On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

Bellatrix heard footsteps as she sat there her wand was ready and she was ready to kill if she had to. She relaxed as she felt the bottle on her shoulder, then hearing whose voice was there it was Krys. Bella wasn't about to turn to her to show that she was crying. Bellatrix was a witch who hated to show weakness expesally to ones she doesn't really like, or those who look up to her. She took the bottle and noddere her head, she had rough times sleeping between missions and nightmares from Azkaban.
Krys paced around for a bit after Bellatrix took the bottle, her mind was full of thoughts most of them not so happy or cheerful in fact none of them were. She was bitter, angry, and felt alone, even though she had the others there she was too upset to talk to them. Krys looked in Bellatrix's direction, she knew the woman didn't want to show any emotion to anyone. "You don't have to hide your tears I'm not gonna tell anyone" ,Krys told her. Even if she didn't really get along with the woman she would have to be at least somewhat peaceful with her seeing they were going to be around each other non stop for a while.
Bellatrix took a drink of the bottle, then put it down. Once she was sure that Kryswasn't paying attention to her she wiped the water from her eyes away quickly. She heard Krys' words, "I'm not crying...I don't cry." She stated. It really wasn't Krys' business to whether Bella was crying or not. Granted her being civil Bella would have to pick up on but tonight of all night's Bellatrix had felt more alone then she's ever been.
"Whatever you say" ,Krys said in response. She walked back over to Bellatrix and picked the bottle back up and took a sip. Krys began to pace around the woods while she drank. She didn't really know what to say to the woman, before now they never really spoke and when they did it they weren't pleasant toward each other. Krys decided to stay quiet for the most part to avoid confrontation, the last thing either of them needed was to fight with each other.
Bellatrix had no idea what to talk to Krys about it was odd since they really didn't get along. She couldn't remember saying a nice thing to Krys since the day they first met. Bellatrix stood, "May I have drink?" she asked watching as Krys paced to and fro. "How are you holding up?" She asked trying to make some sort of conversation.
"Yeah here" ,Krys said in response holding out the bottle for Bellatrix to grab. When Bellatrix asked how she was holding up she stopped and looked at her. "Like shit that's how I'm holding up honestly, I put my neck out there just to fail and now I'm on the most wanted list in the fucking ministry of magic, I'm twenty years old and my life is already fucked" ,Krys said. It wasn't that she was angry with the dark lord or anything like that, she would've followed him all over if she had too. She was angry with the fact that it ended the way it did. "Sometimes things just don't go the way we plan eh? We should've never lost the war, How the fuck does someone like Potter defeat Lord Voldemort"?
"Thanks." She stated taking the bottle then taking a drink from it. "I figured as much...Welcome to my world...I was 30, only ten years older than you. Granted my life was fucked when I was forced to marry at age 20... The only differance is that you haven't been caught....No things don't always go as they planned...We shouldn't have lost the firt time either. When their sister lies and says the boy is dead and he wasn't I should've checked..." Bellatrix went on Krys would now know and feel what Bellatrix had gone through besides Azkaban as long as they play there cards right. She took another drink.
"Everything just came crashing down at once, I may not like you that much but I have to say I'm glad you're here with us, I mean I'm decently powerful but I couldn't protect Draco alone forever he's too timid and I can guarantee he'll be a bit of a handful once he realizes exactly what kind of shit we're in" ,Krys said in response. She didn't want to sound mean, she loved Draco as if he were family but she knew how he was and knew how he acted in certain situations. "You know all about this hiding shit you've done it for years I've had to hide ever since I graduated from Hogwarts but Draco and Iracebeth don't have a clue what to do yet and that's where you come in, you have the knowledge and power we need".
"All hell has broken loose at the same time...the feeling is mutual...That's why I'm not making the same mistakes. Oh I'm sure he will be, he's always been a spoiled brat." She stated she loved Draco but he wasn't cut out for this, "When you do it for years, it's second nature. True I have both power and Knowledge, about all of this not like we're really going to be able to do anything..."
Krys laughed a little at Bellatrix's response, "What do you mean we won't be able to do anything, well I mean right now we can't not when everyone's on alert but eventually we'll have to make a comeback" ,she said in response to Bellatrix. "We hide for a few years then we'll see how things go and if they go good maybe we can recruit and once we have enough people we can repay the ministry for all the trouble they've caused us". Krys walked over to Bellatrix and took the bottle from her and took a sip.
"Good luck with that...I'm sure laws and security will all be reinforced, by then...Depending on how many years we decide to hide I'll probably be in my 50's...You're not going to know who to trust....Your idea sounds great in theroy though...Plus the Dark Lord is gone..." She exclaimed Bella no longer really had hope, besides wanting revenge on that brat who killed her love, nothing seemed probably at the moment.
"Can't you ever be fucking optimistic the glass is always half empty with you" ,Krys snapped. She took another sip from the bottle then sighed. "What the fuck happened to you seriously? You're acting like Voldemort was the most powerful wizard alive, well you're wrong he was just smart and you know what he made a mistake and fucked us all tell me Bellatrix do you want to be in hiding and on the run for the rest of your fucking life"? Krys knew her words would probably piss Bellatrix off but the woman needed a wake up call and Krys never held back with speaking her mind.
Bellatrix looked at the girl, how dare she speak to her like that. "You go spend you life in Azkaban, losing everything you once had and held dear, your memories are't safe... they take them too...Now tell me how fucking optimistic you'd be?" She snapped back, Bellatrix had ran her time she was probably number one on the most wanted list, followed by Krys. "What the fuck happened to me? Some pretty twisted shit...that's what happened...There's nothing we have to show for...He was the most Powerful Wizard once we took out Dumbledore... He was intellegent...he had power he commanded all of us, we followed him...I followed him loyally." She went on and with the last bit Bellatrix slapped Krys across her face. "I've been hiding for the past three years, and even the years before... to lose a war that should have been won. Live my life you'd be mad too." She snapped again, anger in her eyes.She sat back down on her rock, trying to cool down.
