Death within Love

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Peeta smirked at Caesar, the blue-haired interviewer of the Games, and kept his hand on Sienna's knee. "I would say it's nice to see you again Caesar..." The crowd laughed, and so did Caesar.

"Yes, Peeta, I would say the same thing, but who knew you were going to be back in only a year's time? In the Games of all things!" Caesar started, then leaned in. "How did you feel when you knew you were going to go back in? And with a new female tribute as well... Must have been hard news to take."

Peeta nodded and stroked Sienna's knee with his thumb. "It was hard," he admitted, looking over at Sienna. "That was until I got to know Sienna..."

The crowd swooned and Caesar let out a sweet sigh. "Ah, yes, young love... You seemed to have found it in the oddest of places, hm? The Capitol has been obessed with watching your love story! It's beautiful... What a shame that it will all have to come to an end eventually." Caesar frowned and patted Peeta's knee, and Peeta seemed to slump a little at his words.

"Yes, it's very hard for me to know that I will lose Sienna in one way or another," Peeta murmured, and the sadness in his voice was genuine. The crowd went silent. "If that wasn't enough, losing the baby will tear us both apart. It was only last night, when we came out of isolation, that I noticed Sienna with child..." Peeta leaned over and placed his large hand on her stomach, moving that black ribbon out of the way so that the crowd could see the small, round buldge he was caressing in such a caring, protective way.

The crowd gasped, Caesar looked like a deer in the headlights, and Snow was in the back of the room with rage written all across his pale face... Peeta swallowed nervously, nodding with a weery expression.

Caesar finally had the crowd calmed down and quiet after several minutes, and he turned to Peeta and Sienna once again. "Sienna, sweetheart, how do you feel about all of this?"


In the waiting room Scarlet leaned into Jace and watched the TV. At the news, she tensed, and her jaw dropped a little. In the back ground, Norah droped a coffee mug. It crashed to the floor and sent the dark liquid all over the plush white carpet...
sienna laughed softly blushing as she pressed her cheek against peeta's shoulder, :It wasn't the only thing hard."she muttered in his ear, teasing him even as she listened to him and caesar talk, more then willing to let peeta talk. He was so good at words that she felt helpless next him. So much like katniss in that way, she was completely hopeless with words. Nuzzling him a little when she heard the sadness in his voice, her hand resting on the one on her knee, startling a little as he touched her stomach, looking down at his hand as if she had no idea what he was doing. And she didn't. She looked so surprised at him admitting it then and there, there was no doubt that she hadn't known he was going to say it.

Sienna erself was giving caesar those wide deer in the headlights eyes as she struggled to figure out what she was going to say. Blushing hard as she hid her face against peeta's shoulder, laughing softly as she heard haymitch yelling from backstage. Even through the crowd, she could hear the drunk's words. Snickering a little she turned a little, looking like a rabbit peeking at the wolf as she looked at caesar, for once playing on her innocence, "Like I want to throw up."She muttered poking peeta in the side."It's not kind to randomly surprising me."She grumbled sighing softly."I....I don't want to go back.But I will...because I'm the only one I trust to protect peeta."

Haymitch's flask hit the ground at the announcement, the words that followed where so explicit that they weren't fit for company as he cursed the two for being idiots. Jace twisted looking at the tv, before starting to laugh. Really. Oh man,"Hot damn, the boy always knew how to make a splash."He said snickering hard, smirking as he looked at norah to see what she was going to do or say.Norah was way to uptight to not have a opinion about it
Scarlet shook her head and clenched her jaw a little. "Where there goes all of the sponsors, hm?" She sighed and rolled her eyes. Jace was right; Peeta was great with words and knew how to get a reaction...

Norah winched at the sound of Haymitch's flask his the ground. She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. She had no words, honestly, for Scarlet said it all. Peeta as grabbing sponsors and playing the sad, innocent card like he was so good at. But what really worried her was Snow's reaction. What was going to happen to them? Not just Peeta and Sienna, but everyone else? They would be lucky if a rebellion didn't start. However, she looked over at Haymitch with a glare. She just couldn't help it. "Throwing a fit will help nothing," she snapped, and then she looked over at her tribute, Jace, and pointed a finger at him. "Don't you dare do anything like that! I'm not joking, Jace!"


Caesar nodded thoughtfully as the crowd went back to swooning, however, they were still a tad unsettled. Peeta looked down at her and smiled, and right on cue, he kissed her head. His hand still rested on her stomach, lisetning to her talk.

"I'm sure you will do what ever it is you can," Caesar said, nodding, but he was getting the cue that time was up. He smiled and stood up along with them and shook their hands. "Well, Peeta and Sienna, good luck you both... The Capitol will definitely be interested in your next move!" The music turned on, and Peeta led her off stage, wincing at the thought of what was waiting for them...
"that's true."Jace said though he was still snickering because though he knew they were losing the sponsors, he also knew that it appealled to him to protect the innocent pregnant girl.Even if he wouldn't let himself get killed or scarlet get killed because of it, he knew if he could protect her, he would. Which was probably why peeta had announced it on tv. Smiling a little as he got to his feet, snickering as haymitch glared at norah's back as she scolded him he smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek as he walked past her."I would never do anything like that Norah. I'm to smart to get her pregnant at the games."He piped up already heading for the stage, smiling as he sat down on the couch,"Hello Caesar."He said smirking a little as he pulled scarlet down next to him."I'm sorry to say though, my awesome presence will do nothing to offset that interview. I just don't have anything as exciting as getting my girlfriend pregnant."


