Blood of my Heart

Draco smiled a little as he heard the purring, letting his own happy noises as he smiled. "no... your fuzzy... i like fuzzy." he mumbled nuzzling the other before whining loudly as the phone started to ring. he knew someone else would answer it but it was an annoying noise to his sensitive ears. it wasn't five minutes later before a knock came at the door. "you had better be dying Stephan!" he snarled, the other wolf hesitating then. "'s Anita she says it's an emergency." Draco was out of bed in an instant and took the phone, ignoring his own nudity, Stephan going bright red and vanishing as Draco chatted on the phone.

Anita smirked a little as she shook her head. "Gabriel wants Draco as much as Draco wants him." she admitted chuckling a little. "and neither of their wills are as strong as mine." she admitted licking her lips a little as she watched Harry's tongue run along a firm nipple, a small smile on the boy's face. "you know, i honest to god think he's playing with you." she admitted smirking as Harry giggled a little. "i would never play with such a strong, handsome man, he might try to... put me in my place." Harry teased Anita snickering a little as she watched Richard. "you can Nuzzle Richard." she promised grinning at him, offering him a wink. "i won't mind." she promised before calling Draco, heading into the kitchen to talk while Harry attempted to seduce Richard, his tiny little tongue stroking the man's nipple again.
Gabriel purred, hissing at the sound of the phone, pressing his paws over his ears, annoyed at the sound. Growling as he stretched like a well stretching cat, butting his head against draco's leg as the other talked, annoyed at not getting attention paid to him. "What's wrong?"He said ywning against as he stretched, rolling on his side.

Richard shuddered, making a face at anita."He's like a kitten with a ball of string."He muttered whining quietly as the other licked him again, ruffling harry's hair as he sighed."Lovely, are you sure your not a kitten instead of a vampire?"He teased smirking as he shifted to lay on his back, letting harry do what he wanted."And do you want put in your place?"He teased running his fingers through the man's hair, looking amused as he wondered just what the man would do next.
Draco was pale as he hung up the phone and he looked down at Gabriel. "... the Council is involved." he explained simply. "their using Harry as a martyr... their in his head, filling him with nightmares, trying to drive him insane before he can tattle. Lilian is there, helping him but they need someone to block his mind, me or Jean Claude." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i don't know how to mind block... so we have to hope Harry keeps his sanity until dusk when Jean Claude can go to him, and then we have to hope Harry doesn't panic when he sees Jean Claude..." he swallowed thickly. "... this is a war..." there was terror in his voice. "there's a war now... we're... we're at war..." the look on his face said it all, he was terrified he was going to end up a pawn again, trapped under someone's foot, tormented and tortured like he had been under Voldemort.

she chuckled a little as she watched him, Harry teasing the little nub of flesh with his teeth now. "don't you know?" he asked smirking a little. "my animagus form is a feline." he admitted panting softly. "i spent so much time in it, that sometimes." he purred loudly in his chest, shifting against Richard, pressing his hardness against the other. "i want to be under you." Harry hissed softly, his eyes as wild as any werewolf's. he was riding his terror and trauma the only way he knew how, by giving in to carnal desire, his teeth, now long fangs pressed against Richard's neck, sucking on the man's flesh like a kitten trying to get milk. "you smell so good, like apples, bright fresh apples." he purred again, rolling his hips against Richard's, grinding their cock's together.
Gabriel purred, a protective angry sound as he shifted back, standing he wrapped his hands around draco's arms, squeezing a little tight to make sure that the man's attention was o him."Draco.Draco, do you hear me?"He growled shaking him a little, terrified that draco was living in some memory. "I wont let that happen. I'll kill us both first."he growled that snarling protectivenss angry that someone had so abused draco that he couldn't thin clearly."Jean-claude will kill us first. You have people,strong people to stop it this time."He said olding him tightly.

