Death within Love

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Sienna smiled sipping her water, shifting to lean into him content to just with with him"I'm sure we can leave soon.Hopefully."She muttered laughing softly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, sighing a little. And after awhile she grinned, as she realized most of the guests, along with haymitch, were way drunk. "Come on.Lets go. we have rooms upstairs."She muttered wrapping her arms around his waist, stealing his drink and returning it to the table, before wrapping her hand in his, pulling him towards the door."Come on.Lets go.I want to be alone with you."She muttered stealing a kiss before she let him go, already starting to run up the stairs, intending on making him run after her. After all, she was having fun teasing him, making him run after her was amusing."Peeta!Come on!"She called over her shoulder as she slid into her room panting as she turned to wait for him to come in.

Jace sighed softly thrusting up into her hand, closing his eyes as he smirked a little."Me?Secrets?I don't have any good secrets."He muttered his blush becoming a full face flush as he looked up at her, swallowing hard s he nodded looking at her."I'm pretty sure everyone knows your bad girl."He said snickering as he kissed her, pulling her down onto the couch with him, pinning her to the plush cushions, nuzzling her skin."Hmm I'm always glad to see a eager woman."He muttered.
Peeta jogged after her, grinning as he went up the stairs to catch her. Panting, he slipped into the room and locked the door behind him before pouncing on her, grabbing her up into his arms and pressing a passionate kiss to her lips. He lifted her up, putting her legs around his waist and turning her around to where he back was against the door. "Hm, so now you are resulting to teasing me? That's not very nice." He chuckled and leaned up to kiss her, pressing her against the door and letting her feel the hard length of his aroused member.

Scarlet laid down and wrapped her arms around him, stroking his hair as he nuzzled her neck. She smiled as she felt his member pressed long and hard against her thigh. "Men who don't have secrets don'ts blush like that," she teased, arching an eyebrow. Leaning up, she kissed him and closed her eyes, looking relaxed and peaceful. "I'm sure you've seen many, many eager woman in your days as a victor, correct?" Her eyes opened and she smiled. "We your a mentor the year I was in the Games? The first time, I mean."
Sienna laghed, a high delighted sound as he picked her up, laughing softly as the skirt of her dress rode up her legs, leaving her lower body bare as she pressed against him, panting softly, the cerset making it harder to breath as she panted,but she didn't exactly want to undress either because she was hoping he wouldn't notice the small baby bulge. Laughing as she kissed him again."oh, but you like me teasing you don't you?"She muttered nuzzling him, squirming, pulling him closer to him."Peeeettaaa..."She whined pressing against him, wanting more, starting to lose coherent thoughts, and the ideas of what a bad idea this may be but she wanted him, she wanted him so much.

Jace moaned softly smiling a little as he rubbed against her a little, smirking as he looked down at her."I'm not blushing."He said sulking a little as he looked down at her, looking amused as he thrust into her slowly, taking his time, reassuring himself that she really was alive, smirking."Oh, I did. Of course, they were all the capitols chosen, so it wasn't the best."He muttered enjoying talking to her as he made love to her slowly,"I was. It'd just gotten out of my own game the year before."He muttered leaning down to kiss her.
Peeta turned and carried her through the darkened bedroom, laying her down on the bed before started to take of his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. Leaning down her kissed her lips, her cheek, her neck, her collar bone, the tps of her breasts. Reaching under neath her, he held her up with one hand and started to work at her zipper. "You'd tease a man who's been longing for you for over a month?" he murmured, smirking against her skin. "And you're moaning like you want me as bad as I want you..."

Scarlet whimpered as he slowly and carefully entered her, and she bit her lip and stared into his eyes. A smirk came to her lips as she reached up to run her hands through her hair. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her dress bunched up under neath her and around her waist and her thong laying on the ground. Her white thong, oddly enough. It was as if her stylist knew exactly what she was going to do when she saw her lover... "Do you remember seeing me?" she whispered, "Back a few years ago during my games?" She tilted her head to the side. "I bet you were too distracted by Capitol whores to notice me..."
Sienna shivered hands pushing at his shirt, fiddling with the edge of his jacket, sitting up on her elbows as she watched him, shivering as she felt her lips on her skin, whining softly."You question if I want you as bdly as you want me?"She questioned sounding..,,interested in the answer. As if she wasn't sure if he trusted her.And that just twisted the knife deeper, because she was hiding things from him. Squirming as he took his time pulling down the zipper, whining softly."Peeta, please..."She muttered squirming a little as the corset gave as he pulled the zipper down, spilling rounder, fuller breasts into the slightly chilly air. Shivering as she pressed closer to him."Peeta..."She whined running her fingers through his hair.

