Blood of my Heart

he laughed a little and shook his head. "you are NOT giving me a blowjob while i drive dammit." he complained smirking a little as he shook his head looking amused. "i'm not that good of a driver." he admitted smirking a little. "besides i'm the whore, that's MY job!" he teased chuckling a little as he kissed the other as they headed into the Theater, looking so happy, setting his head on the others shoulder.

Anita chuckled a little and shook her head as she watched Edward. "that's because your solution to everything is to kill it." she teased him, smirking a little as she shook her head. "you brought him here because he's got you by the balls." she stated looking amused. "and because you want him to be a little you, and you KNOW how i feel about that!" she sighed a little. "but he's determined, and neither of us can stop him now so i guess it's good that your keeping him safe..." she grumbled grinning as Simba walked in. "Edward, this is Simba." she introduced, Peter looking at the Leo curiously, both boys blinking at each other before Simba examined Edward. "your a scary guy... are you here to kill me?" he asked his head tilted, Peter looking shocked. "why would he kill you?" "because i'm a bad dog." Simba stated simply, Anita grimacing. "your not bad Simba, and your certainly not a Dog." "... yeah but saying ad Lion sounds funny..." Nathaniel laughed at that and Anita groaned. "oh god... for once... i wish i wasn't a teetotaler..." she felt like she needed a drink. "sorry Micah but no we haven't." Anita admitted shaking her head. "we're trying to get Edward and... Peter, i guess, caught up."
Gabriel pouted looking at him."Why not?I'd enjoy it."He said pouting a little before smiling as he nuzzled his mate as they settled into their seats to watch the previews."So I'm getting a blow job on the way home?"He muttered groping drao a little as they waited for the movie to start.

Edward winced at simba's question, tilting his head a little."No, I'm not here for you."He said snickering a little at anita's words, before sighing softly. "Do you want a drink.I want a drink."He said standing and pouring them both one, for once ignoring anita's teetotaler attitude, handing the drink to her. "Yes, well catching up is good. And all we can do is make sure draco's not where they'd think to look. Which means no guilty pleasures, or any of the clubs."Edward said looking thoughtfu.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "maybe." he purred with a smile as he snuggled into his lover, shivering as he was groped. "stop it." he growled, offering his lover a glare. "the floor is disgusting enough in here we don't need to add to it, i'll handle you in the car and when we get to the park i will fuck you in the pond." he promised kissing the others forehead, snickering at the look of shock on Gabriel's face.

Anita shook her head a little. "i want coffee." she grumbled, Simba looking curious. "can i try coffee? i've never had coffee..." "we'll try you on sugar first, coffee is a little much." Nathaniel stated, denying Simba coffee but offering him a slice of cheesecake. "actually..." Fred hesitated. "the Wizards aren't' here for Draco... they don't even know Draco is here they... they followed us." George admitted looking sheepish. "we assumed that once we left Europe... they wouldn't follow us anymore but..." "well.. i guess we where wrong..." they glanced at each other. "we don't want to cause trouble... we can leave..." "no, your Draco, and Harry's freinds." Anita stated shaking her head. "and i have to admit i kind of like you too." Anita laughed a little and shook her head as the Twins gave her a baffled look. "you amuse me. and Asher needs you, he's never had someone love just him before." the twins hesitated. "we... we can't just leave Asher..." "we could take him with us?" "would he leave?" "YOUR NOT LEAVING!" Anita yelled at them, the twins shrieking at being yelled at, looking so shocked at Anita who groaned and shook her head. "someone get me Coffee!"
" a pond?"Gabriel muttered looking startled, growling absently as he thought about it, before stopping, settling in to just watch the movie. By the time they got to the park though gabriel was anxious and nervous, having no idea what was driving him to be more protective, but he was fussing over his mate, and knowing that whatever instinct was driving him was making him worry about draco because the wizards were in town."So you're goign to fuck me in a pond?"He muttered poking draco in the side.

