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Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Lupa found a nice warm outfit and a towel, enclosing herself into the closet for a moment. She stripped off the skirt and underwear with ease, struggling greatly with the lacing on the back of her corset. "How in hell did I get this thing on?!" She yelled inside the closet, wrapping the towel around her waist and exiting the closet again to ask for Vash's assistance.

*Vash heard yelling so he thought she was in trouble, he rapidly jumped up and sprung towards the wall*
" Don't worry i'am coming "
*he turned from the wall and exited threw-out the door. and froze when he seen lupa, He closed his eye's fast and turned around*
"uhm' Sorry Lupa i thought, i ahmum"
*vash struggled greatly with words in-till he found the right one's*
" i just thought u was in trouble and needed some help, il get back into the bedroom though' sorry. "
Xitco smiled at the neko's comment to him and walked swiftly behind them. "Coming Foxy?" he hollered over his shoulder and closely traced the footsteps of the girls. He heard what Kitty said and frowned. Suddenly he burst inbetween them, "I remember this place," he smiled and continued. "Where Trystan and you had a spin and almost blew our faces off." the feline broke their hands and took each in his own paws. "Where I saved you, never got a thank you either..." he said looking at Kitty with a look of concern and yet kindess. Xitco shrugged, moving forward and letting to of their hands, instead neatly placing them behind his back; ears swiveled round to hear them.

"help ?, "
*Vash turned around spotting the laced corset, he began trying to untangle it from her. As He Tugged it Firmly it Finally came undone and the corset dropped to the floor. vash eye's widen'ed knowing what had happened and if she turned around he' knew what he would see, he turned around quickly and wind blew onto her back, as if he disappeared. he layed swiftly back on the bed. Crossing His legs and putting his arms and hand's gently behind his head.*
(Damn. Gone for one day, and the RP is flooded.......)

Trystan chuckled, winking at Xitco when he commented about not being alone. "Nope. Not yet anyway." He laughed lightly, tipping his hat before going wide-eyed as Sam took Kitty by the wrist. "Oh yeah. Forgot about that spot. You wanna revisit some fond memories Sam?" He laughed again, jogging for a brief moment to catch up to the girls, wrapping his arm around Sam's waist, resting his head on her shoulder while looking at her cutely. "So fast to leave me and Fluffy behind? Oh, naughty naughty girls! I don't like missing the fun."
For once Xitco chuckled along with the kitsune, agreeing. "Id have to say the same!" he laughed softly and looked at Kitty. A smile in his eyes as they reached the building. The feline jogged ahead and swung open the door, closing it behind him. Dust settled on everything as the air sparkled with a grimy light. He grimaced as he arrived at the corner where he'd found the neko. "Almost seems like home huh?" he said openly as he walked back to the three of them. He eyeballed Trystan, who was oddly enough showing affection. "Lemme talk to you foxy." he said quietly with a low voice, looking a the rotting wooden planks.
Trystan's ears perked up, his head following. With a small smile, he patted the furry's shoulder, standing straighter before grinning fully at him. "Whatcha need Tigger? Something bothering you?" The smile grew wider, exposing cute little fangs that were signature for a kitsune.

(apologies.... massive brain fart.)
"I don't think we can trust them alone, not for long anyway." he whispered, his eyes narrowing as the fox started to smile like an idiot.

