Blood of my Heart

Gabriel twisted to look at the kitsune holding his shoulder, panting like a winded horse as he looked at him before nodding.Black hair curling against his forehead as he sweated, striking out at the kitsune. Letting the rage find another outlet. When he was done, they were both panting on the floor, gabriel still a little drunk, the very fact that he was still fighting that much after being drunk, was amazing.”That was fun.”he panted laughing as he raised his head to look at him.

Micah frowned as he listened to the others leave, before smirking a little.”According to their own laws, they’ve broken them by hurting our laws gabriel has every right to kill them if they come back. Let him deal with it.And we’ll deal with the others.”Micah said smirkign a little,”He’s draco’s human servant, shouldn’t he get to protect draco sometimes?”He said looking around the room, knowing that gabriel was going to be so pissed he’d gotten left behind.”I’m amazed you even managed to keep him out of the room today.Let him deal with it.”he said snickering.
Tatsuhiro was an astonishingly skilled fighter, he did not strike at Gabriel, but blocked almost everything the other threw at him with nimble hands and feet, stepping out of the way, or sweeping the blows away from his body. he only had two or three bruises but he was exaughsted from keeping up with the chimera. "of course it was fun, you where kicking my ass!" that was a lie, but Tatsuhiro thought it would make the other feel better. "come on, lets go check on your Vampire."

Harry shook his head. "they broke no laws, none wizarding anyway." he admitted simply, blinking at them almost imperiously. "and they have not harmed Draco in many years, and not since the Child protection laws have changed. by wizarding law, they are protected." he admitted simply. "but if they come back and try to take any of us, then they are not protected by American Laws, or by Vampire, and so long as the human police do not become involved, they are subject to our whims." he admitted sniffing a little. "i agree though, let Gabriel kill the fuckers." he ordered simply as he got to all fours, shook out his fur, and headed out to the car. "Draco will be awake soon, we should get home."
Gabriel panted sighing softly “Uh-huh. Liar. You shouldn’t lie to a shifter who knows how good he is, and has a sense of smell.”gabriel said pushing himself up off the floor with a roll of his eyes, smirking as he headed upstairs. Panting ever so softly as he climbed the stairs truly exhausted as he headed for draco’s bedroom.

Micah frowned looking annoyed that they couldn’t get them under the current laws, shaking his head a little. Disgusted that they couldn’t Smirking a little at that.”We’ll deal with it when they come back.”he said having no doubt that they’d be back Looking worried as they allpiled into the car and headed home.
Tatsuhiro chuckled a little and shook his head. "well, i do have about nine hundred years of practice." he admitted chuckling a little. "i think." he admitted pondering again how old he was, he didn't care really, when you lived that long age stopped mattering. Draco was just starting to wake up as Gabriel went in, the Blond whimpering a little. "G..Gabe...Gabe..." he whimpered looking around for the other, relaxing as he saw the other. "don't let them take me... please... i don't want to go back, you can't let them take me back..."

Harry sighed a little and shook his head a little. "if they come back." Anita muttered. "they might send someone else." "no, even if they send someone else, the Goyle's are Idiots! they'll be back simply because they don't realize we'll kill them if they do." Harry purred, pleased with this. "and then Draco will have one less thing to worry about." he stated happily.
“I’m here.”Gabriel said laying down net to him, shifting close, but careful not to touch that sweaty body against his mate, knowing draco’d kill him or getting him germy. “I’m not going to let them take you anywhere.I promise.And you know I always keep my promises.”He muttered nuzzling him a little.

“We could all use one less thing to worry about.”Micah said smiling a little, looking startled at the sight of richard waiting for them.”You guys better go tell gabriel what happened now, while he’s exhausted. otherwise he’ll be annoyed he didn’t get to go with you.”he said amused because gabriel was so out of it, the man had walked into the bedroom door and taken a whole minute to figure out that he needed to open it to go inside to his mate.
Draco shuddered as he grabbed Gabriel and yanked him into the bed, snuggling him, completely ignoring the sweat and the germs as he trembled violently, sniffling as he fought not to cry, struggled to keep control of himself. struggled not to start sobbing in relief that Gabriel wouldn't let his father get his hands on him.

