Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Sam looked at Trystan a bit oddly as he suddenly stepped back like something hit him. She only looked more confused when he said someone had french fries. She hadn't seen french fries since before the end of the world. And Fried chicken? Oh god that sounds delicious. She licked her lips and nodded as he asked if she was ready to eat. "I've been ready for a long time." She said, though she looked a bit concerned when his mood suddenly changed. His aura even changed visibly. Her eyes widened as he got so angry as the furry he had yet to even meet. She nodded as he said to get her rifle ready. He was actually going to let her have it back? That was good. She scrambled over to where he had thrown her rifle, grabbing it and shouldering it. Man he got excited about food.

Sam ran off after him, almost running into him when he stopped to sniff the air again. Cheesecake?! Just who was producing all this delicious food? Was it that girl who had been watching them? He really liked cheesecake apparently because he was off faster than before. Sam went after him, if only to get food. She couldn't help but grin as she chased after them. If they got any of that food, she would be more than happy she met this kitsune because she wouldn't have been able to smell it. Once they got there, Sam stopped, wondering how they were going to go about getting this food. Maybe the girl would be scared enough that she would just hand it over. That would be nice, and probably the best option for everyone. Less violence that way. Though there was no telling what would happen between the two males. A feline and a fox. Now this would be interesting.
In mere moments he was upon them, pistols drawn, tails whipping behind him, a smile as wide as the entire Wasteland plastered on his face. "Heheh, well, look at this. The two voyeurs enjoying a hot meal together. Oh, and you brought dessert!" His voice was singsong, almost in a taunting manner. "I do hope you have enough to share." Almost as is to warn them, he started twirling his revolvers around in his hands nonchalantly, raising an eyebrow at the big feline. Had he been a normal kitsune he would have attacked without hesitation, but he wasn't all there. As of yet, he had no hostilities towards the furry, but that was liable to change fairly quickly. The girl on the other hand, a neko, seemed rather nice, cute.

With a grin, holstering one pistol, he moved towards the neko slowly, sitting down in front of her. "You seem rather nice. Who's this big walking pillow hanging around you? A bodyguard or something?" With a furtive glance towards the creature, he chuckled, returning his gaze back to the neko. "You know, I think I'd make a much better guard. He's too big. And from the looks of it, he doesn't seem to be all too sound in the mind ya know?" His voice was hushed as if trying to tell a secret. He knew the other male could hear him perfectly fine, but what was it to him? He was here to get some food for him and his charge, and maybe even have a cute little girl accompany him. Maybe Sam would swing both ways? The fox-demon sighed, shaking his head. "Come on Sammy, I don't think Mr. Meow over here will mind."
Kitty looked at the demon fox saying "I may more food no need to get feisty over it". She then made to plates of food and put one beside her and handed one to the fox demon saying " I travel alone and I need no bodygaurd eat up and I hope your cockyness does not get you killed". She leaned closer saying "your ego seems to big for you I hope you know that and you do intress me". She sat back and handed the kitsune his plate.
Xitco growled low as the kitsune called him ridiculous names. "None of the snide remarks were needed. Us feline and neko stick together." he eyed Kitty with a serious glance, but in a promising way not to hurt..but only to help. "My name is Xitco anyway. Your human, is she useful? I heard your little pleasure moment. Not that I'm into those sort." the furry shook his head an sat inbetween the demon and neko. He great fully took a platter and smiled charmingly. He snickered when Kitty said he was egotistic, and knew it wasn't a good thing.

Xitco chewed on his food and thought hard. "You born a monster fox-face? Hows life treating if so..?" Xitco blandly asked, his eyes dropped and he looked at the man indifferently. He was quite big wasn't he? But then again, the kitsune did say this anthro was as well. Maybe if everything went alright; Kitty and Xitco would be traveling with the kitsune. Yet there was no need for Sam if she was not helpful.

He closed his eyes and cracked his neck. After finishing his meal, he looked to mr fox for answers. And Xitco knew he would probably get a few in return.
Once they got there, Sam stayed a few steps back. Just in case anything did happen, she didn't want to be caught in the middle of it, especially if it were between the two males. If the kitsune were injured, Sam would bolt and he would never see her again. At least that was her plan if the occasion were to arise. So in the mean time as Trystan talked, she eyed up the other man and woman. The girl didn't really seem like much of a threat, much more likely to run than fight, but the tiger was huge and he looked like he could hold his own. Then again she could be completely wrong. It wouldn't be that strange considering the state of the world at the moment.

