Death within Love

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Haymitch smiled resting his cheek on willa's hair, closing his eyes. Just so glad that willa was fine, as the doctor left them alone for the private moment. The man smiled letting norah uss over her daughter, not even bothered he hadn't gotten a hello, like most boyfriends would have.He knew his lover loved her daughter, so it wasn't odd she greeted the girl first. Smiling softly as he looked down at her, kissing her back before drawing away a little, arms around her and willa. "Hmm I'll take thanks in carnal favors."He muttered teasing her, because he knew just how upset she'd been while they were gone."Come on then.Let's get some sleep.we could all use some."Haymitch said smiling a little as he kissed nora again sliding off the exam table as he headed for the door. Smiling as they headed for their rooms.

Jace poked her in the shoulder a little,"Scoot. I'm still hurt, and want to lay down."He grumbled teasing her a little because he knew she still worried about him, crawling up next to her curling up against her back,holding her gently, burying his fae against the back of her neck,closing his eyes. having taken one look at her and asked the doctor what was wrong he didn't need her to tell him what was wrong. He just needed to know how to help her, and he had no idea how to do that. So he held her as she cried. Forcing his own tears back, needing to be strong while she broke down.

"Peeta?"Sienna said softly as she stood in the doorway, smiling sadly at the sight of father and son together swallowing hard as she looked at him. Having badgered the doctors into telling her what was wrong, she was heartbroken that not only her friend had lost the baby, but she hadn't told her. Watching him for a moment, deciding it was okay to come in, before walking further into the room,sitting at his feet she rested her head on his lap, because he was holding ryan, and it was the only place left.More then anything else, just wanting the comfort of being with him, not even really realizing where she'd put her head, just that she was with him again."Scarlet was pregnant...she got hurt.Lost the baby.Jace's in there with her now."
Norah nodded and walked along side him down the hall, looking up at him and her daughter. She smiled, nodding to where she had Willa's bed moved into her room, not being able to even think about leaving her alone tonight. Once Willa was laid down, Norah kissed her forehead and the little girl was instantly asleep. "I've never been so relieved in my life," she whispered, looking up at Haymitch. "Not just because Willa is home, but because you are too..." She blushed and stood, leaning into his chest. Her arms wrapped him and she sighed. "Stay," she whispered, "It would make me feel so much better... I think it would make Willa feel better as well. She seemed awfully attatched to you tonight." Grinning a bit, her eyes rolled up to look at him.

Scarlet swallowed, reaching up to wipe her tears away from her cheeks. Her shoulders continued to shake as she sobbed, not able to look at him. "I'm so sorry," she whispered, feeling like a failure. Their baby died, and it was her fault, and she was so sure that he'd hate her for it. He should, for he had every right to in her mind... Closing her eyes, she let out a shakey breath. "I... I was so in love with this baby," she admitted, "I found out I was pregnant a week after I got to 13, and it seemed like a sign that everything would be okay; that you would come home. This baby was my hope, and it was what kept me happy, even if I chose not to tell anyone until I could tell you... And now..." She started to cry again, still facing away from him. She felt ashamed.

Peeta frowned, the baby laying on his chest as he rubbed soft circles on his back. He looked at Ryan and shook his head. "Poor Scarlet," he murmured, "And poor Jace... Doesn't see fair, does it?" He looked down at Sienna, sighing. He was still a little lost and confused. "Are you upset with me?" he whispered, referring to what just happened with her father. She seemed scared as hell when it happened, and he hated the idea of her being so scared of him.
Haymitch smiled a little looking down at the girl before nodding, still watching willa sleep as he wrapped his arms around norah to."I'll stay."He said shifting a little, uncomfortable because he'd admitted to being in love with her, even if it was to willa. It was...unsettling to know. Nudging her towards the bed,"Change. We both need sleep. And Willa's attatched to me cause I keep teaching her animal noises."He said smiling slightly, knowing that wasn't all of it,but he didn't want to think about what else had happened yet.

