Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Kitty got out and grabbing a towel and tossing one to Sam she said "Yea if i stay in any longer i will no longer be a neko but a prune". She giggled as she sat down in her towel next to Sam and said "you sure like to tease them boys". She kicked her feet in the water thinking what to do now that she was fed clean no point in hanging around here any longer. Could she take Sam with her and ditch them guys who seem to be horny all the freaky time.
Sam giggled as Kitty said she would turn into a prune if she stayed in any longer. "Yup, but at least you'd be a cute prune." Sha said, laughing again. She finally stood up and started drying off. "Yeah, I figure I might as we'll while I have the chance. It the only way I can think to get to get back at him without actually threatening him." She said, shrugging. She got dressed and waited for Kitty to follow suit.
Xitco shrugged, a little more than angry with Trystanfir just taking her in. How could he know..? The feline jogged ahead and looked over his shoulder. "Sorry Lupa; hey Fox I'll warn the gals. My names Xitco." the anthro was shocked he already knew her name, and his eyes widened. It was odd. Ditco had never even seen her before. He smiled as charmingly as he could; and ran off. With his breath gone, Xitco knocked softly on the door...hoping not to disturb them. He could hear Kitty talking; although he could even see her throug the door. What the hell was wrong with him? Xitco shook his head violently and stared at the door again. As before; he heard her talk, without her lips moving. Am I going insane? I cannot even understand what she is saying! The anthro barged in and smirked. "Uh hey Sam, Kitty...Trystan is carrying another girl to us. Don't get too jealous of her Sam." he winked with a chuckle throaty humor and he frowned. His hand touched to his forehead as he rubbed it; he had a massive headache. "I'm sorry gals, I've been so perverted and rude to you both. I hope you can forgive and accept my friendship." he looked at them with worry; ignoring the fact they were naked.
As Xitco knocked on the door, Sam steped back in front of Kitty, sheilding her fron the tiger's view. At first she thought it was going to be Trystan again, but was actually pretty relieved when it was only Xitco. He was a lot less threatening than the other male, even if he seemed a bit less stable minded. She was only half dressed when he barged in, but she didn't seem to mind, she just slung the towel over her shoulders so it draped down to cover her breasts. She rolled her eyes at his comment. "Don't worry, I won't." She said, though she tilted her head as he apologized for his earlier behavior and said he wanted to be friends. " Maybe." She crossed her arms over her chest. " as long as you keep behaving yourself." She added. "Now go, we're trying to get dressed here." She said as she stepped forward, shooing him from the room.
"Right." he said with a note of sandess reflecting inside him. He didn't understand wh everyone was so open to having another girl tag along. Did everyone 'like-like' girls around here? He stepped aback and waited for them to be done getting dressed. He tried not to eavesdrop but yet again had the problem where he heard them in his head. Xitco sat against the wall; and looked downstairs to see Fox and the newbie emerge in the doorway. "Took you long enough." he joked blandly. The feline tilted his head back and waited for his head to stop hurting. Maybe he was dehydrated. He popped a pill into his mouth and was happily greeted with a few gulps of water. It started to dull the pain; it seemed as if Xitcos entire life depended on waiting. Waiting to escape, waiting to find anyone. Even waiting for trust; particularly Trystans, and Sams.
Kitty let out a sigh then quickly got dressed. She walked over to Xitco saying"in time maybe we will be friends". She held her staff close as she went to great the new commer.
His lips pulled into a frown and he huffed. "I thought we were already fine." he said glumly and ignored any further comment. He didn't think it was going to go so well in the next couple of mintues. The feline rolled his eyes at the half dressed Sam. "C'mon girl, we don't had all day." he said improperly and grinned. He decided to head downstairs to speed up this process.
