Blood of my Heart

Nathaniel pouted a little as he sulked at Micah. "but i have to Pee!" he complained before giving Simba a very stern glare. "Simba! i need you to release my hair, right now!" he ordered, his tone gentle, but stern and Simba whined, but released the hair, Nathaniel purring happily as he skipped away, Anita looking utterly shocked, her eyes wide. "i didn't know that he could do that." she admitted blinking at Micah before beaming. "he's growing up so fast." she was so pleased with Nathaniel, a month ago he would have just stood there and had to pee, waiting for Simba to wake up, hoping Anita or Micah would save him. Simba didn't even wake up, he just rolled over, and went right back to sleep. Nathaniel bounded out of the room and went straight to work making breakfast, warm biscuits an gravy, sausage and bacon both, something gentle but filling. he intended on stuffing Simba past full, he didn't like how thin the poor boy was.

Blaise snickered a little and shook his head. "well for one thing Neville fucked me like no tomorrow, did you know that fur feels REALLY good?" he asked smirking as he slipped out of the bed, completely uncaring about his own Nudity as he headed to the bathroom, Neville groaning a little. "shut up Blaise... you deserved it." he complained simply as Harry chuckled and shoved Haven off the bed so he could crawl off of Richard and shift back into human form, doing it as easily as Micah did and looked around for clothes, yawning sluggishly as Draco snickered a little. "shall i go and get the Markers Gabriel?"
Micah grinned looking at anita as he stood kissing her lightly."You wanted him to grow up you know."he teased, pleased himself that the most submissive person he knew growing up and demanding things. It was so good to see neville like that. Smiling slightly he looked over at him he sighed softly snickering."We better go get food before nathaniel gives it all to the kid."He said snickering as he headed back into get food.

"...I so didn't want to know that."Gabriel said frowning down at the lion snuffling against his leg, trying to figure out why the strange lion was sniffing at him."Can I hit him to get him away?"He asked trying to figure out how to get him away without hurting him. Richard snickered shifting back to human, sitting up on his elbows."Haven, you might want to stop that before you get your ass kicked."Richard said rubbing a hand over his face.
she chuckled a little and nodded. "i love it." she admitted chuckling a little as she watched him. "i think his maternal instincts are coming out." she admitted smiling as Simba staggered into the kitchen and let Nathaniel settle him into a chair, the poor boy still half asleep and completely oblivious to what he was being fed. he was half done with it when he realized he wasn't eating Kibble, but wisely said nothing, just hesitated, shrugged, and kept eating, Anita grinning a little as she ate her own meal. "Simba, if your feeling alright, we need to go to the police station." she explained. "we're trying to make sure that no one ever thinks that any of this was your fault, so we're going to go in and have the nice policemen put it all on record alright?" Simba nodded. "am i going to get to go into the big mirror room where the good cop and the bad cop question the bad guys?" Simba asked, looking rather excited, Anita blinking. "uh... i don't know.. maybe." "cool!" he was so abused, but in some ways he really was just a regular kid.

Blaise snickered a little and Neville rolled his eyes as Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "hit him on the head with a wooden spoon, he really hates that." he teased shaking his head, but watching Haven very closely, wary of the man doing something inappropriate... Draco on the other hand did something first, he snarled and yanked Gabriel away from Haven and advanced on the Leo, fangs bared and possessiveness in his eyes. "mine!" Draco snarled at the Lion, who had gotten his ass kicked by Draco on more than one occasion, and would either back of and cower submissively or get his ass kicked again.
Micah looked startled at the boy's reaction to being to being interrogated, snickering a little as he looked at anita."You know, I think thats the first time anyone ever looked excited about talking to zebrowski."He said finishing his food and stretching,"Come on simba.We probably have some food that'll fit you."He said already heading up to the bedroom to get simba some of his or anita's clothes, because between the two of them, they were both small enough to have something for him.

