Death within Love

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Mace started a little, raising her head to look at him, before blinking stupidley at her. He looked thin and pained, each one of his ribs easily visble under his skin even under the caked blood and bruises." know...that kinda hurts..."He muttered yelping a little as she caught him as he startled to fall, so hurt and starved that he couldn't really hold himself up as she cut his bonds. Closing his eyes he slouched into her arms."I want to go home..."He muttered

Haymitch smiled slightly as he cut the man feet, holding him still so he didn't hurt himself as he cut peeta's bonds, helping him stand up."Come on.We're going home."He promised glancing at scarelet making sure she had jace before they started out again. Not realizing tht they had a simpler time of escaping then they should hve because snow had every intention of letting them go.

Sienna fairly bounced in place as she waited for them to come back, despite it being the early morning, with light starting to ligten the night. Already walking across the hovercraft hanger as scarlet and haymitch came down with the boys, with coin's men helping them get them down.Ryan tuckked in the crook of one arm, having been unable to find someone to stay with him while she came down here,but also unwilling to miss seeing them come home the minute they arrived. Staring at peeta for a moment before she leaned in, wrapping a arm around his neck for a moment, closing her eyes as she rested her forehead against his, ryan blinking large blue eyes at his papa"Peeta, oh peeta..."She breathed, sounding so amazed tht they were actually there.

Jace whimpered a little as he leaned against red, following haymitch and peeta down the stairs, he stared at his feet, because it was taking all his concentration to help her get him down the stairs. So starved, so hurt that he was barely able to stay up,yelping a little when he saw smeone approachig,tensing for the pain before he realzed it was sienna."ohh....good...her and baby...good.."He muttered sounding just as disjointed and delirious as he had the whole plane ride back.He was conscious,but barely. Only really awake because he was scared that if he past out he'd be back in his cell, watching Seneca's execution.
Scarlet passed Peeta and Sienna, turning down to hall for her room. Gently laying her fiance down on the first real bed he had been on in months. Swallowing back tears, she smiled at him, kneeling down to stroke his hair and kiss his lips as gently as possible. She was so happy to see him, tears rolling down her cheeks and her hands shaking. However, she hated that he looked so awful... Calling for dinner to be delivered to their room, she laid beside him on the bed as they waited for it. "I missed you so much," she whispered, stroking his hair and kissing his cheek. "I love you, Jace..."

Peeta tensed as soon as he arm went around him, and he jumped back, glaring at her with an incredible amount of hatred... "Get away from me!" he snapped, his eyes holding a darkness that they never did before. "I know the truth now." He looked over at Haymitch, confusion in his eyes. Why wasn't anyone killing her? Why were they letting that mutt carrying around that innocent baby. "Haymitch, we need to kill her! She's a mutt! She's going to hurt that baby..." He was loud, causing a scene, and right before he lunged at her, intent on killer, a guard grabbed him and pulled him back. He thrashed against the larger man, crying out in frustration. "Haymitch! Come on, she's a mutt!"
Jace groaned in pleasure as she laid him down on the bed, sighing softly as he looked up at her."Don't can't never cry..."He muttered trying to focus on the woman in front of him, smiling slightly."Love you to.Missed you."He muttered nuzzling her hand before wincing as the whole motion made his face hurt."I don't feel good...can I sleep?"he muttered shifting to rest his head on her stomach."I feel like I haven't slept in'll stay here with me?Even if I'm dreaming, and snow killed me with crane?You'll stay with me?"He muttered nuzzling her chest despite being hurt.

Sienna yelped as he pulled away, looking startled at the man, looking so confused as she saw hatred in his face, holding ryan ever so gently, tears spikingher eyelashes, looking confused."Peeta...I'm not a mutt. What are you talking about?"Se said sounding so confused wincing as haymitch gently took ryan from her, fighting to hold onto him for a moment before realizing that maybe peeta would calm down if she wasn't holding the baby."Peeta, you need to calm down.I'll make sure she goes away, that she wont harm Ryan."He said looking anxious because this was so not what he'd expected in getting peeta home that he had no idea how to handle it, cradling ryan he looked at sienna."Go.I'll bring ryan down to you later.After we get him to the hospital."He muttered wincing at the defeated woman as she walked out of the hanger, nodding towards the guard, walking with them both as they headed for the hospital wing,"Come on peeta. You need rest."He said pausing only long enough in the front hallway to call Norah and ask her to join them in the hospital wing before following the guard and peeta."Peeta, this is ryan.Your son."Haymitch said trying to keep that bite of anger out of his voice, because he wanted to get angry at not knowing what was going on,and the person he wanted to yell at was the only one who could answer question.
Scarlet settled in the bed, holding him close and stroking his hair as his head rested on her chest. "I'm never leaving you again," she promised, kissing his head. "Yes, of course. Sleep." She nuzzled him, so happy to have him there. "I'll be here when you wake up. Food is on it's way, but it will be here when you're ready for it." Smiling, she pulled the soft blankets over them. "At some point, we need you get you in the bath," she murmured, snickering.