Richard moaned softly, shivering as the other pressed against him. Swallowing hard as he smiled softly."Hmmm that makes sense. Alot of wolves get stuck with habts as humans."He muttered looking startled at the words. Shivering as the other pressed his fangs against his eck,"apples?"HE moaned smirking as he shifted the other, pinning him to the bed. kissing him hard."Hmm so you want to be under me?"He growled nuzzling him. While he wasn't good with sex, he was so used to having talks with asher and jean-claude, and the memory sahring with jean-claude, that sometimes even without the experience of homosexual sex, he knew way to much.
Draco didn't react as Gabriel grabbed him, but he blinked slowly at the promise that Gabriel would kill him first, it was actually a relief for Draco to hear that shockingly enough. he sagged into Gabriel's arms and swallowed thickly, closing his eyes. "i won't... i won't let them.." he whispered softly. "i won't let them." he muttered softly, trembling in Gabriel's arms. "i'll kill them first... i will..." he muttered pressing his face into Gabriel's shoulder and inhaling deeply, smelling his love, smelling himself on his lover and starting to calm down. "i'm... i'm alright now... i'm sorry..." he muttered softly shaking his head a little. "i... remind me.. to tell you someday... what happened to me." he ordered softly as he pulled away. "Anita asked us to come over to help keep Harry awake, hopefully with so many freinds he won't be scared when Jean Claude comes..."

Harry smirked a little as he ran his tongue along the others neck, panting softly. "yeah." he whispered smirking a little. "i have habits." he whispered softly. "lots... and lots... of habits." he muttered softly smirking a little. "it makes me feel safe." Harry muttered softly. "being pinned under someone, stronger than me, bigger, tougher..." he whispered softly. "someone who would protect me." he murmured nuzzling the other again before he started moving lower, kissing and licking as he moved lower and lower. "you've never had a male before.. have you?" Harry asked softly, his eyes flicking up to Richard, his head tilted a little. "let me show you." he whispered smirking at the other. "let me show you the pleasure that only a man can give you." his teeth caught Richards zipper and yanked it down, running his tongue back up, trailing along flesh. but he didn't pull Richard out, he needed permission first, Harry was a stickler about getting permission first.
"Good.You better kill them first, otherwise I'm going to be wickedly pissed."GAbriel growled wrapping his arms around him, holding him tightly. Pressing a kiss to her forehead as he closed his eyes, resting his cheek against the other's hair."Someday."He muttered before stepping back, nodding."Let's go then.Hopefully he'll feel oaky."He sid sounding worried as he headed for the door, pausing to look back at him."Do you have a car?How are we getting there?"

" matters how you consider it.Personally no. But I share memories with my master vampire, who has."He muttered shuddering at the other catching his zipper, swallowing hard as he shuddered, it felt so good."I am ulfric of the thronros clan, I am strong enough to protect you."He growled, a deep bass growl as he nuzzled him, rolling on his back, swallowing hard as he closed his eyes."Hmm...yes. Yes. Please."He said looking dow at the man touching him, willing to give up control for the moment to see what the man would do.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "i'll kill them first." he promised again as he nuzzled Gabriel, enjoying the gentle attention as he let their link open tentatively, letting Gabriel feel how much love and affection Draco had for the other. it was a surprisingly lot, considering Draco hadn't even known the other a week ago. "Anita is good at keeping people calm, i'm sure he'll feel alright..." he muttered softly before chuckling. "i personally own a motorcycle." Draco admitted looking amused. "but we'll take Jean Claude's car." he decided reaching out with his mind, informing the Master Vampire where they where going and what car they where taking. Jean Claude wouldn't know until he woke, but he would know when he did wake and that was all that mattered. "come on Gabriel, your going to have to drive though, i can't drive a car, i don't know how."