Gabriel snickered looking around."Do you have a spoon?"He asked before snickering as draco pushed the other lion back, looking amused as haven huffed and bowed his head at draco, leaning against his legs as if asking forgiveness, even if he was watching gabriel."Is this your way of claiming the spot as regina?"Gabriel tease dwalking closer,gently kissing draco.
she shook her head a little looking amused. "he won't be talking to Zebrowski he'll be talking to Dolph who will be supervised by Zebrowski." she explained smiling a little as she shrugged a shoulder. "Zebrowski doesn't like the furry much, but he'll do everything in his power to protect a kid, especially one who's been as abused as Simba." she admitted smiling a little as she watched Micah take Simba upstairs, where he dressed in leather pants, one of Anita's, the black fabric clinging to his long shapely legs. an he dressed in one of Nathaniel's long sleeved shirts that clung to him, bu was too long in the arms so that it hung off of his fingertips, but he refused to wear any other shirt, complaining that he liked how Nathaniel smelled like sugar cookies.

Draco growled Darkly as the other begged forgiveness and he rolled his eyes patting Haven on the head before sulking at Gabriel. "who says YOU aren't the Regina!?" he demanded his eyes narrowed. "besides maybe Harry is more dominant than you!?" he demanded lifting an eyebrow at him, Harry chuckling a little. "Gabriel's kicked my ass before Draco." Harry stated simply. "in seventh year and again when we where twenty." he admitted smirking. "he's dominant." Harry assured Draco as he yanked on a pair of Jean Claude's black suit slacks and silk shirt, smiling a little. "so Haven, is your curiosity sated?" he demanded smirking a little as he studied the man. "so, who's making breakfast this morning?" "... you are." Draco stated staring at Harry who groaned, rolled his eyes, but nodded. "fine..."
"He might not like them,but he's been more tolerable then dolph, and he will protect any kid, no matter what."Micah looked amused at the smelling nathaniel, it was amusing considering he smellled like vanilla to anita. "Well, lets get going. We'll all go since we're going to the circus after this.I dont' trust draco or richard to not manage to find trouble between now and when we get there."He said snickering as he grabbed his car keys heading for the door.

Gabriel smirked as he kissed draco again grinning as haven shifted back and headed for the kitchen without answering."You are so regina."He muttered nuzzling his lover before rolling his eyes looking at harry."Why do I have a feeling I'm going to have issues?"He grumbled annoyed because he knew another rex, he just knew haven wouldn't be able to let him go without testing him, or trying to sleep with him. Either, gabriel wasn't looking forward to.
Anita smiled a little as she shook her head a little looking amused at the fact that Simba liked the smell of Nathaniel. she wasn't sure what that meant but she doubted it was a good thing. still, Nathaniel would never screw a kid so she wasn't too worried about it. she had to laugh at Micah's appropriate assessment of Draco and Richard though. she drove Simba to the Police station and escorted him inside and watched from the one way mirror as Zebrowski settled Simba into a chair. "do you know why your here Simba?" "... uhm... kind of." he admitted blinking a little. "Anita said i'm here so that people don't think that this is my fault..." he admitted his head tilted. "can i see your handcuffs?" he asked blinking at the pair hanging off of Zebrowski's hip, Anita snorting as Zebrowski handed them over, letting Simba handcuff himself to the chair, the boy giggling a little. "these are cool!... are you the good cop?" he asked blinking at Zebrowski who laughed, amused by Simba's remarkable innocence. "you've been watching too much TV kid."

Harry chuckled a little as Draco sulked a little. "i am so raping your ass Gabriel." he complained a little shaking his head as he followed Harry. "because you probobly are going to have issues." Draco admitted simply, shrugging his shoulders a little. "just kick his ass that's what i do." he admitted simply with another shake of his head and a small yawn. "i want something sweet." he ordered. "doughnuts for the Drama Queen." Harry agreed, Draco glaring at him.
"Ah, but you are the good cop. Does that make me the bad cop?"Dolph said looking amused shaking his head a little as he sat down in the chair next to simba, looking worried about him, even if he wanted to dislike him for being furry, he couldn't.He was just a kid."Now, can you tell us everything simba?"Dolph said looking concerned about the kid, wondering if they should see about getting him counciling, or trust the monsters to get him what he needed.