Peeta looked at Haymitch, desperation in his eyes. "She's lying," he said, shaking his head. "Haymitch, she's lying! That isn't Sienna!" He finally calmed down once Sienna had left, looking over at the sweet blue eyes, blond baby. A smile spread across his face as he took Ryan from Haymitch, holding him so carefully that it was obvious that he had no plan to hurt the little boy. Bending down, he kissed his forehead, so mesmerized by the child. He was beautiful, bringing out a love that he never remembered feeling. "He has my eyes," he murmured.

((Decided to have him not only think she's a mutt, but a mutt that is posing as Sienna. That way, he still has a love for Sienna and the baby, he just thinking that Sienna is not the REAL Sienna... lol Because if he thought she was a mutt all along, I don't think he'd have the same attatchment to the baby.. What do you think?))

Norah ran down the hall as soon as she heard of their arrival, leaving Willa asleep with a babysitter. Barefoot and dressed her satin, violet robe, Norah sighed in relief when she saw Haymitch. She wrapped her arms around him neck, smiling against his neck. "I was so worried," she admitted, her heart racing. She was still on edge about the letter, knowing that if she truly wanted to keep Willa safe, she needed to turn herself in tomorrow...
(oh!I like that. That makes sense.)

Jace smiled content, so glad that she wasn't going anywhere. Because he knew that when he woke up, and she was there, he'd know where he was. "You just want to see me naked."He said pouting a little snickering yaning."We'll bath after food."He muttered falling asleep.Holding her as close as he could without hurting himself, content in her arms.

Haymitch looked confused swallowing hard as he studied the man with him, his heart pained because he had no idea what this reaction was caused from, but he knew that they couldn't let peeta see sienna until they figured it out. Smiling a litle when he saw peeta relax with the child. Well, at least they wouldn't have to worry about that. And it would probably do peeta good to see his son, even if it caused Sienna to climb the walls as she tried to figure out how to be near him again."He does. And he has your temperment more then hers."Haymitch said slowly, looking amused before yelping as norah pounced on him-a very undignified sound for the man- before smiling against her head."well, this isn't going to help you worry any less."he muttered lowering his voice as he explained what happened nodding towards peeta. "Think i should wake the doctor now, or wait until morning?"He muttered needing her opinion, because he didn't know which would bring more harm then good, forcing peeta to do a exam now, or wait till he got some real sleep.
Scarlet laughed softly and nodded. "Can you blame me? It's been months." Smirking, she held him close and had every intention on watching him sleep and making sure he was okay. She could sleep later, but for now, she just needed to be sure that he was safe and comfortable. Leaning down to kiss his temple, she sighed. "Sleep, Jace... I'll be right here."

Peeta smiled, cradling the little boy and keeping him close to his chest. There was nothing that could make him take his eyes off his son at that moment. Norah smiled at him, then looked up at Haymitch. She sighed and shook her head. "Leave him be," she murmured, "Keep guards outside Sienna's door... Let him have time with his son." Turning toward him, she cupped his cheeks and sighed. "How are you feeling?" she whispered, arching her eyebrow. She wasn't about to admit that she had been pacing all night long, waiting for him to come back so that he could be with her. Snow's letter had really taken a toll on her, and no matter what he said, she was scared for Willa... And she was scared to tell him that she had every intention to turn herself in, whether he agreed or not.
Jace muttered sleepily as she kissed his temple, whining softly as he went fully asleep. IN the morning jace yawned, blinking sleepily as he considered the tired looking woman sitting next to him."And here I thought I'd gone and died to go to heaven.But your still here."He muttered purring softly as he looked at the other, looking amused before his stomach growled."I need food..."He muttered sitting up slowly, whimpering as it made his body ache. "And you promised me a bath right?"He muttered feeling so gross because he hadn't cleaned in months.

