Blood of my Heart

Blaise chuckled a little and nodded. "yes, i can cast it without anyone noticing." he admitted. "i just need to rest for a moment." he promise smiling a little as he shook his head. "Jean Clause wouldn't like me and he knows better. Albion warned him, in so many words, that if Jean Claude touched me, willing or unwilling, he'd kick his ass." he admitted smiling a little as said man came out of the bathroom, looking annoyed at his bath being interrupted by talking people, Blaise pointing his wand at the Vampire, casting the spell, the vampire's name appearing on the map as well. "damn you all." he complained. "i take a simple three hour bath and you can't even give me an hour!" he sighed a little as he shook his head. "well, we might as well go check on Harry and Asher." he decided sighing a little. "i am curious about my theory." he admitted simply.

Draco groaned a little and shook his head. "no.. not gonna... if you want sex have at it but i am neither waking up nor moving." he grumbled. why Draco kept thinking Gabriel wanted sex was only a testament to his own hornyness and libido. he groaned and finally sat up and threw his lover over onto the other side of the bed, glaring at him. "dammit Gabriel!" he complained, sulking at him. "if your so bored go bother Jean Claude or something!" he complained sulking at his lover. "oh very well come on." he complained, annoyance dissolving as he got to his feet and stretched with a yawn. "lets go do something then."
Richard looked amused as he smirked slightly at the idea of albion kicking jean-claude's ass."I might pay to see draco beat up on him."He said snickering at the idea, smirking as he looked at the master vampire, raising a eyebrow at the mass oof curls that curled around his face since his bath had been interrupted, the dark hair drying in waves."You do nothing simple, and you're getting wrinkly."the ulfric teased looking amused as he got to his feet, looking curious himself. And anxious because he didn't know what he'd find with the two vampires."lets go then."he said heading for the bedroom where they left them, wondering what they were going to find there.

"....I don't think I'm the one thats horny."Gabriel whined nuzzling him before yelping as he was thrown to the other side of the bed, looking like a well contented cat despite being thrown now that his lover was up he was glad to have his attetnion."Hmmm you do sound horny..."The cat teased as he rolled t his feet, nuzzlng him for a moment before padding barefoot through the door, like most shifters he didn''t like clothes, thoug he usually stayed more dressed then the rest, only getting rid of his boots whenever he could."What do you want to do?"He asked raising a eyebrow at the other as they stepped in the hallway vaguely heading towards where he could smell the others approaching.
Blaise chuckled a little and shook hie head. "i bet Albion could take on Jean Claude." Blaise admitted crawling into Jean Claude's bed without a care in the world while Nathaniel folded up the map and stuffed it into his pocket smiling as he ran his fingers along Jean Claude's hair, he loved the curly locks. Jean Claude huffed at all of the indignities as he got dressed an headed to the room. he was not surprised to see Harry laying on top of Asher. Harry was fully dressed, but Asher was completely naked from the hips up. they where both dozing, and the room smelled of release and satisfaction... but only one of the two had cum, Asher. Harry hadn't, committing himself completely to his promise he had not cum, or even humped Asher. Asher shifted and Harry's eyes fluttered open and he moved, sinking his fangs into Asher's scarred shoulder, the man making a pitiful, wanting, needy sound deep in the back of his throat as Harry suckled and slurped, Asher making mewling noises as he jerked and shuddered, cumming hard, but astonishingly there was no new smell of release... Harry had literally drained Asher of cum.

"ah, my theory is correct." Jean Claude muttered smiling a little. "Harry is like Asher and i, a type of incubus. he not only shares pleasure, but can grant it." he admitted smiling a little. "he doesn't need to orgasm himself, because he can share the orgasmic bliss of others, and feeds on the leftover energy that is expelled during such an event." Asher's pale blue eyes where watching them, not moving a single muscle, realizing Harry would bite him again if he did, Jean Claude laughing brightly. "Asher informs me that Harry intends on making him pass out from pleasure alone!" Jean Claude admitted with a small chuckle. "and you do not need to worry Richard, Harry does not feed on you." he promised chuckling a little as he moved forward to try and rescue Asher, trying to lift Asher out of Harry's grip, the boy snarling and clutching Asher possessively, Asher chuckling a little before moaning loudly, whimpering as Harry sank his fangs into his ribs, the pale blue eyes rolling into his skull as he writhed and jerked as he was forced into another orgasm. "H...Harry please." Asher whimpered, barley managing to stay awake. "no more..." there where times when pleasure became even more of a torture than pain. Harry sighed, sulking, but let the other go, Asher looking relieved, and a little pouty because he wanted to be bitten at least one more time. the poor Vampire couldn't even stand, Jean Claude had to carry him.