Jace sighed softly shifting,curling his tall body around hers, "I did come home."He muttered because he had no idea how to comfort her, because he knew any words of comfort would fall on deaf ears."I'll keep you happy, and when, if, you want to try again. We will."He sighed softly, sitting up on his elbow so he could lean over he back to look at her face."You did a good thing tonight,red. Even if it cost us our baby."He said swallowing around the tears, taking a deep breath."Haymitch would have gotten himself illed going after willa, and neither of them would have come home."He muttered trying to make her feel better and knowing he was doing a horrible job at it, and feeling ashamed that he couldn't evne help her feel better."We'll be okay."He muttered wrapping his arms around her tightly, cuddling against her, and praying that the words would be true

"No, its not."Sienna said rolling her eyes up to look at them, smiling slightly as she reached up to let ryan wrap his fingers around hers. "we managed to keep this little guy alive during the games, it seems unfair we couldn't keep another one alive."she muttered before tensing, frowning a little as she considered his words, taking them seriously instead of brushing them off as something to just reassure him about."No.... he deserved it, long before now. I was just never strong enough."She muttered looking down again, resting her head on his thigh, shame coating the words.Could it be she blamed herself for her rapist of a father?Yes, yes it seemed to be. Swallowing she sighed, swallowing down the sputter of fear that came at the reminder of him beating her father up. It wasn't so much she cared if peeta killed him, it was more like sienna was scared that if he ever saw her as a enemy again, she knew she wouldn't be able to defend herself, even healthier then she currently was.
Norah laughed, but did as she was told. After changing in a little satin night gown, she laid in bed and pulled him down with her. "She loves you, Haymitch," she murmured, "And it doesn't have anything to do with animal noises. She adores you because you care about her." She smiled and stroked his cheek, laying down and blinking sleepily. She shook her head and reached up to kiss his lips softly. "I'm sorry. I know it must be awkward... I never got the impression you reall, well, wanted kids." Whether that was true or not, Norah didn't know, but Haymitch was always a withdrawn man with no family. Norah never knew if it was intentional or not.

Scarlet sniffed and looked over her shoulder at him, nuzzling him. "Are you mad at me?" she whispered, just needing reassurance. She did not regret what she did, for she knew he was right. Willa and Haymitch needed her... Her hand went up to stroke his cheek, noticing he was holding back tears, which only made her cry a little harder. Never, ever had she seen Jace cry... She turned over and cuddled into him, letting him hold her as she sobbed into his shoulder. She hoped he was right; that they's be okay... "You will always keep me happy," she murmured, "It's me keeping you happy that I worry about. I've ruined everything."

Peeta looked down at her a frowned, his hand coming down to rest on her back. He rubbed soft, slow circles... It was something that was very Peeta-like. "You're right," he murmured, "Jace and Scarlet deserved a baby just as much as us, if not more.... But awful things happen to good people. Even us." He sighed and stood up, placing Ryan in his crib once he was positive she was asleep. He then reached down and pulled her up, nodding to the bed. "Come on... We need to catch up, hm? You can stay with me tonight." He smiled a little and reached down to kiss her cheek. It felt like they were apart for years, and he knew that he needed to sort through a lot of things before he was better.... But he also knew he wanted to be with her.
Haymitch laughed softly shifting to lay down, raising a arm, his head resting back on it as he stared at the cieling, turning his head a little to kiss her softly beore thinking. Trying so hard to let her distract him from thoughts of scarlet, before sighing softly at her words. Turning his head to study her for a moment,"You saw my game. You saw what I did..."He shuddered a little remembering using th force field that he had used as a weapon, tossing the weapon back, and becoming a almost accidental victor. "For it... I came home from my victory tour, and everyone I cared for was gone. My mother, sister my...girl."h shuddered a little."After that, it was easier to not consider things anymore."He said because if truth, he'd adopted all his tributes as his own over the years, struggled so hard to bring them home, and each death had chipped away a little more at the teenager who'd wanted a family and kids."ut I love her...and you."he muttered closing his eyes, blushing ever so softly, because he couldn't believe he'd just admitted it, having only meant to say he loved willa, not ready to admit to loving norah, but...well it was out there now.

Jace sighed sofly hugging her tightly, "I would have been mad if you'd done anything else but go.I'm not mad, not for this."He muttered nuzzling her a little."I'm mad at snow for putting both you and willa at risk, for making haymitch make the choice of going, of hijacking peeta, but never at you for this."He muttered leaning into her hand as she touched his cheek, reassuring her as much as himself as he held her,letting her cry as he held her ever so gently, his silent tears soaking her hair, mourning her pain, and mourning the child he'd never know."Well, not everything. We can still have sex. Though not now. I think the doctors would frown on sex right now. You get back to being your bitchy self, and I wont worry about you anymore."he teased a little.

