Death within Love

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Haymitch smiled a little looking over at her before returning his eyes to the board frowning as he tried to keep track of everything."Yea I'm ready."he said grinning slightly because he was so ready to deal with snow and all the things that the president had put them through."There's jace and scarlet."He pointed to the moving dots, recognizing the signature as their two victors, knowing that even if they had to keep a eye on everyone, she'd want to know where jace was, it amused him that she watched over him like a mother and child, having seen him through his own hunger game.

Sienna smiled a little as she leaned back into his hands, closing her eyes for a moment as she let the tight muscles start to relax."Hey."She muttered turning her head to kiss his cheek, swallowing hard as she moved to one of the injured soldiers, silent tears sliding down her face as she sang and talked to the patients, before she looked up at peeta, moving to wrap her arms around his waist, leaning against his chest as she closed her eyes."This is to much."She shuddered, it hurt so much to know that she'd been put here, in the hospital because she was to weak to fight, and knowing he hated it to."You're here with me,because I need you, not because you can't fight."She muttered hugging him tighter.

Jace smiled back, glad to see her like this, even among the fighting, moving quickly and easily with her, before starting a little, surprised to find himself standing in front of the president's manor, pushing open the door as he walked inside, a short sword and a gun in his hands as he moved softly on his toes, looking around, trying to find the president. Knowing that everything was over when they found him.
Norah looked at the dot that was labeled for Jace and sighed with relief, happy to know he and Scarlet were okay so far. She reached over and grabbed Haymitch's hands, squeezing his fingers and giving him a reassuring smile. Jumping a little at the sound of her name, she turned to see Coin. Of course, she was needed on the other side of the hovercraft. With a sigh, she stood up and let go of his hand. "I'm going to see what's going on," she murmured, "I'll be right back... Keep up with those two, okay?" She knew she didn't have to tell him that; that he's work constantly on keeping Jace and Scarlet safe... With a smile, she walked out of the control room.

Peeta looked down at her, wrapping his arms around her an holding her close. It was amazing how she could read him so easily... "That's exactly why I'm here," he grumbled, "They think I'm too mentally weak to fight, and you know it." He frowned and stroked her hair. "It's okay though... I'm happy to be here with you, knowing you're safe." Running his fingers through her hair, he leaned down and kissed her tear-stained cheek.

Scarlet followed him, a knife in each hand, and she held them up in defense. It was crazy around them, and it was starting to scare her. "Upstairs," she murmured to him, knowing he was heading straight for Snow. What they didn't know, was that there were lots of traps and obstacles on the way to the President that could be potentially fatal, including mutts and mines...
Haymitch sighed a little when he saw coin waving her over, smiling slightly as he noded watching her go as he waited for soething to happen.Yelping as he tripped, wincing when the hovercraft went sideways, sending him to the floor as the hovercraft broke in two, starting to fall away.

Sienna sighed a little pressing her face against his chest, whimpering softl because worried about him, worried about how he'd feel now. She knew she should worry about the others,but she trusted the others to take care of themselvese, she didn't trust peeta to."I know, But I need you, they dont"She muttered smiling softly as he admitted to being happy with her."Love you."She mutered nuzzling him.

jace swallowed shifting, slowly walking looking around."Up we go."He muttered takngi the stairs slowly before wincing as he heard the tell tale click of a land mine, cursing as he threw himself backwards down the stairs, pillowing scarlet with him as he winced yelp;ing as he felt the boen in his arm snp as he caught himself as he hit the floor.
Norah yelped when the hovercraft started to shake, then let out a scream when it was broken in half. Her eyes went wide and she hit the floor, hurting her right side ribs on a desk on the way down. Everyone was scrambling around, and she knew they were going down. Her heart racing, she looked over Haymitch, even though she knew he was on the other side. "Haymitch!" she screamed, holding on to a desk for dear life. However, something came down from the ceiling when they hit the ground, hitting her in the head and knocking her out cold.