Sam stayed standing as the kitsune moved forward, thinking more with his stomach than anything else. She rolled her eyes as he said the tiger didn't seem to be all there. Like he was one to talk. As the neko started making two plates, Sam stepped forward, nodding as she took a plate. "Thank you." She said genuinely. She stepped back and sat down, starting to eat as she watched Trystan daydream; probably about the poor girl in front of him. "Oh, he's not cocky, he can back it up." She commented, almost to herself. She was convinced that even if he wasn't as tough as he thought he was, he was insane enough to take on someone that would kill him anyways. Which would be completely fine with Sam. She frowned as the tiger asked the kitsune if his human was useful. "Hey now, I'm not his. And I am very useful." She quickly hushed when he brought up their 'pleasure moment', her cheeks reddening and she looked down at her plate and kept eating. That wasn't even how she was useful.
"Oh yes, how is it girl?" Xitco leaned forward, staring at the blushing girl. He was not convinced she could do anything..humans were never capable of much.Got weapons, any tents perhaps?" he shrugged, and ate more. He thought about it..he had strength and endurance; not only a massive build. And the infamous nine lives, almost immortal. Kitsune had demonly powers, he hoped not to know of..his tails. They were his source, yes and Xitco knew this. Could he possibly use it against him? And Kitty; the beautiful neko had a resource everyone wanted. Magic- power to create anything.

So, in conclusion, he just narrowed his eyes at the woman and impatiently grunted. "Well come on, explain yourself. Flaunt what you got as I say." he snickered, and scratched at his neck where Trystan had held him. He was not to happy about the whiplash effects of the mans tail.
The girl's brow furrowed at his inquiries. "I only have my own weapons at the moment, but I know where to get a ton more. As well as other things. I grew up around here so I know this area better than anyone." She said, looking him over. Was he planing on killing her if she wasn't useful? Probably. She continued to eye him as she finished her plate, setting it to the side. So she wouldn't be able to trust him. At least she had Trystan to keep her safe, unless he was too busy with the cheesecake.

She gave him a questioning look as he continued to mess with his neck. "I can fix your neck." She said. She had been going to school for nursing, but she took a special interest in chiropractics and physical therapy. Without even asking she got up, walking behind him and put her hands on the back of his neck. It only took about five seconds before she was done, but in that time she cracked his neck three or four different ways and by the time she sat back down his neck would feel good as new, if not better. "And I don't only fix necks." She said as she sat back down.

((lol talents makes much more sense.))
Lol it was meant to say talents, I'm on an iPod so the auto correct got me there.))
"Good, an armory in mind?" Xitco smiled with a curt nod, his shotguns needed to be cleaned anyway. The feline had no intentions of killing anyone of his disposal, because the neko could make surplus food. It was more for defending him and the rest of this group he worried about. As she work his neck he growled at one twisting movement. After she was done his neck felt like butter. He was really astonished, he couldn't get that crook out for days and she did it in seconds. "Seems you do have talents..holy shit." he said with his eyes wide open. "Were you a chiropractor or something? A nurse maybe?" now this could be good, and interesting. They would need someone with medicinal skills if the got into a rough scratch. Xitco turned his head around again and sighed contently. His mind was made up that this was pretty much a dream crew to roll with. Much better than a couple of anthro refugees. He didn't need to think about home now..the plantations hunters were probably wild about finding him. If it still ceased to exist. Bombs had hit the place pretty hard after he left; the LAN was no more fertile than concrete. If the slave had no land to work on, no food was to be grown, and the master would go hungry. Xitco shuddered when he thought about Master using his family and friend for meat..and even clothing.

