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Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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(lol of course I would miss all of this while I'm away.)

Sam jumped when Xitco snuck up on them, but shook it off quickly. She followed them into the building, watching as they came across a man that really was dressed like someone from a Japanese fighting game. She couldn't help but laugh a bit, though it wasn't really that odd considering she was hanging around with a guy that was dressed like a cowboy. She couldn't help but smirk when Trystan insisted on testing his luck. What was even more interesting was when they guy broke loose from the hold he was in and started shooting at them. Yup peace and love while shooting at innocent people. At least she was innocent, until she started shooting back. She frowned as the building started coming down. That was not good. The only part that was good was the fact that this crazy anime character missed her with every bullet. She sighed, grabbing Trystan's hand and pulled him out of there. She chuckled a bit once they were out of the apartment she laughed a bit. "Well, that was one interesting kid." She said, smiling at him. "He should have just let you test his luck." She said, shrugging.
She giggled as Vash fell on her, and, with the upper body strength of a very small gerbil, she fell into the snow. "I'm freezing to death out here." Her giggle faded as she looked up at Vash, who was extremely close to her face. She didn't try to get out from under him, but she blushed a rather deep red as she looked in his eyes.

*the pain rose sharply above, from his shoulder to neck. Hurting Very bad.*
"Yeah' auhhh, it's too cold out here for you, "
*vash put together every sense of strength he could to roll off of Lupa as he did, he just lay'd on his backside looking up at the Peace-full sky*
" lupa, go find somewhere to rest. As i said before it's to dangerous out here and you said it yourself your freezing. Don't mind me, Il find you again.
i Don't think i can move at the moment, il let the snow freeze my shoulder up, it will be good for it."

* he painfully turns his head to let out a smile at her, as well as tilting his head back up to the sky he lets out another' cry*
Kitty found the strength to pull them out of the building once she and Xitco was in the snow the bullet came out of her tail. She looked at the wound as magic.healed it. "Yea I know healing magic". She sat up in the snow "so Xitco we are alone now what".
The feline looked over his shoulder, Sam was holding Trystan no less than three feet away. "Were not that alone, lovely." he grinned and helped her up by the waist, planting a kiss on herlips and walking her over to the human and kitsune. "I guess no matter what it's us four." he laughed a little, yet his ears roved around listening for Lupa and Vash. "You think Lupa likes the freak?" he said with a curious glance at a dark alley, a shout of pain escaped with an echo. "Hmmm, ehh I'll leave him." he sighed and wrapped his string left arm around the neko's shoulder, he was glad that she was better. Or at least healed, maybe the pain was still there.
Kitty was little tired but still wants to finish what she and Xitco started. She leaned into his arms saying "can't we find a place to get out of this cold."
Sam smiled, waving at the other two in their group. "Yup, I guess us four are stuck with each other." She shrugged, looking back over to Trystan. "I suppose we have to find a new place." She said, looking over at the disheveled building next to them. She raised an eyebrow as Kitty seemed eager to get her and Xitco away from herself and Trystan. She didn't say a thing though. She just smirked a bit. Apparently Kitty didn't want to play with her anymore.
She smiled back at Vash. "It's fine. I'm used to it. Besides, not like any of these buildings have working heat anyway." She tried not to sound disappointed by him rolling off of her and propped herself up with her arm. "And why would you want to find me? I'm not that great." She gently put some snow on top of his shoulder, as well as piling it up on the side of his neck. "Just rest. I'm staying right here until you're okay."

