Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Kitty swam over to sam. She began to wash the girls back. "After Iam done you gotta wash mine"she told Sam. She was loving the moment for she was away from the males. The kitsune too cocky and xitco was to jumpy from one thing to the next for her. He.scared her how he could threaten her life and the next be all sweet.
Sam smiled as the girl swam over and started scrubbing her back. "Of course I'll do yours next." She said, relaxing until she was done. Sam then swam behind the girl and started washing her back. "So, where did you pick up Xitco? I mean he's kinda spastic." She said, never stopping washing the girl until she was done. She then sat back and just relaxed. It really was nice to be away from the males.
Kitty blushed for the memory was fresh in her head. She turned around facing Sam and said "It was more like he picked me up while I was hiding when I ran into you and the kitsune the first time during well you know". She blushed red again before added "he tried to get fresh with me but your kitsune in a weird way stopped him when he tried to kill us and we ended up here and he tried again but again that kitsune got in the way". She giggled a bit saying "perhaps I should thank him for trying to kill me saved my virginity". She blushed once more after telling Sam she was still a virgin.
Sam couldn't help but blush a bit as Kitty said where Xitco found her. She had forgotten it was this neko that was watching them do things earlier. "Ahh, well I wouldn't thank him, it'll only inflate his ego." She said, chuckling nerveously. "That and he might think you own him something." She said, shrugging. "Trystan found me, though he threatened my life if I didn't..." she trailed off, looking down at the water. "But it's not too bad, I mean he gives me clothes and protects me." She smiled a bit, trying to look at the bright side of her situation.
Kitty smiled saying "your right that kitsune got a big enoch ego already". She let out a sigh and said "this is only between me and you but I kinda wish I had someone to protect me like that but to allow someone to touch me like that I do not know I have never Been touch like that".
Sam smirked as the neko agreed about the kitsune's ego. She nodded as she said she wanted someone to protect her but not for that someone to touch her. "Understandable. If you keep giving Trystan cheesecake, he will probably protect you. You could probably use that to keep him from touching you too." Sam said, shrugging. She scooted a bit closer to the girl, leaning in. "Though between you and me, the touching isn't actually half bad." She whispered as quietly as she could. "And I didn't even know that until yesterday." She added, blushing a bit.
Trystan sighed, taking off his hat to run a hand through his short hair. "Yeah, let's go do a perimeter check. See if whoever gave you those meds is still around. You certainly didn't have those earlier, and I'd hate to think you're doing business with someone who could be a danger to the neko and my human." The kitsune shrugged, biting his tongue, managing to keep a threat inside. So far, the tiger had only really been a danger once, when he put a knife to the neko's throat. He definitely learned his lesson about touching her though.

The fox glanced back, looking at the assault rifle that lay on the ground. It was Sam's. Vaguely, he wondered how he would do with a rifle like that. He had a feeling they would need some form of heavy firepower. .44's could only do so much, especially when you only had 18 shots before reloading. He shook his head, drawing one pistol and spinning it between his fingers effortlessly. "Come on Fluffy. Let's go see what we can find."
Kitty blushed from the closeness of Sam but some strange part of her kinda liked it. She smiled at the girl saying "well the cheesecake idea is what i was thinking but as for the Xitco he kinda scares me more with his way of acting like he wants to protect me then turns around and threatens to kill me the kitsune seems bent on only one thing on his mind protecting me and maybe one day get inside of me with his cock". she swished her hand around the water and the sound of herself saying the word cock. she looked back up to Sam saying "Well I guess one day When i get brave Enoch i might find out just what you mean by that but for now I just want to get away as far away from my family as I can with out putting peoples life in danger". She let out a sigh saying "Your the first human and person I like Sam".
Sam grinned as Kitty blushed. She kind of wanted to try something, just to spite Trystan. She leaned in and quickly gave her a kiss on the lips. "Sorry, I... I don't know." She blushed, backing away from the other. She nodded as she said Trystan only wanted cheesecake and in her pants. "Well, I'll make sure he doesn't go anywhere with you that you don't want." She said, "After all, that's the least I can do for you for feeding us." She added. She nodded as she said one that one day she would get the courage to have sex. "I still haven't with Trystan, he's only used his tongue while I used my mouth..." She said, blushing more. "It's not bad, Just awkward, especially if when you're forced." She said, looking down at the bubbly water. "Really?" She smiled. "I like you too, Kitty. And You're the first Neko I've ever met." She said, smiling at the girl.
Kitty felt the kiss and blushed. She did not want the girl feeling bad so she swam over to her and kissed her back on the lips. She pulled back saying "thank you for the kiss and helping me keep that kitsune out of my pants. " she then added "lets be good friends".
Sam couldn't help but smirk as she got a kiss in return. It made her feel a lot less awkward. "Its no problem." She said, refering to both the kiss and to keeping the kitsune away from her. Her grin only grew as the neko said they should be friends. "Yes, let's." She said, suddenly hugging the girl like there was no problem. She had forgotten they were naked for a moment, at least until they were in mid hug. But even after she just backed away, still smiling. "So, I think we should just sit in here and relax a while. The guys can wait." She said backing to the edge of the tub and leaning against it.
Xitco stood up, and glared for a moment. "Alrigt careful wouldn't want to he shot in the eye." he growled, and picked up his own weapons. He wondered what the girls were doing, and couldn't help but imagine they were talking about him. "What do you suppose their doin'?" he said with a curious glance at the kitsune. If t was he last thing he would be to protect his own girl. He hated the way Trystan said 'my' human, as of he had actual rights to own her. It only made him sick to his stomach, the idea of owning and slavery. Xitco swallowed his gut instinct to pound his foxy little face in and refused to ponder the jerk raping his neko. Not in a million years. "Lets go." he grumbled and pounded outside. The cat was but with another harsh blast of wind and started to walk to the apartment where the girls were bathing. He just needed to check...

