Death within Love

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Norah looked confused for a moment, blushing. "Worried about what?" he asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked over at the older man. He looked nice today, probably from the lack of drinking. It was odd seeing him make such an effort to stop drinking large amounts of alcohol, for she had never seen him without a flask either in his hand on his jacket. A sigh left her lips and she looked down at Willa. The little girl's eyes were started to droop, for it was nearly her nap time. Norah smiled and stroked her hair, cuddling her, then looked back up at Haymitch. "You get just as attatched," he murmued, smirking. Suddenly, her phone started to ring and she sighed. She looked so stressed. Honestly, being a mentor and a single, young mother was not the best combinations. However, she knew she had to step up, and so she did. Looking down at Willa, she kissed her head and glanced toward Haymitch. "I hate to ask..." she murmured, "But will you watch her for a little bit? I'm behind on sponsor calls. There's just so many this year..."

Scarlet dug her heels into the ground, sprinting after him and grinning when she caught up to him. "Such a tease!" She grinned and jogged happily beside them. That's when she saw the careers heading east. Eyes wide, she grabbed Jace and pulled him behind a bush as they passed, eyebrow arched. "They are going after the Disctrict 12 couple..." she murmured, looking over at him once they had passed. "Let's follow them... Maybe we can get them from behind?"

Peeta looked over at her worriedly, running along side her. She was slow, making him run a steady jog beside her, but he was not about to leave her... Saddness spreading across his face, he noticed her energy was fading, and soon enough, the careers had them cornered by a stream. Turning, Peeta pushed Sienna behing him and held a knife out that he had managed to get over the past couple weeks. It was only two people, but it was only Peeta. Sweat dripped down his forhead...
"I..."He stopped starting down at his coffee cup,"I dunno....jut was about the whole thing. I panicked..."He muttered shrugging a little before nodding at her words. He did get just as attatched, espcially tonight.Leaning over he picked up the girl,settling her in his lap,"Go.I have to stay here, watch,but she can nap in my lap."He said looking at her worried before sighing."Go.See what seneca wants."He said knowing that it usually was seneca wanting something when they had to run off this early in the morning.

Jace jogged grinning at her before pausing, his smile fading as he watched them before nodding."Lets."He said turning to go after them, looking interested. Moving silently through the woods. "Peeta, go.Please."Sienna begged even as she steppe back into the creek, to keep out of his way, "Would you like some help?"Jace purred as he stepped up behind the man, his hand already raising, knife flashing in his hand as he sank it into flesh and ulled forward, cutting his throat. Wincing as it hit peeta mostly in the face he glanced towards scarlet to see if she was having any problems with the girl.
Norah bit her lip, nervous about leaving her daughter with him. She trusted him to take care of her, but she wondered if Haymitch even liked children enough, or if Willa was just a burden... "I understand," she replied, swallowing hard at his words. "It would be stupid of me to expect anything during all of this." She offered him a smile, but it looked sad, and she stood up from the table and handed Willa over. The little girl seemed content with Haymitch, for he won her over with the animals sounds, and she leaned back against his chest sleepily. "I'll be back as soon as I can. If you need anything, just let me know. She's usually pretty easy to handle though." With that, she stroked the girl's hair then left, walking across the large, modern building to Seneca Crane's door. Knocking carefully, she really hoped he didn't have anything to say about her keeping her daughter in the building. It would just crush her to have to send Willa away...

Peeta wiped the blood from his face, ignoring Sienna's begging for him to flee. He kept a protective stance in front of her, even as the man went down... While he liked Jace and Scarlet, he wasn't completely sure if he could trust them. After all, this was a game, and they were trying to stay alive as well. "... Thanks," he said, swallowing around as he looked Jace straight in the eyes. The tension was thick, even as Scarlet managed to get the woman down to the ground.

Scarlet's kill was easy, for the career girl was petite and easy to take down. She tackled her, and even though the girl strugged, she pretty much killed herself by rolling over on Scarlet's knife. Winching, she pulled it out of the girls side, squinting her eyes at the screams, and slit her throat to put her out of her misery.

Wiping the blood from her face, she stood up and sighed, looking over at Sienna and wrinkling her eyes brows at the young pregnant girl. "Are you... Are you alright?"
"At least for the games...maybe...later..."He said looking at her, blushing slightly because he had no idea what prompted him to say the words, but he didn't take them back. Sighing softly as he stroked willa's haiir nodding absently as norah left. Leaning back in his chair as he considered what to do. Seneca opened the door after a moment, letting her in. Closing the door after her he turned to face her, the strain of keeping up with things showing on his face as he swallowed."Norah."he sad swallowing hard,"There is a hovercraft waiting upstairs. For both you and haymitch."He said shaking his head a little, confirming haymitch's suspcions that it had been him that was helping."The pilot has orders to go the arena, and pick your tributes up.Then to go to district 13."He said calmly, knowing he was giving her alot, but he had to be quick, because he didn't know how long it would take for the other's to notice that he had broken the forcefield and was letting the kids go.

