Blood of my Heart

she smiled at him and shook her head. "you never failed... we didn't give you that chance." she promised smiling at him as she gently kissed his cheek before leaving with Micah, chuckling at him as she shook her head. "if Draco goes apeshit i should really try to help... i'm the only person he's never attacked..." she admitted. he'd attacked everyone else, but even locked in a room with only her, he'd never attacked her. neither Anita nor Draco knew why, but Anita thought maybe it was because she was a Necromancer. she winced a little. "Jean Claude is awake..." she admitted opening her connection to the man and informing him of everything that had happened, she could feel his dread at having to tell Draco, and informed her he was going to wait until Asher woke up.

Harry nodded a little. "i never knew he was doing it." he admitted sighing a little. "but... i can understand why he did it... wereanimals and Vampires are so hated in the wizarding world, that becoming one, willing or not... you lose everything." he admitted. "Neville would have lost his entire Herbology shop, his family would have abandoned him, he would have been hunted down, or forced out of England..." he shook his head. "so many people there... do the same thing... and they die, just because they can't stand what they've become..." he admitted softly before smiling at Haven. "thank you, i do apreciate your willingness to help..." he admitted smirking a little. "you just want to see Gabriel." he teased at the offer to go back with him. "but, i'll let you come with." he teased winking at the Rex. "i can only hope Draco isn't freaking out, Gabriel's done fallen in love with the blond bastard so if Draco freaks out Gabriel is going to be a bit preoccupied trying to calm him down." he admitted simply as he sniffed at the air and then turned to walk back to the circus, humming a little. "so... anita has a Lion inside of her, and a wolf?" he asked blinking at Haven. "is that even really possible?"
Micah smiled looking at her, before shaking his head."I know that. But you're tired Anita, you need to rest."He said looking over at her. When asher stirred he stretched, looking at the dark haired master vampire laying next to him."You look upset about something."Asher said frowning at the man laying next to him as he sat up, running his fingers through blond hair to keep it straight.

"I'm willing to help, not only because anita expects it of me anymore, but beacuse its painful to know that someone would be outcasted if I didn't allow myself tohelp."He said tilting his head a little before laughing, shaking his head as he followed the other towards the circus, heading for the circus."I'm insulted that you'd think I'd put my curiousity over draco's well being."He said snickering a little at the idea, shaking his head before sighing."She does. As well as leopard and tiger."He said before snickering, raising a eyebrow."And is it possible Gabriel's, rex, ulfric and nimir-raj?"He teased a little before sighing."Anita's collecting them as they attack her, the only thing keeping her in human form is the very fact that jean-claude's marks keep her from shifting. To much death to force a thing of life to live."he said shrugging a little
Anita sighed a little and nodded. "yeah, your right." she agreed closing her eyes and falling asleep right there in the car. back in the Circus Jean Claude turned to Asher, his eyes upset. "something terrible has happened..." he admitted softly, opening his link to Asher and letting him hear everything that Anita had informed him of. "...Albion is going to completely freak out and we have to tell him... Anita would but she's asleep already and having a bit of a breakdown." he admitted swallowing thickly as he licked his lips a little. "do you want to wait for a few more minutes or just get it over with?"

Harry smiled a little as he nodded. "your a better Man than most Cookie." Harry admitted before wrinkling his nose. "i mean Haven... dammit..." he groaned shaking his head before blinking a little at Haven, nearly gaping. "wait she... she has four animals!?" he demanded, astonished. "that's the same as Gabriel..." he admitted shaking his head. "so... she's a Chimera?" he asked tilting his head a little before smirking a little as he shook his head. "you know, i think Jean Claude just likes collecting freaks." he admitted chuckling a little. "first Anita, and then Draco, now me and Gabriel." he shook his head. "come on, Neville is still sleeping i think, we're going to have to go through his mate to talk to him anyway." he admitted leading the way down the stairs to where Neville was sleeping, Blaise cradling the man as he read a book, the Italian looking up as Harry gently knocked on the door. "how's he doing?" "...better, he managed to change back about two hours ago..." Blaise admitted looking at Haven curiously. "who's that?" "this is Haven, the local Rex... er, leader of the Local Lion Pride, he's agreed to let me and Nev visit his pride to see how it functions.." Blaise pondered that and then nodded, gently shaking Neville's shoulder. "Nev? love can you wake up a little? there's someone here to talk to you..." Neville whined a little and slowly sat up, blinking stupidly. "whossit?" Neville asked sleepily, shifting to snuggle into Blaise, not wanting to wake up.
Asher paled at that nodding a little as he rubbed a hand over his face."Let's get it out of the way."He said standing and heading towards draco's room, knowing draco was going to freak out so much. Knocking on the door a small smile curled his lips hearing the groan of protest from gabriel at being woken up."Go away..."Gabriel grumbled rolling on his side nuzzling draco.

