On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

Bellatrix looked at Krys as she thought, as soon as she said 'let's go' Bellatrix was confused, "You want us to come too?" she asked curiously. Bellatrix motioned for Iracebeth to get up, which she did the two still had their arms wrapped around each other. Bellatrix went in the back with Iracebeth, still comforting her. Iracebeth still had tears in her eyes. "Krys do you know where Draco is?" She asked unsure if she knew where the girl lived.
"No I don't know where she lives but Iracebeth's been there, she was there when Prick dropped Draco off" ,Krys said in response. She looked back at Iracebeth, "Do you remember where her house is? If not do you mind of I read you really quick or Bellatrix can even do it if you feel more comfortable with that". Draco sat quietly while Tracy looked at him a bit dumbfounded, "Listen Thomas let's just do this I don't see what the big deal is are you gay or something? I'm hot and I can get anyone I want and you're just going to continue to deny me" ,Tracy said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
Iracebeth looked to Krys, and shook her head, she didn't remember nor did she want to speak. Iracebeth looked at Bellatrix, and nodded Bellatrix read Iracebeth quickly. "Make a left, here then go straight, make a right at Johnson road. It's a white house, with a red door, blue tent outside, silver van." Bellatrix repeated to Krys.
"Alright, thanks hun" ,Krys stated not even realizing she had called Bellatrix hun. She followed Bellatrix's directions and drove to Tracy's house. When she pulled into the driveway she put the car in park and was just about to get out when she seen Draco walking out of the tent with his bag slung over his shoulder and Tracy followed him out with an angry look on her face. "Fine leave you fucking faggot, by the way we are so done I'm gonna go inside and call up my ex at least I know he'll fuck me" ,she snapped right before turning around and storming into her house. Draco looked up and noticed the car and Krys in the driver seat, he sighed then got in the passengers seat, "How did you know I would need a ride"? He asked. "I didn't we just wanted to come pick you p after what happened to Racey we were worried something might have happened to you as well, guess we were right huh"? Krys said in response. "Nothing happened to me I wouldn't have sex with her so she kicked me out, told me to walk home.....wait....what happened to Iracebeth"? Draco asked with a worried tone, he looked into the backseat and seen Bellatrix holding Racey. "What happened"? He asked again his eyes filled with concern. Krys pulled out of the driveway and drove off.
"No problem, dear." Bellatrix hadn't even registered the fact that Krys had called her hun. When they got there, Bellatrix saw the little whore yelling at Draco, and he was walking off with his bag. Bella listened while Draco spoke, "Very good dear glad you didn't do anything with that thing." Bellatrix stated she was proud of Draco. Iracebeth heard his worry and concern, and she hid her face into Bellatrix. "We'll discuss it later Draco," Bellatrix said reluctantly, Still holding Iracebeth closely.
"I agree she's been through enough tonight let's just leave it alone for now" ,Krys said in agreement. Draco nodded his head he knew if Iracebeth wanted to tell him what happened she would. After a little while they finally reached their house and Krys pulled into the driveway and shut off the car. "Alright guys I'm not gonna push a bedtime tonight seeing it's a weekend and it seems like you've had a shitty start to the weekend but I don't want you two worrying about anything because from now on I'm gonna make sure no one fucks with you two no matter what that takes" ,Krys stated before getting out of the car. "Come on guys let's go inside and have something to eat".
The ride home was quiet, riding in silence. When they got home they listened as Krys spoke to the kids. "You both know that if you mess with one then the rest get involved, you know I won't have either of you two messed with." Bellatrix confirmed. When Krys said to get something to eat, "They's a chocolate pie in the fridge that I made for dessert earlier." She stated, opening the door going inside with Iracebeth, to dish out the pie.
"Pie sounds delicious right now" ,Krys said in response as her and Draco went inside with Bellatrix and Iracebeth. When they got inside Krys locked the doors then looked at Draco and Iracebeth, "Why don't you guys go into the parlor and turn on the box, I'll bring you both some milk to go with dessert" ,she suggested. "Alright sounds good to me" ,Draco said in response. He made his way into the parlor and sat on the couch then turned the box on and switched through the channels until he found something he figured everyone would like to watch.
Iracebeth didn't want to leave Bella's side. Nor did she speak, or look anyone in the eyes she was greatful to Krys. Though she was still frightend by what happened, he touched her inappropriately and was going to take advantage of her. Iracebeth silently went into the parlor and sat in the couch, curling her legs up under her. she didn't want to tell Draco. She really did like him, and she wasn't sure what he would think. Iracebeth stared at the ground looking at the box every now and then. Bellatrix was in the kitchen plating the pie pieces.
As soon as both Draco and Iracebeth went into the other room Krys turned and looked at Bellatrix, "OK so what do we do now? I mean do we keep quiet about this or should we have that perv arrested" ,she sighed then grabbed her forehead as if she had a headache. "I'm so lost on what to do this parenting thing is a little difficult, I'm gonna go sit with them for a little while then I'm probably gonna call it a night". Draco looked over to Iracebeth, "Are you gonna be ok? I know you don't want to talk about what happened and I'm not going to push you but I just want you to know I'm here for you" ,he told her. He wasn't really sure how to handle the situation since he didn't know what had happened.
Bellatrix looked over to Krys, "Well, we can't really get him on anything to be honest, he was playing around with his girlfriend, he didn't actually rape her I don't think we have a case.I guess we stay quiet....first step breathe and calm down. Do you want some pie? Alright dear." Bellatrix said grabbing two slices getting ready to bring them in. Iracebeth looked at Draco, thinking a minute before nodding that she would be okay. She nodded again knowing he was there for her.
