Death within Love

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Peetah shed the top layer of his clothes, then took her back into his arms. He was trying to be as careful as possible in order to not make her blisterng burns worse. He eased her back into his lap, leaning down to kiss her damp cheeks, tasting the salt from her tears. "Shh," he whispered, "We will be fine. There will be no need for me to leave you. And I won't." He shook his head and sighed. "We are in this together... And the best thing you can go for me is to relax and breathe, and let your body heal so that we have a dying chance." He needed to not frighten her anymore than she already was, and he didn't plan to. So, he reached up a bandaged hand a smiled in the darkness. "Let's talk about something else," he whispered, "Tell me about your life in District 12. After all, I had never met you before the Games... I don't think."

Scarlet's vision was starting to swim so she close her eyes, letting his stroke her hair as her hand came up to rest on his thigh. She gave him a very weak shake of the head. "Stop," she whimpered. "Stop..." Her jaw clenced. She hated leaving him like this, but she had no choice. She had lost a tremendous amount of blood; so much that she'd need to be in a hospital to survive. "You are not a coward, you're just smarter than everyone else," she murmured, sniffing a bit through her tears. "You can not afford... to stay here... any longer," she whispered, breathing through the pain. "You need to go hide, Jace.... Stop pretending I'm not dying."
Sienna sighed softly as she settled against him, letting him comfort her shivering every now and then as she listened to him, relaxing as nothing happened. Nothing beynd what had already happened, and she leaned into his hand as he stroked her cheek,sighing softly as she smiled."No.Well...not like you knew katniss or anyone your own age."She muttered sighing softly, "But I saw you around. My mother used to love your bread, or the shops bread. She sent my older brother to get some all the time."She muttered relaxing, and even as she started to fall asleep comforted by his presence.Telling him about her mother dying from a drunken brawl she'd tried to stop her father getting into, how her older brother had done nothing to protect his sister from his father's rages, or passions.While she'd been a virgin, it hadn't stopped her father from groping her every now and then in a drunken haze, thinking she was her mother."...really...coming to the games is probably the best thing to happen to least I wont have to worry about papa anymore..."She muttered sounding so sleepy and tired it was obvious the only thing keeping her awake was the need to make sure he was okay and that he kept talking to her.

Jace growled at her, weakly and pained as she touched him shifting so he could get up without disturbing her to much if he had to,"I can afford to hide as long as I want to. Now stop pretending this isn't the best hiding spot for me."he said resting his head back against the cave walls as he watched the skyline,desperate to see it lightening to dwn, needing to know he'd gotten her through the night, because maybe if he got her through the night, then he might get her through another day.
Peeta frowned, listening to her talk about her life. He swallowed nervously, shaking a bit with anger. However, he hid it well as he quietly wondered why such an innocent, sweet girl like that was given such a life. He shook his head and leaned down to kiss her cheek softly. "You will never need to worry about him again," Peeta assured, "Because if we get out of her alive, I will make sure of it. I promise." Sighing softly, he leaned his head back. "Sleep, Sienna."

Scarlet shook her head. "We have already spent on night in this cave," she murmured, "And all the tributes ar eon this island now. Don't you think someone will stumble upon you?" She groaned softly with pain, talking making it worse. She reached up and wiped her tears away with a weak, slow movement. "Stop being a fool, Jace... Leave me..." She swallowed nervously. "I'm not dumb enough to not realize I am bleeding to death..." She curled in a ball at his side, the pain and dizziness taking over. She felt sick, assuming that she'd have blood poisoning if she didn't die from loss of blood. There was really no hope.
Sienna whined softly,blinking at the order to sleep, annoyed about it but listening to him and dropping to sleepcuddled against his chest.In the morning Sienna winced as she stretched her legs out the skin growing tight from having not been moving.Slowly standing up before looking at the man she'd been laying on, a amused look showing on her face, realizing he was awake, leaning down to kiss him softly."Morning.How's your hands?"She asked wincing as she crouched down next to him,gently undoing the strips of the shirt, wincing at the red and raw skin."Come on, peeta.We have to move."She muttered because as painful as it was to walk, she knew they couldn't stay still, the others woould find them.

