Blood of my Heart

Gabriel smirked a little sitting up on his elbows as he watched the other, raising a eyebrow, relaxing as he realized he'd said was. ecause he didn't care what happened before,but he was so not sharing his mate with anyone. Growling as he yanked at his hands, more testing the handcuffs as he raised a eyebrow."I'm the whore?"He said looking amused."I like being sticky."He said before his eyes went wide, raising his head as he scented blood in the air, reacting like the others, but he didn't have perfect control of his bloodlust when he wasn't ready for it, and he reacted like a wolf on the scent, yanking at his handcuffs with the single mindedness of a animal wanting to get to the kill.

Micah swallowed as he followed, glad that harry was sane, eyes widening a little when he saw richard coming down the hall."I locked the vampires in,but it wont hold for long. At least not without jean's help."he said panting a little as he looked at harry, looking worried about the man as he realized harry was looking at nathaniel, a soft warning growl falling off his lips warning harry withut words not to even try what it would be like to taste nathaniel."Think its safe to open the marks?IF we open them, we alone might be able to force the vampires still."Richard said wrapping a hand around anita's as he pulled her down the hall past harry, though he kept a eye on his mate needing help controlling the dead. He was to alive, he had no talent for protecting the dead.
Draco snickered a little before licking his lips, jumping when Gabriel jerked on his chains, his head tilted. "Gabriel?" he asked, worried before he smelled it too. "shit! Gabriel! Stay!" he ordered hesitating then. "i'm going to leave you handcuffed, i can't tell if your Sane enough or not..." he admitted racing down the hall, closing and locking the door so that Gabriel couldn't get out, and the vampires couldn't get in, racing out to the others, opening himself completely to Jean Claude, offering his power as he nearly bowled over Harry as he eyed up Nathan.

Harry whined at Richard, cowering at him, showing his submission and averting his eyes from pale, wonderful, pathetic, weak... helpless Nathan who seamed completely unaware of the danger. "we have to, Jean is too weak during the daytime to get the Vampires calmed down by himself." she admitted opening her mark like a floodgate, Jean Claude doing the same thing. Harry turned away from Nathan again and opened a link to Richard that neither of them had known they'd ha. he looked startled, and then focused on feeding Richard the energy the man needed. he was not skilled with the dead, but protecting was one thing he had forever been destined to do, and his skills bolstered Richards ability to protect the people he wanted to protect, and in the end helped Jean Clause to calm the woken dead, and urge them back into sleep while the hundreds of were's started pulling the many, many, many dead things out of the vents. rats, cats, dogs, people, goats, chickens, and one were-leopard, all skinned and chopped into chunks so that they bled, and bled and bled. someone had to have dumped all of that in there all at once for the smell to have spread so quickly, and strongly through the building. someone was up to something, something very, very bad.
Gabriel growled annoyed at being left behind, snarling as he jerked at his hands in a total bloodlust.When draco came back he'd find his mate had shredded his wrists in the effort to get free. It was very very good that he healed like a lycanthrope, at least there wouldn't be permanant damage.

Richard looked startled as he felt harry's mark flair open, adding to the shields as he added them to jean-claude's, added to the ruthlessness and control jean-claude and anita had, adding that perfect willingness to do whatever it took to protect the ones that needed protecting. Richard choked as he tasted the scent of the blood, choking on the smells, choking on what he was feeling as he waded into the area, crouching down, doing the inhuman thing and sticking his face in the blood, trying to taste the lood without licking it, tasting, trying to smell who had left them.Even in all this mess, there should be something."Lock down the place. Maybe we can trap whoever it is, in with us."Micah said as he joined richard in that mess, his voice that purring edge of a leopard, the effet going well with the kitty cat eyes as he tried to sort out what he was seeing, his mind refusing to let him see it, saying it was to bad. That he didnt want to figure this out.
Draco gasped as he saw the damage that Gabriel had done to himself and he leaped onto the bed, grabbing his lovers face, forcing Gabriel to meet his eyes, rolling his lovers mind before Gabriel could even thing to fight back. "hush love hush... sleep now... sleep and all will be well when you wake..." he ordered softly forcing Gabriel to carefully sleep.