Sienna siled a little feeling unsettled herself as she leaned into peeta, standing up."Thank you."She said smiling as she looked at caesar, shaking his hand before following peeta off stage dragging her feet a little."..haymitch's going to kill you."She muttered shifting wrapping a arm around his waist, cuddling into his side as they walked, short enough she fit easily under his arm. Haymitch frowned looking at the two of them, growling softly.Mostly sober now from shock, and disliking himself for being even more worried about them then he already had been."You two should have told me before you got on stage." "Sorry Haymitch. Peeta just noticed on the way to the stage, there was no time..."She said meekly. "Bullshit. You two were making out like teenagers last night."Haymitch growled before shaking his head, more hurt then anything else that they hadn't said anything."Just go sit down. You have to watch the rest, and then we have a dinner at the presidental manor."
Scarlet walked along side Jace, sitting down next to him and crossing on leg over the other, showing off the nice slit in her dress. Maybe she'd get some perverted sponsors? He hand rested on Jace's thigh when she leaned in to him, looking over at Caesar with a saucy expression. "He wishes I was his girlfriend," she murmured, giving him a wink. Caesas dramatically fanned himself off with his cue card and turned to Jace. "Well, you two are as hot as fire! You have been all season, which has definitely has caught the Capitol's attention," Caesar murmured, "I think the question everyone is wanting as answer to is if this is only for the cameras?"

Scarlet sat back a little, and she sighed, a hand moving across Jace's lap until her fingers laced within his. "I don't think I'm much of an actress," she murmured, smirking a bit.

Caesar laughed a little and nodded. "Well, Jace, I must say... Everyone was quite surprised to see you make an ally of Miss Scarlet, a girl with a more brutal preputation that yourself. What do you have to say about that?


Peeta frowned, looking up at Haymitch with guilt. "Come on, Haymitch," he murmured quietly, "Snow made her promise not to tell me... He wants her to be pregnant in the arena." He swallowed and shook his head. "I had to do something, alright?" With that, he turned and led Sienna toward the opposite side of the room. He wrapped his arms around her as they sat on a near by couch and sighed. "I'm sorry for springing that on you... I wanted your reaction to be genuine." He smiled a little at that.

Jace grinned."Not as hot as the girl on fire."he said looking amused eyelids flickering a little as he thought about katniss' outfit from the year before before grinning as he looked at the interviewer. "Me?A coward acting for the cameras?I think you overestimate how good I act."he said snickering a little smiling softly as he gently squeezed scarlet's hand, turning his head a little pressing a kiss to her head blushing a little at the question."I think someone's underestimating how much she can appeal to a man's desire to get married."

The wicked devil may care smirk turned his lips for a moment before he stood,lowering himself to one knee as he pulled out the ring that he'd been carrying for years, not that he'd ever admit to having been waiting for a excuse to propose to her, even if it was just a random ass thing to give her. Even if he'd had to surprise her witout starting a relationship.Doing this, was what he wanted to do, and well he could win the sponsors they needed. The twisting rope of white and gold showed her own district's wealth, but with the twisting fisher's knots from his. A perfect mingling.A perfect puzzle piece snapped together. That's how he viewed them, puzzle pieces from the same puzzle.

"Marry me,red, please."


Haymitch sighed shaking his head,"Damn."He cursed softly becaue he couldn't blame peeta now, couldn't fault the man for wanting to do something. Espicialy as he looked at the small blond huddling against peeta, poor sienna who looked like she just wanted to go away. Rubbing a hand over his face be turned his attention to the interview. Sienna laughed softly as they sat down shifting to snuggle against him."I told you I trusted you...even if you made me a little sick to my stomach announcing it like that."She muttered kissing him softly, "well, at least snow can't be angry with me now.IT wasn't my fault..."

Haymitch stared, in fact the whole room stared at the mentor turned gamer, looking at him like jace had finally lost his mind
The crowd started to swoon, and Scarlet went incredibly quiet. Her eyes wide, she looked down at him, and she could not believe it... Her heart caught in her throat as she looked at the ring, never thinking in a million years that this would happen to her. However, part of her just knew this was for the cameras. Jace was not a stupid man, and Scarlet was sure that he knew this would get them sponsors. Part of her wanted to slap him, and part of her wanted to kiss him.

Smirking, she nodded, waiting for him to . "Of course, I will marry you," she murmured, "Idiot." The crowed roared with applause and she leaned down to cup his face in her hands and kiss him softly, trying to figure out exactly what she was going to do... She was so happy, and she knew this would help them, but she hated the feeling in her gut that told her this was all an act: That he really did not want to marry her at all.