Sienna whimpered softly as she hid behind peeta, holding her stomach as her body tightened again, "N-no.It hurts..."She panted ever so softly gripping the back of peeta's shirt as she tried to steady herself, trying to not fall as she pressed a hand into her stomach,"I-I don't..." Jace frowned looking at the two, before looking at sienna. Raising a hand he tossed the knife a few feet away from him so peeta wouldn't kill him for approaching, looking at the girl before paling."Red,she's in labor I think."He said yelping as a conctration send sienna's knees out from under her, catching her as she fell easing her gently to the ground.
Peeta's eyes went wide and he whipped around, gathering Sienna in his arms and glaring at Jace. It was not that Peeta wasn't normally a very trusting guy, but this was Sienna - the only person who was holding him together right now. He loved her, and he was scared for her, and he couldn't help but want to guard her with his life... Picking Sienna up, he carried her over to set her down against a tree, the grass soft beneath her. It was nearly noon, not a good time to be out in the open... And that's when it donned on him. The four of them were the only four left... "Sienna, sh.." he whispered, leaning in to stroke her hair away from her face. He winced when she screamed from the contraction, fear in his eyes. God, the arena was not the place for a girl to give birth. They didn't have the right tools or medicine or anything. His gut dropped when he realized how unsafe this was for her, and then once the baby was born, how unlikely it would survive in such conditions. Leaning back on his calves, he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Sienna, Baby, you're going to have to tell me what you're feeling..." He swallowed hard, having no clue how to do anything like this

Scarlet stepped forward, biting her lip. Back in the Districts, her mother helped alot with birthing babies, and she knew a little from watching so often. "Is her water broken?" she asked, looking down at the girl. "If so, we are going to have to get her ready..." When she started to walk forward, Peeta panicked and glared at her. "There is no way in hell I'm letting you near her," Peeta growled, remembering Scarlet's manipulative, killer repuation. No way...

Willa looked up at Haymich, her head resting on his arm as she stretched out, yawning. Her bright green eyes scanned his face, then she frowned. It was so adorable, it could break anyone's heart. "Are you sad?" she whispered, her voice soft and sweet. It was odd how much she looked like Norah, red hair, green eyes... However, the innocence in her eyes showed she had no idea what was going on, and it was refreshing in way. Norah had made a point to keep the Games and her daughter seperate.

Norah's green eyes went wide, and she looked up at the man with confusion. "Seneca... I... I don't understand," she said, stuttering a bit. "Why are you doing this?"
Sienna cried out as peeta grabbed her away from jace, crying softly because her body hurt, it was to much to be puled this way and that. Whimpering quietly as she pressed her face against peeta's hand whimpering as her water broke soaking her jeans. "Yea."Jace said answering Scarlet's question following them over as he sat down on his heels, gently resting a hand on peeta's shoulder."she wont kill her, peeta."he promised nodding towards the small panting tired girl."We have to end this soon. She's to tired to keep it up."he said looking at scarlet, before back at sienna. Realizing that her energy was fading fast, and wondering just what they were going to have to do.

Sienna whimpered, swallowing hard as she panted, screaming as her contractions gripped her tighly, taking peeta's hand and squeezing tight, needing something to hold onto. "It hurts, peeta it hurts."She muttered pressing a hand against her stomach, because she had no idea what she was feeling or how she was feeling. Glancing up though she paled at the sound of a gamemaker's voice, announcing that there was medicine and supplies at the cornicopia.

"I am."Haymitch smiled softly as he looked down at her, gently stroking her hair, his heart hurting at the sight of such innocence.This should have been sienna, left innocent and untouched by the games. And yet, she was giving birth in the arena."My friend is in trouble, and I don't know how to help."he said kissing her head before sighing a little, trying to figure out how to distract the girl.

