On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"It sounds great Krys,very entertaining. I brought the two upstairs, They're looking at their rooms. This box is interesting...Why don't we have these?" She informed and questioned. She'd have to check this box out more later, She was waiting for Draco and Iracebeth to come downstairs, so they can tell them there new lives at least for a little while, for if they run into trouble.
"Yeah it is I dunno why we don't have them" ,Krys stood up when the show was interrupted by a man with a weird suit on talking about something called a car. "I'm going to see if they have any alcohol I could use a drink".
"Hm? Well we have one now..." She stated, She shut it off for now. "If they...we do bring it out I could use one too."
"Will do" ,Krys stated as she walked off to search the house. When she finally stumbled upon a bar she grabbed a bottle off of the shelf and brought it back into the room where Bellatrix was. "Found some".
Bellatrix looked around the living room at pictures and nik naks. Then thought of something she wanted to try this. Bella thought long of what the mother looked like and saw a picture, she pointed to wand at herself and transformed herself. She looked the same but different. "Great," Her voice sounded different too. Bellatrix turned reveiling what she had done. She looked cleaner, healthier, and she was blonde just like the mother who just died.

Krys watched as Bellatrix transformed herself then walked off, "I'll be right back I'm gonna go find a picture of dear old dad and change into him" ,she stated. Bellatrix's way was better then using polyjuice and worked more effectively so Krys decided to use her method. Picking up a picture that was on the dresser in the parent's room she looked at it memorized it then pointed her wand at herself and muttered the spell to make her look like the father. After transforming Krys looked into the mirror at her new self, she had to admit she didn't look to bad. She made her way back to where Bellatrix was and looked at her, "So what do you think"? She asked. The man was American so it would take some getting used to the different accent but Krys knew she would be alright as long as she stayed focused. She looked over at a young man sitting on the couch that she knew was Draco and smiled, "Not bad, not bad at all my friend" ,she stated. The father and the son in this family had a lot of similarities and Krys wondered if the boy had an American accent as well or if it was only the father.
"Alright." Bellatrix replied, she still had the london accent so that worked out for her but her voice had to be softer than normal. Bellatrix knew all sort's of tricks her method was fast than polyjuice and was more reliable, and affective. Bellatrix went into the bathroom to look at herself and she never thought she'd be blonde, it reminded her of Narcissa. only darker. Bellatrix was back out going through various things that she found in draws and such. Bella looked back to see Krys, who didn't look half bad, "Very nice...How do I look?" She asked she felt strange looking the way she did, it wasn't bad there were similar quailities, but it was different. She turned her attention to Draco wondering when he got there. She looked at him she liked him better before but he wasn't too bad now. She couldn't wait to see Iracebeth. Iracebeth saw a picture of the girl transforming herself into her. She didn't care for the new look she hoped she didn't have to stay like this all of the time. Iracebeth went downstairs to join the others, seeing a blonde Bella and two men who she assumed were Krys and Draco.
"You don't look bad in fact you're very pretty and I mean that, not that you weren't pretty before of course" ,Krys stated. She laughed a little at how deep and manly her voice was. "I'm definitely gonna have to get used to this". A curious look came across her face and she looked at Bellatrix, "Hmm I wonder...." ,she stated right before looking down into the pajama pants she was wearing. A smirk came across her face, "I got a big one" ,she said laughing a little. "It needs to be waxed or something though that much hair is just gross". Draco laughed loudly after Krys finished talking, "It's funny that's one of the first things I checked as well" ,he stated. He had an English accent which Krys kind of expected seeing as the children probably grew up in England.
Bella turned her head and glared for a minute, thinking Krys was pulling her leg. When she realized she was joking, her face softened. "Thank you Krys.." Bellatrix didn't really know what to say never really thinking she'd hear those words come out of her mouth. "I think we all are..." Bella replied, hearing Krys in such a manly tone, they all looked different. Bella looked back at Krys confused, unsure what she was thinking until Krys looked in her pants. Bella laughed slightly, "We didn't need to know that...nor do we need to know how hairy you are..." Thought it was funny it was strange they were looking and talking about parts that weren't there. Bellatrix looked at Iracebeth, "You're curls are gone...and you're blonde...You look very nice." She said reasurringly having a feeling Iracebeth felt strange too. "So are yours, and so are you...Thanks...this will take time to get used too." Racey replied.
