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Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Xitco grinned, his white fangs gleaming. The feline set down the neko and twirled out his shotgun, his tails making wave like motions behind him. "Let's go." he said quietly and ran up beside him; his teeth slightly bared as he saw Lupa was with him. "What's she doin' here Foxy? Ya' didn't take her with you?" he asked a bit disgustedly as the human slinked into the corner. This man was obviously on something; for he looked like he stepped out of an anime movie. "What the hell name is Vash?" Xitco growled, his ears pulling back as he aimed her gun at the blondes pointy head. His tails started to produce the sap like aid as his anger rose, and he was not going to hold back the power in them anymore. When Trystan lowered his guns the feline mirrored him. Less blood was better anyway; right? "It's Lupa Foxy, I can smell...or rather see her." he said, staring at the girl who tugged at her corset.

* Vash Grinned As Being Amused To This Character *
" Who's In The Other Room' Is None of Your Concern, im here to offer YOU, one thing, Love And Peace ! That Is My Code' If U Do not Want My offer Of Truth Apon You' Then may justice' confront any foul being' and judging by your wore, out glove there' ur lacking any real punching power "
*vash put one foot infront of the other' as in a stand-like stare off*
The felines law clenched around his gun, his knuckles straining from their metal plated gloves. "What about mine pretty boy?" he chuckled as he rose a fist in the air, and then stuck his finger out at Lupa. "Why don't you come here Lupa?" he started, then narrowed his eyes at the man. "he doesnt own you." the tiger growled. Xitco let his hand hang down loosely at his side, still looking at the odd human. "Unless you don't want to leave him?" he cocked an eyebrow at her blush. It was overly confusing and he still didn't understand Vash, what the hell was wrong his his head?
She clenched her fists, looking down so her black hair veiled around her face. "Nobody owns me, Xitco. And what if I do want to stay with him? He didn't point his gun directly at me upon seeing me. And if I still had my pistol, or even just my dagger, you wouldn't want to mess with me." She clenched her teeth, getting angry at him. She looked back up at him, her whole face burning bright red with anger.
Trystan chuckled, for once glad to have the tiger at his side. "Well, look at that. We got a Sherlock Holmes here. And his little sidekick." He chuckled, looking at Lupa. "Nobody owns anybody at the moment, so stop throwing threats at the furry before I show you what not to mess with." He uttered his threat as politely as possible, which was rather strange. Then he turned his eyes back onto the human male. "You sir......... are annoying. Now, you still curious about who I am? You need your luck tested. If you aren't lucky, you don't get to know the secret. And of course, if you don't have your luck tested, your girlfriend will have to do it for you." His tone became deadly serious. His eyes narrowed, and for just a moment, someone with a sensitive nose could smell the instability of his mind.

" what is this Luck being Tested you say "
*face puzzled like hes confused, he looks at the tiger' and smiles*
"classic joke, buddy but to be honest it could use more of a ,uhmm cleaning thats it."
*he smiles with a lil chuckle*
*he thinks to himself, il try this one more time*
"Love And peace ?"
Trystan grinned, raising his hands, shaking his head and moving closer. "Yeah yeah, love and peace. If you were about that, why carry around that pistol huh? Come on over, I'll show you how I test luck." He grinned at him, looking over to Xitco before looking back to the man. "Come on, put your pistol away. I don't bite....... hard."
Xitco grinned, holestering his gun and sliding out his long blade. He started to crouch as he approached the man, following reluctantly in the wake of the kitsune. It it was what kept him off of his back, then he may as well be the right hand man right? It made sense to Xitco, at least for now. The feline cracked his neck and finally let his six tails sway around behind him. "You do realize, love and peace ended a long time ago right?" he growled softly, "when looked at Trystan for approval to lunge.

"oh this', the name' of it' is justice i carry it around with me, in-case i have to let loose a little bit and justice will have to strike. Indeed i need it because you never know what will happen in this crazy world, but this is enough. Im threw with the chit chatter'"

