Death within Love

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Jace looked startled at the request, smiling slightly as he looked down at her, strokng her hair absently as he rested his head back against the wall thinking about it."Well, I can try."He said sounding nervous because he didn't know if he could sing or hum or anything,but for sme reason he wanted to try.Smiling slightly as the thought about it, knowing the women in the capitiol were probably swooning, not realizing that they were sure having a delightful night with the couples in the arena."<Kind friends and companions, come join me in rhyme <BR>Come lift up your voices in chorus with mine,Let us drink and be merry, all grief to refrain,For we may and might never all meet here again,Here's a health to the company and one to my lass,Let us drink and be merry all out of one glass,Let us drink and be merry, all grief to refrain For we may and might never all meet here again.Here's a health to the dear lass that I love so well Her style and her beauty, sure none can excel There's a smile upon her countenance as she sits on my knee Sure there's no one in in this wide world as happy as we...."he muttered, half singing. Of course it would be a drinking song he knew.

Sienna swallowed hard as he tightened his grip,shivering as she felt him pressing against her, swallowing as he felt him brush against her breast, even if it was just a small touch.Swallowing hard,shivering as she pressed back against him,squirming slightly, smirking as she felt him grow hard against her.Even if she was still hurting, it was good to know he couldn't stop her reaction to him."We might not be able to have them,but shouldn't we grab what little happiness we could find here, and now?"he asked turning her head to look at him, nose brushing against his cheek,nuzzling him a little.
Scarlet listening to him sing, smiling at the sound of his voice. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfect to her. Natural and pure... His words danced around the sound of the wind whistling within the cave, as if it were growing excited at the sound of his voice. She turned her head and looked up at him from his lap, a grin spreading across her lips. It was a real smile; not a smirk or a half-amused glance like usual... The dark, dangerous beauty actually looked innocent, showing that she was not as tough as she tried to force everyone to think she was. "Am I the lass sitting on your knee?" she murmured, a giggle pushing past her lips as her eyes found his.

Peeta whimpered at the feeling of her pressing against his hardened member, swallowing and looked at her as she turned to him. There was such an odd, conflicting emotion in his blue eyes; absolute longing, and saddness. He leaned closer, his lips brushing against her shoulder. One of his hands found it's way to the hem of her shirt, pushing upward to feel the warmth of her skin. He was such a broken man now. "I'm scared," he whispered, just how she did the night she came into his room, his voice breaking a bit.
Jace blushed hard as she teased him, meeting her eyes as he smiled back, that cute crooked smile that was his real smile instead of that self decapitating smile of usual."Ah well it would be, expect you wouldn't be caught dead sitting on my knee and being a wench."He teased stroking her hair, yelping a little as a parachute fell with a thing of water and a small piece of bread in it. WEll. it seemed the sponsors were enjoying their romance. Star crossed and all, smiling as he broke off a bite for her, holding it down to her."Eat."He demanded looking amused.

Sienna looked just as conflicted moaning softly as she felt his lips brushing against her shoulder, shifting as she felt his fingers against her rib cage, shivering under his hand like a fly stung horse, because she didn't know what to expect next."Me to."She muttered nuzzling him a little, shifting to look at him,swallowing hard as she shifted in his lap, twisting to face him, stomach pressing against his hardened members as she rested her forehead against his."I'm sorry...Im sorry....I just can't leave yu alone..."She muttered stroking his hair as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close, for a moment forgetting the cameras on them. Forgetting that the whole world was watching them, and that this was something that had never happened before, that the gamemakers had had never had to consider. That they had two tributes in there, that were so wrapped up in themselves that they might actually end up haivng sex in the arena."I'm sorry."She muttered starting to cry as she hugged him tightly.
Scarlet's eyes widened at the sight of the bread and sat up, taking the bread he gave her and eating it slowly, savoring it. She twisted so that she as sitting beside him, leaning against the cave wall. "Well, I don't know about the wench part," she murmured, grinning a bit. "But... I suppose your knee is better than anyone else's." Her eyes found his once again, and despite wanting to be defiant and not let the Capitol see the romance they pined for, she couldn't help it... She wouldn't let them ruin what she was feeling right now.

