Blood of my Heart

Draco smirked a little and shook his head. "no your not." he teased playfully grinning a little as Nathaniel whined, he hated being woken up once he was calm and content in a puppy pile. "i have my doubts about Neville ever actually eating a kill before." Draco admitted suddenly. "he looses control, his beast kills, but before it can eat he shoves it back down into the little box he keeps it in." he shook his head. "this is his first Feed. it's pretty rough devouring raw flesh for the first time." he admitted smirking as he kissed Gabriel playfully letting him drag him to his feet as Nathaniel whined but got up, his hair like a leash connecting him to Micah. he loved it when the other did that, it made him feel safe and 'owned'. Harry hesitated watching the bathroom door before nodding, heading down the stairs. Neville and Blaise followed down ten minutes later, Blaise carrying Neville who looked sickly and terrible. a common reaction after the first willing change.

Ashley smiled at him hesitantly. "i'm Ashley, Ashly Roma..." she whispered softly as she got to her feet, hesitating as she looked around the house. "can i pack first?" she asked hopefully, Anita smirking. "sure you can." she promised. "Richard don't push a lady to leave before she;s packed all her shoes." Anita teased him Ashley giggling suddenly. "i only have one pair of shoes..." "... really? i'm not even a girl and i have like, six..." Ashley giggled again and shook her head as she went to pack. she only packed two suitcases. "i'm just going to leave the rest." she admitted shaking her head. "i can't afford the house anyway with my husband..." she swallowed convulsively. "they can take the rest..." she decided shuddering a little as she followed Anita and Richard out to the car, her eyes shadowed with grief. as much as she had hated them, they where still her family, and now they where gone. Anita gently helped her into the front seat, letting her stay up front next to Richard, he was better at the comforting thing.
"Well, that explains why he's throwing up."Gabriel said looking thoughtful,smiling as they got down to the car.Edward swallowed reaching into the glove box, tossing a box of tic tacs to neville."Suck on those. I know you probably want to brush your teeth, but I don't have one of those."He sad smiling as he started driving, heading for theclub. Gabriel smiled softly as he curled up against draco,content to cuddle."how are you feeling?Physically?Mentally neville?"the man asked as he leaned up to see him, wondering just how much work they were going to have to do to get him really comfortable with being what he is.

"Oh....yes."Richard said blushing as he let the woman go, having not even thought about packing things. Looking at anita he smirked a little,"You'll have to burrow anita's shoes. She has to many."He said smiling as he took the bags from her and putting them in the car, beforesliding into the front seat. His hand closing around hers,absently stroking his thumb oer his skin as he kept up the running commentary on things and what to expect at the circus, trying to distract her from her grief. Pulling into the parking lot he smiled a little when he saw the others pulling in to."Anita, your boys are home."He said nodding towards the car as he got out, walking around the car to help ashley down."Come ashley, inside your pack iswiting."
Harry nodded. "i must have fed before this because i'm not having any problems..." "your running hot on your instincts Harry." draco informed the other. "even if it is your first feeding you wouldn't mind because your so in tune with your beast." Harry paused, pondering that then nodding. "that makes sense... is that why i'm not bothered by not remembering anything?" "probobly." Neville accepted the tic-tac's. poured a pile into his hand and popped them into his mouth, Blaise smiling a little as he nuzzled his lover. "i feel... tired." Neville admitted rather weekly. "ill... like i ate spoiled milk or undercooked food..." he muttered softly. "i'm... ok, mentally i guess... i'm... shocked... i never thought it could... it could..." "feel that good?" Nathaniel supplied, smiling a little, Neville nodding. "it wasn't at all as bad as when... when i keep it locked up... i could, control it a little, it ran, but i could stop it from eating Draco..." Draco smirked a little. "glad to know i'm appetizing..." "... you scare it..." draco looked shocked. " scare the beast..." "well i was your tormentor for years... i'm sorry about that by the way..."

