Blood of my Heart

Oh!oops.I was thinking leo...nvm...)

Rihard looked startled at the reaction, having not meant to turn it into a fight for dominance, turning his head, rubbing his cheek against the other's neck, breathing deeply as he gently bit down on harry's neck."REx, I am yours. I am ulfric, I bow to no one but my rex and lupa. Not even to a regina."He said because they all treated anita like a regina, but he was a regina to another rex, where anita was haven's. "I am yours."He muttered rubbing his cheek against the other's shoulder.
Harry growled again, a low purr starting as Richard smelled him, relaxing as he felt the bite, leaning into him, slowly relaxing into Richard as the man promised that Richard would never let anyone else take him. "mine..." he murmured, kissing Richard a little before rubbing his cheek against the others neck, scent marking him before kissing him eagerly, scowling a little at Anita who looked hesitant. "... Harry's right though Richard... i'm a Lion, and a Regina to another Rex... this might not work. Haven and Harry would fight to the death over me..." "another wolf maybe?" Harry murmured. "or someone else connected to Anita.." he nuzzled Richard. "you pick someone... someone not weak... but not stronger than me." not many where stronger than harry without being stronger than Richard. if it came down to a fight, Harry and Richard where probobly completely equal, in physical strength anyway. "... what about Jason?" Anita asked suddenly. "he's connected to both me, and Jean Claude. he has the necessary power, and he won't feel emotionally connected to either of you in a way that would be troubling."
Richard rubbed his cheek against harry's shoulder as he thought, before nodding."Jason would be good."He sai pulling away from harry even as he wrapped a arm around his waist looking bemused, because it worried him to think about tying someone else to him.even if he was good friends with his wolf, it worried him to think about the emotional upkeep on being tied to this many people. Nuzzling harry a little he smiled."Let's go find jason, and we'll see about getting this done tonight, and tomorrow we'll talk to scarab and see about taking care of london."
Harry blinked a little, frowning a bit. "who's Jason?" "a very submissive wolf." Anita promised smirking a little. "Bi Sexual, he has a girlfriend but she'll be alright with letting you three tie yourselves to each other, J.J is cool like that." Anita admitted chuckling a little as she wandered away, Harry scowling a little. "your sure he's submissive?" Harry demanded, blinking at Richard, baring his teeth a little as he wrinkled his nose as he stared at Jason who was laying on his bed bare naked next to J.J, both of them reading a book together. "...gross..." "sorry." Jason and J.J stated at the same time but made no motion at all to cover themselves or even move. "you need something?" Jason asked blinking at Richard. it wasn't often that Richard needed him for anything, so Jason didn't figure it was anything too serious.
"Definately submissive. He lets jean-claude snack on him."He sai snickering a little as they walked to jason's room, smirking a little as he looked at the two, so used to casual nakedness that even with jj it didn't bother him to see her naked."We need to talk.J.J, can you give us a moment?"He said smiling a little as the woman nodded, kissing her cheek as she left the room before looking at jason, sitting down on the bed and starting to explain.
Harry pondered that before laughing a little as he decided that Jason was going to be perfectly submissive. Harry slid onto the bed, sniffling along Jason's skin, smelling for power, or aggressiveness that might be a problem later, Jason looking hesitant as he watched Harry, clearly wondering if he was about to be eaten. " it going to be safe?" Jason asked, Harry chuckling a little as he laid on top of Jason, the man shuddering, his eyes closing. "... alright, sure." he muttered a little, blushing. Jason liked sex, and the offer of emotion free sex was a little too good to be denied. "so.... who's fucking who then?" Harry asked, blinking a little. "... i think i should play middle..." "what, you mean Richard fucks you, and you fuck me?..." Jason asked, blinking a little, Harry nodding, Jason smirking. "you just don't want Richard thinking i'm tighter..." Jason yelped as Harry snarled, his eyes flashing to gold and Jason whimpered, cowering under him, rolling onto his belly and baring his neck, groveling as Harry sniffed at him, relaxing. this whole thing had Harry a little uneasy, and his Lion was close to the surface.