Harry growled as he felt the Vampires fall into sleep once more, sighing in relief as he felt even Jean Claude join the death sleep wading into the mass of body parts as he looked around with perfectly seeing eyes... just like Anita, so used to chaos and carnage that the mess didn't even bother him. "it's mostly animals." Harry stated simply, Anita looking startled. "how can you tell Harry?" "...human parts look different, even chopped up. even shredded into pieces they have a different color." he admitted as he waded carefully through the mess, carefully picking out the pieces of human and were-leopard so that Richard didn't accidentally eat them. he wasn't concerned with the animals. "i smell poison..." Nathaniel said suddenly. "rat poison..." "'s in the bodies!" Harry hissed shoving Richard away from the blood with a furious snarl at the mess as Anita shook her head furiously. "this is wrong... so wrong... someone tried to get us all to go insane... the Vampires would rush outside... the were's would eat the poisoned meat and die... whoever is doing this... knows what the fuck their doing...." "these are War tactics." Harry stated suddenly. "Voldemort used to have large Packs of werewolves that followed him, he'd do things like this, not to kill but to drive the werewolves into a blood frenzy... and once they where all mad with bloodlust he unleashed them, released them into towns and once, Hogwarts..." he paused, frowning. "... strange... i can remember that but... i cant remember what Hogwarts is..."
gabriel growled when the other man grabbed him before slumping against the other,closing his eyes as he leaned into draco, even though the handcuffs weren't silver, he as still bleeding sluggishly which said just how much damage he'd done to himself.But hopeully, he'd just go to sleep and heal.

Richard frowned looking at his mate, wrapping a arm around him, looking concerned about him as he pressed a kiss to his head."Its probably because it's a specfic question, not a general memory."Micah said wrinkling his nose a little as he watched this, wanting so much to give into the blood lust, but it was more that he was choking on so much blood, so much scent of posion.He was feeling sick and gross. "Someone knew what they were doing."Rchard said pressing his lips against harry's hair, using his mate's amazing scent to drown out everyhing else."Someone who might have been in the war, if that's what voldemort did. he knew it worked once, it'd work again."he said frowning ebfore rubbing his cheek against harry's, longing that they had a normal life and crap like this didn't happen."We'll ask gabriel, or draco.And blaise. They might have a idea who'd be capable of this."he said before frowning,"Where is draco and gabriel anyways?"He said surprised to not see the two.a
Draco sighed as the other went limp and he carefully unhooked the other from the handcuffs, gently nuzzling his lover as he carefully made sure his lover wouldn't wake until he was well healed, gently licking the wounds clean with his tongue, sighing a little. "my poor lover... i've hurt you so..." he muttered, looking rather upset.

Harry nodded a little and snuggled into Richard, sighing a little. "this is true... at least i'm getting my memories back." he decided, smiling a little before scowling. "you think the Wizards did this?" he asked curiously his head tilted a little. "Gabriel would be our best bet, or Blaise. Neville wasn't involved in the War much, and Draco left before the war got bad, he needed out.' Harry admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "we need to get these out of here before the Vampires wake up again." she ordered, looking tired, so tired as her phone rang, answering it with a tired 'this is Blake.' she listened for a moment, going utterly pale before nodding. "i'll get there as soon as i can Dolph.... how many places where hit?.... ok... and the murders?... three more houses? shit... it wasn't our lions then... they where here at the Circus all night, we have them on camera even..." she admitted shaking her head. "i'll look through the video's just to make sure but i'm certain it's not my lions... i'm talking to the Furry Coalition soon, if there's another Lion, or large Cat int he area acting strangely they'll know... yes, alright..." she hung up and looked at Richard. "the Church, Guilty Pleasures, the Bar, the Hyena's bondage club... a few more places had the same thing happen here... about half of the Hyena's are really sick." she admitted swallowing thickly. "all of our vampires went to sleep when we got the ones here down... but... a lot of shifters are very sick... even worse, three more murders, all child abusers... same exact pattern..." she admitted setting a hand over her eyes. "...i can't decide if the two things are connected or not..." Harry set a hand on her shoulder. "it will be alright Anita." he muttered softly. "i'll see if i can't track the smell of the Lion." he promised smiling at her. "ok? you can even put me in a leash and collar." "kinky." Nathaniel muttered, making jokes as he entered because he couldn't beleive what he was seeing on the floor.
Gabriel whined shivering as the other licked him shivering because he couldn't wake up enough to tell draco it was okay.Whining as he heard the upset in draco's voice he turned his head nuzzling the other as he shifted, starting to fall deeper asleep.