Jace smiled as he thrust into her slowly, resting his head on her shoulder as he worked his body into hers,shivering a little as he closed his eyes,hands cupping her ass as he pulled her closer to him, blushing hard at the words, burying his face against her neck so she couldn't see the reaction.Embarassed because despite everything happening to him at the time, he'd noticed her, and had been fascinated."Not so distracted."He muttered nuzzling her skin, panting ever so softly as he thrust into her, taking his time, intending on going slow until she demanded more.
Peeta nodded, eyes hazy with lust and as he yanked her zipper all the way down. Her breasts.... Had they grown that much since the last time they'd seen eachother, or had his mental picture not given them justice? His eyebrows knitted with confusion, but he wasn't complaining. Maybe since she was eating better lately, she was gaining more cuves. He didn't know, but he definitely didn't mind. He leaned in and kissed each one, then leaned up to kiss her lips. He stepped out of his clothes, looking healthy and muscular, the scar on his arm the only hint of the arena. Smiling, he grabbed her unzipped dress and pulled it down, letting it pool at the floor and revealing her body to him. In the dark, he'd noticed she was curvier, but it was too dark to notice the prominent buldge in her stomach. Not to mention, he was too turned on to be thinkng clearly at the moment.

Moving over her and spread her legs up and high, his hands resting under her knees and pushing them toward the bed. Licking her inner thigh, he decided he could tease her as much as she had him.

Scarlet moaned and whimpered, her hands daring to move down to cup his muscular ass and pushing him harder and deeper inside of her. At that, she let out a groan, her eyes closed. "Jace... Oh, God...," she whined, her hands pushing him. "What did you think of me? Hm?" she purred, "Did you think you'd ever be fucking me on a Capitol couch?" She chuckled and nuzzled him, kissing his neck and nibbling the sensitive skin.
Sienna sighed softly as she kissed him back, sitting up on her elbows so she could watch him undress. a small easy smile curling her lips as she reached out gently running her fingers through his hair, sighing softly as he pushed her legs open, raising a eyebrow as she laughed softly."Over...eager are we?"She moaned shivering as he licked her, whining softly as she watched the dark blond head between her legs, tangling her fingers in his hair."Are you going to take your time, now that you've waited a month?"She teased snickering as she tugged at his curls, wondering if she could tease him into hurrying because they were both anxious and needing touched.

Jace moaned as she pressed him tighter into her, his head jerking up, looking down at her startled, anger showing in those blue eyes. Wondering who had told her. Surely if someone knew in the capitol that he'd been in love with her, he could see them being cruel enough to tell her. Staring down at her he blushed, as he realized she'd guessed. No one but his own actions had told her he'd always wnted her."NOt a couch."He muttered blushing hard shivering as he picked up the pace, unable to stop himself from fucking her harder as a months worth of absitence got the better of him.
Peeta rolled his eyes and looked up at her. "Fine," he murmured, kissing her thigh one last time before settling on top of her, his weigh on his arms as he thrusted his cock insider of her, crying out in a desperate groan of pleasure. "God... Uh... Feels... better than I remembered," he said, laughing a bit as he leaned down to kiss her, his hands moving to her thighs to wrap them around his waist. He kept a slow, slow rhythm as he let get used to her being inside of her once again. She was still young and very tight, reminding him she needed a moment to adjust.

Scarlet smirked tilting her head to the side. So he had known about her for years... And had fantasized about her? She laughed a bit and leaned up to kiss him, moaning into his mouth as he worked in and out of her faster. "Oh... Uh... Jace! Yes!," she cried, weeping with pleasure. Her hips moved with his, her heels digging into the back of his thighs and her nails biting into his shirt. "Oh, yesss... Harder, harder..." God, it felt good to have him inside her after so long. She had touched herself many of nights thinking of him over the past month, so it was nice to finally have him in the flesh.
Sienna winced at his words, looking upset at the idea she might have upset him before moaning, nails biing into his arms, and for a panicked moment pushing him away as she wondered if sex would hurt the baby. Before stopping pulling him closer, relaxing as he moved into her, shivering as she clung to him, tears filling her eyes as she buried her face against his shoulder, crying softly as she came, to worked up between the teasing and being without him to last long. Clinging to him as she cried because she was so scared to lose him.