Ashley had to giggle. "you should never ask a woman to share her shoes Ulfric." she admitted smiling at him as she slid into the car, jumping at the hand holding, tense, but relaxing as no pain came, enjoying the calming touch as Anita interjected her own playful comments. "... it's really a circus..." Ashley whispered as she looked around, it was closed now, being nearly noon, but it still looked delightfully creepy. she let him help her out of the car and Harry helped Blaise and Neville out of their car, smiling at Anita as Nathaniel tried to run to her, only to be jerked back by his hair, having forgotten Micah had a hold of it, and Micah hadn't been paying attention enough to let go. Anita had to laugh as Nathaniel rubbed his head and she moved over to him to help him up, Neville sucking on another handful of mints. Draco was laughing calmly at Nathaniel too and he shook his head as he flung Gabriel over his shoulder and smacked him hard on the ass as he carried him inside, fully intending him on showing him who the boss of the relationship was. Harry was grinning as he stretched, groaning happily as he rubbed against Richard. "mmm i missed you." he purred happily looking Ashley over curiously. "hi! i'm Harry it's nice to meet you!" he chirped, she smelled of no one, somehow that bothered Harry, he wasn't sure why. "i...i'm Ashley.." she stuttered softly shrinking against Richard as one of the lower wolves came out, glaring at Ashley before vanishing back inside. "... my reputation precedes me." Ashley whispered, her lip quivering, Harry growling darkly. no one liked Raina, but to ostracize Ashley just because she had been Raina's favorite, that was harsh.
"That and because he's fought tooth and nail not to be what he is.You ddn't fight, so you're not having issues."Gabriel mused rom his small corner of the seat, just cuddling.Snickering at the idea of draco being scary,nuzzling his love."You are so adorably fierce."He teased rolling his eyes. Smiling as he climbed out of the car, helping draco out with a smile."It is.A very dark, slightly scary circus."Richard said smiling as she looked around. It always amused him to see what new people thought of when they saw the circus. Micah yelped as his hand jerked out following the hair, letting go as he rubbed his arm."You okay?"He asked smiling slightly when he walked up to nathaniel.

"Hey!Draco!"Gabriel yelped squirming as he was tossed over a shoulder, whining softly."Help me!"He demanded just making the ulfric watching the scene snicker. "I missed you to."Richard said smiling as he pressed a kiss to the boy's head, "This is my mate, my lupa."Richard said introducting them, lifting a arm and letting ashley snuggle against his side."So does anita's,and she makes them fear her."Richard said nodding to the petite executioner, growling softly at the wolf."Lets go in. Gabriel's going to be screaming bloody murder if no one saves him."He said snickering because he knew the man might scream,but he'd also enjoy himself. Hussling them all inside, he smiled as edward fell in behind him and ashley, as if the assassin had taken a soft spot to the weak werewolf. Which, might be just it. He wasn't going to protest,because he knew edward 1, wouldn't answer the question, and 2 would be good to protect her if he thought anita wanted him to. "Shang-da."Richard said studying his hati as they neared the end steps trying to figure out why the man was waiting out here for them, instead of inside where it would have been comfortable.
Harry nodded. "this is true as well." he agreed Neville shaking his head as Gabriel nuzzled Draco pouting at his 'big brother'. "hey your supposed to be on my side. i tell you my beasts scared of him and you compliment him, cruel." Draco laughed and Neville smiled, he didn't feel like laughing, but he couldn't help but smile. "i'm ok." Nathaniel promised with a small chuckle as he was helped to his feet. "just got whiplash that's all." he admitted Anita laughing a little as she kissed Nathaniel's forehead. "poor thing." she teased before laughing as Draco carried Gabriel away, completely ignoring Shang-Da. "no one fears me." Ashley admitted, her eyes pained. "they just hate me..." she smiled a little though. "besides i do not think the Gabriel really minds being carried off." she admitted smiling a little as Anita laughed, shaking her head. "he doesn't, he just likes making Draco work for his fun." she admitted smiling a little as Harry purred at being called Lupa. he knew what it meant, he wasn't sure how he knew, but he knew.

Shang-Da scowled as he looked at Ashley, not recognizing her, he had transfered in after Raina's torment. "one of the younger wolves came in saying that Sylvie was going to be pissed." Ashley winced violently. "... Raina made me... touch her.." Ashley whispered softly, sylvie was the one who had refused to let the other Wolves tell Richard then, and Anita sighed shaking her head. "they say you have a new Lupa." Shang-da growled scowling as Harry slid up to Richard, setting his forehead on Richard's chest. "...a boy!? a male, a dominant male who is not even a wolf!?" Shang-Da demanded, scowling darkly. "why must you insist on bringing in... filth!?" he demanded scowling at Richard. "first that human bitch, now this... cat!?" Harry snarled darkly, his eyes narrowed at Shang-Da. "do you challenge me puppy!?" he demanded, Shang-Da taking a sharp, angry inhale, eyes narrowed furiously at Harry. "i do! you have no right being a part of this pack!" "...harry!?" Neville whimpered, afraid for his friend, Harry lifting a hand. "it is alright Neville, i am Rex, he cannot beat me." "you see! he already has a pack! a Pride! he is bad for our pack Richard!" Harry snarled and his hand whipped out, slapping Shang-Da hard across the face, slamming him into the wall. "you overstep your Rank Hati!" no one thought to ask how Harry knew the others rank. "it is not your place to question your Alpha!" they both snarled furiously and slammed into each other, shifting mid leap, the two massive bodies striking so hard that the sound carried through most of the circus before they spilled down the stairs, tumbling over one another as they snapped, snarled, bit, and clawed.
Gabriel grinned at his little bruter,"Ah,yes,but I'm sleeping with him."He said as if that made perfect sense."Well,then they fear me."Richard said smiling a little, trying to make the girl feel better. He raised a eyebrow at shang-da as the man stopped in front of him,rubbing ashley's back because she was like anita's gregory, as soon as she had been given a chance, they had stopped doing the bad things their dominates had demanded. Richard growled watching shang-da, and raising his arm so harry could have the room,he knew they had to settle this fight before it got to bad. "ARe you really going to let them fight?"Micah asked looking at them. "For a little while. Shang-da needs to learn that I am ulfric here...and that even a cat can dminate a-bloody hell."Richard scowled as gabriel appeared from the other side of the room, having come back to see what the noise was, and unlike harry, who only was a Rex, Gabriel was a Ulfric to. "Gab-"

