On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"Thanks for the compliment Bellatrix" ,Krys said in response to the scumbag comment. "So how long do you think you can keep up with the charade"? Krys asked. She wasn't trying to be a jerk she really wanted to know how long they would last playing as these people.
"I didn't mean it rottenly for once... I was agreeing with you, him/you are cheating on your/his wife/me. So that makes you the scumbag. "I don't know...hopefully long enough I give us at least two weeks and at most a month." She stated thinking that if they could get there plans set everything will work itself out. "Yes I said us you three will need to work on it too."
"I know Bellatrix I was joking as well" ,Krys said right before sticking her tongue out playfully. "So I think I have to get to bed soon seeing I have work in the morning" ,she stated. Krys was glad she had read the man thoroughly or else she may not have gone and would've screwed everything up. "So wanna help me pick out a suit and tie for tomorrow dear"? Krys asked jokingly making Draco laugh a bit.
Bellatrix stuck her tongue out playfully too. "...and you kids have school, off to bed." Bella stated after Krys said she had work. "Sure dear...I'll help you." she teased Krys back. Bellatrix headed up to the bedroom grabbing a bottle of wine on the way.
"Fabulous love I'll meet you in the bedroom then" ,Krys said in response. She made her way into the bedroom and opened the closet, a look of satisfaction came across her face for a muggle this guy had some great taste in clothing. When Bellatrix walked into the room Krys turned and looked at her, "I'm liking our choice of location more and more, for a muggle this guy has some nice clothing" ,she stated. It was no secret Krys enjoyed dressing well and she appreciated a nice tux or suit and she now had a closet full of them.
"Is it me or are they playing into this a little too well?" Iracebeth asked Draco before heading up to her room. Bellatrix looked over at Krys seeing the satisfaction on her face. Bella took a swig of her bottle, "Do you? Does he? I just can't wait until this is done..." She then opened her closet and everything was lightly colored, pinks blues yellows light greens. "I have better taste."
"No it's not just you they're both nuts" ,Draco said in response. He loved his aunt and Krys but sometimes they took things too far. Krys looked over at Bellatrix as she opened her closet and laughed, "Oh now that is freaking great Bellatrix Lestrange wearing pink this is going to be fun, I wonder do you have matching pink panties to go with that dress in there"? Krys teased. Even though she was joking the thought of Bellatrix in pink lace panties kinda excited her.
"Good night Draco." Iracebeth said and went upstairs to bed, since they had to get up early for school. Bellatrix looked over the things in her closet she saw a black and a red dress but they were evening dresses, for dinners or elegant parties. Bellatrix glared at Krys, "You're just loving this aren't you?" She asked, redundantly. "I probably do, this sucks!"
"Good night Iracebeth I'll see you in the morning" ,he said in response. Draco made his way into his room which was directly across the hall from Iracebeth's. Krys continued to laugh as Bellatrix went through the closet, "Oh yeah I am freaking loving this so much you have no idea" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's question. "So you gonna come over here and help me pick out a suit"?
Iracebeth went in and changed into her night clothes and went into bed thinking about all of the things that happened. Bellatrix stood there and was brooding over her new outfits. She shot the death glare to Krys. She took another drink from the bottle. She rolled her eyes, and walked over to Krys, still on her feet after having three drinks now the bottle. She looked at Krys' choices, Bellatrix pulled out a black tux with a dark yet shiny green tie. "Well?"
"I like it, you always did have good taste" ,Krys said with a smile. She then smirked, "Up until now that is" ,she said jokingly. She snickered, "....Pinky...." ,Krys couldn't help but pick on Bellatrix, she knew how much the woman hated pink and this was just priceless. "You know if you don't like your pretty little pajamas you can always sleep naked". Krys took the bottle from Bellatrix and took a sip from it waiting for Bellatrix's response.
"Thank, Krys." She replied, she glared at her again. "I didn't choose the clothing. They were donated." She replied bitterly. "There's more than pink in there mister." she knew Krys was doing this to torment her. She'd find something to rag on her for in time. Bella looked shocked and dumbfounded, "Your out of your mind. I'll be fine in my new pajamas."
"OK it was just a suggestion jeez calm down" ,Krys said in response. "You still have to sleep with me whether you like it or not" ,she smirked cockily after she said that. Krys made her way over to the bed then took her pajama pants off so that she was just in her boxers then climbed into the bed and put the blankets on, she smiled then patted the spot next to her. "Are you coming to bed dear"?
Bellatrix went into one of her draws and pulled out a night dress that was a baby blue. She went into the bathroom, and changed, wrapping the matching robe around her. "You wanna bet? I don't have to sleep in this bed, but to get better with this act, I will. Yes dear I'm coming to bed." She replied and turned off the light going over to the bed climbing into it. Getting under the covers.
Krys had to admit the woman didn't look bad in the night dress at all. When Bellatrix climbed into the bed Krys rolled over and wrapped her arms around her, "Good night dear, now gimme a kiss" ,she stated sarcastically puckering her lips. She laughed a little bit at her own joke Krys knew Bellatrix's reaction was going to make her laugh even harder.