Draco huffed a little and shook his head. "i am NOT horny." he complained with a roll of his eyes, shaking his head as he led the way to the others, looking astonished as he saw Asher. who was covered in at least twenty bites all over his body. just as many on the smooth half as there was on the scarred half, looking vastly amused as he realized Harry was a type of incubus before paling. "doesn't that mean that someone from Belle Morte's line bit him?" "it would appear so... yes." Jean Claude admitted looking worried as Jean Claude examined Harry, who looked so damn content laying there, half asleep just from making Asher cum nearly twenty times. "you might consider keeping a tighter leash on your lover." Draco teased Richard, smirking a little. "he might want to do that to you someday..." "...mmm but it was SO worth it." Asher slurred softly as Jean Claude carried the man away.
Richard raised a eyebrow as he followed jean-claude into the room, wrinkling his nose at the smell of release and satisfaction smiling softly at the sight. despite hating to share his lover, it was adorable, and slightly relaxing to see the two laying like that, light and dark beauties tangled together. While he didn't like sharing anita either, it was always the same feeling to see asher and her together. "Well, maybe its a good thing he finds asher so pretty. At least then he'll always ave someone he wants to make writhe."He said looking amused as he watched jean-claude try to step up, crossing the room to wrap his arms around the other's waist, holding a wrist up towards harry's face so the man could smell who it was.'Harry, come on sweetheart.Time to let him go."He said nuzzling his mate."Your torturing him lovely."He muttered knowing that harry wasn't happy about lettting him go, scooping him up in his arms, nuzzling him softly as he pressed a kiss to his head. Swallowing hard as he held his mate gently."Come on lovely, we'll go cuddle."He said stroking the boy's hair snickering as he looked over at draco and gabriel.

"Will he be like anita, and have to have sex as well as blood?"Gabriel said because he, like anita, knew lion society. And knew that while harry had made a commitment to richard, he would keep the promise, even if he was driven insane.But he wondered if he was going to be forced to feed like anita was, and he knew that richard would have to let him out of his promise if it was true, because the poor werewolf couldn't be the food that his mate needed."Hmm but I'm not food for him.Vampires are."Richard pointed out, looking a little sad as he came to the same conclusion that gabriel had, looking amused at asher's words. Well, maybe they'd be able to find something they could all live with. He wondered if it was just his destiny to have to share his lovers with everyone else.
Jean Claude chuckled a little and shook his head. "Asher loves to be tormented but twenty orgasms is a little much, even for him." he admitted looking very amused. "Harry's drunk on pleasure." he muttered watching Harry carefully as he clung to Asher, growling and the man hissed as he felt Richard wrap around behind him, but his fury turned to joy as he smelled Richard, nuzzling his wrist as he released Asher and snuggled into Richard instead, sighing softly and happily. "wanna cuddle." Harry complained snuggling into Richard, sulky and pouty as he cuddled his lover Jean Claude looking seriously amused as he gently brushed a kiss over Asher's forehead. "no, Harry will not NEED sex, he will crave it, and not getting it will make him very grouchy, but he can survive without it... no he feeds on something else entirely... a person releasing a large amount of energy when they orgasm, that is why you feel so tire afterwords. once you have expelled the energy from your body, that is what harry feeds on... it's like recycling." he explained smiling a little. "he doesn't feed on you, he feeds on the energy you release anyway." he teased smiling a little.

