On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

After Krys finished showering she put on her pajamas not planning on going anywhere else tonight. When she left the bathroom she noticed Bellatrix wasn't in the bedroom anymore, figuring she had went downstairs to make dinner she decided to collect a blanket and a few pillows to bring downstairs. After Krys finished collecting the pillows and blankets she brought them downstairs and threw them onto the couch. She was about to sit down when she heard Bellatrix yell, she quickly made her way to the kitchen to see what happened, "Here let me look at it" ,she said noticing she had cut herself.
Bellatrix continued on like nothing even happened sure her hand hurt but dinner wouldn't get made if she stopped. She would be fine so long as it didn't drip, it was already bleeding through. Bellatrix sat down for a minute so she could calm her nerves before she burned herself, or threw dinner outside. Bella rested her head in her good hand, closing her eyes for a minute, she heard Krys say for her to have a look. Bellatrix handed over her hand, willing for Krys to look at it the gash was pretty deep, the rag was soaked with her blood.
When Bellatrix gave Krys her hand she looked at it for a moment then pointed her wand at it and fixed the cut. "You forgot your wand in the bedroom huh"? She said jokingly trying to lighten the mood. "Sit here and relax I'll finish dinner for you it's the least I can do". Krys stood up and walked over to the stove and checked on the food.
Bellatrix flinched slightly as her skin healed, she nodded her head. "Yeah I did..." She stated. She hadn't been carring her wand around, trying to pull of being a muggle. She was doing well playing happy house hold, up until now. Bellatrix didn't argue about Krys finishing dinner. She relaxed in the chair with her hand holding up her head. Bellatrix took a deep breath, trying to relax and clear her mind, she had such a head ache she wanted to throw random things still, but was controling herself from doing so. Bellatrix looked at the time, without looking at Krys she asked, "Krys...? Where are the Kids?" She hadn't seen them since they had left for school.
Krys got to work on finishing dinner, when Bellatrix asked where the kids were Krys shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know where they are, they should've been home by now" ,Krys said in response. A few moments later the phone rang and Krys walked over and picked it up, "Hello....yes this is him....ok we'll be right there". Krys hung up the phone and sighed, "Well I know where the kids are....they're in the principal's office at school, they want us to come in and pick them up apparently there was an altercation".
"That's why I was asking...They normally come straight home..." Bella tried to make conversation, while also being worried about Draco and Iracebeth. Bellatrix looked up when the phone rang, she was going to get it until she saw Krys move for it. She put her head back down. "Where are they? An altercation? What kind of altercation? Turrn everything off, I'll grab my coat...let's go see what this is about." She stated getting up and moving, for her coat heading out to the car getting in the passenger side.
Krys was cracking up after hearing what had happened, she did as Bellatrix told her too and shut everything off. She grabbed her jacket and put some shoes on, she was still in her pajamas but they were solid black pants so no one should really notice. As Krys made her way outside she unlocked the car with the button on her keys before even getting to the car, she then got into the car and started it still cracking up while she waited for Bellatrix to come outside.
"Whst's so funny?" She asked hearing Krys laughing. Once Krys unlocked the door she got into the car. "Well what did they tell you what happened to them or with them?" She asked Krys knew something she didn't.
Krys continued to laugh for a moment before answering Bellatrix's question, "Well your daughter knocked Tracy on her ass apparently the catty little bitch shoved Draco into a locker and was trying to embarrass him and she just came up and knocked her on her ass" ,Krys told her still laughing. She started the car and pulled out of the driveway, "Oh man I have no idea how I'm going to keep a straight face while we're sitting in that office".
Bellatrix's lips curved into a wicked smile, "That's my girl. I taught her well." Bellatrix stated proud of Iracebeth. "Little bitch deserved it. bout time she had a wake up call. I think that makes two of us, I'm proud of her. So trying to be serious and to scold her, that's not going to work well."
"Eh just scold her in front of the teachers and then we can all laugh when we get home" ,Krys stated in response. When they pulled up to the school Krys got out of the car and waited for Bellatrix before walking up the steps and into the school.
