Death within Love

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Peeta was in heaven, her moans and movements making it that much better. He started to move faster, unable to contain himself with her begging filling his ears, and he gripped her hips to help his aim. Soon, he found a nice rhythm, rellishing in the sight of her breasts bouncing before him. He leaned forward and licked her other nipple hungrily, starting to really get into the raw emotion of the unexpected act. Part of him reguarded her as a fragile girl that he did not want to hurt or take advantage of, and part of him saw her as an incredible beautiful girl that he wanted ravage and take in multple ways before the night was over. Sweat beaded his forehead, making the lond hair stick to his tanned skin, and he grunted with each move. "How's that?" he panted, giving it to her a little harder.
Sienna moaned softly, shivering as he licked and sucked at her breasts, legs holding him close to her, slender body curling around his as she shifted her hips up to meet his, panting as she looked up at him."Good...ohh...good..."She moaned eyes widening in surprise as she looked up at him pleasure over riding every thing else even her ablity to speak as she came, eyes rolling back in her head as her back bowed, body tightening around him almost painfully tight, nails biting into his shoulders, drawing blood as she tried to anchor herself to the only solid thing left in a world soft edged and white with pleasure. Panting as she clung to him, face buried against his neck, nuzzling him, mouth sliding over sweat slick skin.
Peeta smirked at her reaction, and he kept going, swallowing and panting at the feeling of her tightening around him... When she came, squeezing his cock, he lost it completely. His head lolled backward, and his thrusts came faster and harder. His hands gripped her hips tighter, and he felt that incredible, out of the world pleasure take over him. "Ah... Ah... Oh, Sienna! Uh!" he slammed into her, panting and moaning. His seed spilled out, coating her insides before he slumped down on top of her. He simply did not have the energy to roll off, laying on top of her and between her legs as he caught his breath.
Sienna shivered a little, wrapping her arms around him tightly, blinking stupidly as she tried to think of something to ay before smiling a little nuzzling his neck a little, shifting to squirm away just enough so the larger man wasn't crushing her under his weight, sighing softly as she felt him slide out of her, whimpering a little as she didn't squirm away far, content to just sleep laying half under him, cuddling against his chest as she blinked."Sleepy."She muttered cuddling against him as she drifted to sleep.

Haymitch snickered slightly the next morning as he stepped into the room, wrinkling his nose at the smell of sex, shaking his head a little.He'd known it would happen eventually, he'd just not been sure if it would be here, or in the arena.Despite his warnings, he knew peeta was lonely, and sienna was scared, so he wasn't surprised that they had sex. Smirking a little as he looked at the two, and he knew it was two because even if he couldn't see the smaller girl under peeta's bulk he knew the man was laying mostly on her just from the way he was laying, and he could see that spill of strawberry blond hair from under peeta's shoulder.Come on you two, time to get up."
Scarlet sat at the breakfast table with a blank expression clouding her pretty face. She looked into her pancakes, knowing she should eat, but not sure how she could stomach it. After last night, guilt coarsed through her, and not only that, but saddness. It didn't hit her until she woke up that morning, sore from the sex and smelling of Jace. Stylists had already gotten a hold of her that morning, for she was wearing dark eye shadow and her dark hair was curled down her back. However, she still wore a soft white robe that made her look smaller than usual... It wasn't the sex that broke her heart, but the fact that she could never be with that man. She could never fall in love with him, marry him, have his children. In fact, she couldn't do that with any man. So she did what she did best, and that was to numb herself and pretend it never happened.

Peeta jumped at the sound of Haymitch's voice, moving around and feeling the smaller, feminine body under neath him. His eyes went wide. Oh, fuck, what had he done? He's taken her virginity away, he slept with a young, vulnerable girl... He was ashamed of himself, feeling as if he took advantage of her. As he stood up, wrapping the sheet around him, he didn't look her in the eye. He was too guilt-ridden. Why did he do that? This would only hurt them both so much more; it would only drive him into a deeper, dark depression to see her in that arena... He had to stop this. He could NOT fall in love with this girl. He needed to put distance between them... Maybe the best thing there was to do was make her hate him.

