Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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She giggled a bit as he said that explanation made more sense. "I'm sure I wouldn't do too well in the army, unless I was a sniper." She said, shrugging. Her shooting skills were definitely good enough, though she might not pass the physical portion of it. She nodded as he said that story was a bloody one. She wouldn't expect anything less from him. Though when he started by saying before this he was more unstable, she was a bit shocked. He already seemed a bit unstable, Well, not right now, but he was when they first met. She wasn't too surprised when he said he would come up to cause mayhem. That seemed about right. The Russians going after him explained why the Russian uniform she found him in, though she wasn't sure why he kept that as well as the guns. But she didn't say anything. To each their own. She looked the engraving over when he stopped it for her to see, nodding a bit. When he said he used them instead of his fire, she gave him a slightly confused look. "You can use fire?" She asked, assuming he meant he could create it. She couldn't help but smirk as he threw his revolver, catching it behind his back. She smiled, throwing him another newly cleaned gun. "That's one hell of a way to get guns." She chuckled.
Lupa went to go find a dark corner of the building, assuming there wasn't anybody else to meet. She felt kind of awkward, like a 5th wheel. She found a nice quiet room and went to lay down in a corner of it, ignoring her skirt for the time being. She felt better being alone, and hoped they wouldn't come to find her, as she slowly drifted to sleep in a dark corner of a dark room.
Kitty let out a small grin as he moved her hands away. she then put them back around his neck as he started kissing her she started to purr again but now they was turning into moans. when he slipped off his pants and slipped back under her and she saw him in the nude and fear stoke but still she did not push him away . He had turned her on she was so hot she had to go all the way with him. She let her hands run down his back while he kissed the area just above her breasts.
Is Me Voice Acting The Scene Feel Free To Listen And Read ! couldent add the sound file to the fourms sense it only allows video files ;(

*5 Shots Fire Impatiently Into A Wooden Door , as followed by a KICK !, a yellow hair human dressed into a trench suit walked in, as the wind blew gun smoke u could see a shadowy picture of the human holding a huge'almost gigantic weapon as it sparkles into a glisten sunlight streak.*

" Love And, Peace Guys ?. "
*the blood painted red on the wall's makes a gooey, nasty situation.*
" sigh it's to bad eh ? "
*Vash spins his stainless-steel sliver revolver into his pocket, a moan escapes out of the mouth of a mutated nasty, vomiting half-faceless zombie*
" welp, no sense talking to you, " *as he savages threw dirty ol' laundry and scatter text books Everywhere as he's searching for something inperticular*
Trystan chuckled, hugging Sam closely. "Yes, it is a very interesting way. But hey, they're guns. And hell, even demons have to be protected against other demons no?" His tail twitched lightly, one of them casting a faint red glow as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to her forehead. As he pulled away, he brought his hand up in front of his face. Resting in his palm was a small flicker. The tiniest ember resting in his hand. He leaned forward again, blowing lightly on the ember, watching as it flared into a tiny blue ball of flame. "Yes, I can use fire. There are nine stages of a kitsune's power. At least, according to lore, and it most definitely seems to be true." His tails made themselves apparent as he gestured to them. "At first, a kitsune only has one tail. The more his magical power grows, the more unstable he becomes. The tails counteract that, and so, with more power, you grow more tails. Of course, normally when it hits the ninth tail, it either levels out, leaving a sane kitsune, or skyrocket, leaving a completely crazed one. In my case, I only have a little excess power, which as you can see, leaks into my head." He rose slowly, blowing into his other hand, making another ball of flame.