"he won't need to fuck other people, but he is going to need people like Asher who he can drive over the edge again, and again, and again... how often..." he shrugged. "that i cannot be sure of." he admitted smiling a little. "you might consider giving him permission to do this." he indicated the many bite marks. "to one or two people if he starts running low on energy." he admitted. "but i beleive the only person he will have sex with is you." he admitted. "Harry is astonishingly loyal." "if you need someone to feed Harry i can always do it." Nathaniel promised, he knew Richard would trust him with harry, after all he protected Anita all the time, and he fed her in ways other than sex all the time, Nathaniel didn't need to be fucked to have the same pleasure and release. "i bet Jason and Stephan would even be willing to take a bite or two if it comes down to it... Harry probobly won't be too willing to bite you..." he admitted blinking at Richard, Jean Claude shaking his head. "this is only assuming he can feed off of things other than Vampires." he stated simply. "it could be that he's attracted to Asher simply because he is a vampire and the same class of incubus as he is." he admitted with a shrug. "incubi are attracted to incubi." " are you going to let Harry take a bite out of you then?" Draco demanded smirking because he knew the answer. "... if i have to to save his life... if i must." Jean Claude muttered, scowling a little. it was clear he did not like the idea of being snacked on.
Richard smiled a little, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist, picking p his lover as he settled the man around him in a monkey's hold, resting his cheek against the man's shoulder, holding him there. Feeling cuddly himself, because he was anxious.grinning in relief as he realized that they could indeed be happy together, and not have to have sex. That harry wouldn't have to have sex with someone else, even if he knew that harry would want to. Wondering if he should free the man from his promise.Richard started as he realized that they'd all figured out what he'd been worried about, pressing his cheek against harry's shoulder he nuzzled the man, looking amused as he sighed softly, realizing that it would be okay.

"yea.Jason's been after me to find someone to be happy with,and he'd help keep me happy."Richard said looking amused before tilting his head,"Could anita?I know she's not actually a vampire,but she's like a daywalking vampire."Richard said thinking. He could share with anita, anita might be the only person he'd ever willing to let the man have sex with, but she would help him, i he needed it, because anita has always been after him to settle down with someone, to be content and make a life out o the one he can have, before grinning wider at jean-claud's protests it was amusing to see the man upset about it.

Gabriel smirked a little as he looked at the vampire, pressing a kiss to draco's hair as he wrapped his arms around him, cuddling his mate. Before tilting his head."All the vampires in the city are tied to you aren't they?"He asked smirking when jean-claude nodded."If your the one being fed on, it might be possible he can fee on them all, without orgasm or anything from them,because they're tied to you, offering their lives tied to yours."He muttered blushing a little as he trialed off, not even sure where he'd been going with the idea, just that he had had the idea.
Harry purred happily as he was held, wrapping his arms around Richard and snuggling him happily, smiling a little. "love you." he mumbled happily, completely ignoring everyone in the room as he snuggled in, and went right back to sleep. "i do not know if Anita could feed him or if she'd even be willing." Jean Claude admitted. "she needs sex, not pleasure, i don't know if she'd be able to handle his type of.... affection." Jean Claude admitted shaking his head. "Asher should be able to keep up with Harry's energy demands so long as he doesn't need a feeding like that every day." he admitted shaking his head as he looked down at Asher, who was out cold in his arms. Draco smirked a little, amused at Jean Claude's reluctance and smirked as he looked at Gabriel, his head tilted a little. "yes, most of them are." Jean Claude admitted his eyes narrowed. "but again, i am most...unwilling, to be bitten. i have not been fed off of in centuries, not since i have been turned into a vampire. it is less a matter of can i feed Harry, and more of a can i let go and let him feed off of me." he admitted shaking his head. "i am not so sure i can willingly let him at my throat." "if we have to, i'm sure Willie would be willing..." Draco admitted simply with a shake of his head. "and if not Damien might be, there's no lack of Vampires here, there will always be someone willing to take a bite or two." he admitted smiling a little.

