On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"I suppose you're right, let's lay down and try to get some sleep for now" ,Krys said in response. She pulled the covers up and turned on her side knowing Bellatrix didn't like her getting too close while they slept.
"Alright goodnight Krys." She stated she turned the other way with the blankets covering her. Bellatrix then clicked the button to turn off the box. Drifting off to sleep.
Meanwhile Iracebeth still laid with Draco downstairs on the couch watching the box.
"Goodnight hun" ,Krys said in response. Again not realizing she called Bellatrix hun, it had sort of just become a habit and she couldn't really help it anymore. Draco snuggled into Iracebeth as they watched the box.
Bellatrix was used to Krys calling her hun, it seemed normal. The sweet pet names for each other, Bellatrix didn't tend to realize she continued to say them.
Iracebeth smiled as Draco cuddled into her. She figured she should tell Draco what happened to her. "Draco...?"
When Iracebeth said his name he looked down at her, "Yes Iracebeth"? He figured she was about to tell him what had happened so he braced himself to hear the worse possible thing.
She looked up to him, "You still wanna know what happened?" She asked and figuring he did. She went to tell him. "After we dropped you off I did like you advised and had him take me straight home, but when we got there he wouldn't let me out of the car, saying that he wanted to fool around, staying in character I told him I wasn't ready, and he didn't care he kissed me, and put his hand inside my underware...I tried to stop him but he was too strong and I couldn't reach my wand then Krys kicked his ass and got me out of there." She told Draco everything that happened.
Draco's eyes widened and he looked at Iracebeth, "That son of a bitch I wish I had never let you go alone with him I should've had him drop you off first then me and Tracy" ,he stated. "Don't worry I'll make sure it doesn't happen again I promise I won't leave your side".
"It's not your fault Draco...you couldn't have known it would happen. Draco you don't have to worry I don't think he'll be around Krys kicked his ass good. Okay Draco." She smiled and cuddled back into him.
"Alright then but I'm still going to keep an eye on you just in case he tries to get brave" ,Draco stated. He held her close as they sat there, now he really didn't want to let her go.

Krys woke up early Monday morning and got ready for work, when she finished she made her way down into the kitchen and sat at the table and waited for everyone else to wake up. Normally it was Bellatrix up first but Krys for some reason woke up suddenly and figured she would just get ready instead of trying to sleep for another ten minutes.
"Okay Draco I won't argue with that logic." she said she was glad to discover that Draco cared that much for her. As he held her in his arms, she drifted off to sleep.

When Bellatrixwoke up the next morning she discoveredthat Krys was gone. She thought it strange, she was normally up first. She got up and dressed herself in a white dress with red and black floral patterns. She made her way down stairs, going into the Kitchen she saw Krys, "What are you do up so early?" She asked curiously, turning on the coffee pot and getting ready to make breakfast, French toast, with bacon, powder sugar and syrup.
"Oh I couldn't really sleep so I decided to just get up and get ready for the day, you look very nice today if I may say so" ,Krys said in response. She looked into the parlor and seen the two kids sleeping on the couch and laughed a little, "Want me to wake them up or do you want to"? She asked. After breakfast Krys nearly ran out the door to get to work on time, even though she was up early she still had managed to be running late.
"Oh I see, oh Thank you and yes you may say so. " she teased smiling. She was cooking breakfast and heard Krys laugh, "What's so funny" she asked, turning around at Krys, then looking into the parlor seeing the two sleeping children. Bells then laughed too, they were so cute. "I got 'em watch breakfast a moment." Bellatrix said and walked into the parlor. Shaking the two awake, " Come on sweethearts time to get up you'll be late to school." She said Iracebeth woke up rubbed her eyes looked around seeing Draco and Bellatrix. She sat up then went to go get dressed. Bellatrix got Draco up too, then went to Breakfast, setting the table pouring milk coffee and juice, then putting the food on there plates. They all ate, Bella cleaned up, and the kids ran to catch the bus. Bella cleaned the kitchen and started laundry, she then grew tiredand went to take a nap
When Krys got to work she did the usual routine and checked in then began to fill out the necessary paperwork for the day. It seemed as if time went by slowly, she didn't want to be at work she wanted to be at home with Bellatrix and the other two. Rick had skipped school to hang out with some of his friends and get wasted. Around noon he made his way onto the Kent's property and broke into the house through the back door. He was horny and wanted to send Mr. Kent a message for what he had done the night before. Rick grabbed a knife out of the drawer and made his way upstairs to Mrs. Kent's room where he found her sleeping, an evil smirk came across his face and he made his way over to her, as he walked toward her he undid his pants and let them fall to the floor then pulled himself out of his boxer. When he reached the sleeping woman he turned her over and pressed the knife against her throat, "If you scream I'll slit your fucking throat and your husband will come home to a bloody mess and so will your kids" ,he said quietly. He ripped her panties off and shoved himself deep inside her, "Oh yeah that feels good" ,he taunted. "I'm going to fuck you every way possible since your daughter wouldn't give it up I have to just take it form you".