Richard nodded a little,"It would make sense. It would explain how someone managed to get here without anyone noticing."He pointed out paling as he listened to anita talk, pressing his face against the other's shoulder."It wasn't any of us. Well, I don't know where gabriel is,but I'm assuming draco's with him somewhere which means its someone none of know about."He said sighing softly because he had no idea what to think about this. Running his fingers through his hair he swallowed hard, laughing softly at harry's suggestion."Take gabriel to."Micah said looking thoughtul, "He's a wolf, that's not hiding who he is. Means he might be able to help. With the two there, they might find them faster. And I'll go talk to the coalition."Micah said running a hand over his face because this was scuh a mess. Shaking his head as he headed for one of the other rooms, knowing none of them would want to be there if the vampires woke again."Did any of the weres die?"He asked looking worried about the hyenas.
Draco whined softly as he gently nuzzled the other kissing the other gently as he stroked the others hair, cradling him gently, making sure to stroke his hair so that he would sleep peacefully.

Harry shook his head a little. "this is a mess." he whispered softly. "why are they doing this?.... Wizards are supposed to be the good guys..." he whispered softly, looking vaguely upset. "... their supposed to save people not..." he sighed a little as Anita shook her head a little. "they suspect Gabriel Richard we can't take him. i'll take Jason, he's always willing to lend a paw." she admitted shaking her head. "talk to Cookie... Haven i mean, he'll know if his lions have been doing something wrong." she admitted shaking her head. "and none of us are to tell Draco about the Hyena's being poisoned... so far three are dead... most of them are very sick, Narcissus included." she admitted and Nathaniel shuddered a little. Draco often had a need to hurt someone, simply because of his own pain and abuse he needed to cause pain in others, and Narcissus was one of his favorite victims because he knew on some level Narcissus loved the pain he caused. Draco loved Narcissus the way he loved Jean Claude and Asher and yes, even Anita. they where family, and he tended to go blood frenzy crazy when he found out one of them was hurt. "i've left a message for Jean Claude, he'll know everything when he wakes up, Richard i need you to stay here and watch the clean up, don't let anyone eat any of this." Anita ordered, Richard was the only person she trusted to be dominant enough to keep all the were's in line, from Asher's Hyena's, to Jean Claude's wolves, to her own Leopards, Tigers, and Lions. "then go with Micah and talk to the Coalition, ask them if they have noticed ANYTHING strange about ANY of the were's." she ordered giving him a long kiss before she smiled at Harry. "come on Harry, we'll get Jason and head to the crime scenes." Harry nodded and turned to leave with her, pausing to give Richard a good long kiss. "i love you Richard." Harry murmured with a small smile at him. "everything will turn out alright..." he hoped so anyway.
richard winced at that before nodding."Everyone has their good and bad people harry."He muttered wrapping his arms around harry, kissing his head."We'll talk to cookie. Harry should meet him anyways."He said smiling softly before sighing, shaking his ead a little because draco was totally going to lose it if he ever found out that narcissus had been posioned. The only saving grace they might have, was if draco was to worried about gabriel to worry about anyone else.Micah nodded, already moving to start cleaning up."Don't worry about it. We'll get things cleaned up."He muttered pressing a kiss to anita's lips before movign away. Richard sighed softly kissing harry, hugging him before pulling away."It will be. I promise, we'll make it okay.He growled nuzzling him before stepping back letting him leave with anita.
Harry blinked a little. "who's Cookie?" he asked frowning a little his head tilted, Nathaniel chuckling. "his name is Haven, and he's the local Rex, your going to have to meet him before he starts thinking that you and Neville are here to try and take over his Pride." Harry scowled a little. "will he try to make me a part of his pack?" "... probobly, or try to run you off." "... then he will need to be dealt with before Neville starts calming down." he decided shaking his head a little as he smiled at Richard before he left with Anita, moving to try and track the Lion, both Harry and Jason confirmed that it was a Lion, and Anita informed Richard of this over the phone while they talked to the members of the coalition. but no one, even Haven had noticed any new were-animals, though Gil had strange news of a large group of Foxes who had just moved into the country, a group... that was certainly unusual, but not helpful considering they where in Wisconsin. Harry and Jason could only track the Lion from crime scene to crime scene.... and then they lost the trail along a highway. both Harry and Jason where frustrated, and Harry turned into a human, as skilled as Micah was when it came to shifting, and headed to the Coalition to meet Haven with Richard and Micah, walking into the room with a look of fury and frustration on his face. "nothing." he complained when Micah glanced at him. "we lost the damn trail..." he growled before blinking at Haven. "oooh i get it! cookie monster! cus of the blue hair!"