"Cookie's fine, if that's what you want to call me."haven said amused that the man, like anita was calling him cookie. Anita usually forgot his name to sometimes, and it was amusing to see harry doing it. Tilting his head a little before nodding."I never thought of that before, but yes, she's a chimera."He said before snickering."Oh yes, well jean-claude's one of the freaks, so it makes sense that he collects them."He said snickering as he followed harry inside."I'm haven, the local rex."He said smiling a little looking amused at the man's reaction,"Harry asked me to stop by and talk to you."He said trying to encourage the man to wake up by getting him curious about what he wanted.
Jean Claude smiled a little as Gabriel complained, moving into the room, checking to make sure Draco was still asleep before responding to Gabriel's complaints. "we have bad news for Draco... news that... he isn't going to take well, it would be better to do it with all three of us to help control him." Jean Claude admitted, looking rather afraid. Draco had once very nearly killed him, and this news, it was going to be a very near thing yet again. if they couldn't contain draco, people where going to get hurt.

Harry smiled at Haven and nodded. "sorry, i just can't help it..." he admitted sheepishly before laughing a little. "compared to some of the people i've met Jean Claude is damn near normal!" he admitted with a laugh before watching Nevile, looking worried as he winced a little, realizing that Haven was a Rex. "please... i don't want to join your Pride... i'll go back to London i swear..." "no, Nev no he's not here to chase you off he's here to help you." Harry promised smiling at his friend, gently stroking Neville's hair, Blaise cradling him. "Cookie won't make you do anything you don't want to do, he just wants to help..." Neville opened his Lion gold eyes and stared at Haven, clearly terrified of the Rex, swallowing thickly as he watched the other, trembling in Blaise's arms. "i don't want to be a Lion..." he whispered softly, Harry sighing a little as he gently took Neville's hand. "nev you need to calm down, your going to change again if you don't calm down..." but that just drove Neville's panic higher. "no.. please... i don't want to change again." he pleaded, hiding his face in Blaise's chest, the Italian grimacing a little, hating that he couldn't help his lover. "shh Nev, shh it will be ok..." he whispered looking up at Haven, his dark eyes pleading with the man, praying that the blue haired Rex could help his poor terrified lover.
Gabriel groaned rolling on his stomach,seemingly ignoring the vampire"Don't care. Its going to upset him. leet him sleep."He muttered cuddlign draco.Asher laughed softl at that, looking at jean-claude."Just wake him up. gabiel's not going to be helpful waking him up."He sid sighing because he knew that draco wasn't going to take it well, and he just wanted to get it done

Haven looked startled at the assumption before shaking his head."I am here to help. Not make things worse."He promised looking at the man before stepping back towards the door."I can go. Clearly I'm upsetting him..."he said loooking worried before swallowing stepping forward."I can keep him human, but its going to hurt."He said looking at the others worried reaching out, and gently stroking neville's hair using his beast to sooth the terrified cat he felt, swallowing hard."neville yo uare a lion,jbut you don't have to be one right now. Shh, its okay."He said using his beast like anita did, the giant cat doing that nose to tail body rub that cats did against neville, as if the great beast really existed there and now. But spending time with anita had allowed all of their beats to become more 'real' even when they weren't there, and the tigers had discovered that if they used them to calm panicking members, it worked.
Jean Claude nodded and gently reached out, stroking Draco's forehead, waking him through their marks. "Draco..." he whispered softly, Draco blinking at Jean Claude, swallowing thickly as he looked at his Master. "... something bad has happened." Draco whispered, looking afraid. he was always afraid when he knew he was going to go blood frenzy on someone. "...what is it?" he asked softly, Jean Claude hesitating for a second before informing Draco of everything, of Narcissus being sick along with most of his hyena's. of the slaughter at the Church, and by the time Jean Claude was done Draco was shaking with fury, struggling to control himself as snarls and growls seeped out of his mouth, Jean Claude standing, and crouching, gettign ready to defend himself. "it's alright Albion... let it out." it was bad for Draco to try and hold it in, so, with the permission, Draco let it out, and he attacked Jean Claude first, slamming into the man with furious screams and shrieks as he ripped at the man's arms. Jean Claude had gotten good at defending himself.