Trystan sighed, shaking his head at the cat's hastiness. "He's a little on the impatient side. You came out of a fire? Hm.... well, that's interesting. I'd heard of a particularly nasty coven of vampires burning an inhabbited section a couple days ago." He tilted his head, jogging up the stairs. "Well, in any case, glad you made it out alive. You wouldn't happen to know anything about the ones that burned your spot eh?" Out of the corner of his eye. He chuckled lightly, one of his tails resting on his gun. "No, I don't need any help Tigger. Thanks though." With a small grin, he passed him on the stairs, stopping in front of the doorway to see Kitty fully dressed and Sam only half dressed, using a towel to cover her breasts. "Nice to see you girls out of the tub. If you wouldn't mind me leaving her with you two lovely ladies while I go take a small shower myself." His gaze turned to Kitty, only half serious. "And hun, please don't do to this one what you did to Fluffy? I don't give control lessons for free." With that, he winked, patting the cat on the shoulder, stopping next to him and leaning forward. "I know, this may sound a little odd to you. You don't seem like you are trying to kill us, but those tails have a bad aura about 'em. I can teach you how to deal with them, but that's beside the point." He glanced back towards the room, shaking his head. "I can see something forming behind those eyes of hers. I don't exactly wanna lose an undepleteable food supply ya know? I don't exactly want to go back to eating what ever I find in abandoned McDonalds." The kitsune sighed, going to the room the girls had been in before. He didn't like baths, but he'd take one if he had to.
Xitco nodded, grateful for his help. "And I'm assuming we'll be bathing separately." he said seriously; not wanting anything to become of it. The cat looked around; now both girls fully dressed he watched them all together. "Ey Fox," he whispered to Trystan. "We should both watch them...turns you know? I don't trust the way Kitty is acting either." he said nervously; looking at the clean neko. She was a life line for him, and if they got to be 'friends' he might have the power over her like Fox did to Sam. He grinned at the thought but quickly put it away. He had just promised to be better. But she was...well attractive. "And yea; I don't want to hurt anybody with this shit." he said referring to his six tails. Two of them were natural; unless you count the fact that his master had split them and sewed them on the ends to make them longer. Xitco shuddered; he let his face grow tight with anger at his past life and sighed. Why was he so emotionally awkward?
Lupa looked at the ground, trying not to become a bother. She glanced at the two girls who were now in charge of her and died a little inside. She realized she'd be stuck in her same old routines, just slightly less orphaned. She was trapped in a world of being taken charge of, as opposed to being in charge. Maybe if she were older, it'd be different, but she wasn't going to question it. When the man that carried her in asked about the fire, she just said one sentence. "I think I was asleep." She figured that would sum up the fact that she didn't know or remember anything about it. She decided to try not to piss these guys off, none of them seemed totally human, except maybe the half naked girl. She wondered if they might have other clothes for her.
Kitty walked over to Lupa and said "when the kitsune gets done Mind i give you a bath". She thought the girl looked like she need one and would like the chance to bath. She could create some cloths by magic for the girl to help with the cold weather. She turned to Xitco "look we was fine but you kinda scared me when you put your knife to my thought and threaten to end my life". she wanted to have friends and not be alone but as for love the thought scared her. "maybe if we all learn to get alone we could all become friends after all it can get lonely out here".
Lupa looked at the girl and nodded. There was something especially not right about this one. Maybe it was her staff, but she just seemed the opposite of human. Lupa was pretty cold and tryng to keep her skirt down as she watched the man walk away, leaving her in the care of two girls she didn't even know. Of course, she didn't know any of them, but she was much more comfortable around men than women. She always had been. It was her quark. She just didn't belong with people of her same gender. She had never been a girly girl.
Xitco smiled at Kitty. "It was a bad joke; and I'm sorry for that." he said as he frowned. The male stepped towards her, his hand warmly placed on her shoulder. It was true that he was afraid of getting too close when she was angry again; he didn't want anymore lingering anger. The feline drew his hand away when he felt stinging in his palm. She didn't seem angry...maybe on the inside she was. He shrugged and faced her again. Lupa looked uncomfertable with the girls, but he didn't want to say anything. For if he ever had a shot with Kitty even if he wanted to; bathing with Lupa wasn't going to help at all. Not that he wanted too, she just seemed more of a guy even with her tight skirt.
Trystan sighed, shaking his head. No shower stall. Bath it was then. Damnit. He undressed, shaking his head as he slipped into the cold water, using some of his own magic to heat it up until it was steaming. At least he didn't ever have to worry about the water getting cold. He sighed, sinking lower, feeling the knots in his back slowly unwind. He started thinking. The girl he'd picked up seemed to know nothing about the attack. Sad, he could have used that info. With a small shrug, he turned his attention on his current outfit, slowly changing it piece by piece in his head. Satisfied, he sank lower into the water, up to his neck, sighing in pleasure. He enjoyed warmth.