Jace moaned softly as he kissed her back,panting as he thrust into her, shivering the only clothing he was still wearing his dress shirt that had fallen open, framing his body perfectly as he thrust into her. "Oh...I've missed you."He muttered lowering his head to kiss her hard shuddering as he came, gathering her up in his arms, holding her as close as he could, burying his face against her hir.
Peeta came quicker than he would have liked, feeling her orgasm around him. He panted and fell to the side of her, pulling her close and looking down at her with confusion. "Sienna, what's wrong?" he asked, blue eyes filled wth worry and he hovered over her. His hand came to her face, scared he had hurt her or she regretted everything... Maybe he pressured her too much into the sex this time? He frowned and kissed her forehead. "Did I hurt you or something?"

Scarlet screamed out in pleasure as she came, shuddering as she felt his cum coating her insides. She groaned and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his exposed neck. "I've missed you too," she whispered, "So much..." She smiled and leaned back against the cusions, reaching up to caress his cheek as she looked up at him in a pleasure induced daze. "You're bad," she whispered, "You were older than me when you were a mentor." She bucked her hips a little against his cock that was still inside of her. "I was only sixteen..."

((I just had the hugest craving hit me! I kinda want to play someone opposite of Haymitch... Just for fun. lol))
(...hahaha he so totally needs someone. To help him with his geese of course.)

Sienna shuddered shifting, curling her body against his, burying her face against his chest, refusing to look at him, refusing because she just knew he was going tobe angry. And she'd been told not to tell him..."No.N-no.I'm okay."She sniffled a little tensing for a moment before shifting, cuddling against him because she couldn't help it. She wanted to sleep next to him, as close as she could. And she knew he was observant enough to notice eventually. Snow was just being a moron if he thought peeta wouldn't notice he'd gotten his girlfriend.... could she even call herelf that?-pregnant. Frowning a little as she followed the painful thought she sighed, pressing her face against his chest."No.I'm okay. I promise.Just go to sleep."She muttered desperate to put off this talk till morning, after they'd rested and just been together again.

Jace sighed softly as he as he pulled out of her, slouching to the side, laying on his side as he rested his head on her breasts. Blushing hard as he considered her words."Not that much older.Only two years."He grumbled blushing,"you have to know, 17 year olds fantasy about everyone, so its not that weird.Or creepy."he said overexplaining because he was nervous, not about to admit he'd been fantasing while watching her in the games, that it had been the only thought that had gotten him through the games for awhile.Then able to see her at every game after...oh yes, he'd fantasied.
((Hmm... Who could we set him up with? Another mentor? Maybe a girl who won in the games a few years younger than him? I imagine her around 25...))

Peeta was worried about her, pulling the blankets over them and holding her close. "Sienna," he whispered, looking down at her and shaking his head. He looked so worried and concerned, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him. Her tears made his stomach go in knows. "Sienna, honey, what's wrong? Did I do something?" He swallowed nervously, shaking his had. "You're not okay... I can tell! Just tell me what's wrong! We are safe here, Sienna... We are alone..."

Scarlet stroked his hair and smiled, her eyes closed. "God, if I knew the hot mentor from District 4 was looking my way, I probably would have been too distracted to win..." she whispered, chuckling a bit. She shook her head and pushed up from the couch. Grabbing his clothes and biting her lip. "Come on. Let's go back to my room, shall we?" As she took off with his clothes, running out the room and down the hall, moving remarkably fast for a girl in heels.
(lol Hmm yes I think a mentor. Maybe oone of the others from scarlets distrct. I could see them teaming up,trying to get all their tributes home...)

Sienna sighed softly shifting closer to him, looking up at him scared.Scared of snow, and even more scared he'd leave her."No...well...yes,but no."She stuttered a little because she had no idea how to say it, looking up at him sadly before closing her hands over his,for a moment distracted as she stroked scarred skin shifting a little to lay on her back"...I was...I was told not to tell you...because I still have to go back to the arena."she muttered pressing a kiss to his palm before pressing his hand against her stomach so he could feel the gentle curve there. While it could have been her getting fat on good food, the firm curve of her stomach said it was what he thought it was."Snow...was a moron if he thought I could fool you for long..."She muttered pulling her head away, crying softly as she avoided looking at him, because she was already bracing for anger, for guilt, and blame. She was so worried about what'd he'd do.