Haymitch sighed looking at peeta, his heart aching but happy that peeta seemed so happy about the baby. Looking worried before he nodded, pulling away long enough to call guards and send them down to peeta, before looking at norah, leaning his face into her hand as he touched his face."I feel fine.I'm not the one who had their lover try killing them."He grumbled, getting sarcastic because he was hurting and angry, before looking at her, looking worried about her to."And you?How are you doing?"He asked because while she wouldnt admit it, he suspected what she was going to do, and he was so not going to let it happen.
Scarlet smirked and gave him a nod, her eyes full of adoration for the man beside her. She stood up and put a few pillows behind him so he could sit up comfortable, then leaned in to kiss him softly. "Of course," she murmured, "You'll get a bath right after you eat, okay?" The food got brought up to the room and she sat in his lap, content with sitting beside him. It was obviously she was in love with this man, and he was the one who put the light in her eyes... Sighing, she reached up to tuch a piece of hair behind her ear, her engagement ring sparkling on her finger. She never took it off. "How do you feel after a night's sleep?"

Norah sighed and nodded. "I'm fine," she murmured, "You're home, and you're safe..." She blushed at her words, wondering if she was crossing a line. Looking down at he frown, she bit her lip with habit. She was just so happy he was home and safe; so happy to see him. It made her heart ache to think of the future, but she knew he would make sure Willa was taken care of. She peeked up at him through her lashes. "You can come shower and stay in my room for a while tonight... If you'd like. I... I was really worried for you while you were gone." She swallowed, knowing that she was asking alot from him during all of this, knowing this wasn't the best time to expect his attention. But, damn, she was falling for the older man. She was falling hard, actually, and she just couldn't help it.
Jace smiled leaning his head into her hand, nuzzling her fingers before sighing softly.Starting to eat slowly, knowing that if he ate alot right away he was going to make himself sick."I feel like I could sleep for another whole day."He said smiling slightly before starting when a soft knock sounded on the door, following by a soft "Scarlet?" Jace frowned at the door, trying to figure out why Sienna was here instead of with peeta."Let her in...maybe something happened.."He said sounding slightly anxious, because it would just be their luck, live through the torture and die here in safety.

"I am."Haymitch said smiling a little,blushing himself.Pressing a kiss to her head he smiled a little wider,"I would like that."He said amused slightly by hre stutter, and needing the company.'Go.I have to take Ryan back to Sienna."He mutered pulling away from her, and despite Peeta's protests at not being ble to keep his son with him, took the baby back to Sienna, then headed for norah's rooms, knocking on the door as he sipped the flask that he hadn't touched in months.Stepping inside when she opened the door he leaned down to kiss her lightly, tasting of whiskey and himself.Even if he knew he shouldn't be kissing her he needed the reassurance that something was still normal, that even if Peeta wasn't himself, something in his life ould be okay.
Scarlet sighed, a little frustrated at being interupted. Leaning down, she kissed his cheek and went to the door, arching an eyebrow at Sienna and the baby. "Is everything okay?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at the youger girl. She stepped aside so that she could come in, then went back to sttin beside Jace, watching his like a hawk. She wanted to make sure he was eating well, so desperate to have him feeling better.

Norah was caught off guard by him walking in and kissing her, tasting of whiskey. She pulled away and raised an eyebrow, looking down at the flask. "Back with the hard liquor?" she murured, pulling himside and shutting the door. Right away, he started to work on the buttons of his shirt. "Let's get you a shower, hm?" She smirked pulling him toward the bathroom. Once they were in there, she dropped her robe, revealing her youthful nude body as she turned the water on inside the nice, marble shower. She had every intetion of making the last night before she turned herself in a good night for both of them.
Sienna wined, taking a step back, as if to leave.She should have known to not come. "Peeta's posioned....snow gave him tracker jacker posion..."She muttered having just come from the hospital. While she hadn't seen peeta, she'd demanded to know what the doctor had found, no matter how unpleasant she considered it to be. Jace's eyes went wide, "Make her come in.She shouldn't be a alone.Red...."He trailed off sounding sad, while he wanted to be alone with his girl, he couldn't leave this lost looking girl on her own. It'd be to cruel.

Haymitch wrinkled his nose, letting her pull him inside."Do you really blame me for drinking?"He muttered laughing softly as she pulld him into the bathroom. Smirking a little as he looked her over, swallowing hard as he dropped his own clothes to the floor, stepping into the shower, sighing at the warm water."Is this your way of making sure I don't think to hard?Gotta say, its better then alcohol."he said teasing her a little.
Scarlet clenched her jaw a little bit. It wasn't that she didn't care about Sienna, but she wanted to be with Jace. Over the past couple months, she comforted the girl day and night, and now she just wanted some alone time with the man she was in love with. However, she nodded to Jace and looked over at Sienna. "Come in," she sighed, settling beside Jace on the bed once again. She ran a hand through her hair and tried her hardest not to look annoyed. After all, Scarlet wasn't a saint. She had a harder time hiding her irriation. "I'm sorry about Peeta," she murmured, "But people recover from that. It takes time, but he will be okay."