Jace growled absently,"If your not strong enough to make me leave, I'm not going anywhere."he muttered closing his eyes, dozing. In the morning starting awake, leaning down so he was nose to nose with her, looking worried until he felt a puff of breath against his face."Red,come on red,time to get up."he muttered looking her over, worried about what he was going to do next. As much as it had been a game in the beginning, he couldn't imagine leaving her now/
Scarlet opened her eyes very slowly, and even then, they weren't all the way open. She sighed, seeing that he had stayed despite her protest, and nodded. Part of her felt she owed him to get up because he took care of her, so she slowly moved out of the little ball she had curled in during the night, groaning with each movement. When she had finally manged to sit up, her teeth clenching through the pain as she reached for him. She stood against him, leaning most of her wait on his despite how much she tried not to. "Fuck, it hurts," she murmured to herself, trying to walk a little. However, the did not get out of the cave very well before a huge gust a wind gave from what felt like the groun, flowing the trees back and revealing a huge round metal thing. The doors flew open, and Capitol doctors ran out, running straight toward them. Scarlet's eyes went wide, and she immediately, out of habit, started to fight against them as they tore her from Jace. She screamed, kicking and thrashing in the arms despite the pain. "Jace!" she screamed, "Jace!" However, when she looked back, she saw they were also grabbing him, but not taking him to the same area of the small metal building.

"The one needs intensive care," one of the doctors muttered, feeling blood on his hands. His nose wrinkled, and he shook his head. As they talked amongst themselves, she screamed for Jace, so scared they were going to kill him, and the metal building-like thing sunk into the ground. One it was all the way down, the doors flew back open, and they were in the Capitol. Just like that...

Peeta shook his head and looked down at his hands. "Done for," he admitted, "Haymitch is probably pissed." He sighed and shook his head, leaning over to put his arm around her waist and help her walk. However, once they got deeper into the forest, he saw the metal thing from the opposite side that Scarlet and Jace were on, and it wasn't seconds before Captiol doctors were rushing after them... "What the hell?" he growled, trying to hold her close. He didn't want to seperate from her, especially since she had no idea what was going on.
Jace cursed as he tried to shake off the doctors holding onto him, and as cowardly as he was sometimes, he was still a victor, and a man still in his early 20s, still fit and in amazing shape compared to what the elder doctors frm captil was. "Red!STop fight!I'm coming to."He scowled annoyed as he found himself back in the capital, cursing as he looked around frowning as he realized they were indeed in captiol, in the medical area with doctors already starting to take care of scarlet even as he looked around confused."What the hell is going on?!"He demanded grabbing one of the arms of the doctors helping scarlet.

Sienna laughed softly,"Probably."She winced looking at his hands hugging him against her as she let him help her walk, sighing softly before cringing, hiding against peeta as she looked at the doctors, screaming as one of the doctors pulled her away from peeta."Peeta!Peeta!"Sienna screamed scrambling against the larger doctor trying to get her to the building, fighting even though each kick and slap felt like she was setting her body on fire."Sienna Ann Schlyer!"Haymitch's snarl stopped her in her tracks, freezing the girl in so much shock that she couldn't think of anything besides that it hadn't been what she'd expected."They're going to help. Peeta's here. Let them see your legs."Haymitch scowled as the doctors got her to a hospital table starting to work on her legs before looking at peeta, pointing to the table next to her knowing that peeta wouldn't want to get to far from her.As unhappy as he was with them both, he understood.Some, anyways."You. There, now."he growled before turning his attention to the other tributes as they were brought in, though jace and scarlet seemed to be the only ones also causing as much fuss as peeta and sienna.
Scarlet, of course, thrashin against the table and screamed bloody murder. She looked like child throwing a temper tauntrum, tears rolling down her face and blood seeping across the metal table. What ever they was hurting her more than ever, and she couldn't manage to relax with Jace not there. "Jace! Jace, please, ow! Ow! OW!" She sobbed as one of the doctors ripped her clothes of with a pair of scissors, leaving her in her panties and bra, and rolling her over on to her stomach. It took three full grown men to hold her down while a dotor gave her a shot in the spine, causing her so pass out and slump against the table quietly.