Seneca tilted his head, before sighing a little. "Because, I am tired of being a pawn in snow's game. I plannned the games, comforting myself with the fact that they're older. But the girl's child, the girl, it made me realize some things."He said shaking his head heading for the door."Go. Get haymitch and go."He ordered walking out, heading downstairs to the arena control area, because he knew once the hovercraft got near the arena snow was coming to him.But to save them, he was going to sacerfice everything.
Peeta watched Jace and Scarlet very, very carefully... He swallowed hard, wincing as Sienna squeezed his hand. Everything was happening so fast, her water breaking, the announcement about medicine, the dead bodies lying just a few yards away... After a few moments, he nodded. "Fine," he murmured, tearing himself away from Sienna. He nodded to Scarlet, who immediately knelt down in front of Sienna. Even Scarlet looked worried, moving to unbutton the girl's jeans. She yanked then down, along with her under wear, then reached into her and Jace's bag to grab a blanket, draping it over her legs to keep her from being to exposed. Looking down, he noticed Sienna was moving along pretty fast. Swallowing, she made the girl lean against the tree and spread her legs. "I need to you breath, okay?" she murmured, "Breath in and out... in and out..." Biting her lip, she held the girl's hand and looked over at Jace. "Go with Peeta to get the medicine," she said, "They must have sent her something, and she's moving along too quickly.."

Peeta looked over at Jace, fear in his eyes. He hoped he could trust Jace, just wanting Sienna to be okay...

Willa looked up at him, looking sad because he was sad. She was a very empathic child, and she was smart enough to know that something was wrong. Her little hand reached up to touch his face, and she frowned. "Don't be sad," she whispered, her eyes beginning to droop with sleepiness. She leaned against him and started to close her eyes, cuddling against him.

Norah nodded, watching him leave before running down the hall and back into the lounge, looking at Haymitch with a worried, confused expression. Glancing down at the sleeping child, she lowered her voice out of habit. "We need to go. Now. Seneca is sending us into an air craft to retrieve our tributes... It seems he has changed sides and is seeing that we make it to District 13 before the revolt starts." Looking down at Willa, she frowned. "We have to take her... I can't leave her." Her heart raced as she thought about how she hated to bring Willa on the aircraft, but could not take the chance of leaving her. Would if she could not come back for her?
Sienna whimpered as she was moved around, whimpering softly as she closed her eyes, struggling to focus on the things around her, but she was tired, so tired. Nodding as scarlet told her to breath, struggling to breath slowly and normally."I'm tired...."She muttered before looking up at peeta."Go. There must be something helpful."She whimpered forcing her hand to open, to keep from breaking peeta's bones. "Go."She ordered swallowing hard as she rubbed a hand over her stomach. "We'll be back."Jae said kissing scarlet's cheek before standing, heading off to the cornicopia at a jog, looking over at peeta, but after a moment thoughts he couldn't offer even a comforting lie, because he knew peeta wouldnt believe it. Jogging quickly he ran, easily and quickly through the woods.

Haymitch smiled a little as he nuzzled the girl's hand,"I wont be."He muttered looking startled at norahs appeance standing as his mind processed what she'd said. While he hoped that it was true the man really did change sides, he knew they had to hurry because once things were set into motion, it was going to happen very fast. "I have her. Come on."He said already leading her upstairs where the hovercraft was waiting for them, glad that seneca had left it in the obvious spot. As soon as the three of them where inside he ordered the pilot to fly, landing near the girls. Wincing as he realized how far sienna's labor had progressed as they'd taken precisous moments to fly to the arena."sienne!Scarlet!Get up here."He snarled as the lower dek lowered to allow them on, rushing out to help scarlet get sienna onboard, looking for the boys."Where's the other two?"He said cursing because even as he said the words he could see the muzzle flair from capitol guns.

"Peeta!Run back."Jace cursed as he saw the guards waiting for them,back pedaling as they were fired at, befre going forward giving peeta a chance to go back to the girls even as the guards knocked them both to their knees.
Scarlet looked up at the hovercraft wide eyes, fear and confusion in her eyes as she saw Haymitch and Norah. Turning, she started to wrap the blanket around Sienna's hips, help her to her feet. "Come on," she murmured, "I can't carry you on my own." Thankfully, guards came down from the hover craft to help them up, laying Sienna on a little padded cot. Scarlet immediately got her into place, seeing all th medicine and knowing what to do with it out of habit. Sadly, a doctor was not on board, but Scarlet knew enough... Deep down, she knew this was not going to end well. The boy's were still not there, and unless they were being picked up from a seperate plane, they weren't going to be with them. However, she choked back her tears in order to keep the younger girl calm, needing her to deliver this baby safely. "Okay," she murmured, "I don't have an pain medicine. Not the strong stuff anyway..." She frowned and put the blanket over the girl's naked lower half, then spread her legs. Biting her lip and thinking of what her mother used to do, she reached down to check how far alone Sienna was. To her surprise, Scarlet could feel the baby's head right inside... "Think you can push?" she asked, looking the girl in the eyes. This was as gentle and caring as Scarlet ever looked, except with Jace. "Breath... Breath... I know you're tired, but you have to get the baby out, okay? You're the only one who can do that."

