Blood of my Heart

"It is,but we're not totally in the human world anymore.."Micah said looking amused before growling softly at gabriel for scaring them. It was so like the rex, to walk in with the intent on scaring someone. But gabriel relaxed, his jaw dropping a little when he saw who was waiting for them.Growling as he moved to keep himself between the twins, not wanting his lover to get to close."no that's like saying boy wonder decided he was dumping richard for your skinny ass."Gabriel teased his lover tilting his head a little before frowning at the twins, thinking about it before sighing."Tell tehm.And tell them to keep it to themselves.I trust them to not tattle to your father where you're hiding, or where harry is,but I don't know the rest of their clan."
Draco nodded to his lover while the Twins stared at them, pleading with them for help before blinking as Draco turned to them. "the things i am going to tell you..." "...Draco.. we have no connections anymore..." Fred stated simply. "they took everything from us... our shop... our homes... mum and dad won't even return our letters and... frankly... we stopped caring... the only person we care about anymore is Neville and Harry." the twins admitted and Draco relaxed visibly. "then there's no chance that me being here will get back to my father..." "no, our entire Skulk is made up of people who lost everything at the hands of Dumbledore and your bastard Father. no one will tell them anything." he shook his head. "we just want to be safe and to find and rescue Harry." he glanced at Gabriel. "him being here i'm guessing Neville and Blaise are here too or i'd be worried about them too..." "yes their here and screwing like raving bunnies." Draco complained the twins snickering a little as they shook their heads. "they always do that." they admitted, clearly much more relaxed around someone they knew. "listen... Harry is here." the Twins gasped, looking shocked, and then releived as they rushed into a torrent of questions about his well being until Draco silenced them with a glare. "as i was saying... he's physically fine... mentally? he can't remember anything, complete amnesia." they gasped, horrified. "he's also some strange hybrid between Vampire, Lion, and Wizard..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i can't speak for the Coalition but i can speak on Jean Claude's behalf." "the master of the City yes... but i thought MS. Blake spoke for him?" "we both do." Anita admitted chuckling a little as she shook her head. "on Jean Claude's behalf i would welcome you to the city, but as it is Shape-shifters and Lycanthropes you require protection from, it is Micah's permission that you need to stay." twin eyes turned to Micah, staring at him, begging him. "we promise, out Skulk will be peaceful, we're more likely to run away than to fight anyway.." "except Tatsuhiro but he's an exception." "please, Nimer'Raj..." they both crawled to him on hands and Knee's, prostrating themselves before him, proving their submission to him, literally willing to do anything to get his help. it nearly made Anita want to Vomit and she gave Micah a look, telling him to either let them in or send them away, but not to let them humiliate themselves any longer.
Gabriel visibly relaxed as he realized that things were going to be okay, and that they could trust the twins. Snickering a little at their words, tilting his head."I'm so glad I can be trusted to keep my shadows around me."He said snickering a little at the idea that he was trusted enough that they assumed blaise and neville where safe if he was here. Micah to looked a little sick at the begging, so shocked at the sight that he couldn't even respond because he for a moment was tossed into a memory of chimera. Shuddering a little he looked thankful at anita's look that had shocked him back to himself, nodding al ittle.'Go with gabriel and draco.They'll find you rooms and clothes. And your skulk to. Bring them here."He said before looking at anita, tiltinghis head."Then we'll see about getting the others here to see you. I am sure neville and blaise will want news of home." "me to. But I want to know what malfoy's up to."Gabriel said sounding interested because he needed to know if the man was still looking for his missing son.
the twins grinned a little. "please, they never go anywhere without you, your like... their bodyguard or something." George admitted laughing at Gabriel's look. but it was true, they never went out in public without Gabriel, they went everywhere with Gabriel, why they did this only they knew, but it certainly wasn't pity or anything like that or Gabriel would have noticed that. they stared up at him and smiled, looking so relieved as Micah promised to help him and they leaped to their feat, each giving him a happy kiss, Anita snarling in annoyance, the twins scampering to hide from her behind Gabriel and Draco, the blond snickering a little as he shook his head and led the way out the door to gather their skulk. there where three others besides the twins, making it a total of five, and one tiny human girl child making it six. two of the Werefoxes where playing with the tiny two year old, making her giggle as they played with home made stuffed dollies, and they looked up as Fred and George rushed into the motel. the two foxes blinked, one a girl, the other a boy, both barley eighteen and clearly related from the blond hair and blue eyed similarities. "this is Tammy and Tommy, their a year apart." Fred introduced, the fair skinned twins bowing to Gabriel and Draco from their seats on the floor. "the little one is Cherub..." they smiled sadly. "her father tried to sell her to us." George admitted. "he wanted us to..." he shuddered. "and then make her and him into a werefox..." they shuddered again. "Tatsuhiro had the sick bastard arrested, muggle police. and we brought her with us, hoping that we could find her a decent home but..." he shook his head. "after that the murders started and we had to run." Tammy explained picking the little girl up, assuming, correctly that Draco and Gabriel where there to help them. "we couldn't very well leave her alone..."