Sienna sighed softly as he rubbed her back, smiling at him before nodding."Espicially victors."She muttered, because it seemed even after surviving the games, they had rotten luck. Watching him put ryan down she smiled as he pulled her up. Looking up at him nervously, not just because he'd been hijacked, but because she'd been having nightmares since she'd gotten to 13, and she didn't want to deprive him of sleep because she woke screaming. biting her lip smiling a little as he kissed her cheek, leaning her cheek against his for a moment, closing her eyes."Okay."She said smiling as she slipped away, looking nervous for a moment again before digging through his dresser, finding a pair of sweats and a soft t-shirt, hiding in the bathroom to change for a moment before coming back in, crawling into the bed. Smiling gently as she looked up at him."It seems like years since we've been like this..."She muttered, voicing his thoughts as she waited for him to get in bed to.
Norah's eyes widened a little, and then she blushed. A smile spread across her face and she leaned in to kiss him again, snuggled against his side. "Wait a second... Is the stoic, sarcastic Haymitch Abernathy telling me he is in love? And that a little girl has made him go soft?" She arched an eyebrow, chuckling a bit before reaching up to stroke his hair. "I love you too," she whispered, "Willa and I are a package deal... And I want someone who isn't just going to deal with her presence, but... Well, you know... Be her father." She blushed a bit and looked down as she drew soft circles on his chest with her finger.

Scarlet nodded and sighed, swallowing back tears. She chuckled a little at what he said and nodded. "I love you," she murmured, "And... I'll bounce back. Right now, my heart is in pieces..." She frowned and put her hand on her stomach, looking up at him. "When you were gone, I'd calm myself down by imagining what our baby was going to be like... A boy, a girl... Would they have your eyes, my smile? It's silly, I know, but it was the only thing that would tak emy mind off of how scared I was." She gave him a sad smile, reaching up to wipe his tears away.

Peeta climbed into bed with her, laying on his back and looking at the ceiling. "It has..." he murmured, smirking a little. He turned his head on the pillow and looked over at her, his hand going under the blankets to rest on her's. "We made a beautiful kid, you know that? I don't think I've ever felt that kind of love and protectiveness in my life. Well, besides you."
"..."Haymitch just gave her a look, showing that he was just as stotic and sarcastic as he usually was."I could take it back you know. I love you is just a bunch of jumbled letters that sound pretty together."He muttered sulking because she was teasing him before shivering as she drew circles on his chest, reaching up and catching her hand in his, pressing it still against his chest."STop that. Willas in the room."He growled softly before smiling"Does this mean I have to keep making animal noises?"He muttered, the only way he knew how to say that he was accepting to being a father. As scary as the idea was, he did enjoy it.

"Good.We'll heal together."He muttered nuzzling scarlet, closing his eyes, leaning his face into her hand as she wiped his tears away, the tears slowing as she smiled gently. "we'll try again.Later."He muttered kissing her head, smiling gently."After we deal with snow."he growled, just a thread of anger there, because he was so going to make sure snow was taken care of for not only their child, but for all the other children and people he'd ruined.

"Its sort of awkard to..."She muttered, because it was, she wasn't sure how to act with him anymore, now that the threat of the arena was behind them, and with everything so broken between them.Sienna turned on her side, resting her head on her arm,twisting her fingers through his, holding his hand as she watched him, her nose almost touching his, just needing the contact, even if it wasn't sex. Sex didn't matter to her, well it did, but it wasn't the most important thing, and more then anything else, she needed her peeta back. "We did. He has your smile."She said smiling because she saw more peeta in her son, then she did her."For the last two months, I've spent almost moment with him, because I already lost you, I'd panic at being away from him, because I couldn't lose him to."She said blushing ever so softly as she looked down at his chest, blushing and avoiding his gaze.Embarassed for just how much she'd fallen apart, both physically and mentally.
Norah giggled a bit as he grabbed her hand, laying her head on his shoulder. Her heart warmed at the fact that he was silently accepting not only being his lover, but Willa's father. She smiled and kissed his jaw, then reached over him and turned the lamp off. "Lots and lots of animal noises," she said, smirking a bit as she pulled the blankets up and around them. Looking up at the older man in the dark, she arched an eyebrow. "Being a parents isn't hard, Haymitch. Love her, and she will always love you back... Now, go to sleep. You are probably tired as hell." And with that, she leaned in and kissed him softly before closing her eyes.