"it is nearly dawn." Jean Claude muttered, sighing a little as he shook his head, and turned. "i will see you all tonight, i must get Asher to his coffin." he admitted calmly taking the man away, Draco smiling a little as he tucked his face into Gabriel's chest, inhaling deeply. "we should go need clothes, you keep stealing mine and they don't fit you well." he complained scowling a little, Harry whining. "i wanna go shopping too..." he complained eyes fluttering open. "where'd the pretty go? i didn't make him pass out..." he whined, sulking a little as Draco laughed. "yes you did Harry... how are you feeling?" Harry pondered that and then burst into giggles as he nuzzled Richards nipple, Draco snickering a little. "who gave Harry rum?" Neville asked as he walked in, rubbing his eyes sleepily, assuming the boy to be drunk. "you really shouldn't let Harry drink, he goes goofy and he ends up groping everything." Harry's hand was down Richards pant an he was more than just groping, Neville bursting into a bright blush. "... well, too late apparently..."
Richard smiled shifting harry up a little, absently stroking harry's back as he looked at the golden haired vampire."He probably wont. The first feeding is always the worst, after that its just maintaining, not catching up."He said shaking his head as he thought, snickering at jean claude's words, it amused him and worried him a little that jean claude wasnt willing to feed him. He was worried jean claude would hurt harry rather then risk him feeding on the master of the city. "Go.We'll see you tonight."Gabriel said looking amused because the two vampires were leaving, and that asher really had passed out. Growling as he leaned down, nibbling on draco's eat, "hmm, but you lke me in your clothes don't you?Makes me yours."he muttered nuzzling him again.

"Youre not awake enough to go shopping, love."Richard said snickering a little as he pressed a kiss to harry's forehead, sighing softly as he looked down at harry, moaning softly when the man nuzzled his nipple, shivering at the touch."Hmmm thats okay.I'm leaving.See you later."Richard said blushing as he carried the other man away, trying to ignore the hand that was stroking him to hardness, whimpering as he stumbled into his room, tossing them both onto the bed.

Gabriel grinned looking at neville, resting his cheek on draco's shoulder, looking worried for his friend."You okay, nev?"He asked tilting his head a little yawning, rubbing a hand over his face as he tried to remember that he was a new shifter, and that neville wouldn't probably eel comfortable talking about anything yet. Struggling on how to ask how he was feeling without making it obvious what he wanted to know about the most.
Jean Claude nodded. "he might need to feed two or three more times before he catches up but you are right, it won't take him long to be maintaining, instead of filling." he agreed smiling a little before smiling at Richards worry, knowing exactly what the other was worried about thanks to the Marks. 'do not fear Richard, i will never Harm Harry... if it comes to letting him feed on me, or me hurting him, i will let him feed. i won't like it, but i won't harm him.' Jean Claude promised for Richard's mind alone as Draco smirked a little. "i do like you wearing my clothes, but you always wear the ones that i want." he complained sulking at his lover. "besides you still have that bite mark i gave you, THAT makes you mine more than clothes do." he teased snickering a little as he watched Richard and Harry leave, Neville smiling hesitantly. "i'm... i'm ok.." he decided. "my Beast isn't clawing at me anymore... and i don't have the shakes anymore..." he admitted smiling a little. "i... i guess i'm starting to get used to it..." he admitted wrapping his arms around himself. "but i... i'm a little worried... these murders... i... they started just after i came into town i..." he closed his eyes. "i've been having black outs... hours will go by and i won't remember what happened at all i..." he looked so terrified, so afraid, swallowing thickly. "...i think i'm killing people..."

Harry pouted a little. "i am too awake." he slurred as he stroked his lovers cock smirking wickedly. "mmm i don't wanna go shopping anyway." he purred happily as he kissed the other, a sloppy lustful kiss as he squeezed and stroked Richard's cock, mewling as he was thrown onto the bed, stripping out of his clothes as he wiggled and wormed on the bed, touching and stroking himself, blinking at Richard. "want you... want you inside me... wanna fuck, wanna fuck hard." he pleaded panting eagerly.
Richard frowned looking at the dark haired vampire, annoyed that his worry had been so plain to the other man, but letting it go for now. "Hmm well then, you'll just have to undress me to get them back."He muttered laughing sotly as he nuzzled his lover, biting im ever so gently before he looked up at neville, nodding a little."Thats good. The shakes stop the more you get used to it."Gabriel said looking at him, startled at the conffesion, swallowing hard as he rubbed a hand over his face."Your not. But we'll lock you up here, and have a guard to prove it. Neville, you were hunting with us when the first was killed.And in bed when the secnd was."He said frowning a little,"Anyways, both me and harry arrived in town at the same time."He pointed out shaking his head."We'll talk to the local pride, and see what's going on.They might know who are lion is."He said trying to sooth his friend.