And with that, he pushed past Haymitch, and went to take a shower.
Jace stepped into the room, for once looking like that reckless handsome bastard he was. Blond hair was styled around his face, a blue shirt such adark blue that a few shades darker, it'd be black hugged his upper body, and a pair of snug denim pants hugged his lower half, looking deadly and ambitious, so unlike the man that had orginally won his games. Giving her a slightly guilty lok he sat down the table from her, like her, he had to pretend it didn't happen, because belatedly he'd realized that in trying to convince her to not kill him, he'd fallen for the girl.And it was going to break his heart to not be able to save them both."You need to eat."He muttered looking over at her as he forced himself to eat, even if he felt sick. Barely noticing the food passing his mouth as he looked towards the doors, knowing the minutes were passing, that within the hour they'd be in the arena.

Sienna whimpered softly as he moved,snuggling down into the bed before frowning, yelping as he took the sheet with him,grabbing at the blanket to wrap it around herself. Huddling in the blanket tears filled her eyes as he ignored her, watching him go. It wasn't even that they'd be in the arena today, or that he'd just left...tears filled her eyes because he hadn't even said her name, hadn't even acknowledged her existance in the bright light of day. "Come on girl."Haymitch said roughly getting her up out of bed and into cinna's waiting hands, his heart hurting as he watched the stylist get her ready. glancing towards the shower as he tried to figure out what peeta was thinking, shaking his head a little as he watched sienna head down for breakfast as peeta's stylists waited for him.
Scarlet turned to him, giving him and incredibly cold look despite what she was feeling. She looked him up and down. He looked handsome, but no one could tell that was what she was currently thinking. "Don't tell me what I need to do," she snapped, the turned back to her plate. Shaking her head, she pushing it away and stood up, leaving the room as she hugged her robe to her. It was better this way; better for thm to go into the arena with him sill believe she was the dangerous bitch everyone thought her to be.

Peeta sighed and stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist as he walked over to his stylists. The started to trim his hair, a few others running around to pick out his clothes. He looked somber, no expression on his face at all, and he glanced up at Haymitch with a sigh. "What?" he grumbled, his hands cenching the arms of his chair.
Jace scowled watching her go before sighing. Shaking his head a little as he followed her out of the room, heading for the entrance way. maybe it was better this way, they'd just forget what happened, and they'd just enter the arena. And he wondered why it made him so sad to consider just going back to being enemies.

haymitch studied the other man, sipping his glass of wine before shaking his head."Nothing.Just watch your back.And get out of the cornicopia early, you can always go back, don't get yourself killed before you have chance."he said before pushing away from the wall he was leaning on, smirking a little as he watched the others get peeta ready, nodding towards the door, not about to go into the emotional mess he could feel was there, even if he couldn't see what peeta was feeling."Come on.Time to get back into the arena."He said his voice holding the saddness he was feeling, because he didn't want to send either of them into the arena, didn't want to see peeta die, or sienna die because she was weaker, vulnerable, and knowing it would destroy peeta to watch her die."Just win, and come back."he said heading out.
Peeta bit the inside of his cheek in order to not get upset, to not show how sad he really was. He had to prove to himself that he was doing the right thing by putting distance between him and Sienna, that their relationship had to stop there. It wasn't healthy for them to get attatched to eachother. They needed to focus on surviving. Plus, the guilt of taking her virginity was enough... He sighed and watched Haymitch go, before jogging after him and pulling him intoa hug. He had been more of a parent to Peeta than anyone. Haymitch was like a father, a friend, and a brother all in one... And he was going to miss him. "Don't get me sponsors," he murmured, "Get them for her."

And with that, he walked over to the send off room, hearing the countdown ringing in his ears.

