Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Kitty felt his paw on a strand of her hair. She also felt the gun in her rib cage and knew she was trapped. "Look tiger Iam not looking to own you Iam running away from home and Iam sure if you figure out who Iam then you could run to my parents and tell them what you know " she hoped that he would do as she suggested. She let out a scream as a bullet zipped past her face.
Sam let out an awkward whimper as he turned her around with his tails. She thought he was just going to let her finish, but that apparently wasn't the case. She just stared into his eyes, as if she were caught in a trance of some sort as he spoke. She didn't return the kiss. The tails on her back did help to keep her calm, but looking him in the eyes like that kind of scared her. She blushed as he said only she came. She couldn't help it, he had nine tails helping him and she only had her mouth and hands. She shivered as he nibbled on her neck. She half expected him to just bite down again. She looked at him, a bit confused as he said they couldn't do it here. "Why?" she asked quietly. Her eyes went wide at the response. An audience? Someone had bee watching them? Now that was embarrassing. Her face turned beet red. It didn't matte what was behind the wall, there was something there. She sat perfectly still as he moved the both of them, grabbing the guns and actually handing one to her. She thought of shooting him right then, but he was right, whatever was behind that wall might've been worse than him. And that was something that wouldn't be fun. At least he was gentle with her and actually made her feel good. Something else would probably just ravage her and leave her there for whatever else came along. She flinched as he shot at the wall and what shocked her more was the shriek of a female that she heard right afterward. It was a girl of some sort? Or at least it had a very feminine voice.
Xitco ducked down, pulling Kitty with him. He growled gutterally, and on the bad of his feet backed away. He covered the neko's mouth, clamping her scream. "Shhhh, we wouldn't want him to find us." he snapped in her ear, and in a quick motion she was over his shoulder and Xitco was running.

He hauled the girl to somewhat safety, as she could still be an enemy to him as well. He dropped her Ito a basement under him, closing the hatch so she immersed in complete darkness. He looked around for any signs of the demon, and sighed as he saw nothing. Xitco pulled out his shotgun again, and aimed it precisely at the door, ready to shoot.

The tiger breathed hard, carrying the girl was diffcult. Xitco had little to no upper arm strength and knew he should build it up. He had no time, running from the Catchers all the time. They sent him back once, but he'd escaped again. He growled as he swiveled his ears, listening to Kitty fumble around. Her moans from earlier had turned him on a bit, as a random girl pleasuring herself often would. He got up, pushing off hIs hood and revealing his ears. His lone face peered around the dusty corner, and he was relieved to find nothing.

Xitco finally jumped into the room with the neko, locking the door on the inside behind him. If the kitsune found them now, he could latch them in forever. Xitco could see with his rather keen feline eyes, and advanced onto the helpless girl.

"Who are you...?" he asked quietly, his hands suddenly wrapped on her shoulders.
Kitty soon found herself in a basement. She tried to get out but with no luck. so instead she put her cloths back on and leaned against the wall. she saw him come in and ask who she was she thought about being stubbern but then again he might kill her. to keep her alive she said "my name is kitty wood the rest you have to figure out Iam no threat to you as Iam just trying to run away from home". She then manged to break free from his grip saying "can I go now"?
Xitco narrowed his eyes at her, a simply shake of his beastly head.

"Id think not, you'd just run off and tell someone I ran." he snickered, his tail flicked and wrapped around her waist. It went into her underpants and he stared at the girl. "You seem like that type." Xitco growled quietly.

The tiger furrowed his brow, and groped the neko's chest. He didn't care if she made noise now, he could silence her easily. With a rather fast movement, he took her gun and put it in his back pocket.

"Ever done this before?" he asked, his tail rubbing her entrance. His tail was soft, and gentle on her. Xitco still kept a keen ear for anyone dangerous.
Trystan shook his head, his ears following the sounds of a second, larger creature make off with the girl after the shot. There were two beings that had possibly been watching them, and the fact that he had only heard one frustrated him to no end. He stood abruptly, firing a few more shots in the direction he last heard the noise, but heard none of them connect. They were gone like the wind. He looked back at the girl he had now, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "Listen, there was a big creature, by the sound of it's footsteps a large cat of some kind that made off with the girl watching us. You can either come with me to help me hunt them down, or you can stay here and see whether or not the damn thing was hungry." He tilted his head, thinking about his words. "Actually, I believe I made you a promise. Looks like you'll be coming with me. Now, I know this place fairly well, and there should be some clean clothes in the closet up the stairs in the next apartment." He shrugged, pointing upstairs as he slipped on his uniform.

