Blood of my Heart

she chuckled a little and nodded. "i agree, Simba won't be able to ignore the order of three Rex's... but Peter... well he probobly won't listen to us willingly..." she muttered scowling a little before a wicked grin crossed her lips. "so... we just have to give him something to do!" she decided. "something he will think is important. we'll tell him there' a bad man looking for Simba, and that we're going to try and contain him, but we need him in the room with Simba in case he gets through. we'll give him a gun, and have him guard the Trauma victim." she felt so smart. "that would keep him out of the way without him getting hurt feelings, right?" she asked smirking a little as she kissed his forehead. "just... make sure you take my head..." she ordered sighing a little as she turned and headed out into the hall to gather everyone that needed protecting, and would help with the protecting. Anita peeked into the room where Jean Claude and the others where resting, the rest of their large group already finished packing, even Harry, Richard, Jean's, and the Twin's things, piling them into cars, most of them heading off to the strip club already, looking to set up before The Harlequin got there.
Edward smirked looking amused, because she looked so pleased with herself that she had thought of a good way to distract peter."It wouldn't. It gets him out of the way without hurting him."he said looking pleased as well before following her to the bedroom, snickering at the sight of all of them sleeping in the bed. "'nita?"Richard muttered blinking sleepily as he looked up at the girl standing in the doorway, smiling gently."What's wrong?"He muttere sitting up on his elbows.Wincing as the move dumepd harry's head hard into a place where he so didn't want to be hurt.Grunting at the shooting pain in his groin he sighed, looking worried.
she chuckled a little and shook her head, smiling as she watched all of them sleeping. she shook her head as Richard started to wake up, and held up the little white mask with the golden notes, the Foxes blinking at it slowly before small growls fell from their mouths, they didn't know what the mask was, but they didn't like the way that Anita was looking at it. Harry groaned as he was shifted and he blinked at Richard, sulked at him actually and then blinked at the mask. "...whussat?" he asked sleepily, Jean Claude groaning as he blinked at the mask, cursing violently in french as he slowly, carefully sat up so he didn't dump everyone off the bed. "we have to..." "we already have preparations. they didn't say how many we could take, so we're taking everyone. they want to meet us at Guilty Pleasures, midnight... their only demand was that we bring the Foxes." she admitted, the Twins growling again, unhappy with that information, but they started getting up. "we've told Peter that Simba is in danger as well, and they will be deeper in Guilty pleasures, and hopefully they'll stay out of the way." Harry relaxed, relieved by that information and then, finally. "...whats the deal with the mask?" he finally asked, slipping up off the bed and taking it from Anita, putting it on and grinning. "it's like what we used to wear on Halloween while at School." he admitted with a grin as he tied it into place, Anita gaping at him. "H..Harry i don't think your supposed to...wear them.." "why not? it's pretty, and it WAS in a present." Anita was still holding the box.
Richard gaped, thinking about it before starting to laugh. REally his anxiety and worry over what they were going to do, was making him giggly at the sight of his mate wewaring the harlequin's mask."Oh. I think he should wear it."The ulfric grinned. Asher smirked as he sat up on his elbows, looking thoughtful as he loked at harry,tilting his head a little."Well.I don't think anyone would expect someone to wear it. And it is a mask, surely they wont think its to odd."He said snickering because he was sure no one in their long histroy had probably ever wore the harlquen's mask in front of them.
Harry grinned a little and shook his head. "i like it, i wonder if they'll let me keep it?" he mused hopefully, grinning a little as his lover laughed and Asher told him that they wouldn't expect it. "well i'll have to wear it. just to see the looks on their faces..." he paused. "who is they? why is no one telling me anything!?" he demanded scowling a little as Jean Claude chuckled and shook his head. "we'll explain on the way there Harry." "everything's packed, most of them are already at Guilty pleasures." Anita admitted. "Draco and Micah included,t he Foxes are going over with us. Edward, Peter and Simba are over there too." Anita admitted. "he took Cherub with him before you two start freaking out, she's going to be with Peter and Simba the entire time." she promised the twins relaxing before they all piled out into the car, harry and the twins finding out all about the Harlequin.