Scarlet was shaking as her stylist started to zip of her jacket and finalize her hair and makeup. She was trying not to cry; trying not to look over at where Jace was standing. The countdown was nearing, and she knew she had to get to her knives. She needed them immediately; had to run faster than anyone in order not to die in the cornicopia. Afterall, everyone's weapons would be pointed in her direction.

And then her eyes veered over and found Jace, and she swallowed nervously. Suddenly she hoped that if she didn't make it, he did.
Sienna stared at the clock as she listened to the countdown, trembling as she wrapped her arms around herself, huddling mostly into hersel as she thought about how very bad this was going to be. Not even in the face of this, was it enough to think clearly. Swallowing hard as she looked over at peeta before looking away.

Jace tilted his hea a little when he saw scarlet looking at him, tsmiling slightly, that self decapitating smile that said he was sure he wasn't going to make it,but that he was going to enjoy the fight until then.Turning his eyes back towards the entrance he studied the others, before sighing softly,getting ready to fight.

And as the buzzer rang, he set his heels down,streaking across the sand,barely aware of the sand and water that streaked up his legs as he ranbecause he had to get to the weapons he saw, had to get there first. Ignoring the people running with him,ignoring as he kicked out at them,just to keep them away from him.Bending he scooped up one of the backbacks,before pausing turning to see where Scarlet was even as he fought against one of the careers from 2 to keep his hands on the backpack.

Run.let peeta get the stuff. Let him gather what you need.Sienna clung to haymitch's advice, swallowing hard as she ran,trembling a little but she was small,and she was one of those people who could spirint, she was fast and she was light. As she set off in that ground eating trot she saw the backback and bow that was laying just a little off towards her side,between her in the woods. Looking at the others for a moment she ran for it, panting as she went for it. But like most things, she wasn't lucky. Gasping as one of the careers from 1 smacked into her,she fell gasping as the wind knocked out of her, looking up at the slender woman smirking down at her.The blond smirked as she wrapped her fingers in sienna's hair, pulling her up even as the girl gasped,drawing one of the knives from the backpack at their feet, the girl was going to slit sienna's feet, as sienna started to fight, hitting at her even as she was held close.Closing her eyes sienna sighed,whimpering because the only thing she wished, was she had had time to say goodbye to peeta.
Scarlet growled with frustration when the girl from District 7 managed to get her set of knives. Her dark eyes narrowed in slits as she watched the girl, already going after that girl from District 12, and Scarlet wasn't having any of it. Those were HER knives, and she knew this girl was not taking them because she could use them, but because she wanted Scarlet weak enough for when the group came after her. Scarlet could sense the alliance building, plotting to get her killed first. She shook her head, her eyes dangerous, and she sprinted across the feild, sneaking up behind the District 7 and taking a knife from her belt. Just as she was about to slit the throat of Sienna, not paying any attention to whom stood behind her, Scarlet yanked the woman's hair back and slit her throat right then and there. Blood spurted everywhere, all over Sienna whom was under her, and Scarlet through the twitching body to the side. However, even if it would have been and easy kill, she turned away frm Sienna and started collecting the knives from the District 7 woman's belt. Her eyes looked over to glare at Sienna, whom she assumed was stunned. "Don't be a fucking idiot," she hissed, "Get up and run."

((Okay, I know that we talked about Peeta making the first kill, but I thought this was bit more dramatic. And while it showed how brutal Scarlet could be, she was also letting Sienna go. However, I have an even better plan for Peeta to redeem himself. Don't worry. lol Hope that was okay.))