Peeta took a deep, long breath as she twisted around, a soft groan leaving his lips as she rubbed against his hardened member. He wrapped his arms around her, one large hand on her thigh and the other on her lower back, slipping up and under her shirt. He sniffed, closing his eyes and wrinkling his forehead in pain. God, this girl was going to be the death of him... But what a sweet death it would be... A tear rolled down his cheek as he pulled her closer; as close as possibly with out hurting her. "I know," he whispered, "I know, and I'm sorry too, because I can't keep away from you... I can't, and I hate it..." He swallowed, trying to hold back those awful, painful tears. "They are just going to take you away. One way or another."

His head tilted up to kiss her, so soft and so gentle. His hands were shaking, and his cheeks were damp. He was breaking, and all he seemed to want was her... To just get lost in the little bit of happiness she gave him.
Jace nearly choked on the bread he was eating for, laughing as he loooked over at her."Dammit,red, its not kind nearly killing me."He said choking, calling her what he'd been mentally calling her for days, because scarlet was just to long to say in the heat of passion, red he could do.So, she was red to him. laughing as he looked over at her rubbing a hand over his face."If your waiting for me to like die of shock or something, I gotta tell you, I'm not letting you win that easily."He teased leaning over to press a kiss to his head.

Sienna moaned softly as he slid his hands up her shirt, shivering as she leaned against him, leaning back just enough to look at his face, looking pained as she realized how much she was hurting him.But she couldn't leave him, somehow, se'd fallen in love with him,and she coudn't abandon him when he was this much of a mess.Shivering as she was pressed head to foot against him, crying for them both as she clung to him, kissing him back, the kiss taste of salty tears and just her, wanting to lose herself. shifting she straddled his waist before pausing shifting to look around them."You're going to have to be on top.Even if we're just making out and not..."She blushed hard, her face flushed and blotchy through her tears, but looking so sweet and endearing."You're big enough to hide me from the cameras."She muttered brushing her fingers through his hair,"And with the blanket, we'll have some privacy."She muttered hands shaking a little as she gently touched his face.Clinging to him because she didn't know what else to do. He was the only thing that was really real to her anymore, she needed him, needed to make sure he got out of here, even if it cost her everything.
Scarlet raised her eyesbrows and tilted her head to the side. "Red?" she murmured. No one had ever called her that before, but she liked it. Well, she liked it because it was coming from him; the man that irritated her more than anyone else, yet constantly drew her in... Finished with her bread, she crawled closer to him and proceeded to sit across his lap. A sly grin spread across her face, still glowing in the light of the fire, and nodded. "Yes," she whispered, "Your knee will do."

Peeta looked up at her, his eyes opening after the salty kiss. He held her close as she cried, crying with her. He sniffed and nodded, not hesitating at her request. He lifted her and laid her down on the soft grass below, being so incredibly gentle with her. He then grabbed the blanket and through it over a low branch, making a tent-like object that could somewhat keep them from the eyes of the Capitol. Kneeling down, only seeing her from the little light that peeked through the sides, he laid down between her legs, covering her and pressing against her. His lips found her ear just as his large hands found her waist, pushing her shirt up to expose her soft, slendor stomach. "Make me feel alive again, Sienna," he begged, tears still in his voice. "Please..."
"Well scarlet's not sexy. Red sounds like a sexy little thing waiting for me at home after a long day at work.So yes, red.."Jace muttered squiring a little as he finished his bread, looking amused as he bounced his leg a little, leaning back as he watched her, hands resting on her hips as she looked up at him."Well then,I think I'll let you do the work this time."He muttered kissing her, looking amused before leaning back a sly wicked smirk curling his lips as he leaned closer."The capitiol's probably going nuts by now.There's me and you being cute and interesting, and probably somewhere sienna and peeta are...they're not going to know what to do with all the romance."He said snickering, loving the idea of fucking up the gamemakers carefully laid plans.