"You are not."Gabriel said snickering kissing draco before sighing softly."I will."He muttered disliking the idea, but he would do it if he had to."A doughnut?And you are a drama queen, stop glaring."He said tickling his lover a little as he headed for the kitchen,grinning at the sight of haven starting to make breakfast with richard's help.
Simba blinked a little as Dolph made a joke his head tilted a little. "but i already told the cop everything..." he stated looking confused as Zebrowski smiled. "we, need more detail..." he suggested Simba hesitating. "i...i'm not supposed to tell... Master will be angry..." he muttered biting his lip a little. "Master will punish me..." he muttered looking worried and frightened, tugging at the Handcuffs, Zebrowski unlocking them as Simba stared at his hands. "i'm not supposed to tell..." "it's alright Simba, Anita will keep you safe, you know that right? and she has a lot of strong freinds.. your master can't hurt you anymore..." Zebrowski thought it would be a bad idea to tell the boy that the bastard was dead, just a feeling. "i...." he hesitated then. "you promise?" he asked softly, Zebrowski nodding before those large golden eyes turned to Dolph, pleading with him for it all to be alright.

Draco smirked a little. "you can't stop me, i WILL own your ass!" he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head before squirming as he was tickled. "hey! don't do that." he ordered scowling Gabriel as Harry chuckled and shook his head, watching Haven cooking. "well, this is nice." Harry muttered. "i'm not the one cooking for once." he admitted sitting in his chair before pausing, frowning a little. "...why is that so surprising to me?" he muttered frowning a little.
Dolph looked at him worried before smiling gently."Its okay Simba. Like zebrowski said, anita can take care of you.She lives with the master of the city, remember?And the leopard's nimira-raj and the lion's rex. Not to mention she knows everyone else in town.She has lots of friends."He promised nodding before smiling slightly."I promise. I promise that you'll be safe. Now, can you tell us everything?"

Gabriel grinned as he nuzzled draco, not bothering to figt over who was going to be on top. He was so going to own his cute little regina later, he'd just let draco think he'd won for now. Snickering at harry's question."Because you end up cooking all the time, even if there's other people to do it?"He teased sitting into his chair pulling draco into his lap. "Do you want anything special?"Haven asked sliding a plate of bacon onto the table, richard picking harry up and setting him in his lap starting to eat. Letting haven just cook, because he wanted to cuddle.
the boy hesitated for a moment longer and then started to explain how his Master had found him when he was a boy, and helped him learn control through magic, how he was part of a group that protected children. something called Social Services, that set up in Africa for a while.then they started moving around, and every time they found a person abusing children that they couldn't legally do anything to, due to lack of evidence or other reasons, they would take care of the bad people themselves. Simba explained that he was proud to have been able to save the children, some of them in even worse situations than he had been in. he explained how his Master would use magic, to keep the children asleep and the abusive adults under control so he could kill them. he admitted that he always felt bad about killing them, but his Master always promised him that he was doing a good thing, the right thing, and he'd never questioned that. the entire time he stared down at his hands, flexing his fingers occasionally.

"it wasn't until now... here that i started to honestly question..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "he.. seamed to change when we came to the United States... where, where bloodsuckers and animals had freedom... had RIGHTS!" now he looked confused, hesitant. "he said that animals belong in cages... that they should all be put to death and that's all Vampires and lycan's where..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "it didn't bother me... he always talks like that when he kills one of them... he promised me he wouldn't kill me, i was a tame animal, like dogs and cats... i was his good boy." a surge of pride rushed through him at that, it almost made Anita and Zebrowski both sick. "i was his good boy to always do what he was told but..." he frowned now. "the church.... all those people just...sleeping... just laying there sleeping and... i couldn't... so he... he punished me, and he.. he'd never don that before..." he went on, explaining in detail what had happened at the last house, explaining how his master had punished him ruthlessly, dragged him to the couch and left him there. "... i was not a good boy..." he muttered looking upset. "i made Master angry... he was already angry for not killing all the bloodsuckers..." he didn't seam to realize that was a rue term, it was just what he knew them as. "he wouldn't let me have my Kibble, and made me sleep in the cage, i don't like the cage." he complained, sulking now. "but..." he looked up at Dolph. "...i'm only an animal." he admitted softly. "so.. i deserve the cage...right?" the poor boy was just so confused, he just didn't understand what he was anymore. a little boy or a beast?