Harry smiled as he kissed Richard, well aware that the foxes where all well hidden, save Tatsuhiro who was lounging in the kitchen eating again. "i'll go tell Gabriel." Harry promised. "Draco won't attack me..." he hoped, he loped up the stairs and knocked on the door, pausing at the viscous snarl that filled the room, Draco warning off whoever was at the door. "Draco, it's me." Harry explained. "i have news about what's happening." he promised smiling as there was a pause and then a small, 'come in' Harry moving in and explaining that the Goyle's didn't know Draco was there, that they where looking for the twins, but if they came back and tried any funny business, it was Gabriel's call on what to do with them, since it was Gabriel's mate, and Gabriel's freinds at risk.
gabriel siged softly as he was grabbed, closing his eyes as he let the other uddle him, even if he knew draco was going to freak out when he came back to himself that he was cuddling against the germs. Pressing a kiss to draco’s head as harry came in, frowning ever so slightly as he thought, holding draco gently, trying to sooth him as he sighed.”Kill them if they come back.”He said simply, for once having no qualms about killing someone because he could.”We’ll deal with it if they come back, if they don’t...”He shrugged a little because he knew it wouldn’t be that simple, and they would be back eventually.
Draco huddled into Gabriel, Harry staring at Draco for a long moment, his head tilted a little. "... i wonder how i tell everyone that seeing Goyle and Goyle brought back my memories?" he mused, Draco nearly choking as he stared at Harry, wide eyed. "you remember everything?" he asked astonished, Harry nodding. "yeah... if you'll excuse me i have to go smoke a pack of cigarettes, get drunk off my ass and go crawl into the shower and cry myself into unconsciousness..." he stated simply, walking out of the room, Draco shaking his head. "that sounds really good actually." he admitted smiling a little as he cuddled into Gabriel. "especially the shower part... you stink Gabe." he admitted with a yawn as Harry headed down the stairs, lighting a cigarette with shaking fingers, desperate to calm himself down. remembering everything all at once had been a hell of a shock, and he needed to either sob himself out, or find something to fuck ruthlessly and he had his doubts about Richard letting him fuck him like that. werewolf or not, Harry didn't want to hurt his lover.
“...I’d do it after you have sex. Richard’ll be to worn out to freak out.”Gabriel said snickering a little but looking at his friend worried about harry before sighing.”Hey. You’re the one who ordered me into bed without letting me clean up.”Gabriel pouted a little as he sat up”Come on then.Lets shower.”He said nudging the blond.

“Harry?”Richard loked worried as he paused in the doorway o hary’s room, looking worried about him. And he would let harry uck im however he wanted, if only he was reassured that harry would be okay after. He wanted to make harry feel better even if it meant hurting himself.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i needed the comfort..." he muttered with a small chuckle as he shook his head as he stood up and headed for the shower, shedding his clothes as he walked into the shower and turned on the water shivering a little. "Gabriel..." he looked over at the other. "... do you... want to know? about... why i left, why i ran away? i think... with you... i can talk about it..." he admitted licking his lips nervously.

Harry was curled up on the bed, sobbing into his hands, struggling to be as silent as possible. he jumped as Richard walked in and he shook his head. "don't... please don't..." he pleaded, pressing his face into the pillow. "i'll hurt you... you have to leave..." he whispered, sobbing again. "i remembered... i remembered everything... i... they all... just..." he broke down again, hiding his face into his hands. "i was only a child... how could they!?"
Gabriel sighed softly as he stepped into the shower, smiling as he looked amused. Before growning serious as he wrapped his arms around draco, holding the blond against him, resting his head against the other's hair."only if you want to."He muttered holding him tighter, worried about his lover.

Richard looked worried before crawling into the bed with the other, wrapping his arms around him gently, nuzzling his hair as he sighed softly, closing his eyes as he tried to comfort him."They're evil harry.They are."He muttered nuzzling him a little."Now. What do you need me to do?"He muttered holding him tighter.
Draco leaned into Gabriel, swallowing thickly. "father never liked how pretty i was... he was certain i was gay..." he admitted chuckling a little. "he wasn't wrong...." he admitted. "but he used to beat me... he would use Impirio on me to make me do everything just the way he wanted me to do it." he admitted swallowing thickly. "when it became clear that he wasn't going to be able to beat the gay out of me... he started.... renting me out." he admitted swallowing thickly. "it wasn't so bad, i was gettign him attention, and getting him money and favors... he stopped beating me and was even pleased with how things where turning out until Voldemort showed up... then things got bad, very bad...." he shuddered hard and pressed his face into the other. "Voldemort started... using me... for everything... i was his punching back when he was mad... his fuck toy when he was horny..." he shuddered hard./ "but he didn't... couldn't... have sex..." he admitted. "he was impotent so he did.... other things..." he whispered softly. "it was terrible.... awful... but then he wanted to.... marry me." he admitted. "Father was so pleased, so goddamn pleased... but i... i would have been at Voldemort's complete mercy... i would never have been allowed to leave, i would only be able to do what Voldemort did to me..." he swallowed hard. "Harry saved me... he snuck into the Malfoy Manor, the night before i was going to be wed.... and he took me away..."