Peeta smiled a little, knowing she worried about him and that she needed him. It was nice to feel needed, even if he felt guilty for not being in combat. He felt a little helpless in the hospital. "I love you too," he murmured, leaning up to kiss her head. With that, he turned and started to help with different patients, wanting to make them feel better amongst the scary surroundings. His head jerked up when he heard an explosion on the television that was supposed to be showing what was going on in the Capitol. His eyes went wide. "Oh my God," he murmured, watching the hovercraft that Norah and Haymitch were in crashing to the ground. Suddenly, he felt sick...

Scarlet gasped and huddled under neath him, feeling the heat of the explosion above them. However, it was the crack of his arm that made her eyes widen. Leaning up, she looked down at him and swallowed. "Jace, you need to let the medics take you to the hospital," she murmured, "You're arm... It's broken." She bit her lip, looking worried for him as bodies were laying around them and people were scrambling above them.
Haymitch cursed as they hit the ground, gasping as he hit with a bone crack, laying there in a daze as he looked up at the cieling, shuddering as he pushed up slowly, wincing as he put weight on his leg, his ankle and shin protesting the movement as he put weight on broken bones. But he needed to find norah needied....he swallowed beore starting the slow process of searching the area, not realizing she'd already been picked up by the others.

Sienna's head jerked around as she head the explosion, pale and scared looking as she stared before swallowing hard, "Come on.We're going to go out."She muttered grabbing peeta's hand tugging him towards the door, because she couldn't not go search for them. wincing a little as they foun norah in the rumble, looking up at peeta as the others helped everyone else."Do you see haymitch?"she asked anxious about her mentor, but helping him get norah back to the hospital.

Jace growled shakng his head as he looked at the explosion."No.We have to finish the mission.Get snow, then we'll see to the hovercraft and my arm.We need to otherwise if...if they died in that, then it was all for nothing."He muttered shifting his gun to his good hand, nudging her up the stairs again.
Norah woke up in a hospital bed, hooked up to IVs and a heart monitor. She was fairly okay with just a few cracked ribs, but she was scared to death. Searching the room frantically for her lover. Swallowing, tears welling up in her eyes, she looked over at Sienna and grabbed her arm. "Sienna, where's Haymtich?" she asked, worry and fear in her voice. "Please find him..."

Peeta shook his head at Sienna, worry in his eyes. "I can't find him," he murmured, growling with frustration. "Stay with Norah. I'll go look for him." And with that, he ran off before she could protest, heading toward the crash site and looking for his beloved friend and mentor. "Haymitch!" he called, searching through the rubble. "Come on, you stubborn bastard, where are you?"

Scarlet followed him up the stairs, but it was no question that she was worried for him. In a soft voice, she helped him through the rest of the mines and down the hall. "Jace, please... Just be careful, okay?" she murmured, swallowing nervously as she walked along side him. Reaching out, she pushed open the door in front of them and looked at Snow, seeing him sit behind his desk and looking as if he had been waiting for them all along...
Sienna growled, annoyed at peeta for leaving her, but she couldn't leave norah. She was so going to beat his pretty blond head in when he got back.Even if she knew they had to split up to find haymitch, she still didn't like seeing him.Looking down at the woman holding her arm, she rested a hand over hers."WE don't know. Peeta's looking for him."She sai annoyance and fear in her voice as she looked down at the woman."If anyone can find him, peeta can."She saidhoping it was true.

Haymitch scowled, annoyed as the world once again tilted, pretty sure he had a concussion as he limped through the wreck, looking for norah. Nearly jumping out of his skin when he walked into peeta, grabbing his arms. Shaking the younger man a little."You have to find norah.I can't find her anywhere.Go find her."He said in his best i'm-the-mentor-so-you-have-to-listen voice.