the little girl beamed at Draco and Gabriel an then pouted when Draco stared at her like she was the plague... children, ugh, they scared him senseless. "Jean Claude will enjoy having her around, he likes children." Draco promised smiling a little. "he likes the way they laugh and smile and shit. something about innocent and open and whatever." he admitted looking around. "there's supposed to be a sixth one of you..." "Tatsuhiro went to get some tail." literally. he'd found a local Vixen who wanted cubs and had requested Tatsuhiro as a sperm donor, since Tommy had refused. Fred and George rolled their eyes. "we'll leave him a note, i am NOT waiting sixteen hours for his ass again."George grumbled. "get our things together, we're moving to a new place." "..permanent?" Tammy asked hesitantly and both twins shook their heads. "we don't know... nothing is certain anymore." Fred and George admitted as they started packing their things up and stuffed the shrunken parcels into their pockets, all four Foxes and one magical child following Gabriel and Draco in silence, to see their new home until things could be settled.
Gabriel growled, that low bass growl of a wolf warning someone,but it wasn't directed at anyone but the father cherub had gotten away from.Sighing softly as he tilted his head shaking his head a little."No, I guess you couldn't. And everyone will like her, much to anita's annoyance."he said grinning, snickering a little because he so knew anita was going to yell if her men started wanting kids. Snickering as they got everyne settled into the rooms at the circus before he looked at the two leaders, tilting his head towards the twins a little."Jean-claude should be awake by now. while we are sure of your welcome we should introduce everyone before you randomly run into him.He doesn't handle change well."gabriel said snickering at the idea because he so knew jean claude was going to enjoy all the changes, having had a empty life for so long.
The Foxes all smiled a little at the growl, well aware it wasn't directed at them. "anyway, her real name is Alice, but Cherub fits her SO much better don't you think?" Tommy asked grinning a little as Cherub giggled and clung to his hair, the fox Wincing at the pain but easily tolerating it without even a hint of annoyance. Foxes made wonderful parents because they where so laid back and mischievous. "why much to Anita's annoyance?" Fred asked curiously, Draco snickering. "she doesn't want Kids. she's convinced she's in the wrong line of work, and long alley of Life for kids." he admitted grinning. "when she see's Cherub being safely raised by monsters she's going to feel that ever so common 'do my many lovers want babies?' question... which is going to make her pissy." "hey! Language!" Tammy scolded glaring at Draco who stared at her until she cowered away from him. they walked through the circus, looking almost amazed at all the wereanimals and Vampires that where walking around. "we've never been around other wereanimals before." Tommy admitted sniffing at a werewolf, Jason, who gave them a funny look before heading off to work. "most of the Lycanthropes and Vampires have fled England." Fred admitted. "there are not many left and those that are have repressed their beasts so much they don't even smell like a Lycanthrope anymore."

