On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

Finally Friday night had come and Draco packed a bag for his little camp out he was going to be having with Tracy. He looked in the mirror and sighed he didn't want to go on this date but he knew if he didn't then it would cause problems. Rick was sitting in his basement with a few of his friends before he had to pick up Julia, "So guys fifty says I seal the deal tonight" ,Rick stated. He took a hit from the joint being passed around while his friends all placed their bets, some were for him and some were against him. After Rick was finished doing what he had been doing he got in his car and drove to Julia's house to pick her up. Krys was sitting on the couch watching the box, there was a fighting show on that she enjoyed watching, a knock on the door broke her concentration from the television and she stood up and made her way to the door and opened it. "You must be Rick I'm James, Julia's father come in" ,Krys stated stepping aside to let the young man in. "She should be ready soon take a seat on the couch and make yourself comfortable while you wait". Rick sat down beside Krys on the couch, "So Mr. Kent you're a fan of wrestling"? Rick asked. Krys thought for a moment, confused with what he said but then realized that what she was watching on the box must've been called wrestling, "Ah yeah I love watching people beat the crap out of each other" ,she told him in response. The two sat in silence after that waiting for Julia to come downstairs.
Iracebeth was getting ready for her date with Rick. She was not looking forward to this, Not one bit. Iracebeth came out in a red dress, that went down to her knees, it was a sun dress, the weather had been warm enough to wear them. She curled her hair, and put on light make up. She wore black flats on her feet. Iracebeth went to find Draco when she saw him, she asked, " Do I look alright?" Bellatrix was downstairs in the kitchen finishing the dishes, she would have used magic but she knew they had guests. She was also cutting up a chocolate pie she had made for dessert. She heard a voice other than Krys' so she went out seeing a young man. "Dear? Who's this?" she asked though figuring he was here for Iracebeth. "Could I get you a drink or something?" She asked.
When Draco looked over at Iracebeth he swallowed hard before responding, "You look absolutely beautiful, How do I look"? He said in response opening his arms to show off his outfit. He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts, a black polo t-shirt, and some black nike sneakers. "Oh this is Rick, Julia's date" ,Krys told Bellatrix. When Bellatrix asked Rick if he wanted something to drink he smiled kindly, "Yes please may I have a soda pop"? He said in response. "I'll have one too Lucy if it's not too much trouble" ,Krys said smiling kindly at Bellatrix.
Iracebeth smiled brightly and blushed as Draco, said that she looked beautiful. "You look simply dashing." She stated happily. "I'm saying this now I'm glad we are car pooling, we'll have to grab you date I don't think she's downstairs, Rick's here." Iracebeth informed Draco, She was glad she wouldn't be alone with Rick. "Oh pleasure to met you, I'm Lucinda, Julia's mother. Of course you may, no trouble love. I'll be right back." She said and went into the Kitchen opening the ice box and grabbed three bottles of pop and a bottle opener. Bellatrix returned to the living area with the box handing Rick and James there drinks. "James could you open mine? I can't seem to get it." She asked Krys sweetly being the sweet caring perfect wife and mother figure.
"Thank you Iracebeth I'm so glad we're all in this together having you around has been such a relief from everything if you weren't around I think Krys and my aunt would drive me completely nuts" ,Draco said in response blushing a bit himself. The boy definitely had a crush on Iracebeth but he couldn't tell her his feelings at this point in time because he was currently her brother. "I am not looking forward to spending the night with Tracy she's probably going to try and sleep with me and quite frankly I don't wanna catch anything". Krys took the bottle from Bellatrix and opened it with no problem, "Here you go honey" ,she stated with a loving smile. She looked over and seen Rick struggling with his own bottle, "Hand it over here champ I'll open it for ya, don't worry I won't say anything" ,she said. Rick sighed then handed the bottle over and Krys popped it open for him. "Thank you Mr. Kent and thank you Mrs. Kent for the soda" ,Rick said kindly right before taking a sip from the bottle.