Draco looked smug as his lover gave in and he kissed the others forehead as he answered Harry's question, the boy shrugging a little as Draco smiled a little and suddenly handed Richard something, the unofficial biography of Harry Potter, it had Harry's entire life in there, from his aunt and uncles mental, emotional, and physical abuse, to the near deaths he'd had all through school to his death at Voldemort's hands, his return to life, and his life after the war. it had everything Richard and Harry would need to piece Harry's life back together.
Micah and dolph to looked a little sick to their stomachs. Disgusted at the idea of a human being treating a child, no matter what he was, like that. Even the most hated child deserved something better than that. Swallowing hard dolph lowered his eyes to the table, not wanting to show the boy just how angry he was. "No, no you don't deserve the cage simba. No one deserved to be treated like that."Dolph said looking up at him, pausing for a moment before reaching out, gently resting a hand on the boy's arm."You are not a animal, even if you chnge into one every once in awhile.Anita'll take good care of you."He said swallowing hard before reaching over and wrapping his arms around the boy, hugging him gently, loosely so if he wanted to pull away he could,but dolph needed to hug him, to offer comfort the only way he knew how.

Richard looked startled, looking at the book he was holding, setting it on the table so he could flip through it, not really reading, more looking at the pictures then anything else."Wow. Where'd you get this?You didn't go back to london did you?"Richard said looking at the man suspiciously, as if he wasn't sure he trusted draco to not do something so stupidly reckless as go home when everyone wanted him there.
Simba blinked at Dolph, his head tilting a little, frowning a little. "they...don't?" he asked, looking confused again, torn, he tensed violently as he was hugged, clearly expecting pain, then he relaxed into Dolph, tears starting to flow as he relaxed into Dolph, the simple act of a hug was more comfort than Simba had ever received. he'd never had affection, and didn't hug back, but he enjoyed the attention and the comfort that Dolph offered him, but finally pulled away and let Zebrowski lead him back to Anita who pulled him into a hug as well, Nathaniel joining the hug. "you where very Brave Simba." Nathaniel assured the boy. "you where very good." he promised smiling when Simba brightened. "really? i was good?" "very good, i'll make sure you get something very special for dinner tonight... anything you want." Nathaniel promised smiling at him as Simba hesitated then. "ca... can i...try chicken?" he asked his eyes wide. "barabeque style?" he misspoke the word barbeque, but it was so cute that Nathaniel laughed and nodded. "sure! we'll have Barbeque chicken!" the man agreed smiling as he led Simba to the car, the boy staying glued to Nathaniel's side the entire time.

Draco chuckled and shook his head. "no i didn't go to London." he promised rolling his eyes. "it's Neville's." he admitted shaking his head because Neville and Blaise where still in bed. "he said you and Harry could have it." he promised Harry blinking a little as he ran his eyes over the pages, swallowing convulsively as he suddenly slammed the book shut. "i don't want to read this..." he protested shaking his head. "you can read it Richard but...i can't..."
"No, they don't."Dolp hmuttered gently petting the boy's hair before letting the boy go. Smiling slightly as zebrowski took him away. Shaking his head, well. At least they'd have their job bof saving the kid cut out.Micah smiled nodding,"very good."he said snickering a little because it was adorable to see the two acting like this. Smiling as they headed for the circus."We'll have a lot of different barbeque flavors. There's enough of us staing at the circus that's there's alot to try."He said smiling as anita drove, heading inside to go in search of the others.