Norah nodded a little, biting her lip as she grabbed a bar of soap and started to rub it all over his sweaty, tired body. Lathering his skin, she sighed, pressing her body against his back, reaching around to wash his chest. "I don't blame you," she murmured, "I just don't want you to end up hurting yourself, okay? There is not reason to get blistering drunk anymore. You have me now." She grinnined against his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him from behind.
Sienna nodded a little looking between the two, before standing again."I just...I thought you'd want to know...."She muttered before fleeing the room, because she knew her friend, and she shouldn't have come to tell her. Heading back to her room. Jace snickered starting to eat again, rolling his eyes a little. He was amused at scarlet and sienna's reactions, and more then that, because he was just glad to be with them again."Scarlet Masons, terror of 16 year olds everywhere."Jace said starting to laugh, more in relief then real amusement, just so glad to see her.

haymitch sighed closing his eyes as he leaned back against her, closing his eyes as he let her wash him off."But blistering drunk's fun. YOu could join me in drinking."He muttered turning his head to kiss her before turning all the way around, resting his hands on her hips."Well then, I guess I will have to have you."He muttered nudging her back against the wall, lifting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist, shifting, sighing softly as he rubbed against her."Though there are good things about being sober."
Scarlet turned around and narrowed her eyes at him. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. "I'm not a terror! And my last name isn't Masons... yet." She smirked and ate a strawberry off his plate, giving him a shrug. "Of course I worry about Sienna. Who doesn't? But you're home, and can you blame me for being a little selfish after all this time?" She frowned and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I just missed you so much, and the tapes I had to watch of what Snow was doing to you..." She swallowed hard. "I was scared."

Norah moaned when he pressed her against the back shower, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Leaning over, she kissed him passionately, her hands going through his damp hair. "You can always have me," she whispered, her eyes closed to hide her embarassment. It was becoming more and more obvious that this wasn't a fling to her, and she was in love with him. Smirking against his lips, she nodded. "There is one thing I have in mind that is much better sober..."
Jace snickered at her, amused at her protests."You are, and you know it."He pointed out turning his head to kiss her again, nuzzlign her a little before smiling."And it'll be masons as soon as i can get out of bed."He pouted smirking a little, "Of course you can be selfish.I just find it amusing you still terrify her when you're annoyed."he pointed out snickering because it did amuse him, even if he knew sienna really wasn't scared of Scarlet, just cautious. And confused. Smirking as he raised a hand, brushing his fingers through her hair."I missed you to. The only reason I lived was i had to remember, I could come home, as long as I was alive."he muttered."Besides, the tapes were teh worst. He wanted to make you think the abuse was that bad all the time, not just for the camera."He muttered. Liar, liar pants on fire. it was so much worse then that, not that he'd ever admit it, even if she badgered him about it.

Sienna sighed softly as she leaned against the one way glass, closing her eyes for a moment before lookign up as the door opened on peeta's room, smiling slightly when the nurse handed ryan over to his father. While she needed ryan with her, needed the reassurance that peeta didn't hate her, just thought she was a mutt that had taken the real sienna, she knew it would do him well to see his son. And....she knew, beyond a doubt, that if they never were able to see each other again, she wanted peeta to know his son, because she could see how much he cared for ryan, even with just meeting him the night before

haymitch smirked kissing her back, sighing softly in pleasure at both feelign her against him, and the hot water pounding against his back. "Well good. I always want you."He muttered nuzzling her a little, not even aware really of admitting that he wanted her to always be around. Smirking he raised his head looking down at her, sighing in pleasure as he slid into her."oh, and what is that?"He teased amused, because there was something....dirty and pleasurable about making his prim and proper norah talk dirty.
Scarlet looked a little relieved, smiling as she leaned into him and sighed. Her eyes closed. She was definitely pretty tired, but she would stay awake for him. "Well, I can honestly say that I'm ready for you to feel better again," she murmured, curling up beside him like a cat. "And to be Mrs. Masons." Her eyes rolled up to look at him, so greatful to have him home. She couldn't wait to ravish him, but she's let him get healed first. She defintely didn't want to hurt him more... She swallowed hard and sighed. "Please don't leave me again, okay? I'm just not as good of a person without you... You're my better half."