(who's got Haven?)
Haven looked startled at harry's greeting, looking over the other lion rex, growlign softly before a look from both richard and anita made him swallow it down."I have a tattoo to go with it to."He said. "He's a child at heart."Richard provided getting up wrapping his arms around harry, holding him close."You're not all powerful harry. You were bound to lose it somewhere." Micah nodded at that, looking worried about hwo frustrated they were all getting. "Even the best hunter sometimes has to regroup." "You hit the road didn't you?"Haven asked looking curious about the new rex, nodding slightly."The lion probably got into a car. Losing the trail is understandable, if frustrating." "We have some new company in town, but no lions. Just foxes."Richard said leaning back to look down at harry, looking concerned about hm.
Harry growled a little back at the other Rex, examining the man as Anita rolled her eyes. "calm down both of you." she ordered with a growl of her own, her own Lion trotting up to the forefront to press her own authority, Harry turning to gape at her. "i thought you where a Lupa!" he complained Anita smirking a little. "i'm also Regina. and Nimer'Ra..." she chuckled a little as Harry continued to gape at her. "i'll explain later Harry." she promised. "for now we need to worry about the Lion who's running loose on our city." "i got a good smell of the Lion... if it's a lion attached to Cookie... i'm sorry i don't know your real name..." he admitted blinking at Haven. "but if it's a lion attached to your pride i will be able to smell them on you. i'm sure it's not but i would like to be certain, just in case... there are ways that a person can be forced to do something, and then not even remember it later. the Lion in question could be one of yours, and they wouldn't even know it." he admitted. "i would like to smell you." he was asking permission, showing the local Rex that he meant no trouble and didn't want to get involved in a pissing contest. "after, we should talk about our... prides." he decided though him and Neville alone wasn't much of a pride before he paused, scowling. "wait... if the Leo in question got into a car... even walked along the road..." he looked at Haven. "then he, or she must be able to shift at will without much of a repercussion... that severely limits the list of suspects..." he was asking the Rex if he had any Lions capable of that, and he trusted Anita and Richard to know if the Lion in front of him was lying.
"I am haven."Haven said smiling a little, amused that anita's men seemed to prefer calling him cookie then any actual name. Looking startled at the other's question he didn't his head a little before nodding, standing up. He was as tall as richard, but whip thin and honed down to muscle."There are a few."Haven said his words holding a growl, anger at the thought that one of his own might be doing this. Even if they were being used, someone had set them up, and no one should do that. No one got to mess with his lions but him. Richard nodded a little nudging harry towards haven."Smell him. Then we'll see where we go from there." Micah tilted his head a little, looking thoughtful and slightly amazed that haven was being this calm and accepting of having another rex there. But he knew anita to, the rex was probably afraid of what anita would do if he got in a fight with richard's mate.
Harry smirked a little. "Haven?... what is with 'monsters' having such strange names?" he complained playfully. "i like Cookie better, your sweet like a cookie, but not like a heaven." he decided before sobering at the agreement that there where a few, studying Haven carefully. he moved forward and set his nose and mouth against cookies face and neck, inhaling deeply, rifling through the many scents before stepping away, looking rather relieved. "there is no scent on Cookie that smells familiar. it is not one of his." Harry assured them all, smiling a little. "i am glad." he admitted. "but it does bring up a whole host of new problems..." he admitted shaking his head. "someone is protecting this Lion's human form... if no ones smelled it... then that means there is for certain a wizard involved..." he admitted with a dark scowl, looking very unhappy as he sat down in a chair and considered what this would mean, swallowing thickly. "...we have to rescue this lion..." he had to beleive that the Lion was being manipulated some way into doing this, because otherwise Harry's faith in humanity was going to be destroyed. "Haven." he muttered looking at the Lion. "i and my ... Pride mate Neville are in town, and we're planning on staying." he admitted. "me because of Richard and Neville because he needs the help." he admitted shaking his head a little. "we have no interest in your Pride, i have enough trouble controlling myself let alone other people." he admitted. "i won't say we won't join yours if you invite us but right now... i can't risk my and Neville's safety with a pissing contest between Rex's... will you allow us to stay, so long as i promise to stay out of Pride business? i plan on joining Richards Pack in any case... though i'm not sure how well that's going to go..."
Haven made a face at that, tilting his head a little."I'm not sweet."He muttered sulking because as a mob enforcer he saw himself about the things that seemed sweet to other people. Though he did have his moments of amazing and insightful sweetness. They were just ran. Shivering as the other rex sniffed him, he swallowed hard before sighing."This is just weird."Richard grumbled, shaking his head."As I can understand it from draco and gabriel, wizards do not appericiate or like lycanthropes. Why would a wizard get involved?"He muttered nodding a little, "We'll save them."He muttered stroking harry's hair.Haven's mouth fell open a little, more in shock and amusement then anything else before starting to snicker."Stay out of things, besides this mess, and if I ask for advice, and we can be cool."he said snickering before looking at richard."You're making him lupa?" "Yes." "Brave, ulfric, brave."The rex said looking amused before looking at harry, tilting his head."You have another friend here. I would like to meet him."He said, interested in gabriel because the lycanthropes who'd seen him shift, seen him shift so seamlessly between the three shapes made him want to meet him.
Harry smirked a little. "you are sweet." he teased. "but also very bitter, like dark chocolate." he mused studying the other. "i know these things." he admitted with a happy little chuckle before sniffing the other, blinking at Richard. "no, some of the wizards are fine with lycanthropes, and will help them when they can... most view us as... pests, or tools... like... how a person can hate cats, but still let them in the barn to hunt mice..." he explained shaking his head. "whoever is doing this doesn't give a shit about the Lion, he's just using it to kill for him." he explained scowling a little. "but just because the person is a wizard or something like it, doesn't mean that their local, they may have been transferred, or just moved here, or they could have been here all their lives and gotten the Lion from somewhere else..." he grinned at Haven. "i will stay out of your business so long as it does not endanger me or mine." he promised. "if one of your underlings tries to stir uo trouble i won't hesitate to kick their ass." he promised simply grinning a little at Richard, nuzzling him. "i'll just kick all the wolves asses and then they'll have to accept me." he stated with a small shrug. "Anita will still be Bolverk so..." he shrugged. "who i can't beat up she'll keep in line." he hesitated at the mention of Gabriel though and bit his lip. "well, i'll tell him you want to meet him but he's only partially a lion so i doubt he'll come just because you asked him to... he seams kind of... obstinate." he admitted with a small grin. "stubborn..." he shook his head and turned as one of the other Lions came into the room, looking baffled.