Harry smiled a little and then a flicker of fear went through his eyes at the mention of vampires, but it was gone quickly. "the same Master as Draco right?" he asked curiously. "that tall blue fellow that helped me?" blue? Harry must have meant Jean Claude's eyes. Harry didn't have the same fear of Jean Claude as he had of other vampires, a good sign. he smiled as he nodded. "i know you are strong enough to protect me." he admitted nuzzling the other almost submissively. "i don't know what an ulfric is though." Harry muttered running his his tongue along the other, grinning at the begging and he gently, carefully tugged Richard out of his pants, squeezing him gently in his hands with a small groan as he brought his head down and ran his tongue along the tip of the others cock, tasting him. "you taste so good." Harry moaned softly as he nuzzled the others cock and balls, inhaling the others manly scent before he started to kiss, suck, and lick the length all over, his fingers stroking where his mouth wasn't so that no inch of Richard's cock was ignored.
Gabriel looked startled at the feeling, but basked in it.Because he'd never felt like tht before, so he wasn't willing to question it, just in case draco got pissed off about it."A motorcylce?Really?But...but we could..."he stopped stuttering as he tried to think about it, smiling as he let draco lead him out to the garage."Then why don't we take the bike?just think."GAbriel purred softly pulling him against him, pressing against him tightly."you could be pressed against me for a whole ride."He purred before laughing, heading for the car."Come on draco.I'll drive."e said snickering.

"Yes.That'd be him."Richard said after a moment having taken it to mean jean-claude's eyes. Swallowing hard he relaxed, glad that harry didn't seem to fear jean-claude."Wolf king."He muttered nuzzling him, looking amused, groaning as the other touched him. Whimpering softly as he thrust up a little into the other's mouth, whining when he was just nuzzled. Groaning as he swallowed hard, biting his lip to keep the howl from escapig. It felt so good."Ohhh..harry..."he muttered reaching down, tanglign his fingers in the other's hair, blinking hard, trying to focus and remember what he ws supposed to be doing.
Draco smiled a little and then smirked. "we'll take the motorcycle when we can fuck after." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head a little as he dragged the other down for a deep intense kiss, groaning happily as he turned to the car, licking his lips as he followed Gabriel into the car and out to Anita's house, blinking as he watched Anita downstairs reading her bible as always. "... why are you downst... why does it smell like sex?" he asked frowning a little as he sniffed at the air his eyes widening. "are Harry and Richard..." "yuppers." Anita looked a little too gleeful about that as she turned a page in her book, Draco blinking a little before he started to laugh.

Harry nodded a little as he nuzzled the other, smirking a little as he tasted and teased the other. 'shhh." Harry whispered softly, looking up at the other. "just let it out my Ulfric." he purred finally, finally sliding the other into his mouth, swallowing half of Richard's cock without any effort as he sucked and swallowed around the length before swallowing the rest of it, moaning eagerly, delighting in the fact that his gag reflex was suddenly gone, benefit of the change no doubt. he sucked and slurped, his tight grip pinning Richard's hips down to keep him from bucking so Harry could continue to taste and tease as he pleased.
Gabriel wrinkled his nose as he looked towrds the stairs, starting to laugh."You look to pleased about having your mate fucking someone else..."He said slowly, because he wasn't sure if he was right on their relationship, and anita looked to pleased."I assume we don't have to go up and make him stay sane right now?"Gabiriel said looking amused as he settled onto the couch, looking quite at home.

Richard moaned swallowing a little as his hips bucked up a little, trying to move in the other's tight grip whining when he couldn't. Tugging on the other's hair, pating."H-h-gonna-"He panted whiing as he tried to focus around the feelings to warn harry his body tensing as he spilled into the other's mouth, howling softly as pleasure pushed him over the edge into orgasm, the world going white edged as he stared at the cieling.He'd never had someone that good at oral,sad as that was, but it felt amazing.He wanted more. "Harry..."He muttered panting softly as he whimpered softly in pleasure.
Anita chuckled a little and nodded. "technically he's my fuck toy." she admitted chuckling a little. "Micah is my mate, but Richard is my lover, boyfriend." she admitted smiling a little as she watched him. "besides, Richard deserves to have more than one lover too, and he and Harry need each other. Richard needs a mate that he can protect. i get pissy when he tries to protect me so he doesn't get what he needs with me. it makes him grumpy." she admitted smiling a little as she heard Richard howl. "hmm... that was short, Harry must be pretty skilled." she muttered with a small chuckle shaking her head as she watched Gabriel make himself at home glancing at Draco. "are you going to sit down?" "... no... you have sex in here... everything is dirty..." "... i do not have sex in the living room Albion... i promise." she promised laughing a little as Draco gingerly sat down in a chair.