Peeta took the small baby boy, a smile spread across his face. God, Ryan looked alot like him, but he also looked like Sienna. In fact, Ryan had her smile... Walking across the room, Peeta sat in an arm chair and held his son close to him, grinning happily down at the cooing baby. "Oh, you are so innocent," he whispered, "Just like your mother... She had such a pure innocence..." His eyes started to well with tears, feeling so lonely. Here he was, sitting in a hospital while his lover was dead, and he was having to share time with his son with the woman who killed her. He was so sure of it... The memory felt so real, even if it was a tad fuzzy... Reaching up, he wiped a tear away and leaned down to kiss the baby's head. "I'll always be here for you, little one."

Norah groaned as he felt him fill her, leaning her head back against the marble wall. Their skin was hot and wet, making everything that much more pleasurable. "Always?" she murmured, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair, pulling it from the pony tail he wore it in. Smirking, she started to wiggle her hips against him, moaning. "More... Haymitch," she whimpered, "Oh, please..." She writhed under the older man, wanting him to fuck her against the wall, on the floor, on the bed... Anywhere, as long as it was him.
Jace smiled nuzzling her a little as he shifted, content to go back to sleep to. Even if he felt dirty and gross, he didn't want to get up. "I can't wait for that either."He muttered sighing as he shifted, snickering a little."I'm better then anyone, remember?"he muttered nuzzling her a little, sighing softly."Go to sleep.I'm sleepy to.We'll sleep together."he muttered setting the tray to the side.

Sienna sighed softly a hand going up to the mirrored surface of the glass, gently stroking peeta's face through the glass, wanting so much to touch him,even if she knew he'd kill her for it.Jumping when she heard the door open she turned, glaring at coin as she stepped inside before going back to watching ryan giggle happily as he wrapped his fingers in his father's blond hair. The two boys were just so much alike, so happy, always so happy no matter what.Even if peeta's happiness had been dimmed by pain, she could still see how happy he was."What do you want?I have bigger concerns that I can actually do something about, then planning a military thing or whatever."She said as much as she wanted to run away screaming, she forced herself to stand her, tortuing herself watching both her boys, guilt showing in her eyes as she watched.

"Always."Haymitch answered nuzzling her a little, leaning his head into the touch as seh played with his hair, growling as he thrust into her harder, holding her still as he enjoyed her."More?More?"He teased a little before shivering, kissing her hard as he came fingers going do to play with her wanting her to join him in the amazing aftermath of good sex.
Scarlet nodded, smirking a little. "Yes, I remember," she said, cuddling into his side. Her eyes were heavy and she didn't object to closing them, listening to his heart beat against his chest. God, he was alive... She had never felt so happy and relieved in her entire life. "You think we could have a wedding like we talked about?" she whispered, "Even if it has to be in 13... Not by the water?" She opened her eyes a litte, peeking up at him.

Peeta grinned and chuckled with the boy put his hands in his hair. His eyes were full of pride, feeling so proud to see the baby he had created with Sienna. Ryan was healthy, happy, and beautiful... Looking up, he looked at himself in the mirror, right where Sienna was standing if he could actually see her. Her looked a little sad as he saw his reflection; circles beneath his eyes, pale skin, a scar on his left cheek. It just reminded him of the torture, and then of course, the heart break of knowing Sienna was dead. He reached up and wiped a tear away, leaning back into chair and rocking Ryan, the baby boy almost instantly falling asleep in his father's strong arms.

Norah's moans were started to because higher pitched and more desperate for release, biting her lip and moving her hips agains his. "Oh! Mm... Yes, More... more..." she murmured, and the her eyes flew open as she felt herself tightening around him. "Haymitch! OH..." She slumped against him once the orgasm had finally subsided, and she looked at him with hazy, lust filled green eyes. "Stay with me tonight," she whispered softly. "And this time... Don't leave."
"Yes."He muttered already starting to drift off."And peeta'll be bes man, and sienna will be flower gir..."He mutttered giggling a little at the idea.Nuzzling scarlet he sighed softly, "Lots of water,even if we run the bathtub..."Oh yes, te man was punch drunk from not sleeping enough.

Sienna swallowed hard as she listened to Coin's offer, swallowing before nodding. Looking so sad,but maybe if she was gne for the day, she'd think of how to help peeta. But...first. Swallowing hard as she walked into the other room, she walked over,crouching at his feet, careful not to touch him,but close enough she could kiss ryan's head before pulling away, not leaving as she looked up at him."I'm going away.I wanted to say goodbye."She muttered looking so sad but smiling a litte as she loked at the man, having only come in because she assumed he'd hold onto ryan instead of trying to attack her.And even if he had tried to kill er, she couldn't not say goodbye.Even if he didn't like the mutt he thought she was at the moment, she still needed to say goodbye"goodbye peeta."She muttered heading for the door

HAymitch sighed grinning as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her away from the wall before nodding"I will.And no leaving."He promsed grinning as he walked to the bedroom with her in his arms, drying them both off before climbig into bed, snuggling ino her close, sighing in contentment as he settled down to sleep
Scarlet giggled and nodded. "Okay, Jace," she whispered, making him lay down. She pulled the blankets up and over them and leaned down to kiss his lips softly. "Who knows? Maybe by then, District 4 won't be a war zone, and we can have that wedding after all..." She smiled and cuddled down in the blankets with him, knowing that what she said was not likely, but she had to keep her hopes up in order to stay sane. "Sleep... I'll be here when you wake up. I promise."