they all froze as the gorgeous Jean Claude and Asher walked into the room where they where waiting, Jean Claude fill of grins as he saw the little girl playing on the floor, his blue eyes studying the Foxes as they tared at him. but Fred and George where staring at something else entirely, Asher. they where staring at Asher as if he was god given form, licking their lips a little as they moved over to him, acting just like wereanimals when they first met a Vampire who could 'Call' them. they touched his shirt, his hair, ran their fingers along his face and smelled him, the other Foxes focused entirely on Asher as well, but they knew better than to roach in on the Twins when they where fawning over someone. "Mon Ami, what are you doing to the poor Foxes?" Jean Claude asked lifting a slender eyebrow at Asher. "have you taken their minds?" he was unused to such behavior, because Wolves, Hyena's, Lions, Panthers, they where all rather dominant creatures, even the Rats had not reacted to the last master in such a manner. but Foxes where very submissive creatures by nature, and they where acting like a submissive creature who had met their master, rubbing on him like they where cats, and sniffing at him to make sure their smell was in fact clinging to him.
"Well...I'm glad I left. I've been a animal to long to ever consider surpressing things that muh."Gabriel said wrapping a arm around drao's waist as he watched everyone snikering as the twins reacted to asher, who looked disturbed and unused to the attention. Despite anita and jean claude paying attention to him, he hardly ever got the fawning that was solely for him. Shaking his head he looked at jean cluade, tilting his head a little as he absently stroked their hair."No, I didn't. Why are they acting like this?"He asked his empty voice sounding panicked to jean claude as he tried to figure out how to fix whatever he had done to the poor foxes. Not realizing it was his power, because it'd been such a new power, that he'd never met one of his animals before.
Draco nodded a little. "the Twins never hid themselves... they didn't really make it well known, but they didn't hide it either. i can imagine these murders are a way to drive them out of London." Draco admitted before staring at Asher and the Twins, his head tilted. "hell their acting like Tigers do to Anita..." he stated looking rather shocked. the twins rubbed their cheeks along his hips as he pet their hair, the other two Foxes hesitantly coming closer, wanting to be near Asher too, the Twins smiling as they looked up at Asher. "have you never had an Animal to call before?" George asked his head tilted a little as he gently kissed Asher's ribs, closing his eyes. "i am your animal To Call..." he mumbled softly, Fred smiling as he let the other two Foxes nuzzle Jean Claude's knees, the four Foxes loving him up like he deserved, pausing as they blinked up at him, George snarling at his brother and the other two before leaning up and kissing Asher's lips, tying himself to the Vampire, letting Asher feel the connection between them. from Asher to George, from George to the other three, the strongest tie to Fred, offering Asher his own Triumvirate of Power between his two animals to call.

"Asher... your animal to Call..." Draco muttered, Astonished. "you've never had that before!" he admitted smirking at little. "i think Anita is enhancing your powers more than you thought she was." he admitted Jean Claude chuckling as he kissed Asher's forehead, so glad that the other was being so fully accepted by such playful people. it would help Asher's moods greatly he supposed. "Mon Ami, congratulations, you will have to choose an Animal to Call and a Pomme de Sang..." he paused as the twins growled at him. "i Am his Animal to Call." George growled, snuggling possessively into Asher, bound to him already as Richard was bound to Jean Claude. "and i am his Pomme de Sang..." Fred purred happily, cuddling into him. "....what is a Pomme De Sang?" Fred asked blinking at Asher the two leftover foxes going back to their babysitting duties as they realized they where being ignore, not that the minded all that much.
Asher moaned softly closing his eyes as he accepted the power the two offered, shivinerg a little as the link snpped into place raising his head to look at draco, looking a little spacy by amused."I think you are right."He said smiling as he leaned against jean claude's chest, looking amused as he looked at the two cuddling him."Apple of blood. My favorite food, a kept man."He said blushing ever so softly before smiling."Shall we go see the others?I am sure the twins want to make sure their friends are okay." "But I'm fine. They should know neville and blaise are okay."Gabriel said snickering a little as he nuzzled draco,"I wanna be your animal to call."He said pouting annoyed for once that his odd mix of animals made it almost impossible to be a animal to call.
Draco chuckled as he watched Asher, his head tilted as he watched Asher mark the Twins, the first mark only true, but it was a good first step to a true Menage a Troi (did i spell that right?) and a perfect Triumverate. "mmm i like being food." Fred purred, looking just as power drunk as Asher and George did, giggling a little. "are you going to bite me... sir?" he asked realizing suddenly that he had no idea what the others name was. "I'm George by the way, this is my twin Fred, i am Reynold of the Skulk, he is Vixen." through the marks, Asher would know what that meant and all of the intimate details, because neither Fred nor George where trying, in any way, to keep Asher out of their heads. they where open books, letting him know anything he wanted to know. "we would like to check on Blaise and Neville though..." Fred finally decided, sighing a little as he pulled away from Asher unwillingly and gave him a kiss as well, smiling at him before they turned and followed Draco out into the hall, the blond smirking at Gabriel. "you are you idiot." he stated simply, kissing the other again before walking away, the twins glancing at each other.