He started to growl low; and may hae made him looks insane. But the tiger started to rise in volume, and he stood with anger. Xitco started to pace the room, his eyes gone wide and wild just staring at the ground. He stopped in mid step and roared with fury; his head tilting up and his chest rising. Xitco practically howled for a few selcnds then looked down at everyone with tiny pupils. He shook his head and felt the vibrations of echoing off his noise. "I...I'm sorry I don't know what got over me." he said quietly, and took his seat again. He pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his muscled arms around them, whispering nonsense to calm himself. "They can't use us, no he can't." he said aloud, for everyone able to hear. His ears swiveled found and suddenly he was fine. His blood stopped running hot and he sat back, stretched out. There was nothing more to be said so in effort to forget this thoughts he just stared st he wall, maybe talking about it would make him feel better.

"My people might be being harvested for their flesh and pelt."
Even as Trystan basically dove for the cheesecake, drowning himself in the creamy luxuriousness of it, his ears perked as Mr. Kitty started talking. And boy was he nosey about it. "You know," he said, swallowing a chunk of cheesecake, wiping a few crumbs from his mouth. "If you want to get information out of us, you might want to do it more subtly. I may be a fox.... a foxy fox at that, and I may be what other people would call touched in the head, but I assure you I am not stupid. And for your information, she is very useful as far as I'm concerned, so keep your grubby paws off her." He raised his fork in mock menace, eyeing the feline curiously. His pistol was sitting besides the kitsune, close enough to where he'd be able to get to them in a hurry. If there was one thing he could always count on, it was his speed. Every time he thought of it, he kept thinking of old human Western movies. Oh, the Golden Age of Humanity.

Shaking himself from his reverie, he looked at Cat anthro again. "Seriously though kit. You aren't gonna bleed info if you do it like that. And uh, between you and me, don't ever indirectly threaten my girl again. Cuz uh.......... as she said earlier, I'm not cocky cuz I can back it up." He took a slow glance around the room, nodding to himself, and when his eyes returned to the feline's, they were as cold as the snow and ice. "I think this room would look rather nice with a red splatter paint job, don't you think?" In a flash, as if nothing happened, he went back to eating his food, focusing more on the cheesecake then anything else. However, when the tiger stood up and started pacing, anger rolling off him in waves of burning scent, then sat down and started whispering to himself, he tilted his head. "You got schizophrenia or something? I mean, damn, you have issues. And that's saying alot coming from me...."
Sam couldn't help but stare at Tyrstan as he dove at the cheesecake. She was going to ask for a bite, but that seemed like it was out of the question the way he went at the creamy dish. She smiled as he said she was useful. And he didn't even know about her medical background when he said that. Though he could have been referring to other things. Still, it was nice to have someone standing up for her. If there was one thing he did indeed have it was speed, Sam had witnessed that first hand. She hesitated for a moment then nodded as he asked if she had an armory in mind. "Well... Sort of." She said with a grin. Her old boss had a mini armory in the shop that only he and Sam knew about. And Sam only knew by accident. But the boss was dead and so only she knew about it. She only smirked as he said he did indeed have talents. "Oh I know." She said. Little did he know she could do just the same and cause pain. But she would just keep that her little secret for now. "Both." She responded as he guessed at her studies. The only problem with the nursing bit was she didn't have any supplies at the moment, so that was of no use currently. But that could be easily remedied.

Sam raised an eyebrow as the kitsune threatened the cat. Though she just shrugged, keeping quiet for now. She smirked at Trystan's threat and shrugged again. A bit graphic for her tastes, but he probably wasn't really addressing her. In the mean time, she leaned over, scooping a bit of cheesecake from his plate with her finger, quickly eating it before he could stop her. She just hoped he wouldn't be too mad about it. He did seem to enjoy cheesecake just a bit too much. She laughed a bit as Trystan commented on Xitco's little display. Maybe she would be stuck with two crazy ones? That couldn't be a good combination. "I'm sorry about your people." She said. She could kind of understand. Humans weren't the most popular race.
Trystan raised and eyebrow, looking right at Sam. "You...... took..... my..... CHEESECA- here you go." With a small smile he cut off a nicely sized chunk for the girl and put it down on her plate. "Nobody should ever have to go without cheesecake. When we lose cheesecake, then, my friend, the world will truly be Hell on Earth." It took a moment, but eventually the kitsune started to laugh. And he laughed for apparently no reason. "Mr. Kitty, this is probably going to piss you off. But I'm not exactly worried about that. You wanna be realistic about things? Listen to whatever voices are in your head. There is no maybe. There is no possibly. The world has ended, anything goes. The only way you can make sure you're race isn't being used like cattle is to go round them up and protect them yourself. Otherwise, they're done for." He didn't have much to say after that, finishing what was left of the cheesecake and starting on the chicken and fries. Surprisingly, before he touched the chicken, he shed his gloves, revealing gentle, soft looking hands. They looked as though they couldn't handle a firearm, but there were those who knew better.