Harry looked at Haven, looking almost heartbroken at the sight of his friend so terrified of another Lion, and he hesitated at the knowledge he could keep Neville from transforming. "i'm not sure which is better... both options will cause Neville physical and mental pain..." he admitted shaking his head, stepping out of the way to let Haven sooth the terrified Leo, Neville flinching away from Haven's touch, letting out a tiny sob before shuddering at the touch of the giant Lion rubbing along him. for a moment it looked like he was about to bolt, and then he started to relax, sighing as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his and Haven's beasts rubbing together. there was no need to swallow Neville's beast now, because it had stopped fighting Neville to get out, and was content with the touch of another lion. Neville slowly opened his eyes, looking sleepy, content and calm as he studied Haven. "thank you." he mumbled softly, Blaise beaming at Haven. "yes... thank you." he whispered softly, looking so relieved. "i think he'll be alright for a little while now." he admitted Harry smiling, looking relieved as Neville smiled sleepily and snuggled Blaise gently. "the potion really screed with him..." Harry muttered. "i think these panic attacks, and his Lion fighting so hard to get free is from the potions..." Harry admitted softly, looking worried. ".. perhaps he should go and stay with Haven for a while?" "... stay with strangers?" Blaise asked, looking worried. "Harry you can't ask him to do that he's a submissive... he'd be everyone meat... especially being hurt the way he is.."
Asher winced as jean-claude defended himself, whistling slightly to get draco's attention to let jean-claude have a moment to recover, wincing as he was attacked. Gabriel cursed softly as he realized what was going on, hating that this happened. And by the time the frenzy had past, all of them were bloody gabriel slumping against the bed with a sigh, blood dotting his face, and chest."Albion?"Gabriel muttered looking tired as he studied his lover.

Haven nodded a little,"It's always a hard choice."He muttered stroking neville's hair slowly, relaxing when neville did. Closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling for a moment before smiling slightly."Your welcome.While it's better for a lion to try, the tigers and most of the guards are capable of soothing another's beast."He said looking happy that he as able to help before nodding."It's hard, it would make sense if they were from the potion."Haven said frowning a little before shaking his head."While I don't think my pride would hurt them it would be better fo him if he was around people he knew."He said pausing before doing what he hardly ever did, something kind."I could stay here. It wouldn't be the same, but between gabriel, me and you, I am sure we could keep him calm.."He said looking anxious to make the lion feel better.
Draco tore into Asher, ripping at flesh before switching to Gabriel as the man called his attention away from Asher, by the time he had finished ripping apart the three sets of arms and bellies he was laying on the floor sobbing, just curled up into a little ball and crying in his shame for what was wrong with him, and crying in his grief for so many lost freinds and sick freinds. he just laid there and sobbed, looking so broken, so weak, so... shattered... he didn't react to his name, either of them as Jean Claude tried to call to Draco as well, the man looking at Gabriel. "hold him, the touch will make him feel better... i'll go and find a doctor... we have many now, thank goodness." he admitted looking at Asher. "will you wait here? in case Draco goes crazy again? we do not want to leave Gabriel alone..."

Neville smiled and nodded a little and closed his eyes, all too ready to go back to sleep as Harry shook his head. "we don't really know what affects the potion had on him..." he admitted softly. "no ones ever stopped taking it before... not that we know of anyway..." he admitted softly as he smiled at Haven. "you would really be willing to stay?" he asked softly. "we would greatly appreciate that... we really would..." he admitted softly before looking at the sleeping Neville, Blaise gently stroking his lovers hair. "...i think he will stay calm." Blaise admitted smiling at Haven. "thank you, again... why don't you go with Harry to get something to eat? i'll call if Neville starts to panic again." he promised Harry nodding as he led Haven out of the room, sighing softly. "i wish i could do that..." he admitted softly. "i feel so... helpless, watching Neville like that... unable to do anything at all..." he shook his head. "i'm a terrible Rex... i can't do anything to help the one pride mate i have... i have to beg help from another Lion..." he complained softly, sighing a little. "i can't even track down a kid..."
Asher nodded looking at jean-claude."I will.Go."He said looking worried at that smiling slightly as he realized that draco was relaxing. Gabriel whined a little as he curled up against draco's back, cuddling his lover, nuzzling draco."Love,'re okay."he muttered a deep rumbling purr vibrating his chest as he tried to make draco feel better, a small distressed sound escaping when draco didn't respond to him.