"Rex! we... we saw a strange Lion!" the younger male informed Cookie, the lion looking nervously at Harry, clearly wondering if it was alright to talk to him. "he was young, like, real young. fifteen maybe? he just shifted from lion to boy without even a bit of trouble, he didn't even stagger when he was done he just kept right on walking... he reeked of blood but as soon as he shifted he stopped smelling like Lion it was.... weird..." he admitted looking confused and intimidated. "i don't think he saw me at all, not even a little bit, he just walked right down the sidewalk and got into a car... i thought you should know..." "... are you sure on that age?" Harry asked, looking astonished, Anita pale. if the Lion was that young, then he was changed while he was under age... that in and of itself could save the boy when he was caught...
Richard frowned at that thinking about it. Before nodding, he could see that. It was painful to think about, but he understood how some people might view lycanthropes as just helpful instead of real people. "Deal.It makes sense."Haven nodded agreeing to that, because it really did mke sense to him to let harry deal with things if someone down the food chain got out of control with him. Richard snickered at that, pressing a kiss to harry's head, liking that. That was just amusing."I was actually thinking of asking gabriel. Because anita already has so many things...and he is ulfric..."He sid sounding thoughtful before looking at haven."He's also a rex, he wont come on demand. Even if you ask nicely. He's as stubborn as anita, and a king in his own right." haven looked thoughtful at that before nodding slightly."IF he doesn't want to, that's fine. I would just like to meet a man who can do what anita's been threatening to do for years. Change into a few different animals."

