you see my true talents in life."He said laughing a little, nuzzling her a little with a smile, "Good. I'm glad you had something.And you made friends. Friend.despite being a bitch."He teased kissing her a little, glad she'd found someone to bond with that wasn't him.She needed moreo then one person to be able to talk to.

Sienna whimpered in distress at his tears, moving to sit up, wincing as she did, the movement making her whole chest ache as it jarred mending bones, letting out a soft pained sound as she leaned back again, resisting the urge to struggle against her restraints to get to him. Wanting nothing more then to hold him,even if she knew he'd hurt her for getting close. Looking startled at his words, a small sad smile curling her lips. "And you saved mine."She muttered closing her eyes again, she just couldn't do this. It hurt to much. She just wanted her peeta back, wanted the scarred proud man he was. "Sometimes the things that feel the most real, are the ones that are fake."She said sighing quietly, wincing a little at the words, even if he hadn't meant them to be cruel, it hurt to hear him deny again who she was. Frowning a little, "Where's ryan?"She said sounding panicked, this was the longest she'd ever gone without seeing him, and now that she was thinking again, to avoid confrtoning what she was feeling about peeta she was panicking at her missing son

Haymitch frowned at that, studying the two woman, anger in his eyes as he nodded a lttle."I'll go. And if she wants to, I will be taking scarlet with me."He said, because he trusted the woman at his back, and he didn't trust coin or her men. Somehow, snow's men had gotten in here, which meant he wasn't going to be trusting anyone except their victors and norah."Norah, it'll be okay. you'll be worse then useless on the trip. You'll be to worried. Like we told sienna, snow wants you to much."
Scarlet laughed a little as shook her head, before standing in front of him. "Yes, I can actually make a friend," she murmured, who knew. Laughing she kissed his forehead, the stood up. "But... I have to tell you something." She bit her lip, happiness spreading across her face like it never had before. Lifting the loose fit sweater up and over her stomach, she revealed a small curve that was definitely not there before. Leaning down, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach, hoping he would catch on.

Peeta watched her, wincing a little as her pained whimpers. He waited a moment, trying to decide if it was safe to reveal his son's location. Eventually, a part of him gave in. "The nursery," he murmured, "He ran out of the milk you left for him, so the nurse found him an alternative..." He reached up and pushed his hand through his hair, frustration and aguish coloring his face. All of this was too much... Too much to grasp or believe. "I have to go... The doctor doesn't want me spending too much time around you at once." He stood and walked to the door, turning right before he left. "Even if that is really you," he murmured, "I can't promise I'll be the same person anymore." And with that, he frowned and shut the door behind him, heading toward the dining hall to get something to eat before he was able to see Ryan again. To his displeasure, he was flanked by to guards the whole time.

Norah had tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at him. "Just... Please, Haymitch, be careful... I need you both back home," she pleaded, now that they were alone in the hall way. Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed her face to his chest. "I... I love you," she whispered, then looked up at him nervously with puffy eyes. "And I need you... You and my little girl, okay?"
Jace frowned looking t her, frwning a little because it was to weird that he couldn't even think about what she was trying to tell him,before a small shy grin curled his lips."Oh hell. Norah's going to kll me."he said laughing softly, because norah had told him to not do anything stupid, an dgetting her pregnant during the games was a litte to much.

"Oh..okay..."She said softly, calming as she rubbed her shoulder, leaning back on the pillows as she shifted wanting to go to sleep.Looking sad as she realized he was leaving before nodding."Take care of Ryan, the doc wont let me see him until Im heal."she muttered watching him go, because it hurt to think about what peeta was going through, and that she had no idea how to help him best.

"I promise,I'll be fine.Scarlet wont let me get my ass hurt."He muttered holding her gently, wrapping his arms around her as he pressed a kiss to her head."Come on. we'll go find scarlet, then we'll see about getting us to capitol.I promise. I'll get her back."He muttered stroking her hair
Scarlet laughed a little holding his hand on her barely curved stomach. She bit her lip and tilted her head to the side, her eyes a little misty from happiness. "What are you thinking, hm?" she whispered, reached down with her other hand to stroke his cheek. "Are you... Are you happy? About being a dad?" Her hands were shaking, more nervous than ever before. Nervous about him accepting the situation.