'I'll read it, and tell you a little about yourself.You'll remember more then."Richard muttered nuzzling his mate, anxious to make him feel better."Its okay.You don't have to read it." Gabriel smiled a little resting his forehead on draco's shoulder, closing his eyes as he nuzzled him a little"Do you really think its a good idea to let him read that?"He muttered sounding worried.
Simba smiled a little as he thanked Dolph and Zebrowski for letting him play with the handcuffs and headed out with Micah and Nathaniel smiling a little as they went to the Circus. "WOW!" Simba chirped in amazement as he ran over to the nearest clown and examined it closely, Anita chuckling as she went over and got two cotton candies, nibbling on one for herself and handing one to Simba who gave it a funny look. "what is it?" "sugar, try some." she offered Simba frowning a little as he tried some before he froze, staring at it like he was in shock. and then, it was gone, paper stick and all, Nathaniel laughing so hard he nearly fell over as Simba licked his fingers clean and followed Anita, who was also laughing into the Circus.

Harry nodded a little and snuggled into Richard, feeling like something very bad was in that book, something very very bad... he just couldn't remember what... the rape, when he was sixteen. his uncle had raped him, then he'd raped him again at seventeen, called it a happy birthday surprise. Harry didn't remember, but it was in the book. "it will be fine, Harry would tell Richard all of this if he could remember." Draco admitted. "it will be good for Richard to know..."
Micah stared, not believing that the boy had just eaten the whole thing before starting to laugh.And within minutes the rats and wolves on guard found them all there, laughing like they'd lost their minds."Uhh....anita?"Caleb said studying his nimra-raj and nimra-ra, trying to figure out what was so funny, and what they were doing with a kid.

Richard sighed softly as he nuzzled harry for the moment ignoring the book in favor of cuddling his mate. "I can read it.Neither of you should hvave too..."Haven said looking at the wolf and lion worriedly, sitting down to eat himself, wanting to take care of the other rex."It would be good, but it's going to mentally scar them both, espciailly since harry has no defenses against the abuse anymore."He muttered pointing it out. Because over the years harry'd built defenses in order to deal, but with the loss of memories he'd lost the shields because his mind didn't know he needed them anymroe.
Simba was watching them, looking confused his head tilted a little as he watched the people laughing, utterly baffled. he looked up at Caleb as Anita giggled, looking up at Caleb. "it... it's ok... c..Caleb." Anita managed to stutter through her giggles. "this is S..Simba." she explained giggling still. "we're protecting him." she explained once she calmed down enough to talk properly. "why don't you take him inside to Harry and Haven?" she asked. "i'll get the men calmed down." Simba hesitated, but followed Caleb inside blinking at him. "are there many people here?" he asked his head tilted. "are they all animals?" without the protection of the wizard, Simba smelled like a Lion, so the statement would probobly confuse the hell out of Caleb.

Harry hesitated but finally slid the book over to Haven, Draco frowning a little at Haven his head tilted. "why are you being so helpful Haven? you usually only do nice things for Anita." he admitted Harry smiling a little. "me and Haven are freinds..." Harry muttered. "i know he won't abuse the information in that book." he muttered snuggling into Richard. "besides i have a feeling that... that Richard shouldn't know about some of the stuff in that book..." Harry admitted Draco pondering that before nodding. "you might be right Harry... if he's going to know about it, it shouldn't be from a book..."
"Lots.And some are, others are..."Caleb stopped looking down at the lion cub. It was rumors that they had been looking for a lion cub, and here they were with one. Sighing softly he smiled a little, looking confused at the question but answering it the only way he could."Others are vampires."He said hoping the man didn't yell to much."Don't worry. They wont hurt you,and if they did, anita would injure them. So they wont hurt you."He promised walking into the kitchen.