"red!What the hell!?Scarlet!"Jace yelled as he ran out of the sitting room, not even noticing haymitch and her own mentor turning to look at them as he ran after her in his boxers, glad she'd been decent enough to leave them for her. "Get back here!"He demanded running after her, but laughing because this was so utterly riddiculous. Haymitch turned his head to watch the two run by, looking startled."....that was more then I ever wanted to see of Jace Masons."He said his words slurred a little as he watched the two run by.
((Oh that's so perfect! Because it's both of their tributes and they want them out, and I just think Haymitch needs a girl... He could be hilarious in a relationship. lol))

Peeta's eyes widened as he felt the small buldge, throwing the blankets back and turning a lamp on beside the bed so he could see... God, she was pregnant. For enough long to where you could tell is she didn't have clothes on. Fear coursed through him and he hovered over her, both of his large hands covering the buldge on her stomach. He swallowed nervously, both fear and amazement in his eyes. He shook his head, his blue eyes rimming with tears as he leaned up to kiss her forhead. "Sh... sh... It's okay," he whispered, his thumbs sroking her soft skin around her navel. "Sh..." He felt so guilty for getting her pregnant. She was so young, and scared... He hated this for her, but he was certainly not mad at her. Hands shaking, he looked down again. "My God, there's a baby in there," he whispered softly, a tear falling onto the soft curve of her belly.

Scarlet laughed hysterically, and before he made it to her room, she had already pulled the zipper of her dress, letting it fall in a black puddle at her feet, revealing her soft, yet toned body and mature, round breasts. She smiled when he entered, bit her lip. The scar from the stabbing was very prominent, but it held character... Moving out of the dress, she walked barefoot over to him and smiled. "Make love to me in a bed," she whispered softly. "Like we had both fantasized over the years..." And just like that, she admitted she had once thought he same thing he had...


Norah walked up behing Haymitch, wearing a strapless, long emerald gree dress that brought out her green eyes and flaming red hair. She chuckled and bit and shook her head, taking a sip of the white wine she held. "Young love," she murmured, in a beautiful, yet raspy voice. She glanced up at her fellow mentor, and man she did not know incredibly well, but had seen him around over the years. She was twenty five and was the District Four mentor for a couple years before Jace took her place. But when Jace went into the arena, she came back to fufill her duties... "I wish I remembered what that felt like," she said, scoffing a bit.
sienna yelped a little as he flipped the lgiht on, blinking in the light even as she laughed softly as he pulled the blankets back. Rubbing a hand over her eyes to get rid of the tears she sighed softly as she stroked her stomach, reaching out, looking at him shyly before resting her hands over his,"There is."she muttered looking up at him, smiling gently, still looking nervous about his reaction but reaching up, gently stroking his cheek,wiping the tears away."Hey. You don't get to cry.I get to cry. No crying for you."She teased sniffling a little as she looked up at him sniffling a little before squirming around to turn out the light, tugging him down on top of her, one of her favorite sleeping positions, half hidden under him, because it made her feel protected. Pulling the blankets up around them she sighed, snuggling against him, pressing his hands against her stomach, looking at him worriedly."Peeta?"She muttered trying to figure out what he was thinking.

Jace skidded to a stop eyes widening as he stared at the woman in front of him, his mouth falling open a little because he couldn't think past the sight of the woman in front of him. Smirking a little as he crossed the room,scooping her up."Ahhh, we?I didn't know my pyschosis had progressed into being a we."he teased kissing her, looking amused because he was wondering if she really was admitting to fantasizing about him.

"If it makes you act like your moron, or my two morons, I'm pretty sure I'm well rid of the feeling."Haymitch said sipping his sotch looking at the younger woman, tilting his head slightly. "Though I guess it is keeping them all alive."He mused because it was true everyone was flocking to want to support the lovers or to at least meet them once. Even if he thought they were morons, and he knew, he just knew sienna was hiding something from him, he just didn't know what. And it ws starting to annoy him.
Peeta sniffed, then laughed, looking up at her with a smile as he leaned into her hand. "A baby...," he whispered, shaking his head. God, a baby. A baby that was his responsibility to protect and love and keep alive, along with Sienna. He felt overwhelmed and scared, knowing there was no way he could leave this girl's side, and he was not about to leave her alone with his baby. He was not that kind of man, and he really did love her... "We are going to be okay," he promised, holding her close and keeping one large hand spread across her belly. "I'm going to protect you... And this baby... And some how, we are going to all make it out and find a life outside of this mess. Because I love you." He swallowed nervously, tears still in his eyes. After all, he was still young too. "But I have to admit, I'm scared out of my wits right now."