Jace frowned flexing the broken arm,"Its not that broken.Fractured."he said absently knowing he was so full of shit, he'd sooo messed up his arm. Looking at snow he raised a gun, pointing towards the calm looking man."Now, no funny business. You're to come with us."He said panting a little. Snow raised a eyebrow, and he knew the fight was lost, had known it was lost when they'd taken the capitol, he just hoped that somewhere in the carnage the pretty little mockingjay and her lover were dead."I am?"He said tilting his head slightly, just because he knew he lost, didn't mean he'd make it easy.
Norah bit her lip, tears rolling down her cheek at the thought of Haymitch missing. She sat up in the bed, even though she shouldn't, looking for some sigh that he's be okay. Swallowing nervously, she wasn't exactly sure what she would do if he had not made it in the crash. She had grown so attatched to him, that it just didn't seem possible for him to not be a part of her life anymore...

Peeta looked up at Haymitch, tilting his head to the side with confusion. "Haymitch, Norah is safe in the hospital," he murmured, holding his arm out to steady the man as he led them back. "It's you we all have been looking for..." He shook his head, looking worried for him. It was obvious he had some sort of concussion, for he looked like he was having a hard time walking straight, or standing for that matter. The limp didn't help. "Come on, I'll take you to her."

Scarlet glared at Snow, standing beside Jace but looking just as imposing. "Yes, and you might as well come willingly," she snarled, arching an eyebrow. "The entire Capitol is flames. There's hardly anything or anyone left to help you..." She clenched her jaw and looked up at her lover, pulling some rope from her belt. "Let's get this over with."
Sienna shifted, looking nervous for a moment before hugging the other woman gently, resting her head on her shouder.Knowing she should tell her to lay back down, but she couldn't, not when she knew she would have been up and out of bed to had peeta been missing."Peeta'll find him.I promise."

Haymitch blinked slowly, frowning a little as he leaned against him."Oh. Well, that's good."He said slowly limping slowly."Think I broke my ankle. It hurts to walk."He muttered leaning against the younger man, blinking slowly at him as he let the doctors bully him into a bed,"She's okay?You didn't say if she was okay?"Haymitch muttered.

Jace smirked a little as he took the rope, walking closer to the president as he stood, "Well, this was easier then I thought."Jace said clumbisly tying knots on a bemused looking snow. "Please tell me, at least the girl died. It would make losing almost worth it, if the girl who caused it all, died at his hands."he said having not been able to find out anything after they left the capital with peeta, only rumors that she'd been attacked, not if she died or not.
Peeta nodded and helped Haymitch out of his clothes and into the bed, letting the doctors look at his ankle. They made him lay down, knowing that he was definitely walking around with a decent concussion. He was lucky he didn't pass out... "She's fine," he promised, putting his hand on his shoulder so that he wouldn't attempt to move. "Just a couple broken ribs and a few bruises, but she's fine." He smiled at the older man, this being the first time he was so openly worried about another person. Usually, he held it all in. "Would you like me to go get her?"

Scarlet glared at Snow, clenching her jaw at his question. She couldn't believe him; how cruel and sadistic he was... "No," she groweled, "Sienna is safe and sound. So it Peetah... So you can just die knowing that you lost this battle - all of it."
Haymitch blinked slowly before nodding as he let the other push him down laying back on the bed, nodding as he looked at the other."Please."He said before frowning, "Don't give me that smile. It's creepy. Save it for sienna."The concussed man scowled at his tribute, having enough sense to know why peeta was grinning at him."Peeta?"Sienna said leaning out norah's door, having heard his oice, looking worried then relieved at the sight of haymitch,despite looking rough around the edges, it was good to see him.

Snow sighed,"well.Then i have lost it all."He said letting the other walk them out, "Scarlet. You're going to have to guard him...I can't..."Jace muttered absently rubbing his arm because the fracture was starting to ache, starting to really bother him now that the adrainaline was starting to fade.
Peeta laughed a bit and walked into the room with Sienna and Norah. "I'm here," he murmured, leaning down to kiss Sienna's head. Norah looked relieved, and Peeta helped her to her feet so she could walk into the room with Haymitch. However, her pain was long forgotten when she saw him. Moving across the room, she threw her arms around him and hugged him close, trying to be gentle but needing the contact. "Don't scare me like that ever again," Norah gasped, crying in his shoulder as she crawled on to the bed with him, ignoring her bruised ribs.

