On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

"There is nothing, I'm happy my sister and her family lives...I would have died and been rid of this cursed world and the messed up world that we life in with muggles...but you spared my life, killing the mother Weasly. But for what to suffer until death."
"Oh so now you're mad at me for saving you? Seriously Bellatrix stop you're being very selfish right now what would Draco do without you huh? You ever think of that, he can't just go home he's a marked man now and he wouldn't last a week without your protection" ,Krys said back with a hint of anger in her voice.
"I never said that. As both as I don't like this I wasn't ready to die either, but the end will come sooner or later. Draco might very well been spared like Narcissa and Lucius since they part way switched sides, Plus he'd have you and Iracebeth to help him along the way. He only really got us in there, he couldn't kill Dumbledore like he was told to as much as I love my nephew he sucked at being a Death Eater. Unlike you...your like me...your a bitch." She stated basically not really angered but annoyed and frustrated.
"Yeah he may be spared but that's not what he wants, even though he sucked at being a death eater he's still afraid of the dark lord even if he's dead so he'll remain loyal out of fear" ,Krys said in response. "Plus he never went any where without me it's been that way since we were kids, we need you in the group because even I can admit I'm pretty lost with what the hell to do in this situation".
"I know Narcissa would want that, he should turn back while he still can. Well there's no one to fear anymore... no one to be loyal too... he's dead and when you're dead you're dead. He can't return this time. At least he has a place to go and be safe...if I had that choice I wouldn't run from it. Look at the rest of us, Iracebeth has no where to go, She been orphaned for years, she's no home no family, and if she wants to live she must stay, You are very much the same now, no family unless you missed that part. Voldemort had your traitor father killed. So you are lost as well...And I've too many issuses to list. I don't plan on running off without you three, if I was, I'd already be gone. Please remember I wasn't in this situation long, I was found and sent off." She verbalized everything trying to think of other options even if it was to split up trying to think where they all could go. Thinking of the courses of action to take and to keep Krys in reality, if she was opitmistic she would become lost in dreams and loose trackof herself and what to do. She didn't mean to sound harsh she was stating the facts.
At the mention of her father Krys stood up, "Don't talk about him, just don't fucking talk about him" ,she said quietly but the tone in her voice said she was upset. Krys loved her father regardless of what he had done, even if the man was a traitor he still did everything the dark lord told him to. "I'm done talking to you" ,she stated before walking off into the woods.
"I didn't mean it hurtfully Krys, I didn't know if you knew or not..."She spoke softly tring to let Krys know that she wasn't being spiteful. "Don't do anything stupid, be back before sunrise..." She called after her, she was going to just let her go. She knew she needed space. Bellatrix knew how she felt, Bella though she hated her husband did have some sort of affection at times, she lost him. Then lost her Lord who doubled as a father like figure and a lover, whether it was just in her own eyes.
"I'll come back if I want too" ,Krys shouted behind her threateningly. She walked as far as she could without being seen then sat down on the ground up against a tree. Krys was upset and it wasn't hard to tell her life had taken a really messed up turn and she had a lot on her plate.
Bellatrix was unphased by her threatening tone. She knew the girl's life just went to hell, she remembered that feeling all too well. She took the box of wheat thins and started to eat them again, they were rather addicting. She knew krys would return, she had no where to go, plus she knew it was safer for them to stay together. Despite Bella saying she didn't care, she did, they were all so young, and if she didn't ccare she would be long gone by now.
As Krys sat alone she thought about a lot of stuff and after a while made her way back to where Bellatrix was. She didn't sit next to her but she did sit in her view, "Sorry for over reacting" ,she stated simply.
Bellatrix waited if Krys was gone for too long she would go find her, she couldn't let her break from the group, then Draco would throw a fit. Bellatrix stayed on her stump, eating the wheat thins. When Krys returned she sighed softly, nodding at her comment, "sorry for bringing it up." She softly apologized.