The cat was a little less than surprised that he door was locked; escpecially with others lurking around; it could get dangerous fast. With a silent leap the feline hopped onto a wall fixture and almost roared in frustration when it crumbled underneath him. Xitco jumped up and picked the lock with his long claws. Lucky for him they didn't get pulled out by his master as a young juvenile. He drifted upstairs and waited for Trystan to follow him up. If anyth Ing he was no tart to find them having any kind of girl on girl sex; whether it was attractive or not. He prepared for the worst, and waved thefox up. The two of them were right around the corner in the bathroom. The cat man felt like he was sneaking up on assassins rather then telling two females they were securing the perimeter.
Kitty smiled and laid against the pool next to her. "Yes lets keep the guys waiting". She closed her eyes and added "thanks for the kiss and hug it felt good."
Trystan was fast, bounding up the stairs, pistol drawn. The most amazing part was that he did it with virtually no noise. He almost ran into the cat though, managing to slid right behind him, stopping himself by putting a hand on the opposite wall. "Oiyu, better get ready to see something hot going on there. It smells steamy." He chuckled, smiling as he saw the broken fixture. Of course things were going to smell steamy, the water would've been hot and letting off quite a bit of steam. He just felt like messing with the furry. With a sigh he holstered his pistols, nudging the cat out of the way and opening the now unlocked door. "Hiya ladies. Just decided to drop in, tell ya we're going out to secure the area. Nice job on locking the door. You can thank Tigger here for pickin' the lock. Well, enjoy your bath." He tilted his hat and backed out, closing the door behind him, his hand glowing red for a minute as he locked the door.

"Enjoy the view there?" He chuckled, making his way back downstairs, his nine tails waving carelessly behind him.
Kitty jumped at the sight of Trystan and then when he said about Xitco picking their lock. When he left she was blushing for he had seen her in the tub naked well he could not get a very good view of her body so she was thankful for that. Still he just came barging in there with out knocking. She would have sent a curse his way but he still kinda scared her and Xitco seemed ready to kill her off a moments notice if given the chance so she was just have to hold her anger back for now. she was going to to figure out a way to take Sam with her and escape the boys.
Xitco lingered by the door; waiting for any kind of response. When no words or sounds leaked through, he eased downstairs. "I have this weird feeling..the neko might be trying to take Sam away." he growled under his breath but loud enough for Trystan to be able to hear. The cat pushed ahead, securing his gun and seeing the apartment as closed. Or safe. As Xitco reached outdoors again, he couldn't help but notice his tails swarming around one another, curling and making some kind of noise. Xitco arched his back a little and turned on his shoulder. His multiple tails were twisting and coversee in some kind of acid like sap; same as what had dripped from his teeth earlier. He clutched the pills in his pocket and his eyes glances up for any sign of Ido.

The feline deserted the building and glided by the tree line, scowling through the massive trunks. Anyone could easily have his behind one but he was to quick to check. "Clear, " he hollered "Lovely isn't it?" Xitco snickered snickered and sat back, allowing some time for Foxy to catch up.
Trystan raised an eyebrow. "That neko isn't going anywhere regardless of whether or not she plans on taking Sam. She's under my protection. And besides, the neko is too valuable at this point to even think about letting go." The kitsune shook his head. When they finally made it outside, he couldn't help but notice that Tigger's tails were making a strange noise. He couldn't seem to control them. "Uh..... buddy, a little tip for your tails. Don't try to control each of them at the same time. Focus on one, and the rest will follow. The tails aren't the smart part, even if they are more evil then you'd like 'em to be." He grinned. "Trust me, I know my stuff in that particular department."