Gabriel reached down, picking shang-da up by the back of his suit, looking at the wolf before looking at harry."Are we really going to have to fight this out?There's a killer the police are looking for. Why are we giving them excuses to see us all as monsters?"He asked looking at richard. Richard sighed rubbing a hand over his face,"Shang-da, you do not rule here!IF you want to tell me who I can allow in this pack, or who I ate with, you must become Fenrir, and challenge me. Until that day hati, you will go get Sylvia. Now."He growled nodding to gabriel, laughing as the man just droppped him and heard bone crack. For some reason he didn't think the other ulfric liked shang-da any more then harry did.
Ashley nuzzled into Richard looking terrified of the fighting, more so because the two really where trying to kill each other. Shang-Da and Harry where drawing a lot of blood on each other. Harry had driven his mouth down to catch Shang-Da's throat in his fangs but missed because Gabriel had pulled the other out of the way, he snarled darkly, baring long fangs at Gabriel, unleashing a hellish hiss. "he has challenged my rank and my place and questioned my mate, this is MY fight to handle Gabriel not yours!" he spat furiously before standing, slamming his power into Shang-Da, overpowering the wolf's weaker power effortlessly. "i am stronger than you Hati! i can, and will do you damage if you ever take that tone with my mate again. Richard is kind, he will not punish you as you deserve, i am not kind, i can, and will finish any fight you start with me, and then i will punish you, are we clear!?" Shang-Da just nodded, swallowing thickly, eyes wide with astonishment and fear as Harry snarled at him before shifting back into human form and walking to Richard, taking his place at the Ulric's side as was right. in an instant, Harry had gone from furious alpha defending his rank and his place, to a calm playful guy once again, they where almost two different personalities.

as soon as Gabriel let him free, Shang-Da limped quickly away, Ashley handing Harry something, a handkerchief. for a moment Harry wasn't sure why she was offering it to him and then he felt the sharp pain on his face, Shang-Da had gotten him across the face with his claws. it was already healing but he was bleeding all over the place. "thank you." Harry chirped happy and chipper once more as he pressed th cotton to his face to keep from bleeding all over the floor. it wouldn't scar, in a few moments where wouldn't even be marks. Sylvie was storming her way back, her eyes furious, but also frightened, and Ashley started to tremble as soon as she saw the woman, Sylvie growling, but saying nothing, she knew she was busted, and defending herself wouldn't work because she knew she was wrong. "You asked for me Alpha?"
"Yes, but we can't afford t be killing each other."Gabriel snarled back tossing the wolf away from him rubbing a hand over his face as he watched svlvie and richard. He'd never had a pack life, so watching the pack work together was interesting. "Why?"Richard said shifting to let harry hold ashely, moving towards sylvie in that graceful walk that promised violence. Lashing out he wrapped a hand around her throat and hauled the smaller woman up, tightening his grip to almost make her stop breathing."I have justspent the night at a crime scene that could have prevented had you told me."he snarled shaking her like one would a disobient dog, "You will be punished.But not by me or my lupa."Richard smirked twisting so he could see the other ulfric, having seen into gabriel's personality he knew the man could be cruel."you are going to go with him for the evening.And do whatever he wants, and that includes his master,should he ask."He said smirking, because while he was kind the sight of the crime scene and smelling humans reduced to just so much meat was making him cruel. And it was cruel knowing that sylvie found draco's presence disturbing....and was still sending her with a man who had no reason to like her, and every reason to hate her for putting another wolf in such danger.
Harry growled. "i wasn't going to kill him, there's no need to kill him, i was just going to rip hir throat up a little that's all." he admitted with a shrug. "wolves respect pain." Harry admitted simply as he took Ashley, the woman hiding her face in Harry's shoulder. Sylvie's eyes widened choking as she hung from his fist, gripping his wrist tightly, not trying to get away, just trying to breath. she made choking noises as he shook her, Harry tilting his head as he studied the woman, Anita setting her hand on Richard's wrist, warning him not to shake her too hard. even a werewolf could be killed if they where shook too hard. her eyes flicked over to Gabriel, kicking her feet, struggling to get a breath, shuddering as she realized she was going to be with Draco and Gabriel, two men who freaked her out, shit. "y..yes... chhh... u..ulfric." she managed to stutter, Harry nuzzling Richards chin. "you have to let go of her neck love, she's going to pass out." she was turning blue. as soon as he released her neck she took a deep breath, coughing and choking as she tried to get her air back, Ashley whimpering. "oh please... don't punish her because of me..." she pleaded softly. "they deserved to die... we all know it... they deserved to die..." "it's alright Ashley." Draco stated calmly, staring at Sylvia. "we won't hurt her too badly, and she still undermined Richard. even if they ha not died she would be punished for not telling him about you. no Wolf should ever have been under Raina's terror and then shunned from a pack who should have protected her." he was staring at Sylvia with fury. "come Sylvia, and i will explain to you what happened. maybe then you will understand why what you did had such a serious consequence." Sylvia shuddered, but got to her feet slowly, obeying the order as Richard demanded of her. "come on Ashley, lets go meet the rest of the Pack." Harry decided smiling a little as he took her hand and led her deeper into the circus, the woman swallowing thickly. "w...will they rape her!?" she demanded worried Harry shaking his head. "neither of them are capable of actual rape." he admitted calmly. "they'll torment her a little, but only because their angry."
Richard shuddered as anita touched him,dropping her as he realized he really wanted to hurt her for letting him see that.Blaing her in part for the crie scene he'd gtten to,because it hurt to know that getting the kids away might have stpped it. Or at least not made it such a mess. "It's not because of you.She did not tell me something that involved my wolf."He said nodding a little, agreeing with draco's words. "Oh you mean I get to explain something?"Gabriel said looking like draco had just given him the best present in the world. He had no intention of hurting her badly, but he had every intention of saring the shit out of her. GAbriel smirked as he followed after sylvie, stroking a hand over draco's back,"Think we can tie her up?"He asked making it sound worse then what he planned. Intending on tying her and watching THEM have sex, not force her to participate.But if it inflicted some damage onto her mental state to think that...well, all the better.