Harry growled as he felt the fingers in his hair, shivering eagerly as he sucked and swallowed, working the others cock in his mouth and swallowing the seed he spilled, gulping it down eagerly before pulling away and licking his lips, grinning at Richard, heat still in his eyes as he moved forward and kissed Richard intently, pressing his hardness into Richards stomach with an eager little groan. "more?" he asked hopefully panting softly. "need you... in me.." Harry groaned, his toes running along his lovers length, toes tickling the flesh into hardness again. "please, Richard... fuck me."
"Ah, so the wolf wants a lifemate."Gabriel nodded not even about to consider why he hadn't settled down yet. He spent to much time in his other forms, all the animals he changed into, they all mated for life. Which left him in a awkward position because each animl had demanded a mate of their own,but strangely, each side of his mind had accepted albion as his mate."Or richard's not getting pleased enough."Gabriel teased looking at anita, snickering at draco's reaction before reaching out and putting the man into his lap, cuddling them both on the couch."See?ow you can sit on me, and I'll sit on the couch.You know where my germs come from."He purred a little nuzling albion.

Richard blinked slowly, stupidly as he looked up at the man pressing into him."Hmm I think I can do that."He said shuddering laughing as the other's toes touched him, it felt odd and good all at once. Laughng as he rolled the other over pinning him to the bed before hesitating. "What....what do I do?"He asked rubbing against him, trying to search jean-claude's vague memories he had for the answer. But like most things, jean-claude was no help to him at the moment. Most of the memories he had, were of pain and trture, that couldn't be helpful here and now."Help me."He moaned rocking his hips into the other.
Anita nodded a little. "Richard needs someone who can be his Lupa." she admitted. "i can't because i'm already mated, but Richard just can't seam to bring himself to choose one of the pack, he thinks it's betraying my trust... he's such a boy scout." she said this with such affection that Draco snorted. "it's not my fault he's not into kinky sex and i am." she teased, smirking as she watched Draco snuggle into Gabriel. "it looks like Albion may have found himself a mate too... didn't you used to say that you would only mate for life Albion?" "...yeah, so what?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at her, Anita shrugging her shoulders. "just wondering."

Harry purred happily as he nuzzled the others neck giggling at the shudder and growling happily as they where rolled over. "you have to move back." Harry moaned at the pleads for help. "i'll take care of it." he promised slipping three fingers into his mouth, and then stretching himself, keening and crying out eagerly as he shivered and wriggled around before he settled onto all fours and offered himself to richard. "please... please put it in me i can't wait anymore." Harry whimpered gripping the sheets tightly. "please. oh please..." he groaned wriggling his ass at richard, his hole slick and tight, ready to be fucked.
"Yes, he seems to be a boy scout...kinda like potter."Gabriel grinned laughing a little as he looked down at the man sitting in his lap, pressing a kiss to the other's head, raising a eyebrow as he looked at anita."Most animals only mate for life."He mused not about to admit to that he wanted to never have to lose draco again. He was already in love with him as much as he could be.

Richard studied sitting back on his knees as he watched the other, not looking....displeased just curious about the machinics. Oh, jean-claude was going to have questions fired at him. Smiling as he looked down at the other, he smirked rubbing against the other."Hmm I thought I was in charge."He teased laughing softly as he thrust into the other, hands grippig the man's hips tightly as he thrust into him harder. "Hmm ohh..."he muttered nearly collapsing again at how amazing it felt.
Draco chuckled and nodded a little. "Harry was always a boy scout." he admitted sleepily looking up at the other. "i mate for life and i'm not an animal." he admitted blinking a little. "in all actuality most animals don't mate for life either. take the eagle they live with only one bird their entire lives, but the female often breeds with more than one male." Draco admitted grinning a little. "foxes, and wolves too." Anita laughed a little. "have you been watching Animal Planet again?" she asked looking amused Draco smirking. "yes. i like it." he admitted nibbling at Gabriel's neck. "human's are pretty much the only creatures that actually mate for life, and we're pretty good at fucking that up." he admitted Anita laughing at that,