Peeta was having to be held back by two doctors in order to not go into the room with Sienna. "Sienna! Sienna, everything will be okay!" He groweled with frustration, but stopped as soon as he saw Haymitch. Clenching his jaw, he shook off the doctors and did as he was told, sitting down. "What's going on?" he asked, trying to get Haymitch to tell him something. Anything... Jumping at the sound of a crash, he looked into another room to see Scarlet thrashing around so hard, she was knocking over tables. Her screams were loud, screaming for Jace, and it made Peeta shudder to watch her be knocked out by the medicine. He turned and tried to look at Sienna, just to see if she was okay, but he was quickly pushed down by doctors. His hands were inspected as he looked up at Haymitch. "Tell me what the fuck is happening, Haymitch! Why were we taken out of the arena?"
Jace snarled as he fought to get into the room, snarling as he fought to get through. Slumping when he saw her pass out, before growling at the doctor holding him."let go of me."He growled even thoough he didn't move to go into the room far, he settled on the floor to wait for them to let him snuggle into bed with her. Or at least make sure she was going to be okay until he threw a fit to find out what was going on.

Sienna screamed but like scarlet, her screams and whimpers faded as she was put out. Which was for the best because they were gently seperating the denim of her pants from her skin. Haymitch raised a eyebrow as he looked at the man yelling at him,"They wanted the games to last longer. And you four,"He said tilting his head towards the other side of the hospital wing where he could see jace sitting by the door."have charmed the captiol so much with your romances, that they wanted to talk to you all."Haymitch said studying the man raising a eyebrow as he watched the doctors take care of peeta's hands before waving them away when they were done and had given him pain killers. Sitting down on the table next to him."You are a utter moron."He growled even if he to, was sneaking glances towards sienna's door, trying to figure out how she was doing, and glad that the walls were glass. Even if they couldn't hear what the doctors were saying as they bandaged her legs, at least peeta could see that his girl was okay.
The doctor's in Scarlet's room worked on her wound, actually a tad worried. "She's lost too much blood," one of them said, hooking her up to IVs. The others nodded, but took care in giving her the most top knotch medical treatments. However, two guards came around the corner and grabbed Jace, hauling him off to the other side of the building where he was to be put in isolation. It was a nice room he was put in, with a big bed, a bar, and a few luxuries. The door locked from the outside, though, and they did not bother to try to explain to him what was happening. His trainer would do that later. But of course, to keep the dramatics up, the game maker has forbidden anyone to tell Jace Scarlett was alive or dead.

Peeta slouched like a beaten dog, knowing he was in trouble. He frowned and looked up at Haymitch, sighing. There was twelve tributes left, the much Peeta knew from the cannons, so they were half way through. "Who wants to talk to us?" he asked, looking confused. His eyes moved over to where Sienna laid, winching at the sight of her legs looking so awful. He hoped they could help her and not leave her scarred for life. She didn't deserve that. "I know I'm a moron," he groaned, reaching up to rub his temples tiredly.
Jace cursed annoyed at being hauled away, and not told what was going on. Pissed no one would tell him what was going to happen, and knowing that things were going to happen now.

"The world. They're having parties for you. Everyone wants to know the man stupid enough to fall in love with another tribute. Again."Haymitch sighed tiredly, nudging him a little looking worried about him before nudging him to his feet."Come on.Let's get you to your own room."He said hating that he was going to have to put them in isolation,but this was it. This was the only thing that he could do, to maybe save them both.


A month later Sienna wrapped her arms around herself looking nervously around the room she'd been told to wait in. Wondering if she was going to be kept in isolation until the moment she walked into the ballroom. Moving to the window she sighed softly as she looked out at the snowy night, looking beautiful and young in her dress, the corset top laced tight enough that it even hid the small starting to round stomach. She'd always been a little rounded, a little more curvy, but now she was starting to fill out. Even as her condition pushed her closer to woman instead of child.

Nearly jumping out of her skin when she heard the door open she turned, before visibly deflating at the sight of scarlet coming in, before smiling shyly." are you feeling?"She asked softly, having seen the condition the woman had been in the hospital a month ago, so she was curious to see how she was feeling.



"Mellark."Jace smiled slightly as he stepped into the room, tilting his head, looking disappointed that the girls weren't there.Looking even more tall dark and handsome in the offsetting white suit he was wearing, looking like some fallen angel bent on enjoying himself. "Well.It seems we're both going to be in isolation still until they can drag emotional trauma into the public."He said looking upset at the idea. While he was the only one that hadn't been hurt he'd spent a month being driven insane by the thought that scarlet was dead.
Scarlet stepped into the room, and visible disappointment spread across her face. She swallowed and patted her side. "I still have stitches, but I'm better," she murmured, nodding to Sienna. "And you? I have not heard anything about any of the other tributes." She frowned and looked out the window, dressed in a strapless black dress with feathered accents. It was daring and dark, just how the Capitol liked her. However, she looked a bit shaken. She just wanted to know if Jace was okay...


