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Post Apocalyptic Fun.

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Trystan laughed lightly, shaking his head as he broke away from Xitco. In the blink of an eye, he was standing in front of the tiger, a deadly glint in his eyes. His third revolver had been holstered, giving him two. The tails around both of his gun arms started to glow, sending shivers up and down his spine as bullets filled the gun. "Heh. Looks like there's more then we though of you eh human? Still though. Moves like an anime." He chuckled, shaking his head, his 7 free tails fanning out. With a small wink,he tossed his right revolver up snapping his fingers, tossing a ball of white fire onto one of the walls, watching as it launched to the other side of the hallway, creating a firewall. "Your bullets are viruses that will find my firewall too strong to get past." He looked back at the people behind him, smiling. "Sorry for the bad joke. Felt it was most appropriate." He chuckled, snapping again and waving, letting the fire die down and catching his weapon in his hand. "Let me show you how I do it. You lost your lucky streak buddy. Should've just taken the test."
Xitco roared as the man forced out of his arms, and immediately got his handgun, reeling backwards as gunfire sliced the air. "Wait, so we aren't really that immortal?" he yelled at the fox, suddenly worried for his own safety. As the kitsune nodded he gulped a surppressed growl. His face and hands inched out of the doorway and he shot directly into the target he was after. The lead cut through his skin under his heart and shattered a rib. The squeamish crunch was a reassurance tithe feline as he pulled into safety again. "Dammint Kitty!" he said aloud, pulling her into the shadow and he guarded her with his large body, tails swaying over the wooden floor. He leaned forward again and hoped to god Trystan now knew which damn gun was loaded.

*as vash dived behind the wall he noticed the girl' that he had helped before he rushes to her, very fast worried she's hurt sense she's the only one that truly accepted him*
"listen we have to go take my hand i have a plan, but' the steps are a ducey, if you know what i mean"
*he looks at the window'*

*with the firewall spreading' the girl leaving him alone, he had no where to run' surely he could of stayed and fought gunman to gunman, but the strange character was right' vash cannot show love and peace if he keep's perusing this lifestyle', his eye's die down and he returns into normal form'
he dives rapidly out the window as it sh-adders and makes a ridiculously amount of noise, he hits a car landing*

" UGHHH~! my shoulder' dammit thank you god' for at least a car there for my downfall "
*although hurt very very bad vash maintained the pain and was able to escape' as he dash rapidly to safety' he marched hurt-full' and staggered a bit, he noticed an alley way, perfect for a low key rest area. he stopped and dragged himself into the alleyway and closed his eyes.*
" Love and Peace Vash , Love And Peace ! "
She got of the building, fixing her corset so it was no longer falling off her left breast and flipping her skirt down to cover her underpants. She saw Vash go into the alley and followed him closely. It wasn't like her, but she figured saving one other life would help boost his self esteem a little. She saw him and very quietly sat across the alleyway from him.
Kitty felt xitco grab her as bullits came flying her way. She felt most of them land around them but one it landed in her tail. She closed her eyes against the pain and said "xitco I'm sorry just wanted to finish what we started never felt like that before ".

*As Vash kept his eye's shut he suddenly ended up falling asleep. as his back arched ageist the dirty,gritty wall of the alleyway. His legs' stretched out firmly on the ground and his black dusted combat boots, placed flat ageist the wall. As Vash keeps a peacefull sleep*
Xitco nodded, his hand running over her long hair. Hopefully Trystan didn't notice. The feline let his forehead press to her neck and he looked up with concern as her tail was shot. With her on top of him, he leaned against the wall and gripped her tail carefully. "Omay, do you have healing powers or are we going to have to pull it ourselves?" he asked quietly, not looking to anyone for help. The tiger frowned upon her pain but smiled at the blushing thought that she read did want to go with him. And be knew he wanted it too. His thumb pressed down where the bullet protruded and he gritted his teeth. His other hand firmly grasped hers as he waited for her to do some kind of magic to aid her.

*Vash Suddenly Arose swiftly to A noise he felt near him His eyes peirce to the left near the end of the nasty hallow' alleyway. Then they move to the right' and then he see's the girl, that left him.*

" Oh' it's just you "
She looked up at him. "Ya, just me. Not anybody with a gun." She sat up, adjusting her skirt again. "You almost got yourself killed in there. Last time I checked, the hero always does two things: Lives a long, healthy life and gets the girl. Well, you've pretty much screwed yourself over on the life thing, so tell me, what are you besides a 'hero'?" She looked at his eyes, thinking back to the hiker again before sweeping him from her mind and focusing on the present.

