Death within Love

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Jace's answering smile held more anxiety then amusement, he really was afraid of heights. like deathly afraid,but he settled onto the flat part next to her, closing his eyes so he couldn't see just how high he as he was. giving a shadow of his normal smirk he sighed."Maybe I'm hoping that you'll kill me early in the game so I don't have to worry about a long prolonged death.That if you like me, you'll kill me faster."He said shrugging a little, swallowing hard as he cracked a eye to look over at her.

Haymitch sipped his coffee, giving him a look that was answer enough before starting to laugh a little."I'd hold up better then you.At keast I'm used to drinking, you look like you got backed up over by a car."He said a crooked smile curling his lips as he started to eat, looking at the other."Now hurry up, otherwise you're going to be late for training, and you don't want that on a day you have the gamemakers judging you."He pointed out, "And your interview tonight, don't go dropping any bombs like you did on katniss. I don't think Sienna'll take kindly to that kind of surprise."He warned, just in case peeta had had planned something, because he knew his friend had been in love with katniss, but he figured if anyone could find a game to play, a angle to use with sienna in the game, it would be peeta.But he didn't think the young girl would be able to handle being put even more on the spot then she already was
Scarlet looked over at him, turning on her side. She was a little taken back by his request, swallowing thickly as she tried to decide if he was being serious or not. It was hard to tell with him. "If I liked you, why would I kill you?" she said, arching an eyebrow. Her expression was serious, if not a little defiant. Leaning her head on her hand, as if she were not hundreds of feet in the air, she watched him. "Maybe I would rather keep you around."

Peeta did as instructed and finished his breakfast, nodding with a bit of a sigh leaving his lips. " I won't do anything but go in there and do a bit of weight lifting," he murmured, "I'm stronger than I was the first time around. I'm thinking I can impress them with that..." He smiled then stood up and started to walk down the hall to the training area, immediately seeing Sienna amongst the others. He watched her with curious eyes as he moved toward the set of weights, getting ready to bench press.
Jace gave her a defiant look back, tilting his head a little."If you keep me around, you're going to be wasting food on me, that you could be eating yourself."he pointed out before smiling a little wider anger in his look, not because he really wanted her to kill him,but it was his fail safe, that if it got to bad, he trusted the most frigid bitch in the games to kill him.Swallowing hard as he looked at her sitting so close to the edge,"Move closer to the wall will you?"He muttered.

Sienna smiled slightly when she met his eyes even as her pale face flushed, blushing as she raised the bow a little, starting to work at target practice again. With each shot, she was getting a little closer to the center, becoming better with each shot. As time past though she absently made her way to the weights, sitting down on the bench next to him, starting at the low end of the weights, starting to lift some. Despite sitting next to him, she was seemingly ignoring the fact that he was there, even with the soft flush, even though that could be chalked up to exhertion, and not embarassment.
Scarlet watched him, looking at where she was sitting then looking back at him with a mischievious smirk. "Does it... bother you?" she asked, letting her leg fall to the side of the net, it hanging dangerously in the air. "Why are you so scared, hm? If I fell over, lots of people would be very happy." She inched farther away, until a grin spread across her as she suddenly, rolled over, off the edge, her foot catching into the mesh with grace as she hung upside down. She laughed a bit, holding her arms out as she looked all around her, then lifted her head up to look at him.

Peeta laid down on his back on the bench and lifted nearly four hundred pounds. His face was red and he was breathing steadily as he lifted it over and over. When he was done, he threw it to the side and let out a groan, looking over to see Sienna. He smirked a bit, watching her lift the smaller weights. He shook his head and moved behind her. "Your form is wrong. You're going to pull something..." His hands reached around and moved over her's, helping her lift it correctly. "See?" he murmured in her ear.
"Yes it does i-"He yelped as he rolled already diving to catch her before realizing he'd been tricked, scampering back from the edge as he looked down at her hanging there, swallowing hard as he closed his eyes. trying to calm his racing heart."Bloody hell. If your going to kill yourself, or me with a heart attack, wait till the arena."He scowled already moving and lowering himself over the edge so he could start climbing down. wanting to get away from her and her heart attack inducing stunts.