Haven startled looking at the younger man, nodding a little to tell him it was okay to talk."Well.That explains why no one knew him. He wasn't changed here."Haven said sounding a little sick at the idea. It was one thing to change when your older, but to be changed as a child...that was rough."Well.No wonder we lost the trail...if he stops smelling when he shifts back, we might have to wait for him to kill again."Haven said sounding calm at the idea but it was true. They'd ust have to wait because if the wizard really was protecting him, then they had no way to trace him when he was in human form.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "i'm willing to let you shove me around a little bit." he admitted to Haven. "but anyone else who tries i just can't handle, i'm a Rex after all, even if i don't have a real Pride i still have MY Pride." he admitted shaking his head a little before grinning at Richard. "let Anita stay Bolverk, it keeps her tied to the Wolves." he muttered Anita laughing a little. "i'll still be tied tot he Wolves Harry, just more intimate than anything else." she admitted shaking her head a little. "besides, what i do or don't change into isn't any of YOUR business Haven." she complained with a simple sniff as Harry growled, his eyes narrowed darkly. "changing Children.. what a sick bastard to have done such a thing." he growled hatefully, shaking his head. "the profile fits though... a young boy, probobly being manipulated..." he shook his head a little. "but if he was changed at a young enough age, it would explain his skills, he grew into his power and learned to adapt to his surroundings... giving him amazing skills..." Anita nodded.

"i can only hope they don't kill the poor boy." she admitted shaking her head as her phone rang. "hey Dolph, yes i'm talking to the Lions now it's none of theirs, Harry sniffed them all personally yes, not a hint... but... one of the local Lions did see a boy Dolph.. a young boy no more than fifteen... smelled like blood and shifted... it's our guy, i'm sure of it but as soon as the kid turns human he stops smelling like a Leo..." she explained shaking her head. "i'll bring harry anyway, Jason had to go sleep off his change..." she admitted swallowing thickly. "how many?" she asked her voice hoarse with horror. "... oh god... alright i'll.. i'll be there." she hung up and turned to Richard. "...almost everyone at the Church is dead... someone went in and staked them all while they where sleeping... humans are dead too..." she admitted closing her eyes and swallowing thickly. "Jean Claude is NOT going to be happy and Draco is going to go ape shit when he finds out..." she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, Harry closing his eyes as he thought then. " are they getting the information on Child abusers?" he asked suddenly, Nathaniel blinking at him. "what do you mean Harry?" "the Lion... how does he know who the child abusers are? he's hitting house after house as if he knows, without a doubt, who they are and where they are..." "...but how could he know that?"
Haven smiled tilting his head a little."Good enough."he said amused because they seemed to have found a middle ground easily enough. "Hmm but you like intimate don't you..."Richard teased twisting to kiss her lightly, grinning a little as he stepped back. "You are my regina, that is my business."Haven said not in the least mussed by the fact that anita had just told him to mind his own business. "He adapted, and was shaped into a perfect weapon,because he doesn't know any different."Richard said looking so outraged so pained at the idea that a child had done this. Paling at the phone call he swallowed hard,"I'll go tell jean-claude. Take harry and micah with you." "Why?"Micah asked, not protested, but curious about his reasoning."Because your as good at shifting as this kid. You might see something we missed."Richard said before stopping at harry's question, thinking about it before sighing softly."What..a cop would know. A cop who does domestic violence and child abuse cases."He said slowly because he hated to even suggest it, but the idea made sense.
Harry grinned at the Rex and sulked at Richard, not jealous, just pouting that she'd gotten a kiss and he hadn't. as a Rex he was all too happy to share, or remain single as his Mate pleased. "i'm not your Regina Haven." Anita complained rolling her eyes, she was in all honesty but she was teasing him now, being obstinate on purpose to mess with him a little. it was a game that she enjoyed and he understood. "he has been abused just as much as the children he's been saving..." Harry growled, upset that such a young boy could have been through so much. "how long do you suppose he's been a shapeshifter? it can't have been from birth, only the tigers are capable of that...." Anita muttered scowling a little as she worried her lip and looked at Richard. "will you be alright Richard?" she asked softly. "make sure that you do not mention ANY of this to Draco... some of those Vampires where his freinds..." she muttered softly, looking upset. "wait until Jean Claude and Asher are awake, let them tell him." she ordered softly as she looked at Micah, oh so troubled as she hid her face in his chest, hiding for a moment and seeking comfort as Harry sniffed at the new Lion in the room, looking curious. he'd never been around other shapeshifters, besides Neville and two others.