Richard nodded,"They're angry because of the crime, and because sylvie weakened me.They'll not hurt her, ust make her regret it."He reassured ashley, looking at anita."WE etter find her a room.She probably needs to get some rest....and would like some food.I'm hungry."He muttered as his stomach growled.
Ashley whimpered a little and shook her head. "i don't want to sleep alone..." she whispered softly and Anita smiled a little. "it's ok, we'll get Stephan and Jason to cuddle with you." she offered. "i'll make sure they keep their hands to themselves." she promised Ashley hesitated a little then nodding. "i...i guess i'd like that." she agreed, so hesitant and uncertain. but Jason and Stephan pulled her into bed and curled up around her, and she relaxed and smiled as she went to sleep, Anita and Harry both grinning. "sleep well Ashley." Harry muttered calmly, Stephan kissing the already sleeping woman's forehead.

Sylvie grimaced a little and Draco snorted a little. "if you want to explain then explain." he ordered playfully. "well, if you want to tie her up i don't see why not, i didn't know you where into Bondage though." he admitted smirking a little. "it's been a while since i've had a female involved." he admitted smirking rather sadistically, Sylvie whimpered cringing as she listened to them. there was no way Richard knew they where going to rape her, Richard didn't allow rape... so there was no way he knew what Gabriel and Draco where going to do. Draco moved into the room, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off, Sylvie whimpering. "tell her why what she did was so bad Gabriel while i get some lotion, i want to feel skin before i sink my dick into something." Sylvie was terrified, but she sat down in a chair, refusing to tremble. she would not let them see how afraid she was.
Richard smiled a little watching the two."Jason wont, you know he wont.Though he might for you."He teased looking at anita, amused because the one person besides jean-claude that jason listened to, was anita. "Come on.Time to sleep."Richard said wrapping a arm around the other two, heading for jean-claude's bedroom, because he knew the man usually nuked with asher if he knew they were coming back to the circus."You need to sleep.Big crime scenes are very tiring."richard said undressing as he walked into te bedroom, already stripping as he walked across the room.

Gabriel prctically bounced in place at the idea of getting to explain,smirking at draco."I'm not. But this is torture, which means she's gettig tied up."He said amused as he bounded into the rom, already sliding off his shirt as used the soft silk to tie her hands together, and to the chair. leaning against the back of the chair he let his lips brush against her ear, smirking a little."You put one of your wolves in jeopardy, Sylvie.A wolf that needed your protection."He raised a hand smirking as he stroked claws over her shoulder, feeling the cloth of her shirt give way, hanging uselessly from her body."And you made your ulfric a fool when you didn't tell him."He purred softly, a mix of wolf's growl and a panther's purr. "You should be glad I am Ulfric, not Bolverk....though I may ask anita if I can have the title, seeing as you need someone to deal with you."He muttered glancing up at draco, "Hmm draco, you get your lotion?"He teased his dark eyes showing just how much he'd enjoyed teasing sylvie.