Krys stood for a moment after Bellatrix slapped her, the side of her face stung where she had hit. The anger rose inside the pit of Krys' stomach and she walked over to Bellatrix and grabbed her by the hair and jerked her head back so that the woman was looking straight in her eyes. "First off....don't ever fucking hit me, second off stop playing the fucking woe is me card everyone knows the shit you've been through and you're respected for it, don't admit fucking defeat like a fucking coward take your experiences and learn from them for Merlin's sake, stop bitching those two in that tent are through if we don't fucking do something do you understand"? Krys snapped right before taking a sip from the bottle then looking back into Bellatrix's face. "Either you're gonna just lay down and fucking waste away or you're going to fucking do something it's your choice". Krys pushed Bellatrix's head forward as she let go of her hair then began to pace again, she was angry and scared her emotions were a wreck.
Bellatrix whinced as Krys grabbed a hold of her hair. She looked into the girls eyes with her crazy ones. "Don't...you...ever touch me again." She snapped with a hiss. "Oh really there's so much more that no one but select few know. I was respected. I was the most loyal to him...Now I'm back on the lower food chain. I'm not a coward...I never was...that's why I've done so much. All you need to know is don't get caught... times are changing and the pure bloods are dying out, mixing with tainted blood, or are becoming too old to have children...They can learn the hard way...By doing it on their own, I didn't have help...I could just up and leave let you three suffer it out, see how well that works." She stated she didn't mean that part, she loved the two in the tent sleeping but she was so mad and upset.
"Yeah well times will only change if we let them but I guess we are just going to let them because according to you we should just give up" ,Krys said back with a hiss. She took another sip from the bottle then threw it against a rock that was right next to Bellatrix, she then dropped to her knees grabbing her own hair and pulling it. Krys had finally let everything sink in and let herself breakdown, "We're so fucked" ,she said quietly as she sat there shaking with both fear and anger.
"You can't stop father time look back through history, we're done...We have nothing left, don't you see?" Bellatrix stated trying to keep her head and think logically they weren't going to survive on dreams at the moment. Bellatrix quickly jumped up as the bottle hit against the rock near her and shattered. "Welcome to reality...It would have been better off to die in the war than run...we will be remembered...but we will not be honored...for what we've done." She stated it was a thought for if anyone ever saw them again would probably turn them in. "Now, until we get everything straight and life figured out for a while, we wont be able to rebuild that's why you need to breakdown now, to think clearly... "
Krys could barely hear what Bellatrix was saying, she stayed where she was for a few minutes then stood up. "I'll be back" ,she said quickly before walking into the tent and grabbing her cloak. She put her hood on then walked back outside and began walking away from the tent and Bellatrix.
Bellatrix went quiet, and watched as Krys walked back to the tent, coming back with her cloak. "Where are you going?" Bellatrix asked curiously, unsure to what was running through Krys' mind.
"I'm going to get food, it's dark out and I'm less likely to be caught and if I am who gives a fuck anyway" ,Krys said in response as she continued walking. "Just keep an eye on Draco and Iracebeth ok I'll be back soon and if I'm not just go on without me". At this point Krys really didn't care anymore and the group needed to eat plus she couldn't sleep anyway.
"Alright, we aren't going anywhere...Be causious." she called. Continuing to watch as Krys walked toward the town. "Don't worry about them they'll be fine...Alright...just make it back." She stated She sat back down on her rock and sat in silence, loving the quiet, the only bad thing waas it made her think.
When Krys got to the town she looked around to make sure no one was around and when she knew for sure the coast was clear she walked over to a grocery store that wasn't to far from the entrance of the town. She pulled out her wand and unlocked the door then made her way inside, she then cast a spell that would mess up any camera's that may be running before grabbing some bags from the check out line. Krys filled the bags with whatever she could for food, her arms were full of bags by the time she exited the store. Again she made sure the coast was clear before apparating back to the spot where the others were. "OK I may have grabbed a lot but I promise I was careful and there was nobody around, half of this shit I don't even know what it is but I know it's food so we'll just have to eat it beggers can't be choosers right" ,Krys said as she got closer to Bellatrix.
Bellatrix sat and tears formed again the suffering she had gone throw was wasted, her loyalty was wasted. She wasn't good for anything anymore. Life once married hadn't been kind to her, and no w she was hiding in the woods with three kids. After a while she wiped her eyes, feeling a bit better.She was alone since the two were asleep and Krys had gone, she couldn't help but worry for the girl. She should have gone with her, She went to retrieve food for them all. Bella wasn't a fan of Krys expecially since what happened about an hour ago, but if they found Krys they would find them. She then heard something rustling. It was Krys with bags in her hands, her arms were full. "Right, you did good...you sure you weren't seen, and you weren't followed?" Bellatrix asked if she was they would have to leave now.
Krys sighed, "No Bellatrix I wasn't followed give me some credit eh, plus I apparated directly here and it's late as hell everything is closed and no one is outside" ,Krys said in response. She dropped the bags down and sat down beside Bellatrix, she then went through one of the bags and pulled out a small box and looked at it, "What do you reckon this is"? She asked showing Bellatrix the box.
Sbellatrix sighed... "Sorry, I'm just jumpy. Good to know so if we strike at night no one will know..." She statedthat is helpful knowlage knowing the town was defenseless at night. "I don't know..What's it say?" She asked looking over at it. trying to see what it is.
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