Peeta had dinner, then went back to his room, smiling happily when a nurse brought in Ryan. The boy was fussy this evening, but he calmed down in Peeta's arms. Holding him close, he rocked his son and kissed him on the head, his mind running circles around itself as he debated what was real and not real. He sighed, looking at the door... Maybe he could test her a little further, and see how she acted with Ryan... The Sienna he knew would be crazy about their son... Moving across the hall with a doctor's permission, he went back inside her darkened room and showed her the sleeping baby in his arms. "I figured you could see him for a minutes," he murmured, "The doctors said no breast feeding because of the medicine your on.." He hesitantly handed her Ryan, then went to sit in the chair across to room. His eyes watched her carefully, silently telling her that if she looked like she was going to hurt Ryan, he would not hesitate to intervene.

Feeling a slight sting when he didn't tell her he loved her back, Norah bit her lip. She leaned into him, wiping her tears on his shirt. "Okay," she whispered, then stepped away from him. "Hurry... I can't imagine how scared Willa is right now." Tears still streamed down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around herself, so scared and helpless...
Jace smiled at her, moving to sit on the ground, pulling her closer to the edge of the bench so he could rest hsi head on the curve of er stomach."I am."he muttered grinning at her."I' mthink me and peeta are gong have have to have a talk about how to be a dad."He muttered looking nervous about being a dad again.

Sienna looked nervous at the sight of her boys,but perking up at the sight of her happy son. So glad to see him, and realize that hwas okay. Even though peeta had reassured her he was okay, she'd needed to see him to be reassured. Looking at him as he handed her the child he shifted a little, gently stroking ryan's wisps of blond haid as she rested him back on her upraised knees, looking at him."I hate not being able to take care of him...but it'd be bad if I dropped him r something..."She muttered laughing softly as ryan went back to his favorite game of making mommy laugh, grabbing fistfuls of blond hair and playing with it.He loved the feel of hair in hia hands and both sienna and scarlet had found themselves suffering for it, but he was so happy with his game you really couldnt get mad at him

HAymitch swallowed hard nodding as he kissed her head again,nudging her a little."Come on, lets go find jace and scarlet."He said frowning when they weren't in their rooms before remembering she'd been spending time in the gardens, heading for the upper levels.
Scarlet laughed a little, running her hand through his hair. "You will be a great dad," she murmured, jumping a little at the sound of the door opening. Scarlet raised an eyebrow, wondering what on earth would bring Norah and Haymitch up here. She knew they were having some sort of fling -you could tell by how they looked at eachother- but they seemed discreet about it. Seeing them together like this was a little odd. "Is everything okay?" she murmured, noticing Norah's tears. Norah shook her head, swallowing back her sobs. "Willa has been taken to the Capitol," she murmured, looking up at Haymitch. "Coin won't let us both go to get her, so we were hoping you'd join Haymitch..."

Scarlet looked over at Norah, obviously concerned, and walked over to give her a hug for comfort. It was odd seeing Norah so upset, for she usually was the uptight, no funny business one. "Of course, I will," she murmured, then looked over the smaller woman's shoulder to lock eyes with Haymitch. "We should take a helicopter. Go in front the roof... Plus, we won't be able to do alot of traveling on foot with a toddler. We need to be quick."

Peeta nodded, looking over at Sienna and Ryan. He looked sad and confused, begging his memory to let him know if she was telling the truth, or if this was some sort of cruel act. "He's being well taken care of," he murmured quietly, "I don't let him leave my sight unless he's going down to the nursery..." He frowned, his eyes locking with her's, then looking down at Ryan. The baby seemed perfectly content with her, just like a child should be with a mother... "He's such a happy baby despite his surroundings..."
Jace smiled a little, looking amused."I'm not so sure about that, but it'll be interesting either way."Jace said jumping nearly sky high before he realized that it was just haymitch and norah, sighing softly as he sat down on the bench again, looking up at that two. Looking...confused at the change he could sense between the two,but not knowing how to ask what the hell was going on. Haymitch relaxed, realizing that she would come with him, nodding a little."Thanks."He said smiling slightly because it was such a relief to have her going with him instead of some of coin's men.That would have just been a mess. "I already told coin to have the chopper ready by the time we came up and got you."He said looking at norah, pulling her away from scarlet and wrapping his arms around her, "Why don't you help jace back to his rooms?We'll leave from here since we're almost already on the roof."he said hoping that if she worried over jace, she wouldn't worry over them.Foolish to hope so,but he still did so.