Harry chuckled a little panting at him. "i'll walk you through it later, there's a book i can get for you, it explains everything. it's how i learned about gay sex." he admitted closing his eyes. "mmm you only think your in charge." he moaned happily clenching tightly around the other. "oooh fuck... Richard... your so big!" he moaned in delight. "it feels sooo good." he groaned driving his hips back, forcing even more if Richard deep inside of him, panting eagerly. "please... oh yes please..." he groaned shuddering happily as he gripped the blankets tightly under him, smirking at the other. "it's ok, fuck me, hard as you want." he purred panting, face alight with passion and pleasure.
"well, your not human either."He pointed out, before pouting."hey, I was trying to be romantic and kind okay. Stop ruining the moment."he growled pouting because maybe it wasn't natural that he only wanted one mate, but he wasn't about to change it. Blushing slightly as he buried his face against the other's shoulder, blushing hard because it embarassed him to realize that he was perfectly content to live his life with this man."now stop overanalyzing things draco."he said poking the other."...are you going to make me watch animal planet?Its weird wehn I see myself on there..."

Richard laughed at the book, he had a real life book, and he was pretty sure he wasn't going to get laughed at. if he read the book, both jean-claude and anita would never let him hear the end of it. Moaning as the other pushed him further into him, growling as he pressed into him harder and faster, using all that otherworldly power, realizing for the first time, he wasn't having sex with a human, that he could be as rough and happy as all that otherworld strength offered. Growling as he sank his teeth into the other's neck,holding him still, like a wolf holding its mate still.
Draco smiled a little. "no i'm not human, i'm something else entirely, that's why i can mate for life." he admitted smiling a little. "and your not human or animal either, so i know that you can mate for life too." he smirked wickedly. "because if you willingly sleep with someone else without my permission i'll bite your dick off." he admitted anita snickering a little. "Draco's very possessive." she admitted shaking her head. "always has been, when he had that rabbit he killed someone for daring to touch it without his permission." Draco snorted. "i killed him for other reasons too...." he complained sulking a little as he nuzzled Gabriel. "and yes, you have to watch Animal planet with me... and Nova, i like Nova." he admitted grinning a little. "and Nature... i really like Nature." Anita snickered again as she heard Harry's passionate cries from upstairs.

Harry chuckled a little as he heard Richard laughing, it was a nice happy laugh, Harry liked Richard's laugh, it was so...warm. he moaned eagerly as Richard let go and fucked him, crying out in passion and delight, feeling himself being pinned down, held in place, feeling safe and protected as the other fucked him hard. he gripped the sheets under him tightly, the sheets ripping under his claws as he panted hard as he wriggled under the other, crying out in passion, lust, and love as Richard fucked him hard. he felt his inner cat shifting, wanting out but he clamped hard on it, not about to shift, Richard might try to eat him if he did because sometimes he changed into a cat... others he turned into a bat. it was never a for sure thing which transformation he was going to go into, so he just refused to change and cried out in delight as he felt his prostate being brushed. "OH GOD! THERE!!! THERE!... hit it there again please! oooh YES!!!!"
"ohh so you like it rough do you?"he teased snickering at the idea of draco punishing him for doing something. Even if he didn't want to do something with anyone else, it was amusing to see the man so possessive."well you have to watch Once Upon a Time wiht me.I like the girl.She's pretty."He teased snuggling draco, teasing him because it amused him, and he wanted to see if the man would be jealous.Nostrils flairing wide as he looked towards the door, smirking a little as he smelled sex."They seem to have need sleep."He said nudging draco.