Bellatrix was sleeping soundlessly, she didn't hear the break in, nor did she hear him come into her room. When she was turned over she woke up, think Krys had cone home, her eyes widened and she was about to scream until the knife went to her throat. Bellatrix was scared her wand was no where next to her, and she was dealing with a crazy muggle. As he shoved himself in she gasped she hadn't had any sexual relations in awhile so she felt almost like a virgin again. "Rick... please...please don't do this..." she begged a few tears in her eyes.
"Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch I didn't tell you to talk" ,Rick growled as he bagen thrusting into her viciously. Krys sat at her desk while Rachael bit at her ear and grabbed at her crotch, she wasn't amused in the least by it and it wasn't pleasurable at all. The only woman running through her mind right now was Bellatrix, she was home by herself and Krys was worried. "Listen Rachael stop, we can't do this anymore" ,she stated standing up ,nearly knocking the petite woman onto the floor. "What do you mean Jamie"? She asked. "I mean I have a wife and kids I shouldn't be messing around, the woman's been good to me so I think I'm gonna go home and spend my lunch with her". Without another word Krys left the office and got into her car and drove off.
Bellatrix did what he said afraid of the knife that he had in his hand. Tears streamed down her face, as he began to pump viciously into her she started to cry out, unable to help it. "Please stop!... Wait until my husband comes home, he'll kill you!" She stated the only down fall with that, was Krys and the kids wouldn't be home until later. Then she was across if Rick continued until later when Krys did come home, she might get her throat slit anyway, or in the threat of getting her throat slit Krys being forced to watch.
Rick started laughing, "Don't bullshit me I know that prick works until at least four o'clock so you have to endure this, all of it" ,he taunted. Krys pulled into the driveway and shut of the car putting it in park, she then made her way inside. Looking around she noticed the knife drawer open and the window to the back door was open. She raised an eyebrow wondering what the hell had happened, that's when she heard Bellatrix cry out. Krys quietly made her way up the stairs worried that there was an intruder in her room and if she startled them it could put Bellatrix in danger. When she got to the top of the stairs and through the doorway of her room she seen Rick on top of Bellatrix with a knife to her throat. Rick not noticing the fact that Mrs. Kent's husband was right behind him continued to thrust into her until he finally finished pouring himself into her. A look of disgust came across Krys' face and she stepped forward, with Rick being in a state of satisfaction he wouldn't be too alert of his surroundings. She grabbed the hand that held the knife first then the back of his hair and pulled him to his feet. "I'm going to break every bone in your fucking body" ,she growled in his ear. "M-Mr. Kent you're home early sir" ,Rick said shakily knowing the only weapon he had was in a hand he couldn't move. "Drop the fucking knife" ,Krys stated angrily. Rick didn't hesitate and opened his hand dropping the knife. As soon as the knife hit the floor Krys slammed Rick into the wall head first, "First you try and rape my daughter then you break in my house and rape my wife" ,she continued. "You've fucked with the wrong family kiddo and guess what I'll be damned if you leave this house". A look of fear came across Rick's face, had he just heard Mr.Kent correctly? Did he just say he wasn't leaving this house? Before Rick could gather his thoughts he got a swift kick to the groin then a hard fist hit his head. Krys only spent about ten minutes beating the shit out of the boy before she grabbed the handgun out of the box on the shelf in the closet and loaded it. She grabbed Rick by the hair again and dragged him into the hallway, "I don't want your filthy blood on my carpet let's go" ,she said through gritted teeth. When she got into the hallway she threw Rick on the ground and pointed the gun at the back of his head, before the boy could even beg for his life she pulled the trigger. Blood splattered onto her shirt and face, it was all over the walls and floor the mess definitely needed to be cleaned up and quickly. Krys made her way back into the room where Bellatrix was, she grabbed her wand and pointed it at her muttering a spell to clean her up. She stood there silent unsure of what to say, she couldn't even protect Bellatrix from some punk kid.