Richard laughed softly kissing him back."You're not that awake."He teasedsnickering as he shred his clothes as he crossed the room, looking nervous still as he climbed on the bed with the other, pulling him close as he kissed him slowly nuzzling his lover before running his hands over the others body, trying to remember everything harry had showed him about preparing for sex. This was so new to him, he was still fairly nervous about hurting his lover.
Draco growled, looking amused as he nodded. "very well, i will have to strip you nude then." he purred smirking wickedly before shaking his head. "the shakes where from the potion he was taking." Draco stated simply. "he's going to be going through some very serious withdrawals in a few days." Neville winced but nodded. "Draco's right... the shakes i was having, and the morning sicknesses where from the potion." he admitted biting his lip a little. "i don't remember much of the hunt..." he admitted softly. "and you did not arrive in town the same time as Harry, you had to go rescue Harry remember?" he stated shaking his head. "Harry can't be controlled mentally anyway." he stated calmly. "it's either me, or one of the Lion's already in town... someone would know if there was another Lion in town..." he muttered shaking his head as Draco gently took Neville's shoulder. "we'll lock you in a room, one that you can't get out of, and we'll put two vampires on guard so that you can't get out. and we'll keep you there until there's another murder, then you'll know for certain that your not the murderer." Neville hesitated and then nodded. "ok." he agreed relaxing a little Draco smiling a little. "your blackouts could be from the potions you know Nev." he pointed out. "you only stopped taking the potion recently yes?" Neville nodded. "... yes, i haven't had a potion since we came here... you think my blackouts are part of the withdrawals?" "it's a theory."

Harry sulked a little. "i am too!" he complained. "i'm awake enough for sex!" not that you had to be very awake for that. he moaned as the other slowly prepared him, feeling the hesitance he opened his eyes and blinked at Richard. "... we haven't been doing this very long have we?" he asked looking amused. "it's ok Richard, just explore, if you do something wrong i'll let you know, ok?" he asked smiling a little. "just make sure that anything you put in me is wet, spit or lotion or something, it will hurt otherwise." he informed the other, shivering eagerly. "mmm your hands feel so good." he moaned smiling as he let the other explore his body, sighing happily.
"You'd enjoy that."He said laughing a little before sighing."And while his body recovers. After psioning yourself for that long, you're going to feel bad."Gabriel said looking at the other, looking worried."Close to the near time then."Gabriel said rolling his eyes a little efore wincing."See, vampire guards. As long as you don't eat them, you'll be fine."Gabriel teased snickering a little because he was trying to make neville feel better but he was completely... unfit to help someone feel better. He was anti social most of the time, so it made it difficult to help others."It might be. Though the only way we could be sure would be to put you back on it and that'd be just as bad."Gabriel sighed softly, shaking his head."We shuld go shopping. By the time we get to the stores, they'll be open."He said amused because draco semed intent on getting him his own clothes.

"You don't have to be the most awake to have sex."He teased snickering as he kissed down the other's chest, looking amused as he went lower, hesitating for a mment before closing his mouth over the other's cock, sucking softly as he reached out, trying to find a bottle of lotion, squirting some of it into his hand, slicking his fingers as eh gently slid his fingers into the other, raising his head to look at him, as h rubbed his cheek against the other's hip."You feel pretty good yourself."he teased snickering taking his time to make sure the other was stretched enough so he wouldnt hurt him
Neville nodded a little. "i know i was stupid." he grumbled scathingly. "i was scared..." he was still scared, his beast was loose now, and he had no doubt it was walking around while he was asleep or out cold or having a blackout. what if it was attacking people? what if it was destroying lives!? he had to chuckle at the mention of eating the vampire guards and he shook his head. "i don't think i could eat the guards, i'm a new shifter and their... not, they'd rip me to shreds before i eve got a claw into them." he was rather relieved about that of course. "i'm going to go crawl in bed with Blaise." he decided shaking his head as he left them alone, Draco sighing. "he's traumatized..." he stated calmly shaking his head. "i'll have to see if we can't get Neville to go to one of the Local therapist. she's a Swanmane so she knows about transforming an everything, she should be able to help Nev. and Harry too if i think about it."