"Me too, I'm glad we're stuck together the four of us, Without Krys and Bellatrix we'd be lost. And without you I'm sure I'd go insane because of them too." She replied, blushing again. Iracebeth liked Draco but she was too shy to tell him plus she was currently his sister. "Well don't sleep with her then. Find away out of it, dis Thomas ever sleep with her? I'm not looking forward to this either...I hope Rick can keep his hands to himself. at least you have set plans later, while I have no clue what he's planning." Iracebeth stated they were going with the flow of the evening. Bellatrix waited for him to open her bottle, "Thank's sweetheart." She stated smiling sweetly back. She watched as the boy struggled, Bellatrix was at least faking it this boy seemed a little pathetic. "No problem Rick." she stated taking a sip herself.
"No from what I've gathered Thomas never slept with her but he had wanted too, gross huh" ,Draco said in response to Iracebeth. He sighed then looked at her, "Well I guess we should get going we shouldn't keep Rick waiting plus we want to get to this movie place on time, also if he tries anything I'll kill him, you make sure he brings you straight home after the date ok" ,Draco said he knew that no matter what Krys would probably set some ground rules for this guy and if he knew what was good for him he'd follow them. As soon as an ad came up on the box Krys stood up and looked down on Rick, James was a tall muscular man and Krys knew she looked intimidating to the boy, "Alright Rick here's the deal I know my son has a little camp out tonight so I don't expect him home until tomorrow but I expect Julia home no later then eleven understand if she isn't home by that time Dad comes looking for her and you do not want me on your bad side understand"? Krys stated. Rick looked up at Krys with a terrified look on his face, the young man definitely didn't want to piss this man off, "Yes sir you have my word that she'll be home five minutes before eleven" ,Rick stated a bit shakily.
"That's good maybe you can convince her to wait then... That's pretty gross. " She stated. The guru was a slut and Rick was a tramp. "Yes I suppose we should, we have the movie to catch plus we need to get Tracy. Draco no worries I dont want to stay with him so I'll be sure he brings me right home, you be careful too and if you can't avoid it at least use protection." She stated wanting to help him as much as he was trying to help her. Iracebeth headed to the stairs with Draco stopping to listen hearing Krys setting Rules shevwanted to wait until she was done. Iracebeth heard that he was scared so it should be fine. Bellatrix watched the two smiling. "What a good lad," She state then she noticed the kids, "look here they come." Bella said still smiling. Iracebeth heard Bella. " I think that's our cue," Racey whispered.to Draco going down stairs she wasn't worried too much now.
Draco stopped as well smirking as he heard Krys talk, "See I knew she would have your back and like I said if Rick's smart he'll listen I've seen what Krys could do without magic and it's pretty scary" ,Draco stated. He patted Iracebeth on the back gently before they made their way into sight. "Yep I guess that is our cue" ,Draco replied. Rick stood up and smiled as the two made their way toward him, "You guys ready to go, Tracy's waiting for us at the theater" ,Rick told them. "Remember what I said Rick you have my baby girl home by eleven no later" ,Krys stated reminding the boy. "Yes sir I will have her home safe and sound five minutes before eleven" ,Rick said in response. Rick made his way outside and got in his car and started it Draco sat in the back seat so that Iracebeth could sit with her dat and he could sit with his since that would be the proper thing to do.
Iracebeth went over to Krys and her date, "Night daddy," She hugged her trying to say thank you, without saying so. "Night Mum." She said toward Bellatrix then walked out with the two. "Becareful baby." Bellatrix called after. Iracebeth sat in front with Rick and Draco was in the back. She took a deep breath and they were off.
As soon as everyone was in the car Rick drove off to meet Tracy at the theater, when they got there Tracy nearly jumped onto the car to get to Draco. "Thomas"! She shouted excitedly. Tracy opened the door and threw her bag in the backseat next to Draco's then pulled him out of the car. Draco went willingly with a smile on his face to keep up with the act, he let Tracy lead him into the theater and up to the ticket booth to purchase their tickets.