Peeta looked over his shoulder, his shoulders slumping a tad when he saw it was just Jace. He smiled and nodded to him. "Glad to see you are feeling better," he murmured, "And yes, I believe we are to be escorted to the ballroom any second now..." He sighed, obviously looking miserable. "I'll be okay as soon as I can see Sienna... Atleast I know she's alive." He immediately regretted saying that, knowing the condition Scarlet was in, and blushed a bit. "I'm sorry..."

Luckily, a guard came through the door and nodded for them to follow him. Peeta felt his stomach twist...


((Except blond lol))
(I love her in the tudors!:D)

"Me either,but I'm feeling better. I can walk again."Sienna said smiling a little as she loked at the older woman, "I haven't heard anything about anyone."She said looking sad and shaken. because like Scarlet, she wanted to know how her lover was. Starting again when she saw the guard step into the room."Ladies, if you would follow me."He said before leaving, not wanting to see if the two woman would follow him from the room, just trusting their need to know how jace and peeta where would get them out of the room.

Jace winced a little at the man's words before shrugging."Its okay.."He trailed off before smirking,"I'm not sure if feeling better could be how you'd say it,but I'm okay."he said before looking at the guard, following the other two silently, stepping closer to peeta, offering silent support to the younger man as they stepped into the ballroom, visibly disappointed when he didn't see anyone but the other tributes and captiol citizens. All the tributes but the two they wanted to see.

"peeta?"Sienna whispered softly as they stepped into the ballroom after the boys, eyes widening as she took in the sight of the well fed, seemingly in good condition man in front of her."peeta?"She whispered again, desperate and needing him, crossing the few feet between them without waiting for him to turn towards him, hugging him tightly as she buried her face against his shoulder.
Jace winced as he looked at the couple beside him,saddness showing on his face, looking so sad and distracted that he hadn't even noticed scarlet coming in with sienna.
(ME TOO! :D Well, that's who I always think of when I think of Scarlet. lol)

Peeta's eyes settled on Sienna, and his face visibly started to glow with relief. He grinned and pulled her into his arms, hugging her as tight as she was him. He burried his face in her hair, closing his eyes and rellishing in her presence. "I'm here," he whispered, smirking and pulling away just enough to look down at her. His eyes were rimmed with tears of pure joy as he reached down to kiss her softly. "Oh, you look beautiful... And healthy. Thank God." He nuzzled her and kissed her cheek. "I was so worried..." Reaching up, he cupped her face with his hands, looking down at her happily.

Scarlet immediately saw Jace, a grin spreading across her face from across the room. When she noticed he still had not seen her, she sighed and walked up behind him. Her hands rested on his shoulder blades, and she stretched up to put her lips to his ear. "Don't be such a whimp," she whispered, smirking against his ear. God, she'd never been so happy and relieved in her life. Ever. Her heart literally throbbed in her chest at the sight of him.
Sienna clung to him,even as he pulled back she leaned her forehead against him,tears shining in her own eyes wanting so much to tell him everything,but she couldn't. She needed to hold him, to just be with him, without making him feel guilty for having sex. She just needed to be safe, and with him."I was worried about you to.But Haymitch promised me you were was the only reason I was okay, he promised."Nuzzling his hands, cling to him, tears sliding down her cheeks, looking him over, desperate to make sure haymitch had told her the truth, that he was fine. One thing she'd noticed, her moods were all over the place, easier upset, easier overwhelmed the more time she was pregnant."Oh peeta."She muttered burying her face against his neck, pressing close to him before whimpering, disliking that she knew the ballroom had stopped to watc them all."CAn we find some privacy?"She muttered needing so muh to be with him, and just him, even if it was just for a few minutes.

