Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Sam only smirked more as he pouted, and hugged him back. "At least you smell nice." She said, smiling. Since he didn't do anything when she pet his tail, she continued petting it until he let her go. She was a bit surprised when he kissed her forehead, it was almost sweet. She just stood next to him, her hand idly running over one of his tails as he spoke to the tiger. "So, new girl, we can't keep calling you that. What's your name?" She asked, smiling at the girl politely.
Kitty spoke up "if xitco not going to wash up Iamgoing to help this girl you brought in Kitsune to wash up". She turned to the girl "Its going to be okay you got Sam and me to look after you". Kitty felt she needed to show the girl she was no longer alone. Kitty looked to Sam wanting to be alone with her to explore just how good it was to have some touch you in all your sensitive spots.
"My name is Lupa." She spoke up just a bit from her regular soft voice. She wondered if it would be childish to ask their names right then, then decided to let them do what they wanted. She desperately wanted to curl up in a corner, silently, wearing normal clothes, and see if any of them talked to her then. She was always being so uncomfortable with herself and lacking self-esteem, so it was normal for her to want to do something crazy like that. Maybe, if she showed the males her skill with a gun, she wouldn't have to stay with the girls, but how would she do that without her beloved blood red pistol. It had been burned in the fire, she was slowly remembering things from when the fire was blazing. Maybe next she'd remember who did it, if miracles were real.
Sam smiled at the girl as she gave her name. She stuck her hand out for the girl to shake. "I'm Sam." She said pausing for a moment. "Now stop me if you've already been introduced. That's Kitty, the tiger is Xitco, and the kitsune is Trystan." She said, motioning to them respectively. Sam then went back over to her bag, putting her playing cards away and took out an old rag, some oil and pulled her rifle towards her. She started cleaning her rifle. "Hey, Trystan. You want me to clean yours?" She asked, wondering if he even let other people touch his pistols. She winked at Kitty as the other girl gave her an interesting look. If Trystan knew what the other girl wanted to do, he would probably be more than willing to let them go off together, especially if he could watch.
Xitco nodded blandly and as Sam started introducing everyone he slipped into the room. Unususally like other felines; he enjoyed bathing and being made the pain in his open wounds hurt less. Even if they were scars, the memories bring back waves of stinging. Now it was time for him to have some fun with his new tails. He put his hands behind his back firmly and touched on his longest tail turning the tap for drawing the bath. At first it shook and curled into a ball, producing the sappy acid liquid. And then it reluctantly weaves through his arm and twisted the knobs. He decided to patiently wait for the new girl...and ponder why he already knew her name. She was at least a little human from what he saw and was confused on why she was so familiar. Xitco shrugged and didn't remove any clothing, none of the. Had ever seen his scars before. "Kitty, come here please Lovely." he used the nickname he called her when he first met her, and grinned softly. The tiger was nervous of what she would say, or even do. To help him at least..get new clothes. He felt heat rise up on his back as each and every scar burned with the feeling ofeather slapping him. He shuddered and hoped they would ridicule him. "Kitty!" he growled a bit louder and before he knew it his coat and shirt were off; leaving him in underpants and oddly styled jeans. Not to mention his socks and shoes. Sunlight creeped in for the many windows and broken shards if glass, Xitco felt like he was on a stage again. That man speaking in a language he didn't understand at the time; English. And then he was shipped off away from his home plantation to work for the same man at the main house. The lasso around his neck, thick rope on his hands. The. He was back in the apartment; the light playing on his back; showing off over hundreds of scars. Not to mention the lone scar on the left side of his face. His golden eyes burned with a shame he couldnt deny. "Kitty...I'd like some new clothes." he said in barely a whisper. "...please." he refused to look up at any of them, especially Trystan because he didn't want to hear the shit that poured from His foxy little maw.
Kitty went to the bathroom and standing out side of the door said "what kind of cloths not sure what your style is". she spoke thou the door not knowing he had so many scars all over his body. She looked back to Lupa "well girl looks like you will have to wait for that bath and new cloths Xitco wants to bath". She then turned back to the door and tapped on it and said "Did you just call me lovely do not think I look that good cute maybe not sure on lovely". She had a surpirse tone to her voice at how he called her lovely. she felt the chills going up and down her arms. She hide her blushing from everyone lest they think she was falling for Xitco. The trouble was she wanted to be with Sam and experiment before she let a male touch her that way. She looked back to Sam and then to Lupa and then to the kitsune and shook her head thinking [what a weird group Iam stuck with].