"wait... Gabriel is a shape shifter... a Chimera he isn't just one animal." "exactly." Draco stated simply. "all in one instant Gabriel has become my Animal to Call, my Pomme De Sang, and my lover." he shook his head. "i marked him before i even knew who, or what he was because my power latched onto him tightly as the only unclaimed Chimera i will probobly ever meet." he smirked. "and then i fell in love with the bastard, i don't know how he managed that one but he did." he admitted with a small chuckle and a shake of his head as he moved into the room where Neville, Blaise, Harry, Richard, Simba, and Haven where all chattering, Simba and Neville leaning against each other as they reconnected. Simba having been the one to infect Neville in the first place. they all turned to stare at the twins and Blaise and Neville both gaped at them. "Fred!? George!?" "...Nevile! Blaise!" they crowed happily before pausing, sniffing, gaping at Neville. "your a Lion!" "Your Foxes!" "Since when!?" and then the catching up began, the twins explaining everything that had happened and when they'd been turned, Neville returning the favor with his own stories about what had been happening there, Harry looking baffled as he studied the Twins, certain he aught to know who they where.
Gabriel smiled a little as he watched the menge de trois, tilting his head a little before laughing."You wont like being food if he hurts you."He teased fred knowing that asher was to good to ever hurt. Grinning at Asher's insluted look before looking down at fred."I am going to,eventually."He muttered before blushing as he realized that he hadn't introduced himself."I'm Asher."He said blushing a little as he sorted through their thoughts before relucatantly letting them go, snickering at gabriel's sputtering.

"I'm not a idiot!"Gabriel whined before blushing as he realized exactly what draco had done."Oh...I knew that."He said trying to not be to embaraced as he snuggled into draco as they walked, snickering a little because he was amused."But you love me for being a bastard."He muttered poking his love in the side.Richard nuzzled harry a little, looking at him worried as he wathed the others trade stories, sighing as he pressed a kiss to his lover's hair."You okay?"He muttered running his fingers through his hair, wondering what harry was feeling, and feeling anxious to make him feel better about what was going on.Glad that more people that he'd known where here, maybe he'd start getting memories back.
Fred smirked a little as he looked at Gabriel. "i won't?" he asked smirking a little. "George hurts me all the time." he admitted licking his lips. "my nerves are so damaged... that i can't feel pain." he admitted grinning almost wickedly before looking up at Asher. "in fact, most of the time, pleasure." he admitted softly, sensually. "so you can... hurt me... all, you, want." he whispered for Asher's ears alone, George shuddering against the Vampire, delighting in his brothers tease, chuckling a little. "it is a delight to meet you Asher." they both murmured in unison before laughing at Gabriel's sputtering as Jean Claude pouted at Asher. "why did you get the cutest ones?" he complained playfully, teasing his once lover, kissing Asher gently. "i am glad you have found someone who looks upon you as if you are the first star in the night." he admitted smiling at him. "and Anita will be relieved, she feels guilty for not giving you enough attention." he admitted with a smile.