Scarlet nodded and helped him move Snow to the SUV that came aver them, shoving him in the back and keeping him guarded. From there, everything was fairly easy. They got him into a cell where he'd await his death, the she helped Jace to the hospital to get his arm looked at.

Sitting beside him on the hospital bed as the doctor put a cast on his arm, Scarlet leaned over and kissed his cheek. "It's over," she murmured, reaching over to hold his hand. "Now we just need to get everything cleaned up and organzied, kill Snow, and plan our wedding." With that, she grinned, having no idea what was ahead of them... That this was only the beginning.

Peeta pulled Sienna into the other room, letting Haymitch and Norah have their privacy, and wrapped his arms around her. "Oh, don't be mad," he murmured, smirking a little. He knew she was irritated at him for leaving so quickly, but he was determined to make her forget about it. He wanted to celebrate the capture of Snow; the end to their torture. "Why don't you go get Ryan? I think everything is calm for now, and I'm sure he's hungry."
Haymitch smiled a little as she shifted on the bed, wrapping his arms around her as he closed his eyes."I didn't mean to scare you.You scared me first."He muttered pressing a kiss to her hair before sighing,gently stroking her hair as he tried to calm her,"Shhh we're okay.Shh.Rest."He muttered closing his eyes.

Jace grinned as scarlet kissed his cheek, squeezing her hand as he nodded."It is over. Now i only we can beat sienna and peeta to the altar, I'll be happy."He said snickering because it was a common fact that there was a running bet on who was going to en up at the altar first, jace and scarlet, or sienna and peeta. "We'll be fine now."He muttered pressing a kiss to her head.

Sienna sighed leaning against him,poking him in the side,"You're a jackass you know."she muttered pinching him before pulling away before nodding."I will. Then we'll go get ourselves some food. And celebrate."She said with a teasing, flirty grin before pulling away and heading upstairs. Stepping into the nursery she smiled as she walked to the crib, grinning down happily at her sleeping son, and picking him up.Cuddling the small child for a few moments before she realized something was wrong. Paling as she shifted the limp body she frowned when he didn't respond, didn't feel his small chest raising, hiting the floor in shock, her knees buckling as she sat there rocking a little, her dead son cradled in her arms as silent tears ran down her face, not even noticing when she'd started screaming, deaf to everything, unfeeling to everything but the small body in her arms.
Norah huddled against him, so happy to be in his arms. He leaned up and kissed him softly, stroking his cheek. Tears still rolled down her face, fear still coursing through her veins despite the fact she knew he was okay. It was like it had not soaked in yet... "I love you, you stubborn man," she murmured, "I love you so much, which is why I'm never letting you leave my sight again. Ever..." With that, she reached up and wiped her tears and hugged him close.

Scarlet laughed a little and shook her head, leaning her head on his shoulder. "We'll get married as soon as I can get a dress and everything, I promise," she murmured, smirking a bit. "Norah is pretty good with a needle and thread... I think she could fix me up something really nice. I'd rather have that then some expensive dress from a factory..." She shrugged at that, looking down at the interlocked hands.

Peeta froze when he heard them screams, and he knew it was Sienna's as soon as he heard it. Sprinting, he ran down the hall and toward the nursery, going straight for the room Ryan was in. He knew that's where she was going, and when he saw her on the floor, his face paled. He looked at her for a moment, watching her rock back and forth... He was in shock, the scene not registering until he saw Ryan's limp body.