*As The Shadow Stalker Crept, apon the world. She Raves threwout the
nights as a swift keeper, barley making any noise. Closly sticking
to the Darkend Fair shadows. The walls'even wept, that such a friece
being, ran upwards them circling rapidly like a acrobatics.
being in training, long enough. This was nothing for her, Too Simple.
she scattered' a note apon the floor, waiting for someone to pick it up.
as she waited hours' days, nights countless sleepless nights.
her eyes peirced threw waiting apon a rooftop sleeping, and then
her scent kicked in.*

" The Note ~?, it has been open'ed "

* little did the opener' releasied what he had done. the note had a
scent' not just any scent' a musty; fuzzy love scent. IT was her
' it was the love of her heart beat spread apon the note. she giggled
as she finally found the one for her, to unleache herself apon,
someone as it has been such a long long time for her.
she felt up her self slowly, as her shaking hands crept into the depts of her
thighs, and then suddently she stoped.*

"boy am i naughty"
*she lets out a couple of giggles*
" where' oh where are you my lucky man. "
* the steathy ninja' mutter's words that didn't make any sense to herself
nore the narator, she scuffles to the chair' and kicks her feet widly into the edge
of the roof.*

"i might as well get some sleep, i have a long day tomorow."
*a grin spread evily apon her face as she thought' of meeting her mail opener.
and then a evil thought struck into her head,*

"WAIT ~ !"
*she snaps*
" what if he's ugly "
*a shiver went down her spine, then another grin even more evil then the first*
" i know, if' he's not my type. IL KILL EM, "
*the women' lets out a hugh laugh as she closes her eye's ready to fall into
a deep slumber of dreams*

"goodnight, my lover boy' may you sleep peacefully as i do tonight"

" Not, that great ? "
*vash looked puzzled*
" for the short amount of time, i have known you.' i think you are great. "
*he gave her a little friendly elbow shove with his good shoulder.*
"btw' you were the only one to accept me for who i am, and didn't break my code or act like some type of western insane cowboy, saying he's gonna test some kinda luck on me."
*watches as she puts snow onto his shoulder*
" Thank you, But We should Really Find somewhere to go "
*vash eye's dash across the area' they are currently sitting in*
"i mean, it's freezing your hands are getting blue!. QUICK we have to get going"
*vash leaps up smoothly on-top of the white, snowy, street. and offer's sitting Lupa A hand*
Kitty felt the warmth from Xitco and she liked it. She turned to Sam saying "boy I forgot my coat stupid me but we really need to find a nice place for a bath don't you think Sam that is a good way to warm up or a fire ". she felt her tummy rumble a bit and asked "is it getting close to lunch". she smiled up at the tiger beside her saying "you are so warm".
Sam nodded. "That is indeed a very good way to warm up. But you seem to have found your own personal source of warmth." She said, laughing a bit and elbowing her in a friendly manner. "Food would be good sometime soon." She agreed. "Well, I know of another apartment complex close to here. It didn't seem to be in too bad of shape when he found me." She said, gesturing to Trystan. "Lets try that out." She shrugged, before grabbing Kitty's hand and leading her that way. She assumed that where her and Kitty went, Xitco and Trystan would follow. She led them over to the complex where she went first and Trystan found her. It seemed to be their best bet at the moment as far as shelter went.

*vash grins' at the smile, as he decides this time to flash a smile back'. So he does., as walking he noticed lupa has entered into a creepy, spooky, dusty. old looking building. as she open'ed a door and walk'ed thew, vash follows carefully, as watching his surroundings. he stepped in' and closed the door looking threw the peep hole.*
"hmm, it seem's where safe for now, that is."
*He took a glimpse at Lupa and shrugged his shoulders*
"the real question is, where the hell are we ? "
*he scratches his head' waiting for her to explain.*
She sighed as he looked at her, now to shy to carry out phase one of her plan. "I have no clue. I lived alone in the forest for years. This place looked like a good alternative to out in the snow." Suddenly, her plan seemed impossible. This guy seemed crazy about a lot of things, but none of them seemed to be anything like her. She started toward a flight of stairs. "I'm seeing if there's anything in here. You know clothes, beds, a bathroom or two. Neccesary things."