Richard growled, gripping the sheets under harry as he thrust into him, swallowing hard as his control started to sliop. he was in control enough to stop from changing all the way, but he couldn't stop the fingers from shifting to claws, offering pain even if he wasn't touching the other with them. Growling as he angled his hips to thrust where harry had told him to, he shuddered hard as he came, biting down on the other's shoulder to keep from screaming. He would have had it just been anita,a but he could smell draco and gabirel downstairs, and he wasnt about to let draco make fun of him.
Draco smirked a little and nodded. "i do like it rough actually." he admitted with a smirk as he snarled, sinking his fangs into Gabriel's neck, sucking hard on the flesh, Anita snickering a little. "you think you would have learned by now not to tease Draco." she muttered, not even looking the least bit concerned as Draco drank from Gabriel before simply biting to cause flashes of pain and pleasure alternatively, releasing the other once he felt satisfied that the other had gotten the message, licking his lips and then licking Gabriel's wounds until they closed. "i do need sleep." he muttered yawning a little, back to calm, and in control Draco.

Harry snarled gleefully as he writhed under the other, panting hard as the other half shifted, dark fur sprouting along Harry's body as he lost his own control, unleashing a massive roar as the other bit hard on his shoulder and came hard deep inside of him, shifting fully into his were-form. it was clear that Draco did not know about that, or he would have warned Richard and Anita, it was hard to tell if anyone knew, considering Anita hadn't even realized that Harry was a were... but what a beautiful Cat Harry was. he was a Lion were, not native to the America, or even to England, they where so rare that most people thought they where just Myth... even Harry's were-form had to be amazing. he was long and slender, his fur a gorgeous golden tan, his mane, surprisingly, not black but a grayish brown and he blinked up at Richard, giggling a little. "i changed..." he muttered relaxing intot eh happy pleasure. "mmmm wonderful. you fuck so wonderful."
Gabriel groaned, his eyes fluttering closed as he sighed, leaning back against the couch. Swallowing hard as e felt the pain twisting into pleasure, sighing softly as he shuddered, nudging draco to his feet, looking at Anita."Do you have a bed we could use?"he asked looking at draco, smirking a little."Of course, oyu have to not complain about it being all germy and stuff."He teased setting draco on his feet.

Richard growled a little as he rolled away, "Hmm your not bad yourself."he teased pressing his face into the lion's mane, panting as he fought for control, relaxing as his claws shifted bck into human ingers. Running his fingers through the soft fur he smiled "Hmm are you stuck in this form now?Most lycanthropes cant change back right away, but since draco didn't tell me you had this form, I figure he doesn't know. And he's downstairs so if you dont want him to know..."He said stuttering a little because he didn't know what else to say to him, so he was overexplaining things as he relxed into the pleasing afterglow of sex.
Draco purred as he heard the groan, smirking a little as he was placed on his feet. "upstairs first door on your left." Anita stated calmly. "it's usually where Stephan sleeps when he comes over but you can borrow it." she teased, Draco pondering that before nodding. he trusted Stephan, his germs where alright he supposed. "we're not having sex here i hope you know." Draco stated simply. "i do not have sex in other people's beds."

Harry chuckled a little and purred happily as he shook his head. "i can change back if i want to, it takes a little strength out of me but i can do it." he admitted smiling a little. "i spent a year in this form." he admitted. "i didn't know how to change back." he admitted chuckling a little. "my godfather finally found me hiding in the Forbidden Forest." he admitted chuckling a little. "there's a part of me that loves it almost more than my human form." he admitted flexing his claws with a happy growl. "no one knows about this form... Draco was gone before i was infected." he admitted smiling a little. "i don't care if they know." he admitted chuckling a little before pausing. "do you think this is why i'm not a vampire? because i was a werelion first?" and a wizard too for that matter. Harry was almost as strange as Draco and Gabriel was. if the council ever found out about all three of them 'being under Jean Claude's Control' they where going to freak the hell out.
"Why not?Its not just anyone's bed. It belongs to anita."Gabriel pouted, following draco upstairs smiling as they stepped into the bedroom, smiling as he got under the covers, pulling draco down with him cuddling him."Hmm you need cuddled. In someone else's bed."He teased running his fingers through the man's hair. It was just to cute that draco was so uptight about the germs considering they wuldn't kill him anymore.