"The previous owners were very meticulous, before the were rather forcefully evicted." The kitsune let out a small chuckle at that before strapping on his gun belt. He had a challenge in front of him, and he could not lose. Would not lose. He could be quite the sore loser. Another look at his 'captive' and he headed for the door with a pistol drawn. "Might wanna hurry up and go get dressed. The longer we wait, the colder their trail will get, and you probably don't want to go out naked right?"
Xitco pulled back, realizing this was no time for sex. He looked around in the dark room and huffed. "Get on more clothes well need cover and warmth. Don't think your escaping me either." he growled, sweeping the room for anything his cat eyes couldn't catch. A dresser was there, and when he opened it a pile of clothes fell out. He peeled of his cloak and pulled on drawers, a white long sleeved shirt and thick black slacks. After putting his cloak back on, Xitco grunted and hefted his two guns on his shoulder. His knife was carefully slid into his pocket along with her gun. He left her staff beside the neko and for Ed a long robe over all of her other clothing.

"Hurry up or the damned demon will catch us!" he snapped, the furry getting irritated. He heard other gunshots and a shiver rolled down his fur. The tiger stood up broadly then hauled up the stairs lugging Kitty along. The cold air hit him like an old friend. The snow was not a good way to go but perhaps their only choice.

Xitco found a line tree branch and sloppily brushed heir tracks out smooth. He left the ones leading to the basement. Xitco's eyes traced back to where the kitsune was, too close. He stopped cleaning the footsteps after about a half mile, it was taking up too muc time. By now the wind was on their side, and that demon has to have a damn amazing nose to fix. Them again. He looked back at the girl he was taking with him, thin and pruned. Long hair only royals have.

"Shit, your from the neko kingdom aren't you? They are paying a pretty penny for your return..." the corners of Xitco's mouth curled up at the thought. For safety of her running, he gripped her wrist until the blood in her fingers was cold and his knuckles were aching.
Sam's eyes widened as he seemed to be very mad that he missed. Or at least that was what she thought. She didn't know about the other thing out there until he said it took the other person out there. She just stared at him for a moment, thinking for a moment. She was about to say she would be fine on her own, but then he remembered his deal with her. She raised an eyebrow though, looking at him a bit confused. "But I wasn't able to follow through on my end of the deal." She said, but shrugged and left to go find the clothing that he was talking about. She shuddered as she heard what he said about the previous owners. She was very glad he didn't find her when all this happened. She left the room, not wasting any time as she ran up stairs to the apartment that he was talking about. It was fairly easy to find. She had to try on a few things before she found something that fit, and in the end, the woman that lived there had smaller breasts than Sam, so she had to go without a bra. She ended up with a tank top and another pair of jeans, though they were a bit too small and kind of uncomfortable.

She ran back down stairs, her gun tucked into her pants because it wouldn't fit in her pocket. She just stopped in the doorway and stared at him. "Do I get my other gun back?" She asked, nodding over to her assault rifle. She crossed her arms over her chest, hiding her perked nipples. She was cold, and without a bra, it was quite obvious. Though she couldn't really do anything about it. She just stood there, looking at him. He had a very odd get up, now that she thought about it. She wasn't quite sure what he was going to do with her, but maybe if he got caught up with this feline man and this girl, she could escape. Would escaping even be worth it at this point? He did say he would protect her.
Kitty let out a gasp as his tail went down her pants. she was in his arms again. She placed her hands on his chest and when he grabbed her chest she blushed and let out a soft moan. she felt his tail tease her entrence and she moaned again saying "please stop".

As if by luck he told her to get dressed she let out a sigh. she found the cloths in the drawer and found a faded old black dress that was long sleave and low cut. She put it on and grabbed her clock and staff. she then felt him grabb her and toss her over his shoulder.

"Please let me go I won't tell anyone about you I promise I just want to be left alone and not forced to marry someone who could care less about me so please do not take me back ether" she pleaded hoping he would let her go. she was glade now he was no longer forcing himself on her.
"I'm not going to marry you." he shook his head, "I'd only go as far as to have my way with you. You'd be dead if I wanted it so." he growled almost silently as he walked again. "Answer me, you from neko kingdom, eh?" he spat, his accent thick as he spoke. He was influenced heavily by other slaves; Indoniaisan tigers who had no choice to leave.

Xitco let go of her wrist and manhandle her shoulder. He knew that Kitty had enjoyed her teasing her, she was just scared. The furry sighed and ran a handover his furred head. The kitsune would be her soon. He started to drag his kidnapped princess again, his tail wrapped aroun her waist.