Peeta looked down at her with an incredible amount of hatred in his blue eyes, but despite how much he wanted to lunge at the imposter in front of him and wrap his hands around her throat, he stayed where he was. The sleep baby in his arms kept him there, not about to put his son in harm's way for her. "And why would I care?" he growled in a low tone, pulling the baby closer into his chest in a effort to get him away from her. He watched her leave, frowning. Why was everyone so blind when it came to her?

Norah sighed and leaned into him, her head on his chest. Her green eyes rolled up to look at him, and she had a content look on her face. God, she was falling for this man. Falling hard. And she was so afraid that he thought she was just too young for him; too young to take seriously and begin a life with. "Haymitch?" she whispered, biting her lip. "Do you think... I mean, do you see me in your future? Me and Willa?"
Jace grinned a little, looking sleepy as he nuzzled her."I know you will.I'll see you then."He muttered so glad at the promise she'd be there, because he hadn't been sure he'd been able to sleep without it.When he woke jace yawned, sitting up slowly, swinging his lgs over the bed as he stood, careful to make sure his legs would hold him before he stumbled towards the bathroom, needing to pee and to clean up.

Sienna looked around district 12 as she stepped into the street, her eyes sad as she looked around the streets that had once be so special to her that it was painful to see the war had arrived there. Looking at the makeshift hospital she wasn't surprised when she found katniss' mother and sister helping, stopping to help herself. Even if she wasn't good at the doctoring thing, she was able to sit and hold someone's hand. as the hours past she sat and enjoyed herself, before looking up at the sound of flying, cursing as she saw capitol hovercrafts, already starting to run towards primrose as the bombs fell, cursing as she pulled the young girl away, pulling her into one of the buildings, hiding them both there. cursing as she wrapped herself around the young girl, resting her head down on the girl's head she swallowed hard as building and dust hit her in the back... and then everything went dark.

Back in 13 sienna blinked, stupidly staring above her, already starting to move up, to get up only to find herself handcuffed and restrained."You can't move yet Sienna. Lay still.One of the chunks of building crushed your shoulder."Primrose said sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her,gently resting a hand on the girl's shoulder so she wouldn't struggle."I have to go eat now,"Te young girl said hearing the call for dinner,"But I'll be back."She said walking out.Sienna frowned, stopping struggling when she realized it was getting her no where, and that she was home. well, at least as close to home as she had anymore, because peeta and ryan where across the hall.Closing her eyes again she struggled for calm, for peace, but the last time sge'd been in this much pain, peeta'd been with her, and now he was gone....crying silently as she realized both her lover and son where lost to her because she'd never be able to take ryan away from the man who so obviously loved him.

Haymitch yawned as he laid in bed, closing his eyes before they snapped open at her question, staring at the cieling. So quiet for so long it was almost sure that he wasn't going to answer, but he was thinking hard, wanting to give her a serious answer."I do. And willa to."He muttered kissing her head, closing his eyes again.

(okay, so I got bored at work and overwrote the scene, and no I couldn't help putting prim in there with her mom, cause I thought both peeta and sienna would feel guilty about it, because he'd loved katniss I dunno, just something to think about. XD)
The next morning, Scarlet gave Jace a little shake. "Come on," she murmured, leaning down to kiss his head. "Let's get you up and in the bath. I'll shave you and give you a hair cut too, okay? You will feel alot better once your cleaned up." She smiled, still thrilled with him being there, even if she had to take care of him. She was in love with him, obviously, and she was going to do everything in her power to keep him safe. There was no way she would allow him to leave her again.

Peeta was up early with Ryan the next morning, pacing the room as he rubbed the baby's back, trying to get him to calm down. He's never heard if Sienna (or the mutt who said she was Sienna) had come home from District 12, though he had been told of the attack. He did not care though, because obviously everyone else was blind to her being an imposter. Maybe this would get rid of the murderer mutt... Sighing, he looked down at his happy son and smiled, kissing his head. Everyone knew how much he loved his son, and it was nice to have all of this time with him.