Harry snarled as he felt the other curl against him, flinching away from Richard, snarling again, before relaxing as he saw Richard, snuggling into him and pressing his nose against the others flesh, inhaling deeply. "i need... i need...." he frowned. "i don't... know what i need... my Lion... wants to rip, and tear... my wizard wants to fuck, fuck hard and fast until your screaming in pain... my vampire... my vampire wants to get drunk on blood and forget everything..." he whispered hiccuping in the force of his emotions. "which would be best?"
"You ARE gay ,and very pretty."GAbriel muttered nuzzling his mate, growling softly as he thought about draco's abuse. Holding him tight enough that if draco didn't stop him he ws going to leave bruises on that pretty pale skin.Gabriel shifted his hold tangling his fingers in the other's hair, olding him close, pressing a kiss to te other's head, his tears mixing with the shower water as he held the other"I wont share. I'll kill us both before I ever give you back."He promised, because it was true. As much as it'd kill him to injure draco he'd destroy them both before he let voldemort have him back.

Richard sighed shivering as he closed his eyes, pressing a kiss to the other's hair before letting his hands roam the other's body, afraid that if the vampire and lion came out, the slaughter wouldn't stop, wouldn't stop until they'd have to put him down as a rabid dog. Shivering a little he smiled slightly as he turned the other's face up, kissing him ever so softly"Kiss me."He demanded, knowing that the other needed him, and willing to do whatever he had to to help his mate.
Draco smiled a little and leaned into the other, uncaring about the bruises, the pain was a comfort, the pain was something he was used to. he gasped softly as he felt fingers in his hair and he blinked up at Gabe, tears misting his eyes, but he refused to let them spill over. "you promise?" he whispered softly. "i would rather die then go back there." he whispered softly, voice trembling. it wasn't hard to guess why, the rumors of Voldemort's cruelty where greatly under-exaggerated. "i love you Gabe." he whispered softly as he leaned up for a kiss.

Harry growled again as he felt the hands roam his body and his hands joined the roaming, stroking his lover before his hands twisting into Claws and he jerked the others hips forward, drawing blood, causing pain, and grinding his cock into Richards, growling darkly./ "i'm sorry." he whispered softly, with the last of his sanity, and then, he was kissing the other hard, biting at the others lips, drawing more blood as he manipulated his lover onto his belly, before taking Richard in the most Brutal fashion. it was nothing like what Raina was capable of, but Harry was brutal in other ways, he took his mate, clawed him to shreds, forced him to change and kept fucking him until he was limp, and Harry was nearly impotent with exhaustion, panting hard as he laid on the bed, covered in goop and blood as he blinked. "Richard?... d...did i kill you?" no, but Richard was going to have a very sore ass for a few days, but most everything would be healed as soon as he changed back into his human form.
"I promise."He muttered pressing a kiss to his forehead, holding him close."I'll kill us and hope to god jean-claude cant figure out a way to get us back, because he'll be soooo pissed we we left without giving him a chance to help."Gabriel said snickering a little trying to get draco to giggle a little. Needing to make him feel better.

Richard sighed softly as he stirred, shifting just enough to lay on the bed comfortably, closing his eyes."Sleepy...'"he muttered shifting to press his cheek against harry's shoulder as fur melted back into skin, returning to human form as he laid on the bed, wanting so much more to just sleep, even if he needed to reassure his mate.
Draco giggled a little and shook his head. "if it ever gets to that point, then Jean Claude can't help us anyway." Draco muttered softly smiling a little as he simply leaned into Gabriel. "...i wanna do something nice tonight, go out on a date...or...or something.." he mumbled closing his eyes. "something just the two of us..."

Harry sighed in relief as his mate changed back into human form, stroking his hair gently. "thank you." he mumbled softly. "thank you so much..." he muttered carefully kissing the other again before carefully tucking him in. "sleep." he muttered softly, glad that the other had done this for him. he knew it had hurt, but he knew that if his lion had gotten out that emotional, he would have gone on a bloodbath. he would have slaughtered anyone he could have gotten his claws into, and he doubted they would have been able to restrain him.
Gabriel smiled because he knew if it got to that point, it wouldn't do any good to have jean claude there, but something tight and painful in his chest relaxed when he realized that draco would be okay. Pressing a kiss to his head as he turned off the water he sighed softly."Just the two of us?Like what?"He asked, wondering what to do.He'd actually never been on a date, so he wanted to know about this.