It pressured on her guts, he pulled out his knife whenever he heard an odd sound. A rustle could set him off. Xitco blinked hard, shooting a glare back at Kitty. "From the neko royal blood and didn't tell me? I should punish you..." he said a bit too enthusiastically, and dirtily. He rolled his eyes and trudged on.
Kitty glared at him saying "I never said I wanted to marry you just that my parents are forcing me to marry off to some prince who knows if he marrys me he will one day inherate my fathers kingdom and won't care about me just use me to have his children and expand his kingdom".

She let out a small scream only he could here when he grabbed her. She looked deep into his eyes saying "fine rape me I do not care just when you are done kill me please for it seems there are only scum bags in this world anyway who only want to use me I rather die then go back home".

She was walking behand him again grunting from the preasure of his tail. "I did not tell you cause you would take me back home the very place Iam running from".
Lupa walked, or crawled rather, out of some rubble of the forest she had been hiding in. She was scared of what she had seen after the incident: charred or blacked trees, emptiness where there should have been stumps, the charred bones of animals, etc. She had once thought of it as a "demon's playground" before she gave up the thought of a higher spirit. Her thoughts on that matter were if there were a higher spirit, he would have saved her by then. She was still scared of the world around her as she walked toward the gaping hole that was once her beloved lake.
the moment the kitsune mans attention was turned back on his captive woman a inch and a half tube would fall from a small fuzz ball on a buildings ledge. the glimpse of where this assault would only last a second out too as the tube would belt forth a thick blue smoke. once the man was shrouded in smoke a single arrow would whistle through the air missing the mans tail by designee, a single edge of the broad head arrow would glace off the skin of the tail. this would hopefully cause the male to recoil his tail if not the loud bang of the black powder charge in the arrow shaft would be enough to force a reaction out of the jumpy male. once the desired response was taken an average sized asian woman would dash out of her cover getting just close enough to grab the woman's hand and runs off rounding three corners before the smoke bomb would run out of fuel. dawned in a rather rustic and slightly slutty old timey grease monkey outfit a large war hammer on her back a large blue back pack and a red compound bow in her hand.* successful ambush! *a thick french accent would belt out from the asians plump lips.
Trystan growled lowly, breathing in deeply and catching the faint scent of another person overlooking them though. He could only smell for a second and just barely had enough time to take a deep breath before the smoke bomb went off. The arrow didn't faze him, he had been in ambush situations before. This was only one of many. Of course, had the new being not taken his girl, he would've considered playing fair, but the second that the kitsune's human was taken from him, a snarl ripped itself from his throat. He scented the air, the smoke not being as thick as it had been at the beggining of this assault, and the attacker had forgotten one key sense. Hearing. The small explosion had only disorientated him for a second, and he just barely caught footsteps rounding the second corner of the apartment complex.

In a flash he was off, pistols drawn, running silently and stealthily down the halls until he could smell his girl. With a wicked grin he hid justy a turn away and was able to hear his female attacker say something about a succesful attack. He took the step, gun pointed at her head, a safe distance in case she decided to try to take the gun from him. "I think not love. That girl is under my protection. Piss off and go find your own before you become part of my group." The kitsune hadn't even broken a sweat, his breathing even and calm. There was a deadly look in his eye, his tails writhing just behind him, begging to get in some more action. The anthro would have to wait it seemed. He would not leave his charge unprotected. In one of his tails was his human's rifle. In another of his tails, a camoflauge suit that looked liek it would be a comfortable fit. "You better warn your friend about me. I don't want her to die unkowing."
As the smoke bomb went off, Sam squealed. She really hadn't expected that. But what surprised her more was thw woman that scooped down and grabbed her by the hand and pulled her off. She coughed, following along after her, though she had no idea where she was going. It was quite terrifying being pulled away by something else, and she didn't know if they were trying to save her or kill her. She coughed a bit more once they stopped, looking at the woman who had whisked her away with a shocked look on her face. The shocked look on her face faded to confusion. "What are you doing?" Sam asked, jerking her hand away from her. Sam looked over at Trystan as he appeared from the smoke. She just nodded a bit as he said sam should warn her 'friend' about him. "He's dangerous. And kind of crazy.. I wouldn't mess with him if I were you." She said, inching closer to him. Sam had just made a deal with him, she didn't need to be rescued. At least not by this woman. Sam would wait until the right time and either kill him or escape. Either way would be fine with her.
*she would grin a bit as the woman started toward to the male her right hand would appear to start convulsing and twitching. the sounds of a high whining would sound off in the building she stopped by she would grin and turn around her right eye would glint in the sun.* you think hes dangerous i was in a mental hospital when this all started why do you think i was in there *she put on a crazed look in her eyes as the high pitched hum would wind up as the wall next to the male would, for lack of a better word, explode as a large green ATV rammed through the cracked and already weakened wall. She grinned a bit the unmanned vehicle would stop right in the path of the gun she would eye the woman and offer her a hand with a knowing look. wather or not the woman took the hand Odessa would bolt into the building her head going a mile a minuet her heart had never been this calm while she ran for her life. it didn't take her long to figure out how the male found them seeing his ears where FREAKING huge this was easy to get past, make it sound like she was going a different way then she was. she started to make sounds like she was running out of breath and tired. she stopped grinning she would jump out of a window landing in a dead tree moving down and around it making close to no sound with how slow she went. she hung from the tree and plotted out the fastest quietest rout moving silently through leading her companion if she came. after she left the automated ATV would peel out and head in the opposet direction to make it look like she went the other way.
Kitty came out of the celler using a fire ball to blast it open. she looked at the three people walking over to them and gave a sigh saying "alright who shot at me and why tried of being attacked by people"?
Trystan chuckled, nodding his head. "Well, good for you. Mental hospital doesn't mean shit. So piss off before I put a bullet through your head. I didn't make a deal to keep you alive, and I've been wanting to splatter something all day." He didn't even flinch when the ATV smashed through the wall. His gun stayed trained on the girl until she bolted out of the new hole in the wall, and when she was gone, he smiled to himself, holstering his pistol. "Heh. Glad you decided to stick around." He looked at Sam, patting her on the shoulder. His ears swivelled and swooped, searching for any sign of the other woman. When he found nothing but her leaving a fake sound trail for him, he started laughing. He knew better. He had a few years of experience under his belt.