A doctor walked in with a nurse. "Mr. Mellark?" the doctor murmured, "My nurse is going to take Ryan down to the nursery to be fed... I'd like to have chat with you, if that's okay." Peeta looked at him, frowning as he handed over Ryan, then went to sit in one of his chairs. He looked at the doctor, already knowing what he was going to say. Sienna was either alive or dead, and the doctor was going to keep speaking to him like it was the real Sienna. They were always correcting him and denying the truth, but they never pushed them. He knew why: They didn't think he was stable enough.

"Peeta... Sienna is alive, though badly hurt-"

"That's not Sienna!" he interupted, gripping the arms of the chair. "And I will not allow that mutt to take my son. I won't!"

The doctor sighed. "Peeta, that is not a mutt. That is the mother of your child... And I think it's time for you to know the truth," he murmured, putting a hand on the younger man's arm. "When you were a prisoner at the Capitol, President Snow made a point to use you against us. He made it sound like you would not be returned unless we cooperated, but in reality, they planned for you to be rescued, and they... Well, they tortured you with tracker jacker venom, which can alter your perception on things. If it is used enough, they can feed you fake memories over and over until you question what is real and what is not. They made you think Sienna was a mutt, and the "real" Sienna died, but it's not true. There is no mutt, and Sienna is right across the hall... Snow wanted you to come here and kill your lover yourself."

Peeta looked at the doctor, his face paling, and he went silent for a few moments. He looked so confused and lost... "That's not true," Peeta murmured, "It... it can't be..."

Norah managed to tear herself away from his side the next morning, kissing his cheek but not waking him. He looked so calm and innocent and happy when he slept, and she was not about to ruin that for him. Sighing, she pulled a robe on and left the room, walking next door to where Willa slept. Babysitters would come and go, which the child was used to since Norah was a single, working mother. But this morning, Norah was surprised to not hear anything from not only her over night babysitter, but the child herself. Norah always had someone to stay in the room with Willa, and elderly woman, who would sleep across the room and be there if Willa couldn't sleep or woke up. It wasn't because Norah did not listen for Willa as well, but because Norah was determined to have a back up plan if Willa needed someone and Norah wasn't able to get to her in time...

When Norah opened the door, she let out a shriek of terror. There laid the elderly woman, Elsie, dead on the floor. She was strangled it looked like, and her eyes were still open. Norah's heart raced, and she ran to the little bed her daughter slept in every night, screaming again at the sight of it being empty. She looked all around, hoping Willa would be somewhere. Maybe she ran to hide because she was scared after seeing her babysitter die? No... She wasn't anywhere.

Willa was gone, and in her place was a note from the President himself. Beside it was a black rose.


I warned you about your crimes, and that if you did not comply to my request, your daughter would pay the price.

President Snow

((Yes, that's fine. I like it! As for Ryan, I figured he was breast fed by Sienna, and she probably left milk with nurses to feed Ryan, but wasn't counting on her returning n such a condition. So I figured maybe another mother in District 13 offered to feed him, which is why he was getting sent to the nursery... Just explaining that part. lol If that sounds okay to you... Also, I figured this would be when they finally broke it to Peeta why he was thinking Sienna was a mutt, but it will take a while for him to recover...))
jace pouted a little smiling as he let her help him into the bathroom, leaning against the wall for a moment so she could undress him, before sinking into the water with a sigh, smirking a little at her eas he relaxed."You don't think I look good like this?"He said pouting. For spending almost 3 months getting tortured, he looked good. Even if a little ragged around the edges. "I think I look so good."He said leaning up to kiss her gently.

Sienna sighed softly as she tried to ignore the girl sitting on the end of her bed telling her a story about her day, before grinning to herself as she managed to make prim think she was asleep, the youngster huffing in irritation before leaving the room. Closing her eyes she swallowed hard, trying to focus on anything else but how hurt she was. Her shoulder ached with that steady burn that promised that if she tried to do something, it was going to really hurt. Sighing, she frowned when she heard the door open again, though she didn't bother to open her eyes to look. Primrose had taken to visiting her in the last day since she'd been hurt, and she had no idea why, but the guilt was finally getting to her."For gods sake Primrose Everdeen, I'm sleeping!"She snarled, not sounding like the kind and gentle sienna peeta was used to, but a girl who'd been pushed to her limits, losing her lover and being hurt. Not realizing that it was peeta watching her from the door, not prim. Not knowing that the doctors had finally told him.