"If I spent that much time in thtat form,I couldn't come all the wy back."Richard mused laying against him, sighing softly as he thought about it."It might be. Most weres cant become vampires, and vice versa. Add into it that yur a wizard, it might be what caused it."He said looking worried as he stroked the other's hair,"We;ll just have to be careful.We dont know who's trying to drive you insane, they might freak out finding out you have another form... along with draco's position, and gabriel's freakish animal talents, they might be seriously pissed at you. And try to take you permantantly out of the game."He muttered nuzzling his lover, smiling as he relaxed, starting to fall asleep even if he knew he should get up and go see how anita was doing.
Draco huffed a little and shook his head a little. "we're not having sex in Anita's bed." he grumbled shaking his head a little as he snuggled into the covers with a small sigh. "i can handle cuddles." he mumbled, so damn tired it wasn't even funny. he was asleep before he even realized Gabriel was petting him, breathing softly as he cuddled into Gabriel.

Harry smiled a little. "it took a spell to change me back." he admitted shaking his head. "i had an advantage being that i knew how to transform with my Animagi form." he admitted smiling a little at Richard. "i wonder if i bit someone, would they turn into a lion, or a vampire?" he mused smirking a little, looking amused. if Harry was feeling well enough to make jokes, then he was going to be fine. "they can't get into my head while i'm awake." Harry promised. "only when i'm sleepy or sleeping and that lady gave me that shot, so i'm not tired anymore." he admitted with a small smile as he nuzzled the other back, purring loudly as he ran his tongue along the others face before forcing himself back into human form and getting dressed kissing him once more before smiling a little as he grabbed his pants and got dressed, skipping downstairs to go find something to do while Richard slept, Harry couldn't sleep, he was too wired to sit still so he found something to do.
"Why not?"Gabriel said smiling a little as he realized that draco was already asleep. Laughing to himself he snuggled into his vampire, shifting into panther form, the large cat cuddling him as he went to sleep.

Richard laughed, looking amused.You could bite draco.Though gabriel might be put out your chewing on his lover."he said snickering a little, looking relieved to hear jokes. Because harry was like anita, if he could joke, richard knew he would be fine. It ws when the jokes stopped that he started worrying.Shivering as he got licked he whined before falling asleep before he'd even finished the thought that he should get up to see what harry was going to do. Trusting anita to tke cre of him.

That evening Gabriel yawned, yelping as he stumbled into the ulfric, both werewolves stumbling down the stairs as they pushed and shoved at each other, both dominate enough that they wouldn't let the shoves go, and one shove soon became more. Though if anything, it seemed they were having more fun then fighting to be in charge."Draco!Tell richard to stop shoving me."shove "Your such a bitch, needing help."shove "Shut up, pansy."shove...and so it went. Insults puncuated by shoves
Harry snickered at Richards joke and shook his head. "i'd rather bite you." he teased nipping the others flesh playfully as he shook his head. by the time the other two got up however things had taken a drastic turn especially when Draco turned to them and snarled. "Both of you SHUT UP!" he spat, his eyes bordering that edge between furious and utterly insane as he paced back and forth, Anita holding Harry tight as she looked over at the two men. "the medicine wore off... and with night so close they can actively torment him..." she explained gently stroking Harry's hair, the boy was pressed as tight into her as he stared blankly at nothing, desperately trying to shield his own mind from his own terrible memories. "shh Harry." Anita whispered as Harry let out a small whimper. "Jean Claude will be here soon." she promised softly, Draco making a strange noise that was half sob, half snarl, his fingers twitching. he wanted to rip, tear, kill, and he couldn't because everyone in the room was friend and family. "he is on his way." Draco growled softly. "he's just woken up, he's taking the heavy tinted windows. it will be dark enough for him to go outside by the time he gets here." he was pacing again as Anita nodded, looking at Richard. "come hold him." she ordered. "he's more attached to you, it might help."
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