Sienna looked sad, but nodding.It hurt that her son was better-well at least thats how she heard his words, not what he'd said-taken care of by someone else then her. To wounded and pained to realize that he hadn't meant that she was doing a horrible job raising their son, just that he was being well taken care of while she was hurt.Or that despite being with her, ryan was happy. She knew mentally that peeta didn't mean the words like that,but peeta mattered to her, and he was the only person that could injure her with words alone, even if she was reading the words in a way he didn't mean them"He is. He reminds me of you."She said shyly smiling at him for a moment before breaking eye contact, yelping a little as ryan pulled her hair, but instead of anger, she laughed."Come on sweetheart, time to let go of mommy.Mommy's already hurt enough baby, no more hair pulling."She muttered whining softly as she realized she was having problems holding the baby still and untangling her hair with only one good arm.
Norah leaned into him, nodding and biting her lips. She reached up and cupped his face between her hands and pulled him down for a soft kiss. "Be careful," she whispered, making herself let him go. She didn't want to, but she knew that her daughter was scared, and the only way to save her was to trust Haymitch to do it without her. "Hurry," she murmured, "I've got Jace."

Scarlet notted and went over to Jace, kissing his forehead. "I'll be back before dawn, okay?" she murmured, "Don't over do anything while I'm gone..." She smiled and stroked his cheek for a second before dashing off to the chopper with Haymitch, completely set on saving this little girl. How desperate was Snow getting if he had to hold an innocent three year old hostage?

Peeta watched her struggle, and he finally sighed and stood up to help. Smiling down at Ryan, just inches away from Sienna, he leaned down and started to untangle her blond hair from his little fingers. "Hey, now, buddy..." he murmured, "We have to be careful, okay? You can't hurt Mommy even more than she already is." Finally, he managed to get Ryan free from Sienna's hair, lifting him up and into his strong arms. The baby cooed a little, obviously content with being in both of his parents' presence. Looking down at her, Peeta sighed. "Give me time, alright?" he murmured, not saying that he did not believe it was her, but not saying other wise. He just needed time to adjust and get back in his own mind. With that, he started to rock Ryan, smiling down at him.
"I'm always careful. You know that."Haymith muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead as he headed for the door, needing to go before he demanded that she go with him. Jae grinned a little looking up at her,"Inever do anything when your not here."He muttered before watching her go, wondering just what they were going to face.

When they arrived at the captiol Haymitch sighed in relief. It might be the middle of the night at home, but here night had just started to fall, which would give them hours to search for the girl. Looking over at scarlet as they slipped silently through the streets,"Where to look first?"He muttered because he was to emotionally involved to figure out where they needed to look, to worried about what willa was going through, is that he couldn't think straight.

Sienna tensed a little as he neared before laughing softly as he helped her untangle her hair, looking up at him with a amused smile as the baby cooed. It amused her greatly to see ust how happy the baby was, and how very good peeta was with him."You have all the time you need.I'm not going anywhere."She muttered smiling at him slightly, blushing ever so softly as she watched him with ryan. "Peeta!"Prim bounded into the room, looking startled at the sight of father and son, carrying a tray of food, smiling a little as she walked further into the room."I was just bringing sienna some food."She explained looking between the two, as if trying to figure out who sienna'd be willing to accept help from more. The man she blamed herself for getting hurt, or the girl who's sister she replaced. Not that prim was aware of why she made sienna uncomfortable, just that she did."I can hold ryan if you want to eat to."She offered smiling up at the older man.
Norah nodded and watched him leave, sighing and shaking as she went over to Jace and helped him up, moving down the hall toward his room. She hoped that they could have dinner together to keep her distracted. "How are you feeling?" she murmured, looking up at him and trying to act calmer than she acually felt. She helped him sit down in a chair, then pressed a button on the wall that signaled the kitchen to deliver their food to their room.