Haymitch stumbled to his feet, cursing as he hit the floor as the blankets tangled aroound his legs, cursing when he heard haymitch yelling. Snarling annoyed at the blankets as he distangled himself, he walked over to the bedroom where he'd heard norah, looking slightly panicked and worried as he looked around,trying to find the girl who was missing."Norah?"He said grabbing her arms, a little to tight but firm, wanting to shock her back into being able to talk to him, because she looked a little shocked."Norah?"

(lol that actually makes sense. And poor peeta!I feel so bad for him.I figured he'd see her,but even knowing the truth, and knowing he was screwed with, he'd have no idea how to react anymore, or that its going to be awhile before he's back to himself. )
Scarlet smirked and nodded, leaning down to kiss him softly. "I think you look handsome," she murmured, "But you could lose some dirt and hair, I have to say." She laughed a bit and pulled a little stood beside the tub to sit on as she began to gently bathe him with a soft wash cloth and some nice soap. After a few moments, his skin was clean and she managed to wash his hair and shave his face. The water was dark with dirt and grime, and she pulled him up to dry him off, a new Jace was revealed. "Doesn't that feel better?" she murmured, wrapping a soft black robe around him and sitting him down in a chair in front of the mirror. Grabbing a pair of scissors, she started to trim his hair back to a normal length.

Peeta looked down at her, not ready to approach her. He just couldn't do it. Part of him still believed she was not real, despite how scared he was about his mind being screwed with. He swallowed, moving to a chair in the opposite corner of the room. The lights were dimmed down, but he could see her golden hair spilling out on her pillow. His heart ached. He wanted it to be her, so very badly, but how could it be? She was supposed to be dead... "I still don't believe it's you," he murmured, "But I suppose if the rumors are true... There are lots of things that are messed up with my memory." His voice was grave and without emotion. He didn't want to come here, but the doctors thought it would be best. After all, they were monitoring him on the other side of the one way mirror. Right now, he was devestated at the prospect that all of his memories were a lie...

Norah looked up at him, tears in her eyes. She reached over and grabbed the note from Willa's little bed and handed it to him, giving him a chance to read it. "Willa's gone, Haymitch," She croaked, gasping for air as she started to sob and hyperventilate. "She's gone!" Her knees going week, she fell to the bed, her face going in her hands. This was her fault. She should have turned herself in; snuck out while Haymitch was sleeping. She shouldn't have left her child in harm's way because of her denial of Snow's power. Her baby, the person she loved more than life itself, was gone. "What if she's cold or hungry or sick? She has to be so scared... Oh, God, Haymitch, she must be terrified... What if they have her locked away somewhere with no one caring for her at all? What if they... What if they have already k-" She couldn't say it, sobs ripping through her throat at the idea of her sweet little girl dying at the hands of Snow. "This is all my fault."
Jace grinned as he let her wash him, just enjoying the idea that he was with her again, and that he was getting a bath. leaning bak into the chair he smiled as she trimmed his hair, twisting to look in the mirror at himself, looking normal if a little worn around the edges. Pulling her around to be in front of him, he leaned up to kiss her lightly."I love you."He muttered nuzzling her a little."Now that I'm cleaned up, does this mean you'll have sex with me?"He asked in such a serious voice that it would take her a moment to realize he was teasing her. He was so not up to sex yet,but he did enjoy the thought of it.

Sienna sat up so quickly she jerked her restrained arm around, snarling in pain as the abused bone protested at the movement. Shifting to look at him she frowned a little, looking towards the door then at him again, as if measuring how far he'd have to come to attack her, or if she'd have time to rebreak her arm again to get out of the restraints and away from him. Not realizing the doctors were watching, to tired, to...uncaring, to really think about it. It was like peeta's attack and hatred towards her had managed to break some of that innocence that he'd loved so much."Yea, there are.But thats not either of our faults."She stated at his words, a thread of fear anger and sadness sounding through the words, anger at snow for doing this, and fear for having a unrestrained peeta there, and sadness because it pained her so badly to be afraid of him.But she was hurt, and knew she wasn't physically up to stopping him, even if she hadn't broken her shoulder. She just hadn't kept herself in good shape since she'd given birth, and now more then ever she looked like a lost waif instead of a girl.

Haymitch paled as he read thenote, catching her as she fell, easing her down onto the bed as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, crouching down in front of her. Demanding that she look at him, his hands holding hers tight."They wont harm her."He hoped." And snow wont kill her, she's more useful to him alive then she is dead. Like peeta was. Like Jace was."He muttered wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight."No, no its not your fault. He would have done it no matter what happened. Now. We're going to go see snow, and see how the hell this happened."He said the sarcastic anger starting to color his voice, because he was going to make sure someone was hurting for allowing this to happen in a place they were supposed to be safe.
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