Once their interview was over, Scarlet walked off stage holding Jace's hand...However, when they got into the privacy of the hall way between the entrance of the stage and the entrance of the lounge where every one else was, she yanked her hand away from him and pushed him against the wall. She came after him, pushing him farther into the wall, and she glared at him. "What do you think you are doing, hm?" she demanded, "I get that we need sponsors, but that was out of line, Jace!" Clenching her jaw, she willed herself not to cry. "It's not fair to do that to me --- to joke around about wanting to marry me when I know you don't! You played me like a fool!"

Norah's eyes went wide at the proposal, watching it on the television screen in the lounge, and let out a frustrated growl. "That idiot!" she screeched. "That damn idiot! I told him not to do something irrational, and what does he do? He get's on one knee!" Here she was, throwing a fit after telling Haymitch he needed to calm down. God, these people were starting to get on her nerves... Crossing her arms, she sighed and shook her head, walking away from the crowd of people to the bar. Taking a glass of wine, she sighed and took a hefty gulp. Well, it was after five...
Jace pouted kissing her,"Its not nice calling me names."He muttered smiling a little as he leaned back to look at her dark eyes searching her face and sighing softly.Seeing that she was upset, he sighed realizing that he was going to have a fight on his hands as soon as he got out of the spotlight.Yelping as he was pushed back against the wall he looked down at her, making a face, letting him intimidate him though, despite her being shorter then him."..And I just happened to have a ring?"He asked frowning annoyed because he'd tried so hard to find the perfect ring. Blushing ever so softly as he looked down at her,"Come on Scarlet. We have to get to the party."He muttered sadly already trying to slip away from her. Not wanting to fight, and knowing he wouldn't be able to convince her of just how serious he'd been.

Haymitch's mouth fell open a little snickering slightly at her outburst,"Not so easy to not yell, when they do something outrageous."He pointed out, rolling his eyes looking at his two tributes, grinning a little as sienna blushed hiding her face in peeta's shoulder."Come on Norah.We have to be leaving for President snow's."He said smiling slightly. Sienna sighed sotly looking up at her lover,"do we have to go to the party?"She muttered feeling tired, and a little sick. Not sure if it was because she knew the president's reaction was going to be bad, or that the baby was just making her feel sick.
Scarlet caught his arm and pulled him back once more, not letting him get out the door. Her eyes were looking a bit glassy, and she looked down at the ring. It was beautiful, and she immediately knew how it tied them together. It was perfect... It really was. "How did you get this ring?" she murmured, confused. She was not aware of how long he had that ring; that his feelings were storng and genuine. "Was all of that real?" she whispered, "Do you... Do you really want to marry me, Jace?"

Peeta smirked and turned toward her, leaning down to kiss her warm cheek. "Yes, we have to go. Appearences are eveyrthing right now, and we need all the sponsors we can get," he murmured, reaching down to stroke her stomach. "We need these Capitol people to not only be in love with us, but sympathize with us enough to send us things we need. We have to keep you healthy in that arena." He wasn't about to tell her that his plan was to keep her alive until the end, and hopefully let her leave with their child. He didn't mind dying as long as she got out and had their child with her. Being left behind was not what he was scared of; it was the prospect of losing her.

Norah looked up at the much older, but handsome mentor and blushed. "Well," she said, about to start a smart retort, but sighed. "Yes... It's hard ignoring their ignorance." She rolled her eyes and took a gulp of her wine, looking at the clock. "Yes, it's getting around that time... I can honestly say I'd rather not socialize anymore than I have to, but I suppose I have no choice." She made a face, then took another drink of her wine. She couldn't hold her alchohol like Haymitch, so after one glass, she was feeling much better.
"I bought it. How else do you get jewelry?"Jace muttered squirming a little blushing ever so softly, avoiding looking at her, because it embarassed him that he'd been so obsessed that he'd bought the most perfect ring years ago, just in case he'd ever had the chance to propose."I do. Now can we go?"He muttered trying to get out of the conversation that he so didn't want to be having. He'd almost rather have her being pissed at him then realize just how creepy stalkerish he'd been.

Sienna sighed softly, turning her head to kiss him softly."I know that.I just don't want to. pregnant women shouldn't have to be put through this..."she muttered smiling softly as he stroked her stomach, resting a hand over his,holding her stomach together before smiling a little. Frowning at him as she tried to figure out what he was thinking about, "You look sad."She muttered raising a hand to touch his cheek looking worried about him,as she stood.Gently tugging him to his feet and heading for the door so they could go across the street to the president's manor.Looking at jace and scarlet talking she smiled slightly at jace, who looked so uncomfortable it was sort of amusing. Smiling as she walked with peeta, wincing as they were immidately surrounded by the capitol people attending the party, all the them chattering and talking happily to the new parents making her nervous and hiding against peeta's side. Unlike peeta, she was uncomfortable and awkward with talking, and feeling sick was so not helping that.

