On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"Don't mention it, I'm glad you like it." Bellatrix replied. Iracebeth looked at the food, "Wait a minute...Bellatrix made this? You can cook?" She questioned not knowing Bella could do certain things having servants and such. "Yes there's a great many thing I can do." Bella replied. She turned her attention to Krys, "Have a good day James" Lucy calledto her husband. "Come on you two finish up your gonna miss the bus, and I can't drive, even though we are in hiding I will crucio both of you if you don't make it." Bellatrix stated to Julia and Thomas. Iracebeth finished her meal, "Bye Mum. Coming Thomas?" She asked grabbing her bag and heading out.
"Yeah I'm coming Julia, bye mum see you after school" ,Draco said before following Iracebeth to the bus stop. When he got there he sighed as they waited, he was nervous and still a bit upset he had to even go. As Krys walked into her office she was greeted by numerous people before she could even sit down at her desk. When she finally made it into her office and sat down she looked around at everything, it was just as she read it. She began to get to work on the paperwork that sat in front of her when someone walked into the office, "Hey Jamie, how was your night"? A young woman asked. Krys looked up from her work and smirked, the woman was the girl James was having an affair with. "Good morning" ,Krys said simply then looked back down at her work. "So same time as usual"? The woman asked. "Yep" ,Krys responded as she continued to write things down.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked Draco noticing he seemed a little out of it while hey waited. She was nervous too, she didn't want to go to the muggle school, she didn't want to be dating one kissing or whatever else, so long as they kept the act they'd be fine. Bellatrix looked around the house she was alone, what was she supposed to do? She was a stay at home mom. Besides the dishes and the laundry today seemed like she could relax. Bella used her wand to clean the kitchen and dishes and such. Then doing the houses laundry, she went to the couch and laid down turing on the box, watching it. The channel she started watching seemed boring so she changed it and the next had a marathon of Bewitched, it sounded interesting. As she watched she laughed with all the hoaxy things happening.
"Yeah I'm alright, I just really don't wanna be here or have to go to this school or date a bloody muggle" ,Draco said in response. He wasn't looking forward to the weekend at all and it was only a day away. The work Krys had to do was fairly simple stuff that she had learned in muggles studies class and from reading books in the library. When lunch time came around there was a knock on the door to her office, "Come in" ,Krys stated. "Hey Jamie" ,it was the woman from before. Krys had to think for a moment to remember what her name was, "Hey Rachael how's it going"? Krys said in response. "I'm here for our usual meeting if you catch my drift" ,Rachael said in a cute but seductive tone.
"I know the feeling, we're in the same boat. I don't like the idea anymore than you do. Damn here comes the bus. At least it's only for a little while." She stated making conversation with him. Bellatrix just laid around the house looking at various things watching tv.
"Yeah hopefully it's only for a little while" ,Draco said in response. When the bus came he got on it and made his way towards the back and took a seat. Krys looked at Rachael as the girl shut and locked the office door, "So what is it you wanted to discuss today"? Krys asked with a smirk on her face. Rachael responded by unbuttoning her blouse then making her way over to where Krys sat, the girl then straddled Krys and leaned down planting a passionate kiss on her....his lips.
"Agreed." Iracebeth confirmed getting onto the bus, she wasn't sure where to sit she figured if she sat in the back it would take longer for her to get back off but if she was in the front she could get on then quickly get off. This thought process took only a few seconds. She took her seat in the front. Though she wanted to stay near Draco, she was a bit fearful they would be out numbered. Bellatrix was bored though it was nice to relax, and not worry. Bellatrix went into the bathroom, she looked at herself in the full length mirror, then changed back into herself. Doing the same continuing to change from Lucinda back to Bellatrix. She was trying to figure out if she liked the new form more than her normal one.
When the bus arrived at the school Draco went to get off but was cut in front of by a few people, he wanted to crucio all of them for how rude they were but remembered he had to keep his cool or his cover would be blown. After finally getting off the bus Draco rushed to meet up with Iracebeth. "I hate this already" ,Draco stated when he caught up to Iracebeth. Rachael began to undo Krys'....James' pants, when they were fully undone she pulled him out of his boxers then got on her knees and began to please him orally.