Bolverk:The evil doer in norse myth, and in pack. Literally the person who does the things the ulfric can't or wont.
Anita and Harry both chuckled a little as they headed into the bedroom, Harry purring happily before he paused, staring at someone, Asher his eyes wide, astonished and Anita hesitated. "..Harry?" "...pretty..." Harry whispered, sounding almost astonished as he stared at Asher, moving over tot he Vampire, purring loudly as he ran his cheek against the scarred half of the vampires cheek, burying his nose in the man's hair, inhaling deeply, the rumbles of his purr deepening intensely, and it was suddenly very clear that Harry was responding to Asher's scent the way a cat does to catnip, pressing himself into Asher with eager growls of delight at having found such a pretty little gem. Anita was snickering as she took Richards hand and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "i think Asher is Catnip scented."

Draco laughed a little and shook his head as Sylvie swallowed thickly, pale and terrified but not trembling and not crying. "i did not know... i thought she..." it had never occurred to Sylvie that Ashley had actually been in trouble, or been with Raina unwillingly. Ashley had simply shut down and let her instincts do all the work when with Raina, she followed orders, and the rest of the time just rocked herself in a corner trying not to think or feel. Sylvia had never known that, she only knew the pain and humiliation that Ashley had inflicted on her. she whimpered as he cut her shirt, revealing a full breast, she wasn't wearing a Bra. her lip quivered at the mention of Bolverk and realized that Richard might very well make Gabriel such a thing, she realized such a title would please Gabriel. "yes, i got it." Draco admitted waving the bottle around before grabbing Gabriel's hair and throwing him onto the bed. "take your pants off." he ordered smirking a little as he poured a pile of lotion into his hands and straddling his lover once they where both naked, running his hands along the others shoulders and back with happy sounds, Sylvie watching, waiting for her turn to be stripped naked and stroked all over.
Richard snickered walking over, leaning down to run his nose along the vamppire's cheek, the only wolfish thing he usually did, turning a little as he bit his mate softly on the shoulder before pouting at asher and anita."I don't smell catnip.He's not catnip.Harry's mine."He whining, for the first time sounding annoyed about the idea of his mate finding someone more appealling to smell then him."Your dating him anita, get him away from harry."He whined pouting at the vampire, knowing they boy where finding his sulking amusing.

"No. You didn't think."Gabrriel said brushing his lips over her forehead in a chaste kiss, growling when he got thrown to the bed."You're such a demanding little shit, dray."Gabriel growled but didn't move to knock the man off his back, actually enjoying having his back rubbed. after all he was a wolf king, kings deserved pampering didn't they?The shifter yawned as he pushed up onto all fours, snickering as draco nearly fell off his back. Reaching behind him he pulled the man around, pinning him to the bed, making sure they were well set up so that sylvie would have a good show,pressing against his mate tightly as he nuzzled the blond,"she's terrified...."He muttered, feeling that sleepy contentment of a predator that knew who his prey was. Sinking his teeth into draco's neck e pinned the other there, forming his body along the others like a leopard mounting his mate, pinning him there as he slid his fingers into him. Enjoying more then anything, putting on a show.a
Harry purred happily and Anita chuckled as she shook her head. "you know how Nathaniel smells like Vanilla to me, but like cinnomen to Micah? i think this is the same problem, Harry smells something that triggers his instincts and you just smell vampire." she admitted chuckling as she watched ASher just stand there, looking baffled, uncertain what to do as Harry touched and stroked everything, scars and smooth flesh both equally, actually whining when Asher finally stepped away Harry pouting at the other before the vampire turned and fled. it always threw Asher for a loop when someone didn't mind his scars, like Anita, like Draco. "... the pretty went away." Harry whined, sounding drunk Anita snorting a little as she smirked. "oh god he's drunk on Asher's scent, you better take him to bed and fuck him Richard before she goes after him." she teased giggling again.

she whimpered a little as he kissed her, shocked to feel a slight comfort from the gentle touch. she was frightened, she was a Wolf, his touch was a comfort whether she wanted it to be or not. she watched as Draco tore him off of her and she half feared Draco was going to touch her, but he didn't even glance at her. Draco enjoyed pampering his lover and growled as he almost fell off the other, riding Gabriel for half a moment, as if he was getting a pony ride. then he was pinned tot he bed and he scowled darkly. "Gabriel... there is something wrong with this picture..." he growled, annoyed that he was being pinned and fucked, but moaned as he was nuzzled, smirking a little. "good, she should be." he growled. "imagine what we'll do to her when we're finished with each other?" she whimpered again, her lip quivering. Draco groaned happily as he was pinned more firmly, the teeth in his neck holding him still, his breath coming in eager little pants as he was stretched and teased. "yesss... take me... fuck me... rape me my Ulfric..." he too was enjoying putting on a show. "take from me whatever you desire. i am yours, and it is your right."
"We'll find the pretty again. Later."Richard said looking amused as he nodded,"He wouldn't chase him.My lupa wouldn't chase after asher."He said pouting a little at the idea of watching harry run after him.Smiling as he kissed anita's cheek he picked up his lover and headed for the room that jean-claude had given them. While he couldn't stand to share a room with the vampire, he'd accepted that he was going to have to be near for their power base to work, which meant living and being able to help."Come on harry."He purred nuzzling him as they headed for the bedroom.