(I know me too, I had a hard time writing the one before, it's a 12:08am block XD)
She turned around, noticing that he was gone. She sighed, wrapped the towel tightly around herself and going into the bathroom. She turned off the water and slid into the tub, dropping her towel at the edge. She thought about the situation, wondering if Vash liked her. It was odd that she was thinking about this while she was sitting in the bathtub, at least she thought so. As long as he didn't come in, she wouldn't have to explain anything. She closed her eyes and slid further into the water.
Sam rolled her eyes at Trystan's comment about revisiting fond memories. "Not in particular. I just figured the building was in pretty good shape." She said, shrugging. She was a bit surprised when Xitco fan up and separated them, taking each of their hands in his own. She was a bit disappointed, but not horribly. It was actually kind of cute that he was getting jealous. She was soon distracted by Trystan, surprisingly acting adorable. She couldn't help but laugh a bit as he said they were so quick to leave the boys behind. "Nothing wrong with that. We can't have you two around all the time." She said, smiling mischievously at him. As the boys ran ahead to scope the place out, Sam went back to holding Kitty's hand, smiling over at the girl. "So, you and Xitco hmm?" She smirked.
Kitty nodded and said "almost went all the way till some dame boy in some Anime outfit decided to shot up the place". she still had a bit of anger in her eyes but quickly made it go away. she watched the boys a bit before saying "Thank you Xitco for keeping me alive". she turned to Sam saying "are you going to be mad at me for falling for Xitco it seems you and that kitsune have a thing going on if I'm seeing things right."
She laughed a bit as Kitty referred to the crazy guy who ran off with Lupa. She patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll distract Trystan for a while and you two can run off and have some fun." She said, winking at her. She couldn't help but laugh when Kitty asked if Sam was mad that she was falling for Xitco. And she only laughed more when Kitty mentioned something between herself and Trystan. "Why would I be mad? We could still fool around later when they're on patrol or something." She whispered, smiling at the girl. "If you wanted." She added quickly. "But I'm not so sure about Trystan, I still can't get a feel for whether he wants to just be around me or if he just wants in my pants." She whispered again so the guys wouldn't hear.
Kitty smiled and whispered back "anytime you want to fool around I'm game". she then waited for the guys to get back so she can try to get Xitco alone for a bit to have a nice chit chat with him. she wanted him to know she still liked him even if it seemed she liked sam. she could be with both can't she. she could not help but giggled as her tummy spoke to her.

*Vash stretched Up Comfortably, letting out a few yawns. As he jumped up, he walked over to the door. His Shoulder Started To un-numb' it's self as he's warmed up inside and there's no more snow', nore coldness.*

*He punched the wall, not with his good hand/Arm/Shoulder, But With his, Good Hand/Scratched Arm/Wounded Shoulder. only because if he had use his right side to punch, he would of broke threw the wall' with his fist. He uses his left caustically to train himself to snap back his shoulder in place As he noticed, its' only pulled.*
" AH! after all its only popped out' of place, and all this time i thought it was broken "
* he lets out a yelp' as he throws another fist at the wall. this time it lay'd a Hole threw followed by a SNAP,! He flexes *
" Vash, you done it again. Indeed, You Done it Again. "
After about 15 minutes, Lupa got out of the tub, draining it and putting on the clothes she had found. She headed out into the hall, seeing Vash and then quietly going the other direction, seeing if there were any other bedrooms. She was questioning herself on what to say to him, deciding only to say something if he talked to her first. She couldn't find a bedroom, but she found a sitting room, sitting on a beanbag in the corner. She made herself comfortable, curling into a ball.
Sam smirked when Kitty said anytime was good for her. She did like Kitty quite a bit, though she would step out of the way for Xitco if need be. She giggled a bit as well when she heard Kitty's stomach growl. "Well, while we're waiting, we could always start eating." She suggested. The guys were taking forever, so she figured that would be the best plan for now. "Maybe they'll smell the food and hurry up." She laughed a bit.