Scarlet looked over at him and sighed, noticing how worried and off his game he was. Norah and her daughter must have had an impact on the formerly drunken older man. She looked toward a small piece of land back behind the Presidential manor with a tiny steel building. There were no guards, just empty land around the small box like figure. "She's in there," she murmured, "She has to be... And there are mines around it, I can assure you." She looked up at Haymitch, a little worried about him traveling across the explosive mine field, but then she remembered how incredibly intelligent he was - After all, it was his intelligence that made him a victor - and she nodded toward the building. "Be careful... I'll stand watch." With that she pulled a knife from her belt.

Peeta looked up at Primrose and sighed, hesitantly and reluctantly handing her the baby. "Well... okay," he murmured, sitting in the chair and grabbing a sandwhich off the tray, taking a bite from it and looked over at the two woman. He did not feel as awkward as Sienna probably though he should, for he knew that he never loved Katniss the way he did Sienna. There was nothing to feel awkward about... The only thing that made him uneasy was the fact that he was in the same room with the girl who's sister he could not manage to protect the first time around. "Thank you, Prim," he murmured, "This was nice of you."
Jace smiled a little as he leaned against her a little,"Like I've been in the games for the last two months."He muttered laughing a little as he settled in his chair,closing his eyes tiredly, before looking up at her."Not as bad as peeta's feeling though."He said fishing for information,because since they'd been back everyone had refused to tell him just how bad peeta was, afraid that jace would be even more unstable knowing he hadn't been able to protect his friend.

haymitch sighed a little shaking his head, feeling like a idiot that he hadn't thought of it himself.He was being a idiot. Sighing softly he nodded,"Be careful.You get killed, jace's going to kill me."He muttered moving carefully through the field, watching his feet and the land around him, making sure not to set off anything, knowing that if he was careful he'd be able to walk through them, since each mine had to be at least 4 feet between the slight mounds on hte sand, which meant he had a little room to walk.Swallowing as he reached the door he leaned against it for a moment before walking inside, "Willa?"He asked smiling when he saw the small girl."You ready to go home?"

Primrose smiled a little as she cuddled the small boy who just cooed happily at her, looking between them."Your welcome.Seeing as she was protecting me and got hurt, the least I can do is help her eat."prim said amused as she stood handing peeta back ryan when he was done eating. Sienna watched the two, looking sadly amused, unlike peeta she still hadn't realized just how far peeta felt for her, or how pale his feelings for katniss where when compared to what he felt for her. So, having prim there just made her feel to thin, to weak, to not katniss for him."Out you both.I want to sleep.I'm getting out in the morning, I'll need rest if Im going to have to be up and about tomorrow with ryan."She said, sounding slightly worried because it worried her that she might not be able to take care of ryan even if she wasn't drugged, or hurting to badly.
Norah sighed and waited for the food to come, sitting a tray between them. She stared at the food, her eyes puffy from crying. "Oh, Peeta?" she murmured, looking distracted for a moment. "Oh, he's in the hospital wing... They found tracker jacker venom in his system from Snow trying to alter his memory." She frowned and shook her head. "The poor thing is so lost... It's awful. And Sienna is pretty badly injured from her trip to 12."

Willa peered through the light from the open door, looking up at Haymitch with wide, fearful eyes. It was obvious she had been crying, huddled in a corner and left alone for who knows how long... She sniffed, too scared to move toward him for a moment. It was hard for her to see who it was, and after all the scary men coming and going to check up on her and tell her to be quiet, she was having a hard time trusting him... That was until she recognized his rough, yet smooth voice. "Chirp? Chirp...?" she whispered, reaching up to rub her eyes. Being as young as she was, the one thing that popped in her mind when she though of Haymitch, was him teaching her the sound a bird made. It was her way of making sure it was really him.

Meanwhile, Scarlet stayed outside of the mind field and waited for Haymitch. However, a guard had spotted her, and during his attempt at tackling her to the ground, he set off a mine on the outside of the land, throwing them a few yards away. He did not live, for the explosion forced her knife straight into his stomach, but Scarlet was knocked out and looking battered. It was obvious, just from looking at her, she broke some ribs and other bones in the impact. Willa screamed at the sound of the explosion, huddling in the corner and starting to cry again. She was definitely not going to come to Haymitch until he convinced her who he was.