Iracebeth was one of the first people off of the bus and she was trying to get to class and avoid everyone. She wasn't expexting Draco right there, "Yeah well me neither, we're surrounded, this plan is never going to work, I normally agree with Bellatrix but this how long will we be stuck like this? And be able to pull this off?" She asked keeping fairly quiet but loud enough for Draco to hear her. Bellatrix then remembered they had a pool. She went upstairs and changed into one of the bikinis she owns, she grabbed a towel, she went outside. They're was a floating raft, Bellatrix climbed into the pool swam around for a bit, then climbed up on the raft relaxing floating around.
"I dunno how long I can keep this going" ,Draco admitted. He too had his doubts about everything but didn't want to say anything in front of Bellatrix or Krys. After the 'meeting' with Rachael Krys straightened herself out then made her way out to lunch. When she finished her lunch she went back to her office and finished up the rest of her paper work before heading home.
"Nor do I, We're going to be late good luck in your first class." She said to him turning into her classroom. Iracebeth took her seat in class and waited, for it to start hoping everyone would leave her alone. Bellatrix didn't have a care in the word, she didn't have to make lunch. She had the afternoon free until 'her husband' or 'her kids' came come.
"Alright I'll see you after school good luck to you too" ,Draco said in response. When he got to his first class he sat down in his seat and waited for the teacher to come into the classroom. Krys' day was fairly easy and she ended up being able to leave work early which was great in her opinion. When she got home she looked around for Bellatrix to tell her how her day went, she had gotten a paycheck due to it being the end of the week and she had the weekend off. Krys smiled when she seen Bellatrix in the pool, the woman fit in the bikini she was wearing very well, "So are you enjoying the pool"? Krys asked looking at the woman swimming around.
Iracebeth's classes were boring and the children annoying. She couldn't wait until lunch and the end of the day. She had already been through school and none of this would be benefital. Classes came and went, it was lunch she sat waiting for Draco. She saw the lunches and they looked gross,'mom'was going to have to make them lunches. Bella edited the raft a bit, putting an umbrella not wanting to tan her skin was too fair, she also had sunglasses. She was now just resting and floating in the pool. Bella looked at Krys raising her sunglasses, "You're home early? Why? How was your day? Yes I am."
Draco got fairly bored with all his classes and began to fall asleep in a few of them, when it was time for lunch Draco was ecstatic. He made his way to the cafeteria and got his food before finding Iracebeth and sitting down next to her. After a few minutes two people a guy and a girl came and sat with the two. "Hi Thomas how have you been I missed you so much last night" ,the girl stated right before planting a kiss on Draco's lips. Assuming this must be his 'girlfriend' he went with it. Krys took of her suit jacket and then her shirt and tie as Bellatrix spoke. She then kicked off her shoes and took off her pants so that she was in only her boxer shorts before jumping into the pool. "Ah yeah that is nice, getting this place was a great idea" ,Krys stated. "As for your question my day went well I got a paycheck, a blow job, and I finished everything I had to do early so they let me leave".
Iracebeth watched as Draco came witha tray, of school food, she didn't know how he could eat the stuff, she'd wait until she got home. Iracebeth watched as two people came over to them. See saw the girl Kiss Draco and wondered how he could be that calm. In 'her' memories they were friendly with each other. "I'm sure you could live just one night." she teased trying to be friendly. The boy who was there must be her boy friend he had this look in his eyes that made her a bit uncomfortable. The girl looked at Iracebeth, "No I couldn't bare it I missed him so much." She stated. 'Its going to be a long day...' Iracebeth thought. Bellatrix watched Krys then looked away as she stripped, down to her boxers. "This is nice. Yes a brillant idea. Paycheck already? Krys...James I don't want to know about your sexual affairs, Lucy' not supposed to know anyway.... Nice easy day then."
Draco had to hold back from laughing at Iracebeth's comment to his girlfriend, he looked at the guy sitting next to Iracebeth and noticed the look in his eyes and didn't like it there was something about this guy that rubbed him the wrong way and it wasn't just because he was a muggle. "So are you guys ready for tomorrow night"? The girl asked. "I can't wait to see this movie and then after Thomas and I are having our little sleep over in the backyard of my house". "That sounds lovely dear" ,Draco told her. It was killing him to be his nice with everyone especially his 'girlfriend'. Krys laughed a bit after Bellatrix spoke, "Oh right sorry you're not supposed to know that, I've just never known why guys liked it so much until now, I wonder what actual sex feels like for a guy" ,Krys stated in response. "Wanna help me find out"? She teased at Bellatrix. "Yeah we get paid on Thursdays apparently not that I'm complaining it's money in our pockets and a hell of a lot for one paycheck let me tell you".