Haven grinned at the question, tilting his head a little."Don't think its not for personal gain. Not only will anita like me better for it, but gabriel can't avoid me forever if I live here."He said his curiousity showing.That and...could it be attraction?He wasn't usually attracted to men, but his curiousity and lust for oddities, translated into liking the chimera. "I can teach you. Maybe. Or anita could try.She's always beter at teaching."Haven said trying to make him feel better before laughing softly."You had to ask for help because you didn't know you could do it. Your young kid I'm nearly 35, and been a lion since 15. Its a long time to figure out things."He pointed out shaking his head."Youre the one that figured out it was a child, and that it might be a cop."
Draco just stayed curled up, crying as he realized he was never going to see anyone from the church again, crying because he knew that if Narcissus was sick that she had lost her baby, again, crying because ever since Gabriel had shown up his life had gone to hell, and yet been the happiest times of his entire life. he was confused, and he was breaking deep inside. he didn't react when Gabriel purred, or when he made his distressed noises, he didn't even react when Doctor Lillian came in and started bandaging Gabriel, since Jean Clause and Asher where already healed. "Gabriel... i need you to step back from Albion for a moment.." she ordered softly, gently prying Draco's eyes open, studying the man before shaking her head. "he's in shock..." she informed them all but looking at Gabriel. "get him into bed and turn into Wolf please, like Jean Clause Draco's animal to call is the Wolf, he'll feel better with a wolf close by." actually, Draco's real animal to call where Chimera, but no one knew that.

Harry snorted a little and flashed a grin at Haven. "you know, i did know that." he admitted with a small laugh. "you do realize that she does like you, a little?" he asked grinning at Haven. "but i don't think your ever going to be someone she can really trust because of you.... how shall we say... bad assness? she can't date anyone who might possibly be even the slightest bit more capable of violence than she is." he admitted. he wasn't stupid, he noticed things. "she hates that she's so cold inside, and won't date, sleep with, associate with anyone who might be colder than she is, because it's the one part of herself that she can't accept, so how could she accept it in others?" he explained smiling at Haven. "that's why i am automatically off her list." he admitted. "because i'm more of an emotionally stunted bastard than she is." he admitted with a small snicker before his face fell back into that upset look as he studied Haven.

"... i'm twenty five Haven that's not a kid... but i see your point..." he admitted smiling a little. "i'd be honored if you would teach me.." he admitted shaking his head. "and don't try seducing Gabriel Draco will slaugh..." he paused as he passed Draco's room and peeked inside, his eyes widening. "... shit..." she muttered his eyes wide in astonishment. "come on, before Gabriel realizes your here and decides your a threat." he stated slowly shoving Haven away from the door, it bothered something very deep inside of him to see Draco crying, and he didn't much like the feeling, so he left. he didn't remember why he was so close to Draco, he didn't remember anything, so was simply acting to protect himself.
Gabriel whimpered softly in distress as he was told to move back, whining as he shifted, letting asher get draco up into the bed, pressing his muzzle against his lover's neck, snuffling him, sighing in distress as he laid down with him, resting his head on draco's chest trying to relax.Whining as he tried to get draco to respond."Jean-claude, you should stay to. You and gabriel will be able to calm draco."He said swallowing hard, looking worried because he had no idea how badly this was going to go.

"Just a little."Haven said softly, beore laughing grinning slightly, tilting his head as he looked curious before nodding."That does make sense. But she's best friend's with edward.Which we all find odd,but we accept it. We have to accept her, because she reflects how broken we all are."he said looking thoughtful, looking pained at the idea he caused anit distress in the fact that he reminded her to much of what she was. "...okay, well you look younger."Haven teased a little before nodding."I will teach you."He said before tilting his head dragging his feet a little wanting to stay and see gabriel. Despite harry's warning about seducing him, he was curious. Wincing at the deep throated rumble from the room, before letting harry drag him away. Even without seeing him, gabriel had smelled them there, had deemed them a threat before even knowing what they wanted.
Draco whimpered as he was moved, struggling against Asher before relaxing as he was settled onto the bed, just laying there now, staring at nothing as Gabriel snuggled into him, Jean Claude gently holding Draco's hand as he smiled at Asher. "stay with us Mon Cherie?" he asked hopefully to Asher. "Draco reacts well to your presence as well after all." Asher was the big brother draco had always wanted. in the years after his attack, it was Asher's bed he had crawled into after a frightening nightmare. he had at least stopped crying, but he wasn't reacting to anything either, rebelling against himself and everything else, he just wanted to close his eyes, and never wake up.