Bellatrix tensed and her back arched, she wasnt keen on this. Sure they were supposed to be married, but this was a bit far. "Good night Love...I will bite them off. If you want to keep them don't dare." She threatened, she was behind closed doors, and could do whatever she wanted. She didn't have to keep up this act. "Go to bed you have work, I have to be up with you three, actually before you three."
Krys laughed even harder then rolled over, "I'm only messing with you Bellatrix relax it's all in good fun" ,she stated. "Good night dear I'll see you in the morning before I go to work". After a little while Krys fell asleep it was nice to lay in an actual bed under actual blankets and she didn't mind Bellatrix sleeping next to her in fact she got used to it after a while seeing as they had to sleep near each other while camping out.
Bellatrix's mind was still in a fragile state she just couldn't handle all of this, sure it needed to happen this why. But with the loss of the war, her lover and leader, now from being the most feared dark witch to happy dantiy house wife. This was quite a lot to put in. "I know I figured you wanted a laugh...Goodnight, indeed you will, so will the children bright eyed and bushy tailed." She replied, as herself then as the other would, only with a touch of sarcasum. Bellatrix rolled facing away from Krys, getting comfortable in the bed, it was warm and cozy. Bella didn't care really she was in a bed that's all see cared about. She fell asleep and slept through the night, until her mental alarm clock went off at 5:00 in the morning. She shifted and looked over at Krys, seeing her still asleep. She slowly and carefully slipped out of bed treading quietly, to her closet. Bellatrix grabbed a white dress, with black floral designs, the flowers tinted in a lime green, also having a green and black stripe on the top and bottom of her dress, it was very 50's styled sundress in a sense. with a pair of white flats. Her hair blonde, it was shorter then normal hair, and it was much neater. Bellatrix snuck downstairs, following the woman's normal routine, she was off to make breakfast for her family. She began, cooking bacon, sausage, eggs, and pancakes. Plus she brewed coffee, set the table. Now she waited for the others to awaken.
Krys woke up to the smell of food being cooked, she slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. After she finished showering she got dressed in her clothes for work and made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning sweetheart breakfast looks great " ,she stated. Krys walked over to the coffee pot and poured a cup then leaned against the counter and watched as Bellatrix made everything, "I didn't know you could cook".
Bellatrix turned her head to see Krys. "Mornin' dear. Thank you." she stated with a smile. Bellatrix continued on making up the food for the plates. According to how the routine went, the children should be up and getting ready for school, then down for breakfast so they would be along any minute. Bella looked to Krys, "Theres a lot you don't know about me...just because I was spoiled and a house elf always cooked, doesn't mean that I didn't learn how to just in case." she stated plating up the food, putting the set plates on the table. "Children come on! You'll be late for school if you don't hurry!" Bellatrix called. Iracebeth brushed her hair, and teeth, got dressed, and was practically ready to go besides breakfast. She was wearing a pinkand white striped sun dress that went to her knees, with a pair of flip flops it was strange not being in uniform. Iracebeth came down stairs and sat at the table. She didn't mind ger wardrobe too much she liked her dark colors but the light colors didn't bother her
Draco got dressed after showering, he put on a pair of jeans and a red and white striped polo t-shirt. When he got down stairs he sat at the table and looked at everyone. "Do we have to got to muggle school, can't we play sick or something" ,he asked. "No you're going to school and that is final" ,Krys said sternly like a father would when their child didn't want to do something they were supposed to. Draco shot Krys an angry look and Krys just shook her head then sat down at the table to eat her breakfast.
As soon as everthing was finished Bellatrix sat down waiting for the two. Eventually they came down to join them. "Bout time you two came down." Bella said smiling to they, in the act of a mother. Iracebeth had been thinking the same thing Draco had. "Listen to your father." Bella stated sternly but still sweetly. "Well since we're playing happy family...Mom, dad what are our names so we know what to anwser to?" Iracebeth asked. Bellatrix looked at Krys that was a very good point she didn't know their names. "Check your school papers?"
Draco looked through his back pack and pulled out a folder and went through it to find his name, "My name is....Thomas apparently....Thomas Kent" ,Draco told everyone as he shoved the folder back into his backpack. "So what's everyone else's names"? He asked curiously. Krys looked at him then reached down and grabbed the briefcase that was next to her and opened it pulling out a few papers that were signed, "Mine is....James Kent" ,Krys told everyone. She then looked over at the other two and waited for their responses.
Iracebeth went through her bag and pulled out a few papers. "Julia Kent..." She replied, Bellatrix had nothing by her, she stood and went to one of the drawers. Pulling out a letter, "Boy... My name's more interesting than yours, Lucinda Kent. Lucy for short." She said and sat down again. She got an interesting name. Veryones was very run of the mill while hers was different.
"Very nice names ladies" ,Krys said right before taking a bite of food. "Mm this is really good thanks" ,she continued looking at Bellatrix....well....Lucy. After she finished eating she stood up, "Well I'm off to work I'll see you all later when I get home" ,Krys said right before walking out the door, she had tucked her wand into the inside pocket of the suit so that no one would notice it. Luckily she also read a book on cars and how to drive them or else she wouldn't be going to work at all. When she got in the car she turned the key to start it, she then pulled her wand out and muttered a spell that would help her to not get into any accidents then drove off.
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