The humor quickly faded, Trystan drawing two pistols. Something was there, watching them from behind the treelines. "Yeah, it'd be lovely if my gut wasn't twisting in on itself. There's something out there. Promised the girls a safe perimeter, we can't exactly be caught lieing to them now can we?"
Lupa heard something, someone. All she knew was that it was definitely alive. She started walking toward the voice she heard, exiting what was once her beloved forest and seeing a building. After seeing the creature the voice came from, she wished she wasn't wearing what she was. She continued toward the creature, realizing it knew she was there. She looked in its general direction, noticing the guns in its hand and the its companion's tails, wishing she could just turn back. Sadly, she knew if she turned back, it could be years before she found another living thing. She continued toward these creatures that could kill her, or worse, send her back. After mere seconds, she realized the odds of surviving were about 10 to 1, but she couldn't just turn back to a world of death and terror. She hoped that this creature and its companion would at least show her the way to further civilization, if not take her as a 2nd traveling companion.
Xitco nodded, holding out his shotgun; aiming at the woman emerging from the trees. "What do you want?" he snarled..she looked as if she had stepped out of another era. Particularly the Victorian one. He cocked and eyebrow and watched her keep walking forward. Listening to what Trystan said, he attempted to pick up his other gun; a small silver pistol. The anthro grinned when it appeared over his shoulder. Now with four guns at her face; he hoped she'd shy away and leave them alone.

(Sorry its short. :c)
Lupa fell to her knees and looked at the two creatures. "I wish you no harm. Please don't hurt me." She shielded her face. Her voice was fairly high-pitched, though she refused to admit that it was. She was fairly afraid of the guns pointed at her, but she was much less afraid of being killed by one of them. If she wasn't taken in by these creatures, death was the next option in her favor. She looked at the one that had spoken to her, or at least in her direction, with fear. The other one didn't seem as threatening, at least, not yet. She was afraid they would spare her life but throw her back like a little fish. If they threw her back into the devastation that once was her home, she didn't know what she'd do. She finally uncovered her face and looked up at the two creatures, noticing that they both had tails. She crossed her arms in an attempt to keep warm and watched the quiet one's tail flicking.
(Sorry for the absence, Guys. Internet went out.)

Sam smiled as Kitty agreed to keep the guys waiting, and her smile only grew bigger as she said the hug and kiss felt good. "Physical contact tends to feel good." She said, smirking a bit. But the moment was cut short when the guys, well more Trystan, came through the door. Since it was only Trystan looking, Sam didn't even bother to hide herself. She just rolled her eyes, stepping in front of Kitty so he couldn't get a good look at her as well. "You boys are too hasty. If you would have waited a little longer you would have gotten a much better show." She joked. She was just trying to tease them. She just sighed when they left, and moved back beside Kitty. "Well, should've seen that coming." She said, ducking under the water, getting her hair wet. After a while of just sitting around soaking, she looked over at the neko. "So, ready to get out and dry off?" She asked, pulling herself out of the tub and sitting on the edge with her feet still in the water.
Trystan's eyes narrowed as he stepped forward and cuffed the cat on the head. "Oi, calm you horses Fluffy. It's just a girl. Doesn't smell like she's too magical either, so chances are she ain't gonna add to your tails." He chuckled, shaking his head, spinning his weapons before re-holstering them, striding over to the girl. When he got close enough, three of his tails wrapped around her, puffing out to cover as much as they could, exuding warmth. After all, kitsune's were said to have at least a little control over fire. "You can relax hun, the big bad tiger isn't going to hurt you. Come on, let's go introduce you to where we've been staying eh? You look like you could use some food in ya. Maybe even some warmer clothes."
"Thank you." Lupa stood up and looked at the tiger, thinking about what she had run into in the forest before the incident. Both of these creatures were different, but they both seemed male and the one that wrapped his tails around her seemed nice. It seemed, from his reaction to her, that they were going to take her in as opposed to throwing her back like a too-small fish. She was glad and grateful, but she was also fairly tired from walking around for a few days. She wondered if it would be safe to sleep around the one this creature called a tiger. She was on edge around nearly everything since she was abandoned, and even more so since she lost her forest. She wondered if they knew other survivors, and hoped they did.
Trystan raised an eyebrow at the big cat before looking back at the girl in his tails. "Jeez. Where the hell did ya come from? You look like you're almost too tired to walk!" He shook his head, sighing, using his tails to pull her into his arms. In one fluid motion he had her off her feet and cuddled against his chest, which seemed as warm as his tails. "Well, mind telling us where you came from and why you seem so under dressed?" His hand grazed her cheek, wiping off soot. "And more importantly, why you were near a fire?"
"All I remember is waking up 2 days ago in what used to be my home, which is now a pile of ashes. I left and just kept walking. And now I'm here." Lupa blushed lightly as he pulled her close. "What's your name, sir?" She looked at him, placing her hands over her skirt.

(Sorry it's so short, I don't know how to react to some things.)
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