Bellatrix nodded her head then looked out the window as they drove to the school. Once there and the car was parked, Bellatrix got out of the car and walked up the stairs with Krys, and into the school heading toward the principal's office, to get Iracebeth and Draco.

Iracebeth sat there with Draco she had calmed down now but that bitch had no right to lay her hands on Draco, no right what so ever. She was wondering what Krys and Bellatrix were going to think about this.
When Krys walked into the principal's office a smirk came across Draco's face, he knew he wasn't going to get into trouble. Krys looked at the secretary, "I'm James Kent and this is my wife Lucinda we're here to pick up Thomas and Julia" ,Krys stated kindly. "One moment please" ,the secretary said in response. Within a few moments the principal came out from the back of the office and made her way toward Krys and Bellatrix, she held her hand out to introduce herself before talking. "I'm terribly sorry you guys had to come down here but we just couldn't let them just go on without punishment, the young woman Tracy suffered a broken jaw luckily she doesn't want to press charges" ,the woman told Krys who chuckled a bit. "Is there something funny about this Mr. Kent"? "No nothing funny I just find it hard to believe that my kid would attack someone without being attacked first, now I understand that this Tracy girl has been giving my kids a hard time lately and I hope that she was punished as well" ,Krys stated. "Tracy was the victim here Mr. Kent...." ,the principal began. Draco began to open his mouth but Krys put her hand up and he fell silent. "Listen ma'am I'm done talking here because obviously you are blind as to what's going on in your own school, my kids have been dealing with this girl for a while now and nothing has been done about it, not that I think their solution was the right one but I do believe that they're not the only ones to blame in this situation and seeing as you won't fix the problem I will my kids will be punished for their actions and I'm going to consult with a professional and see what they think about you playing favorites, You two let's go" ,Krys stated before turning around and walking out the door. Draco followed suit, he nearly laughed at the look on the principal's face but he figured that wouldn't be a good idea at the moment.
Bellatrix was right behind Krys her face was cold and unfeeling her mind was still bothered from what happened earlier. She stood there waiting as the secretary went to get the principal. Bellatrix took the woman's hand to shake it being polite. Bella tilted her head when she said Tracy had suffered a broken jaw, She didn't think Iracebeth could hit that hard. "What I also don't understand is why you hadn't informed us sooner about this, it's nearly five o'clock, and not knowing where our children are. That was very irresponsible on your part, if my children do something I wanna know about it, or if you are holding them at school." Bellatrix spoke firmly, and seriously. She was also breaking character a bit but her week wasn't going well and now this. Bellatrix looked at Krys as she chuckled, curious to what she was laughing about. Bellatrix waited until the kids were up and out before following them. Iracebeth smirked at the two when they came in and she did her best not to laugh at them, being worried and concerned also angry parents it was entertaining. Once they were out of the building they got in the car and waited for Krys to drive.
When everyone was in the car Krys started the engine and drove off, it wasn't long before they were pulling into the driveway. "Alright everyone inside let's have dinner" ,Krys stated before getting out of the car and walked into the house. When inside she turned everything back on to heat it up. Draco walked into the parlor and was about to turn the television on when he noticed the pillows and blankets on the couch, he walked back into the kitchen and looked at Krys, "Why is there a pillow and blanket on the couch" ,he asked his eyes moving from Krys to Bellatrix then back to Krys. "I fucked up and now I get to sleep on the couch" ,Krys said simply. Not wanting to question it Draco sat down and waited patiently for the food to be done.
Bellatrix rested her head against the window, until they pulled into the drive way. Bellatrix opened the car door and went inside. Once inside she started to set the table like she had tried before, but smashed the plates. They made it to the table this time. When Draco came into the the kitchen she looked at him, she wasn't going to say anything. Then she heard Krys speak, and then she didn't have to worry about it. Granted Bellatrix never told Krys she had to sleep on the couch she brought that on herself. Iracebeth had the same question but heard Draco ask it so didn't bother she came into the kitchen and sat across from Draco like normal. Once the table was set Bellatrix sat down and waited for Krys.