Haven smiled a little."what he said. Besides, harry gave me advice on how to make anita like me better."he said smiling slightly before looking up, tilting his head at simba and caleb."Morning you two.How are you doing?"He said closing the book, not wanting to freak out the kid by showing him the book that chronicled one of his heros abuse."Richard smiled nuzzling his cheek against harry's shoulder, eting a piece of bacon."We'll find out together then."
Caleb pondered that and then. "well, Micah and Nathaniel are Leopards, and your a Leopard... are they all Leopards?" he asked curiously his head tilted. "you have a BIG Pard if you do!" he admitted looking impressed. "Vampires are ok." he admitted before pausing, frowning. "i think, i've never actually met one before... Master always said they where evil creatures that needed to be put down but then he said that about everything that wasn't human." he admitted shrugging his shoulders before pausing at the kitchen, smiling at Harry. "hi Harry!" he chirped bounding into the room. "hi Cookie Monster! i got to go into an interrogation room and play with handcuffs!" he admitted sitting on a stool his stomach growling, but he didn't reach for the food, he ha not been given permission. Harry scowled at the excited confession to have been questioned and he blinked at Simba. "you where handcuffed?!" he demanded, shocked and Simba nodded. "ahuh,. to a chair! it was FUN!" he admitted Harry growling a little, annoyed that such a young boy could be treated like that by the police. "i even got a Hug." he admitted swelling with glee. "i like hugs." he blinked at Harry. "why do you smell angry again? did i do something wrong?" "no... no Simba it's not you, i'm just stressed out and i'm angry at your master for abusing you so..." "... abusing me? he never abused me... he never laid a finger on me..." "there's more than one kind of abuse Simba... he treated you like an animal..." "i am an animal..." "he fed you Kibble." "i LIKE kibble! specially the ones with the chewy center bits." "he put you in a cage." "...well i... i was just a bad boy and needed punished!" Harry understood why the boy would defend his master, but Harry also knew the sooner he saw reality, the sooner he could heal... Simba was bleeding inside, Harry could SEE it, feel it and he knew Haven could too. "he never even hugged you Simba." "well i'm just an animal... animals don't get hugs..." "yes they do." Harry stated firmly. "people who love their pets hug them... your master didn't care about you Simba." Harry muttered softly, setting a hand on Simba's knee, the boy nodding. "i know..." that, shocked Harry. "but... i care about him..." he admitted looking upset. "he is my Master... i love him... he's..." he sighed a little. "he's dead... isn't he?" Harry winced, and that was all the answer Simba needed, he started to cry, silently, tears running down his face as he stared at his hands. "i'm sorry Master..." Simba whispered. "i didn't mean to be bad..." "oh Simba... you where never bad." Harry promised pulling the boy gently into his and Richards laps, cuddling the boy while he cried silently into their shirts.
"No, we're not all leopardsThere's some wolves and rats to. With gabriel, who's a chimera. we have a lot of people here."He said before grinning a little,"Well then, you're about to get a good introduction to vampires.They're all nice."He said snickering a little because he so totally knew that of all the vampires the kid could meet for the first time, beautiful jean claude and asher would awe anyone. "I want handcuffs."Haven said pouting smiling slightly, teasing the boy. "....I want kibble.Harry, you should feed us kibble."Haven said smiling slightly because he wanted the boy to feel better, and because he was amused at harry's reaction hiding his grin a little because he could feel gabriel bristling at the idea of smba being so abused. Haven winced reaching out, wrapping his arms around simba, closing his eyes eyes widening a little as gabriel leaned around draco, hugging simba cuddling both rex and cub."Its not your fault.YOu'll be okay."He muttered shifting so harry could pull simba into his lap, shifting, both harry and haven cuddled against them, as richard held them all. "You joining the love fest?"Richard muttered sounding amused as he looked at draco over the backs of the shifters.
Simba relaxed a little at all of the hugs, feeling safe and protected as he snuggled into Harry while the man glared furiously at Haven. "you are NOT helping!" he hissed furiously as the boy sniffled and wiped his eyes as he blinked at Draco who shook his head. "i do not handle... touching... well." he stated simply. Harry shook his head a little. "you handle Gabriel's touch all right..." he muttered Draco shrugging a little before blinking as Simba turned to him, blinking slowly. "are you a bloo... Vampire?" he asked curiously Draco smiling as he shook his head. "no, not really anyway... we're not sure what i am." he admitted smiling as he watched Simba gather himself back together, pushing the plate of Bacon over tot he boy. "eat, you need to get your strength back, your far too thin." he admitted watching as Anita, Nathaniel and Micah walked in, blinking as Harry's phone rang... but shockingly, it wasn't Dolph, it was the day time manager of Guilty Pleasures. "hello?" Harry asked curiously. "no this is Harry... Anita? yes she's right here..." he said handing her the phone. "this is Blake." Anita stated calmly listening to the man on the other side of the phone before blinking a little, looking astonished. "...alright thank you, we'll be right there..." she promised hanging up and turning to Micah. "coalition business... you know those foxes that gathered at the edge of the territory? two of them are over at Guilty Pleasures and they asked for us by name." she admitted shaking her head a little. "Micah, your with me, Nathaniel stay with Simba, harry you and haven stay here and keep him and Neville calm." she ordered simply. "Micah, come with me." she ordered turning on her heal, eager to figure out why those Foxes where there.
Gabriel grinned up at his lover, smiling as he studied him."You want me to touch you?YPi handle that okay."He teased pulling away grinning as he cuddled against draco, yelping a little when the phone went off, frowning in curiousity about what was going on."I'll stay here with them.Help out." "She didn't give you the option of going, you curious cat."Haven teased looking at the sulking rex as anita and micah walked out. "So?I still like them to know I'm going to help out." Richard snickered a little,"You're just annoyed that you wont be the first to know whats going on."