Jace started, yelping a little as he twisted to look at her, looking so relieved that she was there that he looked about ready to fall over. Reaching out, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against him, burying his face against her hair."You never get to scare me like that again, Red. Never again."he muttered, tears thick in his voice as he clung to her.
Peeta nodded and wrapped and arm around her, ushering her through the crowd and making a great deal to protect her from all of the eyes watching them. He pulled her toward a private balcony, sliding the door closed and moving over to a small couch. He immediately pulled her down beside him and wrapped his strong arms around her. He held her close, his head resting against her's as his hand stroked her hair. "I missed you so much," he whimpered, "God, I thought I lost you. No one would tell me anything. I was getting worried they were going to send you away or never let me see you again..." He swallowed through his tears. "Oh, Sienna... How are you feeling? Your legs?"

Scarlet threw her arms around him and sighed into his embrace, tears running down her cheeks as she laughed and cried into his shoulder. "I won't," she promised, "I promise..." She pulled back and grabbed his hands, pulling him around the corner and into a private sitting room. She locked the door behind them and reached up to wipe his tears. Swallowing, she bit her lip and shook her head. "You save me...," she whispered, "You really are a knight in rusty armor, you know that?" It was unusual for the cold woman to reveal her feelings in such a way, but she'd been away from him for a month... A whole month. Her face slide of her his handsome face, happy to see him looking so healthy and alive. "I would have died in that arena if you were not there with me." She swallowed and shook her head. "I guess I did need you after all."
Sienna smiled a little turning her face into his shoulder so she could hide from everyone, only stumbling a little as she followed after him.While she'd gained most of the use in her legs again, sometimes it made her stumble, as if the muscles for a moment thought they were hur again. Cuddling against him she pressed as close as she could to him, the skirt of her dress laying over both their legs, pressing her face into his chest as she cried quietly. To overwhelmed to do anything else."I missed you to.I hated that no one told me what was happening."She muttered her voice breaking a little because for her, beyond finding out she was pregnant, that was the worst, to not know what was happening or anyhting about him."I'm fine."She muttered shifting a little raising the skirt so he could see the slightly scarred skin on her legs."Some scars, some aches...but not bad.You?"She asked reahing out, cupping his hands in hers, gently pressing a kiss to his palm, feeling the scars under her lips.

Jace smiled as he let her pull him away, grinning at the disappointed looks everyone was giving them, grinning even wider when he realized that peeta and sienna had hidden somewhere to_Oh yea, the captiol morons so deserved to miss out on their reunions for keeping them apart for so long. Sighing softly as he sat down on the couch pulling her down next to him,holding her close. Looking startled as she revealed her feelings, looking so nervous and happy."I'm not such a knight.I couldn't find a way out of my room for a whole month."He grumbled, annoyed that he hadn't been able to find her, or even find out she'd been alive."How are you?"He asked looking at her worriedly,gently stroking her hair even as tears slid down his face.
Peeta sighed in relief, reaching down to caress her soft, only slightly scarred legs. "I've never been better, actually," he said, smirking and looked up at her with those cute blue eyes. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips, slowly... As if he wanted to cherish her. Leaning forward, he laid her down so her head rested on the arm and kissed her more passionately. He was too happy to be smart at this point. Moving his head to the side, he nuzzled her with his damp, salty cheek. He looked just as pained as he did that first night in the arena, holding her close. "I love you," he finally whispered, swallowing hard as he leaned up enough to look down at her. "I love you so much, and it scares me..."

Scarlet chuckled through her tears, closing her eyes and letting him stroke her hair. It was so nice to be close to him again, her arms wrapped around him. Her heart was literally tightening... "I'm fine," she whispered, "I had to have a kidney removed and a blood transfusion, but they said I was the quickest recovery they have every seen," she murmured, arching an eyebrow at him with her usual smirk. "You kept me alive, Jace," he murmured, "And you didn't leave me even though I begged you to." She sighed and crawled into his lap, her black dress flowing around them. "You can be so stubborn sometimes..."
Sienna sighed softly in pleasure as he caressed the tender scars it felt so good to just have him touch her, even just gently. Smiling at him, clear blue eyes looking into his kissing him again,sighing softly as she was laid back on the couch, kissing her again,the kisses tasting salty since they were both crying, but her smile was to die for as she looked up at him. Her eyes were just as pained as she looked up at him, holding him tightly, hating that she couldn't make him feel better. Sighing softly as she looked startled at his words, wrapping her arms around him tightly."I love you to. So much, I don't know what to do without you....this last month was scary without you..."She muttered nuzzling him looking up at him with love, trust and fear in her eyes. Fear of losing him, and fear of what he was going to do when he found out she was hiding things from him.