Harry smiled a little. "yes but she's not sleeping with... Edward." he stated simply. Harry didn't remember Edward, but he knew she wasn't sleeping with him. "he's brother material right?" he asked grinning at Haven. "try just being her friend instead of trying to get into her pants, you'll get a lot further." he teased chuckling a little before smirking. "i know i know i look like i'm a teenager yet." he complained with a roll of his eyes before glaring at Haven. "Gabriel won't hesitate to rip your throat out if you linger too long Haven. he's very protective and very territorial." he warned dragging Haven away with a strength that was shocking considering Harry's size. "come on Cookie Monster." he ordered shaking his head as he headed down the hall and into the large Kitchen that Anita had demanded be built. "i'll make food." he decided smiling a little. "Neville's going to be hungry and i need something to do.. any requests?"
Asher looked startled at the words, smiling shyly before getting up and laying down next to the wolf, resting a arm over gabriel's body, absently running draco's hair and stroking the upset wolf's fur. Looking at jean-claude, "Put him to sleep.I know you can."he muttered looking so worried about the two."Both of them.They need to relax, and sleep will help."Asher said looking so worried about the two.

"Yes, he is.Brother is a good way to describe it."Haven said grinning a little, amused that even without a memory, harry had good adive. Smiling a little at the advice he nodded,"I'll do that. Maybe she'll be okay."He said grinning because he so wanted anita to like him, more then wanting to sleep with her, he just wanted her to like him more. "No. Whatever you want. Just make enough for all of us. It'll be alot of food."He said grinning slightly looking amused at the idea because he knew just how much food that the three lions could devour when they needed it. But neville would feel better after he ate.
Jean Claude smiled at Asher, his head tilted at the other as he watched the other stroke Draco's hair, chuckling a little as he nodded, Draco whining as Jean Claude reached in through the line of Marks, putting Gabriel to sleep first, and then putting Draco to sleep, the blond breathing slowly as he relaxed in his unconsciousness, Jean Claude leaning over to gently kiss Asher. "a very good idea Mon Ami." he murmured smiling at the other. "do you suppose we should call Richard and check on Anita?" he asked looking a little worried.

Harry smiled a little as he shook his head. "as long as your not trying to fuck her, i'm sure she'll be ok with you." he admitted chuckling. "she'll be suspicious at first, but if you tell her you got good advice from someone she might be more willing to beleive your change of heart." he teased winking at the other before getting started. he chopped up chicken, sliced steaks, made breading, stirred batters and made everything he could with what was in the fridge. he made smothered steak tips, mashed potatoes, fried chicken, glazed carrots, a bright salad, some cheesy quesadillas, he made two cakes, one a cheesecake the other a massive white cake which he coated in a chocolate Glaze. it was clear he was used to cooking, because everything finished almost all at the same time, and just as he was finishing Neville staggered in, rubbing his eyes as Blaise followed suit, smirking at all the food. "... nervous Harry?" he asked simply, Harry shaking his head. "worried and anxious..." he admitted frowning a little. "...why?" "you usually only make a White cake when your nervous." Blaise admitted with a chuckle as he sat down and helped himself to some mashed potatoes and smothered steak tips.
Asher nodded looking up at him."We probably should.She'll know Albion freaked out.She'll want to know your safe."He said with a smile before looking at the peacefully sleeping two."they're going to be pissed when they wake up."He said snickering a little.