Peeta did what Haymitch had told him time and time again, and he ran. However, on his way toward the woods, he grabbed a backpack off the ground. It was odd running in the sand, sinking a bit with each step, but he managed to get to the water just in side, and dove in. The back pack strapped to him, he swam toward another nearby island, trying to be discreet, and then ran toward the trees in the distance. He needed to get through this first round... That was it. He was safe. However, Sienna was clouding his mind with worry, and suddenly felt his heart racing. Did she make it? Did she see where he ran off to? If he was lucky enough, she would end up in the same area as him, and they could team up... He knew he should do what he planned, staying solo, but he knew that deep in his mind, he could not forget about her. He could not let her die, even if that meant it was him that would be left in the arena.
Sienna looked stunned as she was splattered with blood, looking up at her as she stuttered, even as she was scrambling to her feet."Okay,t-thanks."She stuttered looking up at her as she half fell, "Move you two.You're going to be easy kills."jace growled as he past the two, throwing one of the knives and catching the district two champion coming at their backs, wounding not killing as he ran for the woods. Giving sienna exactly what she needed shocked back into reality, she looked around her for a moment as she ran for the woods, she hadn't seen peeta, hadn't known where he was,but she assumed he'd listen to haymitch and head for the woods. Stumbling a little as she entered the wooded area she slowed, knowing she had t move slowly because she could move quieter. But as she walked, she kept looking around not only for the other victors,but peeta to.Peeta who she knew she should leave alone,but she couldn't.

"Come on.Get the knives, I know you saved her for them, come on."Jace teased, a biting tease because he knew the woman had rescued sienna to rescue the knives, already heading for the woods, teaming up with her because he knew the others would come after them, which meant he wouldn't have to hunt for them to kill them.A old game plan, but a sure one.
Scarlet looked up, eyes wide with surprise and relief as she saw Jace race by. She swallowed and attatched the belt of knives around her waist, ducking at the last second as an arrow whized over her head. As she ran for the woods, the same direction as Jace, she felt blood trickling down her forehead and cheek. A curse left her lips as she dashed after him, not knowing exactly why. Usually, she didn't take orders from someone, but with the bloodbath going on around them, it was instinct to listen to him. With the knife in her hand, she cut away branches as she ran, only stopping when she saw him. "Get down!" she hissed, grabbing him by the shirt and yanking him behind a large bolder just in time for a large group of tributes to rush by looking for them. She had his back pressed to the bolder, her chest pushed against his, and her hand over his mouth. Alright. She'd team up with him, but she calling the shots.

Peeta moved through the trees, stopping in his tracks at the sight of another tribute who's name he couldn't remember. And then there was Sienna, right in front of him and looking like she was searching for them. The other tribute raised their bow and arrow, pointing it straight toward Sienna, and he panicked. Sprinting forward, he shoved her to the ground without any sort of warning. Of course, it was just in time for the arrow to whiz through the air and go straight into his thick bicep. A scream of pain echoed through the woods, and it took a minute for Peeta to realize that was HIS scream. He turned and yanked the arrow out of his arm, grunting with pain as he felt his blood spill down his muscles. However, he didn't waste anytime. Moving forward, he went after the smaller woman with the arrow, watching her shakily try to reload. However, she was aiming for Sienna, not him. Knowing what he needed to do, he grabbed a large bolder off the ground and threw it in the woman's direction, catching her between the rock and a tree. Her screams could be heard, and Peeta winched, slumping to the ground and grabbing his arm. Groans and pants left his lips, even after the woman was obviously dead, and he looked over at where Sienna was on the ground a few feet away.
jace cursed as he ran, feeling the branches snap against his face before swallowing, yelping as she yanked him down, turning, pressing his face against scarlet's shoulder, teeth finding her shoulder to keep from yelling, swallowing the rage that he wanted to scream at the others for hurting scarlet he swallowed, relaxing when he heard them keep going on. Raising his head with a sigh, resting his head back against the boulder."Damn.Well that was a interesting start."He muttered raising a hand to brush the blood out of his face, sighing softly."How deep is it?"He asked peering at it, trying to see how deep it was.