Harry purred, smirking at the other, panting softly as the other kissed down his body, smiling when he hesitated. "it's ok, you don't have t... o..oooooooh!" he moaned hard arching as he felt that hot wet mouth close over his cock, his head tossed back as he squirmed and trembled panting hard. "good... so good." he moaned shivering delightfully as the other stretched him, moaning happily. "you... so... good..." he moaned arching hard and unleashing an ear shattering shriek as the other found his prostate. "more! more please MORE!"
Gabriel smiled a little as he rested his cheek on the shorter blond's head, pressing his lips against draco's forehead as he shuddered.He didn't want to think about neville getting torn apart, or that he might be the one attacking people. Or....gabriel wasn't stupid. Even if the others hadn't thought of it, gabriel himself had thought about what if he was the one attacking people. Sighing softly as he pressed another kiss to the blond's forehead he sighed softly,"Maybe we should all go to therapy."He said snickering a little before nuzzling his mate, stepping back to look down at the other."Shopping, or are you still tired?"He teased nuzzling him.

Richard yelped at the scream, raising his head to look at the oter, smiling slightly as he tilted his head, curling his fingers to find the small spot again, pressing against it as he pulled away, crawling up to kiss the other as he slid his body between his legs, gently pressing into him as he leaned down to kiss him slowly."Love you."he muttered nuzzling him as he held the man against him, moving carefully to keep from hurting him,despite the other's pleasure, he didn't want to hurt him.
Draco smiled a little as he snuggled into Gabriel. "i don't need therapy." he replied, a little too quickly, clearly someone had tried to get Draco to go before. out of everyone it was probobly Draco who honestly needed it the most, aside from Harry, but Harry wasn't hiding from his pain and his past, he was living a good life and living happily. draco was repressing everything and because of that he was half mad. he smirked a little though. "we're shopping, i want more clothes myself." he admitted simply. "come along Gabriel." he ordered simply as he led the way outside, leading Gabriel to his favorite clothing store.

Harry yowled again as that spot was teased and taunted wriggling and writhing underneath his lover. "yes... yes yeeesss." he moaned as he was kissed, clinging to the other, panting hard as he shuddered eagerly as Richard pressed deeply into him, whimpering eagerly. "oh yes... oh yes... oh yes." he moaned clenching tightly around him. "harder...please... fuck me! please!" he whined and whimpered as he leaned forward and bit into Richards shoulder, not drinking, not filling him with unimaginable pleasure, just biting to bite because he wanted, needed more.
"uh-huh. Okay, if you say so."Gabriel said rolling his eyes because it slightly amused himself to see draco trying to protest over something that he needed so much. Sighing softly as he pressed a kiss to draco's head, smiling as he let the other lead him to the store, starting to look around."So, do I get to dress you?"He asked picking up one of the girly girl dresses, holding it up to the girly blond."I think you'd look good in this"

Richard moaned at the bite, shuddering as he started to fuck the other harder, faster like he wanted, his control shattering under harry's bite and need. Growling as he thrust into him, leaning down and sinking his teeth into the other's shoulder as he came, shivering as he filled the other, thrusting into him hard and fast, shiverign as he collapsed on top of him, near passing out from the unbelievable pleasure.
Draco huffed a little and shook his head as he moved into the store, smirking at Gabriel. "no you do not get to dress me." he stated simply as he started moving through the shelves and the racks, picking out clothes that would suit Gabriel the best before shoving them into his arms and shoving him into a dressing room. "pick out the ones that feel most comfortable, if it does not fit, or you don't like it, discard it." he ordered simply smirking, pleased with himself as he picked up a few things for himself as well.

Harry moaned and groaned loudly as he was fucked properly, tossing his head back in delight as he screamed his pleasure to the world. cumming hard, so hard as he arched against the other, shuddering and shivering as he pulled Richard into a tight kiss, the deep happy thrumming noise filling the air as Harry started to purr, grinning as he sighed happily, rolling over so that he was laying on his belly instead, enjoying the heavy weight of Richard on top of him. "mmm wonderful... perfect." he purred softly.

oh man that took a while XDD anyway i think i'm going to bed, and i don't know if i'm going to be on much tomorrow. see you Sunday at the latest! ^^))
By the time he appeared in the dressing room door wearing a pair of the worn jeans and soft cashmere t-shirt, smiling a little as he looked at the other. Holding out the rest of the clothes he wanted, and the tags for the ones he was wearing."Well, what are you getting?"He asked looking at the man curiously, wanting to know what other clothes he had to look forward to seeing his lovre in....and to getting him out of."Come on.Time to go.I want to have dressing room sex."He purred pulling the almost vampire tight against his chest,kissing him slowly.