Haymitch smiled slightly,"Well, if you get drunk, you wont have to worry about it."The older mentor said gently taking her glass from her not about to let her walk drunk, at least not until she was in the president's manor where she wouldn't have to go anywhere afterwards. "May I escort you to the party, norah? I am sure your tribute is going to be busy, while scarlet yells at him for being a idiot."
Scarlet sighed at his words... He really did love her, and he wanted her to be his wife, and he managed to get a ring for her that was beyond perfect and beautiful. Rolling her eyes, she threw her arms around him and nuzzled her face into his neck, swallowing hard. Her eyes looking at her hand that rest on the back of his neck, the ring sparkling at her, she smiled. "I love you," she whispered, and it felt like the world stopped, because she had not said those in years. Not to anyone. "I love you, and I want to marry you, even though I think you are an idiot sometimes. And you think I'm a bitch." Leaning back down on her feet, looking up at him, she smirked and stroked his cheek.

Peeta held her close with an arm around her waist, and he smiled and talked to people like he'd known them for years. It was all an act, of course, but he was just good at conversation... After managing to get through the crowd, he led Sienna over to their table in the large room and sat down in the seat beside her. The food looked wonderful, and he was definitely hungry. "How are you feeling?" he whispered, his hand going to her knee. "You should eat as much as you can for the next couple of days..." He frowned at that, hating she was about to be back in the arena at the end of the week.

Norah sighed and let him take the glass, feeling like a child for a moment. "I'm not one to get drunk," she murmured, "But I've started thinking about it lately. I don't do well with stress." Smirking, she nodded and walked with him down the path way and over the bridge to the Presidential dinner. Tucking a piece of her red hair back in place, she bit her bottom cherry red lip like always and huffed. The 25 year old acted older, but she still looked young. Her body looked impressively curvy and mature in the formfitting black dress she wore.
Jace smiled a little, relaxing as he wrapped his arms around her,holding her tight before grinning."Think we could skip the party to celebrate that you love me?"He muttered nuzzling her a little before smriking, leaning into the touch."I would never say that about my wife."He teased snickering a little,"Come my lady, we have fans to greet and bribe into buying us things."He muttered snickering a little as they headed across the street. Moving through the crowd with praticed ease,finally settling at his seat at the table, digging in.He was so hungry, and glad that she hadn't asked just how long he'd had the ring.

Sienna smiled a little as they got through the crowd,"You're so good with everyone.I just want to tell them to go away."She muttered looking definately grumpy. It wasn't so much that she minded talking and answering the questions everyone had, it was the people that randomly touched her stomach,offering congradulations and condolences as they'd touched her. it was one thing to let peeta snuggle and touch her as much as he wanted, it was another to let complete strangers touch the sensitive curve of her stomach. Having found that the longer she was pregnant, the more sensitive her skin became to touch.

Haymithc smiled a little,"You're already a little wobbly in your heels Norah, and I do support being drunk.It makes everything a little better."He said though he'd been staying sober more then normal this year, in a effort to protect peeta, and sienna. And now he was going to have to use every trick he knew in getting sienna and the baby home, because he knew peeta'd hate him if he sacerfied mother and child to bring him home. So, they'd both work together to get the girl hme. Smiling a little as he looked over at the woman walking with him he wondered just what was going to happen next, leading to her seat before taking his own."Eat. You wont get drunk, the food'll help."He muttered for once trying to be helpful having a feeling she wasn't used to being drunk, so she didn't know food would help with the hangover.
Scarlet laughed a little and shook her head. "I don't think skipping the big party will help our case much..." She smiled and took his hand, making their way through the crowd. She smiled like a blushing bride should after being proposed to, looking a little different from her usual mysterious presence. Watching him eat, she smirked and started to eat as well. She was pretty hungry, actually, and it was easy to eat when she finally seemed to feel relaxed... "How long have you had this?" she murmured out of curiosity, looking at the unique ring. "I mean, it's not like they would have let you leave during isolation to go shopping, correct?"

Peeta smirked at her words and shook her head. "You don't have to say anyhing," he murmured, "They find your shy quality endearing, so it works." Stuffing a piece of bread in his mouth, he watched Haymitch, for the first time ever, making conversation with another mentor. Not just any mentor, but the twenty-five year old female mentor for District 4. He arched an eyebrows, shaking his head a bit. "I never thought I'd see the day," he said, nodding to the other couple. "She's a little young for him, I think, but it's nice to see him talking and not drinking for once..."

Norah sighed and nibbled on a piece of bread, smiling up at he older man. She bit her lip, shifiting her seat. So, maybe she was a tad drunk... But atleast she was not drunk enough to make a fool out of herself. "Thank you," she murmrued to him, smiling a but. "Not that I believe alcohol should... subsitute happiness... But I was about to have an anxiety attack back there." She shook her head and took a sip of water before pushing her chair back and nodded toward the ladies' room. "Excuse me."

