On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"Alright then we'll take what we can get whatever it may be" ,Krys said in response. She didn't want to be related to Bellatrix in any way but would suck it up if it meant keeping them all free.
"Beggers can't be choosers, right?" She stated they would be free so long as they could act right as a fake little family. She finished her cupcake taking another drink of milk.
"You got that right, we'll just put on a stupid little act until we know we're safe" ,Krys said in response. She leaned back onto a tree and stretched her legs out.
"Exactly and at least in public, behind closed doors we should be fine..." She replied he back was starting to hurt from the way she was sitting. She closed the wheat thins box, looking up to the sky.
"Yeah we can do whatever we want while no one can see us" ,Krys responded. She looked over at Bellatrix, "You alright"? She asked noticing the woman shift positions with a look of discomfort on her face.
"Damn straight, in the house we can do every and anything any of us what to. So long as no one can see us." She stated, trying to relax. "Hm? Yeah I'm alright, it's just my back, it's starting to hurt...It happens from time to time.."
"Ah why don't you go lay down I can keep an eye on things for a while" ,Krys suggested, even if the woman couldn't sleep laying down may help her back a little.
"You sure? Alright I lay down for a bit then I'll be back," she stated, "Oh don't forget to tie the food up high we don't know what creatures are lurking in these woods." She stood and went silently into the tent, not wanting to wake the other two. Bellatrix laid down and tried to rest.
Krys watched as Bellatrix left and instead of tying the food up she put a shield charm on it so that nothing could get inside she also put a cooling charm on the fresh food to keep it from going bad. She kept a careful watch on the area making sure no one came and found them.
Laying down did help her back, though she wasn't nesscarily comfortable. Bellatrix's body wasn't what it once was. She looked to the other two, sleeping at opposite sides of the tent, She smiled, then yawned. After awhile Bellatrix drifted off to sleep, not meaning to, but it had over came her.
Krys sat awake all night she figured she could sleep when they were safe for sure. When the sun came up Krys looked around as she waited for everyone to wake up.
Bellatrix saw the light through her eyelids, opening her eyes, looking around to the other two still sleeping, She sat up and since she didn't see Krys she figured that Krys either was up all night or that she had woken up earlier. Bellatrix stood and looked at the two again, She then shook the two awake, they've slept long enough. "Wake up you two, We need to get moving, and hunting." She stated. Iracebeth awoke and sat up, stretching with a yawn. Bellatrix then climbed out of the tent.
When Krys seen Bellatrix come out of the tent she stood up and walked toward her, "So are we ready to find a place to stay? Are the other two awake"? She asked with a yawn, she was tired and it wasn't hard to tell she hadn't gotten much sleep.
"I'm ready, I didn't mean to fall asleep... do you want to rest a bit before hand You look exhuasted?" Bellatrix asked feeling bad for falling asleep, and Krys probably didn't get much if any. "Iracebeth is... Draco I'm not sure about."
Draco made his way out of the tent and looked at Krys then at Bellatrix, "You awake sleepy head"? Krys asked, she then looked at Bellatrix, "I'll sleep when we're settled in don't worry" ,she told her in response. Draco nodded his head at Krys' question then yawned.
"Alright.." Bellatrix replied. Iracebeth followed out after Draco, looking at the other two. "So what's the plan?" She asked sleepily. "We're going house hunting." Bella responed.
"Not a clue..." Bellatrix said she had the idea but she didn't know where to start. "Well what exactly are you looking for?" Iracebeth asked, unsure if they were looking just at houses then if so how would they purchase such a house.
"Why don't we stay in the woods but get close enough to see some houses in the neighborhood that way when we see something we like we can go for it"? Krys suggested to the group.
"Sounds good to me," Bellatrix responed, whatever course of action would be fairly good, so long as it gets done so they don't get caught. "We're stealing a house..I'll explain the rest later but if you want a roof over your head by tonight then we have to get moving." She told Iracebeth.
Draco looked at Bellatrix a bit shocked, "We're stealing a house"? He asked with a tone of disbelief. "Yeah we're stealing a house Draco and we need to get moving" ,Krys told him in response.
Bellatrix looked at him curiously, "Yes and a few lives with it, you wanna live or not? If so let's go." She stated and started to walk off towards the edge of the woods, where they could see but couldn't be seen.
Draco swallowed hard at the mention of taking lives, he never had the stomach to kill anyone and he hated the fact they were going to have to stay safe. Krys noticed the nervousness in his eyes, "Don't worry Draco I'll take care of it you don't have to kill no one alright relax" ,she stated then followed Bellatrix.
Bellatrix stopped for a minute turning to look at Draco as Krys spoke to him. 'What a baby...Krys was right he would die out here if he was alone.' Bella thought she rolled her eyes and continued seeing several houses. Stoping and hiding to get the overview of the houses. "So what do we think?" she asked to no one in particular.
Krys looked around at a few of the houses as they passed them, she spotted a white one that had a decent sized yard and a swimming pool. "I want the one with the pool if it has four people we're taking it" ,Krys stated looking at the house, waiting for someone to come outside.
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