"come on Harry." anita ordered, heading for the door to go and find the Church, intending on solving this crime as she headed to Dolph and Zebrowski, swallowing thickly as she saw the blood seeping off of the church stairs like a tiny waterfall, Harry hessitating next to her before he set a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "i'll go in first." he whispered softly, his eyes the gold of a Lion's, the only hint that he was upset as he stalked over to Dalph, lettig him know that Anita was having a rough day and that he was going to go in first to asses the damage so that Anita didn't have to when he froze, taking a deep breath. "...the Lion was here..." he muttered softly, turning and looking. "his scent is all over the place..." "what?" Anita asked in astonishment. "... you think... he did this?" "... i don't know, but he was sure as hell here..." he admitted heading inside... the humans where torn to shreds, the Lion's work, but the Vampires, he hadn't even gone near them. "the Vampires where not killed by the Little Lion... but the humans inside where." Harry informed them all once he came back out. "this is very different from the Child abusers but it's the same exact pattern all the same..." Harry admitted. "the people inside where torn apart exactly the same way..." he swallowed thickly. "except... for a few." he admitted softly. "three men and four women where not torn apart... they where shot." he admitted shaking his head. "for some reason... the Lion didn't, wouldn't, or couldn't kill them..." "...Dolph." Anita muttered looking at him. "we think the person in control of the child might be a cop." she admitted, her face crossed with horror just for saying it. "...someone connected to the child abuse cases..." she wiped her eyes free of tears. "i'm sorry... i'm going all weepy again..."
Haven gave her a look rolling his eyes at anita's words, because he understood the game enough to not freak out about the teasing."Young. probably in the last few years."Ricard said before sighing, nodding a little."I'll be fine."He said before snickering a little at that."Maybe I'll let gabriel tell him. Draco wouldn't hurt him." Micahr snickered a little at that wrapping his arms around anita pressing a kiss to her hair."Shhhwe'll take care of this."he muttered holding her before letting her go.

Haven tilted his head a little as he watched them, wanting to really go and see what the other had smelled, but not wanting to give harry the room to work that he needed."Once the humans were down the vampire's weren't guarded anymore. Even a human could have done that kind of damage as long as there was no one to protest it."Haven said frowning trying to think.He'd been a bad guy for so long, that it was easy to slip into the mindset, to understood what was going on."We'll look."dolph said looking sick at the idea that it was a cop,but he could understand how they could come to that conclusion. Looking worried about anita he tilted his head,"Are you feeling okay?"He muttered looking worried waving zebrowski over."Zebrowski, I need you to look into something."he said scribbling a note, not about to tell him outloud what it was, but writing it down so he could still get what he wanted him to look into
Anita shook her head a little and closed her eyes as Harry growled, baring long fangs as he struggled not to change in the force of his rage. he hated to think that a poor little Lion Cub was being abused like that before Anita snorted. "Richard, the first time Draco met Gabriel he tried to kill the man." she pointed out looking amused. "you weren't there so don't worry about trying to remember but Draco damn near killed him." she admitted as she leaned into Micah, shaking her head but saying nothing. she watched as Harry took care of the business and came back out, for once glad that she didn't have to go in there with all the blood and the faces that she knew. Zebrowski didn't even tease Anita for crying, he just took the slip of paper and left while Anita sniffled.