they got to the club with all it's bouncing glory, Nathaniel up on stage, working his magic and distracting the world from their trouble's, Anita snickering as he watched poor Micah up on stage in the chair where a woman usually sat... the entire crowd was going WILD. "oooh Micah is never going to live this down." Anita growled with a snicker before shaking her head a little, glancing at her watch. in only an hour, the Harlequin would be there... only an hour. "right, we need to group up, decide who's going in with us and who's waiting on standby... and... wait i guess."
gabriel smirked as he wrapped a arm around draco's waist, pausing to watch micah. "You want me to do that?"He muttered looking at draco, looking slightly anxious at the idea of being on stage. it wasn't so...weird, he just found being in front of everyone slightly anxiety inducing. "I'm going in."Gabriel said knowing that draco was going to be going in, and he wanted to protect the twins to. Richard nodded looking around, trying to see through the crowds trying to see what was going on in the darkened club, trying to see if any of the harlequin was there. Even if he didn't know what they looked like, he still tried to see.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "of a sort." he admitted smirking as he watched Damian driving Nathaniel away from Micah, tying him up and letting Micah flog him. "i bet you'd enjoy it immensely." he teased smirking a little. "and i'd be RICH! in a NIGHT! your dark, and i'm light, the contrasting will be excellent, and we're WAY better looking than them two right?" he asked smirking a little at Gabriel as Micah bit Nathaniel, grinding into the mans ass. "Micah needs to go in, Nathaniel needs to stay out." Anita stated simply. Nathaniel couldn't defend himself well enough. her eyes scanned the crowds and she shuddered a little. "i wonder where they are... they have to be here..." Harry stepped in and looked around, still wearing the mask and there was a visible reaction from a corner, it was Jake! the werewolf gaping at the kid wearing the mask ad he turned to someone, hidden in the shadows and nudged the person, muttering something to them, the face tilting, but remaining hidden as Jake laughed again. "...i knew wearing the mask was going to be a good idea." Harry purred happily as he skipped to the back where the 'meeting area's' where they where going to meet with the Harlequin.

ten minutes later, Jake the werewolf, who had helped stop all the bad guys before, and his master, wearing a traditional commedia dell'arte cloak with a mask all done in feathers and beads stepped into the room, Jake grinning at Harry. "no ones ever worn the mask before." "so i gather." Harry agreed chuckling a little as he shook his head. "you know, you vampires have a lot of rules." he complained blinking at the man in the mask, the corner of his lip twitching in amusement. "i am Scaramouche." he introduced himself. "last of the Harlequin." he admitted simply reaching up and touching the mask. "the other names, the other masks, they are retired now." he looked at Anita. "due, mostly, to you, and your aid." he admitted simply. "as i am the last, death will take me soon, this i am sure. but before i die, there are things that must be done." " you really are just here to talk?" "no.. i am here, to help... but there is no mask for that." he admitted Jake chuckling a little. "help with what!?" Anita demanded, her head tilted a little as Fred and George slunk in, looking at the newcomers warily. "with the London fiasco." Scaramouche admitted. "things are getting.... out of control." "it's way more than just out of control Sir." Jake protested. "it's gone apocalyptic over there!"
Gabriel twitched a little giving draco a look as he watched the others."I think you're repressing.You don't need me on stage."he muttered before sighing looking around laughing at jake's reaction to harry wearing the mask, stepping inside with the others, smirking a little when richard watched them all, looking at ease even though the man practically vibrated with anxiety on what was going to happen next."We dont know what to do. If any of us go there, we will be killed, Scara...scaram...scar."Richard said simply tilting his head as he looked at the foxes"They barely escaped. They'll kill us if any shifters step foot on the shores, not to mention Albion's father will kill him to." "No.We're not going to go. We can't."Gabriel growled sounding anxious about the idea of draco going abck to england
Draco chuckled and smirked at Gabriel. "it's not what i's what i WANT." he purred happily. "i want to molest you in front of hundreds of people." he teased chuckling a little before blinking at the Harlequin, the man chuckling as Richard stuttered over his name. "just call me Scarab." he ordered calmly as he took his mask off, his hair was so blond it was gold, like Asher's was, only it was streaked with silver. as silver as Albion's, it gave him a very unusual appearance with eyes so light of a brown they almost looked like pools of honey. he was utterly gorgeous, so breathtaking it was clear he had to be one of Belle Morte's line. "and before you ask.. no Scarab is not my real name... but i doubt you would be able to pronounce my real name either." he admitted running a hand through his hair, grinning as everyone stared at him. not only because he had said his name, but that he had removed his mask. "i am the last... that means i can do whatever i want." he admitted chuckling. "because i'm the only one making the rules." he admitted shrugging his shoulders. Jake chuckling a little. "that's not making them feel better..." "it isn't?" Scarab asked, blinking a little. "ignore him." Jake ordered. "he's been cut off from other people for too long, he's harmless. i promise." "i am? are you sure?" Scarab asked scowling at Jake who laughed again.