"Well, looks like we go find that furry now. Or, would you rather stay here and finish what we started eh?" The kitsune smiled and shrugged, drawing a pistol and twirling it around his fingers with skillful accuracy. It kept him entertained while he waited for something. Although next time that girl tried to attack him and take what was his, he wouldn't be so nice. Maybe he'd test her luck.
she couldn't care less if she was or wasn't tracked by that cocky dumb ass of a furry disgrace she was just bored and liked to mess with peoples heads when she had the chance. Odessa was more the one you would find into a car hood rather then in a battle, she barley knew how to work her bionic eye. she would belt out with a loud whistle hat sounded a lot like a bird call as two pigmy marmoset monkey's jumped out of a tree each with a small back pack and a black lighter on their backs. one was clearly carrying the very same smoke bombs that prelude the ambush. Odessa smirks at them scrubbing up their fluffy little heads and slips them into her back pack.* that was fun! *inside her mess of a head 3 voices would scream at her for what she did tho she couldn't hear them, knowing this the voices conversed with each other. in a thick Russian accent there was Diane 'damn it Odessa you are a pansy ass little shit! i would have blasted that little fuzz balls nuts off! little shit treating people like they are property' in a thick Australian accent was May 'what a strange being, wonder how they cam about.... half human half animal?' a thick Texan accent was Angel 'that fuzz ball had a nice piece.....' this when on for a while at least till the ATV rounded around meeting up with Odessa at a small lake she would sit at its shores and munch on a bag of jacks links jerky watching the sun go down.
Sam couldn't help but smile a bit as he said her psychosis didn't mean shit. he kind of had a point. He was crazy and it didn't seem to hinder him at all, in fact it seemed to help. Her smiled turned to a frown as he said he was wanting to splatter something all day. Maybe that was why he 'tested her luck' earlier. He was hoping he would twitch and actually hit her. Sam jumped as the ATV smashed through the wall, looking over at it. When she looked back, at the girl, she was gone, and soon the ATV was as well. "Well that was odd." She mumbled to herself mostly. She was a bit confused as to why Trystan was laughing, but then again, she thought him to be crazy, so it could be pretty much anything.

When he asked what she wanted to do, she shook her head furiously at the second option. "Oh no no. That's quite alright. We can go look for that furry and that girl." She said, watching as he drew his gun and spun in effortlessly. It was almost mesmerizing how easy he made it seem. She looked at her gun, pulling it out of her waistband and looking at it, then at his as he spun it. "You'll have to teach me to do that sometime." She said, making light of the situation. As long as he wasn't touching her or threatening her life, he wasn't too bad. And that was when her stomach growled. Not too loud, but probably loud enough for him to hear it. Maybe there would be food along the way.
Kitty saw their attention was on the girl and her Atv so she left them and went back to the cellar. She saw the tiger gone and that made her happy. she sat down on the floor after putting her robe down first and wished she had her books. She did would go back for them later but now she must eat something. She tapped her staff against her head lightly thinking of a spell and what she wanted to eat for she found just saying food does not work . She then said "please sister of the living provide to me the nourishment of cheese cake apples and bananas and fried chicken with french fries on the side so that I may eat and live to serve you". There was a loud pop and the food appeared right before her and she let out a toothy grin and started to eat the chicken and french fries.
Xitco had only left for a moment; to see the commotion. Deciding it was best not to get involved, he hurried back to his cover, just checking up around the corner glad to see no one had followed him. A delicious smell of food wafted from the cellar; cheese and protein, he almost was drooling. Food had never smelled so amazing; and he was intoxicated. Xitco growled and swooped into the black place, when light flooded his feline eyes. He flipped down the latch, and watched as Kitty prepared to feast.