Scarlet nodded, pressing her face into his chest. "Yes... Together," she whispered, "And as soon as Snow is dead, we can get married and go back to your district, raise a family... We can have the lives we have dreamed of." Sighing, she closed her eyes and started to will herself asleep, despite the growing ache in her chest.

Peeta reached over and cupped her chin, making her look back up at him. "I'd do it all over again if I had to," he whispered softly. "Because atleast why I was in the Capitol, I knew you were safe." He swallowed, keeping his hand on her neck, carressing her soft skin gently... He was starting to feel love underneath all of the fake memories and hatred... He was started to feel their connection once again. "We will be okay... Eventually. But I promise, we will."
Haymitch smiled smiled in the dark room, closing his eyes as he relaxe."I am..sleep."He smiled starting to fall asleep him.Content to just the other put him to sleep. In the morning Haymitch yawned sitting up, rubbing a hand over his face he tried to wake up more."Morning."he muttered smiling slightly at norah as she woke.

"WE will.And invite sienna and peeta, and everyone."Jace said yawning as he fell asleep holding her ever so gently. In the morning jace whined nuzzling his fianee as he sighed softly."Don't want to get beds to comfortable."He muttered disliking the idea of geting up and get moving, even if he knew that they'd both feel better if they did.

Sienna smiled blushing a litle as she looked at him,"we will.We'll be okay."she said smiling gently at him as she pressed a kiss to his lips, closing her eyes as she settled down against him to sleep. Forgetting that she should be cautious, forgetting everything but the need to be held. In the morning Sienna sighed softly as she laid on her side, squirming a little back against him, pressing against the eretion she ould feel against her ass, pressing against him, to sleepy to know know not to, to sleepy to remember that he might not react well to her reacting.But her sleepy body remnded her it'd been so long...

(So bad horrible idea. Sienna reacts to his morning erection, and peeta's to tired to really think about it, and tries killing her, thinking its the mutt, not remembering that they'd started finding their lve again, that she wasn't a mutt...)
Norah blinked and yawned, slowly waking up to look at the man beside her. She grinned and rolled over on top of him to give him a passionate kiss, just happy to have him still there and alive. "And good morning to you," she purred, then rolled off of him and stood up. She strethed and rubbed her sore neck, then tip toed over to Willa's bed. Smiling at the sight of the sweet toddler in a peaceful slumber, Norah sighed. "She's worn out after all of that. I don't blame her..." Leaning down, she gave her a kiss on the forehead, then looked up at Haymitch. "What's our schedule today? Busy?"

Scarlet groaned a little, shaking her head and snuggling closer to him. "Me neither... I don't feel like talking to anyone. They all know, I'm sure, and I don't think I can handle the sympathy." Sighing, she looked up at him and frowned. "Can't we call in for breakfast? I don't want to leave this room. Ever again." She pouted a little them leaned up to kiss his neck softly.

The next morning, Peeta groaned out of habit as he felt her press against his erection, moving against her a little as his eyes were still closed. However, when he finally looked at the person in front of him, he didn't see Sienna... He saw the mutt that Snow wanted him to see. Eyes going wide, he yanked the blankets back and stood up from the bed, moving much too fast for normal. Not a second went by, and his hands were around her neck, trying deperately to squeeze the life out of the monstr who killed his lover... The monster who tricked him into bed with her.

((Love it :) Hope I did it okay.))
haymitch laughed softly at the kiss, smiling as he kissed her backm nuzzling her a little as he looked up at her."I was going to keep willa with ou want me to.I was going to chek on scarlet, then see about talking to coin about how in the world this happened."He said a thred of anger in the words, bcause he really wanted to know how in the hell snow's men had gotten willa.

Jace grinned a little before getting up, shivrieng at the kiss."I'm sure I can get us breakfast."He said amused has called for breakfast, settling back in bed with her wrapping his arms around her."Maybe haymitch."he mused, because he knew the older man, even if they hadn't had any other options, he had a idea that haymitch was going to feel guilty. And having heard about the man's sober streak, he didn't want it to end.