"Besides, Asher would sooner break his own heart, then leave jean claude."Micah pointed out, knowing that even if asher wasn't completey happy with having to share a man he'd loved, the wounds that jean claude and him had inflicted on themselves hadn't completely healed, and the only way they were recovering was by being together. Besides, asher'd missed him. "Not only asher wouldn't leave, Gabriel'd track you down, then drag you back." "Why?"edward said looking thoughtful. Micah smirked a little,"he's a chimera, who has a wolf's fiere loyalty and a lion's sense of pride. He'd be pissed they didn't trust him to be able to take care of them."
Draco smirked a little, licking his lips happily. "yeah, a pond." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head, snuggling into the other happily, smiling a little as he rested and watched the movie. he grinned as he looked up at the other as the credits rolled. "that was a funny movie." he purred softly, snuggling into him. "lets go to the park." he ordered happily. "i'll suck you off on the way there." he teased snickering a little.

the twins hesitated again, looking uncertain now. until they had come here, it was all too easy to just pack up and leave, but now they had Asher, and they couldn't just abandon Asher, and they couldn't just uproot Asher either because the scarred man needed these people. they grimaced again at the mention of Gabriel. "right... right no, we can't leave, not now..." red muttered glancing at Tatsuhiro the Demon shaking his head. "no, i am not taking Tammy Tommy and Cherub and abandoning you two, forget it. you are Reynold and Vixen, MY Reynold and Vixen, my family... the only one i have left and Tammy and Tommy would be saying the same thing if they weren't busy screwing that Jason fellow." Anita choked on her coffee and Nathaniel laughed as Simba and Peter talked over in the corner, ignoring the adults. "... what are we going to do then?" George asked sighing as he gave up. "we;re damned if we stay, and damned if we go..." "...we could go to France? take care of this problem heads on?" Anita mused, pondering that, the twins paling so fast you would have thought they'd seen a ghost. "you...want us... to go back there?!" Fred demanded. "are you MAD!? we nearly DIED by ESCAPING an you want us to go BACK!?"
"Are you sure I can keep the car on the road while you do that?"he muttered looking amused as they walked outside, wrapping a arm around draco's shoulder as he nuzzled his cheek against his mate's, walking out to the car and climbing in, looking over at him."Well?"He teased a little.

"...Jason's getting laid?"micah chked on his drink, snickering at that. The poor werewolf probably had no idea what to do with his new bedpartners.ever since he'd stopped dating perdy, the werewolf had withdrawn from the dating game. Looking thoughtful as he listened to the others talk, micah frowned a little." don't have to go back."Micah said studying them."gabriel or blaise, or neville can go with us."He said reaching out, resting a hand on the twins arms,"if you can't do it, then they can."He said looking worried about them, afraid of how upset they were.
Draco smirked a little as he kissed the other's cheek. "i'm sure you won't kill us." he teased smirking a little as he settled into the car, lifting an eyebrow at the other. "so impatient." he teased chuckling a little as he bent down, unzipped the other, and pulled him into his mouth.

the twins where practically pissing themselves, they where trembling at the thought of going back and they swallowed thickly, glancing at each other. "you can't send Wereanimals into London! it's nothing short of a death trap." Tatsuhiro stated simply taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "a man named Lucius Malfoy is waging a war... all wereanimals... all Vampires... their being slaughtered, there doesn't need to be a crime anymore. simply being turned, willing or attacked, it's a death sentence. right now the only person who could possibly go in, and come back out alive is Harry, and that's because he died to save their rat bastard asses... with Lucius in control... even thats a very slim possibility. to be a were, or a vampire in that area... it is a death wish." he stated simply. "we barley managed to flee... we didn't come out unscathed... we lost two of out Skulk to the bloodthirsty hordes." he admitted, the twins curling into each other, Simba and Peter listening, looking horrified. "if you go into London... you won't come back." Tatsuhiro stated simply, looking almost haunted.
GAbriel moaned softly, closing his eyes for a moment as he turned the car on shivering a little as he lowered a hand, running his fingers through blond hair as he started to drive, "You're way to good at that."gabriel moaned a little sighing softly as he drove.