"Oh my God," he gasped, hitting the floor and getting on his knees beside her, taking the baby. He was desperate, trying to breath air into the baby's lungs, trying to get his heart to start beating... It wasn't until several minutes of useless work that Peeta started to cry, knowing he couldn't save their son. His chest felt like he it was collapsing as he looked down at Ryan, reaching up to yank at his own hair in an attempt to distract himself from the emotional pain that was ripping through him. Leaving the baby resting peacefully on the carpet in front of them, he threw his arms around Sienna and started sobbing into her hair, gasping for air... His heart was literally breaking and he could feel each rip and tear. Their baby... Their innocent little baby was dead, and he couldn't do anythig to save him.
Haymitch smiled looking amused as she spoke, pressing a kiss to her forehead."I love you to.and I wouldn't mind never leaving your sight again."he muttered snickering a little holding her close beore paling, looking up."something's wrong..."He muttered shivering a little when he heard the screams, trying to figure out what had happened.

Jace grinned nodding pressing a kiss to her forehead."I think I'd like that more then anything else."He muttered looking down, smiling because he knew norah would feel amazing, and want to be involved in the wedding, before frowning as he looked towards the door, hearing the muffled screams."What happened?"He muttered already moving to get up, afraid that snow had escaped or something.

Sienna whimpered as he took ryan rom her, crying so hard she was shaking with it, gasping for breath because it felt like her chest was collapsing, she couldn't get enough air. Crying and broken hearted she clung to the man holding her clinging white knuckled to his shirt, feeling like she was shattering, that she'd never be the same agan. And she wouldn't, she'd never be the same now that she had lost her son, that she hadn't been able to protect him. Gasping as she clung to peeta, "I'm sorry...sorry..I didn't...I couldn't..."She gasped trying to think, trying to get it out, because she was feeling so guilty. That her need to be involved, that her very being had gotten their son killed.That snow had had the last laugh, crippling them both more then sienna dying would have. "Peeta.What...peeta peeta..."She muttered clinging to him because there was nothing else to o, her world starting to go white edged as her heart pounded so hard and fast, that she was starting to pass out, her pulse racing as she went limp in his arms, in a dead faint, but even past out her grip on his shirt didn't loosen.
Norah looked up, immediately going stiff with fear. Glancing at Haymitch, she raised her eyebrows. "You don't think it's Willa do you?" he murmured, biting her lip. She was a mother, so of course it was instinct for her to think of her child. With that, she slowly stood up from the bed and made her way down to the room Willa was staying in with her baby sitter, sighing with relief when she saw the little girl was okay. She picked her up and kissed her cheek, ignoring her pain as she carried her into Haymitch's room and sat on the bed. Worry was still in her eyes, wondering what on earth those screams were about...

Scarlet pushed him back down, shaking her head. "No, stay," she snapped, not about to argue with him. "You need to get your arm fixed up... I'll go check and see what's going on." Walking out of the room, she made her way toward the direction of the screams, stopping in her tracks at the sight of Peeta on the floor, sobbing so hrd that he was gasping for breath his shoudlers shaking. He was holding Sienna, who had obviously passed out... And beside them was the pale body of Ryan. She gasped and walked over to them, not knowing what to do... "Peeta? Peetah, what happened? Tell me something, Peeta..." She bit her lip, tears welling in her eyes as she picked Ryan up and put him in his crib, then alerted the medic team to come in and wheel out his crib... Peeta was too hysterical to form sentences, holding on to Sienna for tears life.
"No, I don't think so"Haymitch muttered smiling a little when he saw willa, smiling as they settled back into the bed, wondering what was wrong, even as he let sleep take him, it'd been to long of a day to stay up, no matter how much he needed to know what was going on.

Hours later sienna stirred, pressing her cheek against the warm skin under her face, before whimpering, wincing away as she sat up slowly. Wondering for a moment why her chest ached, her head ached, for a moment, forgetting her son was dead. Before she gasped, doubling over, pressing her face to her knees as she hunched over the bed, trying to stop the tears as she tried to calm down, to check on peeta.Peeta!She needed peeta. twisting around to look down at her lover she looked relieved as she rested a hand on his chest, feeling the steady pounding of his heart, the steady raising and falling of his chest."Peeta?"She whispered softly shivering as she leaned over, looking at him closely, reassuring herself that he was indeed alive as she felt his breath puff against her face.
Willa and Norah snuggled up on either side of Haymitch as he slept, letting sleep take over them as well. After all, it was the middle of the night, and the toddler was just as sleepy as they were. So, laying in the hospital bed, the little family slept soundly.