Getting up, she wobbled a bit and found her footing before walking across the room and down a long hallway to find a restroom. However, half way through, she ran into a rather large Capitol guard. "Excuse me," she murmured, rolling her eyes. He did not budge, grabbing her by the arm and shoving her inside another room. A scream ripped through her throat, but it could not be heard over the music. She tried to leave the small sitting room, but the man was huge. "Shut your pretty little mouth," he growled, throwing her on to a couch and fumbling with the zipper of her dress. She sobered up immediately from the shock, trying to kick away from him, but it was no use. Her dress was on the floor with in seconds, and his large hand was over her mouth as he started to part her legs.
Jace nearly choked a the food he was eating,swallowing hard as he looked over at her, coughing."Dammit red, you're not supposed to try nd kill me out of the arena."He grumbled blushing at her words."No they didn't. I was stuck just like everyone else."he grumbled trying to think about how to avoid answering with a few years,"Uh....just this year."He muttered the darkening blush giving lie to just how long he'd had it."I...I saw it and it made me think of you."He said smiling a little."Besides, I had to have something to make you want to team up with me."He said smiling a little hoping that she wouldnt question just howdeep his cowardness was, tat even in the three years she'd been a mentor, that he hadnt had the balls to ask her out, at least till they were in the arena again. Shame coated his feelings for a moment, because no matter what scarlet said, he knew he was a coward

Sienna frowned looking grumpy as she ate, taking his advice and eating just as much as her upset stomach would allow."So endearing they don't think I'll take off a hand if they keep touching me."She said grumpily before looking over at haymitch, snickering a little as she looked at him."Well, he's so immature and she's so uptight, maybe he had to wait for someone that young to be at his level."She sid teasing a little before grinning. "You're right, it is good to see him not drinking."she smiled glancing around the room, blushing slightly as she looked over at peeta.if she had to go back to the arena, she wanted a romantic evening with him, even if it was a very public one. And now that she knew it was known she was pregnant, she didnt have to hide."dance with me?"she was smiling gently, shyly. As if she was uncertain that would, and she was, because they were so very much thie center of attention, and neither of thrm were particulary fond of it, even if peeta seemed more at ease with i
T then she was.

'I don't subsitute it. I'm perfectly happy being a drunk."He said smiling bck as he looked up as she left. Frowning a little when she didn't return within a normal period, getting up and going in search of her. "I wouldn't be doing that you know. This is capitol,and she IS a victor. They'd find it amusing if she killed you."Haymitch said from the door frowning at the two even as his hand dropped to his side the knife he had hidden up his sleeve sliding into his hand. The days he went undarmed anywhere were long gone, and he was glad that he was sober enough to know that he had to get norah out of here. .Crossing the room he gently pushed the guard awy, though it was a solid push."Now go."
Scarlet lauhged a bit, shaking her head and reaching over to pat his back like you would a child who was choking. "I was just curious!" she murmured, tilting her head to the side as she listened to him. Looking down at ring like it was the most beatiful thing in the world (and it was to her) and grinned. "You've had this before we really met." She looked up at him and shook her head, wondering why on earth he was already set on her long before she had given him a chance... He was an interesting man, that was for sure, but she felt lucky to have him. "An engagement ring was your idea of a peace treaty?" she asked, looking back over at him. Rolling her eyes, she sighed and leaned over to take a sip of her wine. "Just admit it. You were in love with me."

Peeta laughed a little. "That's true," he murmured, "I could never really see him with someone like my mom or anything..." Peeta grinned at her question, sliding his chair back and standing up before offereing her his hand. "I'd love to dance with you," he murmured softly, before helping her to her feet and leading her out onto the floor. He twirled her around a little and brought her into his arms, on hand holding her's and the other on her waist. He moved her through the slow beat of the music, smiling down at her.

Norah gasped and curled up in the corner of the couch, her eyes wide and her red hair pulled out of her usual updo. She bit her lip and watched him, not crying, but in alot of shock. As the guard eyed Haymitch's knife, he shuffled out the door and down the hall, leaving her and Haymitch alone. She swallowed nervously, only wearing her bra and pantinies. Everything was a little blury around her from the alcohol, but she was aware... She was aware that Haymitch saved her from beng raped.

Looking up at him, huddled in a way that she hoped would leave her less exposed. "Haymitch?" she murmured, still shaking with fear.
"Yes I did."He muttered giving her a look, blushing a little before he smiled."It was. It's pretty, and your a girl. Pretty things are what girls usually like."Jace said as he relaxed starting to breath normally as he smiledat her. Realizing that he had pleased her some way, he smiled before grinning."I'll admit I'm in love with you."He said not about to admit that he'd always been in love with her,even when he didn't want to be. "A dance, love?"He smiled as he stood, holding out his hand for her.

"...that's disturbing. Haymitch as your dad.That's just wrong."Sienna said making a face at his words before blushing a little as she followed him out onto the dance floor. Moving easily and naturally with him as they danced, smiling back up at him.Smiling and forgetting about crowd around them, for the moment it was just them in the world, and that's all that mattered."A romantic evening, for us. That's all I want."She muttered kissing him softly as the song ended, stepping back, gently touching his cheek as she drew him down for a kiss, starting when she heard Seneca Crane's chuckle and felt president snow nearly glaring holes in her back."Lady Schlyer,may I have this dance?"Seneca said smiling at her as he held out a hand, knowing the president wanted a few words with peeta, then her.Looking a little sad as he surveyed the girl in front of him. Sienna smiled slightly,looking at peeta, looking worried before nodding."I would be honored."She muttered slipping her hand into seneca's, looking at the other two men, looking worried about how angry snow was.

