On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"I suppose you're right it's not that hard to stun someone" ,Krys said in response before closing her eyes. It wasn't hard for her to fall asleep seeing she was so tired. After a little while she was fast asleep but still alert.
Bella nodded to Krys there was nothing to worry about. Bella drifted off not ling after her, still tired besides the little sleep she did get, she had been up planning with the Dark Lord for weeks getting very little sleep. She was sleeping but was also alert if they needed her.
After a few hours Krys woke up and made her way outside, looking at both Draco and Iracebeth she stretched, "So did anyone come by"? She asked. Draco looked at Krys then pointed to what looked like a hiker laying on the ground, "Oh, good job" ,Krys stated walking over to the body, she pulled out her wand and pointed it at the hiker and muttered the killing curse before sitting down.
Bellatrix was still asleep, finally relaxed for once, without being drunk. Iracebeth looked to Krys and nodded her head as Draco pointed so did she. Iracebeth's looked both cold and sad, she turned away as Krys killed the hiker granted he was a muggle she still couldn't handle death.
Krys noticed Iracebeth look away, she knew the girl couldn't handle death but she needed to do what she did. Draco cringed after Krys killed the man he didn't like seeing someone die either.
Iracebeth had issuses with death, watching someone die or killing it wasn't in her, though she was a Death Eater she couldn't really handle death. Bellatrix awoke at that moment, she yawned and sat up. Standing up she stretched and her back cracked. SHe looked to the kids, well they were to her, and Iracebeth wasn't looking anywhere near camp and Draco looked odd. Bellatrix then looked around the corner to where Krys was standing by a now dead hiker.
Krys looked up when she seen Bellatrix exit the tent, "Seems we had a visitor, I took care of him though" ,she stated. Draco didn't look at the hiker he felt sick to his stomach just being near a dead body.
"I can see that," Bellatrix said fully out of the tent looking at the dead body. "Now we have a dead body...I'm gonna go get rid of it" Bellat levitated it not wanting to leave fingerprints, but she knew the children felt uneasy, so it needed to move. If someone finds him they'll think he had a heart attack. When she came back she looked at the two, "I don't think you two should come with us tonight...if anything keep watch outside." She knew Iracebeth most definately wouldn't be able to handle it, and Draco she knew he didn't like death but knew not how far his was.
"I agree you two should just keep watch seeing as you're not fond of killing, me and Bellatrix have done this before and have no issues with it" ,Krys stated agreeing with Bellatrix again.
Iracebeth nodded her head still looking off in a different direction. She agreed, with that she was fairly okay with a random stranger, but an entire family wasn't her thing. They were agree quite alot lately maybe it was for survival. "We'll read them to get what you need to know, and repeat the information to you, you won't have to deal with any of it I promise."
"Yeah it's probably best we do all the work seeing as we're more experienced anyway" ,Krys stated with a hint of pride in her voice. "So when do you want to do this"?
"Yes, I have about 30 years give or take under my belt, Krys has killed, and has gone on many missions in her short life. Anyway that's the plan. Um I say we go to the spot at sun down, and wait until the light's in the house go out, we can slip in they will be in there rooms, and won't be able to go anywhere." Bellatrix explained.
"Sounds good to me I'm ready to go whenever now that I've slept a bit" ,Krys said in response. "We should probably read them while they're sleeping so we get everything easier".
"That's what I thought, once they're asleep we'll read them, and one by one we'll take care of them, after we've read them of course." She replied agreeing with Krys. "Now we wait for nightfall."
"Yeah gotta love the waiting game eh"? Krys said laughing a bit. Draco sat quietly thinking about everything it was clear he was having second thoughts about everything.
"It's the best, I used to not mind it as much but know it's tedious." She stated chuckling slightly. Iracebeth was only still here thanks to Bellatrix she had no where to go, and if they found her she would be imprisoned. So either why she had to stay, and even though she wasn't related to Bellatrix she was the only family she knew, now.
"Well you let me know when you're ready and I'll follow your lead Bellatrix" ,Krys told her. Even if she didn't like the woman she knew it would be best to listen to her.
"Sounds good to me... As soon as night fall hit's we'll go, We can't do anything until then." She stated. A few hours had passed and night was upon them, "You two stay here, We'll be back shortly. Come on Krys." She said leading the way through the woods back to the house. waiting there until the lights went out and waited a good while before entering. Bellatrix lead the way pointing her wand at the door unnverbaly opening the door. "We'll start with the kids, I'm certain the parents sleep in the same room." She said headin up the stairs to the daughter's room, reading her. Once she recieved all the information, she casted the killing curse taking the girls life. She waited outside and waited for Krys.
Krys followed Bellatrix into the house and headed straight for the guy's room, after she finished reading him she cast the killing curse then a curse to get rid of the body. She then made her way into the hallway and waited for Bellatrix so that they could go after the parents next.
Bellatrix went inside quickly forgetting about the body, She went back in to get rid of it. Then back out to find Krys walking silently to the parents room. Bellatrix did a quick read og her again to make sure she knew everything she needed to. She waited until Krys was finished, Before killing the mother and wife, removing her body.
Krys did the same with the father then looked to Bellatrix, "Alright who's getting the kids"? She asked sarcastically referring to Draco and Iracebeth.
Bellatrix smiled, chuckled, and glared all at the same time. "I don't care who get's the kids...I mean the...you know what I mean, Just what we need me to be more confused then usual..." She teased. "I'll go get them if I'm not back in ten minutes they stunned me by mistake." She stated, It didn't take long to get to the house from where they were, so she wanted to let Krys know to come looking if she didn't return. "Search the house and make sure there's no one else, and check supplies and money and such." She said and with that went out to get the "kids" Bellatrix went into the woods, Iracebeth heard the rustling "Krys?..Bellatrix?" She asked hushed but either of them would heard her. "Yeah it's me grab the food put it in a bag hand me Krys' bag and lets go, Come on Draco. We'll tell you two who you are when we get back to the house." She ordered them, so they weren't caught.
When Draco heard Bellatrix's voice he stood up and immediately walked over to her after grabbing everything. After Bellatrix left the house Krys sat down on the couch and looked around she noticed a few things that were different like the box that faced the couch, it had buttons on it and a glass front. She stood up and walked over to it and pressed one of the buttons, the box began to make noise and a picture showed up on the screen. Krys sat down and looked at it confused for a moment, she figured she would ask Bellatrix what it was when she got back maybe she would know.
Iracebeth hurried over to her as well, "You two have everything?" She questioned she hoped they did and walked with them back to the house. She opened the back door and lead the kids inside. She heard noise and was confused, she left Krys alone here, maybe a radio. She thought she went up and showed the kids to there rooms so they could put things down. "Meet us downstairs." She said, and left the two. Bellatrix went over to the noise with her wand out. "Krys...?" She asked before going in. She went in to see Krys with the taking picture box.
"I dunno what the fuck this is but it's got fighting on it and muggles dying it's fucking amazing" ,Krys said when she seen Bellatrix. "And this thing right here changes the pictures" ,she said holding up the remote to the box. She turned her attention back to the box where someone was getting hit with some kind of fire from what looked like a metal object.
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