Sienna yelped as she was jerked to the ground, yelping as she landed awkwardly, but not hurting herself as she did, panting as she watched peeta take care of the other woman, eyes wide as she watched blood stream down his arm, not realizing she was looking just as bloody, even if it wasn't her blood. Standing she walked shakily towards him, ripping a strip off of her shirt, wrapping it around his arm tightly, looking at him worried."How hurt is it?"she asked looking relieved as the bleeding slowed, though panic still showed in wide blue eyes."Come on. We have to find somewhere to hole up.You can't fight with that arm, and I can't protect you.We have to go.She said urging him deeper into the woods, picking up both their bags, picking up the bow the dead woman had had, looking worried and frightened as she sought to get tehm into the woods.
Scarlet looked up at him and sighed, shaking her head and leaning into his hand, even if it was a bloody mess. "Deep, but not deep enough to kill me," she murmured, swallowing nervously. This was not her plan. She had not prepared herself to team up with Jace and end up with him so quickly, but what was done was done. Despite the fact that she would probably never admit it, she couldn't survive this alone. Not this tme around. And if she was going to go down with anyone, she wanted it to be him. Even if he was a sly bastard... "I'm lucky, really," she murmured, "If that bitch from District 7 had not stopped long enough to try to skin Sienna alive, I wouldn't have gotten my knives." With that, she smirked and patted her belt before moving away from the bolder and heading deeper in the woods. They needed to find water to clean out her wound.

Peeta secured the bandage on his arm and nodded, heading into the woods to find shelter. They needed to find a place to stay for the night, for it was already starting to get dark... His eyes looked her over as they walked, guilt deep within them, and he sighed. "Are you okay?" he finally asked, knowing he needed to say something. He was still sticking by his guns when it came to the fact that they needed to keep things casual in the arena. They needed to be worried about surviving, even if he was more worried about what she was thinking. He still felt awful about that morning, but he knew it was for their own good. A relationship blooming within the Hunger Games was sure to be doomed.
Jace nodded, looking relieved to see that it wasn't a bad cut. Smiling slightly as he followed after her, looking around for both water and a place to rest. They'd need both soon, it was starting to get dark."Ah well, skinning the little one is agood thing then."He said snickering a little at the idea, because he had a idea that peeta and sienna would be hiding somewhere themselves. He knew even without knowing her well, Sienna was probably losing her mind over killing, or getting someone else killed. While everyone else in the aren had killed, onl sienna was innocent."Good thing you got your knives. We'll need them if we manage to get some animals."He said looking around, loking over at her."I know you don't want a partner, but I think you need it."he said taking his time walking, making sure that he wasn't snapping himself in the face with branches, though the marks of his first dash through the woods showed on slight marks on his skin.

Sienna was quiet as she looked around, light enough that even the dry leaves hardly cracked under her feet, not looking at him, because he'd seemed determined to ignore her, so she was going to ignore him. Starting a little when he asked how she was, starting as she looked over at him."I'm...fine."She said raising a hand to rubbed her face, wincing as she felt the blood coming off on her hands."WE need water.I want to clean up."She said going quiet again, because if he was going to be a bastard about this morning, she was going to let it go.Because it didn't matter, she just knew that it hurt to think about, and she didn't wnat to be hurt, not when it didn't seem to matter to him beyond something to be guilty about.
Scarlet turned to look at him, throwing a glare at him like a cat would. "I don't need anything," she snapped defensively, "Especially not you." After walking for a moment, she let out a little sigh. She knew that she was harsh with him, and that what she said was not entirely true. However, she was just so stubborn and so independent, and he was stepping on her ego for existing, let alone helping. "I don't need you," she repeated, her voice a little softer, "But I'm here, aren't I? Obviously because I want to be." Biting her lip, she nodded toward a cave-like looking shelter. "That'll do, don't you think? And we can get some hunting down in the morning. Being out in the open right now is a death wish."