His tails had settled down by now, curling around him, a few snaking around Sam's waist. They generated and odd amount of heat, heat that couldn't simply have been caught and kept by fur. He was generating heat. And it was quite a bit of it too. It was odd though. He hadn't been producing this much heat during their little scene, was he?
Kitty looked to the feline and said "Sorry and I know my people have enslaved yours in the past so if you would let me maybe i can help you free them and maybe i should go back home and married this poor fool my parents picked out for me so i can make a rule that no more of your kind be enslaved". she got herself some cheesecake before this darn kitsune can eat all on her. she then noted on his comment about cheesecake and shook her head in response "as long as i live and i can wield my magic you wont have to worry about that". She let out a soft giggle maybe she can use cheese cake to keep herself alive and unharmed by this kitsune including her virtue. She did not want to marry anyone but if she did not try to help the feline that seemed to step in and try to protect her then she would seem selfish and she was not or was she.

She stood up and looking at the others saying "you all finish it up I have lost my appetite and sense sitting here listening to Xitco talk about his family and knowing i can do something to at least help then I must be on my way now thanks you kitsune for not killing me and Sam thank you human for showing kindness as well ". She grabbed the cloths she was wearing when she ran away and the hooded clock and her staff. she found a hidden spot to change real quick by using magic to make a barrier so they could not peek in. she stepped out dressed and ready to go saying "I wish i did not have to go back for i do not want to marry this man but that would seem so selfish".
Sam just stared at the kitsune as he acted like he was about to freak out, but then gave her a whole slice. She smiled, and nodded. "Thanks." She said then began to eat. Oh cheesecake was so good and it had been way too long since she had last had any. When Trystan said there were no rules, Sam just nodded. He really did have a point. The only rules were the strong survived and the weak became enslaved. So pretty much whatever happened was up to you. That was how the kitsune came to 'own' Sam after all. She actually snuggled a bit into his tails. She was beginning to grow accustomed to having his tails around her and her waist was much more comfortable than her wrists. That and they were so warm. Were they this warm before? She didn't think so, but then again with all that was going on, she might have just not noticed.

She raised an eyebrow as the neko said something about an arranged marriage and saving the tiger's people. "Hold on now. Why would you go off and marry some moron to save this guy's people when you could just ask us to help?" She said, motioning to the three of them. "I mean I'm sure he'd be willing to help, " She said, pointing over to Xitco "And I'm sure he'd like to kill something." She shrugged, nodding to Trystan. "And I go where he goes." She said, nodding. "It would be selfish not let him help." She said, finishing her cheesecake. "Plus if you leave, who will give us delicious cheesecake." She said smiling a bit. She knew that would perk the kitsune's interest. At least things would be interesting for a while and that would keep Trystan from touching her.
Kitty let out a sigh and said "well I guess your right to not let the tiger tag along would not be good sense its his people I'm trying to save". She had a thought but pushed it away she did not know him that much to try that approach . She turned to the woman and Sam hoping this did not sound cheesy but said "If you too come along i can pay you in cheese cake if you like". She wanted to hit herself with her staff for what she had just said. Why was she bribing the kitsune with cheesecake and the woman just offered to come along but not with out the kitsune but still if he went for the offer he must surely be crazy. She turned to Xitco saying "are you going to come with me to save your people"?
Trystan lit up brighter then a Christmas tree at the mere mention of being paid cheesecake. "I go where the cheesecake goes. And if I get to splatter something along the way, well shit, that's just an added bonus." He chuckled, raising an eyebrow at Sam. "I could be wrong hun, but I think you're starting to enjoy being around me. Heh, heheh. Not much I can do now I guess." A shrug of the shoulders and his thoughts on the matter were gone. As if to seal the deal, he said one last thing. "So, Neko, you make cheesecake, I'll follow you until the cheesecake goes away. And make sure I get to kill something. My trigger finger gets itchy sometimes." He eyed the furry with a hint of sanity in his eyes. "And I won't be responsible if my bullet happens to enjoy fur more then it does skin." With that said, he finished up he food on his plate, leaning back into the puffs of his own tail, scooting Sam a little closer to him.