Micah looked startled at that, having not realized that things had gotten so bad there. Frowning thoughtully before looking at anita and edward."Yyou two...mmight have to go yourselves."He said looking so worried about that idea. "There has to be something we can do!"Haven growled frustrated that they would not be able to stop the slaughter o weres or vampires without almost guranteeing that they were going to be dying themselves.
Draco snickered as he sucked and swallowed happily before screaming as the car suddenly jerked and flipped like some massive hand had knocked it off the road, Draco shrieking as he found himself flung into space, getting a look at Goyle and Goyle, panic flaring in his chest as they advanced on the car, unaware of Draco laying, cut all to hell in a bush, too hurt to move. the father and son moved around, Sr casting a Crucio at Gabriel as people screamed and ran this way and that, screaming about murderers as they yelled, and phoned for the police, calling for help. but Goyle and Goyle ignored it all, and focused on trying to drive Gabriel mad using Crucio.

Anita shook her head. "no one would EVER let me go into a mad house like that Alone, especially when i'm Nimer-Ra, AND a Vampire's human servant, i'm enough of a were, and of a vampire that they'd kill me on sight." she stated scowling a little as she pondered before smirking. "you know what we should do? we should hire...ooh Olaf for instance, and send HIM to simply go and kill Lucius." she just wanted Olaf out of there. still it wasn't that bad of an idea. "for now we can't do anything... maybe we should wait and see if there's a way that we can get in there? see if we can sneak in at all..."
Gabriel screamed as he twitched, screaming his fury and pain as he struggled to force his body to move through the pain he was feeling.Yelping as he got his seatbelt undone hitting the roof with a painful smack, shivering as he was cursed again.Shuddering there or a moment before he shifted, the wolf leaping from the broken car to lundge at them not as fast or good as he usually was,but moving.Hurting so very hurting.But falling as the spell started again, collapsing as the pain forced him to continually shift, the wolf lion and panther shifting seamlessly between them all as he struggled to hold onto a form.

"..and it's not in our country.He wouldn't get in trouble for killing there."Edward said starting to warm up to the idea, because he wanted to get olaf away from her even if they hadn't seen each other yet."I'll call my contacts.One of my other backups might know a way to get in."Edward said looking worried as he thought about it, because he didn't like how difficult france had seemed to become.
Draco was gasping for air as the junior moved over to him, a sadistic smirk on his lips, Draco screaming in terror as he caught sight of a hammer and stake, trying to crawl away, but only one of his arms worked, and both legs where broken. "no! NOOO." Draco screamed as he was flipped onto his back, his screams unending as he felt the first strike blow home. he was so glad he was a powerful enough vampire to survive this, even if part of him wished he could just die as he felt the stake sliding into him. and then the torture ended as the police came and the Goyles scattered, people screaming, Draco screaming, so in pain he wasn't aware of what was happening as he and Gabriel where lifted onto stretchers to be taken to a human hospital, because there was nowhere else to take them. "Albion! Gabriel!" Zebrowski, looking horrified as he looked over at Dolph. "we have to call Anita!"

she grinned and nodded. "exactly." she admitted nodding at him before freezing as she heard a faint scream... "...that was Jean Claude!" she gasped ripping the door open, the hallway completely awash with screaming, Jean Claude laying on the ground, head tossed back, clawing at his own chest, arched in pain and screaming as if he was in Agony. "ALBION!" Jean Claude Managed to yell through his screams, Anita gasping in horror as her phone started to ring. "Pin his hands down! he'll hurt himself!" Fred yelled running forward, pinning one of Jean's hands to the floor, George taking the other, using their full strength to keep him from clawing at himself. Nathaniel realized Anita was too panicked to answer her phone so he grabbed it and answered it. "hello!? Anita Blake... WHAT!?" he didn't bother waiting to hang up, he just dropped the phone and grabbed Anita, giving her a firm Shake. "Draco's been staked! he's in the human hospital they don't know what to do for him! Anita snap out of it!" he growled and grabbed Micah. "we have to get doctors from the Coalition out there NOW! before the humans kill him AND Gabriel!"
dolph paled watching the chimera still sliding through his forms, because he was to hurt to acctually hold onto anything. Scowling when the doctors tried to refuse helping Gabriel, who was so obviously not a normal shifter, and therefore wasn't contagious. Their attitude pissing him off because it was so wrong when they were both so hurt, to not be worried about them, instead worrying about themselves."Get them doctors, I'll call anita."he said already heading outside to make the call, cursing because it was going to be so bad.