Richard snickered a little as he looked over at jason, amused by his reaction. "So eager to get fucked jason?"He teased leaning over to kiss jason slowly before nuzzling harry's neck."Hey hey, no scaring my wolf, lupa."He muttered trying to make harry relax, shivering a little as he wrapped his arms around harry's waist, pulling him back off jason, not wanting harry to accidently hurt him.
Jason chuckled a little and shrugged. "well, i am a whore you know." he teased smirking a little. "hell i didn't even get dressed today because i was hoping to get munched on by Jean Claude." "Jeans....occupies." Harry purred, looking sadistically pleased with himself again as he was pulled into Richards lap. "if i'm your lupa, doesn't that mean he's my wolf too? i should be allowed to scare him just a little!" he whined, sulking a little as Jason chuckled. "i WAS out of line Ulfric." he admitted, looking coy and seductive, though he was pretty sure neither actually found him attractive when they had each other. "besides, i like a little fear in my sex." "you pervert." Harry teased, grinning wickedly. "but what were doesn't? the smell of fear is... so sweet." he purred licking his lips. "but it's a food smell." he admitted licking his lips. "it's a meat hunger smell. not good for fucking." he admitted Jason looking amused again that someone so... perfectly alright with their beast was Richards mate.
Richard looked amused, nodding."You were out of line."Richard agreed before sighing, rubbing his face against harry's shoulder, smirking a little."Fear's not bad for sex, just not to much of it."He said biting gently harry's shoulder, giving jason a look."You don't have to be so amused that he's perfectly calm about being a lion."He said pouting a little.
Jacob chuckled a little as he watched the two, his head tilted as he studied the two Harry moaning as he leaned into the bite, he enjoyed the pain it brought, the spark of lust igniting in his belly as he growled eagerly Jacob smirking a little. "mmm never a better matched pair i'd say." he admitted chuckling a little. "you and your Lupa... you are well matched." he admitted. "i'm just a convenient means of binding you two even closer, that's all." Jason promised, Harry looking the submissive wolf over before growling eagerly. "Richard i'm horny... fuck me already, Jason can do whatever..." "jee, thanks." Jason complained with a laugh.
Richard rolled his eyes smirking a little as he pulled harry bak against him as he pressed the other into him."Hmm you could never just be convenient."Richard teased leaning around harry's shoulder to kiss him slowly before sighing, running a hand over harry's chest, looking at jason."What do you want to do?"He said offering to let jason choose where and what he wanted to be doing before he started fucking his mate.
Harry growled playfully as he kissed Richard, Jason snickering a little. "i'm only convenient for you Ulfric." he teased grinning at Richard as he watched. "considering how possessive Harry is right now, i think it would be best if he fucked me, or i sucked him off... he won't like it if i touch you too much." Jason admitted simply, looking amused. "or are you feeling possessive too?" he teased his Ulfric, Harry staring at him. "you talk too much, you'd better put that mouth to better use." he growled, Jason smirking but obediently wrapping his lips around Harry's cock, effectively shutting him up as Harry rubbed his ass against his lovers cock. "mmm Richard... your little wolf sucks good..." he moaned, shivering a little. "fuck me." he ordered with a growl, his magic settling around the three of them as the 'dirty deed' was done. through Richard Harry could feel... everyone! he could feel Jean Claude, and Asher, and Anita and Draco and Gabriel. he could even feel Micah, and all of Anita's tigers, and the twins. Harry purred deeply, feeling so happy, and safe, and content being connected to everyone, his power joining theirs, melding everyone into a stronger net, and surprisingly, Jason's power too filled the net. it was suddenly clear that Jason was a lot more powerful than he seamed. he was only lack of domination, and lack of ambition that had kept him as such a sub wolf. Jason could probably have taken on, and beaten Sylvie if he truly had felt the desire, but he was content and happy where he was in the middle of the pack... Harry knew right then and there, that he liked Jason, who wasn't greedy, wasn't hateful, was content in life. "that was fun." Harry purred playfully, kissing Richard happily.