*he spreads a grin over his face*
"you' dont have to worry about me', and getting myself killed. Meh' if you' think that's it, you should of seen me before. "
*his grin turns into a friendly smile showing his dazzling,stainless,white teeth.*
"Only A Hero' Sweetheart. I'm Only A Hero."
*he takes a breathe, smells the air. Realized he's partiality Hungry. his stomach lets out a large Growl' of hunger, it Sounded as a tiger was inside his belly.Vash jumps from the sound' not a, he got scared jump or startled, but a more like he was embarrassed jump.*
" Yikes,"
*he paused as he looked around*
"man im hungry"
She giggled when he jumped and looked back at the collapsing building. "One of the other girls can make food. But, if you went within five feet of Trystan, he wouldn't hesitate to shoot you at this point." She sounded genuinely worried about him, and she was. He had wanted to save her life, and in the process, it seemed he'd hurt his shoulder. She looked back at him, particularly his eyes.

*vash looks, back at her.*
" That guy, meh enough of him for the time being. "
*vash starts walking down thee' other side of the alleyway' as searching for a place to eat, rest area. Maybe Something More comparable, Or Maybe Vash Himself Didn't Even Knew Yet. As walking away his trench coat' cape sides behind him, He Almost Fell'*
" DAMMIT ~ ! ! ! "
*He angrily Stood up Flexing his hand around his wounded shoulder.
and keeps on walking*
She sat there, making herself small as she watched him walk away from her. She wasn't gonna let herself make a big deal, after all, she barely knew the guy. There was just something about him that was different than most, and she was hoping it wasn't his species. She let herself smile a little, so she wouldn't look upset.

*He Reaches Thee End of the Alleyway. The Light is shinning threw as He steps out, and turns smoothly around looking at the girl.*

" well ?, You Coming ? "

*Vash Winks*
Lupa got up, stopping herself from asking if he was talking to her. Of course he was, she was the only one there. She walked out after him, rather quickly to catch up, blushing very lightly at the wink. She didn't want him to know she liked him, so she looked down at an angle that her hair covered her cheeks. She stopped when she caught up to him, looking at him, forgetting she was blushing.

*Vash noticed her blush, he just didn't hint or mention he seen it. He begins to step out into the world' Car's are Smashed Whiteness covers the area' he perceived his eyes forward, looking for some area' as a house or lounge. where a stove might be as walking around the mess of thee area he noticed there was a white scuffled card' with lipstick smeared all over it, he opend the card and a note was left, he picked it out to unfold.*

" To The One That Finds This, May U Keep Your Heart Close. For I Will Find You. By the scent of this NOTE !. "

*he spoke it loudly for his companion to hear,*
"weird, thats creepy."
*a shiver went up his spine, as he turns to her to see her reaction about it.*

" a gun, a pretty little thang like you "
*vash almost chokes on his chuckle that he lets out*
" im sorry, where are my manners. indeed i may be a hero, but i also have a powerfull side"
*Vash Winks Again*
" only for good though' i dont like violence i am all about Love And Peace "
*as vash turned around he did his lil sign and wink*

" as for this note lover, meh i don't think this would be too much of a problem' judging by the lipstick smears this has to be a female "
"You'd be surprised what this 'little thing' can do." She gave him a look like she knew something he didn't and looked at the note again. "And trust me, a girl can do a lot. Especially to a guy. Guys have that thing about not hitting a girl that we can use against you." She smiled and kept walking.

*Vash Read the note one more time, sticking it into his pocket. he eye's down the street-way where he have seen something across the street' a runner of sorts, looked more like a mare shadow. His Shoulder was killing him he kept it in his grasp. as sharp pain rose into his back as a ravaging raptor.
he let out a little yelp as he fell to the ground one knee down as a knight would greet a princess.*

"this pain, i think i may have broke my shoulder. "
* vash eye's the women walking away, and suddenly relieased he haven't got her name but she knows him. He Speaks softly and kind asking such a question.*

" Excuse me, But Miss. ? i haven't got your name. "

" Nice to Meet you Lupa, i think il be fine. when i dove threw the window' i landed on-top of a car. i think my shoulders broken, i cant be to sure. "
*vash tried to stand but tumbled and fell into Lupa's Arms*
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