Sienna smiled a little, watery and sad as she gently wiped the tears off his face as she looked up at him smiling as she was laid back on the grass. Laughing softly, blushing as she realized they weren't going to have great privacy, but it was going to be more then they were used to when it came to the games. Smiling wider as she pressed back against him, eager and gentle hands undressing him, needing to feel them skin to skin, shivering as tears slid down her face still, crying because she couldn't help it. "Oh yes.I can make you feel alive again."She said laghing softly as she squirmed back enough to undress, clinging to him as she wrapped herself around him, pressing her lips to his, kissing him hard as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him tight against her, trying to pull him into her. Desperate to feel alive again, to feel steady.To feel alive.
Scarlet laughed a bit and leaned forward, nuzzling her face in his neck. "I like it," she whispered, referring to her nickname. "It's much better than 'bitch'." Smirking against his skin, she sighed turned her head to kiss him back, her hands coming up to rest on his chest. He was so handsome, so warm... She just wanted it to be like this forever, imagining what it would be like ten years from now if they were still alive. Would they find their way to eachother? Would they one day be raising raising children in the district, living a somewhat peaceful life? She doubted it, but atleast she could rellish in the fantasy.

Peeta shuddered as he laid back down, feeling her skin on his. Leaning down, he kissed her softly, on hand up on her cheek, the other holdig one of her thighs. Witha deep breath, he pushed deep inside of her, letting out a deep groan against her lips. As he started to move inside her, with long and slow strokes. "God, Sienna...," he whispered, saying her name as he felt pleasure rising up inside of him. It was very clear that while Peeta was a sad, broken down person, he was not still in love with Katniss. And he was completely aware of the girl laying beneath him. A smirk formed at the corners of his mouth at the thought of what Haymitch was thinking right now.
Jace sighed softly as he pressed a kiss to her head, then kissed her back as she kissed him, pulling back as he looked at her, smiling sadly, amused. Because she looked so upset, and despite having similar thoughts like she was, he was letting his hert break a little at the idea that he was going to have to make sure someone else killed him before the end, so she wouldn't have to make the choice."Yes red, it is better then bitch."He teased stroking her hair, sighing softly amused as he stroked her back, the amusement hiding what he was feeling.

Sienna moaned softly as he touched her, moaning louder before biting her lip swallowing hard, trying to not be loud, because she didn't want to share this moment with the whole world this was just her and peeta's moment, even if she was aware there was camera somewhere that could see them."peeta..."She muttered moaning as she shivered, holding onto im tightly, a smll smile curling her lips as she realized that he was completely aware of who was with him. BLushing slightly she leaned up to kiss his smirking mouth, "Thinking about how loudly haymitch's yelling?"she muttered reading the amused smirk on his lips as she nuzzled him holding onto him tightly.
Scarlet sighed and got comfortable in his lap, leaning against his chest as she closed her eyes and tried to let herself drift into sleep before it go to later. However, it was hard to make her mind and heart stop racing, thinking of what was going to come from all of this. She wondered what the end would be like. Who would make it out? Would it be one of them, or were they destined to die by eachother's side? "Part of me wishes that time would stop right now," she whispered, looking into the fire from where her head laid on his chest.

Peeta laughed a little, shaking his head. "He's probably furious," he whispered, then leaned down to kiss her with more passion, a little less gentle than before. He moved faster, in and out, in and out... He was panting now, his climax building higher and higher. Quickly reaching down, her found her clit and started to rub fast circles. "Cum for me," he whispered, letting out a little moan at feeling how wet she was. "Uh, uh.... Mmm... Cum for me, Sienna."
"Me to.But it wont, so get some sleep."He ordered pressing a kiss to her head, sighing softly as he shifted her in his lap, getting comfortable as he watched the smoe raise from another fire."someone's feeling brave."He muttered watching the forest, because it made him wonder who was going to come for them,but relatively sure everyone else was resting, at least for tnight."What do you think the others are doinig?"He asked sounding curious on her thoughts, considering she wasn't going to sleep, so he was going to ask because he wanted to know what she thought about things. More then sex, he wanted to know her.