Anita blinked, looking up at Asher and Jean Claude, her head tilted as Jean clause winced a little as Harry's power filled them. it was no wonder the boy had managed to destroy the dark lord. the boy was a powerhouse. had Harry felt the desire to, he could easily 'Call' everyone he was now connected to, controlling them like Anita controlled a Zombie, or a sleeping Vampire. the taste of magic lingered in the air, and the Twins bounded into the room, crawling into Asher's lap, their eyes yellow green as a foxes, upset and seeking to protect their Master from the power they felt, but the magic slowed, eased, settled and joined the rest of the power without trying to take control. like Jason, Harry was content with what he had, protection, and the ability to protect. "...i never realized he was so strong..." Jean Claude admitted his lips thinning, worried about what the boy might think to do with such power he now had at his beck and call. "... i can't feel Belle anymore though." Jean Claude admitted. "the power boost drowned her out, completely..." he glanced at Asher, seeking confirmation that she had been shoved out of his head as well.
Richard smiled a little as he snugled down into the others resting his head on harry's shoulder nuzzling harry, sighing softly."it wasfun."He muttered yawning stretching before settling down again."We should get some sleep."he muttered wrapping the other two in his arms.

Asher rowned thinking about it before nodding,swallowing hard."No, no hint of belle anymore."He said before frowning a little, looking at jean-claude."I know you are worried. But don't. If he had had the temperment for taking over the world, he would have joined the dark lord, not defeat him."He ponted out but looking worried himself, trying to convince himself more than jean-claude.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i don't wanna sleep." he complained smiling a little. "i wanna go running... and leaping... and hunting." he growled happily, feeling ever so energized. Jason just groaned. "Harry... go to sleep, me n Richard are TIRED." he complained, Harry huffing, annoyed. "fine! Lazy! i'll go find someone else to antagonize then." he decided hopping off the bed and getting dressed, Jason snorting. "so hyper... are ALL lions like that!?" he whined, blinking at Richard.

the twins where starting to relax now that the trouble was over, and they both chuckled. "are you kidding? Harry could never take control of people like that... not when he spent his entire life under the control of someone else." Fred promised George nodding. "Asher is right, you don't have to worry." the twins promised, blinking as Harry bounded in. "that was cool! i want to play! someone entertain me!" "... drunk... oh my god he's DRUNK!" Fred gasped, astonished at Harry who was grinning like a madman. "did you know people could get drunk on power?" Fred asked baffled as Anita laughed. "oh yes! Jean Claude does it all the time!" Anita admitted with a small laugh, Jean Claude scowling at Anita. "they did not need to know that..." the twins glanced at each other and then smirked at Asher. "and do YOU get drunk my master?" George asked smirking at him, licking his lips a little, looking eager to try. "you people are BORING!" Harry complained, skipping off, Anita snickering a little. "and you where worried about him taking over." she teased Asher and Jean Claude.
richard yawned sighing a little, as he watched harry getting dressed."Dunno.Probably. Gab and Haven are like energizer bunnies most of the time."he said scowling a little.

Asher snickered looking at him."Oh bloody hell."He said snickering amused at jeanclaude's reaction to that, before looking at him."Oh no.I would never be as crass and vulger as to get power drunk.I'm more refined than that."He said snickering, making fun of his friend.

Gabriel yawned as he stepped out of draco's room,shutting the door quietly behind him, looking over at harry as the lion hearly ran into him."Harry,whats wrong with you?"The other rex asked, looking amused.
Jason snorted a little and closed his eyes. "...great." he muttered shaking his head. "now that you mention it, so is Neville and Simba." he muttered unhappily. "i'm connected to an energizer bunny... J.J is going to hate me." he complained, sulking a little. "ah well, at least his personality won't affect ours too much... though we might be a little more optimistic... nothing seams to get Harry down does it?" he asked grinning as he watched Harry skip away.