He wasn't trying to do anything. He wasn't going to until he trusted these people. At the very least until he trusted the magician. She was too valuable a resource at this point, to the kitsune and to the feline. He had no doubts at this point that the big cat wouldn't want to have his meal ticket and a possible safe haven for his people harmed. Ah, such devious little thoughts. Thoughts that could only be thought of on a full stomach. With a grin, he settled himself deeper in his puff of tails, enjoying the way the warmth spread through his body.
Sam laughed a bit at Trystan's reaction to the neko's offer of cheesecake as payment. She was sure he would go for that, but her grin quickly turned into a frown when he said she was starting to enjoy being around him. "Am not. Your tails are just warm." She said, looking away from him stubbornly. She was more than happy others She just nodded as he said his trigger finger would get itchy. "And then he'll test your luck." She muttered, shuddering at the thought. Now that was a terrifying thing. She was brought out of her thoughts when he addressed the feline, pretty much telling him he was first to go if that were to happen. Sam didn't struggled a bit as she was pulled closer, though she wasn't quite sure why he wanted her so close at the moment.

She was glad that the other people being around was keeping him from trying anything, and she hoped it would stay that way. They had already seen them once, though the neko had seen more than the furry. Either way, she did not want a repeat of that. And now that Sam had a belly full of food and his tails warming her, she was starting to get sleepy. She yawned, leaning against Trystan a bit. It had been a long day, and he was going to take care of her right? So she could sleep for a few hours and it would be fine. At least that was what she was hoping for. Part of her kind of didn't want to sleep in fear the kitsune would try something. So she stayed awake for now, just resting on Trystan.
Xitco had been half listening as they planned to help him, but what was the point? His people were weak and tireless anyway, and had no will to fight. "No, I can't let you ruin your life to save my family." he looked up glumly, and around at Trystan and Sam. "I'm the only one who got out; who can fight..and has secrets of his own." the tiger said carefully, as of not to upset anyone. He stood with a scared look on his face, much life a frightened child. He approached the neko with a soft hand..and placed it under her chin. His tail pushed the hair out of her face. "Don't, it's not worth the pain..your or mine. It doesn't matter, I'm over it." he said dreamily, and then looked down embarrassed. "We just need to stick together, the four of us." he said with a bit more confidence, his hand moving to her shoulder, where he planted it with a firm grip. Xitco looked down at he two love bird like people and smiled. "Us, we can be unstoppable, no?"

Xitco growled quietly to get their attention, and grinned widely. "So don't go-" he said with a whip of his head. His canines were flashing white, the taste on his breath of chicken. "There's only one person who could help us even more, but he is far off. Into the valley. Live on the edge of the wood, he helped me escape the living hell I was born in." Xitco took his hands off of her and crossed his arms looking at he two. "are you listening? He has an underground..." the feline stopped; he shouldn't be giving this away to the people who. Early tried to kill him.

"...Nevermind, but Kitty you don't need to save me. Just tell us where you need to be. I'll go with you, we're running from he same place; were running I. The same direction anyway. So.." Xitco paused, now looking at the neko with a soft face. He smiled and leapt outside, his hand reaching down. "Come with me?" he asked kindly, all the anger leaked from the fuse. He sort of glared down at the kitsune, saying he would be the first to shoot. "Just remember Ive got guns too fox." he was not up to trusting him anymore that than Trystan. "Your welcome, to come as well but Sam looks beat." the tiger hoisted Kitty up anyway, and pondered the thought of locking hem because the demon would just out and kill him instantly. So he just grinned and stood up in the path of the house.