*vash watches her as she walks upstairs, he reply's to her when she told him what she was doing*
"okay, im going to check over by the kitchen and see if there's anything in here worth eating."
*he mumbles to himself*
" i damn sure hope so too "
*as vash scratches the surface, of the walls with his hand's he noticed they are dusty,*
"ugh, nasty wall's, this place could use' some cleaning"
*Vash yells uptowards Lupa' and loud enough so she can hear*
" HEYYY ~ ! ! maybe we can fix this up, and call it our home "
*vash continues looking therewith, the kitchen. His stomachs Growling Abnormally. hopefully he can find something. He Gasp's as he spotted a microwave*
" AH YES! , a microwave' there still is hope. "
*he opens it rapidly, to find nothing inside.*
"meh, Oh dammit. I hope the fridge has something in it"
*one amazingly thing happened when he opened that fridge. His eye's Bulged outta his head, as if the food stored inside was glowing. he lets a screech out the tip of his toung and rapidly grabs the food spotted and brings it to the microwave*
*he prances up and down as he sets the microwave too 3.00 mins' just to heat it up nicely. he doesn't want the pizza to burn. As it Beeps and Finshes he Grabs a Plate' From the cabby and Relies its Too Dusted. He lets the pizza sit in the microwave, for a couple extra seconds. while he cleans off two plates, looking at the rag in the corner. He uses the sink, as it drips nice clean cold water and washes the dishes in peace, once finshed. He Set the two plates in this old wooden table, that had Thankfully Two Chairs, There was 4 peices Total. so he gave two to Lupa, and Two For Himself.*
"come on down lupa, ur foods getting cold"
She smiled to herself when he said they could make it their home, hurrying downstairs at his command. "It's just pizza, nothing to explode over." She sat down at the table, looking at him. "During the shortened time I was up there, I managed to find a master bedroom, working tub in the bathroom, two closets, both with clothing." She smiled at him. "I think it would make a nice home." She giggled a little to herself, thinking there may be some hope of carrying out her plan.
Kitty giggled and blushed saying "I still like you thou". Kitty looked back at the boys as Sam lead the way to shelter. She liked the feel of the girls hand.

*Vash begins Tearing Threw the slices of Pizza, Rapidly As his Hunger grew'.
INdeed poor old vash was hungry. he pauses for a second too swallow and reply back.*

"Wow a working Tub and a master bedroom ?!?, Amazing!."
*vash settles back tearing threw the crust of the 1st slice, Ready to pick up the second.*
Lupa picked up a slice of pizza, eating it quickly and neatly before picking up her other slice. "Judging by the size of the house, there's probably another bedroom, maybe another bath." She took a few slow bites of the pizza. "Hungry much?" She smiled to herself and looked down at her plate. "The place would be nice, if it weren't for the dust."

"indeed, Very hungry."
*vash picked up the second slice' particularly tearing threw that one as well*
*Vash sends a wink up as a reply to her smile, sense he couldn't smile or food would be flopping out of his mouth. he looks around*
"yeah this place could really use some nice cleaning."
*he finally Finished both slices, and moves his plate to the sink and drops it in.*
"il clean that later, u said there was a bedroom' upstairs Right ? So i'm going to hop onto that bed you speak of and let my body and legs rest. Il Be There' If u need me' or anything, just give my name a shout."
*vash swiftly walks up the stair's trail-ling off he notices the door was open into the bedroom, he steps in and front-flips right onto the bed as he lays' and relaxes himself he smoothly looks up at the dusted, ugly ceiling.*
She finished her pizza quickly after he left, working a way to carry out her plan as she adjusted her oufit. She waited a few moments then quietly made her way up the stairs toward the bedrrom. She went into the bathroom, turning on the water, then went to quckly pick out a warm outfit from one of the closets.

*Vash hears the water and relaxes even more, he start chatting with himself*
"the noise of water, always seem's to calm me down"
* he crossed his legs and looked around,*
"this place is a dump, im'a have to fix it up if i want our home to be nice looking at least."
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