On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"Alright Krys no worries... You've been cheating on us?" Bella asked her having forgot about it, she felt a little hurt by this, it was James, cheating on Lucy but Krys was James and she was Lucy so. "Let her try something in my house." Bellatrix said, when Krys sat down with her rubbing Bella's back Bellatrix cuddled into her.
"Yeah we talked about it but do you want to know why I came home so early? It was because I couldn't stop thinking about you, I told Rachael to get the hell off me so that I can go have lunch with.....with my wife" ,Krys told her. She didn't want to continue the affair even if that's what James would do, deep down she had to admit that she was developing feelings for Bellatrix. When the woman cuddled into her she wrapped her arms around her and held her close.
"Yeah that was my next question, Why were you home so early?"She asked curiously. "What? You couldn't stop thinking about me? Why? You stopped it...to come have lunch with me?" She asked Bella was all confused. Bella continued to cuddle with Krys a few tears escaped her eyes.
"Yeah I couldn't, and yeah I did" ,Krys said in response. "I can't explain it Bellatrix but I care about you everything that's happened and all that we've been through.....I'm sorry I shouldn't be laying all this on you right now". Krys fell silent and continued to hold the woman in her arms, she wished she could understand where theses feelings came from.
Bellatrix didn't know what to say tears were still in her eyes and she hated showing emotion, like when they were back in the tent, she hid when she was crying. But she didn't care her day had just gone to hell and Krys was there to hold her. She stayed in her arms and cried, she had feelings for her too. Though she wasn't sure how to show them.
"Tell ya what I'll cook for the kids tonight you try and relax alright" ,Krys suggested. She knew the woman would probably have a hard time relaxing after what had happened but Krys was going to try and help her relax as much as she could. Krys kissed her forehead softly as she continued to hold her close.
Bellatrix listened to what Krys had said, and agreed. "Okay you can cook tonight." She stated. She felt like a child clinging to her father for protection. Her body was shaking, still shooken up from this. "Krys I forgot to pack the kids a lunch and they'll be home soon would you mind making them something Iracebeth hates school food and won't eat it and Draco's normally hungry again."
The next few days were spent cleaning out the office near Krys and Bellatrix's bedroom, Krys had set everything up like her office at work. She made her way downstairs to wait for Rachael to get there and drop her work off for the week, she also wanted to take a break form everything and make an excuse to see Bellatrix for a bit.
Bellatrix had done most of her chores that day she helped Krys with her office. Bellatrix was in the kitchen making a grocery list. Once that was done she spotted Krys, "Hey Krys I'm going shopping do you need anything?"
"Hm not that I can think of" ,Krys stated. She walked over to Bellatrix and watched her write down the shopping list and thought if she needed anything, she still couldn't think of anything. "Here take this with you you're gonna need it" ,Krys said reaching into her pocket pulling out her wallet. She pulled some muggle money out and handed it to Bellatrix.
"Alright then, I'll be back shortly." She stated when Krys said she didn't think she needed any thing. "Oh right thanks, I almost forgot." Bella smiled and gave Krys a hug, "I'll beback shortly." she stated and with that she was gone, she had learned to drive watching Krys.
Krys hugged Bellatrix in return and watched as she left. Almost as soon as Bellatrix had left Rachael knocked on the door, Krys sighed then opened the door. Without hesitation Rachael just pushed past Krys and walked in the house, she set everything on the table then turned and looked at Krys, "So James where's the wife"? She asked. "She went shopping she should be back soon so you should leave" ,Krys said in response. "Nonsense we can get a quicky in" ,Rachael pressed. "No" ,Krys said flatly. Unfortunately the girl wouldn't take no for an answer, she walked over to Krys and pushed her against the counter and unzipped her pants and within seconds had her exposed and in her mouth. Krys closed her eyes not wanting to look a look of complete dissatisfaction on her face, she knew Bellatrix was going to walk in on this and blame her, she was going to be pissed.