She just had to pray he'd understand.Shoving at his chest a little she made him sit up, retaining enough intelligence to remember they were at a party. Smiling a little as she scooted into his lap, undoing his pants as she did. Sliding into his lap she arranged her skirts around them, so it really looked like she was just sitting in his lap, even as she sank down onto his cock, her body spasming around him a little because it'd been a long month without having sex, and her body had tightened again. Shivering as she rocked her hips into his, not really moving as she moved her hips slightly into his. It wasn't so much about sex, or orgasming, it was her desperate need to be as close to him as she could be that had her forgetting where they were, that this might not be a good idea.

jace sighed softly pressing a kiss to her hair,holding her tightly. "Thank god."He muttered sagging with the relief that she was fine, that she hadn't died in his arms, that they really were in the captiol, at a party."Well, even injured, you were my best chance at surviving."he sighed smiling as he slid a hand up under her dress, cupping her ass as he pulled her snugly against him, resting his forehead against hers."Stubborness is just another word for being right. And I'm always right."He muttered nuzzling her a little before he so didn't want to go back to the party even if he knew they should.
Peeta held her close, reaching up to trace the smile on her lips. Her daring move surprised him, but she let her do as she pleased and hissed with pleasure when he felt her sink down onto his cock. He groaned and reached up to bring her face down to kiss him, content with her just staying there. The feeling of her around him was enough to keep him feeling amazing, kissing her lips slowly and softly. "It was scary," he admitted, "But I'm here now... And I'm going to do what ever it takes to keep us together." His hands moved down to rub her back and hips, just so happy to have her right there.

Scarlet sighed and leaned into his forehead, her arms around him. She was still a little sore, but she had never felt more alive than she did right now. Pulling back, she arched her eyebrow. "You are not always right," she murmured, rolling her eyes. "I was right when I told you to leave me. I stand by that. However, you got incredibly lucky." She smiled, not being able to hide that own stubborn quality in her self even at this time. She swallowed a tilted her head to the side. "Why did you do that, hm? I thought I was clear from the beginning to stay away from me; that you are playing with fire."
Sienna sighed softly kissing him back, not moving, just staying where she was because she didn't want things to end. And moving would mean ending things and she didn't want to."Me to.I'm not going to leave you."She muttered shivering a little as he rubbed at her back and hips squirming a little against him, sighing softly in pleasure yelping at a knock on the window. "I know you two are out there. You have maybe five minutes before your fans coming looking for you."Haymitch's voice sounded amused from the doorway, and he so wasn't stepping out onto the balcony to see what they were doing,but wanting to warn them to finish whatever talks they were having. Sienna whined softly resting her head on his shoulder, not wanting to leave this moment,"I dont want to.CAn't we just stay out here and make love all night, love?"She muttered hesitating over the endearment,before saying it anyways.

Jace pouted,"I am to."HE said sulking a little kissing her softly."I was right for not leaving."He protested rolling his eyes a little, smirking slowly loking at her."You did. But I enjoy playing the game more. And I like fire."He muttered resting his head back against the couch, closing his eyes even as he blushed a little. So not about to adit why he'd attatched himself to her like a dog with a bone. It was embarassing enough to pretend to bea coward who needed her help, he wasn't going to admit to just how much of a coward he really was.
Peeta laughed a bit and sighed. "No, we can't," he murmured, "But we have all night tonight... Not let's get this over with, okay?" He reached up and grabbed her hips, kissing her softly as he pulled her off his cock and set her to the side so he could put himself back in his pants. He was still hard -painfully hard- but he knew that would change once he saw the crowd and got around all of those people from the Capitol... Making sure she was okay and ready, he led her into the room and smiled at the crowd, his arms wrapped around the small of her back, and he led her to the dance floor. Holding her close, he moved through the only real dance he knew to a slower song. "You're glowing, you know that?" he asked tilting his head to the side with interest.