Draco just huffed a little. "i don't love you for any reason at all." he stated loftily. "i love you DESPITE you being all the things you are." he teased kissing the other again while everyone chattered, Harry frowning as he looked up at Richard. "... they look so... familiar to me." he admitted swallowing thickly. "like i should know them... like their... like they are family..." the twins smiled at him. "you do know us, we are family. not in blood but in soul." they admitted smiling at Harry. "don't worry Harry we had amnesia for a few months. it comes back." the twins promised each of them giving Harry a slobbery kiss on the cheek, making Harry go bright red, the twins laughing. "even when he can't remember, he goes bright red!" Neville and Blaise laughed as well, shaking their heads. "oh stop it you two! leave poor traumatized Harry alone!" "i'm not Traumatized!" Harry complained, pouting as Simba giggled a little, drowsing on the bed, half asleep, Nathaniel WAS asleep, his arm curled around Simba almost protectively. "you'll remember." fred promised smiling at Harry as he shook his head, glancing at his watch. "if you'll excuse us, we have a Vampire to seduce."
Asher grinned over at his friend, raising a eyebrow."You have Albion.And anita. And micah.And richard."Asher pointed out grinning as he kissed jean claude back, smiling gently before nodding."Me to.And she pays me just enough attention.She shouldn't worry."Asher said though he did blush a little.

"Hey!No no that's not how it works. You love me because I'm a bastard, you insensitive prick."Gabriel huffed nuzzling his master with a smile "See, you'll be fine. Your already starting to remember small things."Ricard muttered trying to comfort the man he was holding, resting his cheek on harry's shoulder as he sighed,"You are traumatized!I am traumatized by having a fox kiss my lupa."Richard muttered teasing as he sulked a little, pretending as he grinned. "Oh, you think you're going to seduce asher that easily?"GAbriel said raising a eyebrow looking amused.
Jean Claude chuckled and shook his head. "i do not have Richard, or Albion, they refuse my touch as you well know." he teased smiling a little. "they are valued freinds but not for in be." he admitted chuckling a little. "Micah will let me feed on him, but he is wholly Anita's and won't let me touch him that way either." he pouted even more. "all i have is Anita, and sexy and wonderful that she is you have TWO!" he whined, teasing his best friend with a happy laugh at the others blush. "will you let them seduce you in the morning?" he asked smirking at Asher as he led the other way.

Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "no, i love you because your literally, a prick, and it goes in my ass." he teased smirking at the other, kissing him intently before snickering as Harry sulked and crossed his arms before smiling at Richard as he kissed his lover. "well, they didn't get my mouth..." "oh 'd never kiss you on the mouth." "we know where that things been!" Harry was startled into laughter, blushing harder as Simba giggled furiously, the twins laughing happily as they smirked at Gabriel. "oh, he's already half seduced, we just have to get him to admit to wanting to fuck us." they admitted with happy laughter as they skipped off, opening their lines to Asher to follow him into his own room, knocking on the door and gently peeking in, glad to see that the Vampire was alone. "hullo Asher." the twins chorused sliding into the room, looking hesitant but eager. "feel up to being seduced?" Fred asked smirking a little. "Fred! your not supposed to TELL him he's being seduced!" George protested, Fred scowling. "why not?" "because then it's not a seduction!" "... oops?"
Asher laughed a little looking amused as he looked at his friend,"Ah, well they are twins.Just think of all the twins you've ever had....hmm this is going to be un."He muttered teasing his bestfriend, because he knew jean claude wasn't really jealous, he was to in love with anita to be truly unhappy about not having more then one lover. "I do not know."He said follwoing jean claude looking thoughtful.

"Hey hey thats not fair. You love me more than that."He muttered sulking as he looked at the blond.Richard smiled kissing harry back before raising his head, looking amused as he tilted his head."Should I be worried about where it's been?"He teased looking at the twins, nuzzling his lupa. "uh-huh.Have fun with that."Gabriel said snickering because he knew the vampire was going to be...interesting to the twins.

Asher raised a eyebrow looking at the two as he let his book aside, looking at the two amused."And if I do not want to be seduced?"He asked a smile dimpling his cheek.
Jean Claude laughed a little and nodded. "i've heard wicked things about magical twins though Mon Ami." he admitted grinning at Asher. "you shall have to share with me the wonderful details." he teased winking at the other before splitting off to go and find Anita to snuggle and feed off of, wanting to get his midnight snack in since Jason was at work.