Micah nodded already startlign to call as richard stumbled down the stairs, still hurting but aware enough to know they had to do something, jean-claude's screams having jolted him away. Cursing as he called micah nodded to nathaniel,"I called them. get her in the car, and get there."He said praying that they'd be strong enough to stop the humans from killing the two, who were powerful enough to cause havoc, but didn't have the control to withstand this much pain. Pickign Anita up he climbed in the back of the car with her, looking at nathaniel."Drive. I have her."He said scowlign as he gripped anita's arms,"Anita. Albion needs you.Get a grip.We need you in control."He said shaking her a little, hoping it would startle her back to herself.
Draco had stopped screaming, finally but was reaching for Gabriel, coughing, blood spilling out of his mouth, the emergency transport people flinching away from him, Draco's pupils nearly gone, leaving pale gray eyes that looked entirely inhuman, Zebrowski snarling as he started yelling at them, demanding that they help, that they hurry the fuck up and stop being such goddamn pansies, that neither men where contagious in the least. relieved when he saw a new Car appear and one of the wererats leaped out, Doctors bag in hand. "forget them!" she ordered glaring at them. "we have a private hospital for shifters." she explained. "i'll take them there as soon as someone from the coalition comes to tell me what the FUCK is going on." she admitted moving over to Gabriel, pulling a needle and some heavy duty painkillers. "Gabriel!? Can you hear me!? i'm giving you a shot, don't rip my throat out." she ordered, stepping on his shoulder and pulling his arm straight so that he couldn't trash while she was giving him the shot, slipping the needle into a vein and injecting him, releasing him and gently promising him that everything was going to be alright.