Iracebeth watched the scene take place. It was horrible she felt awful for Draco. She got out of the car and waited for Rick so they could go into the theatre together. "You coming Rick?" she asked, unsure if he needed a minute or not.

Bellatrix's face fell it was starting to hurt from smiling. She took a sip of her drink. She looked to Krys "Wanna piece of pie?" Then walked into the kitchen to get her a slice. "My face hurts this woman smiled too much."Bella stated
"Yes love I'm just locking up the car" ,Rick told her. When he finished locking the car he made his way over to his girlfriend and walked her inside, when inside he purchased their tickets then made his way into the theater and sat next to Tracy and Draco. After the movie was over Rick stood up and stretched, he then looked at Tracy, "I'm gonna need you to put your address into my GPS so I can drop you two off" ,he stated. "Let's get going though I have to have Julia home in an hour or else the big bad dad is gonna 'hunt me down'" ,Rick said cockily. He had more courage now that Krys wasn't standing in front of him. Draco stood up and followed him out of the theater and got into his car Tracy did the same. Rick waited for everyone to get into the car before he drove off.
Iracebeth walked in with Rick, and waited as he bought the tickets, they were sitting with the other two. They watched the movie in peace, which shocked Iracebeth figuring Rick would try to do something. They left when the movie was over, she hopped into the car with everyone else. Krys wod knock his out and Bella would kill him.
Tracy put her address into the GPS then sat back as Rick began to drive. When they pulled into the driveway of Tracy's house her and Draco got out, he opened Iracebeth's door and gave her a hug before following Tracy into her backyard where the tent was set up. When the two were out of sight Rick backed out of the driveway and drove off again. After a little while they finally pulled into the driveway of Iracebeth's new home. "There's still a half hour left of our date so I figured we could ya know have a little fun" ,Rick said with a smirk. He leaned in and kissed Iracebeth softly then ran his hand up her skirt.
When they got there and Draco got out Iracebth hugged him. "Good night Thomas." She said as ge went off with Tracy the car ride was rather quiet. Then as they pulled into the driveway, she was about to get out. Until she heard him speak, "Well..I.." She was going to call it a night but was cut off by his kiss. She felt his hand run up her skirt, she went to grab his hand before he could touch anything. Still kissing him not to have it seem too awkward.
"Don't fight me Julia you know how long I've been waiting to do this" ,Rick said rather angrily. He then went back to kissing her only this time he pushed his hand into her panties. Krys was sitting on the couch when she noticed that Rick car had pulled in, she waited for Iracebeth to come in the house and when a good ten minutes passed she stood up to go look out the window to make sure everything was ok.
"And Rick I've told you I'm not ready." Julia said rather frightend. She went to grab for his hand again but she was too slow. He had his hand in her panties. Iracebeth started to fight and struggle with him she tried to scream but was muffled by his mouth. She couldn't reach her purse, which had her wand in it, She was screwed literally if Bella and Krys had gone to be. Bellatrix was in the kitchen waiting up for Iracebeth it was getting late. Iracebeth pulled away from him trying to get out of the door.
Rick wasn't letting her go he knew what he wanted and he was going to take it, or so he thought. After a few minutes of looking out the window Krys noticed Iracebeth struggling and Rick forcing himself on her. A look of complete rage came across Krys' face and she stormed out of the house and towards Rick's car. She grabbed the handle of the door and flung it open then grabbed Rick by the collar of his shirt and threw him onto the driveway. "You perverted little mother fucker" ,Krys yelled angrily. "Julia get in the house I'm gonna teach this boy a lesson". Rick looked up with terror in his eyes, the young man was on the verge of pissing himself when he seen the rather large man standing over him, when Krys reached down Rick cowered but was still pulled up to his feet. As soon as Rick was standing Krys punched him in the face at least four times before punching him in the gut. When Rick bent over in pain he got a knee to the face then was shoved back in his car and Krys grabbed him by the throat and looked into his eyes, "You listen and you listen good, if you EVER come near my daughter again I will fucking kill you I will take a knife and cut your fucking dick off and shove it down your throat and make you choke on it you understand" ,Krys yelled. Rick just whimpered and nodded his head, "Now get the fuck off of my property while you still have your balls attached to your body". Krys watched as Rick drove off, she knew she had put a fear in him that he would never be able to shake, there was no way in hell he would bother Iracebeth again unless he was an idiot. Krys made her way back into the house and grabbed a few drinks from the fridge and opened them, she handed one to Iracebeth then sat next to her. "If he bothers you again hell if he even looks at you funny you let me know cuz' if he does he's a fucking deadman" ,she stated in a calm tone. She rubbed the girl's back gently trying to comfort her.