Jean Claude glared at Asher, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. "i do beleive that you used to get Drunk on Anita FAR more often than i did Asher." he stated with a small little sniff, Anita and the twins snickering a little as they nuzzled Asher's neck playfully. "you know... i wonder if Asher will do that thing that Jean Claude does? when i eat food..." the twins paused, looking confused, clearly they didn't understand, which meant Asher probobly hadn't realized that with him marking both the twins, that he could now taste again through them. "lets go get food! i wanna see what she's talking about!" George chirped happily.

Harry grinned wickedly at Gabriel bouncing in place. "nothings wrong! i'm just hyper!" he chirped happily. Harry had acted like this once before in front of Gabriel, after about fifteen Shots of a very strong wizarding alcohol that was about the same as Moonshine. it was clear to anyone who knew Harry well enough that the boy wasn't just hyper, he was drunk off his ass. "play with me Gabe!" Harry demanded, leaping around. "lets go run! lets go play! i want to play Tag! do you know Tag!? of CURSE you know Tag! YOUR IT!" Harry yelled smacking Gabe on the arm before racing off, laughing wildly.

(i love playing hyper harry XDD)
"Ah, nah, I'm sure j.j. will enjoy the extra energy."Richard snickered looking at his wol, sitting up on his elbows as he stretched, sighing as he settled down into the bed, to tired to go after his mate."True.But we can all use some optimisum sometimes.....and I don't know if its real or fake."He said thoughtfully wondeirng how much of harry's optimsium was faked.

Asher smirked a lttle."Oh no, I think you are wrong. You always get drunk."Asher said with a little sniff, before looking startled, having not thought of that as he looked at anita, pouting a little before frowning."Nothing gross you two.Normal, good food."he ordered not wanting his first food in centuries to be gross.

GAbriel frowned watching him, his head aching as he watched the hyper man."Well, at least you're in a good mood."he said looking amused and shuddering because he just knew this was going to be back. Watching harry go he sighed shivering before he took off after the other lion rex, because he knew he had to play, otherwise harry'd bother draco, and draco wouldn't be able to handle this not today.
Jason chuckled a little and nodded. "this is true." he mumbled sluggishly. "though i'm quite sure the optimism she could do without... Harry is SUCH a morning person... if that bleeds over to me J.J is going to strangle me." he mumbled, sounding amused. everyone knew J.J and Jason where both very grouchy when they first woke up. there wasn't even any talking to them until after they had breakfast and coffee and even then there was a fifty fifty chance of having your face torn off. he paused though, frowning as he glanced at Richard. "if it's faked... it's been so long that it's become real." he admitted simply. "Harry's optimistic because for so long he was the only one keeping everyone else out of the mud. he's been optimistic so long, that i doubt he could be anything else now."

The twins laughed as their master yelled at them, and came back with armloads of stuff, dumping them onto the counter and assembling them. Cotton Candy, Cookie Dough Ice-cream, Snickers bars, a slice of hot, bubbling, cheesy Pizza. things they where sure Asher would like, there was even a hot bloody steak, a Cinnamon roll, and a bottle of rich, red wine. "what do you want to try first Asher!?" they both chorused, eager to eat for the vampire.

it didn't take long for Harry to get bored with Tag, letting Gabriel go back to comforting Draco who had woken up and was staring at the wall, smiling a little as he followed his lover playing with Harry. Draco hadn't realized it, but he'd given Gabe the second mark without realizing it. he was just glad he couldn't accidentally give him the third or fourth mark. "did you have fun?" he asked smiling at Gabriel, his head tilted. "Hyper Harry is a pain in the ass isn't he?" he asked with a small tired chuckle. "i was... thinking..." he admitted blinking a little. "..we should go back to London... i'm not in danger now that f... now that Lucius is dead." he muttered blinking at Gabriel. "no one else would dare try to hurt me...."
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