Scarlet laughed and wrapped her legs around his waist to look down at him, letting him hold her. "Shut up," she murmured, shaking her head and kiss him passionately. "You think when I was sixteen I didn't notice the hot District 4 mentor?" She arched and eyebrow and rolled her eyes. "Of course I fantasized about you, even if I was a little distracted with trying to survive..."

Norah looked up at him and smirked, noticing the slight slur in his words. Yes, he was a little older than him and known for his drinking, but he was still handsome. Maybe it was becuase she remembered watching the games as a kid when he was on it... She had a crush on his even then, even if she would never admit it. "Yes, well, in a place like this, I think love is the only thing that could make you feel alive at all," she murmured, shaking a gulp of wine and sighing. She shook her head and looked back up at him. "But maybe it's the wine talking."
Sienna smiled softly as she looked at him, "We will be."She muttered sighing softly as she relaxed, so relieved that he wasn't freaking out that she was starting to fall asleep. As if worrying about what he'd do, hd taken all her energy, and now she was just tired."We'll find somewhere...and we're both scared.But we'll be scared together."She muttered nuzzling him blinking sleepily because she was worried bout him."I love you to...we'll talk in the morning...I want to sleep,peeta..."She muttered drifting off to sleep,in the morning she was sitting on the edge of the bed watching him sleep, wrapped up in her blanket as she watched him sleep,gently stroking her hair. Looking worried, actually worried again because she was scared now that he'd had time to think about it, he'd abandon her to her own devices. While she knew peeta better then that, she was still scred and for the last month she'd known she was pregnant, he'd been so alone.And she was afraid to be alone again.

Jace grinned,"Ah true. I am just that hot."He grinned tossing her to the bed, grinning because it amused him that even in life and death situations he'd managed to attract attention. In the morning though, jace stirred sleepily pressing his face against her neck, whining a little as he cracked a eye to look at the mentor hovering over the bed, before snuggling back down into the bed."Go away Norah.I'm sleeping."he whined at the year older woman not wanting to get up.He just knew bad things were going to happen if he woke, and he didn't want that to happen.
Peeta woke up, his eyes fluttering open at the feeling of her stroking his hair. He smiled sleepily and reached up to grab her hand. "Mmm, hey," he mumured, softly. Sitting up on his elbows, he sighed and leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Why do I have the feeling you have been sitting up worrying?" He chuckled and moved from the bed, going across the room to put on his pants from last night before Haymitch barged in. Running a hand through his messy blond hair, he smirked and moved over to her, kneeling on the floor in front of her. His hand went to her stomach and he leaned in to kiss the small buldge. "We will figure something out." He was trying extra hard to comfort her, because he knew she was young and scared, and he hated that for her...

Scarlet laughed at his whining, opening her eyes and leaning in to kiss his forehead. "Hey, Norah," she murmured sleepily, then moved to the bathroom for a shower, not bothering to cover up. After all, she was not very modest... Norah looked down at Jace with an arched eyebrow, her hands on her hips. "Get up! You need to shower and shave and get ready for a day of interviews." Norah rolled her eyes, her red hair pulled into a nice updo and her lips painted red. She had been awake for hours, dressed in a formal, knee length black dress that had a pencil skirt, with black heels. She was known as a no funny business mentor, so opposite of Haymitch. She liked order and cleanliness and was a little OCD... But she was just as lonely as he was.

Moving from the room, not wanting to get a view of Jace's naked body, she moved toward the mentor lounge to get a cup of coffee. She already had a head ache, and hr hands were shaking. She was getting more and more nervous about these Games. It seemed Snow was not playing by any kind of rules this year... "Good morning, Haymitch," she murmured, not really paying much attention to him as she rushed over to the coffee table, pouring a cup of coffee and sighing as she felt its warmth. She sighed. "God, there is so much to do today..." She reached up to rub her temples with frustration on her face.