Sienna blushed a little smiling slightly as she let him help her, tensing a little as he touched her shivering as his breath ghosted over her ear, swallowing hard as she leaned back into him a little,"Thanks.Don't need to be pulling things I shouldn't."She muttered glancing over her shoulder at him, for a moment forgetting where they were, and being a flirty 16 year old that she was. For a moment forgetting everything but the 17 year old standing behind her, feeling that toned and muscluar body against her back.
Scarlet chuckled and swung herself back over, crawling behind him and getting back down to the floor with ease. "I'll keep that in mind," she said, smirking, before moving over to the knot making booth. She needed to practice her traps and whatnot, and most importantly, she wanted to see if he would follow. THe look on his face when she fell was utterly priceless...

Peeta smirked and continued to help her, forgetting his surrounding as she sat down beside her on the bench. "No problem," he murmured, finally taking his hands from her's and moving back in front of her. He swallowed, hating how much enjoyment he took from that... It was hard to not be attracted to her, even admist the awful situation they were in...
Jace ground his teeth together watching her go, but moving to the bow and arrow area, intending on focusing on something else. He was so not going to give her the satisfaction of knowing just how upset he'd been seeing her go over the edge. Sighing as he settled in to work.

Sienna smiled slightly, nearly whimpering at the lss of him moving away from her, smiling absently as he mved away, focusing on excerising and not how good it had felt to be held in his arms for a few minutes.

That evening after their interviews and the stress of having to deal with it, sienna bit her lip a little as she paused outside his door looking torn, fiddling with the edge of the soft fleece nightgown she was wearing, before reaching up and knocking, looking young and scared, not wanting to be alone."Peeta?"She said softly turning the knob, pushing the door open as she looked around the room, avoiding looking towards the bed, not ready to admit she wanted to be held, didn't want to admit that she'd come for more then just to be held because she wanted to kiss him, to touch him, to feel alive again when she was going to be facing so much death.

"You know, interviews weren't so bad. though I think you should have avoided pointing out you were a bitch.People don't like bitches.Well, I do,but I'm not normal."Jace said smiling as he joined her on her ledge, smiling at scarlet having just escaped his own mentor's attentions and scoldings for acting like a idiot during his interview. But like he said, it really didn't matter they were all just going to the arena anyways, it wasn't like talking now would change anything.
Scarlet looked at where she sat on the ledge, like always, still dressed in her red ball gown that she wore on the interview. She smirked and looked over at him, stepping down. THe clicks ofher heels signalled her walked over to him. "Well, I'm glad that I can feed to your abnormal kinks," she purred, arching an eyebrow at his comment. Her mentor had raked her over the coals plenty, but she didn't care. What was the point of lying? Sponsors weren't going to do anything more her anyway. "Shouldn't you be in your room getting some rest?" she murmured, putting her hands on her hips and smirking a bit. If anything, she liked how he was a rule bender like herself.

Peeta sat up in his bed where he laid shirtless, peering into dark to see Sienna in her little nightgown, looking so innocent and torn. He pulled the blankets back and swung his legs over to sit in a sitting position, looking up at her. "Sienna?" he murmured, his heart starting to race. Despite how bad he new this could turn out, he still wanted to feel her touch... He wanted to know what it felt like to be held once again before he was sent to his death. He wanted to feel alive just like she did. "Sienna, is everything alright?" he whispered in the darkness.
"Hmm if you want to feed my kinks, you'd be doing more then talking."He purred a little stepping closer to her as she walked towards him, realizing that he was just a few inches taller, pausing as he smiled down at the woman."Hmmm I wasn't resting. You kept me up."He said raising a eyebrow as he looked down at her, reaching out and tucking her hair behind her ears."So do you want to know more about my adnormal kinks now that we're talking about them?"