*noticed the shooken head he see's the suspect accepted the truth*
"truth accepted, your in my code now. Honor IT ! "
*vash takes a deep breathe, a sigh of relief' and hostlers his weapon inside his rather large red button down trench coat. and begins walking to greet the man in a rather firm handshake' the 1st beginning of truth.*
Trystan chuckled as he put his gun away, taking a deep breath, shaking his head at Xitco. When the man stepped close enough however and took his hand, the fox laughed loud, grabbing the hand, pulling down on it, bringing his other hand to smash into the human's chest. In a lightning fast movement, he pulled down again, bringing his foot up, hooking it through the man's legs and sending him to the ground. Before anyone could react, he had Vash's hand twisted behind his back, with his knee digging into the man's neck. "Xitco, would you mind holding him like this. Make sure he doesn't move. He obviously doesn't understand what I was trying to say." His voice was still gentle, even though he wasn't. As he rose, his incredibly muscular, strong tails held him in the prone position until Xitco could get in the right spot to hold him. "You came into my territory with a large revolver. You shot at my doors. You killed a few demons, which is kind of my job." He growled, drawing his revolver. "And then..... you try to pull me into some 'truth'. If there's one thing I hate more then anything, it's cultists. Now, stay right there. You have a test to take." With that, he tossed his pistol up into the air, drawing his second, and his third, juggling them with practiced precision. "There is one bullet in one of these guns. If you make it through six shots, you survive, and I'll let you go. If you don't..... well, you don't."
Kitty was pure angry all worked up by Xitco because this man has to come here shooting the place up. She also wanted to finish what her and xitco started. "Xitco and Kitsune step back I will show this boy a think or two about love and peace from a Neko who had to stop what she was doing cause someone is all look at me look at me I'm a dame hero". she waved her staff around the place like she was ready to cast a spell on the blond boy who looked rather silly. "Don't you dare kill him you kitsune or you will be next " with that she put the boy vash and the kitsune and her in a bubble and said "Time to chit chat like I said earlier I hate fighting ". She was steaming cause she was hot and bothered cause she had to quite having sex.
Trystan growled slightly, narrowing his eyes at the neko. "You need to leave right now hun. This is my business. And just so you know, your magic doesn't scare me. I can do just as much damage as you can. Now, if I don't kill him, you can have him. Until then, back off." He returned his attention to Vash, pulling the trigger once, recocking the weapon, and flinging it back up into the air fluidly.
Lupa decided to go back downstairs, in case there were any more people to pop out at her while she searched. She headed slowly down the stairs and back into the hallway, seeing Vash on the ground. "First off, why is he on the floor?" She looked up at Trystan. "Second, what did he do to get shot?"
Kitty was steaming now "What how dare you tell me what to do you do not own me now stop he was not trying to kill you just trying to be a stupid dame hero and your being a dame jerk kitsune". she did not let them go but kept on twirling her staff faster and faster to were it looked like it was moving on its own and she was floating in the air her eyes now a strange color of dark purple and the pupils of her eyes gone and she was steaming like she was on fire but no fire. She had on her shirt but not her coat and her shirt was blown up so one could see her belly and the bottoms of her breasts .
Xitco had nodded, holding Vash tightly against his will. No matter how much he wanted Kitty, this came first. The safety of his "friends" always came first. "I got 'im Foxy." he grinned with his sharp teeth dangerously close to the mans neck. Vash's gun was much to close for Xitcos comfort so he kicked it to the other side of the room. His tails were now furiously moving, thrashing back and forth and making that same electric sound and the smell of burning. Like his tails were lightning, maybe it was true. Xitco smirked, and as the fox shot the first bullet the feline didn't even blink he just shoved the man again with a hard force. "Kitty were not fighting, Trystans right." maybe with the feline saying this she would be so surprised that they were on the same side that she would stop.

*a sigh of relief after the first shot went of and nothing happend *

"WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY ! u accepted the TRUTH and if u DARE break the CODE, trouble will be apon you. and JUSTICE will be SERVED!."
*struggleing rapidly, now getting angry*
"listen dont make me get angry, cause that's a side i would hope to never unleash again"
Trystan continued to juggle his guns, pulling the trigger a second time. The empty click of the gun went almost unnoticed in the commotion. 4 more shots until the man was safe. "Neko, listen, and listen close. I don't own you. I only decide to protect you because you can make food. Now, stop trying to do my job before I decide to test your luck too." He pulled the trigger on a gun a third time, still no bullet. "Hmm. You seem pretty lucky Mr. Vash. Let's see how it holds up for the next three shots huh? Do you like shots? Or are you some kind of priest that can't drink?" He couldn't help but laugh as he watched the man squirm around. With a small grin, he nodded to Xitco. "You are not the Hulk. You are a human. You bleed just like the rest of us. You can die the same way. Now, sit still and take your shots."
* in a Flash Vash broke threw the hold he was into' as he squirmed he rapidly made a dash, barrel rolled and landed on his feet swifty behind them, gun in hand, his eyes very very light, you could barley tell he had glasses on.*

" i mentioned Justice Would Be Served' Didnt' I, You Break The CODE' u Face JUDGEMENT !
*he pulled a duel revovler and made a side jump as he Spreaded Bullets Towards Them ! and they Flew like thunder spreading justice therewout the halls as they past, the walls started to collaps*

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