"look..." Jake stated, ignoring Scarab. "we don't want to put anyone in trouble... or get anyone hurt but there are innocent people in London being slaughtered." Anita grimaced a little and so did Harry. they where used to protecting people, and it was hard for them to ignore innocent cries for help. "i will be as clear as i can be about this." Scarab admitted suddenly. "the Council has fled...London has crumbled... and a Vampire Seductress is moving in, and taking over." "Belle Morte." Jean Claude asked Scarab nodding. "yes. i suspect she has been helping Lucius Malfoy in his slaughter and crusade... and now she has stabbed him in the back as well." "...what do you mean?" Draco asked, fearing he knew the answer and Scarab hesitated. "...Lucius Malfoy is dead..." Draco's knee's buckled, shock written across his face and Scarab blinked at him. "i am sorry..."
Gabriel snickered a little as he leaned back against the wall, smirking a little."No, its not making us feel better."He said chuckling because it was so amusing to listen to the vampire who seemed to be...going senile in old age."Even a aged dog has teeth."Richard pointed out snickering at scarab's annoyance at his wolf.

Gabriel groaned, because as dangerous as he knew things were, he so knew that he was going to get dragged back to london, because not only anita and harry couldn't stay away while others are hurt, but because draco wouldn't either.Gabriel yelped, paling as he caught his lover, growling at the vampire master, anger and shock in the sound,"Enough. We are leaving. They can talk to you."Gabriel growled picking up draco and leaving, heading to the stripper's breakroom because he knew it would be empty and needing to twake care of draco.

Richard swallowed hard looking at the others before looking at scarab, "Lucius was his father. it's nothing you did, its ust the shock of knowing that he died."He explained looking worried about the vampire
Draco let out a small sound as he was caught and he pressed his face into Gabriel's shoulder so that no one would see him cry. by the time Gabriel had gotten him to his room Draco had started to tremble and sob in his lovers arms, the red tears soaking Gabriel's shirt. he wasn't going into a mad rage like he normally did, he was just sobbing, the shock of the news having taken it's toll. Draco couldn't decide whether to be happy his abuser was dead, or be sad that his father, a man Draco still loved despite everything, was dead.

Scarab winced as he realized Lucius had been Albion's father and he shook his head. "again i.. i am very sorry i did not realize..." he admitted hesitating. "perhaps we should discuss this after you have all calmed down and had a chance to talk about what is happening... Scarab and i will be at a hotel for however long we need to be here... he's a Daywalker so he fears no sun..." "i fear nothing, not even The Mother." Scarab admitted simply. "i am older than them all, the only one who has ever been older was Oliver, and the one who claims to be a goddess." he admitted simply. "i am more powerful than both... but, i know nothing of people, and my power cannot stop most things. my power cannot stop the catastrophe in London. but i have heard many things of Anita Blake, and Harry Potter, and i am certain that they can bring peace. please, think about it." he bowed to them, Jake giving a bow as well before the mask was settled back into place, and they both left.
Gabrielsighed softly as he pressed a kiss to his lover's head, shifting hi a little, holding him tighter as he settled on the bed with his lover sitting in his lap, stroking the ther's hair softly."Draco?"He muttered, sounding so worried, so pained that he couldn't help him. Couldn't make the pain of losing a hated man that he still loved.

'They will try."Richard said watching them leave before looking at the others, wrapping his arms around harry." we check on draco, or try to figure out what the hell belle's doing?"he muttered hating that he couldn't just say that things were better, that some of them were going to die taking on belle an her vampires. The woman and her minions were to strong to believe that they'd all get by unscathed by it.
Draco sniffled a little as he looked up at Gabriel, blinking a little as he watched the other before moving and settling his lips to the others neck, sucking on Gabriel's flesh, wanting to drown the pain out, in some pleasure. he wanted to be fucked into oblivion. "please... make the pain go away.... fuck me..."