Iracebeth started to cry without magic he was stronger than her. She continued to struggle and scream. Iracebeth's eyes open wide with relief as she saw Krys.  She was in shock as Rick flew away from her. Iracebeth nodded, her head grabbing her bag and running inside. Tears still falling from her eyes.  She looked around then heard a noise in the kitchen and went to it, finding Bella. Bellatrix looked up to Iraceberh, "Iracebeth? What happened? What's a matter?" Bella asked concerned stand walking over to her. Iracebeth fell into her arms weeping, Bellatrix walked her over to the seats, having her sit down. She held her trying to calm her. "Shh it's alright everything things alright!" bella would find out when Krys came in. Iracebeth nodded to Krys words. "What did I miss?" Bella asked
When Bellatrix asked what happened Krys looked at her, "Rick decided to get a little too touchy feely with Iracebeth, I dread to think what would've happened if I didn't catch him, to think he had the balls to try and pull that shit in our driveway" ,she began. "He's either on his way home or to the hospital that kid's probably gonna be pissing blood for a week after what I did to him, perverted little fucker". Krys was pretty angry and disgusted with how Rick acted it only furthered her hatred for muggles even more.
"That asshole!! My poor baby...should've killed him where he stood. Thank Merlin you saw it and stopped it, that bastard! Muggles are so fucking stupid!! You'll never see him again, Sweatheart he'd be stupid to bother you. Thank you Krys, you make a good provider and protector for this family. Who knew they had this many problems..." Bellatrix couldnt believe this happened to Iracebeth, this made her original hatred grow.
"Yeah I'm glad I caught him when I did and it's no problem the only thing keeping me from killing the kid was the fact that I would go to jail for it and it would kill me to leave you guys, we've got to stick together" ,Krys said in response. She stood up and walked over to the front door and locked it. "I have half a mind to get into the car and go pick up Draco Merlin knows what that little slut he's with is trying to pull".
"Yeah...true we couldn't afford you going to jail, and would ruin our social standings. We need to stick together at all costs." Bellatrix stated agreeing with her. Bellatrix watched her, as she walked to the door. Iracebeth stood and went into Bella's arms. Bellatrix stroked Racey's hair. Bellatrix's eyes went wide, "Krys we have to get Draco... He may be in just as much danger as Iracebeth was." Bellatrix said worriedly.
It only took Krys a few seconds to think about it before she agreed, "Yeah let's go guys" ,she stated. Krys didn't want to leave Bellatrix and Iracebeth home alone and she knew that she needed to go pick Draco up. She made her way outside and got into the car and started the engine. Krys waited for Bellatrix and Iracebeth to get into the car before driving off. Draco sat in the tent with Tracy who was grabbing at him in all sorts of uncomfortable ways. He pushed her away gently and looked at her, "Listen Tracy I'm not ready for this" ,he stated. The girl just looked at him, "Oh baby you're just nervous, here let me do all the work, you just lay back and relax" ,Tracy said sweetly. The girl wasn't being mean about it but Draco just didn't want to sleep with her, "No Tracy I don't want to do this yet, I want my first time to be special and being inside a tent in your backyard just doesn't feel right to me" ,Draco pressed. "But I want to fuck, I've been with you for nearly two months and we haven't even went passed second base it's getting kinda lame Thomas" ,Tracy snapped a bit. Draco was at a loss for words he didn't want to anger her to the point where she made him leave, mainly because he had no idea how to get back home but he also didn't want to be there with her being so nasty to him.
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