Bellatrix was on her way when see realized she had forgotten her list, so she had to turn around to get it. Bellatrix had trusted Krys alone with Rachael, after what Krys had told her that the affair had ended. Bellatrix pulled in seeing Rachael's car was there, maybe she had just gotten there. Bella thought. Bellatrix got out of the car and walked in the front door, she heard something going on in the kitchen, Bella walked over her list was in there, she went into the kitchen to see Krys, well James getting a blow job from Racheal. Bellatrix looked heart broken and as if she was about to cry. She couldn't figure out whether she was more angry or upset. "JAMES! HOW COULD YOU!?!?" Bellatrix screamed firmly. Tears actually falling from her eyes, She rushed out of the kitchen, she didn't even know what to do, she's never experianced that kind of hurt before it was new to her. The part of her that was Lucinda was devistated, while Bella felt betrayed, a few days ago she was taken advantage of and Krys said that the affair had ended but it was a lie. Bellatrix wanted to pull out her dagger and throw it at the both of them or she wanted to kill the girl and throw the dagger at Krys.
After hearing Bellatrix scream Krys opened her eyes and shoved Rachael away from her, "GET OUT! JUST GET THE FUCK OUT"! She screamed. Rachael looked shocked at James reaction, "WOW you really did mean it when you told me it was over" ,the girl laughed. "Have fun with your wife". Rachael stormed out of the house and got into her car and drove off. Krys immediately went to find Bellatrix, when she did she thought for a moment before speaking, the woman was hurt and probably wouldn't believe a word she was told. "Listen I told her no she wouldn't listen, I'm sorry I didn't want any of this in fact I can prove I didn't want it" ,Krys stated right before dropping her pants and boxers. "I didn't even get aroused, not that she cares because all she wants is to suck on it like it's some kind of fucking lollipop". She pulled her pants up and stormed into the kitchen and grabbed the work that was on the table and went up to the office. When she got there she sat down at the desk then slammed her head down.
Bellatrix heard Krys scream as well, yelling at the slut to get out of the house. She saw the little bitch run out of the house. Bellatrix stood there facing away from Krys. She was hurt and didn't know what to do, normally she'd kill, or break things but she never broke her own stuff, and there was no one to kill plus she was already wanted so she couldn't afford that. Bellatrix listened to Krys as she sobbed silently. Just as she said that she could prove it Bella turned and was about to ask how, when she saw Krys pull her pants down.She saw that James was big but she hadn't been aroused...but maybe it just didn't go on long enough that wasn't true proof. Once Krys was off, Bella had no sense of mind to shop, she went straight to their bedroom and slammed the door, throwing herself onto the bed.
When Krys heard the bedroom door slam she waited a few moments then decided to get up knowing she had to make things right. She made her way to the bedroom and opened the door slowly in case something came flying towards her, when the coast was clear she walked in and shut the door behind her. "Listen I really am sorry I didn't want that you have to believe me, she does nothing for me at all" ,Krys said quietly. She walked over to the bed and laid down next to Bellatrix then wrapped her arms around her hoping the woman wouldn't hit her but if she did Krys knew she deserved it even if she didn't like what happened she could've done more to prevent it. Krys thought for a moment then asked, "Wait why do you care so much anyway you used to hate me"?
Bellatrix laid face down on the bed trying to relax and calm down. Bella didn't hear the door otherwise she might have thrown something. Bellatrix heard the door shut and since the kids weren't home it had to be Krys. She listened to Krys' words, when she felt Krys get on the bed she turned away from her. Bellatrix tensed but she had calmed down a bit so she didn't hit her. Bellatrix thought about Krys' question she wasn't even exactly sure why she cared. "That was then....I guess when you live, with someone, survive with someone and share a bed and raise a fake family with someone things start to change..." She stated shakily trying to explain it. Plus Bella living two lives was getting mixed up, so the added fact that Lucy would have been crushed over the fact that her husband was cheating on her was inbedded in her mind.