Gabriel laughed as draco rode him like a pony, glancing up at him."I'm not a pony."He teased as he twisted, nuzzling his lover, brushing his lips overthe other's."Hmm we're going to do so much."He smirked shifting his hold on the other, teeth sinking deeper, nearly meeting through skin. Draco was going to have a hell of a hickey when he let him go.Growling as he thrust into the other, moving hard and fast in the blond, even thre, even with his mouth holding draco still, and his body thrusting into the blond's, he rolled his eyes up to watch sylvie, enjoying the sex. Shuddering as he came,gripping the blond to him tightly, a soft howl escaping as he nearly lost control panther's paws resting on the bed as he forced the rest of his body to stay human, strting to pull away from draco, not wanting to shape shift on top of him, afraid of what the other would think, or frighten sylvie even momre then he wanted her to be. He wanted her scared, to understand that there needed to be punishment for not understanding she'd done something wrong, but he didn't want to totally ruin the chance of them being able to get along, because he'd never had a pack, and he wanted a pack to belong to.
Harry nodded and purred happily as he rubbed himself into Asher, Anita chuckling a little. "you can't fault Harry for his instincts Richard, Young virile male lions often have a small Harem." she admitted smiling a little. "he can't help himself." she admitted smiling at Richard. "i have my doubts about him allowing anyone else to mount him though, he IS a Rex after all." she admitted kissing Richards cheek. "Richard i'm horny." Harry whined pressing himself tight against the other, rubbing his cock against the others leg.

Draco smirked. "yes you are." he growled playfully before moaning loudly as the fangs met in his neck, the pain felt so wonderful. he was moaning and groaning as he shivered and shuddered against the other crying out in delight as he squirmed and wormed against the other, panting hard. "no! no don't stop! so close! don't stop! please don't stop!" Draco pleaded whimpering as he felt the other starting to pull away. "a...aaah ye...eessss." he moaned feeling the other shifting, the fur sliding against his body as he came, hard spilling his seed across the bed as he shuddered and shivered before moaning, ground limp under the other panting hard. "oooh yeah that was wonderful." he purred softly with a small grin Sylvie looking shocked, her eyes wide in astonishment, terrified and astonished both as Draco smirked and looked over at her. "i'm going to take a nap, do what you want with her, i don't like boobs." he admitted sleepily before pausing. "make her bring me a cheeseburger..." he ordered simply, Silvie staring at him like he was mad, maybe Draco was.
Richard pouted at that but laughing softly."that's true."Richard said blushing softly as he considered that, laughing again as he nuzled the other, shiting his hold on harry,smiling as they walked into their room.Laying him on his bed, he leaned down to kiss him slowly."mmm uawake?"He muttered nuzzling him, content to be wit him, to have sex, nervous though because it was still new.

The panther shuddered as he raised his head, pulling away as hand wide flased in the light, panting as he slumped to the side. Not recovered enough to actually go let sylvie go, he was comfortable. Whining softly as he shifted back, rubbing a hand over his face as he tiredly let her go, waving his hand towards the door."You heard him.Cheeseburger and something for me.Steak...pork chops...something nearly raw and meaty."He ordered before climbing back in bed with draco,cuddling down into his lover as he waited for sylvie to come back with their food. Having not doubt that they'd scared her more then the threat of rape had. Rape she'd expected...this was a shock.
Harry was purring loudly as he suckled and kissed Richards neck before laying down on the bed, smiling as he snuggled into the bed, growling eagerly. "yeah, i'm awake." he slurred, moving on the bed, writhing on it, pressing his hips into the bed as he tossed his head back flipping over as he ran his hands down his own belly, as if he was on stage, stripping for Jean Claude. Harry was good at it, and he was clearly trying to arouse Richard. such a teasing little Rex.

Sylvie was staring at them, looking astonished, confused, shocked, shuddering as he let her go she fled. there was no fear, there was no room for it over her shock as she fled to make a cheeseburger and a steak for the shapeshifter and his pet...'not a vampire'. she came back twenty minutes later with a greasy as hell cheeseburger and an almost raw steak, the edges had been browned just a touch, flash seared to lock in the flavor of the seasonings. she was pale and trembling as she gave them their food and draco sank his teeth into the hamburger. "...i di...didn't know that Vampires could eat human food..." "they can't." Draco stated simply. "but i am not a vampire... not really." Draco admitted. "i'm... a half vampire i guess." he admitted studying her before motioning her forward with the crook of a finger, scowling when she cringed but did as he ordered. "do you understand what you did wrong?" he demanded, Sylvie hesitating as she slid onto the bed. "i made my Ulfric look like a fool...." "and what else?" "...i...don't know..." Draco nodded. "then you do not know why Ashley needed help." Sylvie shook her head, and fear turned to utter horror as Draco explained what had happened to the children, and the family.