Sienna blushed looking up at him, a small smile on her lips as she looked up him leaning into the touch,"I haven't been up that long."She said blushing a little as she consdering just how long she'd been really up.She wasn't so much scared about the games or anything, she was scared he was upset, or angry.he'd been in love with katniss, long before she''d loved him. It seemed.....wrong to the young blond that she should be the one who lived when he wanted katniss. Despite knowing he loved her, she had a feeling that he hadn't let go of katniss. And really, he was young to,she didn't want him doing this, he seemed to be trying so hard just because she was young and scared about being in this mess."Don't be so calm, I know you're scared to."She said looking at him, leaning down to kiss his forehead, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he knelt at her feet,holding him close."We should be going, we have interviews and stuff today, and I'm sure we're going to be paraded around as a couple for everyone's enjoyment."She muttered sounding angry, because while she loved him, she didn't want to be put on display for the whole world to know just how impossible it'd become to live without him.quiet as she nuzzled him a little before asking what she desperately needed to know even if she felt stupid asking."peeta.... Do you hate me now? Because of this?I know itll be even harder now when we go back...I wont be as physically able to do things anymore..."she said her true fear finally coming out in a jumbled rush.that he'd hate her for making things even more of a mess, even if itd taken them both to get in this mess

jace grumbled as he was yelled at,shifting as he pressed down into the bed. Sighing softly before sighing, realizing that norah wasn't going to let him just sleep in.Grumbling as he got up and moving he smiled a litltle grinning as he went to join scarlet in her shower. "Morning."He muttered pressing a kiss to her head as he started to clean up. Wondering just what they could expect from a game that had changed so much.

Haymitch started a little, his coffee sloushing a little as he straightened, smiling slightly at the sight of norah."Good morning, Norah."He said sipping his drink trying to think about what peeta and sienna where hiding from him.He knew it was something, he could almost see sienna pulling away from them bothbut he had no idea what it was.Looking over at her he smiled a little before nodding,"I guess that means Jace's refusing to get out of bed to make things easier?"He said teasing her a lttle as he sat up intending on getting up and going to find his own tributes as soon as he finished eating the breaded morning teat he was eating.
Peeta wrinked his forehead and stood up, shaking his head. He sighed and pulled her up, his large hands going to cup her face. "Why on earth do you think I hate you?" he asked, completely thrown off by her question. "Why would I hate you, Sienna? You are the only person in this entire city, besides Haymitch, that I could trust with my life. You've risked your own life for me... It's the Capitol I hate! It's Snow that I hate with every fiber in my being!" He growned in frustration and turned away from her, his hands going in fists as he leaned against the wall, his forehead on his arms. "I can't believe this... I can'te believe he is going to send you in there." And the thing is, Peeta was a smart man. He knew why Snow did the things he did. The only explaination for why Snow would give a pregnant girl the go ahead and send her back in the arena is because he was counting on her dying before she was showing to bad...

Norah smirked and sipped her coffee, arching an eyebrow. "Pretty much," she murmured, her green eyes sparkling for a moment before she pulled her electronic planner out and started to look at the long list of things to do. Stress was showing all over her young face, and she bit one of her cherry red lips. "This hectic schedule I'm being put on is going to give me an anxiety attack. I can feel it."
sienna looked so sad watching him because like him she was intelligent enough to know why she was being sent back to the arena. Snow was counting on her dying, or her being peeta's punishment for last years thing with katniss. Sighing softly she walked over leaning against his back, wrapping her arms around his waist, laughing softly for a moment as she went to rest her chin on his shoulder but dammit she wasn't that tall, and her cheek barely brushed the edge of his shoulder blade. Hugging him tightly she sighed softly."I thought...maybe you'd hate me for being the wapon they're using to punish you...."She said softly eyes sad and tear filled because she knew she was the weapon that was going to cut out his heart. Snow was using her to inflict the worse pin he could, crippling peeta when he lost both lover and child.

Hymitch studied her for a moment before nudging the flask towards her."Add some of that to your drink.It'll coat your nerves enough that you wont freak out."H said looking slightly worried for her, which was odd for him,but worrying about peeta and sienna were making him more open to worry about others.
Peeta swallowed nervously and reached up and back to place one if his large hands over her's. "No," he whispered, "It's not your fault. How could it be? I got you pregnant in the first place... Believe it or not, I'm not as dopy as people make me out to me. I knew what I was doing when I decided to have sex with you." He turned and offered her a smile, reaching down to brush a blond curl away from her face. "I don't regret it either." Leaning down, he kissed her temple. "I love you... And even though it's only been a few months, I know that I've never loved anyone like this." He sighed and nodded to the bathroom. "Go get dressed. I'll see you before the interviews, okay?" With that, he gave her a reassuring smile, then grabbed out of his clothes and headed for his room, knowing his stylists were probably looking for him.

