Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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When tails sprouted from the tiger's back, Trystan started to laugh hysterically. He laughed so hard that his tails started to clench. For a moment, he seemed ready to die of laughter, but he managed to relax and loosen up his tails. "Heh, heheh, sorry about that Sam. Oh... oh Gods, that was good. Nice job neko you have quite possibly made another me." The kitsune sighed, shaking his head slowly as the neko went upstairs. Then he thought of what the tiger said about him dieing without the neko's magic. He'd survived this long without her didn't he? He almost started into another laughing fit again, but managed to contain it this time. When Sam leaned against him he smiled, except this smile wasn't his regular crazy smile. It actually held a bit of warmth in it, growing a little as he gently ran his fingers through her hair.

When the tiger came back however, he bristled just the slightest bit. "There are lots of demons out there, some of whom I pissed off in rather nasty ways. You my friend would be counted as one of those demons, although I forget what name they go by exactly. Most humans simply call them furries. It's quite interesting how they portrayed your race before everything went to shit." He shrugged, his tails moving constantly. "I must say, the energy the little magician shocked you with lets off the most interesting scent. Dark, heady, very very enticing. But that could just be because I don't know any better." This earned him another grin, this time with less cuteness.
Xitco only modestly looked up, his yellow eyes daring to overlook Trystans. "Is that so." he wondered for a moment, how Sam's people could have fantasized Xitco. "That's a little creepy.." he felt his mouth curl up into a grin, and he started to chuckle quietly along with the fox. It was one of the only moments they ever shared without any rudeness. He stared at the kitsune for a second more; debating whether to argue. It was true, they had all made so far without Kitty; he merely shrugged and decided t he's to keep the peace. As Kitty started to sleep, he gave her a protective glance as he moved a bit closer. Hell, he felt like he was on battle of the exes. Where the two couples were fighting against each other; but this time the prize was not a mere money prize, but survival.

Xitco stretched out, his large legs widening and his tails spreading from him. The smile that had little humor behind it gave Xitco an edge as he looked at the fox. "I think I'm turning in, unless what you want it a showdown." the cat smirked, a yawn overthrowing his next comment. "So goodnight."

((Sorry its so short OnO))
As Trystan's tails tightened around her, she squirmed a bit, though stopped when the air was pushed from her lungs. She breathed in deeply once his tails relaxed, nodding as he apologized. He almost did it again, but to her relief, he held it in. She was almost surprised at his smile. It actually seemed friendly. And with the way he was stroking her hair, Sam was only relaxing into sleep quicker. She smiled softly, closing her eyes until Trystan mentioned furries and how some humans fantasized about them. She was almost embarrassed that her race was like that, but he was right. If only the people that enjoyed that fetish knew that furries were real.

Sam didn't really like the way Trystan talked about kitty. She was worried he would try to do something to the poor girl, and if Kitty was giving her food, she would try to keep him off of her. She grinned lazily as the tiger asked if Trystan wanted a showdown, but followed with a yawn. "Night." Sam said in return, getting comfy against Trystan as she dozed off.
Kitty did not know Xitco had moved closer to her. In her sleep she snuggled up against his side. She still clinged to her staff tight.

(Sorry its short but can we skip to morning).
(yeah, let's get to the sunny....... snowy day ahead shall we?)

The kitsune only chuckled, nuzzling against the human as she nuzzled deeper into his caress of tails. Warmth spread around them, keeping the chilled air at bay, and slowly fell into dreamland. A small murmur of approval left his lips at the dream he was having, his tails and hands twitching every now and then.