Draco laughed as he kissed the other and shook his head. "yes, i love you." he agreed smiling a little as Harry snickered. "where it's been? why Richard you know EXACTLY where it's been." Harry teased chuckling a little as his eyes flicked down to Richard's crotch and then back up to Richards face with a teasing wink. "don't tease the Twins, they'll prank you." Draco complained scowling at Gabriel. "and i ALWAYS get caught in the crossfire!" he grumbled kissing the others neck.

the twins grinned at him before hesitating, looking a little confused. they weren't used to being denied, with the marks wide open Asher could feel the Fox's confusion. they knew he wanted them, found them arousing... and then it clicked that he was TEASING Them and mischievous smirks flared across there faces. "well, we're not really into Rape so i guess we'll just leave then, sorry to have bothered you." Fred muttered, looking sulky and pouty, his voice laced with amusement as he headed for the door, George snickering as he followed his brother. it was a bluff, either Asher admitted defeat and called them back, or they admitted defeat and rushed the bed and kissed him all over.
richard blushed pressing his blushing face into harry's shoulder whining softly as he held him closer."You should't tease me like that."He grumbled raising his head to kiss harry softly, nudging him to his feet."Come on. Lets get nathaniel and simba to bed, then we'll see about what else is going on."

Aser raised a eyebrow sitting up on his elbows as he studied the two, grinning a little. Because he was so not admitting defeat."You know, I've had to live wtout sex for years, a few more nights wont hurt."He said wondering just how strong their wills for teasing him was going to be.
Harry laughed a little and gently urged the whining Simba to his feet while Richard picked up Nathaniel, the Leopard refusing to wake up for anything. Harry helped Simba into bed, letting the Lion snuggle into Nathaniel, the Man groaning as Simba snuggling into his massive long Braid. "Nathaniel's never going to have his hair back." Harry muttered with a small snicker as he kissed Richard. "why don't we head back to our room and i'll do that thing with my tongue that you love so much."

the Twins blinked at him, glanced at each other and then leaped onto the bed, George kissing Asher deeply, his tongue tangling into the others as Fred kissed the others chest all over, trailing from one nipple to the other as he started shrugging off his clothes, revealing a patchwork of strange scars. he had lines running down his body firm neck to toes, as if lines of fire had tun down the paths of nerves. "lightning." Fred explained as he saw Asher looking. "it's why most of my nerves are all jumbled up, Lucius thought it would be interesting to see what would happen when a wizard was struck by lightning." he admitted kissing his way down the others body, fumbling with the others belt, wanting to taste the others cock, George snickering. "Fred loves to suck Dick." he admitted sucking lightly on Asher's neck. "you wouldn't Deny him would you?"
Richard snickered a little before grinning."No, he's not going to. Poor kid's got a death grip on nathaniel's hair."He muttered smiling as he kissed the other, raising a eyebrow."Oh you want to do that thing?"He teased a little heading for their bedroom.

Asher moaned shaking his head as he closed his eyes smirking a little as he studied the sars, relaxing as he realized his own scars wouldn't be questioned or scorned with them."I would never deny him."He muttered snickering a little before shuddering."I never want to consider what a man would do just because he could."Asher muttered shivering as he made a mental note to tell draco, because if lucius ever teamed up with belle...they were all in so much trouble. And they were both still in europe.
Harry chuckled a little as he kissed the other again, looking delightfully wicked. "mmm i love doing it so... yes." he growled half dragging Richard to the bedroom. Harry loved giving Oral just as much as Anita, and Fred did, but his ultimate favorite thing, was to suck and tease Richards balls, he loved the feeling of those soft, full sacks of seed in his mouth, and he was talented enough to play with both at the same time. he couldn't wait to get Richard naked, to tease his cock just enough to get the man hard, and then ignore it completely, it drove Richard insane when Harry did that.