Micah frowned as they headed over to the club, stepping inside, squinting for a moment to get used to the dark of the club, before heading for the manager's office, knowing that's where they'd be. Knocking on the door before he pushed it open stepping inside.
Draco smiled a little as he shook his head and he leaned into the other, nuzzling the others neck. "i think Jean Claude is very much going to like Simba." he admitted smiling a little. "he likes innocence." he admitted. Jean Claude found young children so refreshingly innocent, and a delight to have around. he was even well known for playing with the children of the people who worked for him, entertaining them rather wistfully. it was a matter that made Anita very uneasy.

the Manager, a Werewolf, was waiting for them with the two Foxes, both of them Red haired, green eyed and fair faced as they turned to look at Anita and Micah they where identical down to the freckles on their cheeks. "so, here we are." Anita stated suspiciously as both twins got up and bowed at the waist to them, polite. "we thank you for your hospital..." they sniffed hesitantly. "Nimer'Ra and nimer'Raj." they stated, clearly uneasy, skittish, frightened. they where in a strange place with people who where predators to them, they wanted to run but they held tight to their resolve. "our Skulk... like a Pard, Pack, or Pride... is in danger." the first boy commented, blinking green eyes at them. "we came from London... and things have gotten very dangerous..." "oh... wait.. introductions first..." "we're sorry we're... we';ve.. never been around others..." "other were-animals..." "i am George, Reynold of the Skulk. this is Fred, Vixen." George introduced, Fred blushing a little. "that is... equivalent of Nimer'Ra and Nimer'raj..." Fred admitted sheepishly, Anita lifting her eyebrow. "including the...mating...bit?" she asked, shocked both twins coughing into their hands, blushing furiously before taking each others hands. and now it was Anita's turn to go bright red. "ah...well... please continue..."