Morning came all to soon. When the sun rose over the horizon, it reflected off of a thick blanket of white. Trystan's eyes snapped open, studying the place he was in. "Well, that was certainly a nice night. Oiyu, Sam, wake up. Last night was fun and all, but we either gotta go, or we gotta see where that neko is. I want to make sure that big furry bastard didn't hurt her." His eyes brightened up a little bit. "That would be bad. Very bad. For the tiger anyway." With a shrug, he stood slowly, trying his best to keep the girl's body within his tails. During the night, he had sensed the cold, and using a bit of magic, decided to change what she was wearing. Her tank top had been replaced with a formfitting, yet incredibly warm material. As were her pants. The kitsune grinned, finally releasing her from the warmth of his grip. "Like the new outfit? It isn't outdated like mine. Figured you wouldn't like it by the way you were eyeing it."
Sam jerked awake as soon as Trystan started talking. And while her movements were fast, she was still a bit sleepy. She yawned, rubbing her eyes before she looked over at the kitsune. Sleep had been very nice, she actually slept better last night than any other night since the world turned to hell. She just nodded as he said they had to move, no matter where they went. She kind of favored staying with the neko. The girl was nice, and she could make food out of thin air. Every time he referred to the tiger as a furry, Sam couldn't help but smile. Since trystan brought up that fetish, that was what she thought about now when Xitco was referred to and it made her laugh on the inside. Once she stood, she noticed the chill in the air was gone and she looked down seeing her new clothes. She gave him a confused look, but nodded. 'You.... changed me?" She asked, looking a bit embarrassed. Even with what they had already done, it still bothered her when he saw her naked.

She quickly got over it when she noticed how warm it was."very warm, though a little tight." She said, running her hands down her sides. It really fit her like a glove, almost like a wetsuit. She laughed a bit as he said she didn't seem to enjoy his clothes and nodded. "Not really my cup of tea." She shrugged. Smiling at him. 'So, what's tne plan?" She asked.
Kitty woke with a jerk and looked down at xitco blushing. good he did not notice she thought. She felt the cold air and knew she needed warmer cloths. She saw xitco was still asleep so she quickly changed her cloths using magic. she was now in a fur coat and warm pants.

She walked over to the kitsune Saying "you and sam hungry"?
The kitsune almost jumped when Kitty appeared behind him in a fur coat. "Well, I guess that takes away my plans for this morning. Glad to see you didn't get yourself eaten." His stomach rumbled and he looked at Sam, tilting his head. "You can thank me for your new outfit after breakfast. So, what will it be hun?" He looked at the neko, smiling wide. "For me, I'd like some eggs and bacon, maybe with a side of french toast."