the twins grinned a little as they watched him, Fred yanking the mans pants down, running his nose along the others cock with a happy little moan, completely oblivious to any and all scars that the man had, as if they didn't exist. they both paused though as they blinked at Asher. "think happy thoughts Asher." Fred ordered, smirking a little. "or you shall go soft, and then what would i play with?" he asked playfully, laying a small kiss on the junction between cock and leg, grinning almost wickedly as George laughed a little and kissed Asher again. "i think we'd better figure out position here first, see, i'm commonly a Dom, and Fred is commonly a bottom." he admitted looking amused as he studied Asher. "but, you don't seam like a bottom sort of person, so, the question here is... who's fucking who?"
Asher moaned softly, closing his eyes as he shivered, groaning as fred nuzzled his cock shivering as he cracked a eye to look at him."I'm trying to think happy thoughts."He muttered shifting a little, whining softly as he kissed the other back."I'm a switch.Matters where you want me."He muttered blushing ever so softly as he shifted, resting his head against george's, for the moment content to just lay with them, even if they were working up to sex, he was more happy then hehad been in years, and just wanted to enjoy time with his lovers.
they both snickered a little as they heard him moan and smiled at him when he admitted to trying to think Happy thoughts, Fred deciding to help by lapping at the head of his cock, stroking and teasing the flesh as George growled eagerly. "oh good." he growled in delight. "that means i can fuck you, while you fuck Fred... my favorite position." he teased chuckling a little as he ran his tongue along the others ribs, tracing the scars with his tongue. "mmm you feel wonderful." Fred muttered softly, smiling a little. "like i've finally come Home." he admitted slowly, carefully engulfing the others cock, swallowing him right to the base without even a choke or a heave... someone, was well practiced. but with a dick like Georges, one had to be well practiced. George chuckled as he snuggled into Asher, running his body along the others before starting to strip, revealing smooth, pale, scar-less body to Asher, he had not a mark on his body, which was almost strange when compared to Fred's lightning Scarred body. as for his, and Fred's 'package' they where identical in size, not as big as Micah or Richard, but bigger than Jean Claude's. "get up on your knees." George demanded Asher. "i wanna lick you." he growled, wanting to prepare Asher himself, wanting to fill that man's hot, tight ass, while Asher filled Fred's... George was getting hard just thinking about it.
Asher groaned, shivering as he thrust up a little as the other sucked him down, shivering as he closed his eyes before looking over at the other.Smirking as e saw just how big they were. Well, at least he'd get to tease jean cluade about something. Grinning as he shifted to his knees pulling fred off his cock as he did, bending over. Arranging fred how he wanted him, slowly, carefully sliding his mouth down over the red head's cock, only a hint of fang there as he moved his mouth along him as he waited for george to prepare him.
the twins moaned and groaned as they sucked and slurped, teased and groaned. Fred was going at Asher's cock like it was the only thing keeping him alive, making sure the man Came before they switched positions again, Fred leaning on all fours in front of Asher, pressing against him, urging him to slide inside. George waiting behind the Vampire, waiting for his turn, having taken a great deal of time to spread Asher with tongue and fingers, he couldn't wait to be buried inside the pale, Gorgeous Vampire.

in the halls, a new figure appeared. it was a male, and a fox but there was something very strange about him in scent. you couldn't see any part of him, he was wearing a hooded robe that covered every inch of him from head to toes. he smelled like a fox, but not like a were, whatever he was it was very unusual. he paused in the kitchen where Anita was demanding Richard to make food, new bandages on her neck where Jean Claude had 'nibbled' on her. Harry and Haven watching with amusement as Jean Claude stared at the food being made, eager to taste through Anita. "Excuse me." the stranger stated suddenly, Jean Claude gaping at the stranger. "... who re you, and how did you get in here?!" "...i'm Tatsuhiro, Second in command of the Skulk that has just taken refuge here.... an i picked the lock... you really should get better locks..." the man stated calmly, sounding almost amused. "i'm looking for my Reynold and Vixen..." "oh, their having Sex." Harry commented simply, studying the figure. "what's with the cloak?" " appearance tends to... disturb people.." Tatsuhiro admitted, lying only a little.
"Your lying. Stop it or I'm going to kick your ass."Gabriel growled from his seat perch on the breakfast nook area, cuddled with draco having a almost vampric ablity to sense a lie, instead of smell it like a normal were. Something was bothering him about this kid, and he didn't care how many times draco elbowed him in the ribs, he didn't have to be nice. Richard looked between the two, tensing a little because he could see gabriel was spoiling for a fight for some reason settling the food on the table in front of anita."Eat.Beave JEan, you don't get to taste unless she wants to."he said warning the vampire from tring to make anita eat faster.
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