Anita was held in pain, the echo of Jean Claued's pain was filling her, human servant to human servant she was feeling an echo of Draco's agony. they arrived to a mess, Wereanimals where everywhere, some of them shifted to help hold Gabriel still as he writhed in his pain, the EMTs looking horrified as they watched no less than four Wereanimal doctors work on Draco right there on the street, several of them opening Veins and letting Draco sluggishly drink from them, the blond too week to bite. Anita blinked, unfocused at the person holding her, who was it? she wasn't sure, then she felt someone yanking her back, setting her on her feet... then pain, sharp pain and everything snapped into focus... Nathaniel had... he'd smacked her! she was gaping at him, stunned and he smiled sheepishly. "sorry... but you... you weren't reacting..." he admitted sheepishly before rushing over tot he wererats struggling to keep Gabriel and his broken bones still, helping them bind his leg into a splint while Draco started to let out long, high pitched, pathetic noises that made Zebrowski shudder and look away, green. "oh god Boss..." he whispered. "the witnesses say that there was no warning." he explained swallowing thickly, having been talking to the witnesses while the doctors worked on the two men. "they where just attacked, and then tortured, no warning, no reason..."
Gabriel did indeed try to trah her as she drugged him, strong even through the drugs, growling when dolph grabbed hsi arm to make the leaner man hold still as they tried to set the arm.This was bad, looking relieved when he saw the cars pulling into the parking lot, looking at anita as she rushed in."We'll work the case, there has to be a reason. someone doesn't do something like this without a reason.'Dolph said shuddering as he moved over to draco's side, wrapping his hand around his as he tried to get the blond to relax. "Anita, is it safe to put tehm out? they might have concussions, but anything would be better then listening to them suffer this awake."micah said trying to force his way through gabriel's power, to force the man to hold one shape, but even drugged being tortured had ripped apart teh chimera's defenses, and he couldn't stop shifting. Unlike a real shifter who would have stayed put as long as tehy were hurt, gabriel was other, and he had no control over what he was doing, different enough not even another nimir-raj could make him stay.
Anita ran over to Dolph and shook her head. "i think i have a suspicion as to what happened... we had a threat this morning from some bastard Wizards." she admitted a snarl falling from her lips. "we're protecting some foxes who are being framed for a rape and murder in London." she explained, for once pissed off enough to just tell Dolph the truth. "all of Europe is a bloodbath, any were and vampire caught is slaughtered on sight, no crime needed. doesn't matter if their a willing turn or not it's just a bloodbath." she admitted as Draco gripped Dolph's hand, calming a little at the calming contact. "they wanted us to hand the foxes over and we refused." she admitted. "they left but we had a feeling they where going to be back... i never expected THIS! this is just... just cruel!" she snarled Draco whimpering in pain, blood red tears slipping down his face. "i have to warn you Dolph... this is Furry business." she admitted looking at him with cold, furious eyes. "and we're going to take care of it the furry way." she admitted. "that is, if the Vampires don't take care of it first. Draco IS the master of the cities favorite after all." she admitted gently stroking Albion's hair. "do it, they can heal a concussion, they might fall into a coma but it's better than making them suffer." one of the doctors admitted suddenly. "pain killers can't touch this pain." Anita nodded permission and the wererat gave Draco a heavy sedative first before giving it to Gabriel, hoping to god that it would work.
Dolph for once looked relieved to be told that he wouldn't have to deal with this, because he had no idea how to deal with people who would do something like this. Nodding as he swallowed hard, shaking hsi head as he looked at the two, looking relieved to see that the chimera had settled into one form, the wolf's sides heaving, but at least he was staying still as teh sedative forced his body to stop reacting."If you need help, ask for it. There wont be a cop in this city who wont help."he said smirkign a little."We might not always see eye to eye,but your one of us anita, and these men are yours. We take care of our own."He said with a smile.
Anita sighed in relief as she watched Gabriel calm down, Draco slipping off into sleep as well, the unconsciousness washing away the pain that was bleeding into Anita who shook her head. "thanks Dolph... but i think it would be best if i didn't involve police... it probobly won't be entirely legal." she admitted shaking her head a little. "we need to get these two into a hospital... Draco won't live long if we don't get that stake out of his heart." she admitted shaking her head a little as she went with the wererats, dialing Richard to let him know how things where going and what had happened, explaining that he needed to stay close to Jean Claude, if Draco died, Jean Claude was going to need the Triumvirate to survive. she hesitated, looking back at Dolph and gave him a hug, kissing his cheek. "be careful Dolph, things are about to hit the shit." she admitted hesitating before following the were rats to the underground hospital. it would take every ounce of power she had to keep Draco alive, in the end, only her necromancy saved him from death, and he was in a coma by the time Gabriel came to. he was hooked up to painkillers, his arm in a splint to keep him from moving it, Draco in splints as well, his head held in a brace so he couldn't move even an inch, a hole still in his chest, large enough that you could see his beating heart, thankfully it was whole and undamaged. he would be fine, he just needed to heal.
Gabriel panted as he raised his head, whining as he found himsel trapped and splitted.growling when he realized he didn't have guards he smirked a little, shifting shapes the panthers foreleg to big for the split as the chimera slipped off the bed and into draco's, stretching out on the bed as he nudged draco with her head, whining when he didn't move. Whining before going in search of someone who coud tell him what was going on. The panther looking hurt and and brittle, but intent on finding out what going on as he stuck his head in every room to look for someone to answer question
Draco was pale and still, he wasn't breathing, but his heart was beating strong thanks to Anita's necromancy, the effort of keeping Draco alive was starting to wear on Anita who looked like she hadn't slept in days as she raised a cup of coffee to her lips with both hands, because they where shaking too much to feel safe using one. "Gabriel... you should be in bed... resting." Anita rasped, scowling at him as she licked her lips. "how are you feeling?" she finally asked when it was clear he wasn't going to go back to bed. "Draco will be fine... he just has to heal a little more." she admitted slowly getting to her feet, Nathaniel appearing to help her stand, glancing at Gabriel. "sit back down Anita, i'll tell Gabe what's happening." he promised, sitting her down and putting the coffee back in her hands, motioning for Gabe to follow. "i'm glad your awake." Nathaniel admitted, looking relieved. "we where afraid you and Draco would never wake again." he admitted touching the panthers fuzzy ears. "Draco was staked through the heart." he explained. "it nearly killed him and Jean Claude... Anita's forcing Draco's heart to keep beating with her Necromancy but... he needs your power." he admitted. "Draco's near death." he admitted. "he needs your life to get the rest of his body kick started... just lay next to him, your Call to him should do the rest..."
Gabriel whined as he leaned heavily against anita's legs when he stopped moving, glad to be just standing still before following nathaniel out of the room, leaning against nathaniel's side to make it so she could walk. Whining as she realized that dracco was in trouble he whined low in his throat before limbing up on the bed with draco,cuddling his mate as he pressed his nose against draco's shoulder, whining when he didn't want up ,to hurt still, to conused really to understand that draco was in a coma, laying down next to him even as he pressed his face against draco's shoulder, whining as he looked up at nathaniel as if wondering why he didn't get a response from his lover.
Nathaniel smiled at Gabriel and shook his head. "it's alright Gabriel, he's very deeply asleep... he won't wake up for a while... just lay with him." he ordered gently, kissing the panther on the forehead. "your a great Mate for him." he promised smiling at him before leaving to bring back food for Gabriel, the large steak would give Gabriel energy. halfway through his meal Draco took a stuttered, shuddering breath, and started to breath while Gabriel sat next to him, Anita sighing in relief as she cut her connection to Draco, laying on the table and sleeping, miles away at the Circus Jean Claude took a deep breath, no doubt scaring the hell out of Richard as Jean Claude groaned, his eyes fluttering open. "need... feed." he groaned, reaching for Richard, needing, not to feed with blood, but to feed with Sex, all his energy being poured into Draco to heal the Gravest wounds Jean Claude needed to fill his energy reserves before Draco sucked them all away. "go... get..." Jean Claude paused. looking confused, he was too out of it to remember names, but Richard knew who was willing to feed Jean Claude's Arduer and who wasn't. Draco would live though, he was going to make it.
Gabriel smiled as he fed on the steak, nuzzling his mate for a moment before returning to eat. Richard nodded nearly falling over in surprise before going in search of jason and the others.