He chuckled, scratching his ears under his hat. "You humans might have been very fetishy, but you did have good taste in food."
Kitty nodded her head saying "I will feed you but don't get cocky with me it gets annoying". She went and got her clock and laid it on the ground. she said the same magic spell but this time asked for bacon and eggs and french toast enoch for all. She then added and cheesecake. She thought as long she feed the kitsune cheesecake he won't try to rape her.
Sam just smiled as the girl appeared. She was surpeised that she snuck up on Trystan. She licked her lips at the thought of breakfast. Food sounded good. Her nice thoughts soon ended as the kitsune commented on the neko's atire. Was he planning on trying something with the girl in return for warm clothing? That was what it sounded like,,especially when he told Sam she could thank him after breakfast. She didn't like the sound of that. She nodded at Trystan's order "That sounds good." She said, smiling. Her smile only grew as Kitty summoned the food. "Thank you." She said to the neko before digging in. "So you eat like this all the time?" Sam asked, trying to make light conversation with the girl.
Kitty shook her head saying "no Iam not suppose to use magic but I do anyways.". She made herself a plate then added " we have servants to bring us food only use magic in a time of war". Kitty did not mind Sam but she did mind the kitsune for it seemed all he could care about was sex. Sam seemed like a nice human.
Trystan tilted his head, chuckling lightly, sitting down and tackling the bacon first. He loved bacon almost as much as he loved cheesecake, which he just barely saw out the corner of his eye. "Cheesecake for breakfast? How sweet of you!" His tails wagged behind him excitedly, coiling in on each other, sometimes wrapping around his neck. When the neko said she wasn't suppose to use magic except in times of war, he stopped eating and looked at her, laughing again. "Well, shit, I think this classifies as a war huh? The people who were up here first forced underground and into hiding while the new people revel in the destruction. Looks just as much as a warzone as any I've ever seen, that's for sure." With a grin he went back to eating, making a small sandwich out of the toast, eggs, and bacon. So far, this was the best beginning to a day that the kitsune had ever had.
Kitty looked at the kitsune saying "true and do not get all of your tails twisted I only gave you cheesecake for breakfest to bribe you to leave me alone not to be sweet". She finished off her food then walked away from them trying keep her distance from the kistune. She stood by the door waiting for them to finish.
'Ahh, right right." Sam responded. She could feel where the girl was coming from. She would run away from al that royalty nonsense too. Being waited on hand and foot would be nice for a while, but that would get boring after not too long. She nodded as Trystan said this was as much of a war as any. He was right. It was pretty much everyone against humans. She gave the neko an odd look as she moved away after eating. She didn't even want to be close to them? Sam kind of took offense. It wasn't like she smelled bad, at least not too bad, it was about time for a shower though. She wasn't sure she wanted to bring up bathing, Trystan would probably turn it into something perverted. So for now she just sat there, continuing to eat. Once she was done she sighed contently. ' Thanks, Kitty, that was delicious." She said, smiling happily.
Kitty smiled at Sam saying "anytime your welcome". She felt so warm in her coat but also she wanted a bath. She always had one after eating her morning meal. She laid her staff by her feet saying "if its alright with you kitsune may I barrow Sam for a bit". She just knew he was going to say something perverted.
Trystan smiled, leaning back against the wall, his eyes piercing the neko's. "Yeah. You can borrow Sam. Just uh..... just don't go having fun without me around eh? A guy and a girl is good, but two girls going at it, well, let's just say the bath will be getting rather.... hot." He snickered, nodding at Sam, flashing her a grin before motioning with his hand. "You may go. I'm only here to protect and get my dues for now." This was accompanied by another grin, one of his tails wrapping tightly around his outstretched arm. After the ladies went away to do what they were going to do, the kitsune pulled out a pistol, spinning it the way he always did, in small, fast circles around his hand. He wondered vaguely where the furry got off to. He really wanted to test his luck. Who knew, maybe he'd actually get lucky. Then again, maybe not.
Xitco grumbled as Kitty got up, he as really starting to enjoy the comfort of her warmth. As he stood, he picked p a poised plate of food; looking protectively at the neko. He yawned and looked at Sam. "Um a little tight no?" he laughed, his roaring volume growing. "Sorry about oversleeping, I guess it's just a trait. Cat naps is what you call it right?" he looked to Sam for guideance. The car shrugged and looked over at Fox. "As long as he doesn't touch me...or you." he glared at him a bit, then turned to look softly at the neko. He finished his platter and picked up the gun off the floor. He hoped no one had noticed it. His ears flicked back and he growled. Over the delightful sent of food; he smelt brine. And salt. Much stronger than the Kitsune would ever be able to sense. He pulled out his knife and carefully progressed up the staircase. He barrelled thought eh cellar doors and crouched low to the floor. He looked around toward the smell. It grew stronger and mixed with ashes as he walked.

Xitco looked forward at the thick evergreens, the snow settling on their needles. He growled low, finally seeing the guy. "What do you want?" he shouted. The man opened his red, glowing eyes. They were piggy and shaped like raisins, his skin was contorted and stained with blood. He had an old fashioned breathing mask on his face; metal stitched into his skull. Xitco respected the fact that this human hadn't killed himself off yet. He shrugged sarcastically, his arms swaying up and down. "Damn it Ido!" Xitco snarled, and then his des fell down with shame. He had never. Used before this man in us life. "Shit." he whispered, the man had started to waltz over to the cat.