"as for your hatred of Ashley, i will tell you a story, of me and my past." that would get Gabriel's attention anyway. "when i was younger, no more than fourteen, a... man, came into my life." he explained, his voice filled with fear just talking about it. "i am sure you know about the great wizarding war, between Voldemort and Dumbledore." Sylvie nodded. after the fall of Voldemort, even the muggles knew of the wizards now, everyone knew what Voldemort had done. "i was... gifted, to Voldemort." he explained, Sylvie gasping, sharp, shocked, horrified for Draco. "he made me do things, terrible things." Draco's voice was soft, his eyes where closed. "he made me take the innocence of children. he made me hurt and draw blood and after a while i stopped seeing anything, the only thing that mattered was his orders, and the pain i got when i refused or hesitated." he looked at Sylvie. "Ashley is not a strong Wolf. she did as she was ordered to, because she had nothing else she could do. Raina broke her, just as much as she broke you." he stated calmly, Sylvie was crying, sobbing into her hands, feeling Draco's pain, feeling Ashley's sorrow. "you may leave, we are done with you." Draco stated, Sylvie fleeing the room, Draco turning and laying down on his side, facing away from Gabriel, as if afraid of what the man would think of him now.
Richard growled a lttle, resting his head aginst his hand, looking the man over,"Your such a tease.Think you needed to work for jean."He said snickering a little as he laid back on the bed, pulling the man up into his lap, pulling the other to straddle his waist, leaning up to kiss him."Whatever shall I d to you."He muttered stroking the other's hair.

"Hmmm foods here..."Gabriel muttered tiredly as he sat up on his elbows, pulling the plate of steak closer to him, starting to eat. Only half listening to the people next to him.He'd heard draco's story before, he didn't want to think about it, because he was content and happy, and if he thought about it to much he was going to be pissed.Yawning as he laughed softly."And you didn't ask what was wrong."He said looking amused as he nibbled on his steak, turning his head to nuzzle his mate, looking like a giant cat scent marking his love. and he was, rubbing that soft hair against draco's cheek in a effort to make him feel better. He was paying attention to the story, thoug he seemed more interested in his steak.Finishing his steak gabriel whined pushing up to his hands and knees, moving over, trapping draco under his body, tough only caging him without pressing down into him to trap him. Leaning down he nuzzled draco's neck,"Mate.My mate."He muttered not knowing what would make draco feel better about tings, but he needed draco to know that he wasn't going to turn away, not pull away. He didn't care...well he did,but it wouldn't hange how it changed what he tougt about him.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "you would get jealous if i stripped and let people touch me." he teased smiling a little. "like you got jealous with the pretty one... i can't remember his name." that seamed to upset Harry a little bit. "he had such pretty blue eyes." he looked at Richards, studying those deep depths. "pretty like your eyes." he purred softly, and it was suddenly evident what Harry truly found pretty, or pleasing to look at, the eyes, it was the eyes that where the window to the soul. "but yours aren't broken, their strong and firm, like a good Alpha... hi where broken, shattered." he purred a little. "i want to pick up all the pieces and glue them back together..." desperate to make Richard understand. he didn't want to hurt his mate, but he had to help fix Asher. he paused when Jason suddenly slammed into the room. "Richard! Sylvie's in Ashley's room! she made us get out i didn't know what to do!!!...." Jason looked frantic, Sylvie must have had her usual pissed off air about her. Harry snarled darkly, furious that Sylvie would go after Ashley just after being punished, baring his teeth in a furious hiss.

Draco snuggled into the nuzzling, enjoying the attention as he caught his lovers lips in his own, smiling a little before the grin and all happy things vanished in the force of his memories. Sylvie fled, racing to Ashley's room, desperate to right the wrongs that she had done. Draco tensed as he felt himself being trapped by his lover, half afraid he was going to be hurt. the sane part of draco knew that Gabriel would never hurt him, but the part that was still sunk waist deep in bloody memories almost panicked until he heard the claiming words and he relaxed completely, letting Gabriel have him. Gabriel could have torn out his throat, and draco would only have laid there and let him do it. "your." he agreed softly, affection and love in his voice.
"ASher.His names asher."Richard saidsmiling softly as he nuzzled harry, looking amused."Hmm you like me being jealous don;t you?"He teased nuzzling te other,blushing softly at the words."Your pretty."He teased leaning in to kiss him slowly."I am a good alpha."He said looking confused at the other's words even as h enuzzled the other man,"Do what you want harry, I want you to be happy."He said gently stroking the other's hair,"We're coming."Richard growled as he pushed harry up off of him so he could roll off the bed, already heading for the door as he ran towards jason's room, leaving both mate and submissive in his wake as he pounded on the door, already opening it without a answer."Sylvie!What are you doing?"he growled, power warming the air s he looked at the two.