Draco and Krys laughed for a little bit, they finally felt safe even if they didn't look like themselves they were more relaxed and could let loose a bit. "So who wants a drink"? Krys asked. "I definitely do" ,Draco said in response. Krys poured everyone a glass and handed them out. "To us starting over and sticking together" ,Krys stated holding her glass up smiling.
Bellatrix opened her arms for Iracebeth, knowing she didn't feel right about this. Iracebeth went into Bella's arms, she knew they needed to survive even if it ment to cost of others, but it still hurt. "Here, here" Bella said she definately needed one, Iracebeth did too. Bella held her's up, "To starting over...and staying together" She agreed smiling they needed each other more than ever. Iracebeth followed suit, "So what are our names and our family name?" She asked curiously, they still needed to know everything about who they were.
"Good question, we'll have to look around and go through some stuff and figure everything out" ,Krys said in response. She took a sip from her glass then looked at everyone. "I know this feels awkward but it's necessary at least we're not in Azkaban and we're together so it's not like we'll be lonely" ,she continued noticing the look on Iracebeth's face. Krys knew both her and Draco were the most upset and afraid out of the group and wanted to comfort them a bit.
"Names shouldn't be hard to find, they are normally everywhere, we just need to know which name goes to the right person." Bellatrix replied. Bella rubbed Iracebeth's back a bit. "Hold this I'll be right back." She stated handing over her glass, then went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl full of water, bring it back to the living room. "I'm starting to get a head ache." She replied she was holding too much information in her head. She took her wand and pulled out everything Iracebeth needed to be her character, and put it in the bowl. "Put you're head it the bowl." She stated. Taking her drink back. Iracebeth did what she was told getting the information she needed.
Krys watched curiously as Bellatrix came back into the room with the bowl of water, she was just about to ask what it was for when Bellatrix started clearing her head. Draco looked at Krys, "So did you get the memories from the son"? He asked. Krys looked at him with a very serious expression, "You mean you didn't get them yourself? I didn't know I was supposed to get the memories for you I was focused on my own task" ,she said in response. "Draco you need to start taking responsibility for yourself I can't be here to hold your hand all the time". A look of complete and utter terror came across Draco's face, "I-I'm so sorry I-I just thought that since you and my aunt were taking care of everything a-and...." ,Draco began but was cut off. A smirk came across Krys' face, "Relax I was just messing with you I got the memories ,now go get me a bowl of water so I can empty my head" ,Krys stated. She knew what she did was a little mean but she kinda wanted to scare Draco a bit, the boy needed to learn how to take care of himself and Krys was going to push him to as long as he was under her supervision.

When Draco came back with a bowl full of water Krys did the same thing Bellatrix did and emptied the memories into the bowl and had Draco stick his head into the bowl. Krys took another sip from her glass and watched as Draco and Iracebeth collectedthe memories they needed to.
Bellatrix looked back at Krys shocked Draco couldn't have read the boy before Krys killed him. Did she really forget to read him? Bellatrix nearly had a hissy fit. They would have had to do this again if she didn't. Bella took a deep breath, and sighed when Krys said she was joking. Bella looked back Iracebeth. Iracebeth finished taking in everything she needed. Pulling her head out of the bowl she put her hand on her head receiving such a head ache having all the information rush into her head. Iracebeth sat down and relaxed, letting everything sink in.
When Draco finished taking everything in he sat back and rubbed his temples letting out a groan of discomfort, "Wow that was a lot to take in" ,he said right before sipping his drink. "Yeah just imagine how me and Bellatrix felt having to take double of that in all at once" ,Krys said in response. After Krys finished her drink she stood up and walked into the bathroom, when she got inside she shut the door and stripped down. She then pointed her wand at her body and muttered a spell to remove all the unnecessary hair, the only hair left was on her head. Feeling more comfortable now that the hair was gone she put the pajama pants on and left her shirt off and walked out of the bathroom. When she got back to where everyone else was she sat down next to Draco, "Now I know why you guys walk around shirtless when you're not in public, it's quite nice feeling" ,she stated before refilling her glass.