Peeta tried his hardest to get to them, seeing Sienna and Scarlet go up. He was so close... So, so close... Gasping for air as he was knocked to his knees, he looked back at Jace with wide eyes. This was it. This was the end... But the girl's were safe, and that's what mattered. Afterall, that was his intentions, right? To get Sienna and the baby out? But it was still hard to realize that this was the end... Guards hauled Jace and Peeta into a different air craft, tossing them like rag dolls into a cellar like area on the back of the plane. "What the hell is happening?!" Peeta yelled, his heart racing.

Norah took Willa from Haymitch in an effort to stay out of the way, taking her to the opposite corner of the plane. The little girl began to cry, scared of her sudden surroundings, and Norah did her best to comfort her, stroking her hair and kissing her head. Alarmed, Norah looked up at Haymitch. "Where are the boys?" she asked, panic in her voice. The doors were shutting, and she gasped. How could they leave Jace and Peeta? Snow was likely to have their way with them, and the though made her eyes mist with tears.

((Decided the lack of medical equipment, like pain killers, would make it more dramatic. lol I'm so mean!))
(lol we are, but its so dramatic and true. Cause I can see seneca able to get a a hovercraft, but not the one they needed.)

Sienna whimpered as she was picked up, so far gone in her pain that she really wasn't thinking that peeta wasn't there. That her love hadn't gotten to them. Panting as she pushed she screamed softly,"I want peeta."She muttered sounding so upset and confused, so tired. Haymitch swallowed slipping a hand into sienna's to give her someone to focus on as she pushed looking towards norah as they shut. "We have to.If we stay, snow'll catch us."He muttered looking worried as he looked down at sienna, stroking her hair out of her face."Come on sweetheart, I know you can do this."he muttered sounding pained at the idea that he wouldn't be able to tell her they got peeta. Wouldn't be able to save the boy he'd adopted as his own. Wincing as he heard the thready cry of a newborn, he looked down at sienna as she slouched back on the bed so exhausted she was already falling into a exhuasted sleep, now that she relaxed enough to know the child was okay. "Here.Let me have the baby."Haymitch swallowed needing to feel like he could do something right,gently taking the small boy from scarlet, cleaning him up as they flew."Check her.I can handle the baby, I don't know enough to make sure Sienna will survive.He said sounding so lost, because he had n idea whatto do.

Jace cursed and fought wincing as they were tossed into the cellar, trying to get away. "Bloody fuck."he cursed realizing that the girls had gotten away. And he wanted that, but he'd wanted to be with them. Swallowing hard as he realized that something had gone wrong.Closing his eyes because he knew this was going to be so bad. Growling as they were dragged off the hovercraft, he cursed when he saw the cages waiting for them, the only cage that was currently accompanied was the one where a bruised seneca crane was. Cursing as he was shoved into his cage, jace hit the bars in anger trying to get out as he saw snow coming down the stairs to the prison area. Damn, he knew the man would be pissed, but he hadn't thought the man would come to torture him himself.
Peeta tugged at his own hair, so frustrated and upset and worried... He swallowed hard when he saw Snow, the older man smirking at them with no shame. Peeta glared at him, hating how he had so much control over them. It wasn't fair. "What is going on?" Peeta demanded, but Snow shook his head and didn't say a word. Guards came in and grabbed Peeta, which two other guards chained Jace to the back wall. While Peeta was hauled off to the tracker jacker room, Snow pushed a button to make the chains give Jace a painful shock. A man with a camera came in, filming Jace as he was given a variety of shocks. "Mr. Masons," he murmured in a low voice. "Why don't you look in the camera and show that girl of your's what your life will be like from now on." And with that, he smirked.

Scarlet cleaned Sienna up, though she looked pretty bad. She was pale and tired, and the baby was pretty big for coming out of such a small girl. Scarlet knew that she would need alot of recovery before she could bounce back. "She will be fine," Scarlet murmured, "Just sore. She won't be able to walk for a couple days, I imagine. And she's need some pain medicine as soon as we land." Reaching over, Scarlet washed her bloody hands, then went to sit in the corner with Norah. Her eyes were filled with tears, because she knew exactly what had happened. She wasn't stupid....

Norah held Willa in her lap, whom had calmed down for the most part, and stroked Scarlet's hair to comfort her. She swallowed, looking nervous and sad all at the same time. This was so wrong... Looking down at Willa, she gave her a kiss on the cheek while Scarlet rested her head against her hip, crying into the material of her dress.
Jace snarled as he was shocked, his pain translating into anger as he watched peeta get dragged away. Snarling as he looked at the camera, pain showing in blue eyes as he strained not to feet his hands but to lift himself. Even pained and starved from the arena, he was still strong. Using his arms for balance, he lashed out, boot heels brushing against the camera. Howling in pain as the electricy became even more.