Sienna moaned as she kissed him back, shivering as she felt him move in her, squirming as her back arched, nails biting into his back as she held him tightly, back bowing as she bit his shoulder to keep from screaming her pleasure. She could at least have that little bit of privacy. Moaning as she came,her body tightening around his as she clung to him,panting as she held her shivering lover smirking against his skin a little. Oh, haymitch was throwing a fit somewhere.
Scarlet's eyes started to feel heavy, and she sighed sleepily. "Most of them are probably hiding alone," she whispered, "There might be a few people coupled up like us, and I'm sure there are alliances being formed. It's the first night, so it's hard to tell." Her eyes closed and she leaned her head against his chest, feeling his steady heart beat; the sound that told her he was still alive.

As soon as he felt her tighten around him, a groan left Peeta's lips and he started to pump a little faster, gasping as he felt his seed spill inside of her, coating her insides. Panting, he slumped down on top of her, his face resting on her chest right above her breasts. He held her close, laying on top of hr and making no move to roll off. "If... If by some miracle we get out here," he whispered, "I want you to know that I never plan to let you out of my sight." A smirk played on his lips and he lifted his head to look her in the eyes, sweat making his blond hair skin to his forehead.
"Maybe.Sleep.He muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead as she leaned back against the stone, watching the sky. sighing softly as he wtched the night pass them by.

Sienna shuddered as she felt him cum, nuzzling the top of his head as he laid on top of her, "Not even to the bathroom?"She whined,teasing him a little even as she smiled at him, seriousness and the beginnings of love showing in her eyes before she blinked hiding what she was feeling, because she didn't want to make him feel worse. Laughing softly as she grinned at him, leaning up to kiss him softly, before leaning back."Shift off.You're to heavy, you oaf."she whined a little teasing him as she shifted a little, pulling away from him for a moment, just long enough to find a comfortable spot laying under him, closing her eyes as she snuggled into the blond laying on top of her."Well, at least we wont have to worry about being cold. We've worked up a sweat."she teased nuzzling his neck as she closed her eyes, startingi to fall asleep, feeling safe and secure laying under him, knowing that if anyone came for them, they were together.They could fight
Scarlet closed her eyes and sighed as he kissed her forehead before finally letting her body relax. She cuddled close to him, using her jacket as a blanket. It was not long before she was fast asleep in her arms, surprising the Capitol completely. Who knew this dangerous, manipulate murderer who could be capable of being so soft and innocent too?

Peeta reached down to pull his pants on, then pulled the blanket back down over them. He held her with his good arm, keeping her as close as possible. "I might let you go the bathroom alone," he teased, then looked down at her. His hand came up to caress her cheek softly. She was so innocent, so sweet... She didn't deserve this life, and he knew that. He needed to get her out of here, and not only that, but he needed to give her a better life than district 12. "Sleep," he murmured, his hand trailing down her breast, her stomach, her soft mound... He sighed and a smile slid across his face. Even now, in this arena, he couldn't keep his hands off of her.
Jace smiled looknig down at her as she slept pressing a kiss to her head. Well, at least he knew she trusted him to not kill her. Maybe it wouldn't be as hard as he thought,getting her out of the arena. Frowning at the thought wondering when his plan to get himself out of the arena had canged to making sure she got out of here. In the morning jace smiled, gently shaking her shoulder to get her up."Red, come on. we got to get moving."He said, knowing that now that the sun was up and the day was starting, that the others would be searching for them.Because he was with scarlet, he knew that it was only a matter of time before someone found them.