Richard sighed softly in peace, shifting to snug into him, blinking sleepily up at him, smiling a little."Lay with me?"He muttered shifting, pulling a arm out from under the blankets, tugging the lion down next to him.
Draco smiled a little as he leaned up to kiss the other again, smiling a little. "yes, we could go out to eat and then see a movie." he mused smiling a little. "you;ll like the movies." he admitted nuzzling the other again before stepping out of the shower, determined to forget about the Wizards for a little while. "we could go for a midnight walk down the park too, that would be fun and romantic."

Harry smiled a little as he shook his head. "of course i'll lay with you." he promised, settling down with Richard, closing his eyes and relaxing. "mmm warm." he purred happily. "goodnight Richard." he murmured softly.

Tatsuhiro slid into the kitchen where Haven, Anita and Asher where sitting with the twins, wearing one of Haven's shirts and shorts, stolen of course as he hopped up onto a chair, glancing at the twins who looked troubled. "their going to send more." Fred muttered looking at Anita and Micah. "you can't possibly expect to fight that many wizards...." "i can with backup." Anita admitted. "i've already called Edward." again.... this time he was going to be bringing HIS backup... Olaf... ugh. well maybe Olaf would ignore Anita when he saw what a 'whore' she was... maybe... then again, Tammy seamed to suit his criminal needs, maybe she'd kill him for Anita. "Edward!?" The twins demanded, going so pale so fast that you almost wondered if they knew him. "Ted Forrester..." they knew him, not well but they knew him enough. the foxes had tried to settle in the man's town, in the forest, and he had chased them out, he hadn't killed them, but he'd certainly scared the shit out of them. he was actually the man who suggested Anita to them when Cherub started to cry at the sight of all those guns, a single moment of weakness from Ted that was probobly about to bite him in the ass. especially when little Cherub ran over to him yelling 'uncle Teddy! uncle Teddy!'
"You can do romanitc?You know how to have fun?Since when?"Gabriel teased as he started to dry off tugging on his jeans and t-shirt, looking dressed up but comfortable. Not overly dressy, but easy. Rubbing his cheek against the other's shoulder he smiled slightly."A movie sounds grand."

Edward swallowed looking down at the child wrapped around his legs, tilting his head a little looking at anita."When you said you had a problem for me, I didn't know you were bringing me here for them." Haven snickered stuffing a brownie in his mouth to stop from laughing at the look on the man's face, usually passive, the man looked like he'd swallowed a nasty bug and was trying to think about throwing it back up."Well it is your kind of problem, uncle teddy." "Haven I swear, I'll..."Edward stopped looking at the child in front of him, not about to finish the threat with her there.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "i learned it very recently." Draco admitted smirking a little as he got dressed as well, pulling on slacks and a dress shirt, he refused to out in anything less formal. he preferred suites and things like Asher and Truth. occasionally he'd get dressed in something like what Jean Claude preferred, but that was rare and Jean Claude usually had to beg, on his knees and everything. "a movie it is." Draco agreed chuckling as he pulled his massive amount of hair back into a strange hair style, a thick knot, or a bun, the rest of the hair hanging over the Bun in a strangely classic look that looked, as always, wonderful on him.

Cherub was beaming up at Edward as Anita snickered a little. "i didn't realize you'd met each other until just now." she admitted giggling, the Twins already across the room, as far away from Edward as they could get, looking wary and nervous as Tatsuhiro rolled his eyes. "oh come on! your supposed to be Reynold and Vixen grow some balls!" he complained Cherub giggling up at Edward. "you'll pull his intestines out and strangle him with them!?" she asked, finishing the threat for him, Tatsuhiro beaming. "THAT'S my little Angel!" "HIRO! you can't teach her things like that!" George protested, Tatsuhiro blinking a little. "...why not!?" he demanded, looking confused, the twins groaning. "up!" Cherub demanded, lifting her arms to Edward. "you should be used to little girls by now Edward." Anita teased smirking at 'ted'. "you didn't bring Peter did you?" she asked lifting an eyebrow, hoping the answer was no, she didn't need him involved in all of this too, but she was pretty sure that Edward had brought him, the boy would have INSISTED.
Gabriel smirked a little as they got ready to go, slipping his hand into draco's as they headed out to the car, trying not to laugh as he looked at his boy," look like a girl."he teased leaning over to kiss him lightly, leaning in to nuzzle him as he climbed into the driver's seat."Okay. So tell me how to get to the movies?"