Richard purred a little, a deep rumbing purr that was more leopard then wolf as he shifted to snuggle against the other's back,yawning as he nuzzled the other's neck,"perfect....sleepy..."He muttered trying to not sleep but failing miserably becausie he was so ahppy with his lover, and with mate that he had no desire to stay up and see what else would go wrong, because he just knew something would. At that moment he was quite content to snuggle into him and go to sleep
Draco smirked when the other came out, taking the tags and the cloths and heading to the checkout, his own things already in a bad paid for and well hidden as he accepted Gabriel's things from the shopkeeper, kissing Gabriel back and snorting. "we are not having dressing room sex you lecher." he complained simply as he forced his way free and led the way back outside, humming happily as he walked, smirking at Gabriel. "we can go have sex at home after i pick up some ice-cream though." he offered licking his lips. "and whipped cream, and chocolate sauce." he smirked wickedly. "and i'll have to lick it all off of you." he purred happily.

Harry smiled as he nodded. "mm me too... go to sleep." he mumbled happily, not at all aware of Neville, in full beast form walking out of his bedroom, Blaise still sleeping in Jean Claude's room. Neville paused, looking confused as he sniffed at the air, and started to wander through the halls, finally running into Micah and whining as he pressed his massive head into the others chest, looking lost, confused and afraid and it was clear he had not chosen to turn into his wereform. he looked so scared, it was pretty clear, he couldn't figure out how to turn back either. he was so lost to his beast form, he couldn't even talk.
"Why not?"Gabriel growled, whining as he followed draco outside, wrapping his arms around draco as he walked outside,holding him close as eh nuzzled the man, content to do whatever his mate wanted. It was more then anything else, what he needed. Someone who would let him be as touchy feely as he wanted."Oh?Are you that germaphobic you wont have sex anywhere but bed?"he said pouting a little.

Micah yelped a little as he found himself pressed against, looking startled to find a lion with him and not a leopard before smiling. Remembering that they had a few lions living here."Hey neville.What's wrong"He asked stroking the other's head, trying to calm the other, nuzzling him a little as he sat up, resting his cheek against neville's as he reached behind him to shake anita awake."Anita."He growled softly wanting her help, because he wasn't sure if neville would trust him enough to let him help.but anita was one of those trustworthy people, that everyone trusted in.And he needed her help,because while he was good at business meetings, he wasn't sure how to fix this when neville looked so scared.
Draco smirked a little. "the most important reason why we are not having sex in the dressing rooms is because they won't ever let me go back in there if we do and it's my favorite store." he stated simply. "besides, i do not have sex where other people may have had sex." he stated simply. "i might catch something nasty." he admitted shaking his head a little as he leaned into the other, normally he hated contact with other people but with Gabriel he rather enjoyed being touched and held all the time. he took little time gathering all the fun things he wanted to play with, namely vanilla ice-cream, chocolate, and whipped cream. yeah, it was going to be a fun, fun day.

Neville whimpered and tried to crawl into the bed with Micah, Nathaniel, and Anita but there wasn't enough room. Anita snorted a little as she woke and blinked at Neville, looking confused. "Nev?" she asked, the Lion nodding. "what's wrong?" he just whimpered and pressed his face into Micah's chest again, Anita looking baffled. "Nev?.... come here Neville." she ordered gently, leading him to her before glancing at Micah. "go and get Blaise." she ordered softly shaking her head as she stroked Neville's mane and gently kissed his forehead trying to calm the poor man down. "he will probobly be sleeping in Jean Claude's room yet..."
GAbriel pouted, tilting his head a little."So you mean if it was another dressing room we could?"He asked looking interested in the idea before pouting."But that's everywhere but your own bed!Draco!Thats boring!"He whined annoyed at the idea, before sighing in pleasure as he looked at draco gathering his things, wondering what the other was going to be up to.IT was going to be interesting to see what draco was going to be doing with all those fun things. Wondering if his neat freak of a master could really make a mess of things.