When dinner was finished Krys brought the food to the table then sat down and began to make plates for everyone. "Alright guys eat up hopefully I didn't fuck this up" ,she stated before taking a bite of food. After she finished eating she waited for everyone else to finish, she looked at Bellatrix for a moment. "Can I talk to you in private later before bed"? She asked quickly. Draco raised an eyebrow wondering what the hell Krys would need to talk to Bellatrix alone about.
Bellatrix shot a look at Krys, when she said that. Bella knew Krys could cook she was just being rotten. Bellatrix just sat there and played with her food she wasn't really hungry. So she sat there and waited for everyone to finish so she could clean up. When Krys spoke she looked up, "Of course.." She stated She wondered what she wanted to talk about, Bella had nothing to discuss she was trying to forget it happened, it should really bother her it's not like they were dating or anything, they were only feelings it was no big deal.
After everyone was done Krys began to pick everything up wanting to help Bellatrix out a bit, she wanted to regain what they had before granted she didn't even know there was something there but she wanted it back regardless. When everything was cleaned up Krys turned to Bellatrix, "I'll meet you upstairs I'll be in the office putting stuff away" ,she told her before walking off and making her way up to her office.
Iracebeth went off to watch tv with Draco, so Krys and Bella could work out whatever they needed to work out. Bellatrix stood, and wrapped her plate up for later. She put the leftovers away and started the water for the dishes. Bellatrix nodded her head, once Krys was out of thr kitchen Bellatrix grabbed the bottle of whiskey that was under the cabinet, she hadn't been drinking lately, which was strange for Bella. After a few minutes she went upstairs and stood in the door way. Though the door was open she knocked lightly.
Krys had just finished putting all her work into the filing cabinet when the she heard the knock on the door. She laughed a bit at the fact that Bellatrix knocked, she walked over and opened the door. "You don't have to knock you know just come in" ,Krys stated. Her eyes shifted to the bottle in the woman's hand, "Do you need a glass for that or are you going to drink it out of the bottle"? Krys stepped aside to let Bellatrix in she waited until the woman was inside before shutting the door, "Have a seat" ,she said motioning to the chair behind the desk.
When the door opened Bellatrix looked at Krys, "Wasn't sure if you were busy so I figured I'd knock." She replied to Krys' comment. Bellatrix looked at the bottle in her hand, "Doesn't matter to me, either way I'm drinking it. Want some?" She asked. Bellatrix walked in after Krys stepped aside. "I'm not your client, you know." she stated half jokingly. Then she took a seat getting comfortable.
"I'm never too busy to talk to you" ,Krys told her. "Yeah I'll have some and I know you're not my client" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's statement. She grabbed two glasses from her desk drawer along with a bottle of rum, "I was planning on drinking tonight too". She slid one of the glasses over to Bellatrix before she poured some of the rum into her own glass, "So I wanted to talk to you about what happened, I know you don't want to hear it anymore but I need to know how I can make this right and I need you to tell me" ,Krys stated before taking a sip from the glass.
Granted she told Bellatrix to come up and talk. Bella poured her a glass of whiskey, putting the bottle down. "I see...calms me down...makes me feel better..." She stated, she liked to drink, it was a nasty habit but it happens. When Krys said what she wanted to talk about, Bellatrix sighed she really didn't want to talk about this. "I don't know Krys...It's really nothing I just over reacted...living two different lives gets tricky things start to blend together...But now I know how my husband felt for the longest time...give it a few days things will probably go back to the way they were." She stated she still had feelings for Krys that's why she's still upset but once those feelings go away things can go back to normal like it never even happened. She didn't know what Krys could do to right this wrong. She drank from her glass.
"I suppose you're right and yeah living two lives does get a bit tricky" ,Krys stated before taking another sip from her glass. She stood up and walked over to Bellatrix, she placed her hands on the woman's shoulders and began to massage them. Being in James body her hands were a lot stronger then they'd normally be and they were a lot bigger as well and she wondered if she was massaging Bellatrix to hard. Krys leaned down, "You know I still think I owe you something so maybe we can work something out" ,she stated. Hearing how her voice sounded sent chills down her spine, James had a very seductive voice at points depending on the tone he used or she used.
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