With steady, cautious movements, he started to dance. Or atleast, it seemed like a dance. Every time his hands moved, they would leave a trail of blue fire hanging in the air, fluttering and flickering as he drew lines. With the skill he'd exhibited in his gun flipping, he bobbed and weaved his hands throughout the design, leaving a large, fearsome looking dragon drawn in blue fire, flickering with every breeze. "Heh....... You like?" That when he heard a gunshot go off. Instantly he dropped low to the ground, narrowing his eyes, his fire-dragon vanishing as he drew his newly cleaned pistol. "Get your rifle. We have company."
Lupa heard a gunshot and curled up in her corner, hoping the person who made the noise wouldn't find her. She was terrified of the things a gun could do to her, a mere human, unlike her companions. She closed her eyes, hoping it would make the world around her disappear, as it did when she was a child. She was quivering with fear, hoping to stay hidden away. She had no means of protection, if she did, she wouldn't be so scared. She waited to be found and, inevitably, killed.
Sam nodded as he said that even demons had to protect themselves. She smirked as one of his tails started glowing red. She was sure she was going to get to see him using fire. It would definitely be interesting. Her cheeks flushed a bit as he kissed her forehead. She wasn’t used to such a sweet gesture coming from him. Her eyes moved to his palm as he pulled away, and they widened as he blew and the flame expanded. Her eyes never left the fire as he started to dance and a blue dragon was created and she listened to him explain the balance between power and tails.”I like it a lot.” She said, smiling at him. “So if your tails get cut off, you go completely off your rocker?” She asked as she continued to stare at the dragon. She jumped as he ducked down to the floor, scrambling over to her rifle as he said to get it. “What did you hear?” She asked, looking around now. She was glad he could hear so well.
*as savaging to find the hidden code to tie' the knots between the locker combination' to the weapon resources mr vash had a devious plan*

" DAMMIT ~ !!!, why does this place look such a mess "
*as vash smashes his foot threw the locker combination just hard enough
that the lock that held the code gently fell to the ground and made a tink
falling and the locker door swung open rapidly he does a little dance*

" Oh Vash iv yet Done it Again "
*the bullets and the papper work suddently fell to his black dusted combat
boots *

" ugh, oh man. i just clean those, oh well i'v got what i came for "
*a devous grin spread onto his face has he was reading the papper work,
taking his eye off the real world for one second he kept on reading. And
reading, intill he heard a noise. without taking his eye off the papperwork
he raised his hand, and as it rose. an infected snarrling zombie rushes
towards him shouting and gashing its teeth, Vash pulls the trigure witout
looking and prints a bullet between the infected' head*

" HEPH, that is why i am called VASH the Stampede AKA The Humanoid
Typhoon, COPY write of VASH HIMSELF inc "

* he makes a clinking noise with his teeth, as he raises his finger.
A noise approached differently from a zombie' nore infected, this was a mare human, VASH POINTS HIS GUN at the shotted wodden door that's half way put together' looking like its about to fall apart any second from now.*

" Now i know someone is there' SHOW YOURSELF, "
Trystan growled low and feral, hearing the voice and more shots. Human. Sporting a large revolver of sorts. The kitsune chuckled, relaxing slightly. "Gunshots a few meters from here. Voices. Someone is gunning down zombies." He chuckled again, shaking his head. "I wonder if he knows that the zombies died out a while ago. He's shooting some recently awaken demons, and if he keeps doing that, he'll be paying for it in hell." He took the second pistol from her gently, spinning both guns around before holstering them. "I'm going to go have a nice little chat with him. You wanna come, I'm sure that rifle of yours has more then a powerful punch. Hell, if I wasn't too close to it, I'd be a little intimidated I think." He winked, stretching, his tails spreading out like a fan before going back into their neat places. With a small grin on his face, he adjusted his hat, his spurs jingling slightly as he made his way out the door towards where he'd heard the shots.
Sam calmed down a bit when he relaxed. She was surprised she hadn't heard gunshots if they were only a few meters away. Maybe she was too distracted by the firey dragon, or maybe when he tested her luck, he messed up her ear. She smirked as he said he was going to go have a chat with him. "Sure, why not. That's be more entertaining than sitting around here." She said, shrugging. She smirked as he said she looked a little intimidating with her rifle. "Are you trying to flatter me?" She asked, giving a questioning look. She laughed a bit, following him out the door. She kept close to him, her gun held tight to her shoulder, ready to shoot whenever she needed. "Thanks for the clothes by the way, they're really warm." She said, smiling at him.
Lupa heard the gunshots getting nearer to her and grabbed her knees, hugging them to her chest. She also heard a male voice, which gave little hope to the situation. She hoped he wasn't going through every room, because he was only a few rooms away from her and getting closer. She curled up as small as she could, hiding in the shadows.
*Vash Blink's Awkwardly*
" it seems' like they dont want to show there faces , WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FOR COME ON OUT ! "
*Vash straight aim'ed his long silver plated revolver Cocked as he hitches
from wall to wall he passes a door, slowly but surely to make sure he
doesn't get caught in any trap's. He Stoped his foot layd cold onto the
hardwood creaked floor he heard a whimper he snaps back fast and lays a BOOT to the DOOR, as doing so, he does a rater quick barrel roll' that was perfectly impressive for vashes human like ability's.*