Xitco sighed, a drone in his voice. "Don't worry, you are lovely Kitty; a lot more than I." he growled in his tone, not at her but himself. For the life he was born into. He took Kitty into the bathroom and closed the door. "I'm not going to hurt you, you have nothing to worry about." he barely let the corners of his mouth turn up as he softly touched her shoulder. A strange and sudden warmth manifested from his body as if he were the fox. The neko didn't seem all put together everytime Xitco tried to hit on her or simply compliment her. He wondered why she was so resistant to like him at a. What had happened with her and Sam? He let go as soon as he started to think about it, not wanting to resolve the truth. ".......Um I think, I'll keep my black cloak and maybe you could give me a leather chest plate and thicker pants. Some hiking boots as well." he uttered, talking smally as he reached out to touch her again, this time under her chin. He wanted to make that movie perfect move but was fearful of rejection. The feline sat against the tubs edge and looked down at the ground.
Kitty froze again at his touch but she did not shove him away. When he told what cloths he wanted she said in a whisper "I can do that for you". She felt his touch on her chin and closed her eyes against the chills going up her body. When he sat by the tub she moved over to Xitco and touching his shoulder lightly saying "you scare me cause your stronger then me and could take what you want by force but you also intrest me cause your handsome". She turned away blushing. She put up a long keeping others out but now she.wanted so much.
"Well I guess we're evenly matched then; I'm terrified of your magic, but your beauty overpowers that." he said seductively as she blushed, and he pulled he face back as she looked away. The feline was glad she blocked everyone else out, and he felt good when she touched his shoulder. He'd never been attracted to anyone so much. Even more so because of the fact his master made all he men sleep together. Xitco frowned, "Even with these ugly scars? You think I'm not disgusting..?" he said hopefully, and a little confused. The feline felt warm all over, and the edges of his vision were blurry. He shifted so his lips were on her neck, gently kissing her and yet refusing to go any farther if she didn't want him too.
Kitty felt his kiss on her neck and let out a soft purr. She wanted to stop him but yet she wanted to be touched. with out thinking she slowly reach up to his arms tracing the scars there. "No not disgusting it angers me to see them cause no one should be treated like you did".
Xitco purred quietly, as she started to touch gingerly where his scars were. A feeling of doubt rushed over him and he pulled his head away. "Do you want me...doing...this? Because, I can stop.." he asked almost silently, sort of regretting stopping at all. He murmmered a curse under his breath and weaver a law through her hair. Making sure to be soft, he picked her up and put her on his lap, his tails rubbing her legs and his face still in front of here as she had her hands on his back. It felt so good to have this interaction with someone, and he preferred if it didn't stop. But he was willing to for her sake. The feline blinked slowly, and purred. His hands were still holding her waist do she didn't fall off the perch that was his lap.
Kitty had mixed emotions about the whole but she could not say no. "Iam a virgin". She did not know what else to say . she sat there on his lap looking him in the eye. "Gentle"? She kinda asked him.
Lupa looked over at Sam's gun, then at Trystan. She still didn't want to be stuck with the girls, it made her feel uncomfortable thinking about being with 2 other girls. She wasn't used to it, so it was strange for her. All her life she had either been alone or with some guy she met in the forest. If there was a female traveler, she hid until they were gone. She just wasn't comfortable with girls as she was with guys.
Xitco nodded, and sort of smiled. "As am I, there were only men on my plantation." he said in a sort of whisper, and he bit his lip. Now that they both revealed themselves as virgins to each other. The feline was nervous and couldn't decide what to do. He was embarrassed because he seemed like the type of guy who did what he pleased to who he wanted, what with all his flirts and moves. Xitco swallowed and moved his hands up slowly to her shoulder blades, moving forward and hesitating at her lips. His eyes flicked up to hers, how long would this take? Would the others get curious and try to come in? The anthro's hands loosened as he spread his legs a bit farther so he didn't need to hold her. He blinked softly. And with a flaring heat his lips moved against hers, warmth filling his face with a hidden blush. Xitco couldn't understand the feeling one got when they did these things, but he liked them.
Kitty was shocked he seemed more gentle now and kinda screws to touch her. She let out a soft sigh at his touch. When he kissed her she closed her eyes and gave into him. She reached up with her hands and wrapped them around his nick.
He was relieved that she sunk into him, deepening the kiss and making his mind and body relax more. The tub was full; warm water starting to spill over. Xitco's tail took over and turned it off easily. He wrapped his hands around Kitty, his tongue seeking entrance to her mouth as he kissed her. He couldnt help but notice the enlargening in his pants as he started to really enjoy the things that were happening. Xitco put his fingers under the hem of her shirt, starting to push her clothes up as he refused to break the bond with their lips.
Kitty felt his tongue go into her mouth so she met his with her tongue. She put up her hands so he could take off her top. she had shed her coat earler due to the warmth of the bath room. She sat there before him blushing for she had no top and felt she.was too small for him so she used her arms to hide them still kissing him.
Xitco opened his eyes, seeing how she sheilded her chest. "Your beautiful I don't care how they look. I am the same with my scars." he said kindly as he gently moved her arms after breaking the kiss. He awkwardly slipped off his pants and undershorts, gliding under her body as he did so. his fingers rubbing under her thighs as he took them off. Now fully in the nude he kissed her collarbone, and trailed them down her chest. Xitco took in mind that he was asked to be gentle, and his hands stayed at her hips. His yellow eyes closed again as he kissed her upper body from her lips to just above her perfectly fine breasts. The feline all the while purred and let his tails massage her upper legs.