"Bathroom would be good."she muttered shivering as she snuggled into him,clsing her eyes as she leaned into his hand, sighing softly. shivering in pleasure at the touch, even just the softest touches made her want him again."Take your own advice, sleep."She muttered teasingly and already starting to drop off. In the morning Sienna laughed softly as she raised her head, starting to laugh softly as she looked at what was waiting for them."Peeta, come on."she muttered pressing a kiss to his shoulder."You have medicine, and we need to find food."She muttered squirming from out under him shifting, squrming until she could sit up. Grinning as she picked up the parachute holding medicine unscrewing the lid scooping a few fingers worth of it and gently spreading it on the cut on his arm, looking worrired about it. "We need to find water again, then get food."she muttered looking so worried about him.
Scarlet woke up, hearing birds chirp in the distance. She looked up at Jace and nodded, letting out a sigh. There was no time for pretending anymore. This was it... She strapped her jacket and knife belt back on, then helped him put their fire out. "Alright," she murmured, "Let's get this over with..." She could already hear other tributes nearby, knowing that they were after her. Afterall, she was the ideal person to kill first, and they needed to get her out of the way. The only part of that that made Scarlet nervous was that Jace was with her... What if he got himself killed just for being teamed up with her? Had she not warned him multiple times that staying close to her was a mistake?

Peeta groaned and stretched, sitting up and putting is shirt on. He smiled at the sight of the medicine, and while she applied it to his arm, he reached down to read the note attatched. It was from Haymitch, of course. He smirked and watched her doctor his aching arm, sighing in relief as the medicine soothed the pain. Noticing the worry in her eyes, he raised his eyebrows. "What is it?" he murmured, looking around them to see what had made her so nervous. "There aren't any other tributes for miles, I'm pretty sure. We should have plent of time to get some hunting in and move to a better location."
Jace smiled a little."So, miss I kill the others, how do you think we should do this?"He asked looking around, standing quietly as he gathered his things, a knife looking small in his larger hand even as he looked t her. Swallowing hard as he listened to the others looking worried about her. Not wanting to get her killed because he wasn't as good as a killer as she was."Red, what's our move?Do you want me to let you do it?"He muttered straining his ears to listen.

"Haymitch's pissed.And amused I think."she said smiling as she read the scatching, amused note that told them they were both idiots, but smart ones. Looking at his arm she sat back on her heels as she wrapped up on his arm again, smiling softly before laughing as he looked around them."I was worried abouy your arm, not the others."She teased a little as she stood, picking up her bag, blushing ever so softly as she set about making sure her bow was okay trying to ignore how embarassed she was. It was one thing to have sex in the privacy of their rooms, but in the morning light common sense had returned, and reminded her of the cameras."We'll get some hunting done. As long as there's something here to hunt."
Scarlet bit her lip and looked back at him, then looked over to see the tributes approaching. Two males and a female... "Distract them," she murmured, "They don't have any long distance weapons that I can see, so slip out and get far away. Distract them while I get behind them." Her stomach started to twist in knots and the possibility of this going very wrong.

Peeta smiled and stood up, reaching down to help her up with his good arm. "Think you can get a few good shots with the bow?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. He lead her deeper into the forest, trying to decide what kind of animals there mind be... And then he stopped dead in his tracked. Just up ahead he could see smoke. Too much smoke.

"There's a fire," he murmured, shaking his head. The fire was coming toward them, and he remembered from his journey to this point that if they kept running the other direction, they'd reached the ocean and have to swim atleast a couple miles to get to the other island. Grabbing her hand, she shook her head and pulled her back. "We have to get out here." Right as he said that, a tree fell down beside them, narrowly kissing him, and completely on fire. "Shit! Come on!"
Jace nodded slipping into the woods before jogging closer to the tributes. Giving them a jonty wave, grinning."Hello."He grinned at the tributes, amused at their dumb struck faces at his bavery at facing them and doing what he usually did in confrontations, turned tail and walked away. Grinning as he jogged to stay out of reach of their weapons,but slow enough that they wouldn't have to run hard to catch up. intending on letting them get so close that they'd never see scarlet coming up behind them.