Peeta started, gasping when he heard his name. His eyes popped open and he looked up at her, his own cheeks damp with tears. He held his arms out and pulled her into his chest, swallowing hard to keep himself from breaking down again. Holding her close, and kissing her hair. Soft sobs left his lips, though he tried to remain strong for her. He wanted to protect her like he couldn't protect Ryan. He wanted to shield her from the pain of their loss, even though it was impossible. "I'm... I'm so sorry," he whispered, crying against her hair. "I'm so sorry..."
Sienna startled to when he did, before crawling into his arms, cuddling against him as she clung to him. Shivering as she tried not to try, trying so hard to lost her control,but when he starting crying, apologizing, she lost it clinging to him so hard she was sure he'd have bruises later, but she couldn't loosen her grip."Not...not your fault.Not... snow's... not..."She gasped trying to calm, trying to stay strong for him,but it was such a overwhelming loss she couldn't stop the tears that ran down her face.
Peeta's shoulder shook and he sniffed, pressing his face in her hair. He rubbed her back and held her just as tight as she did him. "I'm sorry I didn't keep him safe," he cried, hating how vulnerable he felt, but he couldn't help it. He was broken, and his heart was shattered. Their precious baby was gone, and he felt like it was all his fault. He should have been watching him more carefully... "I'm sorry..." he whimpered, unable to believe her words. "Please forgive me."
"There's nothing to forgive.You didn't do anything."She muttered wrapping her arms around his waist, holding him close, crying because she hated that he felt guilty about this, but knowing that she'd never get him to think overwise.Sighing softly s she rubbed her face against his chest,clinging to him."I'm sorry..."She muttered feeling so broken and shattered that there were no words to say the heartache, letting the shivering as sobs coax her back to sleep, passing out exhausted.

Two days later Jace sighed as he ate slowly, carefully using his casted hand to eat, looking up at scarlet."Has anyone seen them yet?"He asked sounding anxious because he was scared about the two young tributes afraid they'd do something stupid in their grief. And after he figured out how they were, he was going to go talk to snow, and find out how the hell he'd set this up, because he was going to kill whoever harmed the child, because he knew there was a traitor among them, snow hadn't done this unspeakable act alone.

"Peeta?Food's here."Sienna said almost listlessly, the days and hours since they'd lost ryan, it was like she was wearing away again.Losing a bit of herself with every hour that past, every hour that peeta pulled away from her, both trying to deal with their grief, but despite those first few hours of clinging to each other, after...after peeta had started to pull away, and she had no idea how to cross that gulf that was between them, leaving her stranded, leaving her alone in her grief and not able to reach out to him through the heartache
Scarlet looked up at Jace and frowned. "No, I haven't," she murmured sadly, still a little shocked after walking in on what she did. She knew the pain they felt, for it nearly killed her when she miscarried. Swirling her spoon around in her soup, not really having an appetite. They were all so depressed over Ryan, and it was getting rather sad. Biting her lip, Scarlet looked up at Jace and frowned. "You know, once Snow is dead, we don't have to stay in 13," she murmured, hoping he didn't think she was being selfish by bringing their living arrangements up. "We will be free to live where we want. I just... I thought we could go start a home. A real home. They didn't bomb the victor houses, after all. Your house in 4 shoud be fine, or mine in 2..."

Peeta sat in a chair looking out the window, his expression blank. He hadn't eaten anything in the last two days, and there were circles under his eyes. Ryan's death had done something to him, reversing the recovery of the hijacking completely. He was now more of a zombie, not really showing hatred toward Sienna, but not showing love either. He was getting worse with time, too. "Okay," he mumbled, not even looking over at her when he answered.