Edward snickered at the threat, bending down and giving cherub a smacking kiss on the forehead because she deserved it for the threat, picking her up and settling her on his hip before looking at anita.Sulking a little at the presence of the foxes he'd had to run out of his own town."I am used to them."he said before smirking a little, because he knew anita hated it, but he also knew peter."Yes I did, and because he said he'd show up no matter if I left him or not. You live at the circus, coudn't exactly hide rom him if he decided to show up here."
Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head. "of course i look like a girl i'm a stripper." he stated simply, looking amused as he glanced at the other. "you should come on stage with me tomorrow, it will be fun." he purred with amusement his head tilted a little looking a little worried. "...are you sure that you can drive? i don't want to crash..." but decided to trust the other and gave instructions to the movies, demanding to see a romantic movie.

Cherub giggled happily, beaming at Edward. "when i grow up i'm going to be a bad monster killer just like you!" she chirped, Tatsuhiro smirking a little. "we had to tell her something." he pointed out chuckling a little. "we told her you killed bad monsters." he admitted looking amused. "it was mean chasing us off though, we weren't doing anything." he complained sulking at Edward, Anita snorting. "you exist, that's reason enough for Edward to try and kill you." she stated simply glancing at the twins. "calm down, he won't kill you, he knows your innocent." she assured them glaring at Edward. "stop looking at them like that their foxes! their harmless and your going to make them panic!" she growled glaring at him as the Twins fidgeted, nervous but moved a little closer, not wanting to appear too weak. Anita groaned a little but shook her head in agreement. "yeah i guess your right." she grumbled crossing her arms and sulking. "with my luck Peter and Simba are going to 'enjoy' each others company." she complained rolling her eyes a little. "Edward go get him before he gets into trouble!" Anita demanded, well aware Edward had put Peter somewhere and told him to stay there.

(who's got peter?)
"Me on stage?"He said raising eyerow, blushing ever so softly. Making a face t him before grinning."Of course I can drive. I'm not some incompent pureblood who'd never learn. Unlike some people."He said poking fun at draco before pulling out and heading to the threater, giving him a look."A romantic movie?Never took you for the chick flick type."

"They ARE foxes."Edward pointed oout before sighing sitting down as he looked at the others,"Hey, it'd do peter good to have a friend...but who is simba?"He asked looking around the table. Smirking a little before heading out to get him, returning in a few minutes, having ordered olaf to the hotel while peter got to come in the car because he wouldn't stay at the hotel if edward told him to.

(You. I'll take olaf.)
Draco laughed a little and nodded. "yes, you on stage." he teased smirking at the other before laughing a little as he shook his head. "Blaise and Neville never even learned." Draco pointed out. "i learned because i HAD to." he admitted looking at the other, amused his head tilted. "i'm actually a very good driver, not that you would know." he teased kissing the others temple. "i'd suggest a horror flick but they don't scare me enough to have an excuse to snuggle into you." he teased smirking a little. "we can watch a romantic comedy, a little laughter and romance will be good for us."

Anita snickered a little. "Simba is an abused boy who was used as a weapon in a serial killer case." she explained grinning a little. "he's a werelion, and is convinced he's not a human because he turns into an animal every month. his 'owner' was feeding him kibble of all things." she complained scowling a little. "he's only Fourteen but he's got more murders under his belt than Olaf." she admitted shaking her head a little as she grinned as Peter walked in. "hey Peter." "hi Anita!... your mad at me again aren't you?" he asked blinking at her as Anita scowled. "...yes i am actually. you barley lived through the last time you came here..." "Ted said you needed help, and i am MUCH better this time." she rolled her eyes, she couldn't help it. "never mind Peter." she complained growling a little as Nathaniel and the talked about Simba came in, Simba gripping Nathaniel's braid as they walked in. "your feeling upset, whats wrong... oh... hi Peter." Nathaniel stated looking amused as he realized why Anita was feeling grumpy.
Gabriel blushed a little looking amused at the thought o getting on stage. Smirking as he looked at him,"Being a driver.Maybe you should drive home, so I can show you what I learned."He smirked a little thinking about it, amused because it always amused him that he'd been made to give blowjobs while driving. It was interesting to see if the driver could keep the car on the road while being pleasured. laughing at that he smirked, pressing a kiss to draco's head as he bought tickets, heading into the threater."Ah, that's true."

" are the only person I know who runs into weirder shit then I do."Edward said shaking his head looking amused if a little disturbed at the idea of a kid eating kibble.Shuddering a little at the idea of some kid having more kills then olaf. That was just disturbing. Smirking a little looking amused at anita's reaction to him being here,"You know why I brought him anita."He said slightly amused at her reaction. "What's-Oh. Hello peter."Micah said as he walked in, looking around teh room before sighing."So. Have we decided what we're doing about our problems yet?"
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