Krys made her way into the room with Draco and Iracebeth and sat down in the recliner, she looked toward the box but wasn't really watching what was on it. She wanted to stay awake as long as everyone else did so she decided to wait on going to bed she wasn't really tired anyway. Draco wasn't sure if he should put his arm around the girl fearing she would push him away or get mad, "Do you want a hug or something" ,he asked wanting to console his friend.
Bellatrix brought in the pie slices putting them on the coffee table. She went back in to grab milk. Iracebeth looked around again before hearing his question, the pie looked good. She looked at Draco and debated quickly,she wanted a hug and to beheld, but he was a boy but he was Draco and Draco wouldn't hurt her. She nodded Racey reached her arms out.
A smile came across Krys' face when she seen Iracebeth reach out for Draco to hug her after he asked if she needed one. It was good she still trusted him. Draco moved closer to Iracebeth and wrapped his arms around her in a loving and protective way, "Everything will be ok I promise, whatever happened we'll get through it together" ,he whispered so that only Racey could hear him.
Bellatrix returned with the glasses of milk, stopping when she saw the Kids hugging, She had missed something. She figured Iracebeth needed a hug. Bella brought Krys' slice over to her with the milk. She then grabbed her own slice. Iracebeth cuddled into Draco, smiling a bit at his words as she stayed in his arms.
"Thank you" ,Krys said after Bellatrix handed her a glass of milk. She continued to look at the box to try and take her mind off of things, she was worried for Iracebeth the girl had to go to school with the guy that attacked her. Krys figured she would wait until she was alone with Bellatrix to discuss that matter. Draco held Racey close to him as he watched what was on the box he too thanked Bellatrix for the milk and the pie.
"You're welcome." Bellatrix replied to the three, knowing Iracebeth would have thanked her. Sitting down to eat her own pie, Bella wasn't paying attention to the box, she ate her pie, and continued to think of getting rid of that horrible boy. He seemed so nice, but he was really stupid, he was afraid of Krys but he still attacked Iracebeth. If she was still in her world she would have just waved her wand and down he would've gone. Once she was done she put her feet up on the ottoman and relaxed for a little bit. Iracebeth stayed close to Draco, safe in his arms, she grabbed her pie and ate it, she needed something sweet and chocolate was always good.
Krys ate her dessert pretty quickly then sipped on her milk slowly. After she finished her glass she set it down on the table then leaned back still staring blankly at the box. Draco ate his food without letting go of Iracebeth, he didn't want to leave her side knowing she was upset. After a little while Krys stood up and looked at everyone, "I'm gonna go upstairs now you guys have a good night ok" ,she said. She walked over and patted Racey on the back gently. "Don't you worry about a thing ok" ,Krys said before walking off. When she got upstairs she sat on the bed and turned the box on that was on the dresser, it was smaller then the one in the parlor but she didn't care she only turned it on to have the noise in the room.
Iracebeth stayed in his arms, finishing her pie. She continued to stay there, she watched the talking pictures on the box, they kept her mind busy. Bellatrix looked at Krys as she got up. Iracebeth nodded her head when Krys said it would be okay. A few minutes later Bellatrix stood taking the plates and glasses into the kitchen. She clean they later she just wanted to relax. She walked back out and over to them "Goodnight guys, don't stay up too late." She said then kissed the two on there forehead. And went upstairs to find Krys, she went into there room and grabbed one of her nightys, this one was light green she was trying to avoid the pink one at all costs. Bellatrix quickly changed in the bathroom. When she came out this time without the robe. Bella made her way to the bed and sat down.
"Goodnight, we won't" ,Draco said in response to Bellatrix. He sat and continued to watch the box while holding Iracebeth. When Bellatrix walked into the room Krys' attention shifted from the box for a moment to look at her, when she disappeared to the bathroom Krys looked back to the box. Deciding she would change while Bellatrix was in the bathroom she pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top to put on. She finished changing just as Bellatrix walked out of the bathroom, she sat down on the bed next to the woman and looked at her for a moment noticing she didn't have a bathrobe on like she usually did. Bellatrix had a very nice body and her legs were perfect, Krys couldn't help but look. She started to feel herself getting aroused and quickly turned her attention back to the box and tried to avoid any awkwardness, that was the last thing they needed right now.
Iracethbeth cuddled with Draco on the couch as they watched the box. Bellatrix then got herself comfortable, laying down on the bed. She looked over at Krys. "What a night huh?" she stated smiling a bit. "So I think unless they fall in love with someone no more dating...sounds fair?" she stated she was worried and concerned. Iracebth had been attacked, and Draco very well could have been.
"Yeah I agree tonight was a real eye opener we don't want anything like that happening again" ,Krys said in agreement. "Unfortunately now a days all kids want to do is date or fool around, nobody wants to spend the night at home or have dinner with their family it's ridiculous I mean I'm still a bit young but I was raised a lot differently I guess it's just muggles who dropped their values huh" ,Krys stated. It bothered her a lot that both Iracebeth and Draco were treated like garbage.
"it just means we don't fit in with muggles. They are trashy and after one thing, no winder there are so many of them. Draco and Iracebeth were raised the same. We all have values, this is why muggles must be destroyed." Bellatrix stated this was bullshit, they were only here for a few days and had been treated like trash, well at least the kids Krys went to work and Bella hasn't had any interaction with people other than Rick.
"It only shows we can't just keep laying low and not doing anything about it, you're right they do need to be destroyed and you know what it starts with us doing something" ,Krys stated. She knew it would take time and they would have to build an army but it wasn't impossible. Krys sighed then looked at Bellatrix again, "So what do we do for now"?
They were going to have to do something about this. She just didn't know what. Bellatrix noticed Krys looking at her. "Um I guess we continue to act like a normal family." She stated they couldn't do much at the moment.
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