Willa was snuggled up in bed beside Haymitch, watching a Disney movie as he rested. The doctors allowed him to go to their rooms, but he was on bed rest for a few days, and the toddler was happy to keep him company and watch movies with him all day... Norah walked in and grinned at the two of them, watching as Willa cuddle against him, trying to fight sleep so that she could watch the end of the movie, not wanting to take her nap... "How are you feeling?" she murmured toward Haymitch, arching an eyebrow.
JJce sighed softly as he shuddered a little tilting his head slightly as he thought, tryng to relax because it scared him that no one had seen the two. Beore starting a little at her words, tilting his head slightly as he tried to think clearly before smilng slightly."It would be nice to go home. WE could go to the beach, it'd be a nice change from here."He said slowly blinking slowly as he tried to think about it, it was just such a different topic that it was taking him a few minutes to think.
Sienna sighed softly swallowing hard as she carried the tray over, setting the tray of oods on the table, sitting at his feet, leaning her head against his legs as she ate, even with him pulling away from her, she felt steadier with him. "Peeta?"She asked sounding worried, just wanting his attention, even i he blamed her. Not seeing the withdrawl as tracker jacker, mistaking it as blame, mistaking it for him telling her she was to blame for ryan.

Haymitch smiled a little as he absently pressed a kiss to willa's hair, smiling gently as he looked up at norah."Hey.I'm fine.I'm perfectly fine to get out of bed no matter what the doctors said."He sai frowning a little looking amused, and despite enjoying the time with willa, he was sick and tired of being stuck in bed.
Scarlet nodded, lighting up a little at the thought of the beach. She reached over and grabbed his hands, knowing he was right. It would be nice to get out of this place; the underground worlds they were living in. It was getting so sad there that it was hard to get through the day anymore. "It would be nice, wouldn't it? The beach, the water, the sun... A real house to ourselves." she murmured softly, smiling a bit. "We could... Well, if you're ready to try again soon.... We could start a family there." She shrugged and bit her lip, not wanting to push him, but obviously wanting a child more and more was time went on.

Peeta sighed, still looking past her, not at her. He didn't touch his food, his hands planted on the arms of the chair. When she leaned against his leg, he visibly tensed. It was odd. The real Peeta was inside, fighting to get out and comfort her, but there was a part of him that was hurt so badly and could only act with distance and resentment. "What?" he snapped, clenching his jaw a little. He closed his eyes, irritation showing on his face.

Willa looked up at him sleepily and shook her head. "No. Daddy stay in bed," she murmured in her child-like voice, obviously having heard Norah tell Haymitch countless times that he could not get out of the bed. Norah giggled and came to sit on the other side of him, smirking. "That's right," she murmured, "The doctors said you need to stay in bed just long enough to recover from your concussion." She shrugged and leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead, the music of a childish movie playing in the background. "Be patient, okay? I don't want to have to worry about you..."
jace smiled squeezing her hans before leaning over, pressing a kiss to her forehead, wrapping a arm around her shoulders,pulling her against him.IT would be nice.we'll go. As soon as we can."He said before grinning, nodding a little as he nuzzled her,"We can. We'll try."he said grinning a little, having been about to suggest taking the others with them,but they oculdn't, not if they were going to have a child. The two emotionally crippled teens would be commiting suicide or something else insane if they did.

Sienna frowned when she felt him tense, sitting up as she turned to look at him, "nothing...I just wanted to talk..."She muttered looking up at him before standing, leaning down to kiss her forehead."Eat, peeta. You need to eat."He said stroking his blond hair out of his face, looking concerned at him trying to figure out what was wrong, "peeta, how do you feel?"She muttered fear starting to lace the words, fear because she knew she wasn't mentally or physically strong enough to deal with a flashback, knowing she'd probably let him hurt, if it would help him eal with the pain.

Haymitch laughe softly kissing her forehead."okay okay daddy's staying in bed."He said amused before looking up at norah, leaning up to kiss her softly."I am better.Mostly."He said sulking a little because he hated being bed bound,but he would do it for them."What's happening out there?"He said nodding towards the door, knowing she didn't tell him everything that was happening, because he'd want to get out of bed to go help,but he needed to know some of what was going on.
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