Sienna bit her lip stepping into the room, swallowing hard as he spoke to her, now she just couldn't walk away. Swallowing hard she looked calm despite her pulse racing, the pulse racing in her throat, visible in the soft light. "No, everything's not fine, but nothing else can change that."She muttered walking to where he was sitting, nudging his knees apart so she could stand between them, knowing just how bad this was going to be, that she shouldn't do this to either of them,but she couldn't not do this, she wanted to know what it was like, before she died."I'm scared."She muttered admitting into the darkness what she would never say in the daylight,gently sliding her fingers through his hair, leaning down to kiss his forehead, trailng her lips lower, kissing him softly,gently, giving him time to pull back if he wanted to.
Scarlet shuddered, looking up at him. Her lips were painted blood red, and her dark eyes were rimmed with a pretty eyeshadow. She bit her lip and leaned into his hand as he tuched the hair behind her ear... God, he was starting to get to her, and that was an accomplishment in itself. She swallowed hard and took another step closer... Maybe she needed this. Just one night before all the horror started... "And what exactly are these kinks you have?" she murmured, arching an eyebrow. "Anything that I should be afraid of?" Her eyes drifted to the door that led to the roof, relaxing when she saw it was locked. They didn't need to worry about anyone joining them...

Peeta's eyebrows wrinkled as he watched her approach him, confused by her movements. It wasn't until she kissed him that he realized what was going on, and he leaned away from her, breaking the kiss. His blue eyes found her's in the dark, looking up at her with confusion. He swallowed hard, his hand moving up her leg to feel where her night gown ended. He pushed it up a tad, feeling the smooth skin of her thigh. A shiver ran up his spine, and despite everything that told him this was wrong, he didn't pull away. "I'm scared too," he admitted, looking up at her. "Why don't you stay."
Jace loked startled at her getting closer to him, raising a eyebrow as he looked down at her, gently slidng his fingers through her hair,"Hmm good sex,chocolate. Having sex outside.. Nothing to horrible."He muttered studying her following her eyes towards the door, smirking a little at that, stepping closer, pressing that silk clad body against his, leaning down to kiss her slowly, sliding his fingers into her hair, holding her close as he pulled back looking down at her.

Sienna winced a little, looking hurt at the rejection, when he pulled away avoiding his eyes as he looked up at her, shivering a little as she felt him sliding his hand up her thigh, nodding a little as she bit her lip."I'd like that."She said shifting away from him, sliding into the bed, lookng anxious and nervous, having never had sex, or slept in the same bed with someone before, even when she didn't want to touch them, was making her awkard. Mentally cursing herself for being shy and worried she reached out, gently touching his face as she drew him down into another kiss, before leaning back to look at him."I can go if you want me to..."She said giving him another chance to tell her not to do this, to turn her away.
Scarlet sighed into the kiss, liking the taste of his lips and the heat of his body. She swallowed hard when she looked up at him, smirking a bit, and reached up to grab his tie. Her fingers working slowly, she undid the knot and pulled it through the collar of his shirt. "Nothing too bad," she said, smirking a bit as she started to work the buttons of her shirt. She needed this... She needed the feeling of a body against her own and she wanted it to be his. "I like all of those too, actually," she whispered, pulling him down to kiss her once again.

Peeta accepted the kiss, his hands shaking as he looked down at her. "No," he said, swallowing as he moved over her, looking down at where she laid against the pillows. "No, I want you here..." He wanted this before he died, and he was starting to feel that she wanted the same. His hand moved from her cheek to her hip to her thigh,pushing the night gown up until he felt the soft material of her panties. He took a deep breath. Was is too much for him to take her virginity like this? He leaned down and kissed her forhead. His biceps pulsed with strength as he held himself above her. "Tell me if I need to stop."
Jace swallowed hard as she slipped off his tie, smirking a little as she undid his shirt reaching down and fisting his hands in the soft material of her skirt, jerking it up, sliding his hands up her thighs."Well good seeing as we're outside."He muttered kissing her as he tightened his grip on her thighs picking her up and setting her on the edge of the ledge, standing between her legs as he kissed her slowly, rubbing against her through her panties, teasing them both, sighing softly at the feel of her wetness soaking through the panties."Hmm eager?"He teased nuzzling her a little.