Peeta sighed softly before her eyes went wide as she looked up at peeta, struggling, whimpering,but like she'd feard, he was stronger then she was. To stronger for the physically unhealthy woman to get him off."P=peeta!"She gasped choking as she tried to push his hands off, bit after a few minutes she went limp under his hands.The fluttery beat of her pulse against his fingertips and the choked soft breathing the only hint he'd choked her into unconsciousness instead of death
Norah bit her lip, looking up at him and knowing what was running through his mind. He probably felt extremely guilty about Scarlet, and was probably angry as hell about Snow. She sighed and nodded, thinking that Willa might be just who he needs to keep him calm and away from drinking today. "I think she would love to come with you," she murmured, smiling up at him. After waking this little girl up and getting them both dressed, she walked over and kissed Haymitch on the cheek. "I'm going down to the breakfast room, then I'm going to check with Sienna. I haven't talked to her since Peeta had returned..."

Scarlet sighed and leaned into him. "You're probably right," she murmured, "And you should probably move to the chair before he gets here." She laughed a bit then sat up in the bed, smiling as a older woman brought in a nice,hearty breakfast for them both. She started at the pancakes, knowing that Haymitch wuld probably be here soon. After all, she had not seen him since the bomb went off, and she knew how he was when it came to people getting hurt on his watch.

Peeta moved backwards, eyes going wide at what he'd done. As soon as she went unconcious, he snapped back into reality, and he was already feeling fear and guilt rip through is chest. "Oh my God," he gasped, reaching out to gather the small girl into his arms. "Sienna? Sienna, I'm so sorry... Wake up..." He shook her head little, stroking her hair away from her face. "Come on, Baby, wake up... I'm so sorry..." It was so weird. One minute, he hated her and new she needed to die... The next he remembered that she was the love of his life. Why was he so fucking screwed up?
Haymith looked startled at that, tilting his head a little."Well, I'll have fun with her.We'll go up to the gardens to."he smiled smiling a little as he pressed a kiss to willa's forhead as he stood."WE'll have breakfast with uncle jace and aunt scarlet okay?"He said smiling down at the girl before nodding at norah leaning down to kiss her cheek as he stood with willa in his arms."Have fun."he said knowing he needed to avoid those two to,because he felt guilty about that to."I'll see you this afternoon."He said heading for the hospital.

"but I don't want to."Jace mumbled before doing as she said, settling in his chair as he started to eat, asking for more breakfast knowing haymitch would probably not eat before he came, and determined to make sure the man didn't drink."Morning Haymith."JAce chirped smiling a little, grinning at willa."Hey little girl." Haymitch just looked at the man, tilting his head a little. Surely the dark haired man really wasn't that cheerful."Morning.How you feeling?"He said looking at scarlet as he set willa down into one of the other chairs so she could help jace eat his breakfast.

sienna whimpered softly, stirring a little as he talked to her, stirring as he stroked her hair. Turning her face against his chest, she shivered, "..okay...I'm okay..."She muttered sounding husky, the voice rough from abuse, her body betraying her as her heart raced with fear, struggling to be calm as she curled against his chest."Okay. I'm harm..."She muttered swallowing as she calmed, realizing he was just holding her, not hurting her anymore.Despite to calm him and make sure he was okay more then she cared about being hurt. "Okay..."She mutered slowly waking up more, breathing easier as she did.
Willa smiled happily at the idea of seeing Scarlet and Jace, and she was content with sitting beside Jace in one of the chairs. One of the maids came in and sat a tray in front of her with some milk and biscuits on it, and tucked a napkin in the front of her little dress. As the adults talks, the toddler ate her breakfast and managed to mind her own business. After all, she was used to being in the presence of adults more than children. She smiled when Jace talked to her, but turned away with a shy expression. "Hi," she murmured, then looked up at Haymitch.

Scarlet frowned and looked down at her food, playing with it more than eating it. "I'm fine, Haymitch," she murmured, then looked up at him. "Willa is safe, and that's all that matters." She offered him a smile, then looked over at the little red headed girl. It was obvious she did not want to talk about her own misfortune, and she certainly didn't want him to feel bad about it. Jace was alive, she was alive... They were young, and they had time. Hopefully.