Haymitch nodded a little holding the baby as he moved over to sit with the others. Looking so sad and upset, because he knew what had happened, and mourned the fact that they hadn't been able to save the boys. He just hoped that snow would over due his torture and kill tehm, so they wouldn't suffer the disgrace of being used against the ones they loved. Reaching out he gently stroking narh's hair absently as he wrapped a arm around her shoulders, huddling in the small group with them. The big sarcastic man fading for a moment behind greif.

TWo months later Sienna frowned a little as she walked with Scarlet, frowning as she cuddled the fussy boy, ryan, and knowing he was upset because he wasn't feeling good, but at least he calmed a little as she walked. Looking even thinner than when she'd first arrived for the games.Looking at the woman walking with her, she looked worried. While Scarlet was lashing out at everyone, she had drawn into herself, only really talking to scarlet or the baby anymore. Looking nervous she paused outside the meeting room, tilting her head a little."Did they say what they wanted?And why I had to bring ryan?"She asked looking nervous.

Inside haymitch sighed shaking his head as he looked at Coin."It's not going to work. Neither of them are mentally well enough to be what you want."He said not only annoyed about being another pawn in her game, but the fact that she wanted to use two already grief ridden women, forcing them to confront the fact that their lovers were never coming back. While he knew it, they also knew peeta and jace were alive, because snow had taken to airing their torture live. And while Seneca Crane's execution was scheduled for the next day, he wondered why Coin thought either Scarlet or Sienna were well enough to do this.
Scarlet looked over at Sienna and shrugged, swallowing nervously. "Hopefully it has something to do with fighting back," she murmured, her voice angry. It was a known fact that Scarlet had been getting weekly video tapes of Jace's torture, and she was so tired of seeing him like that. It was screwing with her head, just as Snow predicted, and it was hard to even play nice. Before she met Jace, she was a bitter and sarcastic girl, and he managed to bring the good out in her. Now, she was left with nothing, and it was instinct to go back to her old ways. Entering the room, she looked over at Sienna and noticed that she was not only looking as if she were wasting away physically, but mentally. She then she said the same thing to her like she did every day. "Peeta wouldn't want you to be like this," she murmured. Her tone was not harsh, but it was confident. "He'd want you direct all your love into that baby." Her eyes moved down to the little blond haired, blue eyed boy and frowned.

Coin looked at the girls as they sat down, looking severe and serious. She sat at the head of the table by Haymitch, and Norah sat on the other side of them. Norah was a nervous wreck, of course, with being in this new place with her small daughter. Luckily, District 13 had lots of nice women who didn't mind spoiling and babysitting Willa while she worked with Haymtich and Coin, but it was still hard, especially after finding out about Seneca Crane's upcoming execution. "Girls, it's nice to see you," Coin murmured, "And I would like to talk to you about something that I'm sure you were anticipating... We need to overthrow Snow."

Norah swallowed nervously. "Snow is heavily guarded... Is it safe to try to get inside the Capitol at this time. We can't afford anyone else to be captured and tortured."

Scarlet scoffed and leaned back in her seat, her arms crossed over her chest. "Of course it's not safe! But we can't stay back and wait for something to happen." Her eyes were misting with angry tears again, and she looked away from everyone. "The longer we wait, the harsher they will be with Peeta and Jace... I will NOT keep sitting her and watching those horrific tapes he sends us! I won't!" She slammed her fist down on the table, making Norah jump. Norah finally nodded, agreeing now that it was put that way. Coin nodded, then looked at Sienna.
Sienna looked up at her, smiling wanely before nodding."I know. And I'm trying."She said shushing the baby as he wrapped his fingers in her blond hair, demanding her attention."Hopefully."she muttered looking happy, and hopeful that maybe they were finally fighting back. While no one had seen videos of peeta, or at least none they were telling her about and not having videos but hearing his screams in the background of jace's were even worse, she'd held Scarlet's hand as the woman watched Jace's videos, because it was the only thing she could do was be a friend, and watch in horror as proud, strong jace was starting to break under the pressure and pain.

Haymitch swallowed his laughter at coin's words. He knew that it needed to be done, but announcing it to two women who were being pushed to the seemed odd to spring this on them. Espcially now, with news of Crane's execution"It's not any safer here either. He destroyed this area once."He muttered reaching over,gently holding her hand before swallowing hard. He didn't want to do this but he knew that even if they died, they had to do something. Not even realizing he was holding Norah's hand to offer the upset woman some comfort.

