On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

Bellatrix stopped and looked at the house with the pool that Krys wanted. It was a decent size much smaller than anything she's ever lived in, except her cell, but it would do. the plan was wait for the family to come out or at least wait for one to search there mind to find out who lives with them. "Sounds good to me...any objections?" She asked, the other two. Iracebeth shook her head 'no' she didn't want to kill anyone either even if they were muggles.
"Alright now we wait" ,Krys stated as she stood there looking at the house. She yawned as she stood there, she was tired and just wanted to sleep.
"That's all we can do." Bellatrix stated resting her back against the tree. Shestood there watching the house until someone came outside. The back door opened there was a woman with a laundry basket. "Do you wanna read her or should I?"
"I'm too tired maybe you should so the reading is accurate" ,Krys admitted. She knew when she wasn't capable of doing something and could admit it and this time she was definitely too tired to read anyone and Draco didn't know how to read people so Bellatrix was the only one that could.
Bellatrix nodded her head, she looked back towards the woman hanging her clothes. The woman had no blocks on her mind so Bellatrix read everything and anything, if she was to protest this woman for a time period she'd have to know all that she could. As quickly she was in she was back out. "There's four of them, A mother, a father , and nrother and sister. Now should we wait until nightfall or attack in the daylight?" she wanted to be settled into their new house but she didn't want to be seen.
"We can wait unless of course we're sure we could be discreet" ,Krys said in response. She wanted to go to sleep but she also didn't want to rush anything and get caught.
"I think we should wait...as soon as they see us they will scream and try to run causing some kind of commotion, we should wait until we have the night to cover us. Bella replied. They didn't know if they were all there anyway might as well wait.
"Good idea Bellatrix" ,Krys stated. Draco looked at her confused, he wasn't used to the two ever agreeing with anything. He turned to look at Iracebeth and smiled at the girl wondering how she was feeling.
Bellatrix nodded her head slightly, "Thanks Krys." She replied, Iracebeth looked between the two of them, she's never heard them agree or get along with eachother. She then noticed Draco looking and smiling at her, Iracebeth smiled back at him, she spoke but chose not to most of the time. She didn't really want anyone to know her, the only one who did was Bellatrix who she looked to as a mother figure.
"Alright well I'm a bit hungry so let's go back to the tent and make some food and relax for a bit, after I eat it's my turn to nap seeing as me and Bellatrix will be doing the killing later I need some rest" ,Krys stated turning to walk toward the tent.
"Sounds good Krys," Bellatrix agreed, she was slightly hungry and she'd probably nap as well, she got more sleep than Krys but she didn't get enough. "We have food?" Iracebeth questioned not remembering grabbing anything. "Yeah Krys went shopping last night." Bella replied starting to head back to the tent. "Come on you two."
When Krys got back to the tent she made a fire to cook on and started going through one of the bags, "You guys can go through the other bags and pick something out to eat if you want" ,Krys told the rest of the group as she pulled a few things out of the bag.
Iracebeth went through the bags with Draco, to find something to eat. Bellatrix went over to Krys. "What are making?" She asked curiously, unsureif what she really wanted. If it comes down to it she might just eat her wheat thins.
"I'm going to cook this steak right here and possible some eggs just have to summon up a frying pan" ,Krys told her in response. She was hungry and wanted to make sure she was full before taking a nap.
"Sounds good," She stated, Bellatrix was used to not eating, for long periods of time so she should be fine. Bellatrix took the wheat thins and went in the tent. Iracebeth found the cupcakes, she tried one but had the same reaction as the other two it was alrightbut it couldhave been better.
Krys looked at Iracebeth and laughed a bit at her reaction to the cupcakes, "My thoughts exactly you two wants some eggs"? Krys asked. She then looked toward the tent, "BELLATRIX, YOU WANT SOME OF WHAT I'M MAKING"? She yelled so that the woman could hear her.
Iracebeth looked at Krys having a feeling she was laughing at her, since the box was already open. "Sure, so long as they don't taste like rotten cupcake." Iracebeth stated. Bellatrix poked her head out of the tent, "No need to yell, Sure might as well eat something other than crackers..." She replied, slipping back out of the tent.
Again Krys laughed a bit at both Bellatrix's reaction and Iraceneth's statement, "Alright then I'll make some food for us all" ,she said right before summoning a frying pan and placing it on top of the fire. Draco agreed to eat some of the food as well so Krys cooked enough food for everyone.
"THANKS KRYS." Bellatrix yelled back being a smartass. Iracebeth laughed slightly, "Yeah Thanks Krys." Iracebeth replied. They all waited for Krys to finish cooking the food. "Did anyone pack or 'buy' plates?" Bella asked no matter, she summond four, "Cissy won't mind she has tons."
When Krys finished cooking she divided everything up between the four of them then took a bite, "Hm it's not bad if I say so myself" ,she stated, she wasn't sure how it would come out but she was satisfied.
"For muggle food it's not bad. " Bellatrix responded eating her meal. Iracebeth also liked it got rid of the cupcake flavor. When Bellatrix finished she set the plate on a stump, "Draco, Iracebeth you two Keep watch so Krys can get some rest, even though I received some sleep it won't be enough for later." She stated then went to the tent.
After finishing Krys put her plate next to Bellatrix's, she nodded her head in agreement after Bellatrix spoke, "If anyone shows up petrify them I know you two don't like killing so just make sure if anyone comes over here they don't get away", Krys stated in a very serious tone before making her way into the tent.
"Okay, we will," She didn't mind stunning or anything but killing wasn't her thing. Granted she didn't want Draco to know that, not wanting him to think she was weak, though if she was he would be too. Iracebeth finished her food and put her plate with the others.
When Krys got inside the tent she laid down and let out a sigh of content, she looked over to Bellatrix, "So you think we're safe with those two on watch"? She asked, she trusted them but they weren't as vicious as her and Bellatrix and the last thing they needed was them having sympathy and letting someone go who stumbled upon them.
Bellatrix looked over to Krys, she thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I think we're safe, so long as they don't talk to them and can hear the victim begging for life we should be alright. All they have to do is stun whomever and get me or you, it really shouldn't be that hard." Bellatrix confirmed, sure the two were soft but if they wanted to live they'd listen.
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