Sienna looked at him, nervous as she gently touched his face, studying him, looking worried as she felt his hands tremble as he touched her. Swallowing as she squirmed a little, moaning softly at the feel of his finger brushing against the soft satin of her panties. looking up at her with wide eyes she nodded, looking even more fragile laying under him, all that delicate beauty more obvious under the muscled strength of his body. "I willbut don't stop...not now."She muttered shifting a little, hands sliding down his chest, gently slowly pushing the satin sleeping pants down his hips.
Scarlet groaned and threw her head back, not caring that she was literally on a ledge of a rather tall building. Her hands moved to the straps of her dress, pulling it down so that her well endowed breasts spilled out before him considering she did not wear a bra. Yes, she was wet... So wet for the older, handsome man before her. She bit her lip and bucked against him. "Don't you dare tease me," she groaned, her dress bunched up at her waist from both ways. Her hand went to his hand, tangling into his hair.

Peeta swallowed, a pleasured sigh leaving his lips as he felt her hands on the waist band of his pants. His fingers pushed her panties aside, and after managing to calm himself, his slipped his middle finger up to its first knuckle inside of her virgin opening. He leaned down to kiss her neck, his lips near her ear. "Go ahead," he softly urged her, referring to his pants. He wanted her to be feeling him while he did the same to her...
Jace swallowed hard as he glimpsed the world below them over her shoulder, swallowing hard to keep from pulling away from her. Smirking as he slid her panties to the side, leaning down to suck at her nipples, enjoying the feel of her in his mouth as he slid his fingers into her, stretching her slowly, teasingly as he forced himself to not remember they were sitting on a ledge of a sheer fall. Pulling away he smirked looking at her as he undid his pants pushing them down just far enough as he thrust into her, gripping her hips as he pulled her close against him.

Sienna moaned softly, eyes fluttering closed as she felt his finger slide into her, shivering as she tilted her head to the side, closing her eyse as she pulled them down,sliding a hesitant nervous hand over his cock swallowing hard as she felt the hard length pulsing in her hand, looking up at him with wide eyes, looking startled and amazed as she leaned up to kiss him softly as she stroked her hand over him, squirming as her body tightened a little around his finger, spasming already at the thought of what was to come next.
Scarlet gasped, her moans filling the night's air as he entered her. Her hand tangled into his hair as he suckedher nipples, biting her lips at the delicious, forbidden feeling. It was no nice to have the breeze blowing her naked body, feeling him move in and out of her... She groaned and bucked against him, pulling back his head to press her lips to his. As their moves quickened, she started to a get a bit worried about being on the ledge. She smirked against his lips and whispered, "Maybe we should get off this ledge, hm?"

A deep, gutteral grown left Peeta's mouth and he closed his eyes tight at the feeling of her small hand around his hard, thick cock. He swallowed, rellishing in the feeling, and he couldn't help himself from moving against her soft fingers. He sighed with pleasure, moving his finger deeper inside her, swirling it around and stretching her little by little. She was incredibly tight, Peeta thought, for his finger was even a tight fit. His blue eyes fluttered open to look down at her, and he suddenly felt the deep urge to see her body... Every inch of it. His hands moved toher night gown, sliding up and waiting to see if she would protest.
Jace shuddered a little as he thrust into her faster and harder, kissing her back eyes widening as she reminded him that he was indeed screwing her sitting on the edge of the ledge.Oh yea, he'd managed to forget about it for a moment, he so didn't want to thiink about it. Growling softly as he cupped her ass in his hands,"I thought I was the one scared of heights."He muttered kissing her again as he pulled her off the ledge, walking across the rooftop, with each rolling step he thrust into her, rocking her hips into his as he walked to the wall, pressing her into it as he pressed against her, resting his head on her shoulder,holding her close.