"Anita's always suspicious,even when we're not doing anything."He said snickering, his mouth watering as he looked at all that food. Oh man, he was hungry. Looking at the food licking his lips before looking at blaise and neville."You mean I'm going to make him get worried to get more of this cake?"He said sulking a little as he pulled the cake over to himself, starting to devour it. Eating with gutso, because he loved chocolate, and he loved cake. Grinning happily as he looked at neville."How are you feeling?"He asked as he took a moment to breath as he devoured the cake.
Jean Claude nodded a little before smiling a little. "i don't think they'll be all that pissed off." he admitted shaking his head. "Gabriel didn't even fight me and Albion was too out of it to notice." he admitted with a shrug of his slender shoulder, calling Richard to inform him that Albion had reacted as expected, that they where all fine, finding out that Anita was still sleeping and that there had either not been any more murders or Dolph hadn't called them so that Anita could sleep. he hung up the phone with a promise to call Richard when Albion woke up so that Anita wouldn't worry and sighed a little as he called Dolph's number. "yes, hello Officer this is Jean Claude, i wanted to call to give you this number so that you could contact Harry if you needed to. i know that you are using him in your investigation and where he's not with Anita right now i wanted you to know this Cellphone number so that you can contact him at any time..." he had every intention of giving Harry that Cellphone too, so that Harry was never without a way to contact them all.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded as he cooked. "yes, Anita is a very suspicious person." he agreed scowling as Haven dug into the cake first thing. "hey! that is DESSERT!" he complained glaring at the other, Blaise laughing a little. "no, he'll make it for birthdays and holidays as well." he admitted grinning a little as he shook his head. "and for future reference, when Harry cooks, you ALWAYS eat food before you eat dessert, your lucky he didn't smack you over the head with a wooden spoon." Blaise admitted Neville snickering a little. "he hits me over the head a lot." he admitted rubbing his head as if just remembering it made his head hurt. "i'm feeling alright i guess..." he admitted. "i feel... calmer.. inside... like..." he shook his head and looked at Haven. "how did you make... it, calm down?" he asked looking confused, harry smiling a little. "because he is Rex, leader... it's his job to know how to make his Pride calm and content."Harry stated with a shrug, Neville hesitating. "...have you been a Lion for very long?" he asked blinking at the other. "where you attacked?"
Dolph sounded startled to be talking to his master o the city, swallowing hard. IT was one thing to try and be better it was another to be talking to his master of city.After a moment of silence he realzed that not only the vampire wanted to give him a way to contact harry, but that anita was probably resting, and that he'd be calling harry first."Thank you jean-claude.I will call if something else comes up."Dolph said hanging up. "...that was a mild surprise, him being calm and rational."Asher said raising his head to look at jean-claude.

"Yes,but I am rex. I get to decide what I eat first."he said with just enough amusement that you knew he was going to use that as a excuse to get cake. "He wouldn't hit me. He wants my help."haven said snickering, looking amused and pretty sure that if he tried again, he was going to get hit. But it was fun teasing harry. "Good. IT might not last,but t will be calmer..."Haven said smiling gently, "And not only the lions can do it. Lion will work better and I am going to help harry learn,but the tigers and wolves that live here can do it to."He said before tilting his head slightly."21 years next month.I was attacked when I was 14, but it was my own fault cause I was working for auggie at the time."He said sounding amused.
Jean Claude smiled a little. "no Dolph, thank you for taking care of Anita." Jean Claude stated just before Dolph hung up, chuckling at Asher as he shook his head. "not so surprising. i think he was Civil because Anita would... how does she say? bust his balls? if she founf out he was mean to me." he admitted with a small chuckle as he shook his head a little. "i am going to go give this phone to Harry." he decided kissing Asher's forehead. "protect them Mon Amant." he muttered softly, smiling at Asher as he left.