Peeta nodded in agreement and looked around, trying to find the water bank that he saw on the way out here. He sighed... The Guilt was practically eating him alive, and it didn't help that they were walking for hours before Peeta finally manage to hear the little trickle of water from a near by stream. He moved toward it, his arms throbbing and sweat pouring down his face and chest. Reaching up with his good arm, he tugged off his back pack and shirt and started to jump into the water. It felt amazing... Looking up at her, he forced a smile. "Hurry up. We don't have much time before someone else finds us. Shelter is a must before dusk."
Jace grinned looking at the cave, looking amused having not taken the words to heart. It was like everything she said hit the surface, sent ripples through, then faded like it had never exissted. He had to much other stuff to worry about to worry about what she said to him when she was indeed not trying to run away from him. Smiling as he headed up the small hill to the cave he drew a knife edging inside looking around to make sure the cave was empty, knowing it wasn't beyond the gamemakers to put something mean and nasty in the only shelter they could find."Yea, it'll do."He said relaxing when he saw it was indeed empty. Shrugging off the pack he sighed rubbing a hand over his face.

Sienna was quiet for the hours they walked, content to just let him be guilt ridden because he wasn't talking, so she assumed that he had no interest in tlking to her now. She had no desire to talk to someone if they didn't want to talk to her. And besides thinking mean things about him was the only thing that kept her moving, kept her angry enough to keep up with the taller man. Smiling a little,just a slight curl of lips as she knelt by the water's edge to wash the blood off her face before sighing. She was being silly.Despite knowing the captiol was watching, she ws with a man who'd already seen her naked.Stripping down she stepped into the creek washing up before getting out and pulling on her dry clothes, sighing softly."Come on then.Lets go find somewhere."She said looking anxious to find somewhere to sleep, already starting to shiver in the cooling late afternoon.
Scarlet looked at Jace, trying to figure him out. What was it that attracted her to him? Why did he get under her skin and spike her curiosity? Why was it that she found some kind of solace in him that she'd rarely ever felt? She huffed and walked into the cave, feeling around for a soft place on the ground to eventually start a fire. She knew exactly why... Because her attitude seemed to not effect him in the slightest; her bursts of sarcasm and harshness seemed to bounce off of him.

"Well, I suppose we can take shifts sleeping," she murmured, "I have a feeling that they are making tonight easy just so they can keep some of us alive. Afterall, many of the older tributes will drop like flies. I've heard ten cannons already." She swallowed and started to rub some rocks together, trying to create a spark. This was not how she predicted it at all. She never imagined being stuck in a cave with Jace Masons... And yet, it didn't quite bother her. Looking over at him, Scarlet seemed to glow a little in the light of the fire. Her black hair framed her face, and her ivory skin was tainted with blood on the left side. Yet, she had fight in her, and it showed. And it was obvious that she had secrets that kept her fighting... "You can sleep first. I don't think I can."

Peeta tried not to look over at her as she bathed naked in the stream. He swallowed, his eyes darting over right when she was not looking... She was beautiful - No, gorgoeus. It was hard to take his eyes off of her, for she was honestly one of the prettiest things he'd ever been in contact with. Sienna reminded him of good times, the rare they had when he was growing up. She reminded him of what life could be like if they managed to over throw the Capitol and regain freedom. So why was it that she seemed to weaken him as well, making his heart grow so soft that he was afraid it would stop beating? He sighed and looked away as she got dressed, trying not to look like the pervert he felt like he was, and nodded. "Yea, it's going to get dark soon," he murmured, putting his shirt back on and following her into the wood. It took a while, probably two or three hours, but he finally spotted a little ditch like area between two narrow hills with trees all around. He pointed down. "That should be good," he murmured, "It will be practically impossible to see down there once it's completely dark."
Jace smiled a little as he climbed into the cave, studying her as he watched her in the glow of the firelight."Good. I like sleeping."He said grinning at her as he crouched down,stinig her head to make sure it wasn't bleeding to badly."WAke me up when its my turn.and don't do the macho thing and stay up the whole night just because you're being anxious. WAke me up when its my turn."He sadi giving her a look, warning her because he was going to be wickedly pissed if she stayed up all night because she just couldn't sleep. He was so going to need her awake and aware the next day, which meant that she needed sleep to.