Sienna smiled slightly, blushing as he groaned her hand tightening around him a little, stroking over him as she concentrated on what she was doing to him, shivering as his finger pressed into her, swallowing hard because it was a odd and pleasing feeling of him stretching her.She knew the first time was going to hurt, but she wanted to feel them as close together as they could get. Raising a eyebrow as she realized he was tugging her nightgown off, studying him for a long moment even as her hand kept moving over him, saddness showing in her features for a moment before she could hide it again. Because while she and katniss didn't look alot alike, in the dark they could pass, superficially similar. And she wondered for a moment if he was aware of which girl was with him. Shifting as she lifted up off the pillows enough so he could tug off her nightgown she smiled a little, leaning up to kiss him again.
Scarlet threw her head back and moaned, her dress getting lost as the traveled across the roof. She felt her naked body being pressed against the wall, and it felt exhilerating... Fucking on the Capitol's property, right under their noses? She loved it, and she had to had it to Jace. He had a body to die for and knew exactly what to do to make her writh and moan with pleasure underneath him. Leaning forward, she bit his bottom lip and purred. "Maybe you are not as big of a coward as I thought," she said, smirking and moving to rest her arms around his neck.

Peeta took a deep breath and stood up, yanking his sleep pants the rest of the way off in a feeble attempt to make her feel better. He offered her a smile, even though his eyes held nothing but fear, saddness, and pure nerves. He swallowed, reaching the bottom of her night gown and pulling it up anf over her head gently, then tossing it to the side. Her looked down at her in only her panties, marveling at her breasts, her toned stomach, her thighs... His eyes looked her up and down, then came back to rest on her face. "Beautiful," he whispered in the darkness, then leaned forward and kissed her lips softly, letting his hands roam her soft skin until the came to her panties once again. With one shakey, slow moment, he started to pull the cotton material down her legs...
Jace laughed as he thrust into her harder, shivering as he closed his eyes,kissing her back closing her head as he rested her forehead against hers."Hmm I am, I just want to have sex that I like knowing I'm going to die in the arena."He muttered sighing softly as he thrust into her more, shivering a little. He was lean and fit,but he knew he was most likely to die in the arena, and if he was going to die, he was going to have sex that the capitol couldn't destroy his good memoris of,couldn't make him feel bad for this.

Sienna smiled softly as he pulled his pants off, shivering a little as she laid naked under him, raising her hips and helping her get the silken panties off, before looking nervous, pulling him down for a kiss."You okay?"She muttered gently touching his face, drawing his attention back to her face, looking worried for him, feeling his hands shake, she was worried he was going to stop, she didn't want him to stop.Swallowing hard as she shifted wrapping a leg around his waist, pulling him down closer to her,sighing softly as she felt him hard and long against her, swallwing hard. Looking small and fragile under him, laying chest to chest he covered her body easily, fully, she was just so small."You're beautiful to."She muttered leaning up to kiss him, shifting her hips against his, eager and wanting him, but worry showed on her face, worry about him.And she knew she shouldn't,but she liked him, and she couldn't help but worry that he was hurting himself having sex with her.
Scarlet groaned, completely trusting him as he thrusted in and out, in and out, holding her up as he did so. She leaned down and nuzzled his neck, whimpering as she felt her climax starting to build up. Her thighs squeezed his hips. "Oh, oh, God... Jace," she moaned, biting her lip. His words, for the first time, hurt her. She couldn't imagine him dying, and she hated that he assumed he would... A scream broke through her lips as she came, her juics flooding over his cock and her pussy squeezing him relentlessy. Oh, it felt amazing... So amazing.