Harry shook his head a little. "Draco's going to be either seriously pissed, or he's going to be crying. and he isn't going to want anyone seeing him in either state." he muttered frowning a little. "...Belle... she's got blue eyes..." he muttered softly. "she's the one who bit me... we where still in London when she first got me... but she brought me here and." he shuddered hard. "she turned me." he admitted shaking his head. "she's a monster... a horrible horrible monster..."
Gabriel moaned softly as he was bit, growling softly as he looked down at the other as he laid him down on the bed, studying him for a long moment before nodding."Okay."He muttered before setting about making the blond forget everything but what he was doing.

richard sighed wrapping his arms tighter around harry, pressing a kiss to his head."She is. And she needs dealt with.But I think we all need to sleep now. We're..we're not good like this."He muttered, worried that none of them were thinking clear enough to think about what needed to be done to take care of belle in the correct way.
Harry shuddered a little. "i can feel her, sometimes." he admitted softly. "in my head... watching what i'm doing..." he looked at them, his lips tightening. "...i think i'm dangerous you guys..." he admitted softly. "i... i think i need to be quarantined... i'm using all of my occlumency to keep her out and.... it's not working anymore..." he admitted softly. "she's getting stronger somehow... and she's pressing against all of my shields..." he admitted swallowing thickly, looking scared. "...she's trying to control me... like Voldemort tried to control me..." "we are not going to Quarantine you Harry..." Jean Claude stated suddenly. "i can feel her too... trying to possess me as she did when i was hers... but she will not have us... if we have to, we will bind you to us like Anita and Richard are tied to me. the Triumvirates will keep you safe then."
Richard frowned looking worried before looking at jean claude, nodding."I wont let you go. Not even to protect us all."He said kissing the other slowly, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead against harry's shoulder, looking worried."We'll take care of you. Not only does anita have to triumvirates, gabriel and draco have one...we'll keep her out. I promise."he said looking up at jean claude, deseperate to believe his words,neding to know that they'd be able to protect them all.
Jean Claude smiled at Richard and nodded. "you an Harry must decide on a third." he ordered calmly Harry hesitating as he glanced at Richard. "either Anita or Jean... their the only ones i trust..." he admitted biting his lip. "and i know their connected to everyone else... we'll be able to draw on everyone's strength then..." "better let it be me. Richard won't let Jean Claude... how do you say it? bugger him?" Harry had to laugh at that, amused beyond all belief that Anita was adopting British terms all of a sudden. "alright." Harry agreed chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Richard, will that be ok? a Triumvirate with Anita?" he asked looking worried. "will it hurt?" he asked biting his lip, looking confused. "... and..someone explain what a triumvirate is?"
Richard smirked looking over at anita,"Well seeing as she's already part o one with me, I think I can stand to have her part of another."He teased looking amused at his sometimes lover, leaning over to kiss her cheek at the british term."It's fine."He muttered before smirking slightly."Its a diversion of power between three people. Mine with anita is, animal to call, human servant, and master vampire. Anita with damien and nathaniel is master necromancer, vampire servant and animal to call. And draco's...draco's is just weird."he said snickering a little.
Harry chuckled a little a smiling at Richard. "Draco says that because he's a part of Jean Claude... that they can send thoughts into each others head..." he admitted looking amused, and intrigued by that. "an that Jean Claude can taste through Anita and Draco." he admitted looking amused. "if we make a Manage... will i get to hear your thoughts?" "well, Harry IS half Vampire, he might be able to Mark you Richard." she admitted smiling a little. "it would make things easier if he could... i don't know if i can be the power that binds the three of us together. the only connection i have to Harry is through his Leo and your Wolf." she admitted. "and i don't think i'm physically powerful enough... but Harry is.. if we could make him the Power part of the Menage a Trois, then all of our power bases will go up dramatically, and we should be safe." "... how do i do it?" Harry asked, blinking a little, his head tilted a little as Anita hesitated, wondering how she could explain. "Harry, with your permission, i will go in your mind and show you exactly what we will be doing." Harry hesitated, nervous about letting someone in his head, but finally nodded and closed his eyes. for ten minutes the two traded thoughts, and then Harry opened his eyes and nodded. "i can do it." he admitted grinning a little at Richard. "i know how."
Richard laughed softly looking amused as he shifted the other in his lap, snuggling his lupa, before smirking a little."Hmm can you do it alll night long?"He muttered teasing him, biting down gently on the other's ear before sitting up and nodding, looking at the other two."Are you sure you want to be that closely bound to everyone?Sometimes we share dreams, powers, tastes..."He said looking worried, and wanting his lover to be happy with whatever decision he chose, even if he decided not to do it. They'd find another way if they needed to.