"i'm so sorry Dolph..." she whispered, wiping her eyes. "this case is just getting to me... for a while... i almost... approved of what this sick fucker was doing... he was saving children, i almost didn't want to catch him... but now... now he's killed all these innocent people... some of those vampires in there had been attacked, some of the people in there where families of vampires just trying to understand... all the humans in there where innocent, most of the vampires where innocent... and i... i just... if i'd tried harder o catch him..." "Anita, you did everything you could to catch him... you thought he was doing something somewhat decent but that didn't stop you from doing your job... i was there remember? there was nothing that you missed, nothing that you didn't see." he promised softly. "...we'll catch this sick bastard... we'll save the Leo he's abusing and we'll make sure all these vampires get a proper funeral." he promised before turning to Micah. "you'd better take her home..." he muttered softly, shaking his head. "i want to hang with Haven for a while and see how a Pride is run, i think it might help Neville to see a real pride, so long as none of Haven's guys are too scary..." Anita had to snicker at that, why she was snickering only she knew, but snickering she was.
Richard frowned looking concerned, before sighing as he nodded."Okay, maybe we should let jean-claude do it."He said smiling a little because it hurt him to consider just how badly draco was going to freak out. Micah sighed softly kissing anita's head holding her close, nuzzling her a little looking worried. "ITs okay anita."Micah muttered gently stroking her hair. Dolph nodded, looking pained to."For awhile there, I was to.But this...this was.."He stopped because he didn't have the words for how wrong this was, just that this was wrong. Growling slightly at her, grabbing her arms to make sure he had her attention, not to hurt her."Anita Blake, I will only say this once, and you are to listen to me. Some might doubt you for the monsers,but it's what makes you good at the job. You might approve but you understand, and still hunt them, because it is wrong.You could do nothing more then what you did.Hell, you posted guards on your own friends, to make sure it wasn't them."He said before sighing softly.

Micah nodded gently picking up anita kissing her head, because he knew if he pissed her off a little, she would stop crying. And he wnted more then anything, to make sure that she was feeling better. Richard glanced at anita before raising a eyebrow."Haven's scary all by himself."he said snickering because it was amusing to think about the others dealing with the mobster. "You feel beter?"Micah muttered nuzzling anita's hair, sighing softly as he herded her towards the car.
she nodded. "yes, Jean Claude will tell him." she agreed chuckling a little as she snuggled into Micah before gasping, shocked as Dolph grabbed her, clearly thinking that he was about to kick her ass again like when he first started having his breakdown. she really didn't want another concussion, but instead he yelled at her, and she stared at him for a long time and then. "...but you always said that dating the monsters made me a threat..." she complained looking confused as she stared at him, looking astonished before shaking her head and smiling at him. "thank you Dolph... that means a lot to me..." she admitted giving him a small hug before letting Micah pick her up. "i'm just tired Micah and doubting my own humanity again." she admitted laying her head on his chest with a small sigh. "i want to go home and curl up with you and Nathaniel..." she admitted softly before smiling as Harry blinked at Haven.

"aw your not scary." he teased smirking a little. "so long as we don't make you defend yourself anyway." Harry wasn't stupid, he knew a professional when he saw one. if he pushed, Haven would push back, Harry didn't intend on pushing at all. "seriously though my friend, Neville he's... not handling being a were-lion well..." he admitted softly as he blinked at Haven. "he was turned against his will when he was nineteen, it was an accident of course but..." he shrugged. "until about a month ago he's been taking a very dangerous potion to keep his beast locked away." he admitted swallowing thickly. "it's been killing him slowly and now that he's off of it he's... he's just, not handling the transformations or his instincts very well..." he admitted running a hand through his hair. "i'm hoping that if he sees a real pride, a nice close connected family, who can be normal people when they want to, he might relax and calm down... even accept the beast inside of him..." he admitted blinking at Haven. "would you mind if i saw your Pride once and a while? maybe even bring Nev so he can see a functioning Pride?"
"I know. But I've learned that you're getting better at the job, even as I started to fail."He said looking uncomfortable before sighing.Hugging her back, smiling at the tiny woman gently hugging him always amazing that she was so small.Smiling as he watched her go he sighed softly. "You're human. Now.We're going to go home, and take care of you, and if draco freaks out, its jean-claude's problem."he said settling her in the car as he walked around it, heading for home. Knowing that if draco freaked out, anita would want to go keep him calm, even knowing gabriel and jean-claude, not to mention asher were capable of dealing with the upset man.

Haven looked thoughtful, frowning at that."You can't lock away that much of yourself. It's to much."He said shuddering at the idea of someone taking a potion just to not become a lion. He enjoyed being what he was, it made life that much richer to him. Frowning a little he nodded, "You can. Even if you can't convince Gabriel to come with you sometimes."Haven said smirking a little because he really was curious about the man, but not about to admit that he had more then a small worry about how the other rex would handle being around his pride. He accepted that harry had no desiigns on taking over, but from all accounts, Gabriel was a dominate rex, and sometimes that could just fuck up the status quo."Maybe I'll go back with you, introduce myself to neville, then he wont feel so uncomfortable should he want to come visit."
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