(Oh damn........ well, glad my absence didn't hinder this too much. :D)

Trystan sighed, raising an eyebrow at all the scars, deciding for once to keep his mouth shut. Saying anything about that would probably get someone hurt. He wasn't stupid. Although he did chuckle a little when they left the room. "Ah, young love. Such a beautiful thing." He pretended to swoon, stumbling around for a little bit before shaking his head and taking out one of his revolvers. "So, Sam, since you made fun of my previous outfit, tell me. How do you like this one? Better?" He grinned at her, raising an eyebrow at the newest girl, flashing her a quick smile.
Sam smirked as he mocked the two of them leaving together. Sam just assumed Kitty went on her own will and would yell if she needed help, so Sam relaxed for now. She looked over to Trystan as he asked if she liked this outfit any better. She laughed a bit and nodded. "I do like this one better. It's fits you better. Plus I like your ears in this hat. " she said, but didn't dare say it made him look cute. Even if it did. She had to admit, his furry appendages fascinated her. She sat her rifle down and held her hand out to him. "Would you like me to clean your revolvers while I have my stuff out?" She asked, curious if he would.
Trystan sighed, sitting down next to her, juggling the three revolvers in his hand before tossing them to her one at a time. "Well I'm actually kind of glad you like this one better. I'd been wearing that Russian outfit for a while, although I did make sure to wash it." With a shrug, he sighed, shaking his head, noting the way she looked at his ears. He could basically guess what she was thinking and chuckled a little bit. "I hope you realize that calling me cute isn't going to get me angry. I normally don't get angry at compliments." He smiled warmly at her, more warmly then he had smiled at Kitty, Tigger, or even the new girl. How odd.
Sam watched as he juggled the revolvers, smiling a bit as he did so, though the smile turned to slight panic as he threw them to her, one after the next. She managed to catch them and set the first one down gently before she caught the other two. She smirked when he said he was wearing that outfit for a while. "Well it's good you washed it. I'm sure no one would want a stinky fox running a muck." She giggled. She smiled sheepishly when he called her out of calling him cute. "Well, most men I've met don't enjoy being called cute. They seem to take it as an insult." She said, shrugging. She was a bit surprised by his smile. It was warm and almost comforting. She had yet to see him look at anyone else like that. She smiled back, but looked down at the guns in her lap, starting to clean the first.
Trystan chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm a man with fluffy fox ears and nine fox tails. I'd have to be either really stupid or incredibly angry to not take 'cute' as a compliment." He sighed, leaning back against the wall, his tails wrapping lightly around Sam, scooting her closer to him. "So tell me, if you wouldn't mind, how someone like you learned how to use a military grade assault rifle. Of course, I won't pry, but I do want to know." He looked around, his ears twitching ever so slightly. "I mean, you don't exactly look like a soldier. No offense." He seemed a little bit nervous.
She couldn't help but smirk, when he said why he wasn't angry. "Well then, next time I won't hesitate to call you cute." She commented. She didn't resist in the least when he pulled her closer with his tails. In fact, she actually snuggled into them a bit. She raised an eyebrow when he asked how she learned to use an assault rifle. "I don't mind sharing. To pay for college, I worked in a shooting range. I even started giving shooting lessons to some of the customers. The boss let me use the guns from his personal armory, so I got to get practice with many types of guns." She said, shrugging. "Now you tell me, where did you come across these beautiful revolvers?" She asked, holding up the gun, now nice and clean.
Trystan nodded at her explanation, grinning slightly. "Heh.... heheh. That seems much more viable then you being in the army." When she asked about his revolvers he raised an eyebrow, chuckling lightly, putting an arm around her. "Ah, you see, that my friend is just a little bit bloody. But since you told me yours, I'll tell you mine." He took the newly cleaned pistol gently, spinning it around his fingers again. "You see, back before all this stuff happened and the world literally went to hell, I was much more unstable. I would come up, go on a rampage, and then come back down." He shrugged, tilting his head. "Well, one day I decided to stay up after leaving a path of destruction, and this happened around the Cold War era. The Russians caught word of me, sent out one of their best platoons to hunt me down." He stopped his revolver, holding it out so that the skillfully engraved handle faced her. "You can guess what happened. That was quite possibly one of the best days of my life back then. These pistols belonged to their leader. Too bad he wasn't much of a challenge." He shrugged again, studying her, tilting his head. "Of course, I did have respect for the man. He was a devilish mind. Almost fell for a couple of his traps a few times. So, I kept his pistols, trained with them, and for the better part of that time, those pistols were all I used. I haven't used my fire for quite some time, although I do use my magic to make my special ammo." He winked at her, going back to spinning the revolver around, tossing it behind his back, catching it in the same hand.
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