"It's fine I 'spose" ,she said in response. "I guess you have a right to be mad but I on the other hand lost my father because he cared about another person more then me, fuck if I could I'd kill Potter myself, he was so lucky to have my father's protection and he took it for granted" ,Krys said, a tear fell from her eye but she wiped it away quickly trying to hide it from Bellatrix.
"To think it wasn't supposed to be your father...If Severus never made the unbreakable vow with Narcissa, Draco would have been the one to die...The Elder wand was won by your father, and that's why..." She stopped there. "Trust me I'd love to kill the boy, I had so many chances to dispose of him, He's tsken everything from from a lot of us, the second time he's ruined everything. I had told the Dark Lord that I wanted to kill the boy but he wouldn't let me...." She saw the tear that Krys wiped away, she said nothing she hated being caught in the act too. "Well at least you're alive as are the other two, once everything is established, You three will live long, happy, healthy lives if we ever make it back to the Wizarding world You'll three keep the purebloods alive with others who haven't lost their fate."
"Well I'm not much use for keeping pure bloods going I can't bring myself to sleep with a man but Draco on the other hand I know whoever he's with will be having lots of kids" ,Krys stated in response. She moved back over to Bellatrix and reached into the bag of food and pulled out a box that said cupcakes on it. "Hm finally something I know" ,she said opening the box and pulling one of the cupcakes out.
"Oh...right I forgot...sorry. Iracebeth has said that she wants children one day so...I know she'll have a few." She stated With everything going on she forgot that Krys was gay. Bella watched as Krys walked back over sitting and taking out cupcakes. "That doesn't really look like a cupcake to me."
Krys examined the cupcake, "You're right it doesn't look like a cupcake at all does it" ,she said. It looked like a circle of chocolate with white frosting circles on the top. "Well won't know what it tastes like unless I eat it" ,Krys took a bite out of the so called cupcake, it wasn't bad but it also wasn't the best either.
"No it really dosen't look like a cupcake.." She confirmed. She watched as Krys took a bite out of the so called cupcake. "Well?"
"Eh it's not too bad it's not the greatest but it'll do for a sweet I guess" ,Krys stated. "Here try one" ,Krys pushed the box toward Bellatrix motioning for her to take one of the cakes. "Hmm I'm thirsty I know I picked up some drinks while I was there" ,Krys rummaged through one of the bags and pulled out a jug of milk and opened it then took a sip.
"Muggles need to learn to make better food..." She stated, then took a cupcake from the box as Krys passed the box over. "That's good we can't be drunk all the time." SHe teased since they both grabbed liqcor from the manor. She bit into the cupcake..."Well it's sweet."
"Yeah it is a bit too sweet but it's alright I guess, I did grab some stuff that looked like it needed to be cooked like meat and other stuff I'll have to put a freezing charm on it to keep it fresh until we can get a place with a freezer" ,Krys told her. She laughed when Bellatrix said they couldn't be drunk all the time.
"It's alright, It's not the greatest but it will do.. Alright well hopefully we'll have a place tomorrow night. So we won't have to worry about that for too long.." She smiled as Krys laughed at her joke, "Pass the milk?"
"Yeah hopefully we'll have a place by tomorrow it'll be so much easier hiding in a house rather then the woods" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. "She passed the milk over to the woman after she asked for it, "At least the milk is spot on I guess muggles can't fuck that up can they"? She stated jokingly.
"Yes it will, " She said then had a thought,"Hey Krys, How are you dividing up the roles, obveistly I'd end up as the mother, but are we going to look for a family with a single mother or and three kids? or what? " She asked, wondering if Krys would be a girl or a boy, since Draco was the only boy so would that make him the father, which would be awkward. She took hold of the milk and and took a sip. "I guess not but I'm sure they might be able to." She laughed.
"Hm I haven't thought about that one yet, I could take the role of a male if needed I guess" ,she said in response to Bellatrix's question. "After all it would only be for a short amount of time right"?
"It just popped into my head...Alright, sounds good to me." She stated, Granted she didn't want to ever say that she was related to Krys in anyway even if it was fake, but it was only for a little while.
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