Scarlet smiled and looked at him, noticing that blush and how he immediately went quiet at her question. "I thought I was made of ice," she murmured softly, reached her hand up to stroke his warm cheek. Shaking her head, she moved to straddle him, her skirt flowing around them and her hands rested up on his shoulders. "What is it?" She frowned slightly and bit her lip. "Is something wrong?" She suddenly worried that the one man who she had managed to open up to a little bit was starting to regret their time together... That he was seeing her for the bitch she really was.
Sienna whined as he set her on her feet, sulking about having to stop. Sighing softly as she slipped her hand into his, the only sign she was nervous to be back in the crowd. Looking around her she relaxed a little as she watched the capitol watch them as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world, even if they were enjoying the party's alcohol and food. Startled back to herself at the sound of his voice, blushing softly as she let him lead her in the dance."N-no I didn't. Am I?"She stuttered blushing harder, trying to figure out how to get around the questions she knew was coming.She had been told to not tell him, which meant....dammit, tehy couldn't have sex.Sex would mean undressing, which meant he'd notice. Dammit.

Jace laughed softly leaning his face into her hand, sighing softly."Hmm you like pretending your frigid, but your not."He muttered sighing as he rested his hands on her hips, pulling her tightly against him, sighing softly at the contact, loking up at her with half closed eyes, a small smile turning his lips."No. Nothing's wrong.I have you back, nothing can be wrong."He muttered hoping to distract her from her question on why he'd partnered with her.Oh yes he was a coward, but he so didn't want to answer. Because he was afraid it'd make her think even less of him.
Peeta arched an eyebrow at her sudden nervousness, but smiled and leaned down to kiss he forehead. He'd let it go for now. He was too happy to have her right now. "Well, you are," he murmured, moving to the slow music before his eyes settled on the wine table. "Would you like a glass of champagne? I coudl honestly use something to take the edge off. It's not easy being a circus act." He chuckled and rolled his eyes, leaning down to kiss her neck. His lips found her ear. "I cannot wait to make love to you... I've thought about it alot lately, if you can't tell," he whispered softly, his voice low.

Scarlet sighed and reached between them, rubbing his cock through his hands and purring at the feeling of it. She leaned over and kiss his neck as her hands started to move to his zipper. "Nothing can be wrong," she whispered, agreeing with him for once. She smirked at what he said about pretending to be a bitch, happy that he still saw her as a good person. "Oh, I've missed you, Jace..." Her hand slid into his white suit pants and her hand covered his member. A groan left her lips just from feeling it. From a distance, they looked as forbidden as they were. One dressed in all white, and one in all black. It was typical, really, for the Capitol to dress them like that. It was no doubt on purpose.
Sienna smiled a little as he kissed her forehead, blushing softly at the compliment. Shaking her head as she watched him look at the table."No, I'm okay.You're with me, I can deal with the rest."She muttered wishing she could get the alcohol,but it would be bad.And as much as she didn't want to be pregnant right at this moment, she wouldn't risk harming their child. Shivering harder as he whispered in her ear, eyes closing as she leaned into him,smirking as she felt his cock stir against her leg, even in the crowded room."Poor peeta. So alone and unable to have someone to act on fantasy."She teased snickering a little and wondering just how she was goign to convince him that sex was probably not a godo thing without coming out and letting him what was wrong.Stepping back she slipped a hand into his tugging him towards the table."Come on, lover boy, I think you need a drink."She teased.

Jace moaned eyes widening a little as he thrust up into her hand, sighing softly as he tilted his head back, sighing as she slid his pants down."I've missed you to."He muttered nuzzling her neck, moaning, shivering as he thrust up into her hand, "Eager are you?"he teased turning his head to kiss her softly, sighing. Looking at their clothes he had a feeling that someone in the capitol knew that he'd been in love with scarlet even before they came to this years game, and dressed them to make it look even more forbidden.
Peeta let her lead him off to the wine table, pouring himself a drink and handing her a glass of water, surprised she wouldn't one any wine. He took a sip and kept his hand wrapped around her smaller one. "Well, I can't help it. I've missed you in more ways than one." He looked over at her a smiled before reaching down to kiss her forehead. "I'm so happy to be with you... It will be even better when we can leave this party."

Scarlet chuckled and continued to stroke him softly, kissing him and letting him enjoy himself. It was interested to watch him be in pleasure... "You are full of secrets, and I can tell," she murmured, leaning down to kiss his neck. "And yes, I am very eager..." Grabbing his hand, she slipped it under her dressed and revealed that she was where a very, very skimpy black thong that matched her dress underneath. She arched an eyebrow. "Apparently my stylists think I am a bad girl. Who knew?" She grinned and kissed him, wanting to know what he was hiding...
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