sienna smiled softly as seh cleaned up, looking at him when he wasn't looking at her. Shivering as it got darker she smiled a little s she jogged to keep up with him, and by the time they found the cave, she was yawning stumbling after him as he headed down into the nrrow way.looking around as they entered the smaller ditch, it was just large enough for them both, with trees hiding them.Setting down her back her stomach growled as she dug through her bag grinning as she realized that she'd gotten lucky, the backpack had a blanket to. Pulling it out she bit her lip as she sat down,huddling in the blanket as she started to shiver more. Cold and her hair was still a little damp,"Do we light a fire?We'll have to gather food in the morning, we'd be warmer now,but it might bring the other's closer."She said smiling as she looked up at him, seeming to decide that she couldn't ignore the man she'd had sex with, even if she wanted to. She couldn't just forget what happened, because she didn't regret it, and it seemed that he did.And while she was willing to let him pretend that nothing had happened, they still needed to lay under the blanket together, they'd stay warmer, espcially if they weren't making a fire.
Scarlet rolled her eyes and leaned back against the stone wall of the cave, spreading her legs out in front of her. "Fine," she murmured, knowing that he was much to stubborn to forgive her for betraying him in such a way. "I'll let you sleep for a couple hours, then I'll wake you." The fire started to warm the cave, but part of her was eager to have him closer... Why? Why could he not just go away and not weaken her like this? "Here," she offered, taking off her jackets and making it into a pillow before placing it in her lap. "Use this."

Peeta shook his head. "No, we can't light a fire," he murmured, even though it was awfully chilly and he wished they could. "This is a great hiding stop, but the smoke will give us away immediately..." He looked over at her, seeing her shiver alone on the other side of the ditch. His blues eyes looking torn for a few moments, he finally fought through that wall of common sense and moved toward her. "We can use eachother's body heat," he offered, reaching over and putting an arm around the small girl. Using his good arm, he lifted her into his lap and pulled the blanket over both of them. That way, she was between the blanket and him, and he was getting heat from being underneath her... His head went to rest on her shoulder, trying to get comfortable. It was awfully hard to ignore how close they were... He swallowed nervously and sighed. "I'm sorry for this morning," he finally whispered, so soft that only she could hear. He shook his head with guilt. "I just don't feel like I'm doing you any favors by becoming attatched to you, yet that's getting a little hard to fight." His large arms held her close, protecting her just as much as he was keeping her warm.
"Good."Jace said glaring at her a little just to make sure that she got that he was so not going to forgive her if she didn't wake him up.He didn't need her exhausted, not when everyone but maybe sienna and peeta were going to be coming after them as soon as it was light out."Oh.Thank you."He said statled as she held out her jacket, before smiling as he shifted smirking as he laid down in her lap, closing his eyes, assuring himself that she couldn't really leave without him now either, because to move she was going to have to drop him to the ground and wake him up."Thanks."He muttered yawning as he started drifting off.

Sienna nodded shivering."To bad. But it's better to not have a fire, cause we can use this place again, after we hunt in the morning."She said shivering by herself before looking startled as he put his arm around her, swallowing hard as he lifted her up, settling in his lap, shifting until she was comfortable, small enough that her whole body fit easiy in his lap, her head pillowed on his shoulder and as he rested his head on her shoulder, they were looking amazingly cuddly and adorable to the people watching.Closing her eyes she sighed a little, resting her head on his shoulder she nuzzled him a little before going still when he spoke, seemingly to think about it as she blinked a little, looking up at him."...Peeta, you jackass."She muttered softly the words a soft endearment despite the cussing, keeping her voice quiet to so that she knew the cameras she knew where somewhere around them couldn't pick it up. Squirming a little as she pressed her face against his chest, because she wasn't about to let him see the tears misting her eyes, or give the captiol the satisfaction of watching her cry. because it hurt her heart to know he didn't want to become attatched, even if she knew the reason because it would do them no good in here, and because he was still in love with katniss, and that hurt more then anything else."We're not doing either of us any favors by ignoring what happened either."She sighed shivering a little as pressed her face against his shoulder.
Scarlet sighed and nodded, leaning her head back against the stone wall of the cave. The only sounds that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. He hand moved down to his hair, and she stroked it back, her fingers running through it gently. She started hum a song her mother used to sing to her, a haunted-sounding song that she grew up hearing. It brought back memories of her mother, whom was very sweet compared to her father, who was the one who trained her for the games. She had four older brothers, so she was a tough girl, and even though they fought alot growing up... She missed them. In fact, she missed them alot. But no one could bring her family back from the dead, nor could they take back the awful things they'd done to her.