Sam sighed, throwing the towel onto a hook on the wall to dry and put her shirt on as she walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to meet the new girl. As the girl came into view, Sam looked at her questioningly. She was a bit young. Oh well. She just walked past her, patting her on the head as she did so. "Welcome." She said, going to sit down on the floor. "If you're hungry, just ask Kitty there for something. She can conjure up anything your heart desires." She said, motioning over to Kitty. She moved over to her rifle and bag that was laying on the floor. She rummaged through her bag for a moment, finding a deck of cards and grinned. She laid them out and started playing solitaire. She wasn't sure how long they were going to be there, but might as well keep herself entertained in the mean time.
Kitty just stood there frozen his touch sent shivers down her spine. When he removed it she said "Xitco if you can promise me I can be safe around you then I will forgive you". She turned to Lupa "yes I can do magic all you have to do is tell me what and making you warmer cloths after bath is a must".
Lupa was very quiet, just nodding at what Kitty said. She was mostly just grateful to be indoors and out of the cold. The girl that patted her head seemed very confident and much more comfortable around Kitty than she was. Lupa decided to just keep quiet unless asked any questions, leaving her image as confused, quiet, and just plain awkward. She was uncomfortable with the idea of being the new girl, but it was better than being alone. She was very confused as to how the 4 of them all survived, but that meant hope of more survivors, possibly even someone she knew.
Sam kept lancing over at the new girl, expecting her to ask some sort of question, but she never did. And after a few lost games of solitaire, Sam finally spoke up, mainly to break the silence. "So, how did you survive?" She asked, smiling at the girl. She really was curious. Even after a day of hanging out with everyone else she understood how they survived, or help over take the humans in trystans case. Even she was good with guns especially for a human. Sam wondered what was special about this girl.
"I uh... actually don't know." Lupa was still quiet, even when she spoke, making her appear shy and socially awkward, which, after being alone for years, she was. She looked over at the only other person that seemed human, expecting her to sprout wings or something, to match the bunch. She decided to not mention that, or anything else she was thinking about.
After he had finished cleaning up, he stood, letting the warm water roll off him. With a grin, he grabbed a towel, stepping out of the tub, pulling the plug and watching the water drain away. He toweled himself dry quickly, rolling his eyes as the fur on his tails poofed up. That was mainly why he didn't like baths. His fur was always poofy afterwards. He sighed, shaking his head, slowly slipping into his new outfit. It was a cowboy outfit, complete with the spurs and even the hat. Of course, the fluffy ears poking from out of his hat gave him a cuter appearance then he was shooting for. He sighed again, adjusting his gun belt, which hadn't changed except that now it had a more Western look to it. It still held his three engraved revolvers. With that done, he made his way back to the room, passing the tiger on the way.
Kitty made the girl some eggs with bacon on a She handed it to lupa saying "eat up you like your starving and I won't have you dieing on me".
She just nodded as the girl didn't seem to know how she survived. "That's how most of the other humans survived." She said, mainly to herself even though it was aloud. She tilted her head to the side as Trystan walked in looking like a cowboy. "You changed." She said, smiling a bit. She liked this outfit better. Then she noticed his tails. "They're all fluffy." She stated, reaching out and hesitated for a moment before touching one. She only hsitated because she knew that even though they were fluffy and soft, they were still very dangerous.
She laughed inside, though remaining totally quiet on the outside, as she looked at the man that brought her in. She decided to start learning all their names. If they were going to take her in, she might as well know what to call them. She half-stared at him in his cowboy outfit and continued to eat slowly.
Trystan pouted, hugging Sam closer. "Yeah, they're fluffy alright. That's why I don't like baths." He sighed, shaking his head, his tail vibrating lightly in her hand. Slowly his frustrated facial features softened, and he sighed, releasing Sam from his grasp with a small kiss on her forehead. "Well, Tigger, you and the new girl gonna wash up or can we head out?"
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