" i know your somewhere in here, i heard your whimper. Don't worry i wont
hurt you, im a HERO. "

* Vash says with a serious look on his face as his blonde hair sparkles and his yellow glasses flash with his devious eyes scanning the room. *
The kitsune nodded, smiling at her before making his way outside. It wasn't snowing, but the white blanketed the ground. He looked away when she mentioned her new clothes. "Bah, don't mention it." He grinned at her, giving Sam a slight nod before his ears shot ramrod straight and his guns were drawn in an instant. "Apartment complex, left side. I'd wager about the second floor." He made a smooth hand-signal before slinking up, pressing himself against the wall, creeping towards the doorway with only one pistol drawn. He really hoped he got to shoot at something. He hadn't shot something in a rather long time now.
Once they were outside, sSam actually heard the man yelling at no one in particular. Was he really shooting doors then asking people to show their faces? That was a horrible plan. Maybe ne wasn't right in the head either. Just what they needed, another crazy male. She stuck close behind Trystan, nodding wjen je gave the location of the man. She pressed her back to the wall, but not before taking a moment to admire the perfect blanket of white over the rubble of the city. After that she was back to following the kitsune, even stepping in his footsteps to keep from making noise. "So what's the plan for when we get there?" She asked in a whspered tone.
Lupa saw the male from her corner, silently laughing at him. "I don't believe you. And I didn't whimper, I was breathing." She didn't get out of her shadowed corner, but she looked at the male, assuming he wouldn't shoot her. "If you aim anything at me, though, I'll be more like screaming. There are others here. They would help me." Inside, she didn't actually believe her last statement, but she figured since he didn't know them, he'd believe it.
Xitco suddenly heard the commotion, his ears pulling back as he roughly pushed off Kitty. Struggling to pull up his pants, he looked at her with concern. "They are in trouble." he said with apology thickening his voice. He pulled on his clothes and helped her put on her shirt. The feline twisted his knife back into his long pocket and buried his handgun into his belt loop. With his shotgun under his right arm he frowned. "Sounds like someone insane, we'd better find Trystan." he said gently, letting his eyes linger on her again, how desperately he wished they could have stayed. The feline quickly leaned in and kissed her cheek, a smile broadening his face. With the help of his tail, her clothes were and and they were at the window. "Sorry about that." he said with a little laugh, he never had used the tails on anyone before. They were only on the first floor, and Xitco could see them running to the next building. Where was the Lupa girl? It didn't matter, not anymore.

"Ready?" he said adventurously, looking at Kitty with a smirk. His longest tail wrapped comfortably around her waist and he heaved himself over the edge, helplessly pulling Kitty with him. With a little wahoo, he hit the ground and started to run with Kitty in his arms. Xitco started to grunt as the weight slowed him. He was now carrying the gun in his tails but pushed forward. The feline was only a foot behind Sam when he said something, "Hey there, what did we miss?" he said with a gleam in his eyes as he set down the neko.

" other's ?, "
*He Drops To The Floor*
" Someone Else Is Coming' I Heard a Door Closed. "
*Vash Quickly dashes to the corner' leaving his back scatted to the flat wall, immediately Stretching Out His hand*
" Grab On, Not Sure Who might be coming. And Don't Worry I dont bite. "
*he says with a wink, as winking his blonde' hair sparkled only a lil, hint of it.*
She looked at him as if he was crazy, giggling at him and grabbing his arm. "I'm not scared anything around here will bite me. I'm more worried about any surprise tails coming ot a me. The others aren't all that human." She smiled at him, coming out of the shadow just enough so he could see what she was wearing. She looked a few years older than she really was.