Norah looked at the flask, arching her eyebrow, then shook her head. "I'm a white wine after five kind of gal," she admitted, looking back at her planner. She reached up and tucked a piece of her red hair back in place, going back to biting one of those cherry red lips. Many people were surprised to know she was once a winner of the Hunger Games. However, alot like Foxface, she was smart. In fact, she was incredibly smart with a photogenic memory. Because of this, she had managed to not only figure out where which tribute was at all times, but knew how to outsmart the game makers when they sent things after her. She was a wuiet tribute at the time, a girl who rarely killed (And when she did, it was not as brutal as most) for she had done alot of hiding and trap-making...
Haymitch laughed softly at that, looking amused that she refused even as his eyes went to the teeth nibbling at her lip. It made him think of other things...things he hadn't thought of in awhile. Swallowing hard he stood nodding a little."I'll see you at the interviews."He said excusing himself before he could get distracted even more.


Sienna giggled a little at that, relaxing as she leaned against his back,"aww, all your fans are going to be disappointed your not stupid. They like their men dumb and beautiful here."She teased grinning as he turned around, smiling softly as she leaned into his hand, relaxing even more at his words."I love you to."She muttered blushing hard, realizing that she was well loved. Grinning goofily as she watched him go, she smiled to herself before doing as he said and going to get ready. For the next few hours in getting ready, and in the end she looked happy and flirty, and like a blushing virgin in the white dress cinna had decided. And while it wasnt the bestdress to hide a pregnancy, the dress didn't cling to her body either. Smiling when she stepped into the waiting room she looked around looking for peeta and wincing when she saw haymitch.Avoiding him she headed for the drinks table while she waited for peeta."They're going to put you with peeta, and jace with scarlet for the interviews. All four of you get to go at once."Haymitch said snickering a little as the girl nearly jumped out of her skin. "Oh.Okay."Sienna said smiling a little, having been forbidden from telling haymitch to, she had no idea how to tell him without getting them in trouble.
Later that evening, Peeta walked into the room wearing a nice, tailor made grey suit. Finding Sienna in the crowd, he smiled, his his hands were shaking. It was obvious something was on his mind, even as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. He nodded to Haymitch and smirked. "Couple interviews, hm? I can't believe Snow is allowing this..." He shrugged and leaned over to grab a glass of champagne and downing it in one gulp. He definitely needed it... His large hand stayed on the small of her back protectively, even as someone told them that it was their turn to go have the interview with Caesar.

Just before they stepped on to the stage, Peeta dipped down to whispered in her ear, "Just trust me..."

Scarlet walked into the room looking more seductive that any of the other woman tributes, for her stylists seemed to like to play with her "not so innocent" attitude and reputation, whether it was real or not. Smiling, her dark hair was down and around her shoulders, and her dress was a tight fitted red dress that went to the floor and hand a slit up the thigh all the way to her hip bone. As she walked, her right leg was completely exposed. Oh, yes. People stared, even as she started to make a bee line for Jace.
Haymitch smirked a little studying peeta before shrugging."probably trying to stop having a revolt on his hands."He said frowning at the two because he could tell something was bothering them both. Sienna looked at peeta looking amused as he downed the champagne, wishing she could share some with him. Sighing softly as she leaned into him a little starting a little at his whisper, giving him a look."I do. Always."She muttered turning her head to look up at him blinking in the harsh lights of the stage as she followed peeta to their couch, tucking her legs up under her as she leaned against peeta.

Jace smirked a little, the look in his eyes was dark with lust before he swallowed turning his attention to the two innocents, needing distraction before his attention turned back to scarlet. Smiling softly as he watched scarlet coming towards him, and like her, his stylists had totally taken his cowardly and handsome rep, and turned him dark and dangerous in snug leather pants and a form fitting black dress shirt."I'm so using this dress tonight.Easy access."Jace teased as she sat down next to him. Pressing a kiss to her head as he listened to peeta and caesar starting to talk the crowd falling silent when they realized the interviews were starting.
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