Peeta looked down at her, looking sad and guilt. He frowned and pulled her against his chest, hugging her closely and burying his face in her hair. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, swallowing nervously. He was relieved that she seemed unharmed, but they were lucky that time. Sighing, he pulled back to looked down at her and kissed her softly on the lips, trying to assure her that he was back to normal. "I guess... I guess we will have to be careful for a while. I'm not any where close to better right now."
Haymitch smiled a little as he stole a bit of her food grinning at her.”He’s okay. A little weird, but I bet he knows lots of animal sounds. Like what a fish makes.”Haymitch said wisely. Jace looked startled, before grinning wider as he started eating more. “I do.”Jace said swallowing his food as he pressed his lips into a fishy pout, making noises. “I know lots of fishies.What about you?”

Haymitch smiled slightly looking at her, guilt showing in his eyes, but norah had done the smart thing. Sending willa with him meant he wouldn’t get black out drunk as long as she was with him.”Well thats true.And making your fiancee make fishy noises.”He said snickering a little.

Sienna ensed a little as he pulled her closer, sighing softly as she rested her head against his shoulder, tensing again when he kissed her before relaxing, forcing hersel to relax. Knowing this was her peeta, that they would be okay. nodding a little she looked sad as she sat up.”No you’re not, but at least you’re not attacking me consciously. That’s better then before.”She said sighing softly sitting up,trying to make him feel better, pulling away from him looking sad because she hated the idea of moving away from him. She needed him as much as he needed her.”We’ll be okay. but I guess that means no sleeping togeher...”She muttered sounding so sad, because she so missed sleeping in his arms.
Willa giggled and tried to mimick him, makin kissy faces, then laughing until she turned red. "I don't know a fish," she said quietly in her little child-like voice. It was true though, for she was raised in the Capitol and had never seen nature or any form of it. Just a passing bird or pictures Norah would show her in books or on television.

Scarlet laughed a little and nodded. "Very true," she murmured, then started to eat her breakfast. She peered over at the toddler, then arched her eyebrow at Haymitch. "I never thought I'd see the day," she said, shaking her head. "Haymitch Abernathy toting around a toddler... I'm starting to think that you and Norah are getting serious. After all, I don't think I've ever seen her let a man come close to her or Willa in the years I've known her." She smirked at that, the shrugged and took a bite out of her eggs.

Peeta leaned forward and rested his forehead her's. "It's a little better," he sighed, then smiled a little. It was a nice feeling to know that she was this sad over not sleeping next to him. He stroked her hair and shook his head. "No, it's not a good idea... I'm not in my right mind first thing when I wake up. I don't have time to let my mind sort through things... But that doesn't mean I can't go stay with you until you fall asleep, okay? And then I'll leave." He kissed her cheeks. "We will make it work... And we aren't limited in all ways, you know." He grinned and started to kiss down her neck, thankful that the nurse had come in during the night to take Ryan to the nursery.
jace grinned at that.”Well then. We’ll have to get a fish for you. I am sure Haymitch can do that.”He said ginning at the man who was blushing ever so softly. Though he knew better then to tease the former drunk about it. Haymitch gave her a look twitching a little because he had no idea what to say. He so did not want to have this conversation.”Norah went to see Sienna and Peeta. And she asked me to watch Willa so I wouldn’t drink....”He muttered, and even if she hadn’t said it, he knew that norah was hoping he wouldn’t drink because f the guilt if he had willa.And he wouldn’t.

Sienna smiled resting her forehead against his, closing her eyes as she leaned into him, it felt so good to have her hair stroked. She’d always loved someone playing with her hair ,even if in the time they’d had, she hadn’t had a chance to tell peeta just how much she loved it. Leaning into his hand a little she nodded liking that idea.”That would be nice. i like falling asleep next to you.”She muttered blushing ever s softly before laughing, blushing more as she tilted her head back, letting him kiss her neck.”Oh, and what are we not limited in?”She teased.
Willa's eyes lit up at the prospect of a new pet, and she looked up at Haymitch with an impossibly cute expression. "Fishy? Please?" she begged, forgetting all about her breakfast. She bounced a little in her seat, making Scarlet laugh. Looking over at Haymitch with a raised eyebrow, Scarlet grinned. "Oh, is that it? You've just brought her along as an alcohol buffer?" she asked, shaking her head. "You're as attatched to that little girl as much as you are her mother, and that's exactly why you are going to get her that fish. Isn't that right, Sweetheart?" Willa nodded, her little red curls boucing as climbed down from the chair and ran over to him, hugging his leg while giving him the "fishy" face that Jace had just taught her.