Sienna was quiet, watching them all tears misting her eyes as she thought about the videos. Jumping as Scarlet's fist slammed into the table, shushing ryan quietly as he fussed at the sudden noise. Looking up at them all she tilted her head a little, "We need to do something, but I'm not anyone who's important to this task. I'm not a fighter like Scarlet, or a good planner like Haymitch or Norah. I can't help."She said not realizing that the districts had adopted her and ryan as the mockingjays, the ones who were never supposed to live, and in living had become a symbol."I can't help."She said sounding so sad about that, that she could never help peeta, that she couldn't get him out of the captiol.
Coin nodded, not moved by Scarlet's sudden outburst or Sienna's lack of confidence. "That's isn't the only think I brought you here for," she murmured, sliding a document across the table toward Sienna. It was a copy of the Capitol constitution, stating the law about children born with Capitol citizenship is to never be taken from the Capitol, and can be taken away from District parents if they are not seen fit. "He wants you to return the child to him, and if you do not, Peeta dies," she said, her voice stern and factual. "You have two days, the day after Seneca Crane's televised execution. So we will need to take immediate action."

Norah looked up at Haymitch as he grabbed her hand underneath the table, and she laced her fingers within his as she listened. It caught her off guard when Coin said her name, and se turned to her with a confused expression. "Norah, Snow has sent you something as well," she murmured, handing her a letter. Norah took it from her, opening it and taking her time with reading the handwritten letter. Her breath caught, and her face visibly paled... Swallowing nervously, she folded the note back up and slid it into her pocket. She slid her hand back into his, but it was shaking, and she looked like she was in deep, worried thought.
Sienna pulled the document towards her, starting down at it. Swallowing hard as she paled, "No.No."she scowled shaking her head as she looked up at cion, something besides sadness showing in her eyes for once, anger. Rage that snow was doing this. Anger that coin had known this, and still had done nothing.Looking down at the baby she was holding she swallowed, meeting peeta's blue eyes in his son's face. "No. He can't be serious. Ryan's not a capitol citizen."She said her voice starting to hold that edge of panic that said she was working her way into a full out panic attack.

Haymitch looked at sienna, swallowing hard but startled at norah's reaction to whatever the letter said, for once his attention distracted, looking at the woman. Looking younger then he had in years, since coming to district 13 he really had worked at not drinking. But considering peeta dying, if they didn't turn over his son was making him want to."Norah?"He asked softly looking worried before looking at coin, tilting his head towards sienna."You can't expect her to turn over the child, or to let peeta die. What plans do you have?"He said sounding slightly sarcastic, pissed that she was telling them now, when they had no choice but to go in without alot of planning. They should have done this months ago, before the boys had gotten so hurt, or snow had had time to think about ryan's citizenship.
Coin pressed her lips into a line, watching Sienna closely. It took alot to make the severe woman wince, and she was not surprised in the slightest by her reaction. Npdding, she folded her hands in front of her on the able. "And that is why I think it is time to take action," she said simply. "I think we need to get into the Capitol and get the boys. If anything, atleast we will have the two things they are holding against us... And then war."

Scarlet nodded, ready to fight. She wanted to get Jace back more than anything. In fact, her heart ached at just the thought of seeing him again. "He's using this law as a weapon," Scarlet murmured, "If you hand over the baby, he knows you will do anything he says. He's not trying to get you to give the baby up, but come home with it. He needs you over there so that the people will think twice of bringing war to the Capitol." She looked over at Sienna. "He knows he can use you as a puppet if your lover and child are being threatened."

Norah looked up at up at Haymitch, eyes wide with fear and nervousness. She shook her head, scared to tell him. She was afraid if he knew the truth, and knew exactly what kind of danger she was in, he would think twice of getting close to her. And she really wanted him to start to trust her, because she could feel herself falling for the older man.. But if he thought she was a burden, what good would it cause? Not to mention, she had never depended on someone before, even after having Willa...
Sienna nodded swallowing hard, looking down at ryan as she fought for control. Because se couldn't panic. "Peeta wouldn't want me to,not if...I wont go back."She swallowed hard, because she knew it meant sacerficing being the one saving peeta, but she was useless in a fight ,she'd be a liability when in the capitol, a prize to be won.She'd put everyone she cared for in even more danger."I can't go with you.I'm not like you Scarlet, I can't fight. I'll slow you all down."She said sadly shaking her head because she knew not only she was what snow wanted, but also that she wasn't physically well enough to do it.