Peeta shook his head and offered a smile, leaning down to kiss her cheek softly. His hands found her thighs, adjusting her for position for entrance. "I'm just nervous about hurting you," he finally whispered, his hands still shaking as the held her. His cock brushed against her soft pussy lips, making his moan, wanting to push through her barrier, but knowing that he would hate himself if he caused her pain.
Jace shivered moaned as he pressed his face against her neck,shivering as he came, holding her against him tightly. Shivering as he sank to his knees, twisting a little so he ended up leaning against the wall with the girl still straddling his waist, panting as he held her against him, closinghis eyes as he rested his head back against the wall."Damn.Almost makes getting killed worth it."He teased, biting and mean,but damned if it wasnt true.laughing sfotly as he stroked her hair opening his eyes to look at her, sighing softly." should gte inside.I'm sure someone's probably missig us..."

"Oh peeta..."She muttered laughing softly, because it was so like him to worry about hurting her like this. Smiling a little as she squirmed a little, pressing against him as she kissed him slowly."Just do it, peeta...I'll tell you to stop if it urts."She muttered sliding her fingers through his hair, pulling him down for a kiss, squirming because she wanted him, looking nervous that he'd be so worried that he'd stop."Please peeta..."She muttered kissing him again.
Scarlet slumped against him, resting her head on his shoulder and letting out a raspy chuckle. She nodded and leant up to look at him straight in the eye - her rival that she lay naked with. "Almost worth it," she murmured, then stood, walking over and pulling her dress back on. It was a little wrinkled, but she could care less. It was amazing, and it made her forget about death for atleast ten seconds. That was a miracle in itself... "Goodnight," she murmured, unlocking the door and walking through it, going back to her room and not looking back. She couldn't look back. If she did, she might grow weak, and it was too late for that now...

Peeta looked down at her, smiling at her begging. She was intent on it, and he was not about to deprive her. It just scared him, knowing how young she was, and this was going to seal his fate. He was going to become so attatched to her, that he knew he could not leave that arena without her. "Okay," he whispered, reaching up to cup her cheek. He adjusted himself, pressing his lips to her's as his hips came down and thrusted his cock deep within her, taking her virginity. He let out a deep groan against her lips, taking back by how amazing it felt to be buried deep within her.
Jace sighed softly closing his eyes as he listened to her walk away, knowing that he was already gone. That even if he tried, scarlet had found a way into his heart, and it was going to cripple him in the arena. But....he wouldn't hange anything.And they were so fucked.Sighing he headed back to his own room.

Sienna frowned looking up at him,leaning her face into his hand, seeing his fear on his face, nuzzling his hand. Shivering a little as she wrapped her legs around his waist, whimpering quietly as she held him still, whimpering ever so softly as he thrust into her wrapping her arms around him."Ohh...."She muttered, the breathy moan sounding as amazed as he felt, the pain and pleasure mixing, burying her in how good it felt to be with him. Raising her hips a little after a few moments she shivered at the feel fo him sliding deep into her before rocking her hips a little, shivering as she felt him moving in her."okay...I'm okay...peeta, I'm okay."She muttered turning her head nuzzling his neck.
Peeta gripped her hip, groaning as he started to move inside of her, sliding in and out, in and out... Never had he felt so good. Leaned forward, her gently cupped one of her breasts in his hand, feeling its weight before leaning down and capturing one of her youthful nipple in his mouth, wanting to taste her. He flicked his tongue a few times over the hardened nub, wanting to make the most of the night. He kept a slow, tantalizing pace as he thrusted in and out. "Oh... God, Sienna, you feel so good..." He leaned up and kissed her neck, her cheek, her forehead, and then her lips. He was so gentle with her, so afraid to break her.
Sienna whimpered and moaned in pleasure under him,shivering whining as he kept the slow pace. Arching her back as he sucked on a nipple she whined that high pleasure filled sound, hands gripping his shoulders, wrapping her arms around him, fingers tangled in his hair shivering as he kissed her all over, kissing him back softly, eyes growing wide as she realized he really was enjoying himself, having been afraid that he wouldn't know how was under him, that he'd pretend it wasn't her. Shivering as she smiled raising her hips to meet his, tightening her grip on him,nils digging into his back for a moment."Peeta, I wont break."She growled softly shivering because the slow tantalizing pace was doing it for her, slowly pushing her towards that shining white edged pleasure.
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