Peeta looked up at Sienna, his eyebrows creasing together. He nodded after a moment, standing and headed for the door with Ryan. The little boy was getting sleepy, resting his head on his shoulder. "I'll bring him by in the morning," he murmured, nerves in his voice. With that, he left and headed to his room, rocking Ryan until he was asleep and placing him in the little crib in his room before taking his medication and drifting off to sleep, wondering if everything could go back to the way it used to be.
Jace sighed softly, for a moment glad tht she was so upset, because he was finally finding out how his friends were doing. The hating himself for the thought.Shifting he wrapped his arm around her, kissing her forehead."Its okay. Peeta's stronger then he looks."He muttered hoping he was right, otherwise he'd never recover from not being able to help him.

Haymitch smiled at her easily looking pained to see that she was so upset that she hadn't recognized him for a moment. His smile widening a little as he rouched down, sitting back on his heels as he looked at her. Twisting to look at the explosion, looking pained as he realized scarlet was hurt. Before looking at the girl in the room, knowing the only thing that would get them out of here, was to get willa out of here, because he wouldn't be able to leave her there, and scarlet nor norah would forgive him if he tried."Hey sweetheart. Chirp chirp. Not quack.Do you know what cows say?"He muttered looking calm and patient, even if he was feeling neither

Sienna smiled a little as she nodded,"I'll see you in the morning."she said settling down in the bed to sleep. In the morning Sienna was up and moving before almost anyone else was up having badgered the on duty nurse into letting her go early she wandered the halls early in the morning, near dawn, just enjoying the peacefulness. Rearing back as a punch snapped her head to the side, raising a hand to blok the next blow even as she recognized her attacker. Hunching a little onto herself she cried silently as she felt her father's hands gently touching her. For once not fighting, to hurt,to broken to try and fight. Knowing that if she wanted to survive this encounter with her father, she had to just let him do what he wanted. Whimpering softly as she felt her clothes being pulled away, ignoring as she felt his hands no one but peeta had ever touched. Because if she thought about it, she'd cry and fight, and she couldn't. Closing her eyes she let the world black out around her, letting whatever happen, happen.
Norah sighed and nodded. "Yes, he is," she murmured, then put her head in her hands. "Oh, God, Jace... What is they are doing those awful things to Willa?" She sniffed and shook her head. "I hope she is okay... I need her to be okay. She's all I have."

Willa watched him, and a tiny smile spread across the toddlers face as she began to recount their first meeting. She craweled over to him every so slowly. "Moo... Moo..." she whispered softly, scared that she would get in trouble for being too loud again. Once she was close enough to see his face in the darkness, she threw herself into his arms and pressed her tear-stained face into his shoulder. "I want Mommy," the three year old whimpered, holding on to him tightly.

The chopper saw the explosion, and in turn, decided to go ahead and land beside the mine field so they had a fighting chance at escape.

Peeta picked Ryan up from the nursery, smiling down at the well fed, happy boy. He grinned and walked down the hall with Ryan in his arms, pausing at an odd sound. He raised his eyebrows and set Ryan down in his crib before going across the hall to Sienna's room, peaking in just in time to see her father pulling down her panties... Something in Peeta snapped, seeing this man abuse Sienna. It was like reality hit, punching him in the gut, and he moved over to the room and grabbed the older man but the shirt, easily pulling him back and slamming him into the back wall. That's when his temper took over - and his strength- and he proceeded to beat the man blood, fury in his blue eyes. He didn't pull back until the man was unresponsive... Panting, he looked over at Sienna with wide eyes and he swallowed hard. "I... I..." He was lost for words.
Jace wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head as held her close. Even if fit made his aching and healing body hurt, he held her as tight as he could."If they're doing awfully things, haymitch is going to go insane. You know he is. And even if they are, he's going to bring her home, so we can help her. We'll make sure she's okay."He muttered kissing her head.