Haymitch rowned as he looked at norah, studying her or a few moments before looking back at Coin before looking at Scarlet, a fierce grin curling his lips. Because he was so ready to get the boys back. Reaching out he made sienn look at him, giving her that fierce battle grin."That's okay. We'll get them back me and scarlet are good at killing."He said sighing softly as he sat up looking at coin."When are we leaving?"He said alredy pulling his mind away from norah, needing to concentrate on what they had to do to get the boys back.Despite worrying about her, if she wouldn't talk to him, he assumed it was not the life and death decision that was happening to the boys, so he shoved the desire to find out what it was for the moment,concentraing.
Scarlet sighed, and even though she had been lashing out at everyone over the past couple months, she had grown close to Sienna out of mutual loss. Reaching over, she wrapped an arm around her and brought the younger girl into a hug. Looking up at Haymitch, she gave him a fierce and ready look. "I'll fight," she said, nodding. "As long as we get Jace back, I'm willing to pick up my knives again... One last time." She smirked a bit, then rubbed Sienna's shoulder. "I'll get them back. You're better use here, because you will be too big of a target out there. Plus, if something happens to you, we will never get Peeta home."

Coin nodded, grinning a bit as she stood from the meeting table. "We will leave tomorrow night, after Crane's execution," she said, "I think it will catch them more off guard to be attacked at night." And with that, she left. Norah bit her lip and turned to Haymitch as soon as the door was closed, sighing. Her heart practically lept out of her chest when he announded he would be going to the Capitol... "Haymitch, think you have time for a glass of wine?" She tilted her head to the side, tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ear. "I... I need to talk to you."
"One last time."Haymitch said his look just as fierce and ready.Sienna rested her head against scarlet's shoulder, smiling slightly as ryan reached out for his 'aunt' scarlet, nodding a little. "I know you will.I'll be here.I'll get some food ready. They'll need ofod. And medicial attention"she said, for the first time in two months really sounding like herself. Finally reconnecting to the world enough to have a interest in interacting with the people around her, because she knew the boys would need alot of attention when they got back.Shifting ryan she smiled slightly."It's tie for his nap,walk with me?"She said smiling at scarlet, despite how thin and wasted away she was, the idea of having peeta back, lit that bright spark of hope and happiness in her as she headed for the door.

Haymitch looked startled before tilting his head towards norah, looking concerned before nervous.Because he'd tried so hard to stop drinking, he wondered if he was strong enough to not drink more. But he nodded, smiling slightly as he stood,"Let's go to your rooms then.We'll be able to talk there."he said walking out with her, looking at her occasionally, looking slightly worried about her because she seemed upset about something, and that letter from snow worried him.
Scarlet smiled and nodded, looking down at the little blond, blue eyed boy. Reaching down, she let him grab her first finger. "I'll get your daddy back," she murmured, more attatched to the baby than she ever though she would be. "And your Uncle Jace." Smirking, she followed Sienna out and walked with her, daydreaming a bit about the thought of having Jace back. She swallowed hard, trying to to cry. She missed him so much. He was the better half in their relationship, and she was just a snarky bitch without him it seemed.

Norah led him inside to her room, her eyes welling up with tears as she moved to the little stand that held wine, and ice bucket, and glasses. Her hands shook as she tried to pour it, taking several moments before she could manage to pour two glasses worth of it. It was clean white wine, the only thing she drank and very mild compared to what he had been used to before. Handing him a drink, she bit her lip and went to sit on the little couch in her room. "Haymitch, I've been called to the Capitol," she murmured. When she finally looked up at him, tears were rolling down her face. "I'm going to be executed." She swallowed, her voice raspy from tears. "If I don't turn myself in, they will take Willa." She let out a shakey breath and looked down at her wine glass. "I need to you promise me you will take care of her... She doesn't trust anyone else like she trusts you."

((I'm making her be vague on purpose, because she's too scared to tell him why she's being executed... I thought it was very Norah-like for her first instinct to be telling him to take care of Willa.))
Haymitc took the glass from her, sipping it as she sat. Lounging back on the chair next to her, nearly choking on the wine he'd just swallowed at her words."W-what?"He said oughing as he looked over at her. Hesitating for a moment, not sure about how attatched he was to her,but then realize it didn't matter how nervous it made him, he was already attatched to her,even if he couldn't admit it.Wrapping a arm around her shoulders he pulled her against him,resting his cheek against her hair."What?No.You can't do that. She's here, like ryan. Snow wont get them here. You don't have to go anywhere. I'll lock you in your room if you try and sneak out with us tomorrow."he growled a little, trying to figure out what snow wanted with her, but...he realized it didn't really mtter. He wasn't going to let her go back, so it didn't matter, unless she wanted to tell him."Norah, you can't go back. He'll kill you, he'll torture you."he growled annoyed that he was having to consider this, palnig as he thought about norah being tortured like jace was or whatever snow was doing to peeta.
Norah put her glass down and leaned into him embrace, reaching up to wipe her eyes. "Haymitch, I can't risk Willa!" she sobbed, so torn and scared. Her heart was breaking, especially at his words. Did she really matter to him this much? Swallowing, she leaned back to look at him, eyes glistening with tears. "And what about you, hm? What if you lock me in this room and go off to battle and get killed? Would if Snow wins this war and know one will be able to protect Willa!"