Petta smiled at her "I probably could."She said before stopping frowning when he stopped, paling as she noticed what was wrong.Cursing as he nearly was crushed she looked at him frowning as she realized he was okay, pushing him a little, "Go!I'm coming!"She cursed as she ran towards they way they had come, light and fast on her feet, but her panic was making a usually good run completely fear struck. She was completely terrified of fire, and the only thing keeping her moving was she could see peeta running beside her. Panting as she dashed through the woods after him, yelping as the fire got closer, yelping as she stumbled to a stop as a tree fell between her and peeta, trapping her completely in between the fiery limbs, "Peeta!Go!Go on!"She coughed covering her mouth as she tried to find her way through swallowing hard as she braced herself for what she was going to have to do. Closing her eyes for a moment, pulling her shirt up over her mouth as she choked on smoke and jumped over the tree, stumbling into peeta as he started to come back for her."Go!Dammit go!"she cursed already starting to run ignoring how her pants had burned through with the fire, melting the denim like material to slender legs, blistering skin. Ignoring everything, but the need to get to water.
Scarlet stayed in the cave for a moment, just enough time to watch the other tributes whiz by. She swallowed nervously, grabbing a knife from her belt and quicetly following them, moving like a cat. She smirked, deciding to go after the man first. He needed to be taken down so that the women would panic. Getting up behind the man, she pounced on his from behind, knocking him to his knees before grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling his head back. With one quick swipe, she slit his throat and pushed him to the side, leaving him drowning in his own blood. No time to mourn, she turned and through a knife with precision, it hitting the smaller of the two girls right in the heart.

What she wasn't expecting was for the other female to be so fast, and before she could turn around to attack she was being she was behind shoved to the ground. As she fell, she dropped the knife in her hand, and the crazy-looking blond on top of her grinned. She nearly had Scarlet pinned, but Scarlet's legs came up and kicked her back, making her land on her back before straddling her. Scarlet tried not to look in her victim's eyes, but she made the mistake of looking in the blue eyes of the girl under her. Seeing that fear distracted her for half a second, just long enough for the girl to grab the knife Scarlet dropped earlier and stabbing her in her lower left back. Scarlet let out a shriek of sheer pain, gasping and trying to keep the girl pinned down. She reached around, grabbed another knife from her belt and slit the girl's throat, leaving her dying underneath her.

Peeta paniced when the tree had seperated him and he tried to go after her, but she had jumped over the blazing tree before he could move toward her. He looked down at her worriedly, seeing her burns already forming. He shook his head and grabbed her hand, sprinting through the forest that was going up in smoke around them. "Just go a little farther!" he yelled, pulling her and running as fast as her could. "The river is cl-" Too his amazement, another blazing tree fell in front of him. "Shit!" He looked around them, seeing no way out. The fire was surrounding him, and his heart was beating rapidly. Swallowing nervously, he looked down at her. "Stay right here! Don't you dare move," he begged, and ran off the the tree that blocked the from the nearby water. He knew he was strong enough to lift it, but also new the fire was going to singe his hands. He didn't care though; he needed to get Sienna out of here and in the water.

With a grunt, he grabbed the large tree trunk with his bear hands, screaming as soon as the fire licked his palms. He fought it though, a tear streaming down his face as he lifted the trunk of the tree and slung it to the right, angling it to where they had just enough room to get through. Looking down at his hands, he panted in extreme pain, then moved to retrieve Sienna. "Hurry! Come on!" he said, pushing through the pain as he ran along side her. They had just enough time to jump the river before the entire island was on fire, and he could see the other island in the distance. Swallowing hard, he looked at her. "Can you swim that far?"
Jace snarled as he scooped up the man's dropped sword, already moving to kill the girl as scarlet slit her throat, twisting to make sure that none of the othrs had shown up yet. Turning to look at scarlet he gowled softly, "You weren't supposed to kill her!I wanted to save you for once."He said sulking teasing as he tore a strip off his shirt to make a compression bandage against hr back before picking her up."Come on.We better be moving."He said heading for the woods again. As much as he didn't want to go slow, he knew he had to carry her because he she wasn't going to be able to walk. starting a little as he smelled fire. It smelled...farther away ,but he could smell the smoke on the air. "Someone's having a bad day."He muttered knowing it was going to be nasty for whoever was stuck in the fire, but for the moment it wasn't them."We'll go back to our cave. I need to look at your back."he said worriedly already carrying her towards the cave, taking the long about way just in case the other tributes were following them.