Haymitch smiled softly."That's right.Moo moo."He muttered smiling wider when he wrapped his arms around her, "I'm going to take you to mommy. We're going home."He muttered standing, wrapping her arms around his neck."Hold on okay, willa?Hold on tight."He muttered wrapping a arm around her thighs,holding her against his chest even as he shifted her so he could still get to the knife he'd been carrying, walking slowly and surely through the mine field, even more careful to not set anything else."Willa?I need you to go with the pilot for a moment okay?I have to get auntie scarlet.See?She's right there.I'll be right back."He said setting her in the seat in the cockpit, reassuring her again before he moved to help the co pilot get scarlet, the two men carrying her bloody and broken body back to the helicopter, taking off as soon as they were settled into the plane, willa sitting in his lap and scarlet laying on a stretcher next to them. Anxious to get home.

Sienna blniked huddling against the back of her bed, looking up at him wide eyed and scared, hugging her knees, the poor girl not even realizing she wasn't wearing any lothes except a bra. Scared of peeta, because she couldn't tell if he was in a tracker jacker moment, couldn't tell if he saw her as a enemy, couldn' abused by her father that she couldn't sort through what she was feeling anymore.Couldn't think. couldn't face the shame of knowing she hadn't been strong enough to stop him. Guilt an pain showing on her face as she looked up at peeta, her cheek resting against her knees, looking so small and broken huddled on her bed."P-peeta?"She stuttered a little, hoping to turn his fury away from her.
Willa huddled in Haymitch's lap, looking over at Scarlet and frowning. She tilted her head back to look at Haymitch, worry in her big green eyes. "Is Auntie Scar gonna be okay?" she murmured, lip quivering a little. She pouted and looked like she was about to cry, happy for being saved but smart enough to know that there was still a lot of things wrong about the situation. "Are gonna stay with me and Mommy?"

Peeta looked up at her, shock and fear in his eyes. He swallowed, staring where she was huddled. His face visibly paled, seeing the fear and shock in her eyes as well. "You're not the monster," he whispered, eyes welling up with tears. He looked at the ceiling and ran his hand through his hair, looking beaten and worn. "I am." He took a few deep breaths and looked back down at her, shaking his head, and then looked back down at her father's bloody body. He reached up and wiped his eyes. "They've turned me into a monster..."
"She's going to be fine."Haymitch said stroking her hair a little, holding her close, even if he had no idea if she would be okay, he needed to think she would.Because it was his fault that she was in the capitol, and he had no idea how he would explain it to jace if he got her killed."I am. Do you want me to?"He asked as eh looked down at her breifly before looking back out the windows as they flew, as if he could protect them if he could just see the enemies coming.Hating feeling helpless.

Sienna swallowed hard as she shifted off the bed, standing slowly, making sure she was steady on her feet looking at him for a moment before walking closer, hesitating for a moment before wrapping a arm around his waist, resting her head on his chest as she wrapped her arm around his neck, gently pulling him down till they were face to face."You're not the monster. he was the monster years before the games destroyed our lives."She muttered biting her lip, resisting the urge to kiss him."You are not the monster. You were hurt. Thats not the same thing."She muttered sounding pained, hating that she had gotten him hurt. Blaming herself for this mess, because she knew snow was punishing him for her being pregnant, so she blamed herself for the mess peeta had become."This isn't your fault."She muttered guilt coloring her words.
Willa thought for a moment, tilting her head to the side. "Yes," she answered in a factual tone. A smile spread across her lips and she hugged him, obviously taken with the man who saved her from the scary Capitol. She sighed and got comfortable in his lap, her face pressed in the fabric of his shirt. "You love Momma?" she murmured, then looked up at the man. Her relief of being safe was making her chatty. "I do. I love Momma alot... I miss her."

Peeta sniffed, and after a moment of tension, he melted into her arms. He let her hold him, leaning down to press his face in her shoulder. "I hate this," he croaked, holding back tears. "I know this isn't my fault, and it's not your's either... But it's so confusing. My mind is broken, and I can't seem to figure out what's real or not real. Everything seems so real, and I'm scared that I will believe the wrong things."
Haymitch smiled a little, relaxing when he realized that he cared what this little girl thought of him. It hurt to have considered if she didn't want him to stay. Pressing a kiss to her head he smiled, "I do.And I love you to."He muttered sounding slightly awkward and unlike himself, but making the effort because he knew she needed him to."I do to. We're going to go see her now. She's waiting for us to get home."