Haymitch turned his head watching the guard leave before he slid the knife back into the wrist seath before looking at the woman in front of him.Blushing slightly as he looked at her, avoiding looking at her body or anything, focusing on her face as he shrugged out of his tux jacket, gently wrapping it around her."Yes, it's me.Come on.You'll have to direct me to your room."he said hesitanting before picking her up gently, heading for the door,wrapped in his jacket.
Scarlet looked at his hand, the up at him. "Of course," she murmured, letting him take her to the dance floor. She immediately moved into his arms, her face nuzzled in his neck. Their was a sadness in her expression, of course, because she knew that even if they were engaged, they would never really be married. They'd die before they would eve get to do that. No wedding, no life together... She swallowed and closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder as they danced. "Do you have any family waiting for you in District 4?" she whispered, "Family that is outraged you have asked me to marry you." She smirked at that, leaning back to look at him.

Peeta looked at President Snow, and he frowned, following im into the corner of the room. "Yes, President Snow?" he murmured, and the older man arched an eyebrow. Holding a bloody cloth up to his mouth, he nodded toward Sienna. "So I hear that you have caught wind of your fellow tributes condition," he murmrued, "A condition that you put her in." A flash of guilt spread across Peeta's face, and he nodded. "Yes, I'm aware of the baby." Snow smirked and nodded. "I was planning on keeping it quiet, of course, but you seem to have other plans... I'm just going to warn you, Mr. Mellark, if you decide to bring shame about this Capitol, I will have no choice but to punish not only you, but your lover and her child." Peeta nodded, glaring a little. "Yes, sir, of course..." The President nodded to him and walked off, and Peeta looked over to where Sienna and Seneca danced.

"You didn't have to do that," Norah said once he got her back to her room. She walked over and grabbed a violet satin robe and put it on over her exposed body, blushing a little. "I'm used to it." She shrugged and looked up at the older, handsome man; the man she had a crush on when she watched him on televison when she was a kid. She swallowed nervously and tucked a piece of her red hair behind her ear before pouring them both a glass of wine from her private bar. "You know how is for victors, especially females," she whispered, avoiding his eye contact as she went to sit on the foot of her bed. "They offered to pay me millions of dollars to live out here, which I do, because I don't think I could even face my own district."
Jace smiled a little as she nuzzed him, resting his cheek against her hair, wrapping his arms around her gently, holding her close."I do.A younger sister.And Finnick, not a brother, but the closest I have."He said laughing softly."They'll be pissed they can't plan my wedding."He said smiling a little because he'd come to the games so annie wouldn't have to. Annie, who Finnick loved. His 'brother' was going to be so pissed that he traded his happiness for finnick's. Pressing a kiss to her forehead he sighed a little."How about you?"

Sienna looked worried even as she let Seneca lead her around the dancefloor, starting a little when the gamemaker pressed a kiss to her forehead. Looking up at him she studied his face,"You feel guilty."She muttered studying him."Never.I regret....the necessity of you going back to the games."Seneca said stepping away from her, taking her hand and leading her back to Peeta, smiling slightly, though there was something in his eyes that said he was considering something, something serious and something that would concern them."You are a lucky man, Mr. Mellark,enjoy the rest of your evening."The gamemaker said already walking away. Sienna frowned watching him go before she looked at Peeta,"He's a odd one."She said before wrapping her arms around his waist,"What did Snow want?"She said looking worried about him, and wondering just how much of a mess they were going to be in from now on. It was bad enough she was sure that snow was sending her back as a punishment,but to know for sure that was what the president planned, that she'd be the leverage to bring peeta to his knees, she'd be devastated.

Haymitch sighed softly."I did."He said looking at her before sighing a little, because even as a drunkard, his sense of honor demanded that he see that she was alright. Even if it was twisted from what it used to be, he still had some rules, and one of them was taking care of the ones who needed it. "I know."he said looking stricken because it hurt to consider how bad it was for them all,espicially the female victors."I couldn't not face my district, not when I can't get a single one of their children through the games."He said softly, while she lived her and punished herself, he lived in district 12 because he was punishing himself, making him see every tribute he'd ever trained, reflected in the faces of the families he'd failed.
Scarlet smiled a little, dancing with him to the slow music. "None," she murmured, shrugging. A sad expression spread across her face and she looked away from him, wondering if she should tel him the truth, or avoid the conversation all together. With a sigh, she leaned back up to rest her head on his shoulder. "I had three older brothers, but Snow put themand my parents to death when I didn't cooperate with... his needs," she whispered, swallowing hard. She had not talked about her brothers and parents in a long time, mainly because the President had ordered her not to speak of it. It was also why she had stayed alone all this time, because she was scared that how ever she chose to spend her life with would end up like her family. "I would like to meet your family," she whispered, smiling a bit.

Peeta nodded to Seneca with a smile, the turned to wrap his arms around Sienna. He bent down to kiss her head and shrugged. "He was just reminding me of tomorrow's events and what not," he lied, trying to keep her calm and happy. It wasn't healthy to get her even more upset while she was pregnant, and he wasn't going to be the one to do that. "Why don't we get you upstairs? I'm sure everyone would understand if we went to bed early tonight..." He smirked at that, then leaned down to grab her hand.