He met him in the oddly of the path, and the man wheezed out; the dirt in his mask obstructing his breathing. "What do you want?" Xitco asked quickly, his missing image would affect what his pals thought. What if they came to find out what he was doing? The human narrows his eyes, staring up at the cat. He pointed angrily at the extra tails. The feline felt them curl and warm wit some electrifying heat. Kitty's anger was still lingering in his body. His left eye faltered, a white buzzing escaping hsi ear. Xitco shook his head violently. "It's okay, I'm fine." the man crossed his arms. "Right alright...I may have gotten in contact with a witch...Mage whatever."

The man made a diss approving noise. "You know anything can be said here. You need to tell. Now." the man neve uttered a word; yet spoke in Xitcos head. "I hate it when you do that." the cat rubbed his own arms, uncomfertable with his friends power. "You know i can't physically speak, idiot."

Xitco nodded. "You need to go." he growled, the man stepped back, but not before pushing a small and simple brown package in his hands. It was freezing cold and he threatened to drop it. The masked man started to dart Ito the long forest of trees. He was coughing and barely functioning but the cat waved him off. "Bye Rhidonn." he whispered and tore open the thing. It was a bottle of medication. The feline nodded and slipped it into his coat. He jumped back into the basement, and smiled casually. "Okay." he tried to forget how dangerous it was for Rhidonn to be much a simple demon could hurt him. Xitco took in a shaky breath, and picked up his trench coat, throwing it on.

((Shit sorry, I've been on a plane all day yesterday and then had no wifi until now. Hopefully Lon post makes up for it.))
Sam happliy moved over to the neko once Trystan said it was alright. Though his comments about them not having fun without him kind of made her mad. Him deciding who she slept with wasn't part of their deal. Only that she had to sleep with him when he wanted. It made her want to disobey him, but she wouldn't do that to Kitty. Plus knowing trystan he would just bust in and demand to watch anyways. So for now she just took Kitty's hand and left the room. Once they were she let go of the girls hand turned to her. "So, what's up?" Sam asked, casually smiling at the other female. She liked the neko, besides the fact that she was a bit too scared of Trystan, she was very nice.
Kitty waited till xitco was back in the basement. "Thought we bath together sense we are both girls and this way you won't have to bath with that kitsune watching "she said with a smile. she then lead sam upstairs to a room and using magic made a nice big tub that.had nice hot water and had bubles in it. "Hope you like buble baths and we are going to be clean and smell nice but the boys I think are on their own if they want to wash up inless they get in when we are done " she said undressing.
Xitco watched the two leave, and he leaned against the wall. He let his head tilt back and he sighed heavily. He eyed the kitsune..not trusting with one ounce of his body. Every fiber of him was geared towards reflecting the foxes emotion towards him. Hell, if Trystan wanted to become friends, he'd be more than open to the idea. The feline couldn't get the taste out of the back of his throat; it was mostly the perfume of vomit, the taste so promintate. He swallowed with a grimace..and cleared his throat. Even if he was feline he wanted to make sure everyone knew he didn't...well...clean himself. The dark feeling neglected his vision and made the cat man growl in pain. He lifted a paw to his eyes and after he uncovered them he looked around carefully. What had Ido given him anyway? He was smart not to bring out the bright orange bottle, for it would most definitely brig up an unwanted convorsation.

His ees felt as if he had gotten soap into them, stinging fiercely on his iris's. He started to link over dramatically and thought about taking the pills. Turning his back on the fox..he read the bottles inscription. 'Aqua Sodium.' he read, what the hell did Xitco need sodium for? And it was prescribed too! Not in his name, but in the name of Doeheman. He put it back into his pocket a bit confused, and figured it would be best if he maybe pressed some snow to his eyes to settles the swelling.

He crawled outside and bit back the urge to cough, the cold wind whipping at his fur. He scooped a handful of snow and forced it onto his temple. He wonders what the girls were talking about; whether it was him or the fox..or even of escape. The cat felt better after sitting around outside for a few healthy minutes.. The air in the basement had already turned musty and thick from the heat of food, Trystans tails, and the natural sents of Xitcos pelt. He felt his lips turn up with a sly smile when he realized why Ido had given him Aqua Sodium. In the heat it would turn into water. It was a rare type of medication for people who got overly dehydrated and it served as a equivalent to a rescue inhaler. He gripped the bottle; holding it tightly to his chest. Damn it Ido had always looked out for him.