"yes... right well... our Skulk is in trouble... we had to flee London... there have been a number of staged murders..." "of which we, and by association our Skulk, have been accused of doing." "we do not kill people Anita Blake... we're foxes... we hunt small things, like mice.." "or rabbits... not people..." they shook their heads. "we want sanctuary here... and help for... another matter..." "we know that you can't go to London to help clear our names... but, you CAN help us find someone who can..." George admitted, looking very worried now. "you see. one of our very close freinds has gone missing, stolen, taken by Vampires... Harry Potter." "we went to him to get help, Leo or not... Harry saved the world and his word, as always, is law... we had hoped he could find the true murderer but he was missing..." "we found out he had been kidnapped... and taken away by a Vampire known as Belle Morte." "we tracked him tot eh United States..." "and lost him, please, we need your help finding Harry... he's the only one who can help clear our names..." "and we beg for sanctuary here in your... territory, your Coalition until we can find him..." "we are at the mercy of anything and everything without protection." "please, we will beg... we have money if that's what you want..." "we... we will even..." they both swallowed and indicated their bodies, willing to whore themselves out, to protect their Skulk. they where good leaders, willing to sacrifice themselves to protect their people.
"He does.They amuse him."Richard said amused that the centuries old vampire. And found it even more amusing that it worried anita about what would happen if her men decided they wanted kids.

Micah looked surprised at the introductions, because something about the names tugged at his memories."Reynold,vixen, welcome."he said bowing his head slightly before looking at the others, before snickering at anita's qeustion."You're not supposed to ask things like that, nimira-ra."He muttered so very amused at that. It was so like anita to ask a question and end u pbeing embarassed by the answer. Micah frowned a little at the mention of harry, he so knew richard was going to not want to think about this. He was so not going to let his mate go home.

"...There is someone you need to talk to here, before we help you."Micah said slowly, glancing at anita. While he wanted to trust the two unselfish leaders trying to protect their skulk, he wanted a second opinion on this."Give me a moment, I'll call and ask him to join us."He said, despite not knowing him long, he trusted draco. And he trusted gabriel to protect draco's friends and his own before anything else. Excusing himself he called the two before joinging anita and the foxes again. Smirking slightly as gabriel hit the door with draco trailing behind him. Staring startled as the panther's lips curled back into a almost snarl. Protectiveness coming to the front as he shifted in front of draco, even if he knew the blond could take care of himself, he had to try and protect him."What's going on?"
the twins blushed a little and shrugged. "she wouldn't be the first person to ask." Fred admitted chuckling a little. "particularly in the muggle world... apparently it's a serious taboo..." "where it's not at all uncommon, even expected in the wizarding world..." "for twins to be...." "intimate.." they stated, talking in unison as always. and they weren't lying. Wizarding twins where Rare, and they where usually so close that they not only could share each Other's thoughts, but they ended up as lovers. even if they did accept someone else into their bed, they where still very close together and shared the third man or woman, refusing to be parted, not even for love. they glanced at each other, hesitating then at the mention of talking to someone else. "we can try.. it is.. difficult talking to people who are..." "our natural enemies...." they where clearly frightened and uncertain, acting like the Foxes they where. a Foxes first impulse, after all, was to run away, not to fight. it was taking all their wills not to flee and they nearly bolted to the corner when Gabriel ran in, in fact Fred DID flee, hiding under the desk, the closest protection while George trembled.

"... GEORGE!?" Draco demanded, looking shocked as George paused, and gaped at him. "MALFOY!? Gabriel!" George cried out, looking honestly relieved to see the shape shifter. "what are you doing here?!" Fred, George, and Draco all chorused in unison. while the twins and Gabriel where not all that close, they did know each other well because the twins where best freinds with Neville. "you're were-foxes!? for how long!?" Draco demanded the twins smirking a little. "since Sixth Year actually." they admitted. "after we left school." "to start our glorious careers." Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "and what exactly are you doing here?" Draco demanded lifting his eyebrow. they explained in a rush, faces crossed with worry as they explained that Harry was missing and someone was framing them for murders. "... i can beleive you pissing someone off... but murdering someone? that's like saying Neville killed someone." Draco complained scowling a little before turning to Gabriel, opening his mind to the other. 'you know them better than i do Mon Amant. do we tell them about Harry, or send them away? they brought other Foxes... can we trust their judgment and their word that their not here for trouble?' letting Gabriel make the call on whether they helped the Twins or not.
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