Harry chuckled a little as he kissed Richard. "with help, sure." he teased chuckling a little as he shuddered at the ear biting, smiling a little. "i know... Jean Claude tried to hide that, but i dug into him and saw it." Jean Claude coughed into his hand. "he was afraid i wouldn't want to if i saw how close everyone gets, but i made him show me." he flashed Jean Claude a smirk. "he didn't expect me to be so good at Mental Magic... but my Legilimency is so strong that i couldn't learn Occlumency when i was in school." he admitted shaking his head a little. Jean Claude was blushing a little, not because he was guilty, but because he'd been CAUGHT at it and then overpowered! "i want to do this... with my power added, we'll be safer..." he mused smiling a little. "the Twins are in this tangled net, and so is Gabriel and Draco... i want to be protected too, and i know i can help protect if i'm in with you guys." he mused smiling a little as he nibbled on Richards neck. "let me just get a quick snack, an then i'll be ready for an all night fuck fest." "oh no! you are NOT feeding on m..." Jean Claude tried to protest, Harry snarling. "bad little Vampires don't get to say a word." he growled, on top of Jean Claude in an instant, the man too shocked to move, gasping, arching as Harry bit him, sucking on the man's neck, groaning eagerly at the power he felt from Jean Claude as the man Arched and writhed. groaning piteously as Harry pulled away, his eyes fluttering open as he looked down at his wet stained pants, blushing even harder as he realized Harry had made him cum from a bite alone, groaning again as he shook his head and headed for the shower, not saying a word because he knew Harry would just bite him again.
Richard snickered amused that jean claude was blushing. It was a rare thing to see the man blushing, and deserved teasing all the time."Poor jean.He shouldn't hide things."e said snickering before nodding a little, pressing a kiss to the other's head,"So you will.Even if I want to protect you from it."He muttered hating to get his lupa involved more then he already was, but they'd have to do something. Laughing as jean claude was munched on, raising a eyenrow as he looked at anita, "Makes you almost wish you had a camera doesn't it?"He asked smirking as he looked after the vampire, so wishing they could for once take a picture of jean claude's infamous composure ruffled.
Harry chuckled a little as he smirked at Jean Claude, pleased with himself for throwing Jean Claude off of his pedestal. he'd probobly never be able to do it again, Jean Claude was a massive powerhouse, he had been unprepared for Harry's sudden push, next time Jean Claude wouldn't be caught off guard. Harry chuckled a little as he snuggled into Richard, smiling at him. "it's not the curse you think it is Richard." he admitted smiling at the other. "it's like..." he smiled. "it's like being wrapped in a hug, with all your most trusted lovers and freinds and family." he tried to explain. "it's something i've wanted for a long time, this net of people..." he admitted smirking as he watched Jean Claude vanish. "come on Richard." Anita muttered with a small laugh. "lets go seduce a Lion." she teased smirking at Harry who laughed. "i do home you realize, that you being a woman... it's going to make me terribly flaccid." Anita laughed brightly at that and she nodded. "don't worry Harry, you don't have to have sex with me, i promise."
Richard smiled looking amused as they started to go find haven, looking over at anita as he wrapped a arm around her shoulder, looking amused."don't worry.I'll have sex with her for you."He teased looking at harry just wanting to see his lover would be jealous, but really, he just wanted to belong to someone enough to have them freak out with sharing. While anita didn't mind sharing it was sometimes hard on the heart to be in that kind of relationship.So he just wanted harry to want him,even if they had sex with others, he needed his lupa to want him.
why are they looking for Haven!? XDD Anita was talking about Harry XDD)

Harry growled as Richard promised to have sex with Anita instead and Harry scowled. "i don't want to have Anita in our Menage anymore..." he grumbled, Anita laughing brightly as she shook her head. "so possessive!" she teased smirking at Harry who glared at her. "don't worry Harry, i'm not going to steal your Ulfric." she promised grinning at him. "would you rather use Haven or some..." NO!" Harry snarled, baring his fangs. "No other Lions! he's MINE!" Anita quickly stepped away, hands up, showing him that she wouldn't be a problem. Harry and Haven had an understanding, but Rex's where very possessive of their 'females' and their mates, and Harry and Haven would fight to the death over someone they both wanted... or if they even thought the other wanted someone that they had claimed. Harry didn't have a problem with Anita, she was a female lion, and was not more dominant than Harry, he was a part of his pride but was not better or above him, and could not steal his Regina... could she? he snarled at her, his eyes flashing to gold as he bared his fangs. "your a lion... i can SMELL it on you..." he growled, Anita wincing. "no no... you won't do... no other lions... he's MY Regina! not yours!" "easy Harry... Easy..."
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