"I guess you're right....I'm sorry again, I'm sorry for hurting you and I'm gonna call my boss and have him send someone else with my work or I'll just go pick it up and you can come with me if you want" ,Krys suggested. She laid with Bellatrix not wanting to let her go, she knew she had fucked up and everything was a mess, she felt terrible for hurting the woman and wanted to make things better no matter what it took. "Bellatrix....I....er....I think I....I think I'm starting to have feelings for you" ,she said quietly. Krys' heart pounded in her chest after she admitted it but it had to be said sooner or later.
"I don't care what you do with your work, it's none of my business..." Bellatrix was being cold but she was in pain over this she still didn't really understand why. She then heard what Krys said and thought about it. "I think...that's why I'm so hurt....I think I have feelings of some sort for you too...." That would make sense thst wa probably why she flipped and why she was taking it personally.
When Bellatrix snapped about Krys' work she didn't argue about it, she knew the woman was upset and Krys did just get caught with her pants down literally. She sighed and just continued to lay with the woman, when Bellatrix said she may have feelings for her too Krys held her even closer. "Can you turn around and face me....please" ,Krys asked. She just wanted to look at the woman while she held her, she also wanted to talk to her face to face so that she knew she was telling her the truth.
Bellatrix continued to ay the way she was, she didn't want to look at Krys right now, she was still upset with her. She sighed softly and turned around in Krys' arms, facing toward her. Bellatrix didn't look into her eyes though, she couldn't do it not yet anyway.
Krys was happy Bellatrix decided to roll over, she looked at the woman and moved a piece of hair that was in her face. "I promise that won't happen again I'm here for you and the other two and that's it nobody else is going to ruin it ok" ,she told her. Krys knew she may be saying everything for nothing but she meant every word. Krys reached her had up and began to wipe away Bellatrix's tears, she then pulled the woman in for a hug again hoping not to get hit or pushed away.
Bellatrix followed the piece of hair that was in her face until Krys moved it. Bellatrix heard her words, Krys had said it wouldn't happen again and look what happened. Bella pulled her head back slightly as Krys wiped her tears away. Her body tensed as Krys pulled Bella into the hug, granted she wanted to be held and hugged. Bella had changed she cried in front of Krys which was unlike her, she normally hid, but within the same week she haf been raped then betrayed by someone she cared about things were not working for her.
Krys sighed when Bellatrix pulled away and when she tensed Krys got the message, she let go of her and climbed out of the bed. She looked at her, "I really am sorry I know you won't forgive me but I meant everything I said" ,Krys was starting to choke up a bit and tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "I'm gonna go take a shower to wash her fucking spit off of me then I guess I'll set up the couch so I can sleep on it later". Krys walked into the bathroom and turned the water on then sat down on the edge of the tub and waited for the water to heat up, she grabbed her head with her hand and cried a little not able to forgive herself for what had happened.
Maybe it was the way Bellatrix was, she was trained to be cold and unfeeling, but when it came to any form of love she was weak. But she had lost a good many lovers, she lost yet hated her husband, maybe it was normal for her to feel like she had done something wrong. Bella heard the choke in Krys' voice, and saw the tears well in the corners of of eyes. The other thing Bellatrix needed to remeber was that Krys was a kid. Once Krys was out of sight, Bella got up and walked out of the room. She went to go start dinner, they still had a few things that she could whip up, and that's what she did. Bellatrix began cooking to keep her mind of things, she also was wondering where the kids snuck off to or whether they were still in school. That was the least of her worries as her heart had been broken to bits. As she went to set the table Bella's shaky hands dropped the plates to the floor and they shattered. Forgetting about her magic since she hadn't been using it, started to pick the glass up by hand as she did an alarm went off, spooked her, making her jump, and slicing through her hand. "Fuck!" She grabbed her clean dish rag and wrapped it around her hand, soaking up the blood. She checked the dinner grabbed a broom and dust pan sweeping up the mess. Nothing wanted to go right for her.
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