*Vash, Gripped her Hand Very Gently Just to Make sure that he isnt' pinching her skin' or holding to tightly. As he aim's his Revolver Out The Door, and step by step, hear's footsteps among the floors.*

" Okay' not sure who's coming but stay close "
*he moves very swiftly closer to the end hall'way which divides the side from the next lower floor, sliding the two among the wall very closely.
near the end of the wall' he puts his revolver so whoever steps to take a turn, will face the barrel of his gun.*
She stayed close to him as he instructed, keeping her free arm over the front of her corset, trying to cover her chest better. As it was a strapless corset, she also had to hold it up. She stayed practically pressed against the male as they stopped, and she admired his gun. She was going to say something, but realized he probably wanted her to stay quiet. Lupa was rather quiet anyway, so just the fact she wanted to talk was a modern miracle of sorts.
With a chuckle, he shook his head, grinning widely at Sam and the tiger. "No plan. Just stay behind me. He starts shooting, shoot back huh?" He winked at the tiger before drawing his second pistol, moving in front of the door and drawing his second pistol. Slowly, he raised his foot, smashing it into the middle of the wooden slab, rolling to the side as it cracked and splintered off the hinges. When he didn't hear any gunfire, he peeked out, narrowing his eyes. "Yup. First floor seems clear. Not hearing any noise from down here." He adjusted the position of his ears, using them like a radar dish. "Buuuut. I do happen to here breathing upstairs." The kitsune laughed lightly, not even attempting stealth any more. "It's a human." Slowly, he turned to face Sam, winking at her. "I think I'm gonna test this one's luck too. Doesn't seem very lucky today."

With that, he bounded up the stairs, his tails following his movement, flowing like an orange river behind him. Amazingly, he moved like a ghost, his spurs only spinning. It was only when he stopped and started to slowly walk down the hardfloor hallway that they made the signature jingle. "Whoever is up here, I want ya to come out witchya hands up!" he called out in his best impression of an old Western cowboy. "Ya got till I count ta 5." With a smooth movement, he pulled the hammer back on his first pistol, chuckling lightly, his tails rising to curl around his arms and shoulders like snakes.
Lupa sighed carefully at Trystan's voice and whispered in the male's ear. "It's just one of the others. Don't shoot. He's very capable of killing you, and his friend is quite trigger happy." She stayed pressed close to the male in case Trystan got to five too soon. She was genuinely terrified, and, although she didn't believe he was a hero, being close to the male made her feel better. Maybe if he didn't shoot, the others would take him in too, and she wouldn't have to be totally alone.

*Vash Turns around' letting go of her hand'*
"listen someone has a gun, im gonna see if' he's interested into a truth,
if he isn't then i dunno il make it up as i go, but i really need you to stay low and put, not matter what happens okay ?"

*as saying that Vash let's go of her hand gently and gleaming into her eye's as his own makes a sparkle as he stares into her's. Almost immediately After that wind blew onto her and it was as he suddenly disappeared !
he appeared a few feet infront of the unknown suspect*

" Im' Out State Your Name , By The Way I'm Vash "
* He said in a very Serious Tone *
She sighed again and slid down the wall, readjusting her outfit as she sat on the floor of the hallway. She listened for gunshots, hoping Trystan wouldn't shoot the male, and waited for him to return. Suddenly, she thought of a particular young hiker she had gone a walk with. The new male had the same colored eyes. She thought back to the fire, trying to recover some memory and forget about the male.
The fox grinned, lowering his guns. "Heheheh. You sir...... look like someone pulled you out of a Japanese fighting game." He started to laugh a little, shaking his head, spinning both his reolvers before holstering them. "Well, besides your looks, I'd say you seem pretty good. Before I tell you anything though, I have to tell you something. Two somethings." He held up his hand, covered by a fingerless glove that looked rough and worn. "First, you have to tell me who you have in the other room. I can hear breathing." His ears twitched a little, as if making themselves known, his tails still writhing around him. "And two.... I only tell my name and my business to the lucky few. I'll need to test your luck before I can tell you anything."
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