Scarlet looked up at Haymitch with a more serious expression. "Don't drink because of me, Haymitch," she murmured, "I'll be okay... We will be okay." With that, she looked over at Jace and gave him a soft, loving smile.

Peeta smiled and rolled on to his back, pulling her to lay on top of him. He thought this position would feel less threatening at the moment, his hands on her slendor hips. His growing erection could be felt against her thigh, but he was gentle. He would never push her and never ask her of it. Not now... Not when they were so fragile. "I love you," he whispered, his hands moving up her sides. He looked at her small body and frowned. "You haven't been staying very healthy, have you?" He hated that he was the reason she was so sad and fragile and thin... It broke his heart. "We need to fix that. I need you around for a long time..." With that, he smiled up at her.
Haymitch smiled a little as he realized that he was going to be getting a fishy, no matter how silly he thought a fish as a pet was. And how damned hard it was going to be to find a fish.”Okay sweetheart.I’ll see what I can do.”She said grinning a little as he looke down at the fishy face, leaning over he pressed a fishy face kiss to her forehead before looking up at scarlet, shuddering a little.”I wont.”He said, because he was going o try and not to. And willa’s presence in his days were just what he needed to be able to keep the promise. Jace grinned returning scarlet’s smile, amused that haymitch was going to have to find a fish.”We’re okay. Really.”he said nodding a little at the once drunk looking at scarlet slightly worried because he knew that if haymitch was alone, he’d ignore both their demands to no drink, and do it. He was worried that even haymitch abernathy’s self control was good enough to not drink when he was feeling drunk.

Sienna laughed softly as she ws settled on top of him, sighing softly the nerves fading from her eyes as she realized he had no intention of putting her under him, he’d been right, it was easier on her right in that moment. Shivering as she felt him against her thigh she swallowed. “I love you to.”She muttered sivery blond hair falling around them both as she leaned down to kiss him.Swallowing hard when she felt his fingers slid up her sides, felt the dips of her ribcage, almost all her bones pressing against her skin without a ounce of fat on them. She was so much lighter sitting on him, so light it was almost like a pillow sitting on his lap.Blushing at his words she avoided his eyes, not wanting him to feel bad.”I-I try, and I just couldn't..I tried..I did...”She shrugged tears clinging to her lashes afraid he was mad at her for it, blushing because it was painful to admit to how very much she’d come to rely on him, that without him there she’d been helpless.
Willa grinned happily and started to tug at Haymitch's jacket, wanting him to pick her up. Scarlet nodded and finished her breakfast, still clearly worried for him. However, she was going to drop it for now. She just hoped that Willa was around enough to keep him from doing something he'd regret; something he did when he was alone. "Well Haymitch, it looks like you have a fish to find," she said, smiling, then set her tray to the side and laid down. She was still tired and very sore, obviously needing rest.

Peeta reached up with one hand and wiped her eyes, frowning at the prospect that he'd made her upset. "Hey, now," he murmured, shaking his head. "It's okay... We will get everything under control, okay? Im here now..." He pulled her small, fragile body close to his own and held her close, his face nuzzed within her soft hair. "Everything's going to be okay..." He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead, then leaned back to look up at her. A smile spread across his face, and he reached up to stroke her cheek.
(what perfect timing, I just walked in the door and you posted. :D)

Haymitch smiled a little looking down at the girl tugging on his jacket, picking her up as he stood.”Are you ready to go find your fish then?”He said smiling as he looked at the couple, laughing softly as jace limbed back in bed to cuddle his fiancee, “rest. We’ll visit later, and jace can tell you what kind of fish we find.” Jace smiled resting his head on the pillow looking amused before nodding seriously.”I’ll be happy to help. Now go. Find your fishy.”He said looking amused as he watched the two leave.”She’s good for him.”He said still looking worried, because he knew haymitch, had a feeling he’d be reckless if not taken care of.

Sienna sighed softly nuzzling his hand as he touched her cheek.”I’m sorry...since...since ryan was born, its easier to upset me. And it was already pathetically easy.”She muttered smiling as she snuggled against his chest, gigglign a little as his breath made the soft curls along her neck tickle her. “We’re okay.We’ll be okay.”She said smiling a little as she looked down at him, leaning over to kiss him gently, slowly, as if she was afraid he’d pull away. And she was, bu she trusted him, and she’d see just how far he’d let things go before he decided they were both not well enough.
Scarlet sighed and snuggled into Jace's arms, letting her smaller body conform to his larger one. "Yes, she is," she murmured, "And Norah seems to be slowly changing him for the better. I never thought I'd see the day that he was so attatched to another person..." Shrugged and looked up at him through her thick lashes, smiling. Her hand reached up to caress the stubble on his chin.