Norah pulled her legs up under her and handed him to glass of wine she poured for him. "I know what you mean," she said sadly, taking a gulp of the wine. "It's... It's awful to see the parents. It's the worst part, and I'm just not strong enough to do it. So, like a coward, I commited myself to living int he Capitol and letting sleezy men like the only from earlier hit on me." She shrugged and looked out the window, taking in the lights of the city. Biting her cherry red lip out of habit, her eyes rolled up to look at him. "I was born the year you won," she whispered, smirking a bit. "Isn't that strange?"
Jace tightened his arms around her, pressing his lips to her hair, holding her close. "I know they'd want to meet you."He muttered closing his eyes as he held her close ,because he knew without saying that she'd stayed away from anyone to keep it from happening again. Like haymitch. Like finnick, who'd lost everyone but annie. Like the others. But Scarlet didn't have to worry about him anymore, he was already condemned to die in these games."Maybe you can go see them, after you win.I'm sure they would like to see you."He muttered before raising his head looking down at her, gently stroking her hair out of her face."Think we could leave now?"He muttered his eyes following the pregnant couple, wondering if he could beg off and escape to.He so didn't want to spend the last days of his life surrounded by people he didn't like.

Sienna smiled leaning into him,"Oh.Well, its the same stuff we did today. Not so bad."She muttered resting her head on his shoulder, sighing softly. She didn't want to go back, didn't want to have to fight anymore."I'm sure they would."She said smirking to looking up at him, slipping her hand into his as they headed for the doors walking upstairs with him.Biting her lip as she thought, content to just walk with him until they got upstairs. Slipping off her dress she slipped into the bed curling up against the headboard, resting her back aginst it as she hugged her legs, resting her cheek against her knees, looking so small and tired as she watched him undress."Peeta...if... if something'll take care of the baby wont you?"She muttered needing to hear the words even if she knew the answer.Because it hurt at the idea of not being with him and their child,but she needed to know he wouldn't leave the child alone, that even if he was dying of a broken heart because she was gone, that he wouldn't leave the baby.

Haymitch smiled a ittle sipping the wine, wrinkling his nose a little.So used to rot gut alcohol he could get in the districts, he wasn't used to the good wine of the capitol."Why do you think I drink?Its not easier, but ts easier then being here."Haymitch said sadly because in the first few years after his victory he'd lived in the capitol, and played the game,but his heart and sanity wasnt' go to survive, so he ran home, to the people that blamed him for not getting their children home."Not so strange."He muttered smiling at her,"For there's always life within death."he muttered shaking his head knowing he was being morbid, moving to stand up."I better be going. We have a busy few days, and then they're back in the arena."He said the words tinged with the sadness he was feeling at the idea of having to send both peeta and sienna back.
Scarlet let him hold her, looking up at him with eyes full of trust. "I'm sure we could get away," she murmured, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward her room. Once in there, she shut the door and moved to up knot his tie that he worse, smiling up at him as she did so. She shook her head at his suggestion. "I'm not going to win, Jace," she sighed, "Stop saying that. Even if I did, I think I would be the very last person your family would want to see." What she wasn't saying was that if he did not get out alive, she didn't want to either. She'd rather die in the arena with him then leave without him. He was all she had anymore... Turning around, she lifted her hair so he could unzip her dress.

Peeta took off his jacket, tie and shirt, then stood shirtless in front of her. He put his hand on his hips, looking down at her with hurt written across her face... "That won't happen," he murmured, frowning. "I won't let anything happen to you, Sienna, I swear." He unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down his legs before moving beside her in the bed. He leaned down and rest his head on her stomach, kissing it softly before letting his eyes roll up to look at her. "But if I fail to keep you safe, I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep our baby safe..."

Norah smiled softly, cuddled up in the middle of the bed and looking over at him. When he mentioned leaving, she tensed a little. She didn't want him to... This was the first time they had every been together alone, and it might have been the alcohol, but she still saw the man she had a crush on through her childhood as she watched him on television. Leaning over, she put her glass wine down on the bed side table and bit her lip. "Or you could stay?" she whispered, swallowing nervously. Slowly, her hand moved over to where he sat, her fingers grazing his arm. She wondered if she looked young and dumb to him, making herself blush a little. However, she just didn't want to be alone tonight. Well, she was not always alone, but she wanted to be with someone she could trust. Not a Capitol man... And to be honest, she wanted to be with the guy she's fantasized about all of those years.
Jace smiled letting her lead him out of the ballroom, snickering a little as she undid his tie. Looking down at her he sighed, leanning down to kiss her, refusing to consider the fact that neither of them were goign to get out of the arena. It was painful to consider, but at least they'd die together, because he knew during this second section of the games, that the others were going to come fast and hard for them. Sighing softly he smiled kissing her shoulder as he undid the zipper, sighing softly as it pooled at their feet."Come on.Lets get some sleep."he muttered for once, not wanting to have sex with her, but just wanting to hold her, to hold her while he slept and know that nothing was going to happen to them. For once, he wanted a normal relationship moment.

