On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)

Krys looked at it and read the label, "It says wheat thins, what the fuck is a wheat thin"? Krys said after reading the box a confused look on her face. She opened the box, "There's a bag inside the box, really? muggles are stupid if it's in a bag why put it in a box" ,Krys then opened the bag inside then sniffed the contents, "Here you try it" ,she stated pushing the box toward Bellatrix.
"Wheat thins? What the hell, mortals are stupid, how do you know what it is if it doesn't tell you? A bag in a box? How dumb are these muggles?" She stated this made her hate them even more they were too confusing to keep up with. 'Whoa Why do I have to try it first?" She asked taking the box sniffing it, it didn't smell bad. She reached in and took a square, looking at it curiously. "Here goes..." She hesitated then took a bite, It was actually good, "It's like a cracker..."
"A cracker"? Krys said reaching her and into the box and pulling one out. She put it into her mouth and chewed it, "It's not too bad actually I can live with it" ,she stated. "Thanks for trying it first you do have some guts ya know and yes muggles are stupid they seem to make things more difficult for no reason".
"Yeah a cracker...It's not all that bad." She replied She rolled her eyes at Krys, "Oh coarse I have guts I'm a Death Eater aren't I?it comes in a package. You get to try the next thing first though. Yeah but as is they aren't blessed so they'll all die out one day."
"Yeah it definitely does come with the package and it's a deal I'll try the next thing and I'll even let you pick it out" ,Krys said in response. "Hopefully they'll all die out one day then all we have to worry about is all those fucking mudbloods" ,Krys continued. She leaned back against a rock that was behind her and looked at Bellatrix, "If you want to get some sleep I'll keep a look out I don't think I can fall asleep right now anyway".
"Well...It did...?" She stated now that everything went to hell. "Alright then what else do we got?" She asked looking at the random food items. "Here we are..." She stated picking up a can of Fretios. Opening them. "Fretios...They look strange." She stated handing her the container. " Well they are an inferior race...I won't be able to sleep...I had a hard enough time at the manor, I'll be fine for awhile."
Krys took the can and looked at it for a moment before reaching in and grabbing some of the contents and eating them, "It's not bad it's different but not bad" ,she stated offering Bellatrix the can. "Well might as well stay up then even if I don't like you you're probably going to be the only person to talk to during the night" ,Krys admitted.
Bellatrix shrugged as Krys said they weren't bad, taking the can from him. She took a few and chewed them, they were pretty good. "Don't worry I don't like you either...but it beats laying awake next to sleeping bodies." She basically agreed if she was stranded with someone else except Wormtail or Rudolphus she'd be happier.
Krys looked at the woman and snickered, "At least the feeling is mutual" ,she stated eating a bit more. She was a bit hungry and hadn't eaten for a few hours. "So do you have any ideas of what we should do next? Quite frankly I'm all out of fucking ideas for the time being".
"Yes we can agree on something..." She chuckled slightly, if they couldn't like each other at least they knew they both hated each other. "Well, it we're going to be here for a few years or whatever, we're going to need a home, we can't stay in the tent all year. Then we'll need to figure out money, they have a different system here."
"Well maybe we should figure out how to get money first that way we can buy a home somehow we'll probably need to disguise ourselves even though muggles don't know who we really are right now I'm sure the ministry will make sure we're known criminals all over the place in the muggle world and wizarding world it's only a matter of time" ,Krys said in response. She knew how the ministry of magic worked, if they wanted to catch someone they'd use all means necessary.
"Well then...Little different thn what I had in mind, but sounds good, how do we intend to do that we need a residance in order to recieve a job. I mean if we go to the middle of no where find a family of four, get rid of them, take the house and disguse oursleves as them for awhile, have 'them' meaning us move, but then be oursleves and 're-buy' the house....That's actually kinda complicated nevermind...and yes they will, indead they will. we need to think of something fast then." Bellatrix stated shooting off an idea this was more complicated than the last time granted the last time she got caught.
Krys listened as the woman spoke she had a good idea but it would be hard to do, "Well we have some time to think up ideas although your idea isn't too bad we should explore other options as well" ,Krys said in response. She thought for a moment as they sat there, "I know we'll figure something out we have to stick together no matter what".
Bellatrix's idea was risky but it would be quicker then trying to buy a home, with no money, trying to re-adapt into society. "But some is never enough..." She stated they needed to figure this out as soon as possible. If Bella was alone she'd probably hide in a cave, stealing food at night, But she had three kids with her, granted Krys was more grown up than the other two. She was still very young, she didn't want to see any of them either losing their life or their freedom, ruining what life they did have, like hers. "Yes if we don't they'll pick us off one by one if we seperated.
"You know what let's go with your plan but let's make sure it's fool proof before we go ahead with it and if it's a family of four can we try and find one that has all adults or close to it I just can't bring myself to kill a kid regardless of their blood status, don't judge me ok it's just something I can't do" ,Krys said in response. Yes the woman was evil but a child was a child in her eyes and she did have somewhat of a heart despite what most thought.
"Alright we'll start looking tomorrow. How young do you consider a child? To me you three are still children so..." She stated, Bella wouldn't kill a young child, she refused to do that, but a teenager was different so it all varied. She ate a few more whgeat thins.
"I'm no child Bellatrix you of all people should know that I've been through more then most adults have, as for what I consider a child anyone under the age of 14" ,Krys said in response to the woman's question.
"Mentally no, but if looking at age compared to mine, you are still but a child to me, no matter whst you've been through. Alright then we will sreach for a family with no children under 14." Bellatrix reassured her.
"Bellatrix you're not that old, what are you like 35 or something that's not too bad" ,Krys said in response. She didn't know how old the woman really was and was going on a guess.
"If you wanna think I'm 35, thats a great age to me. No 35 is not bad but I've already passed that mark." She stated reluctantly. "I'm 47..."She stated quietly. She was glad that she still looked fairly young for ZKrys to think she was 35 years of age.
"35, 47 what's the difference age is nothing but a number if you let it bother you then you'll feel old if you don't think about it then you'll stay young figuratively speaking" ,Krys said in response.
"12 years is the difference...3 years I'll be 50...I wasted 14 years which could have been the best years of my life in prison rotting away...no worries if you see me at times i'm 4 at least thats what Cissy says." Bellatrix stated.
Krys chuckled a bit then ate some more, "You are so negative all the time, we're in a shitty situation but we should try and at least make the best of it, stop fucking downing yourself you're not bad looking and you still have some sense of humor run with it" ,Krys told her.
Bellatrix raised an eyebrow when Krys chuckled, "There's nothing to be positive about so they only other option is to be negative." She said then rolled her eyes. "Well since you think I'm 35, I must still have some appeal..."
"No Bellatrix there is stuff to be positive about you just don't see it because you want to be pissy all the time, you've still got your life be happy about that" ,Krys stated in response to Bellatrix.
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