Peeta leaned up and kissed her back, a little more passionately than before, but not too hard to scare her. His hands moved up to her back, pressing her down and into him. A moan escaped his lips at the intimate contact, his body craving what he hasn't had in so long. "Yes, we'll be fine," he whispered, his hands moving to the hem of her shirt and moving upward, underneath the shirt so that he could feel the soft heat of her skin.
Jace smiled gently wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head, nuzzling her hand as she stroked his cheek,”I need to shave.”He grumbled before grinning a little.”It seems she is. And he’s always been attatched to his tributes, but your right, its good for him to have a healthy relationship. I can’t believe he didn’t argue against getting a fish.”He said snickering as he buried his face against her hair, just so glad to be with her.

Sienna moaned softly as he pressed her down into him, swallowing hard as she squirmed a little. “Peeta...”She moaned softly back arching a little into the touch of his hands, her hands finding the edge of his shirt, easing it up, mirroring his own acions as she kissed him harder, glad that he was letting her control things. It made this so much easier. She trusted him,but she was afraid in the middle of things, he’d have a breakdown. At least now she could be in charge, she loved him so much for thinking of it.
One month later...

Peeta walked into Sienna's room holding Ryan close to his chest. The baby boy was happy, cooing at the sight of his mother. Chuckling a little, Peeta sat on the edge of her bed and looked down at her. "Morning," he murmured, "Feeling up to getting some breakfast downstairs?" He handed the baby to Sienna, knowing he must be hungry. It had been alot easier on them now that the medicine was out of her system and they didn't have to send Ryan to the nursery to eat anymore.

Norah watched her daughter make fishy faces at the new fish bowl in their room, her little eyes following the tiny gold fish as it swam round and round. Nora giggled a little and looked over at Haymitch, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his stomach. Looking up at him, she smirked. "How you found that fish is beyond me," she murmured, "But thank you... She loves it, as you can see." Her hand went up to stroke the man's face, looking into his eyes carefully. "Have you put any thought into what you want Willa to call you? She's young, you know... I hate for her to be calling you "chirp, chirp" for the rest of her life."

Scarlet was in the downstairs area of the building, swimming in the indoor pull. She was back to tip top shape thanks to lots of working out and physical therapy. Sighing, she lifted herself up to sit on the side, her feet dangling in the water as she ran her hands through her long, drenched hair.
Sienna smiled a little as she cuddled the baby, nodding a little. “Let me feed him, and we’ll go.”she said smiling as she settled back against the pillows as she let ryan feed, smiling as she looked up at peeta, leaning up to kiss him lightly. she was slender still,but slowly putting on more muscle and weight, recovering now that she had peeta back with her, and ryan. Standing after ryan finished she cleaned herself the him up before smiling as he wrapped his fingers in her hair, the 4 month old so happy to be with his parents.”How was your morning?”She asked smiling at peeta, knowing that even if she’d just gotten up, he’d probably been up for awhile. They still weren’t sharing a bedroombut they were still the first people they saw upon waking,besides ryan.

Haymitch laughed a little grinning a little goofily as he watched the girl and goldfish smirking as he watched the fish.”Took lots ofsearching. And Jace’s help.”He said smirking a little before grinning wider, a small sarcastic tilt to his lips, because he was so not sure what he wanted from willa, but he wanted to be her father not that he’d ever admit to the desire, despite norah knowing he was in love with them both.”Hey its better tehn jae’s mushy, because she said thats what it sounded like when he made a fish face.”he said snickering because he still remembered jace’s face as he realized mushy to willa meant him, while scarlet, peeta and sienna got some form of their own names.

Jace smiled as he walked into the indoor pool area, wrinkling his nose a little at the smell of chlorine, shaking his head as he walked up behind her, his legs pressing against her back as he looked down at her.”Hey. You ready for breakfast?”He asked tugging on a lock of her hair, looking so much better then he had, back in shape. STill leaner the he’d once been,but as fit and sturdy as ever.
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