It was crumbled in bits with plaster still hanging in the smoke. He sighed; with the family gone this was his family. He didn't want to think that though, not while fox was still planning on hurting him.
Trystan could only laugh, wrapping a few more warming tails over Sam's body, their fluff covering her like a blanket. Gently, he leaned back against the wall, allowing her head to rest on his chest. The tiger's mood changed quickly. Bi-polarity, schizophrenia, abandonment issues. Shit, this one was just full of surprises wasn't he? With a shrug, he watched as he made a very gooey proposition for his cheesecake maker. At first he wasn't worried, but when he pulled the magical neko up to her feet, he let out a small, rumbling growl. The smallest little click vibrated through the air, and before the tiger could even blink, one of Trystan's revolvers were pointing at his chest, the hammer already pulled back, a steely look in his eyes.

Cheesecake was something he would fight for, something he would go to war for. It made him crazy just thinking about the fact that this creature was going to take away something that had served him for years, and someone that could make it for him. And if, Heaven's forbid he grew tired of cheesecake, the neko could use her magics to make any kind of food. And although more people meant more mouths to feed, and the fact that she could make food out of thin air made her valuable, thus bringing much more of a threat onto his head, he could easily handle that. And from what he knew, she could make a lot of food.

One tail looped around the kitsune's arm, it's tailtip laying against the grip on his pistol. "I'm gonna give you one chance. Romance doesn't mean a damn thing out there. If you go all gooey on her, shit will start slipping by you. And when word get's out about what she can do, well then you'll have a lot of starving demons out there, waiting to make some soup out of you and whatever Little Miss Kitty over there can poof up. And you heard what I said right? Where the cheesecake goes, I go." His eyes narrowed, and his voice became truly cold. "Fact is, I don't give a shit about your people, I care about the fact that there is a fucking meal ticket standing right in front of me. If that means that me and my own never have to go hungry or thirsty again, well shit, I'll put a collar around your neck, tie your hands behind your back and leave you out there to see how long it would take something to eat you." The way he said it left no doubt. If that's what it came down to, he would do it. Nothing was more important to him then survival of his and his group.
Kitty liked how Xitco was being gentle with her and seemed to care about her but it would take more then that to win her heart. This time she hissed at both males getting tired of them threating each other. She looked to Sam for help but the girl looked so sleepy. She felt tired to but feared what Xitco might do to her.

With a sigh she pointed her staff at the kitsune saying"learn to play nice or no more cheesecake till you do". She turned to xitco saying "play nice to or I will have to find a way to punish you as well".

She hoped she did not just signed her own death wish. Someone had to keep these two males in line. She had to keep the peace in the group while Sam dozed off. maybe the two girls could work togather to keep the males in line.
Sam snuggled into the blanket of tail. It was so soft and warm. If only the others knew what they were missing. She perked up a bit whenthe tiger addressed them, going on about the only person that could really help and then about how they would beunstoppable. She nodded a bitin agreement. "Well we would be u stoppable if you two could keep from killing eachother." Sam said, looking from Trystan to Xitco. She couldn't help but smirk when they threatened eachother. And she kind of wondered who would win in a fight. She rolled her eyes as the tiger got all mushy with the neko. Trystanwas right, romance really didn't mean shit out here now. It just made someone weak. Samantha perked up again whenhe asked if they wanted to come. Honestly, she didn't want to be alone withthe kitsune, so she sat up a bit. "It's all good, I'm not that tired, his tails are just comfy." She said, petting one of them. They really did feel nice.

Sam just laughed a bit as the neko tried tostop thetwo males from fighting. "Oh just let them fight and get it out of their systems. If they bottle it up then one of them will snap and then we might all die." At least that was her reasoning. Litttle did the neko know that Sam technically was owned by the kitsune, ans trying to control him was a joke.
"Heh, punish me hm? If you weren't so valuable I'd show you a few ways to be punished." His eyes were less deadly when they were on the neko, hinting at more lustful things, things he couldn't do until he had the damned tiger under control. And he could do that one of two ways. Both of them would suit him just fine. When Sam tried to stand up however, her uneaseiness hitting his sensitive nose and making him laugh, his tails gently held her in place.