Sienna coughed as she ran after him, coughing as she breathed in smoke. Yelping as the tree fell in front of them, she skidded to a stop wincing as he pushed the fire tree out of the way looking worried about him,but like he hadn't asked about her legs yet, she knew better then to distract him by his hands."I'm coming, I'm coming!"She scowled pain translating into anger as each step jarred her legs. It hurt to run. Jumping into the water she tredded water for a moment, the salt water making her legs feel like they were on fire, and she knew his hands had to be just as bad."I can.Lets go."She said already starting to swim, determined to get to the island before her energy started to fade. But alreay, her pain tolerance was flagging, exhausting her even as they swam towards the other island. While she was still moving, she was tiring. While she was used to her father beating on her, she wasn't used to the constant pain of salt water in wounds, of her skin being rubbed raw with salt.

Panting as they got to the shallower water she collapsed to her hands and knees, panting as she tried to find her bearings again, her head swimming, her sight kalidoscoping into a streamer of colors. The pain overriding anything else. Pain and hunger."Peeta?Peeta, how's your hands?How hurt are you?"She asked, even hurt she stumbled to her feet already looking for the man she loved, needing to know he was okay, even if he was in pin.

(I was thinking, the gamemakers rounded them up onto the same island, so they could take them back to capitol, to let them heal and get patched up since all of them are hurt now.)
Scarlet groaned in pain, her nails digging into his arms as he carried her. With each step he took, it caused her pain, suddenly making her start to sob hysterically against his shoulder. She's never been stabbed before, for she'd never been on the other side of a knife. It hurt so bad, it made her feel dizzy, and she tried to close her eyes and catch her breath, letting his voice calm her. "God, Jace, It's bad," she groaned, knowing this was not just a simple cut. The bandaging that he put there was already soaked through. In fact, they were followed by a trail of her blood... "Jace... Ow, ugh..." Tears poured down her hot face. Maybe this was her fate; karma coming to kick her ass for all the knives she's thrown in others' backs. Maybe she was meant to die in his arms, in this arena... And the funny thing is, she was more worried about him than herself.

Peeta clapsed on the bank, rolling over on his back and gasping for air. His hands were practically ruined, along with all of their supplies. Shit, this was not good. They couldn't survive like this... "I'm fine," he murmured, trying not to scare her. "It's alright. Come here." He sat up and looked at her legs, his blue eyes tainted with worry. "Oh, God, Sienna..." He shook his head, hating the fact his hands hurt to bad to reach out to her. Instead, he leaned over to pull her into the crook of his arm. Reaching down, he kissed her. "We made it. We're safe... We just need to heal." He frowned and sighed, leaning his forehead against her's.

(Yes! Sounds like a great idea. However, the gamemakers should wait until dawn. I have a feeling they'd want to have the tributes sweat a little, worried about surviving. I kinda want to Jace scared Scarlet will make it through the night, for it's obvious she's going to bleed to death. What do you think?)
(I like it.^^....and yes, I watched a league of their own today.XD)

"Hey. Hey no crying. Haven't you heard, there's no crying in the hunger games."Kace scowled slightly even through the teasing ,there was a layer of worry."Shh I know.I'm going going to get it taken care of."He said wincing as he found their cave again, laying her down on her stomach, cursing as he watched the blood well under his hands."Its not so bad. Though your a frigid bitch so I would have thought you'd have ice in your viens."He said teasing because it was his ony coping mechanism, working on getting her to stop bleeding.Pressing another cloth to the wound he sighed, putting pressue on it, desperate to make it stop."Now. You hot to keep talking to me red, if you die on me I'm going to be pissed."