Harry rolled his eyes and he smacked Haven over the head with a wooden spoon. it was a soft tap, but the sound created made it sound so much more pain than what was really there, Neville and Blaise both wincing. "behave! you might be Rex but i can still kick your ass Cookie!" "....cookie?" Blaise asked, struggling not to laugh as Neville stared at Haven. "...i was attacked..." he admitted softly. "i... i can't even hate the person who did it because they where only seven..." he admitted his voice a hoarse whisper. "does... does it ever stop hurting?" he asked softly, staring at Haven. "does it ever stop trying to rip it's way out of you?" he asked softly, Harry smiling as he set a hand on Draco's shoulder. "your Lion just feels neglected Nev... you had it locked in a damp dark cage for all of it's life, now that you aren't locking it away it wants free for a little while... we'll go on another hunt tonight, if you feel ready, and let your Lion Run... it's fighting because it doesn't know if your going to lock it away again and it doesn't want that." "i can't anymore... Blaise dumped out all my potions..." Neville complained, sulking a little, looking a little upset. "i guess we can run tonight..."
haven yelped, whining as he looked at harry."I'm rex!I do not get hit with wooden spoons!"he sid growling a little before snickering, poiniting to his hair."Cookie monster blue."He said before growing serious, nodding as he studied neville."It will hurt sometimes, when you change with emtions, but when yo uaccept it, it does get better."He said grinning looking excited about that, "Can we invite Gabriel to?"Haven asked, because he was completely unable to pass up the chance to run with a chimera, and despite harry's warnings, he was interested. "We'll run tonight. We'll all feel better for it."
Harry smirked a little. "yeah? and i'm the guy who died to save the world, on the hierarchy scale i win!" he stated simply as he helped himself to some potatoes, smirking a little as Neville blinked at Haven before smiling a little. "...i don't know what cookie monster is..." he muttered glancing at Blaise who shrugged. "it's got to be a muggle thing." "it is... remind me to show you an episode of Sesame street someday." Harry ordered, the two wizards glancing at each other and shrugging. Neville shook his head though at Haven's words. "i don't want to accept it... it's an evil thing..." he whispered softly, Harry and Blaise both grimacing and shaking their heads. "it ruined my life..." Harry had to roll his eyes at Haven's incessant interest in Gabriel. "you know i'm beginning to understand why you piss so many people off." he complained waving his spoon at Haven. "we are NOT bothering Gabriel tonight, his lover is having a mental breakdown and i am not bothering them just to slate your own damn curiosity." he growled before smiling at Neville. "have some cake Nev, it will make you feel better." Neville stared at the cake in front of him and he glared at Harry. " put a calming drought in the cake didn't you?" "nope, sleeping potion and an aphrodisiac so i can drag Haven off and tie him up and let all the fun little vampires rape him while he's sleeping... just to teach him a lesson about eating dessert before dinner." Neville laughed and shook his head. "god Harry you have a sick sense of humor." "but you still laughed." Harry teased grinning a little.
Haven frowned at that, grimacing."It's not evil.Just not very human.You'll have to talk to our ulfric, he once had the same problems you did."he said tilting his head a little sighing softly. Pouting at the spoon waving, but nodding.Okay, well he could deal with that. Just bother him another day.Frowning at the bite of cake on his fork, he swallowed eating it before making a face at harry."That wasn't funny. ust mean, both of you."He said pouting a little at that. It was slightly amusing though, not that he would admit to that.
Neville shook his head a little. "it's evil..." "Nev it is NOT evil!" Harry growled suddenly. "The Werewolves and were creatures only joined Voldemort because Dumbledore wasn't offering them freedom!" he finally snapped before looking shocked himself, Neville gaping at Harry. "what?" ".... i don't know that's... all i remember..." he admitted scowling a little. "...Dumbledore is purposefully repressing were's!?" "...." harry scowled, struggling to remember and then he sighed, shaking his head. "i can't remember..." he admitted reaching over and stealing Haven's cake, since clearly he wasn't going to stop eating it, and set meat and potatoes in front of him, "eat dinner and then you can have your cake back and if you bitch you won't get it back at all." he ordered simply polishing off the last of his own dinner, Neville giggling a little. "Harry you should join Haven's pride, you'd be good for him." "i can't i'm joining Richards Pack, i can't be part of a pride AND part of a pack..." he pointed out with a small chuckle as Neville shrugged.
haven gave harry a look before starting to eat the meat and potatoes, refusing to consider not getting his cake back."It makes sense that dumbledore wouldn't be offering freedom. Even in this world, we're discriminated against, and we're better tolerated here."Haven said smiling a little. Richard snickered slightly as he stepped into the room, having come bck because he'd found that he couldn't sleep without harry."Anita's both. well, actually three if you consider it."Richard said teasing him as he walked in,leaning down to kiss harry's forehead."How you doing?"
Harry smirked as he was obeyed and then shook his head. "no... Dumbledore himself is the person making sure were's are hated." he admitted simply. "even the ones who where attacked, turned unwillingly like Neville and me... we're so discriminated against that you actually get your house and bank accounts taken away, if you have kids their given to good wizarding family... you loose everything." he admitted shaking his head a little as he looked at Neville. "that's why Neville went to such extreme lengths, in fact most of the were's in the wizarding world do this." he admitted. "it's painful." Neville admitted. "but not nearly as painful as loosing everything." Neville admitted shaking his head before blinking at Richard when he walked in, smiling as Harry brightened and bounced over to Richard, kissing him gently. "i'm alright... remembering some pretty nasty things but i'm alright." he admitted grinning a little as he snuggled into Richard as he handed the man a potato and meat plate. "eat." Harry ordered smiling a little. "and then you can have cake."
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