Gabriel smiled a little, nuzzling him, glad that the other was relaxing sighing as h gently nuzzled the other."Hmm love.Come on. We're going to go see what's got the others upset."He said snsing richard's spike in power, looking worried gently helping his lver up, sce tmarking him like a cat even as they walked out the door.It was like he was making sure that draco knew he was his."love you."He muttered nuzzling him."Draco?"He asked pausing in the doorway to look at him, looking worried about him.Even thugh he was worried about what was going on, he needed to make sure that draco was okay.
Harry nodded a little before he grinned a little. "only a little bit." he admitted softly. "i like knowing your jealous cus it means you like me." he admitted smiling a little before kissing the other. "i'm not pretty i'm handsome." he complained pouting a little before hesitating. "... but i want you to be happy too... and if i do whatever i want, i'll hurt you..." he admitted looking a little upset. "i don't want to hurt you..." he blinked at Jason, Stephan hovering behind the man, both of them looking nearly frantic. he moved after Richard, about ready to rip Sylvie's throat only to freeze. both girls where crying, clinging to one another and sobbing, both of the, whispering 'i'm sorry, i'm sorry' to one another. they where both apologizing, and forgiving each other, both completely unaware of the men staring at them. "... that was not what i was expecting..."

Draco smiled a little as he shook his head. "knowing Richard, Harry's flirting with someone." he admitted chuckling a little a he slowly stood up nuzzling back into his lover with his eyes closed a little. "i love you too." he murmured smiling a little before looking at Gabriel. "... i'm alright i'm just... i try very hard not to remember... it... hurts, to remember." he admitted swallowing thickly as he took the others hand, blinking as he watched everyone staring at Sylvie and Ashley, a smirk on his lips. "aaaw that's cute..."
Richard smiled laughing softly,"You're pretty."He teased lowering his head to kiss him again before sighing sotly. "I will be appy, as long as your happy."He muttered nuzzling him. When he arrived at the room he stared,blinking stupidly because he'd come in expecting the fight, but not..this.This was...weird.Where was anita to do the emotional thing when yu needed her.

"Probably."Gabriel said smiling a little as eh realized the other was okay,giving him one last nuzzle,"I'll make it hurt less."He muttered wrapping a arm around his shoulders, holding the smaller man in the crook of his arm as he rested his cheek on his head, studying the scene in front of him" are such a softie albion."Gabriel teased before looking at the others."Come on.WE all have other things to be doing."He said starting to shoo the men away from the door.Sylvie had seemed to learn her lesson.She he wasn't going to interrupt thm unless she proved that she couldn't be trusted.
Harry scowled a little. "i am not!" he complained, huffing a little as he kissed the others neck. "ok..." he muttered with a small smile. "if you want... i can promise not to take any lovers?" he offered his head tilted a little as he blinked at Richard before staring at Sylvie and Ashley, blinking at Gabriel and Draco as they arrived. "thank you Gabriel..." Draco muttered with a small smile before he snorted. "i am anything but soft." he stated with a sniff as they all started to walk away, only to be stopped by Anita, who looked very, very troubled. "...there was another attack, i've been called in... and i've been asked to bring in the Rex for questioning." she admitted blinking at Harry. "i explained to him that you have Amnesia and he doesn't really care, he wants you at the scene." she admitted softly. "i'm going to bring Blaise too, he knows your history and being a wizard he'll have access to tracking spells that we don't have..." "i'll go with." Harry promised his eyes firm. "i won't let Neville go, he's not stable enough and i won't not go just because i can't remember anything." he admitted shaking his head. "i'll go get Blaise.." he hesitated, looking at Richard. "will you stay with Neville?" he asked softly, his eyes worried as he blinked at his lover. "he can't be left alone..."

once they had Neville settled, the boy more than content to just lay in bed and read, talking calmly to Asher who had deemed himself Neville's bodygaurd, allowing Richard to come with them. they went to the crime scene where Dolph was waiting, Harry nodding slowly to Dolph. "greetings, i am Rex of the..." he paused, pondering then. "Golden Rokke Clan." he decided smiling a little. "sorry i've only got me and my Pride Mate so i never thought of a name." he admitted Blaise sliding out of the car, looking around, a scowl on his face. "there is dark magic here..." "and who are you!?" Zebrowski demanded suddenly as he popped up, looking the Italian man over, Blaise staring at him. "Blaise Zabini, Wizard, second general of the light army..." "....second General!?" harry was first general, only Dumbledore was higher in 'command' than harry was. technically the army was disbanded with the peace, but it was still a powerful thing to have such a high honor at an age so young. "this is Harry Potter, First General of the Light Army." they all stared at Harry, wide eyed and astonished as Harry turned to Blaise, looking baffled. "i'm what now?" "... like i said Dolph, amnesia, i'll explain after we see the... remains." Harry suddenly went very serious as the wind shifted. "i smell blood... and... a Lion... it's not Neville..." "does it smell familiar?" Anita asked, Harry taking a long inhale, through his nose and then through his mouth before shaking his head. "no."
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