*Vash' heard the shower was off' and wondered where lupa went', so he best decided, to go check on her. As walking out of the bedroom', his eyes pierced around the place. making a puzzled face sense the place is utterly disgusting. he noticed lupa in the bean bag in the corner. He looks at her awkwardly ? *
"what's a matter, kiddo ? "
*he smiled as looking at her.*
She looked up at him, no facial expression whatsoever. "Nothing." She kept her response short, sinking into the beanbag. She liked the new clothes much better. They gave her much better skin coverage than her corset and miniskirt. She looked confused as to why he was looking for her. She still figured he didn't like her, due to his actions so far. She looked at the ground, her face still expressionless.
Kitty smiled and said "yes sam the food idea was a good one ". She said the magic words needed for food and soon they had sub sandwichs with soda and some salad. she made apple pie and cheesecake for dessert. She then sat down taking a sub for herself sense there was four and began to eat. She loved how the food tasted and stopped her tummy from talking to her.
Xitco leaned against the doorframe, sarcastically looking at Trystan as he watched the girls. In a blink of an eye Kitty made lunch. "C'mon foxy, time to eat." he licked his lips and barged into the room where the two girls were eating already. "Couldn't wait for us, eh?" he said in a friendly tone and looked back for Trystan. He sat down but stuck his head in close. "I gotta admit I'm bit wee bit jealous but I'll take Trystan off your hands if you want to....experiment I suppose." he whispered almost silently and leaned back, waiting for an answer. Xitco shrugged and looked down, taking his own share before the kitsune hogged it all. Starting with his own piece of cheesecake. Then onto the sandwich he removed every bit of tomato and scrunched his nose up at the little pile of stringy red on the floor. The feline felt his tails vibrating again, and felt it nessecary to ask; "Kitty what exactly did you do to me, these tails. I was born with one, then got forced to have two and now I have six?" he asked questiongly as he studied Trystan finally arriving to lunch. The cowboy sat and Xitco returned to the neko and her answer.
Trystan chuckled, shaking his head, his ears swiveling just enough so he could hear Sam's whispers. He'd have to ask her about that later, and maybe see if he couldn't set up some kind of surveillance system. And then he smelled food, his stomach growling slightly. "Shush you." It growled again, almost as if in defiance. "Shush, or you don't get any dinner." It stayed silent after that. The kitsune followed behind the tiger, plopping himself down besides Sam. With a small chuckle, he leaned in close to her, resting his head on her shoulder once again. "So," he whispered. "What's this I heard about debauchery while we were on patrol?" He chuckled, smiling up at her, exposing his cute little fangs. "And as for you not knowing whether or not I just want in your pants........" With a small smile, he nipped lightly at her neck, pulling away just enough to continue whispering. "It's a little of both." Finally he pulled away from her completely, leaving his tails to wrap around her almost lovingly. Protectively.
Kitty blushed and said "I think the spell went wrong but I wanted to give you an extra tail and be like the kitsune cause I was angry with him but did not attend to have the acid effect or you to end with six so I could try and give you back the one if you want but trust me when i say this some spells me not good at while I'm angry". she knew she just had to figure out what spell she messed up on and she could fix it. she took a salad and began to eat after finishing her sub. she blushed when she caught on to what he said about taking the kitsune and leaving her and Sam alone. She turned to the Tiger and said "Maybe later I really want to be alone with you" . she said it so only he could hear and Sam she did not want any smart remark from the kitsune.
Sam smiled as Kitty complimented her idea. She couldn't help but smirk when Xitco said he would take Trystan if they wanted to be together. "I'm sure if he found what we were doing, he would much rather watch than hang out with you." She said with a smirk. She laughed as Trystan asked about her little plan. "Well, I'm sure you heard correctly with thoses ears of yours." She reached up, rubbing one of his ears. A shiver ran down her spine when he nipped at her neck, and she actually blushed a bit when he said it was both. She smirked though, and continued eating, snuggling into his tails. They were so soft and warm. She would never get tired of him wrapping them around her. "Mmm, very good food." She commended Kitty.
Xitco shook his head, "I like them, they've grown on me...literally." he grinned with a little laugh that could have come from a hopelessly romantic actor in a film. He finished his food, avoiding the soda and sticking with water. The feline purred pleasingly when Kitty said she wanted him. "We could arrange that as well." he said softly and looked York see Sam pulling the fox's ear. He smiled, was this what people did before the war? Is this how they enjoyed life? He wanted to know but at the same time he was afraid of the answer. Years of stories about how fuel humans were forced him instinctvly to think otherwise...but Sam was such a gentle person, as was Lupa. Vash was another story. Xitco shrugged it off and scooched next to Kitty. "Even if he did want to watch I'm sure you'd never let him." he said to Sam playfully, his eyes narrowing deviously as he leaned against the neko. A pur erupted in his chest as he felt the room was silent. The feline always had a problem with silence, it reminded him of the effects of death. How it was all he would hear after he had died. I don't ever want to die, Xitco thought. To loose all this...well that just doesn't seem fair, he cocked his head but soon wiped away the thought. "So...?" he looked around curiously.
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