Iracebeth knew Draco wanted to laugh but was being nice. Iracebeth felt odd what did Julia see in this guy? She wondered. "Tomorrow night? Oh right yeah, the movie looks great... Thomas had mentioned you were camping out afterwards, that sounds like fun. Do we have plans after the movie?"She asked her so called boyfriend. "Exactly talk to Dr...Thomas about that later, I'm sure he'll think it's funny. I see, I'm guessing if done right it would be nice..." she replied but that was how it was with women too so. "Don't even think about it..I'm good right hear on my pedistool. Nice how much is it?"
"Hm I don't know if we have any plans yet, I sort of like to go wherever the night takes me and Julia's the same way that's why I love her so much" ,the boyfriend said, from what Draco was told his name was Rick. "Ah I see sounds like fun" ,Draco said in response. "Oh I'll let you look at it later let's just enjoy this pool for now" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. She made a pouty face after Bellatrix had denied her once again, she was only playing of course but it was still funny.
'Julia's' the same way but Iracebeth wasn't. She just smiled, "I love you too." She said as believable as she possible could. "So does anyone have plans for the rest of the weekend?" She asked trying to keep some kind of conversation. "Fine I'll see it later. She stated putting her sun glasses back on resting back on her float. She ignored the pouty face Krys gave. She knew she was teasing.
Rick kissed Iracebeth on the cheek, when he did so Draco cringed a little bit he really didn't like this guy and he definitely didn't like him touching Iracebeth. Krys swam around a little bit enjoying the cool water on the hot afternoon, she splashed at Bellatrix a few times to get a rise out of the woman. "So what's for dinner sweetheart"? She asked playfully.
Iracebeth smiled as he kissed her cheek, trying to stay in character. But she wasnt too thrilled about it. It's not like she was doing anything, to distract herself either, Draco was eating, if not it seemed like his 'girlfriend' would be in his lap. Bellatrix continued to lounge around in her bikini. Bella glared at Krys as she splashed her, Bellatrix splashed back. Figuring it was getting a bit late and the kids would be home soon, she got back into the water. The cool water was a bit of a shock, but it felt nice. "I haven't decided yet...anything that you want in particular?"
When lunch was over Draco stood up and looked at Iracebeth, "Come on Julia I'll walk you to your next class" ,he said. Draco shot Rick a dirty look while he wasn't looking, "We'll see you guys later" ,he said kindly to keep up with the charade. When Bellatrix asked what Krys wanted for dinner she thought for a moment, "Hm how about some chicken with mashed potatoes and corn, oh and some biscuits I'll even help you cook it" ,Krys stated. She knew how to cook as well and thought it would be nice if she helped Bellatrix out a bit.
Iracebeth looked at Draco as he stood up. Iracebeth smiled, "Alright Thomas, bye Rick bye Tracy." She said as she remember the girl's name. Iracebeth saw the look Draco gave Rivc she was trying not to laugh. She then grabbed her bag and walked away with Draco. "I don't like that boy..." She stated. Bellatrix was treading in the cool water waiting for Krys to divide on dinner. "Mmm Alright, That sounds great. You don't have to help me if you don't want too." She replied, she was still trying to get used to seeing and hearing a man, as Krys it was so strange to her.
"Yeah I don't like him either and I'm not too fond of Tracy she seems a bit slutty to me" ,Draco said in response. After he dropped Iracebeth off at her next class he made his way to his own class. "Oh no I want to help I am your husband and we should do stuff together" ,Krys said in response. Normally she had a joking tone in her voice when saying she was Bellatrix's husband but for some reason this time she sounded sincere.
"She seems very bubbly. And loose if not then she's obsessed with you. If seems like they would make a good couple." She stated the creeper and the slut. Iracebeth walked into class took her seat and waited like before. Bellatrix looked at Krys curiously she seemed sincere she didn't detect a joke within her words. "Alright...I know your my husband dear...we should be doing more stuff together." Bellatrix replied. To get more of the feeling of being husband and wife they needed to bond more.
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