Afterwards Asher panted a little as he raised his head to look at jean claude over the curve of harry's back, his head resting on richard's back."I assume you being awake means albion will be ine?"He asked sounding worried still because he was worried about the goyles. They'd gotten away, the could still attack when they were weak.
Jean Claude nodded and smiled as twin fox heads popped up, Fred and George, blinking sluggishly. "...that was intense." Fred admitted chuckling a little. "when you said Feeding Asher, we thought you meant you." they both teased, sluggishly pleased with the orgy they'd all had, their first, and probobly the only they'd ever have unless it was another emergency. Foxes where reclusive and usually only had one lover at a time, so this was well out of character. Harry was purring loudly, two bite marks on his neck where he had donated to both Asher and Jean Claude so they could keep fucking, he was so deeply asleep and sated that he didn't even twitch as Jason started to laugh, Tammy and Tommy giggling as well. "Albion hasn't woke up yet, he's still healing, but it won't take long now..." Jean Claude admitted, sounding relieved, so very relieved. "as soon as we can walk, we're going to him, i don't want him alone... Gabriel is there but he's weak from his own injuries, and Anita is so exaughsted from keeping Albion alive that she's useless as well." he admitted shaking his head as he started sitting up, careful not to accidentally knock someone off the bed. "i have all of the Vampires in the city looking for the Wizard, but i'm not sure if they will be able to find the bastards." "we know what they smell like..." Fred admitted hesitantly. "we could track them?"
"Hmmm, you did feed me. And jean claude."Asher said snickering a little looking amused before sighing. He knew that they were usually reclusive, and despite knowing they enjoyed it, he sort of regreted making them to id. Laughing when the other's started to laugh he smiled, before shifting to snuggle against his foxes. Richard sighed a little before rowning."We all know what they smell like, I actually wouldn't be surprised if haven wasn't burying them quietly somewhere."The ulfric said thoughtul smilling a little in relief to know that gabriel and albion were going to be fine.
the twins chuckled a little as they snuggled into him, looking happy and content, pleased that they had been able to help after all. Asher hadn't made them do anything, if they hadn't been willing, they wouldn't have gotten naked and joined the orgy. Tammy and Tommy had practically leaped right in, nearly dragging Jason in after them. "Haven better hope not, i think Gabe would be pissed." George admitted sleepily Jean Claude sighing in relief suddenly. "Albion is awake." he admitted nearly sagging with relief. "he's terrified, but he's awake." anyone who had just been staked through the heart would be scared when they woke up. at least he was calming quickly as he realized that he wasn't hurt anymore.
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