And whoever this Doeheman was..probably was either pissed about missing pills or dead. A shudder ripped down his spine at that thought. Xitco decided it was a good thing to keep watch over the girls while they bathed. He sat at the door of the apartment they were in, his gun drawn in plain daylight. It wash like him to leave it in the open for everyone to spot. He was very secretive about having his weapons. Never trusting anyone with them. He'd salvedged them from his master before getting whipped. With that, bread, and jam; even a book. He'd received an even number of lashes, but Xitco wouldn't be able to tell oh how many because he had blacked out by a hundred.
Lupa walked through the forest, picking ashes out of her bushy tail and looking for signs of life. She felt like a living miracle, lucky to have lived through the fires in what was once her home. She was scared, but she knew that anything that survived could most likely smell fear. She was trying to keep her skirt from flapping up, and she kept adjusting her corset as she walked, occasionally fixing the lacing in the front. She was freezing, and she half hoped someone would find her. At the same time, though, she was scared of who or what might find her out in the wreckage. She realized for the first time she wasn't supposed to be alive, as she remembered one detail of what happened in the disaster: her only companion took a falling, burning tree to save her life. She felt like a horrible person at the remembrance and kept searching for a survivor to join.
The kitsune leaned back casually against a wall as the tiger made himself known, his eyes focusing on his three tails. Although, he had to admit, something didn't smell right, didn't smell quite the same. It smelled almost like salt. But tht couldn't be right. Salt didn't smell bad, but this burned his nose ever so slightly. His ears flicked in annoyance as he tilted his head, resting a gloved hand on one of his pistols. There was something going on. Slowly, he stood up, narrowing his eyes as the tiger rushed outside for a bit, sounds of snow being picked up floating across the room.

With a huff, the demon sat back down, shaking his head. It could've been the tails. They certainly looked evil enough to smell like that. When the furry came back in, Trystan smiled at him, nodding to his tails. "Oiyu, you gonna wash those things? They smell terrible! Worse then month old dried blood." Both his arms were crossed in front of his chest as he stood again, walking towards the door, ears twitching every now and then. The wind was speeding up now, whistling as it took snow and hurled it into the air. "Oh boy..... that sounds nasty. Well, looks like we might be here for a little longer eh? Damn this apocalyptic weather."
Xitco nodded, calmly looking around he dull room. "It's not the tails alright; it's this." He pulled out the brightly colored bottle and tossed it at the kitsune. "Water pills, never smelled them before eh?" he grimaced; the smell was very distinct because it was also the smell of Rhidonn. Xitco didn't expect the fox to know anything about him. Rhidonn was a human, and a very different one at that. "Got them from a man outside; please don't go lookin'." he said with a softness in his voice. Xitco looked at the ground, and let his ears fully sweep the room. "Should we check the perimeter?" he asked with a sharp turn of his head, lookig into the distance.

The feline was going to anyway; check on the girls and what not. He wouldn't physically go inside but politely knock maybe growl. Xitco waited for Trystan to reply; give him his medication back. Hopefully to guy scientist ask about Ido or Doeheman; whoever the hell that was.
Kitty was now sterked naked in front of sam. She stepped into the water and it felt nice and warm. She looked up at Sam "this is so nice and warm come on in." She started to wash her body.
Sam nodded as she explained herself, a small smile spreading over her face. "Ahh, I see, I see. Well a bath does sound wonderful. The boys can fend for themselves." She said, snickering a bit as she started to undress. It was a bit hard to take the tight clothing off, but she quickly had it off and on the floor, folded, and Sam was climbing in the tub after Kitty. She moaned softly at the warmth of the water. "Ahh, It's been much too long since I've had a bath like this." she said, just relaxing for a moment before she started to wash herself as well. "Get my back?" She asked the other female, turning in the tub so she was facing away from the other as she started to scrub her hair.
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