Sienna whined a little as he pulled her against him, kissing him back as she leaned her forehead against his, tears mingling with the salt water still clinging to her lashes."Liar."She muttered knowing he was more hurt then he'd say, stumbling to her feet."Come on.We have to get out of the water.It's early now, but it'll get cold at night, and the other tributes are here."She said standing slowly, carefully because it hurt so bad to do so. She was pretty sure she'd burned through skin to muscle, not to mention her pants had melted to her legs. But she was determined to get them somewhere safe first, then deal with the rest later."come on peeta."She muttered stumbling as she wrapped a arm around his waist, needing him to keep her on balane, because her legs kept threatening to stop holding her.
Scarlet hissed like a cat when he pressed the cloth against her wound looking back at him through tear-filled eyes. She tried to laugh a little a his teasing, but it hurt too much. She groaned and panted, and tried to keep her breathing level. She bit her lip and tried to concentrate on something, feeling her mind go hazy. "At of all people, you know my insides are made of ice," she teased, her voice weak and the saucy attitude gone. Her eyes were feeling heavy, and she tried to hold on. "What... What did I say about me dying?" she whispered, "It will do you good." She smiled a bit through her tears and swallowed, loving the sound of him calling her by the nickname he gave her. "S-stop being a whimp," she said, trying to make him think she was better than what she was...

Peeta frowned and stood up. Looking down at her, he shook his head and picked her up, cradling her despite his burning hands. He would be okay though, because she was alive, and he was not about to let her walk on her legs with them so hurt. She would make it worse... "Rest," he murmured, looking around desperately for shelter. Finally he managed to find a hollowed out tree that had just enough room for them to fit in and be hidden for the night. They needed to be hidden so they could heal. And even though it was cramped and she had to stay in his lap, he didn't mind. She was alive, and that's all he really cared about right now. They were both alive... "Everything will be okay," he promised, though he was not so sure.
"Hmmm not really. You feel really warm."He teased sighing softly as he tried desperate to save her, sighing softly as the blood slowed,but it was sluggish. Sighing softly as it slowed and stopped,but it still wasn't good. She'd lost alot. it was so not good. Shifting he cradled her head in his lap,gently stroking her hair a little."I am soo not a wimp.I'm not the one crying over a knife wound."He muttered shivering, shrugging out of the shirt he was wearing, while it wasn't the warmest thing, he laid it over her to try and keep her warm."If I don't get the chance to die bravely before you I'm going to be annoyed. You dying now, just makes me look like a coward. If you die later, I can be a knight in rusty armor bent on saving you."

Sienna winced as he picked her up, "peeta, don't. I can walk..."She muttered sounding a little shocky as she rested her head on his shoulder, huddling against his chest as he tucked them into the tree whimpering softly as she rested against him, "Peeta, if...if you need to, promise me you'll leave me here.You can run I can't.You'll have to go if the others show up."She muttered tears choking her as she pressed her face against his chest, shivering as she cried because if she didn't cry she was going to start creaming about how bad it hurt, nd crying was easier.

Crying she could do silently, and let peeta comfort her. If she screame she was going to endanger the equally helpless peeta.shivering a little as the air started to cool and despite the clothes,leaving her chilled."we need to undress We're going to freeze if we stay dressed."she said sitting up tugging off her shirt snd letting the wet material fall away along with her bra, before turning her attention to her pants. Pain filing her eyes as she eased the material down over her hips, swallowing as she felt the skin pull. Biting down on her lip she pulled the material free, cursing softly and passionately when it didnt bleed right away, onlyrip open some of the blisters that had filled with blood. Swallowing hard as they stoped bleeding she cried softly as she looked at peeta, gently touching his arm."here. We can use my shirt to wrap up your hands."she muttered gently wrapping the cold material around his blisterd hands. She knew it hurt, but the cold water would help sooth the skin. And concentrating on helping him made her forget how shocky she was feeling.

While she wouldnt have to worry about bleeding to death like scarlet, the shock could be just as deadly. She was smaller, easier hurt then peeta,and already in shock over having to be in the games. Being hurt was just so much worse.
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