Sienna winced as she relaxed,gently stroking his hair as she leaned back"WEll, I'm not going to let anything happen to you either."She said leaning down to kiss his forehead before leaning back again, closing her eyes as she rested. Not really asleep,but just happy in his company. "Good.Now get some sleep. You'll do neither of us any good if you're exhausted."She said looking down at him, with his head pillowed on her stomach and her heart ached, because she never wanted to leave him. And in that moment she knew love wasn't about how many times you had sex, or the big declarations of love that people made it out to be, it was about the quiet moments like this, the peacefullness you found together. Eyes softening as she looked down at him she smiled,"I love you."She muttered.

Haymitch looked startled at the words before looking at her, looking unsure for a moment before nodding."I can stay."he said toeing off his shoes and sitting on the bed next to her, looking over at her. Not seeing it as she meant it, not a offer to have sex or anything, but that she just didn't want to be alone on a night they were sending their victors back into the arena."Lay down.You need to get some sleep."He muttered slipping under the covers and lying down,getting comfortable because it really didn't matter to him where he slept, only that he did. And well, he was kind of stupid for feelings, and he didn't realize that she was offering more then just company while he slept to keep the dreams away.

(....yes I can see haymitch being a idiot about relationships. :D)
Scarlet sighed and nodded, crawling into bed and laying against the pillows. She smiled at him in the dark and and pulled him down with her, wanting him to lay on top of her and provide protection... "I wish we could get married by the water," she whispered, talking about his own district. "I wish I could go home with you and live in the same house, raise a family..." She swallowed and closed her eyes, imaging what they would have been like a couple years from now. Happy and content with a modest life, as long as they had each other. Before Jace, she had never saw herself as a mother. But the deeper she fell in love with him, the more she started to imagine children running around with his eyes and smile...

Peeta kissed her stomach, laying against it. "I love you too," he whispered, then moved up to tuck her into his arm. His large hand went down to her stomach as he held her, as if he were trying to not only protect her, but the baby inside of her. It didn't take very long for him to finally close his eyes and go to sleep, breathing softly as he face nuzzled her hair.

Norah raised an eyebrow, watching him climb into her bed. Her heart thudded in her chest as she stood up and untied her robe, letting it pool at her feet. She still wore a matching pair of black lace panties and bra, but there was no hiding her youthful body, her skin a creamy ivory. Biting her lip, she looked down at where the older man laid, her stomach fluttering a little. It was endearing that he was not immediately thinking of sex, but she had to admit, that's what she wanted. After having a couple glasses of wine and being in the presence of the older man she's always been fastinated with... Well, that's what she craved. "I'm not in the mood to go to sleep this early," she admitted, crawling in the bed next to him. Her smooth leg brushed against his hand, and she blushed, swallowing nervously.

(lol Yea, and she's young and typsy with a crush on him. I kinda want to see them hookup and wake up in the morning thinking "what the fuck?" lol Because both of them are not ready to give in to someone emotionally, I don't think. So it will be interesting.)
Jace smiled a littel as he shifted, laying half on her as he nuzzled her neck."Me to.I love the water, even more then most kids do at home."He said smiling against her skin,closing her eyes."Me to. I wish we could."He muttered swallowing hard around the tears that choked him,because it hurt to think about. even if he got out of the arena, or if she did, there was never going to be a wedding by the sea, a house with kids. Never.Pressing a kiss to her hair he sighed softly, closing his eyes."Sleep, and dream of happy things, for tomorrow is gong to be a nightmare."he muttered nuzzlng her a little.

Haymitch's mouth fell open a little as he looked at the woman standing next to the bed raising a knee a little so that the blankets weren't pressing against his sudden arousal. Swallowing hard he smiled at her, nervously, and not sure what to think, shivering as her leg brushed against his."Oh, and what are you in the mood for?"He muttered his words slurring just enough to tell he was tipsy to, smirking as he reached out pulling her over to straddle his waist as he leaned back on the pillows. Now that she made it clear what she wanted, he was thinking about sex. And just sex. Not about the fact that things would be complicated, r that he'd probably regret it in the morning, but that it'd been so long since he'd had sex. Shivering a little as he pressed her down against his arousal he smiled a little, leaning up to kiss her gently, softly.

(oh yea. So not ready to be emotionally involved. And itll be even worse considering after having sex, they're waking up and sending their victors back to the arena. Talk about a tramatic and emotion filled day.)
Norah moaned a little, feeling his erection through his pants and her panties. She bit her lip and grinded her hips again his, throwing her hair back at the first piece of contact. So he did want her... She smirked, leaning down to un button his shirt and push it aside, looking down at the tanned, muscular skin. She kissed him back just as gently, then moved down his body. She kissed his neck, his chest, his stomach... And then she unbuttoned his pants, unzipped them, and revealed his hardened member. Looking up at him, she grinned. "What do you think I'm in the mood for, Haymitch?"

(Oh yes, exactly... It will be amusing to watch Haymitch let loose tonight, then wake up and see her beside him. Not that I think he is the type to regret sleeping with a young, pretty girl... But he'd probably be scared of what it could lead to. lol Same for her. I think she'd be afraid of what it meant...)
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