"Calm down hun. I don't believe in raping those who I protect. That would be truly evil, and that would make me unworthy of the heavenly treat I love so much." His smile widened as he tilted his head, his tails starting to gently massage her in an attempt to get her to relax. "As for you neko, you might wanna listen to Sam over here. If something does erupt into a fight, then we'll know who should really be the.... 'Protector' of the both of you. you wouldn't want someone who couldn't fight to try to keep out all the big, bad, ugly creatures away from you now would we?" His smile widened, exposing the tips of his canine fangs, adding a strange hint of cuteness to his otherwise cynical face.
Xitco rolled his eyes as Kitty drew the fight from their heated convorsation. "Ah the hell, if you two think I'm in love then shit I may as well be. Known some one for two damn seconds...." he muttered as the gun was drawn on him. The feline mearly laughed out loud and held his stomach in pain of the chuckling. "Oh shit- gonna shoot me eh?" he grinned, and in an instant his face snapped from humored to deadly. He slid his long switchblade out of his arm band and twisted Kitty over; the edge almost digging into her skin. "Kill me, I'll kill her and well all die without her magic." Xitco growled..warning him with a dark look on his face. The tiger felt a rippling sensation tingle down his spine and he snarled in her ear. He let go of Kitty with an unfaithful shove as he tried to touch his back. He felt his skin ripping and in fear he pulled his head around. Another tail had manifested onto his back, followed by a third. "What the fuck?!" he screamed. The closeness of being to Kitty had affected him enough to mutilate his body. "Your magic shit made me a three tailed beast!" he growled, eyeing Tyrstan and then looking at Kitty.

The anthro was confused as hell now. He looked down at his trusty switchblade, now in the dirt. He scooped it up and sighed. "Jus get back in the cellar. Well rest until morning." he ducked into the room, and felt his new tails wrap around his arms. They were slick with a liquid he didn't understand, much like bile. It stung his arms and made him since in pain. These new developments made him extremely scared of what other things she may be able to do. The anthro leaned against the opposite wall of Foxy and watched Sam debate whether to relax or leave.

Xitco forced his tails off and swallowed deeply. The taste of fries were still on his tongue. Xitco leaned his head back, and looked over at Kitty upstairs. "You sleeping or what..?" he said, motioning for her to come over. He sort of felt bad for Sam, beig dominated by kitsune boy. She had no power against him and she as hell wouldn't win a fight wit either of them. The feline made sure his handgun was hidden from view; by if needed was aimed at Trystan. He grinned with satisfaction and licked his lips; more of the strange and foul smelling liquid seeped from his sharpest teeth. He shrugged and closed his eyes. "Hiw about sweet dream for Every-One tonight?" he opened his eyes again and reached up; pulling Kitty and the door down. It was best to remain unseen. "Hey Trystan, how many other demons are there?" he asked, leaning forward for a moment. His back still ached with pain, rolling in long ribbons across his ribs. Whatever dark power she possess was still roaming his body, looking for another area to taint with.
Kitty gasped "crap I let my anger run away from me". She took the dark tainted feeling leave him as well as the tails. She felt better now that she was away from the kitsune. She was still shacking from the act the tiger just pulled . She leaned against the wall said a quite prayer to her godess of protection. She gripped her staff and went to sleep.
Sam shuddered at the way Trystan threaten to punish kitty if she weren't so valuable. But he said he wouldn't rape her, which Sam actually believed. So far he seemed to be living up to his promise of keeping her safe and fed, so even if he was a bit off kilter, at least he was honest. And the way his teeth poked out from his grin almost made him look cute. She rolled her eyes when Xitco threatened the neko. It was fun y he thought they would all die without her. There was still canned goods in the apartments her and the kitsune had come from, so there was bound to be more in other apartments. What really surprised her were the tails that sprouted from the tigers back when the neko grew angry. Well, apperently she wasn't to be messed with. Now as Xitco screamed at Kitty for what she did, Sam couldn't help but laugh. "You brought that upon yourself." She said through her giggles. "I mean that'swhat you get for putting a knife to the poor girls throat and threatening her." Sam laughed a bit more.

By then, Trystans tails had relaxed her enough to lean against him once more and she was growing tired again. She closed her eyes just listened to Xitco ask Trystan about other demons. Sam had a feeling that he didn't quite get along with other demons, but then again, the way he described them to her earier made it seem like they made fun of him for his tails.
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