Bellatrix continued to cry as this fucking kid was fucking her with a knife to her throat. "Your hurting me!" She cried out. As he taught her. Bellatrix had no idea Krys was home, she didn't hear the car or the door. She cried out as she felt him explode into her, she was hysterical, and felt so helpless as this teenager dumped his seed into her. Bella's eyes opened wide as she seen Krys. Once she knew Krys had him she called out "James!!" as soon as Krys took Rick and threw him into the wall. She quickly pulled her legs up and closed them together. Bella watch Krys kick the boys ass, then grab the gun dragging him into the hallway. Hearing the shot. When Krys came in she had blood on her shirt. Bella waited as Krys did the spell, then she jumped up and ran into her arms.
When Bellatrix jumped into Krys' arms she held on to her tightly, "I am so sorry I didn't get here sooner" ,she said quietly into Bellatrix's ear. Tears fell from her own eyes as she held the scared, crying woman, "I'm not leaving you again I'll see if I can work from home some how I'm so sorry". Krys held onto Bellatrix for a while not wanting to let her go after what had happened, "Listen you should take a shower and clean yourself off I'll sit right here until you're done then I'll clean up the body when you're finished ok".
Bellatrix cried into Krys, "it's okay...I'm just glad you got here...."she stated shakily. She listened to Krys' words, and nodded, "If you can't don't worry, you need to work...so we can live...Shh...it's okay." Bella held onto Krys as well it wasn't her fault. "Okay," she stated a shower would be nice to get the filth off of her. For a split second Bellatrix forgot Krys was well Krys, Bellatrix kissed Krys quickly on the lips before she went into the bathroom. Living two lives was difficult, the love Lucy had for her husband plus the fact Bella was raped, her mind was a little confused. She started the water and took her shower.
The quick little kiss shocked Krys a bit, she watched as Bellatrix made her way into the shower. Krys took off her shirt and put on a clean one she would wait until Bellatrix was done showering to wash the blood off of her face and hands. She sat down on the bed and waited for Bellatrix to finish showering, as she waited she pulled out her phone and called her job to let them know she couldn't come back into work and that if possible would like to do all of her work from her house due to a family emergency. After a few minutes of talking her boss finally agreed and told her he would have Rachael bring her work to the house every week.
Bellatrix scrubbed and scrubbed, trying to remove the feeling of filth from her body. She couldn't believe what had just happened to her a muggle had just raped her, Krys killed him, and she kissed Krys...she kissed Krys. Once Bella was as clean as she was gonna get, she came out and wrapped a towel around herself. She had forgotten to grab some clothes. She walked out of the bathroom in her towel, grabbed clothes and went back in. After a few minutes she came out dressed.
When Bellatrix came out of the bathroom fully dressed Krys looked up at her, she stood up and walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around her again, "I'm gonna wash my hands and face and I'll be right out to clean up that mess in the hallway" ,Krys stated. After a few moments she let go and walked into the bathroom and washed up, when she finished she grabbed her wand and walked into the hallway and muttered a spell making the body disintegrate and then one to clean up the blood. "All clean looks as if nothing ever happened" ,she stated coming back into the bedroom. "Listen I talked to my boss while you were in the shower he said I can work from home seeing as all my work is mainly filling out paperwork and for conferences he can put me on speaker phone, whatever that is, the only bad part is my secretary will be bringing me my work every week".
Bellatrix hugged Krys again, "Okay...I'll be here." once Krys let go so did see. She walked over and sat on Krys' side of the bed. She stayed there once Krys was out and waited until the hallway was clean. "Krys...you don't have to work from home...I don't think anyone else has a thing against this family...if that's what you want. What's so bad about your secretary bring you work?" she asked forgetting the Krys was cheating on her with the secretary.
"I would just feel better if I worked from home after what just happened I don't want to risk it" ,Krys stated in response. She looked at Bellatrix after she asked about the secretary, "Bellatrix I, well James has been cheating on you, Lucy with his, my secretary and trust me she's bold enough to try and do something right in this house, I told her I didn't want to continue with it but I don't know if she'll listen, guess we'll find out tomorrow". Krys walked over to the bed and sat down next to Bellatrix and rubbed her back gently.
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