Sienna sighed in relief as he leaned against her, swallowing hard to keep from wincing in pain as he pressed against her hurt shoulder.But he was holding her, touching her without anger, and she was afraid if she asked him to move, that the moment would be broken.Turning a little she rested her forehead against his neck, closing her eyes as tears wetted his skin."Ask. I'll-everyone'll help you figure it out peeta."She muttered holding him tighter."We'll make a game of it. Real or not real.It'll be fun."She muttered trying to make him laugh a little before sighing. As much as she didn't want to deal with him, she knew she should get a doctor for her father,but she was enjoying herself to much to move away from her lover.
Willa grinned when he said he loved her, so very happy. She was too young to notice how awkward he felt, trusting him completely by words alone. Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around his neck -maybe a bit too tight- and sighed. "Oh good!," she said, then looked over her shoulder as the door to the chopper opened. Doctors flew in and took Scarlet away on the stretcher, rushing her to the emergency room. She was still unconcious, even amongst the sounds and movement.

Peeta leaned back and smiled a little. "I... okay," he murmured, his head snapping around at the sounds coming through the hospital. Ryan was crying across the hall, and it was obvious that Haymitch and Scarlet were back, hopefully with Willa. "I'll go get Ryan... You should check on Scarlet? See if everything went okay." He hugged one last time, still fighting with himself a little, then rushed to the other room to pick up the fussy baby.
Haymitch swallwed a little, wincing slightly at the tight hold before shifting willa in his arms, getting out of the chopper, "Send someone for norah.I'm going to get willa looked at."he said as they headed inside, smiling relieved as a nurse went to do as he asked, walking into a exam room with one of the doctors, settling willa in his lap as he sat up on the exam table."I want to see if you're hurt willa. Can I touch you?"The kind woman said smiling slightly at the girl looking her over. Trying to see if she was wounded.

Sienna smiled softly glad he had smiled, jumping when she heard the noises. Nodding as she hugged him back before walking into the ER, looking panicked and pained as she watched the doctors work on Scarlet, "Sienna.Get out of here."Jace ordered looking at her as he walked in with norah, not wanting to be mean,but having a feeling scarlet was hurt-it was always scarlet getting hurt- and he wanted to know how bad it was before sienna or anyone else saw. "O-okay."Sienna said looking up at him as she moved back into the hallway, though she still hovered by the doors, trying to see what was going on. Having gotten out of the room,but not gone far, needing to know how her friend was.
Willa nodded, seemingly unharmed. However, she did seem to huddle close to Haymitch in a way that said she still was a little scared. However, her eyes little up at the sight of her mother. "Mommy!" she squealed, grinning happily as Norah swooped in.

Norah gasped and grinned, running in to lean down and cup Willa's little face in her hands. She kissed her on the forehead, tears of joy wetting her eyes lashes. "Oh, Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry, Sweetheart. I'm so sorry... This will never happen again. Mommy will never let someone to take you from her again, okay? Oh, I love you so much, Baby..." She hugged Willa, which her daughter accepted happily, kissing her over and over on the cheeks and forehead. Her eyes finally rolled up to Haymitch, and she leaned up to hugged him, squeezing the toddler between them. "I can never, ever finish thanking you for this," she whispered, kissing him passionately on the lips. She was just so happy to have her daughter and her lover safe and at home, hugging them both and not willing to let go. "God, Haymitch... Thank you so much."

Willa looked up at them, leaning against Haymitch's chest. "I'm sleepy," she admitted, her voice holding the typical whine of a tired toddler. Norah grinned and kissed her cheek. "I know, Honey, I know..."

In the next room, Scarlet was hooked up to IVs, tubes, and needles... She was bruised and battered, half of her ribs open and her left leg in a cast from the knee down. She was awake now, curled in a little ball in the bed. Never had she looked so vulnerable, her shoulders shaking as she quietly sobbed into her pillow. The doctors had just left, telling her the baby was gone and there was nothing they could do... She was crushed, her heart broken into a million pieces at the thought of losing the baby that comforted her when Jace was gone; the baby that gave her hope this whole time. And now she was going to have to break it to Jace that she lost their child... She cried and held herself, laying on her side. It was obvious that the usually tough girl was broken.
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