Bellatrix was glad that the pressure was out of her head. She thought a minute making sure everything was out of her head, "Oh one last thing Iracebeth you have a date on Friday." She stated a little bit of information that hadn't slipped out with the rest of it. "I have a what?" Iracebeth asked in shock and confusion. Bellatrix downed her drink, and poured her another one. "Yeah you have a boyfriend and are going out Friday, we can discuss it later." Iracebeth quickly drank her drink to calm down. When Krys came out with out her shirt off, Bellatrix saw her She didn't look too bad, not bad at all, in her male form.
"Speaking of dates Draco has one too, I guess me and Bellatrix will be alone for the evening on Friday, from what I gather Draco's date consists of spending the night at his girlfriends house" ,Krys said after over hearing Iracebeth had a date. She refilled everyone's glasses then leaned back and took a sip of her drink, she ran her fingers up and down her stomach that was very muscular and toned. "My skin is smooth and soft" ,she said with a tone of satisfaction.
"Oh does he?, See Iracebeth you won't be alone, depending on the cercumstances, maybe you could go on a double?" Bellatrix stated. Iracebeth just looked at Bellatrix shocked, "We have to go on dates with muggles?" She more so stated and that they were willing to let/make them go off. Iracebeth looked at Draco to see what he thought. "I'm glad you are so into your new body." bellatrix comment looking over at Krys.
"Yes you have to go on dates with muggles but it's alright it's not like you have to marry or sleep with them I mean the worse that could happen is a little making out" ,Krys said in response to Iracebeth. "As for Draco you're going on a camping trip with your girlfriend so I have no clue what you'll be doing". She smirked at him, Krys loved to mess with Draco he was so easy to get worried. Krys turned and looked at Bellatrix, "I am into my new body in fact after all this is done I may just transform into this body every now and then just for fun, hmm speaking of being into my body seeing as I am your husband when do I get the chance to get into your body"? Krys asked jokingly. She then took a sip from her glass and winked at Bellatrix.
"True...I guess that's not so bad." Iracebeth replied. She looked at Bellatrix "where am I going?" Bellatrix thought for a moment. "I don't think he told you yet. Maybe a surprise." Bella replied. "Have fun Draco use protection, muggles have deaises." Bellatrix teased Draco it was cute. Bellatrix looked at Krys and listened to her talk about the male body, She was smiling even through her jock. "Just because your my husband and we share a bed, doesn't mean you are getting into my body, you have your own." She teased back taking a drink.
"Oh but what the fun in sleeping in the same bed if we can't do anything, plus if you don't do something to satisfy me soon I'll have to turn to my secretary from the office" ,Krys teased. "Yeah dear old dad is having an affair isn't that just a kick in the teeth". Krys laughed a little before taking yet another sip from her glass. "So you two are going on dates this Friday, I'm a cheating lying jerk what's your dirty little secret Bellatrix"?
"Please Krys you can have your secretary...Not in front of the kids! They don't need to know that...What we do in our own time and what you do in your spare time...Should not be discussed in front of our children." Bellatrix spoke softly and concerned. She then took a drink, then looked back to Krys confused. "Secret? What secret? Just because you have ahorrible secret doesn't mean I do. I have no secrets, I love my husband and my beautiful children to death, and would do anything for them." She spoke in a sweet caring motherly tone.
Krys' face turned a deep shade of red before she started laughing hysterically, "Well ain't that a change and please Bellatrix don't talk in that tone it's frightening" ,Krys said in response. "So I guess I'm the scumbag of the family huh? Oh well might as well live it up right"? Krys looked around the room as she sipped from her glass.
Iracebeth looked to both Krys and Draco, she was shocked, by Bellatrix wanted to see what the other two thought, watching then as Krys broke out into laughter. Iracebeth smiled and laughed lightly. "Shut up!..." She snapped, then realised what happened fixing her mistake "I mean be quiet..." She stated firmly. "But dear what are you talking about? This is my tone, this is my voice?" She stated in the same tone that Krys called frightening. Breaking out of it. "That's gonna be hard. Yeah I guess you are, the scumbag." Bella finished her third glass.
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