"Where the fuck did of all people you get food? Real, hot, fried, delictable, nourishmenting, food?" the cat man went on and on; describing the meal. He slid out his trusty switchblade, in case the brod didn't want to fork any over. "Midear, have you ever heard of sharing?" He grinned, his tail flicking Sid to side. The feline crouched down, growling softly. He licked his lips tentatively; he snatched an apple from her platter.

"So, I'm wondering..." he said as he successfully leaned aback on the wall, his heel laying forcefully on her staff, which he thought to be a cane. "Do wield some kind of power...? Black magic?" he said seductively, then gulped a choke of apple as he realized her capability. "Witch." he snarled, jumping up and then crouching down, protectively standing over her staff with his blade at her neck. "Tell me." Xitco growled quietly and bit off his apple once more.
The smell of food hit him like a brick, sending him back a step. "Ho-ly shit........ somebody has fucking French Fries! Oh hell yeah!" His mouth started watering, and his and Sam's stomach's growled in unison. "Fried chicken too. Oh, you ready to eat? Something tells me that furry is there to." In a flash, his mood changed, fury almost palpable in the air. The space around him was permeated with the faintest of a reddish glow. "Son of a bitch is gonna eat all the good shit! Oh hell no!" With a flick of the wrists he drew two pistols, looking at Sam. "Better get that rifle of yours ready. We're going to get some of that food if it's the last thing those other people do!" And with that, he was off, his tails trailing behind him, one of them glowing a red hue. Fried chicken and French Fries.

A third smell hit him, sending him back two steps. His eyes went wide and his stomach growled incredibly loudly. "Oh.............. c-cheesecake." He wavered a little bit, looking like he was about to fall over. His eyelids fluttered and he took in a deep breath, drawing in the scent of his favorite dessert. "Cheesecake. Come on Sam! We need to hurry before the girl and the furry eat all of it! Hold on Cheesecake! I'm comin'!"
The feline heard some dialogue from the monstrous kitsune, and frowned. "Shit that demon is coming, he's got a girl this ones mine!" Xitco snarled in anger. If this chick could provide endless food, he took back wha he'd said about not marrying her. "Fuck fuck fuck." he growled, tossing the apple and reaching for a more..prized food. The chicken was greatly in large pieces, finger food. The cat twisted out his guns, and securely brought them to where the door was. He was going to shit bricks if they all couldn't just get along and share. After running from his plantation, fighting was not the most desiring option.

The feline practically swallowed the piece and looked over hsi shoulder at the cat woman. "I swear to God if you do not magically make more damn food for that demon; you will die. Fuck this, make more so he can leave us alone!" he snapped, still aiming at the latch. He hopes the kitsune wasn't hungry, at least not for kitties. He planned out what to say and do once the little girl named Kittty did her voodoo to bring more for everyone. He really needed to learn something from her; how to magically obtain food.

The man growled and anticipated the arrival of the demon and his human. Why the hell couldn't he just lay off? Because the cats had something everyone needs Good food that was so hard to find in this wintert hell hole they scavanged and some called home. Xitco snapped his head back around to the latch and growled with fear and yet with rage. His tail was a weapon now, slicing the air with a great force.

(we should probably Eilat for wild now, but we dot have to wait for the academy rp haha)
(rofl oh wow i started something funny)
Kitty looked up at the tiger man saying "do not worry i can make more and Enoch for all I do not wish to fight only to be on my way and if feeding the lot of you helps me then so be it". She waved her staff again and spoke the magic words saying "please sister of the living make more of this nourishment of cheesecake apples and bananas and fried chicken with french fries that will be Enoch for three more people". Soon more food appeared in front of her.

She looked to the tiger man saying "come sit and eat and if the others come the male with his girl we will just invite them to eat". she patted the place next to her hoping he would come and join rather look like he was about to go into a rage and she would have to use her magic against him and she would not do so for fear if he survived that he would run to her family and tell them where she was.
(sorry i took too long to post got busy)
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