"I know Narcissa would want that, he should turn back while he still can. Well there's no one to fear anymore... no one to be loyal too... he's dead and when you're dead you're dead. He can't return this time. At least he has a place to go and be safe...if I had that choice I wouldn't run from it. Look at the rest of us, Iracebeth has no where to go, She been orphaned for years, she's no home no family, and if she wants to live she must stay, You are very much the same now, no family unless you missed that part. Voldemort had your traitor father killed. So you are lost as well...And I've too many issuses to list. I don't plan on running off without you three, if I was, I'd already be gone. Please remember I wasn't in this situation long, I was found and sent off." She verbalized everything trying to think of other options even if it was to split up trying to think where they all could go. Thinking of the courses of action to take and to keep Krys in reality, if she was opitmistic she would become lost in dreams and loose trackof herself and what to do. She didn't mean to sound harsh she was stating the facts.