Peeta smirked a little bit at her cursing, and sighed. He's hurt her feelings even more than before, it seemed, and he felt like hitting his head against a rock repeatedly. "It's not that I would... want to be attatched to you," he whispered, and you could practically hear the swooning of Capitol woman and hearing such a thing. "I do. If this were a different time and place..." He swallowed and lifted her chin, making her look at him, and he frowned at her tears. "Don't cry," he whispered, "I'm sorry. I just... I wasn't trying to ignore what happened because I regretted it. I was doing it becuase I felt guilt. I feel like I took advantage of you."
jace sighed softly as he started to fall asleep letting her sooth him to sleep smiling slightly."That's pretty."he muttered pressing his cheek against her leg, before falling all the way to sleep. When she shook him awake he yawned, blinking sleepily."Anything interesting happening?"He muttered rubbing a hand over his face as he looked up at her, smiling slightly."Good. Your looking sleepy. At least you wont bitch at me taking over."He teased a little.

Sienna sighed jerking her head back shifting so that she was sitting between his legs leaning back against his chest, pulling the blanket up to her chin, giving him no option but seeing the top of her head. Oh yes, the capitol women were going to be enjoying the boy from 12 who'd had the misfortune of falling in love again. Scowling a little as she hated herself slightly for what what she'd thought to say. Of course if things were different, it wouldn't be her that was with him, it would have been the girl he really was in love with, instead of the girl who'd seduced him and made him feel guilty for doing it."...Well don't.You didn't, and I wanted...I wanted to be alive, before the end."she shuddered a little, because she wanted to so much to cry, but she couldn't. She couldn't break down, because that wasn't what he needed, and because it would do them no good."Just go to sleep peeta."She said shifting to get comfortable and go to sleep, huddling against his chest as she willed him to let it go, to let her feel guitly herself for causing this oddness between them.And just let them move on.because despite her feelings being hurt, that's what needed to happen, because he needed to not be attatched to her, to get out of the arena, and leave her behind.
Scarlet looked down at him and smirked, rolling her eyes at his obvious dig at her attitude. He definitely didn't let her forget that she could be a complete and total bitch, and she kinda liked it. It made him look less like the coward she had previosly thought him to be. "Fine," she murmured, "Trade me spots." She waited for him to sit up, and she took off her jacket, revealing the formfitting black tank top she work, and laid down, resting her head on his lap and using the jacket as a blanket. A sigh left her lips, and she looked into the fire. "Can you sing? Or hum... Or something," she whispered, swallowing nervously. She was not used to being vulnerable, but she needed something to soothe her to sleep in this place. Night time was always when she missed her mother most, how she used to sing her to sleep...

Peeta rested his chin on her shoulder, closing his eyes as his breath danced across her neck. He hated the fact that he'd upset her; the fact that he could sense her need to cry just by holding her so close. "I wanted to be alive too," he whispered, "And it made me feel that way... Alive." He sighed and tightened his hold on her, wanting her to feel how much he really did want her. His large hands rested on her stomach, one of the high enough to feel the underside of her breast. It took a great deal of effort to not reach father up... "You remind me of what life could be like, you know? And that scares me," he whispered, pain in his voice. "You tempt me to believe in things that I know, deep down, I'll never be able to have."
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