Micah nodded nuzzling neville again before heading to the vampire's room, shaking blaise to wake him but not giving him a chance to really wake up before he picked him up heading back towards their room,because he wanted blaise to be with neville as soon as possible, which meant not waiting for him to really wake up. Smiling a little as he carried the lion's mate into the room, laying him in bed with neville and anita though there wasn't much room."Blaise, neville here you are. Youre together."He said sounding worried because he wanted neville to relax enough so they could get back to human form.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "no we can not have sec in a dressing room!" he complianed glaring at Gabriel before kissing him gently. "and there are other places where we can have sex." he admitted with a small grin as he lead the way back tot eh circus flicking his fingers at the bed. "strip for me." he ordered smirking darkly. "and then, i shall tie you up likle the little slut you are." he growled, looking both seductive and playful.

Blaise groaned as he was shook awake, smacking feebly at Micah in some half asleep attempt to protect himself, looking confused as he saw Neville in his beast form, gently stroking the Lion's mane. "Nev?" he asked softly, stroking the boys face. "what's wrong? did you have dreams again?" Neville shook his head, snuggling Blaise all over, starting to calm down a little though he still couldn't manage to talk or calm down. "did you see something?" a shake of the head again. "hear something?" another shake. "smell something." a nod this time, Neville whimpering, Blaise looking horrified. "... is it blood that you smell?" another nod and Blaise swallowed thickly. "human blood?" a nod again and Blaise closed his eyes. "it will be alright Nev." he promised softly. "you didn't hurt anyone, i know you didn't... you don't have any blood on you, and Micah would have noticed if you smelled like blood." he promised, stroking Neville's mane. "i promise, you didn't hurt anyone... can you calm down for me? i can't give you a back rub and a bath if your in Leo form..." Neville actually managed a small giggle, relaxing now that Blaise was there and he was sure he hadn't hurt anyone.
"Okay."Gabriel said still looking curious, because he wasn't sure i draco really was able to have sex somewhere besides bed. Draco just seemed to....anal to have fun elsewhere.Raising a eyebrow as he started to smirk, his shirt hitting the floor as he looked at him."Oh I''m the slut?I'm not the one who lives under a club."he teased smirking as he walked over, kissing him slowly.

Micah swallowed hard gently stroking neville's head trying to not look worried. even though he hadn't been look for it, he leaned forward to sniff at the man."No, its not you or your blood."He muttered stroking the other's hair before starting to get up,"I-we need to go find out what happened."He said glad to see neville relaxing, evne if he was worrying about why there was a human bleeding under the circuss. He could see a vampire feeding, but nowdays they had so many shifters in the circus, that it was a rare day indeed that it was a vampire feeding off a human when they could have a omre powerful snackk.
Draco smirked a little and shook his head a little as he looked at the other. "you do realize i'm a stripper right? and i was a whore on the side, of course i'm a slut." it was nice that he said was, that meant he wasn't anymore. "now then." he growled watching the shirt fall off and advancing on the other, a predatory gleam in his eyes as he shoved the other onto the bed and then pounded on him, handcuffing his hands to the top of the bed so that he couldn't get away. "i am going to make you a sticky, messy, little whore." he growled delightfully.

Neville sniffled as Nathan suddenly picked his head up, his nose twitching, the scent of blood starting to trickle into the room. "... Anita... it's in the vents..." he muttered looking over at her as she swallowed thickly. "... blood, and lots of it..." she paused. "Jean Clause is awake." middle of the day, and Jean Claude was awake... that was never good. "fuck... and so are all the little ones!" she could feel all the newly bitten rolling in their coffins, reacting tot he scent of blood that was filling the entire circus. "Blaise! Neville! you two stay here!" she ordered. "lock and brace the door! Micah, Nathaniel come with me, we need to detain the vampires before they spill out into the sun and burn to death...." she raced out into the hall and ran hard into a snarling Harry, who was drooling with the smell of blood so heavy in the air but he looked sane, and that was good. "what's happening!?" Harry demanded. "it's like thousands of meaty fleshy things are all bleeding to death in the vents..." he grumbled, in full furry man beast form it was rather frightening to hear him talk about meaty things while looking at Nathaniel as if the man would make a tasty snack.
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