Biting her lip, she reached in her pocket and handed him the letter, but put her hand over it so he couldn't read it yet. "You need to know something first," she murmured, looking so scared that he was going to be angry with her; that the little bond they had managed to make during all of this was going to go to pieces... "As soon as I was crowned victor, Snow had plans for me. Just like any other victor, I was a prize to be won, and anyone and everyone wanted to be able to say they have had a piece of the winner of the Hunger Games... I was forced into things that make me ill to think about, mostly sexual... About four years ago, Seneca Crane was working his way up into the ranks, and I was the last female victor at the time. Snow had already appointed him Game Maker for the following year, and I was his prize..." She sighed, looking so ashamed and dirty. "We only slept togehter that one time... And well, of course, I became pregnant." She looked up at him, ready for him to get up and leave. "Willa is Seneca Crane's daughter. I never told a soul... Seneca doesn't even know, but Snow must have found out. And well, even though Seneca was a one time thing that was not even my choice, Snow assumes that since I gave birth to his child, we must have been more than lovers. It's a known fact that most victors get abortions when they are impregnated by Capitol men, for they don't want to take the chance of being linked to one of them, but I just couldn't do it... And now Snow seems to think Seneca and I were partners in crime. He thinks I knew his plan all along, and that I was working as a traitor from the inside."

She put her face in her hands and sniffed, trying to keep herself from losing control completely. "I wasn't even close to Seneca," she murmured, "I only slept with him because he threatened to kill me if I didn't, and when I found out about the baby... I just thought they'd leave me alone if I kept everything a secret; but now I'm getting executed as an accomplice in this whole thing." Looking up at him, she looked desperate. "Please, Haymitch. I need to make sure Willa is taken care of."
haymitch looked at her, eyes widening slighty as he considered the woman in front of him. Looking slightly amazed as he considered that, reaching out, wrapping his arms around her gently,pulling her against his chest because she was upset. Looking down at her, he swallowed, looking confused,but he knew that he couldn't let her go with them. Pressing a kiss to her head he sighed softly."Okay, Okay shush, Norah. Its okay. I'll keep her safe, don't worry."He muttered before shaking his head."You're still not leaving, you're going to stay here, because snow can't do anything to us here."He said looking down at her, hugging her tightly, because he was going to try so hard to make sure she didn't go anywhere. Not sure what he felt besides the desperate need to keep her safe.

The next night Haymitch glanced at the woman walking next to him, the handgun in one hand, and a knife in the other as they moved through the halls. Above them, he winced a little, listening to snow's thundering voice as he recited crimes. He knew why they were attacking now, at nightfall, when everyone was being forced to watch SEneca crane's execution, but it still hurt to listen to it. Frowning as they neared the dungeon he paused, looking worried because Snow's voice seemed to be getting louder. Were they wrong?Had he been expecting them?He paused listening, before realizing what it was, realizing the depth of snow's cruelty. He was making jace and peeta watch a portable tv's aired execution, to watch someone that had been a prisoner with them, executed to show that resistance was futile.
Scarlet followed him through the hall, confident as always. Her opinion was that she's rather die trying to get Jace back than not try at all... As Snow's voice got louder, her eye brows raised, and she reached ahead of them to push a door open... And there they were, Peeta and Jace, each tied to chair and sat in front of the television. On the screan was Seneca sitting in a chair on a stage, tied up just as they were and awaiting his death. Scarlet gasped at the sighed of Jace, looking worse than he ever did in the games. She shoved her knives in her belt and ran to him, blocking his view of the TV and cupping his face in her hands. "Jace?" she whispered, tears in her eyes. "Jace, I'm here! God, I'm so sorry... I've missed you so much." She swallowed and took a knife out to cut him from his chair, then wrapped her arms around him. She held him with no intension of letting him go.

Peeta looked up from the screen, his eyes finding Haymitch. In an effort to make his plan seamless, Snow only hijacked Peeta into warping his memory of Sienna, nothing else. He did not try to make him believe the Capitol was good, for he wanted Peeta to willingly go with them. It was Sienna that he wanted to eventually lash out on when he got home... "Haymitch?" Peeta croaked, looking up at him. He swallowed, looking bruised and starved... He looked awful. "Haymitch?" He started to struggle on his bonds, wanting to get up and get the hell out while they still had a chance. He thought he was going to die there, honestly. After the past couple months, he had lost alot of hope in returning home.
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